


Pharms Short notes

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15757978 Y.A ParkerAtropine IUPAC Name:(8-methyl - 8- azabicyclo [3.2.1]oct-3-yl) 3 hydroxyl 2 - phenylpropanoate)Molecular Mass:289.369Formula: C17H23NO3Atropine is a tropane alkaloid extracted from deadly nightshade (Atropa belladonna), jimsonweed (Datura stramonium), mandrake (Mandragora officinarum) and other plants of the family Solanaceae.The active compounds in Atropine is classified as belladonna alkaloids atropine (in Atropa and Datura) of atropine in isomer.There are numerous medicinal uses of Atropine. Atropine is commonly used for ophthalmic uses Atropine is commonly found in eyes drops. Atropine dilates the pupils for easier examinations of the optical system. Atropine is used for resuscitation of patients. Injections of atropine are used to treat an extremely low heart rate and pulse less electrical activity (PEA) in cardiac arrest. Atropine is found in nasal sprays. It reduces mucus secretions is used as an antihistamine treatment and is usually available as a prescription only drug. Atropine is found in asthma medication it used in the relaxing of the bronchial tubes. Atropine is not actually an antidote for organophosphate poisoning. Atropine also serves as a treatment for poisoning by organophosphate poisoning. Atropine is given as a treatment for, Lacrimation, Urination, Diaphoresis, Gastrointestinal disease, Emesis symptoms caused by organophosphate poisoning. The side effects of atropine include dizziness, blurred vision ,nausea, loss of balance, dilated pupils,possibly in the elderly, extreme confusion, extreme hallucinations, and excitation.

ScolopamineIUPAC Name:()-(S)-3-hydroxy-2-phenyl-propionic acid (1R,2R,4S,7S,9S)-9-methyl-3-oxa-9-aza-tricyclo[,4]non-7-yl esterMolecular Mass:303.353 g/molFormula:C17H21NO4

ScopolamineScopolamine is a belladonna alkaloid, just as atropine. Its isomer is hyoscine. Scopolamine can also be extracted from the plant family Solanaceae (nightshades), Henbane, Jimson weed and others. This substance is a muscarinic cholinergic antagonist. This means that it prevents symptoms that would occur from muscarine intake like heavy perspiration and lacrimation.It has major relaxation properties and is good for motion sickness. In other words it is a CNS depressant. It is also included in drugs that are used to treat insomnia. During labour scopolamine and morphine are used to induce twilight sleep to relieve the mother from pain. During an investigation, transdermal scopoline(a from of commercialized scopolamine) was also discovered to have increased the heart rate and receptor reflex sensitivity in patients that had hard attacks (myocardial infarctions). Because scopolamine takes very long to metabolize, it is available as a patch that releases gradual doses over 3 days. More investigation is being done to evaluate if scopoline can be used to decrease risk after myocardial infarction.

It also has a hallucinogenic property and therefore was used in medieval times in black magic as well. Because of its strong hallucinogenic property it cannot be used as an antisecretory or antispasmodic agent. It can only be used as a preanesthetic since it promotes sleep and reduces secretions before surgeries. Since it is found in some insomniac medication, patients with the prescribed medication suffer from xerostomia (dry mouth) as a side effect

Caffeine IUPAC Name:1,3,7-trimethyl- 1H-purine- 2,6(3H,7H)-dione Molecular Mass:194.19 g/mol Formula: C8H10N4O2There are various botanical sources of caffeine. It is found in the dried leaf tops of Camellia sininsis of the tea leaf (Family Theanaceae). It is also found in the seeds of the Coffea Arabica of coffee (family: Rubiaceae) lastly it is also found in the seeds of Theobrama cacao (Family Sterculliaceae).The active compounds and medicinal uses are of caffeine are as follows. In the tea leaves (Camelia sinensis) contains caffeine but also adenine, thoebromine and theophyline. Theophyline is communally used as a smooth muscle relaxer. In the seeds of the coffee (Coffea Arabica) contains caffeine as its main stimulant. Caffeine is used in the treatment of poisoning to the CNS (Central Nervous System) depressants and is used in medication. The seeds of Theobrama cacaos active compound contain 3% Theo-bromine as well as caffeine. Theo-bromine is medicinally used as a muscle relaxer.

