Petrology and provenance as a key to interpret


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Geo-Temas 10, 2008 (ISSN: 1567-5172)

Petrology and provenance as a key to interpret albitization: a case study from

syn-rift Lower Cretaceous sandstones, Maestrat Basin, Iberian Range

Influencia de la composición petrológica y procedencia en la albitización de las areniscas sin-

rift del Cretácico inferior, Cuenca del Maestrazgo, Cadena Ibérica

M.A. Caja1, R. Marfil1, R. Salas2, A. Permanyer2, M. Lago3 y D. Garcia4

1 Departamento de Petrología y Geoquímica, Facultad C.C. Geológicas, Universidad Complutense de Madrid, Avda. Jose Antonio Novais s/n, 28040-Madrid, Spain.;

2 Departament de Geoquímica, Petrologia i Prospecció Geològica, Facultat de Geologia, Universitat de Barcelona. Martí i Franquès, s/n. 08028-Barcelona, Spain.;

3 Departamento de Ciencias de la Tierra, Área de Petrología y Geoquímica. Facultad de CC. Geológicas, Universidad de Zaragoza, 50.009-Zaragoza, Spain.

4 Centre SPIN, Departement GENERIC, Ecole Nationale Superieure des Mines de St. Etienne, 158 Cours Fauriel-42023, Saint-Etienne, France.

Abstract: Lower Cretaceous sandstones from the Maestrat Basin are characterized by differences in detrital composition, provenance and degree of albitized feldspars (partial to complete). Petrological composition of Lower Cretaceous sandstones revealed a mixed provenance from plutonic and metamorphic source areas. A progressively major influence of granitic source rocks was detected from the lowermost Mora petrofacies toward the uppermost El Castellar and Camarillas petrofacies. Albitization of detrital feldspars occurred in all the studied sandstones, but feldspars were completely albitized in the lowermost Mora Fm. and only partially albitized in the overlying Castellar and Camarillas formations. However, all the Lower Cretaceous sandstones underwent, approximately, the same burial and thermal conditions (119-134ºC; based on vitrinite reflectance and thermal modelling). The decrease in replacive albite/detrital feldspars ratio from the lowermost Mora Fm. toward the uppermost Camarillas Fm. was related to differences in detrital composition and provenance of sandstones. Albitization was pervasive in the Mora Fm. sandstones because of its dominant metamorphic source areas, which implies a relative low abundance of K-feldspar compared to plagioclase. In contrast, the abundance of K-feldspars in Castellar and Camarillas formations prevented the complete albitization of feldspars. Thus, differences in original composition and provenance of sandstones influenced significantly the different degree of albitization for comparable burial and thermal rates.

Key words: provenance, albitization, composition driven diagenesis, Maestrat Basin.

Resumen: Las areniscas del Cretácico inferior de la Cuenca del Maestrazgo presentan diferencias en su

composición detrítica, procedencia y grado de albitización de los feldespatos. La composición

petrológica indica una mezcla de aportes de rocas metamórficas (dominantes en la Fm. Mora,

Berriansiense-Valanginiense) y plutónicas (progresiva mayor contribución hacia las fms. Castellar y

Camarillas, Valanginiense-Barremiense). La albitización de los feldespatos detríticos se observa en

todas las areniscas, pero sólo la Fm. Mora presenta feldespatos completamente albitizados, mientras que

las fms. Castellar y Camarillas la albitización es parcial. Uno de los factores que controla el proceso de

albitización es la temperatura, sin embargo, todas las areniscas del Cretácico inferior estuvieron

sometidas a condiciones de enterramiento y temperatura similares (119-134ºC; basadas en reflectancia

de vitrinitas y modelización térmica). La disminución de grado de albitización hacia las fms. Castellar y

Camarillas estaría relacionada con las diferencias en composición y procedencia de las areniscas. La

albitización fue completa en la Fm. Mora debido a la mayor presencia de aportes de rocas metamórficas,

lo que implica una mayor abundancia de plagioclasas. Por el contrario, la mayor abundancia de

feldespato-K en las fms. Castellar y Camarillas impidió la completa albitización de los feldespatos. Por

tanto, las diferencias en la composición y procedencia de las areniscas influyeron significativamente en

el grado de albitización de los feldespatos en condiciones similares de enterramiento y temperatura.

Palabras clave: procedencia, albitización, diagenesis influenciada por composición, Cuenca Maestrazgo.


In the last decades, diagenetic albitization of detrital

feldspars has been recognized in sandstones and reservoir rocks from different ages and depositional

environments. One of the most relevant diagenetic processes is the increase in the percentage and degree (partial to complete) of albitized feldspars with depth (Saigal et al., 1988). Empirical modelization revealed that the albitization process depends more on temperature

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1386 M. A. CAJA ET AL.

