pH Miracle - the Best Kept Secret



Like your swimming pool, your body's pH needs to be balanced at 7.2 or greater to prevent acid build which leaves a breeding ground for bacteria.

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TTThhheee BBBeeesssttt KKKeeepppttt SSSeeecccrrreeettt ––– TTThhheee pppHHH MMMiiirrraaacccllleee

“Today, more than 95% of all chronic disease is caused by food choice, toxic food ingredients, nutritional

deficiencies and lack of physical exercise.” – Mike Adams, author, investigative journalist, educator

Do you know what the most important number to your health is? If we asked you what normal body temperature is,

you would probably say 98.6. But what if we asked you what your body’s pH is? Chances are you may not know it.

Tonight we want to share a very important number with you that may have the greatest impact on your life and your

health. That number is 7.2.

When you were born, God set your ph at 7.365, but by the age of 4, our bodies started becoming acidic due to our

diet, which is S.A.D., Standard American Diet. Since our taste buds drive our food choices, we naturally reach for

highly acidic foods such as steak, fries, onion rings, burgers, desserts, soda, coffee, alcohol etc. Over time, these

poor food choices cause an “over acidification” in our body which create toxins that lay a breeding ground for most

chronic illnesses and disease.

SOLUTION: Take your body from an acidic state to a more alkaline one with proper nutrition. Our products are

designed to do just that. People that are able to obtain and maintain a slightly alkaline saliva ph (or urine ph) in and

around 7.2, were consistently healthier and leaner than those people who tested as acidic.

*In 1931, Dr. Otto Warburg won the Nobel Peace Prize for proving that Alkalizing not only is the "Cure" But the"

Prevention" for Cancer. No Disease... No Illness...No Sickness... No Virus...No Pain... Nothing can survive in an

Alkaline Environment.

“The doctor of the future will give no medicine, but will interest his patients in the care of the human frame, in a

proper diet, and in the cause and prevention of disease”. ~Thomas A. Edison~

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