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Park  Forest  Elementary  School                   October  2015  

CEEL Newsletter


Welcome Back!

It’s  been  a  great  start  to  the  new  school  year.    There  are  many  new  faces  at  CEEL,  including  staff.    My  name  is  Mrs.  Lisa  Vonada,  the  new  Site  Supervisor.    I  am  extremely  excited  about  being  a  part  of  the  Park  Forest  Elementary  School  this  year.    I  have  worked  for  the  school  district  for  the  past  14  years,  and  I  am  looking  forward  to  my  time  at  PFE.    I  enjoy  reading  and  spending  time  with  my  family.    I  am  pleased  to  welcome  the  rest  of  my  wonderful  staff.    They  are:      

Miss  Lauren,  a  recent  high  school  graduate  

Miss  Trudy,  a  junior  at  Penn  State  

Miss  Liz,  Penn  State  student  

Miss  Tori,  Penn  State  student  

Miss  Bre,  Penn  State  student  

Miss  Megan,  Penn  State  student  

Miss  Morgan,  subbing  in  the  district  

Miss  Emma,  Lock  Haven  student  

In-Service Days

The  following  in-­‐service  days  will  be  held  at  Park  Forest  Elementary:  

October  22  &  23  

November  6  &  25  



October Updates

Lincoln Caverns - We  are  excited  to  have  the  opportunity  to  host  Lincoln  Caverns  as  our  STEM  class  for  our  fall  session.    The  students  are  learning  about  caves  and  karst,  which  is  the  topography  of  caves.    They  are  also  learning  about  how  groundwater  forms  caves,  and  how  important  it  is  for  all  of  us  to  protect  our  groundwater.    In  October  the  students  will  be  doing  games  and  crafts  featuring  bats.    The  boys  and  girls  are  having  a  fun  time  learning  about  caves.  

Art – Our  new  art  teacher,  Erica  Parsons,  began  a  few  weeks  ago.    She  is  teaching  the  elements  and  principles  of  art.    The  students  made  a  pattern  color  wheel.      

Crossfit - The  students  are  learning  jumping  skills  and  using  quick  feet.    Both  jumping  skills  and  using  quick  feet  play  a  major  role  in  many  sports.    They  are  playing  team  games,  such  as  sharks  and  surfers  and  farmers  and  lumberjacks.    The  students  are  enjoying  their  time  learning  and  playing.  

Continued  on  page  2  

Park  Forest  Elementary  School                   October  2015  




Light breeze Colorful leaves

Bare trees It must be Autumn

Emergency Contacts

If  you  have  not  already  done  so,  please  go  on  line  at  and  make  sure  you  have  the  parent  information,  emergency  contact  information,  and  the  persons  authorized  to  pick  up  your  child  up  to  date.    It  is  important  for  us  to  know  how  to  contact  you  in  case  of  an  emergency.  



One  snack  per  day  is  provided  before  classes.    Many  students  are  still  hungry  throughout  the  afternoon.    Please  feel  free  to  pack  an  additional  nut-­‐free  snack  in  their  backpack.  



If  your  child  is  going  to  be  absent  from  CEEL  or  is  picked  up  early  at  school,  please  send  me  an  email  or  call  the  CEEL  phone  and  leave  a  message.    Thank  you.  (814)  571-­‐2294  

October Updates (continued)

Language and Culture - Veronica  Silliman  is  teaching  the  students  about  many  different  cultures.    They  have  talked  about  Medieval  Times  and  learned  about  castles.    They  have  also  learned  about  Egyptian  culture  and  King  Tut.    For  the  Native  American  culture,  the  students  are  doing  basket  weaving.  

Homework/Free Play – We  are  offering  homework  help  to  those  who  choose  to  do  homework  during  our  class  time.    For  free  play  the  students  may  choose  to  play  outside  or  stay  inside.    We  offer  a  variety  of  games,  coloring,  and  blocks  to  build.    The  students  have  a  great  imagination  when  they  are  building.    


Fall Showcase

We will be having our fall showcase on Tuesday, Nov. 17 from 5:00-5:30 p.m. The showcase will be an opportunity for our providers and teachers to share what they have been doing with your children. More information will be available