CocaineIUPAC Name:methyl (1R, 2R, 3S, 5S)-3- (benzoyloxy)-8-methyl-8-azabicyclo [3.2.1] octane-2-carboxylateMolecular Mass:303.353 g/molFormula: C17H21NO4Cocaine is botanically obtained from Erythroxylum coca and Erythroxylum novogratanense (Common name: Cocaine plant, Family: Erythroxylaceace) related to the belladonna belladonna group. Caocaine is obtained from leaf material.Cocaines active compound is crystalline tropane alkaloid. The name comes from "coca" in addition to the alkaloid suffix -ine, forming cocaine. Cocaine is a powerful nervous system stimulant. The medicinal uses are to counteract the effect of fatigue. The coca substances were initially used for local analgesics. Cocaine is used in the treatment of depression as well as relief for alcohol and morphine addiction. The toxicity of cocaine is that it is a drug with psychic and mental additive properties. It is a stimulant to the CNS. Cocaine interferes with the important brain neurotransmitter that provides a feeling of contentment interfering with the reabsorbtion of dopamine.The possible short-term effects of cocaine are loss of appetite; faster breathing; raised heart rate; raised blood pressure; an increase in body temperature which leads to sweating; dilated pupils; and strange, erratic, at times violent behavior.The possible long-term effects of cocaine are destruction of tissue in the nose if cocaine is sniffed; respiratory problems if cocaine is smoked; contraction of infectious diseases if cocaine is injected; abscesses if cocaine is injected; malnutrition and weight loss; disorientation; indifference; exhaustion and disorientation as a result of sleeplessness; heightened tolerance to the effects of the drug; a strong psychological dependence on the drug; and a state similar to paranoid psychosis.

HenbaneIUPAC Name:

Molecular Mass: g/molFormula: Henbane is botanically derived from the plant material of hyoscymas niger .Henbane is a member of the important order Solanaceae. The active compound in the henbane is hyoscine.The medicinal uses of henbane. Henbane has major relaxing properties which allow it to the few effective substances to treat and the prevention of motion sickness. It can be also used as a mild diuretic and can be used as a sedative effective upon people that have severe nervous irritability. The toxicity of henbane is considered to be a highly psychoactive and haluceninogenetic which leads to insanity. Henbane along with atropine can be used to make a recreational drug called a mandrake.

NicotineNicotine is an alkaloid found in the tobacco plant. It is mostly extracted from Turkish and Virginian tobacco plants, named Nicotina rustica and Nicotina tabacum respectively. Nicotine has a IUPAC name of 3-(1-methylpyrrolidin-2-yl)pyridine; a molecular mass of 162.231560 g/mol and a formula of MF: C10H14N2.Nicotine may be a potential teratogen, which is a drug or substance which can interfere with the development of a foetus, causing birth defects.When a pregnant lady smokes and inhales tobacco smoke, some chemicals in the smoke are immediately exhaled again and exit the body, while others enter the blood stream and reach the foetus via the placenta. The foetus in the womb relies on its mother for its oxygen, food and nutrients in order to develop and grow healthily before birth. When the expecting mother smokes, several things happen. Firstly, there is an increase of nicotine and carbon monoxide in the bloodstream of the mother; this could result in a reduced supply of oxygen to the foetus. In the mothers side of the placenta, the blood vessels are constricted because of the nicotine. This means that besides a reduced amount of oxygen, there is also less nutrients and a reduced blood supply reaching the foetus. Because there is less food reaching the foetus, it will lead to slow growth. The foetus will not develop and grow as it should and as a result the baby will have a decreased birth weight which has the potential to lead to further complications. The weight of a newborn baby is dependent on two factors: the rate of foetal growth and the gestational age of the foetus at the time of delivery. Nicotine has a negative effect on both of these factors. If every trimester of a pregnancy is looked at, the effects of nicotine can be seen. Death of the foetus before the twentieth week is known as spontaneous abortion. The reduced amount of oxygen may also cause stillbirth, which is defined as the death of a baby after the twentieth week of pregnancy. The lack of nutrients and oxygen affects the babys growth. In recent studies done, it was found that babies that were born to mothers who had smoked during their pregnancies were born with smaller airways and this could be another potential cause of stillbirth. The measure of the effect the nicotine has on the foetus is directly related to the amount of smoking the expecting mother does. The more smoke entering the umbilical cord, the higher the risk of complications and side effects, or even death of the foetus. The smoke could also lead to genetic mutations or extreme developmental problems resulting in stillborn babies.Babies who are born with smaller airways are more at risk of breathing problemsReserpineIUPAC Name:Methyl-11, 17-dimethoxy-18-[(3, 4, 5-trimethoxybenzoyl) oxy]-3, 20-yohimban-16-carboxylate

