PETS – Power Exchange Trading Software Power Exchange Trading Software for Online Bidding, Billing...


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PETS – Power Exchange Trading Software

Power Exchange Trading Software for Online

Bidding, Billing and much more.

PETS- Brief Intro

PETS (Power Exchange Trading Software) is Specially designed

for Traders to Automate all component related to Exchange

Bidding in most efficient way.

Online Bidding through Client Portal

Automation of all lengthy work done at Trader’s end.

Auto Intimation of each details to client including Obligation,

Scheduling and Rates.

Efficient and Auto handling of Billing and Accounts Parts of


Software Modules

Client Management

Online Bidding

Auto Import of Obligation and Scheduling

and Reports based on them.

Client Portal

Auto Billing

Accounts Management

REC Management

Profitability Sheet

Client Management

Create/edit new client

General Details

Contact Details

Bank details

Point of connection details

Trading margin details

Client’s Credential management

Online Bidding

Selection of exchange (IEX/PXIL)

Smart Data Entry for bid (Block & Single


Bid Submission (Differential bid case

automatically handled)

Auto email of bid generated to clients as

well as Admins.

Download and upload of bid in prescribed

format as per requirement of exchange.

Auto Import of Obligation and Scheduling and Reports based on them.

Provision to import rate sheet and auto sms to

clients regarding their clearance price on both

the exchanges.

Auto import of obligation and scheduling from

both the exchanges and email to the

respective clients.

Auto email of complete rate sheet with graph

to the clients who hasn’t placed their bid on

any date.

Client Portal

Online Bidding through client portal

Graphical representation of Market

Clearance Price and obligation details

Complete REC details as per their daily

bid clearance

Complete Accounts details and


Option to download Bills, Obligation,

Scheduling and Rate sheet for any date.

Auto Billing• Auto bill generation on daily basis.

• Auto bill generation between any Two


• Auto email of bill to clients.

Accounts Management

Payment entry Date Wise

Payment entry Client Wise

Auto generation and email of Account

statement to Clients

REC Management

Feature to manage REC accounting

of Solar and Non-Solar of each client

according to the power clearance in

daily obligation.

Feature to manage buy and sell of

REC according to their Sealing and

Floor Price.

Complete account statement of REC

of each client

Profitability Sheet

Auto Generation of complete Profitability

sheet of each Client

Details of amount saved by purchasing

power from exchange.

Self Hosted Vs. Cloud Based

Cloud Based Hosting Self - Hosting

Hosted on the cloud server Hosted on the servers set up by the purchasing organization

Managed by our team of expert network and IT support.

Usually un-managed and if managed, incurs extra cost to the company

All the updates are automatically applied on the cloud by our team.

Have to follow update deployment procedure of the Software being installed each time any update is done in the system.

SLA of 99.95% Server Uptime Guarantee. The server may go down due to the lack of proper management from time to time.

Use of dedicated infrastructure already installed in our Cloud.

Need to have a dedicated infrastructure (server, lease line, software licenses, etc) to run the system.

Already deployed and updated. Deployment is a difficult task.


Making this software available over the

cloud might raise many genuine security

concerns. But let us take a look at each and

every aspect of security in our system one

by one.

Most of the security concerns are genuine only when hosted on cloud.

SSL Layer Security (Cloud Only)

By using SSL we guarantee the highest possible

encryption levels to our customers for online

transactions, https request and data encryption.

Each certificate is signed with NIST

recommended 2048 bit signatures and provides

up to 256 bit encryption of customer data.

Using a SSL certificate is a must where sensitive

data is involved. This keeps you data safe and

secure from the prying eyes and ensures that

only YOU can see (send / receive) the data from

your system (web browser)

Role Based Data Access & Data Privacy

Authorization and validation of data will be

done through proper privilege management.

Users will be authenticated and authorized

through the access rights given to them from

Admin. Where What


PETS – Power Exchange Trading Software

Power Exchange Bidding Software for Online

Bidding, Billing and much more.

