Phase 2 Integrated Reflections


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  • 7/30/2019 Phase 2 Integrated Reflections


    Lauren Ralph


    Integrated Reflection 2

    This semester is similar to my practicum from phase one but has provided me with an

    entirely different experience at the same time. Both of my practicum experiences thus far have

    occurred in traditional academic settings with phase one being in a fourth-grade general

    education class and phase two within resource and co-taught seventh-grade classes. While the

    experiences resemble each other in many ways, this semester has opened my eyes to different

    types of learners and instructional methods. Specifically, this semester I was placed at Urbana

    Middle School in three seventh-grade classes including homework connections, self-contained

    language arts, and co-taught language arts. For the most part, I have been working with students

    with learning disabilities as well as emotional and behavioral disorders. My responsibilities

    differed from class to class and changed over the course of the semester. Overall, during fourth

    and fifth hour in my cooperating teachers classes, I was given full range. I led the self-contained

    language arts class almost every day and worked on an individual basis with students during

    fourth hour depending on the subjects or assignments they needed to focus on. On the other

    hand, during seventh hour, I was not given as much responsibility at first. The general education

    teacher saw me more as an extra pair of hands than a student teacher but gradually began to put

    more trust in me as the semester progressed. Now, I lead my own small groups within activities

    and pull students who need individualized attention regarding assignments and discussions.

    Therefore, this semester occurred in a related setting to phase one but includes completely

    different classes and responsibilities.

    My two instructional programs for this semester were both implemented during the fifth

    hour self-contained language arts class that I was able to lead. The first dealt with proofreading

    while the second encompassed a whole poetry unit. Overall, I was very happy with my programs

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    from this semester and saw success within them both. Because I had full control of the class, I

    was responsible for every aspect of planning and delivering instruction. In this way, I modified

    activities and assignments to fit the needs of the students repeated lessons that were successful.

    In addition, I developed probes and assessments to gauge where students were at in regards to

    the topic. For my poetry unit, I used curriculum-based assessment and conducted a pre and post-

    test with informal assessments in between to monitor student progress. The student I focused on

    for the assignment increased her score from five out of nine questions to answering all nine

    questions correctly at the end of the unit. In this way, I think that my success came from my

    ability to fully take over the class. Because I was responsible for every facet from lesson plans to

    instruction to assessment, I always knew what was going on and how the class was progressing.

    While many successes have come out of this semester, there have also been challenges

    along the way. One major challenge that became an issue this semester was how to best instruct

    my students, specifically within the fifth hour self-contained language arts class. It was very

    difficult for me to find the perfect learning environment in which to instruct them because of

    their individual needs and learning styles. Some of the students benefitted from written materials

    while others refused to write anything down and were more successful with oral discussions and

    activities. In addition, the classroom I was placed in was more like a closet in my opinion. There

    were no desks, only one table and not nearly enough room to move around. Thus, it was very

    hard to provide comprehensive lessons that accounted for all of these factors when instructing

    the students. I tried to be aware of the different learning styles and environments present but it

    definitely challenged me to think outside of the box.

    Furthermore, my biggest obstacle of the semester surrounded communication and

    collaboration with a general education teacher. When I first started the semester, I was very

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    excited to be placed in a co-taught classroom because of my inexperience within such settings.

    However, as I saw the relationship between my cooperating teacher and the general education

    teacher, I knew it wasnt going to be exactly how I imagined. Unfortunately, I went into the

    semester with unrealistic views that surprised me when I saw what actually took place. Instead of

    an equal relationship, my cooperating teacher acted more as a teachers assistant than a co-

    teacher in the class. While the general education teacher asked for her advice from time to time

    and wanted help adapting assignments, she did not co-plan or give up much responsibility at all.

    So, when I came into the picture, it was as more of an observer and less of a student teacher. I

    tried to communicate and collaborate with the teacher on lessons such as for my co-teaching

    assignment but her personality did not mesh well with relinquishing control. She already had

    plans set for the semester and had a hard time changing them if she did not see the benefit. While

    I value her dedication and commitment to providing a good education to her students, I found it

    hard to work with her at times because I felt as though she did not trust me. She made herself

    more stressed out because she did not allow others to help her with her burden of work.

    Therefore, seeing the differences in how professionals interact in order to collaborate as well

    experiencing it first hand made me realize the importance of communication with education.

    While each teacher may not share the same views or personality types, I found that with

    negotiation and give and take, relationships can be successful. In this way, teachers can divide

    and conquer while also providing the best instruction possible for their students.

    Finally, this semester would not have been successful without the information learned in

    class and help from my supervisor at any time necessary. Many of the classes this semester

    directly pertained to what I was experiencing each and every day in practicum. For instance, the

    curriculum development and instructional strategies courses gave me numerous ideas on how to

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    adapt material as well as ways in which to instruct while also accounting for behaviors. For

    instance, my proofreading program included the COPS strategy that we specifically touched on

    in class. It seemed as though the material directly coincided with my placement which was

    helpful at many times throughout the semester. Moreover, I am very thankful for all of the

    support my supervisor has given me this semester. With nineteen credit hours and over three

    hours of teaching each day, this semester has been busy to say the least. However, my supervisor

    always acted as my number one fan. During times when I felt like I was not doing anything right,

    she pointed out my strengths such as within my lesson plans. During times when I thought I was

    doing a great job, she gave me more advice on what I could improve upon next time to make my

    instruction that much better such as giving more positive reinforcement to my students. Overall,

    this semester truly showed me the importance of constructive criticism and reflecting upon my

    experiences in a professional manner. I have never been one to admit when I am wrong or

    respond enthusiastically to criticism but phase two has truly changed my views. Because of the

    behaviors and motivation issues I faced within the classroom, I was always open to suggestions

    and ways in which I could improve to better reach my students. I want to be the best educator

    possible and growing as a professional through my conduct with others and instruction will help

    me achieve that goal. They say that phase two is the clicking moment where this program all

    comes together for students. In my opinion, this semester has been the perfect combination of

    rigorous classes and student teaching placements. I have seen myself grow as a professional and

    student and come into my own. With only one year left until I start my career as an educator, I

    can honestly say this semester has prepared me with so much knowledge and experience that I

    am ready to take on whatever comes my way.