Molecular Mass:608.678700 g/molFormula:C33H40N2O9Reserpine is found botanically in the small shrub called Rauvolfia serpentine (common name: snake root, Family: Apocynaeceae). The Rauvolia is located in the bark of the tap root of the shrub.The active ingredients of reserpine are more than 50 alkaloids have been isolated but the most important for medicinal sciences are the compounds rauwofline and reserpine. The medicinal use of reserpine is as a treatment of a variety of conditions includes snake and insect bites. Reserpine is used to treatment of chronic, non acute high blood pressure (hypertension). Also used in treatment of certain neuro-psychiatric cases such as LSd induced schizophrenia.Reserpine works directly on the CNS and has a calming effect. Reserpine has a narrow therapeutic index and a multitude of side-effects, including: Nausea, vomiting, weight gain, gastric intolerance, gastric ulceration (due to increased cholinergic activity in gastric tissue and impaired mucosal quality), stomach cramps and diarrhoea are noted. The drug causes hypotension and bradycardia and may worsen asthma. Congested nose is another consequence of alpha-blockade. Depression does occur and may be severe enough to lead to suicide.

MESCALINEThe IUPAC name of mescaline is 2-(3,4,5-trimethoxyphenyl)ethanamine and the molecular formula is C11H17NO3. The molecular mass of mescaline is 211,257 g/mol. The active compound in mescaline is Ephedra. These are obtained from the dried stems of ephedra, which is a low growing branched shrub. However, Mescaline is found in certain cacti, such as the Peruvian Torch cactus and the San Pedro cactus, and sometimes even in plants. Mescaline is known to be a stimulant and has often been used to treat high blood pressure, asthma and hay fever. It also eases the muscles surrounding the bronchi so that more air may be breathed in. Mescaline can cause be used as a cross-tolerance with LSD and other psychedelics, however the repeated use of this compound can build tolerance toward it. Abuse of this drug can also lead to heart attack. Users may hallucinate of beautiful colour patterns or frightening visions depending on the emotional state of the person. This compound can lead to arousal, with the PNS being targeted by this drug. Mescaline is a powerful drug that interferes with what a person hears and sees and also intensifies a persons emotions. An experiment involved praising rats for their certain reactions in different situations when the rats were depleted of mescaline in their body or increasing their intake of mescaline. The results showed that the increase in mescaline resulted in a greater disruption in the rats ability to function properly be affecting their coordination, and the rats who were depleted of mescaline did not show any change. The mescaline reacts similarly to other agents. It binds to, and activates the serotonin 5-HT2A receptor with a high affinity. Some scientists believe that this involves exciting cortical neurons. Mescaline is usually consumed orally or intravenously. Due to the hallucinogenic properties of mescaline, this compound was banned in the US by the CDAPCA. A year later it was banned internationally by the CPS and also categorizes as a schedule 1 hallucinogen by the CSA. However, mescaline is only banned in raw form and plants containing this compound are still allowed to be grown and cultivated.