Geo-Temas 10, 2008 (ISSN: 1567-5172)

FIGURE 1. (A) Simplified map of the Iberian Peninsula showing the main structural units; (B) Detail corresponding to the Maestrat Basin located in

the Iberian Chain (modified from Salas et al., 2001). The Maestrat Basin has been subdivided into the following seven sub-basins: Oliete (Ol),

Morella (Mo), Perelló (Pe), Salzedella (Sa), Penyagolosa (Pg), Galve (Ga), and Aliaga (Al). The last three sub-basins are the study area. Thickness

represented corresponds to Early Cretaceous sediments; (C) Schematic stratigraphic column of the Lower Cretaceous formations showing the main

unconformities (modified from Caja, 2004).

and heating rate, than time and fluid chemistry (Perez and Boles, 2005).

In this paper, diagenetic albitization is studied in sandstones with different detrital composition, provenance and degrees of albitized feldspars (partial to complete). However, all these sandstones underwent, approximately, the same burial and thermal conditions.

The study area corresponds to the Maestrat Basin,

which lies in the eastern sector of the Iberian Range and contains almost 6000 m Mesozoic sediment (Fig. 1A and B). Syn-rift subsidence began during the Upper Oxfordian age, and was characterised by an initial period of rapid, fault-controlled syn-rift subsidence (Upper Oxfordian to Middle Albian) in a series of fault-limited blocks, followed by a post-rift interval of diminishing subsidence (Upper Cretaceous), which was in turn controlled by thermal relaxation of the lithosphere (Salas et al., 2001). These fault-limited blocks (i.e. sub-basins) were filled during Lower Cretaceous by the so called Weald facies (Fig. 1C).

SAMPLES AND ANALYTICAL METHODS Nine representative stratigraphic sections were

studied in the Aliaga, Galve and Penyagolosa sub-basin from the Maestrat Basin. Sampling was focused on the Lower Cretaceous sandstones from the Mora, El Castellar and Camarillas formations (125 sandstones samples). Analytical methods used in this paper were: i) Petrographic and cathodoluminescence (CL) study of thin sections and modal analyses of medium-size sandstones counting up to 400 points in 49 samples; and ii) Electron microprobe analyses and back-scattered imaging (BSE) on albite grains. For a more detailed description of samples and analytical methods see Caja (2004).

RESULTS Petrology of sandstones

Modal analyses together with petrographic and cathodoluminescence observations allowed the definition of three quartz-feldspathic petrofacies and the identification of diagenetic processes that modified the original framework composition (for detailed descriptions see Caja et al., 2007). The average “restored” petrofacies are: Mora petrofacies with P/F >1 and Q(r)70 F(r)22 R(r)9; El Castellar petrofacies with P/F >1 and Q(r)57 F(r)25 R(r)18; and Camarillas petrofacies with P/F~ zero and Q(r)64 F(r)28 R(r)7 (P, plagioclase; F, feldspar; Q, quartz; R, rock fragments; r, restored composition; Fig. 2). Albitization

Plagioclase grains of Mora sandstones are untwined, frequently euhedral-subeuhedral, clouded by tiny vacuoles and partially replaced by chlorite, kaolin or calcite. Microprobe analyses of completely albitized grains revealed a near pure albite end member composition (Or0.1 Ab99.7 An0.2; average of 63 analyses; Fig. 2). BSE imaging revealed abundant micropores, aligned parallel to cleavage planes or microfractures. Under the CL, the albite grains are non-luminescent. The plagioclase grains of Castellar sandstones are angular and subeuhedral, partially replaced by calcite and, in some cases, embedded in the clay mineral matrix. Polysynthetically twined grains have clean surfaces and untwined grains are clouded by tiny vacuoles, most likely microporosity. Microprobe analyses of plagioclase revealed an albite composition: Or0.9 Ab96.7 An2.4 (average values of 59 analyses; Fig. 2). The plagioclase grains are green or non-luminescent under the CL, sometimes both of them exist in the same grain. Green luminescent plagioclase grains have the highest Ca content (Or1.6 Ab94.2 An4.2; average values of 2 analyses). The scarce K-feldspars display bright blue luminescence or dark blue luminescence. Occasionally, K-feldspar display albite patches, which are associated and aligned to the exfoliation planes and twins.


Geo-Temas 10, 2008 (ISSN: 1567-5172)

FIGURE 2. Synthesis of the modal abundance of feldspars (considering diagenetic effects) and rock fragments; provenance interpretation (modified

from Caja et al., 2007), chemical composition of feldspars and vitrinite reflectance values (Caja, 2004).