QuinineIUPAC Name:R)-(6-methoxyquinolin-4-yl) ((2S, 4S, 8R) - 8-vinylquinuclidin-2-yl) methanolMolecular Mass:324.417 g/molFormula:C20H24N2O2The botanical source of Quinine is obtained from the bark and root tissue of Cinchona succirubra which is commonly known as the cinchona. This tree is indigenous to the South American region.The active compounds are the alkaloids obtained from the cinchona bark are quinine, quindine and cinochidine and cinchinine.Quinine is used in the medicinal industry. Quinine is an important component used in the treatment of malaria caused by Plasmodium falciparum. Although quinine is still used to treat the disease in certain critical situations. Quinine is also used to treat lupus, nocturnal leg cramps and arthritis.Quinine is also used in hand with synthetic substances (chloroquine) it is possible to make quinine but it is not economically viable. The synthetic substance is not sufficient in the prevention or treatment of malaria. Quinine is used to treat bad muscle cramps experienced at night. Aolso quinine can be used in the prevention of erratic heart beating by inhibiting contraction of the right atrium. The toxicity of quinine includes. It is usual for quinine in therapeutic doses to cause cinchonism; in rare cases, it may even cause death. Quinine can cause paralysis if accidentally injected into a nerve. It is extremely toxic in overdose, and the advice of a poisons specialist should be sought immediately. Quinine in some cases can lead to constipation, erectile dysfunction and diarrhea.

Vincristine and VinblastineIUPAC Name:

Molecular Mass: 810.974120 g/molFormula:C46H58N4O9The botanical source of vincristine and vinblastine are part of the vinca alkaloids which are obtained from the catharanthus roseus common name Madagascar or the Cape Periwinkle. The whole plant is used for extraction purp0oses of the plant material more than 500 kgs are necessary to produce 1 g of this ingredient.The active compounds in the vincristine & vinblastine are at least 70 alkaloids vicristine and vinblastine is used in certain chemotherapy treatments against cancer.The Plant C. Roseus has been used in the treatment of diabetes and rheumatism but however it remains its main use today are used in the treatment of human tumours or cancer. The extracts vincristine and vinblastine interfere with the metaphase and mitosis of the cancer cells thus stopping the cancer cells from dividing and spreading and the tumour from growing. The compound vinblastine Sulphate is efficient in treating Hodgkins Lymphoma while vincristine sulphate is effective in the treatment of Leukaemia a form of blood cancer.


Opium is a strong sedative drug that contains various other constituent alkaloids. The most important alkaloids are morphine, codeine, thenbaine, noscopin, narceine and papaverine. This drug can be obtained from the Papaver somniferum plant, more commonly known as the opium poppy plant. The active compound is extracted from the unripe poppy pods. A white sap in the pod air dries and produces a latex substance, brown in colour. The brown latex is rolled into balls and wrapped in poppy leaves to dry. The dried latex is crushed into a powder and can be dissolved and used immediately. Codeine is a very important alkaloid found in opium and is prepared from thenbaine (also found in the opium poppy and has convulsing properties). Codeine a methylated morphine, but is a milder narcotic than morphine. It brings about a more dull euphoria, but is able to suppress coughing reflexes. Opium has been used to relieve pain, induce sleep and treat strangulated bowel obstructions, since it has strong effects on the central nervous system. Since the Neolithic age, opium was the most potent pain killer. During that time it was widely and frequently used by the Sumerian, Assyrian, Egyptian, Minoan, Greek, Roman, Persian and Arab Empires. Since then, morphine took its place because of its more controllable administration methods. Opium can be smoked, but is heated indirectly so that the active alkaloids (e.g. morphine) vaporize and therefore be inhaled. The effects of inhaling the vapor can last up to twelve hours. Opium has very strong addictive properties and if taken in large doses or over long periods of time, uncomfortable withdrawal symptoms are experienced. Other short term effects include euphoria, a sense of calmness, constipation, confusion and causes slowing of breath which then could lead to unconsciousness and death. Ironically, when a search was done for a less addictive morphine substituent, it resulted in the creation of heroin

MorphineIUPAC Name:(5,6)-Didehydro-4, 5-epoxy-17-methylmorphinan-3, 6-diolMolecular Mass:285.3377 g/molFormula:C17H19NO3Morphines botanical source.Morphine is derived from the the drug opium which is obtained from the Papaver somniferum plant, which is commonly known as the opium poppy which comes from the Papaveraceae family. Opium is extracted from the latex from the seed capsules of the opium poppy is allowed to dry.Morphine is 1 of the 25 alkaloids found in the drug opium however morphine is not synthesized commercially and is still only obtained by natural means of growing the Papaver somniferum.Morphine is a known extremely sedative substance and has narcotic effects on the central nervous system. Morphine is a well known to work as a anti depressant on that part of the brain that controls the sensation of pain also used for fear and anxiety. Morphine is used to treat pain as a pain reliever it is highly effective in the treatment of severe pain and the calming effect it has on terminal cancer patients. The danger of morphine addiction simply outweighs the medicinal uses since it is a highly addictive drug. Symptoms of a morphine overdose include cold, clammy skin, flaccid muscles, fluid in the lungs, lowered blood pressure, "pinpoint" or dilated pupils, sleepiness leading to stupor and coma, slowed breathing, and slow pulse rate.

HeroinIUPAC Name:(5,6)-7, 8-didehydro-4, 5-epoxy-17-methylmorphinan-3, 6-diol acetateMolecular Mass: 369.4 g/molFormula:C21H23NO5Heroin is derived from the drug opium which is obtained from the Papaver somniferum plant, which is commonly known as the opium poppy which comes from the Papaveraceae family. Opium is extracted from the latex from the seed capsules of the opium poppy is allowed to dry. Opium is dispersed in an aqueous solution of calcium hydroxide (slaked lime). The alkalinity is adjusted by adding ammonium chloride, causing morphine base to precipitate.Heroin contains variable amounts of other opium alkaloids and acetylated alkaloids (e.g. noscapine, papaverine and acetylcodeine) as well as adulterants such as caffeine and paracetamol. Heroine is a synthetic substance that is acetylated morphine and it is more addictive than morphine. Heroine is one of the drugs that cause the most amounts of death in that it works as a depressant on the part of the brain where the control of respiration is situated. The side effects of this drug is the hallucinations and that it can cause other conditions such as hepatitis the collapse lack of blood circulation and general infections. Heroin is a narcotic analgesic used in the treatment of severe pain. Illicit heroin may be smoked or solubilised with a weak acid and injected. Apart from analgesia, diamorphine produces drowsiness, euphoria and a sense of detachment. Negative effects include respiratory depression, nausea and vomiting, decreased motility in the gastrointestinal tract, suppression of the cough reflex and hypothermia. Tolerance and physical dependence occur on repeated use.

LSD ( lysergide )LSD is a semi- synthetic hallucinogen and is a very potent drug that is produced by the ergot fungus and many plants . IT was synthesized in the 1950s and used for therapeutic purposes , then in the 1960s it was used as a recreational drug . the iupac name for LSD is 9,10-didehydro-N,N-diethyl-6-methylergoline-8-carboxamide. Its molecular mass is 323.4 and has a formula of C20H25N3O . Mainly LSD is produced as a tartrate salt which is ouderless , colourless and water soluble . The usage of LSD has many effects on the human body such as it causes , pupil dilation , hypertension , increased body temperature , sensory perceptual changes ,cross sensory perception commonly known as coloured hearing and the perception of time may appear slow for a person . If LSD is taken orally the effects become apparent within a half an hour and may last for up to 12 hours . The main ways of administering LSD is orally by means of capsules , dissolving paper or by powder form . Since LSD is such a potent drug it seldom gets altered , LSD may decompose at high temperatures or in light . Although LSD was used in physcotherapy , currently it has no medicinal uses. Methods for the production of LSD are extremely complex and require only the work of professionals , there are many methods known but the majority of people use lysergic acid as a precursor for production .

DigoxinIUPAC Name:3-[(3S,5R,8R,9S,10S,12R,13S,14S)-3-[(2R,4S,5S,6R)-5-[(2S,4S,5S,6R)-5-[(2S,4S,5S,6R)-4,5-dihydroxy-6-methyloxan-2-yl]oxy-4-hydroxy-6-methyloxan-2-yl]oxy-4-hydroxy-6-methyloxan-2-yl]oxy-12,14-dihydroxy-10,13-dimethyl-1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,11,12,15,16,17-tetradecahydrocyclopenta[a]phenanthren-17-yl]-2H-furan-5-oneMolecular Mass780.938460 g/molFormula:C41H64O14Today, the most common indications for digoxin are probably atrial fibrillation and atrial flutter with rapid ventricular response. High ventricular rate leads to insufficient diastolic filling time. By slowing down the conduction in the AV node and increasing its refractory period, digoxin can reduce the ventricular rate. The arrhythmia itself is not affected, but the pumping function of the heart improves owing to improved filling.The use of digoxin in congestive heart failure during sinus rhythm is controversial. In theory the increased force of contraction should lead to improved pumping function of the heart, but its effect on prognosis is disputable and digoxin is no longer the first choice for congestive heart failure. However, it can still be useful in patients who remain symptomatic despite proper diuretic and ACE inhibitor treatment.Digoxin is usually given by mouth, but can also be given by IV injection in urgent situations (the IV injection should be slow, heart rhythm should be monitored). The half life is about 36 hours; digoxin is given once daily, usually in 125g or 250g dosing. In patients with decreased kidney function the half life is considerably longer, calling for a reduction in dosing or a switch to a different glycoside (digitoxin).Effective plasma levels are fairly well defined, 1-2.6 nmol/l. In suspected toxicity or ineffectiveness, digoxin levels should be monitored. Plasma potassium levels also need to be closely controlled

Adverse Effects/Warnings - Adverse effects of digoxin are usually associated with high or toxic serum levels and are categorized into cardiac and extracardiac signs and symptoms. There are species differences with regard to the sensitivity to digoxins toxic effects also. Cats are relatively sensitive to digoxin while dogs tend to be more tolerant of high serum levels.Cardiac effects may be seen before other extra-cardiac symptoms and may include almost every type of cardiac arrhythmia described with a resultant worsening of heart failure symptoms. More common arrhythmias or ECG changes seen include complete or incomplete heart block, bigeminy, ST segment changes, paroxysmal ventricular or atrial tachycardias with block, and multifocal premature ventricular contractions. Because these effects can also be caused by worsening heart disease, it may be difficult to determine if they are a result of the disease process or of digitalis intoxication. If in doubt, monitor serum levels or stop digoxin therapy temporarily.Extracardiac symptoms most commonly seen in veterinary medicine include mild GI upset, anorexia, weight loss and diarrhea. Vomiting has been associated with IV injections and should not cause anxiety or alarm. Ocular and neurologic effects are routinely seen in humans, but are not prevalent in animals or are not detected.

OleandrinIUPAC name [(3S,5R,8R,9S,10S,13R,14S,16S,17R)-14-hydroxy-3-(5-hydroxy-4-methoxy-6-methyloxan-2-yl)oxy-10,13-dimethyl-17-(5-oxo-2H-furan-3-yl)-1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,11,12,15,16,17-tetradecahydrocyclopenta[a]phenanthren-16-yl] acetateMolar Mass 576.718120 g/mol Molar Formula C32H48O9Botanical Source.The oleander bush is an arborescent shrub, having branches ternately divided, and coated with an almost smooth bark of a grayish or greenish-gray color. The smooth, coriaceous, deep-green, almost sessile leaves, are in whorls of three; above, they are glossy; beneath, grayish or pale-green. They are linear-lanceolate, acuminate, entire, marked with delicate, feather veins, and about 4 to 6 inches long. The flowers are beautiful, and of a rose or white color, and waxy appearance.Action, Medical Uses, and Dosage.According to Orfila, Kurzak, and others, all parts of the oleander plant are poisonous. From experiments upon birds and the lower animals, it was determined that both the voluntary and involuntary muscles were paralyzed by it, and the voluntary muscles were somewhat convulsed. When death ensues, respiration is first arrested and then the heart's action stops. The action of the active constituents has been compared to that of digitalis. Water in which oleander leaves have lain, is said to have caused the death of animals, and the flesh of fowls has been rendered sufficiently toxic to be fatal to man. Rats are said to be poisoned by the bark, and pediculi destroyed by a decoction of the leaves. In fatal cases, the heart has been found flaccid, and the larger venous trunks filled with a dark-colored blood. The chief therapeutic use that has been made of oleander, is in epilepsy, and it has been abandoned in that malady as useless. From its decidedly toxic power over the heart, it seems worthy of an investigation as a cardiac remedy. In fact it has been found to act well in valvular affections, rapidly slowing the heart's action, reducing the oedema, and relieving the dyspnoea. Some have preferred it to digitalis in atheromatous states. It is actively diuretic, and occasionally purges. The dose, in infusion or tincture, represents from 1 to 3 grains of fresh bark or, dried fruit.

RicinIUPAC Name:(E)-12-hydroxyoctadec-9-enoic acid; (9E,11E)-octadeca-9,11-dienoic acid; (E)-octadec-9-enoic acidMolecular Mass:426.500560 g/molFormula:C22H34O8Ricin is obtained from the castor oil seed is obtained from the castor oil tree. The castor oil tree is indigenous to India but it is now planted extensively around the world.The active compounds in the castor oil contain proteins like substances which include globulin, nucleoalbumin, glycoproteins and ricin a toxic albumin. Proteins such as ricin have the ability to bond to cell membranes and are referred to as lectins.The medicinal use of ricin is a well known and highly effective laxative. It is of special service in temporary constipation and wherever a mild action is essential, and is extremely useful for children and the aged. It is used in cases of colic and acute diarrhoea. Ricin is a highly toxic drug in that a small tiny dosage can cause death to a human adult the dosage that is lethal is 2 20 seeds. Ricin causes ulcers in the digestive tract so that it becomes permeable to possibly increasing absorption into the bloodstream. The symptoms of ricin intake are intense throat and abdominal pain, nausea and bloody diarrhoea. The other symptoms are cramps in the calve muscles and abdomen.

THcThe hemp plant (Cannabis sativa) has been used for centuries around the world for medicinal purposes as well as for the pleasurable psychological effects it has on the user. It grows best in hot areas with strong light; therefore Arabian Cannabis is the most potent form of the plant. Its active compound is Tetrahydrocannabinol (THC). It can be smoked, chewed or mixed into drinks. The Chinese have used the plant in herbal remedies since first century AD. Africans used it to relieve birth pains and weaning. It was also used to treat malaria, snake bites and blood poisoning. Indians mix it with spices and drink it with milk. In 2003 it was estimated that approximately 2.5% of the global population used the hemp plant in one way or another. That is more than 141 million THC users[footnoteRef:1]. Cannabis forms part of the terpenoid class. Other terpenoids include menthol and camphor. These chemicals are used in the perfume industry as well as in the food industry as flavorings and odour improvers[footnoteRef:2]. [1: Bob Green et al. 2003 Being stoned: a review of self reported cannabis effects.] [2: ]

The drug form of the hemp plant is known as marijuana. The top leaves are pressed to extract a concentrated liquid called Hashish. This liquid is considered the most potent form of the drug. The leaves can also be dried, ground, and smoked in a cigarette form. It has many names across the world such as weed, ganja or the holy herb and many others. There are no clinically proven negative effects of short term marijuana use, however long term use can result in low libido and sperm count as well as memory loss. There has also never been a reported fatality from overdosing on THC. Self reported effects of the drug include deeper thinking, increased sexual pleasure, increased concentration, talkativeness, deeper sleep, increased laughter and a general feeling of contentment. Physical effects include increased hear rate, red eyes, slower reaction times, hallucinations and cognitive impairments. Effects vary considerably from person to person and expectancies of effects also seem to be important. Marijuana has no withdrawal symptoms and is considered only mildly addictive, however a small amount of users have reported feeling depressed or anxious after using the drug. Marijuana is classified as a schedule 1 drug with no medical benefits and a high potential for abuse. It is therefore banned in certain countries such. A synthetic form of THC called Marinol is however used to reduce nausea after chemotherapy. Marinol is administered in a capsule form. It can also treat asthma due to its bronchial tube relaxing properties and for anorexia because it prevents vomiting and increases appetite. It is also proven to treat Intra ocular pressure (IOP) however it is not as effective as other modern alternatives.