Detrital K-feldspars of Camarillas sandstones, in the three studied sub-basins, are orthoclase and microcline (Fig. 2) showing bright blue luminescence and dark blue luminescence. Most of them show albite exsolution lamellae in perthites with chemical composition of Or1.6 Ab96.4 An1.9 (average values of 8 analyses). Occasionally, albite patches with a near pure albite end member composition (Or0.2 Ab99.5 An0.3; average values of 4 analyses) are associated and aligned to the exfoliation planes, twins or microfractures. Plagioclase grains are scarce in Camarillas sandstones and present a chemical composition of Or1.7 Ab95.1 An3.3

(average values of 63 analyses). Polysynthetically twined and untwined plagioclase grains display under CL non-luminescence (Or0.8 Ab93.3 An6.0 value of 4 microprobe analysis) or show green luminescence colors (Or1.4 Ab88.1 An10.5; average values of 6 microprobe analyses). DISCUSSION AND CONCLUSIONS

The three defined petrofacies suggest a mixed

provenance from plutonic and metamorphic source rocks. However, a progressively major influence of granitic source rocks was detected from the lowermost Mora petrofacies toward the uppermost Camarillas petrofacies (Fig. 2). This provenance trend is consistent with the uplift and erosion of the Iberian Massif, which coincided with the development of the latest Berriasian synrift regional unconformity and affected all of the Iberian intraplate basins (Salas et al., 2001). The uplifting stage of Iberian Massif pluton caused a significant dilution of Paleozoic metamorphic source areas, which were dominant during the sedimentation of the lowermost Mora and El Castellar petrofacies (Caja et al., 2007; Fig. 2).

The Mora Fm. plagioclases have several typical characteristics of diagenetic albite. The main evidences are (Saigal et al., 1988; Morad et al., 1990; Ramseyer et

al., 1992; and references herein): (i) the idiomorphic shape of albite crystals, (ii) the pure albite chemical composition, (iii) non-luminescence, (iv) untwined, (v) the development of completely albitized grains, (vi) the intragranular microporosity due to the molar volume reduction involved in albitization reaction and (vii) the generation of calcite, chlorite and kaolin as by-products during albitization replacement. Conversely, feldspars in the overlying Castellar and Camarillas formations lack these features, which are characteristic of albitized grains. Only, albite patches in detrital Castellar and Camarillas k-feldspars present typical features of diagenetic albitization. In general, original features of detrital feldspar from source rocks have been preserved in Castellar and Camarillas sandstones, but not in Mora Fm. feldspars.

The burial and thermal model of Penyagolosa sub-

basin (Caja, 2004) reveals that Castellar and Camarillas formations were buried around 1600 m of depth and reached a maximum temperature of 62ºC (Fig. 3). However, this “calculated” model does not permit explain the vitrinite values of the Lower Cretaceous mudstones from Castellar and Camarillas formations (Fig. 2). If the “calculated” model is constrained with vitrinite reflectance values, then Castellar and Camarillas formations would have reached a burial temperature from 119 to 134ºC (Barker and Pawlewicz, 1994; Fig. 3). The Mora Fm. is not represented in the burial and thermal model because it was eroded or not deposited in the eastern part of the Penyagolosa sub-basin, and then is not considered in the modelized stratigraphic section. However, vitrinite reflectance values in Castellar and Camarillas formations and the thermal gradient observed in the constrained model suggests

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FIGURE 3. Burial and thermal model for Penyagolosa sub-basin

(modified from Caja, 2004) considering a thermal gradient typical

for rift basins (27-30ºC/km). Note that vitrinite reflectance values

reveal burial temperatures from 119 to 134ºC (Barker and

Pawlewicz, 1994), which are higher than temperatures of the

“calculated” model.

that Mora Fm. sandstones reached temperatures of 119-134ºC as well. This thermal gradient value exceed 30ºC/km, which is estimated by subsidence analysis, vitrinite reflectance, the stretching factor of the rift basin, the related surface heat flow and thermal conductivity values during syn-rift stage 2 (Salas et al., 2005). Thus, if Mora, Castellar and Camarillas sandstones experienced the same degree of heating during burial, the decrease in replacive albite/detrital feldspars ratio from the lowermost Mora Fm. toward the uppermost Camarillas Fm. is related to differences in detrital composition and provenance of sandstones (i.e. progressively major influence of granitic source rocks from the lowermost Mora petrofacies toward the uppermost Camarillas petrofacies). Thus, the abundance of K-feldspars in Castellar and Camarillas formations, which are more difficult to albitized than plagioclase, prevented the complete albitization of feldspars. The compositional variations (e.g. detrital mineralogy, textures, grain sizes,…) of sandstones within and between different units can produce significantly different paragenetic histories for comparable burial rates (Thyne et al., 2003; Perez and Boles, 2005).

Future work will involve the application of a general

multi-mineralic water-rock interaction simulator that implements advective and diffusive mass-transfer, and kinetic and equilibrium reactions among minerals and water in order to evaluate the role of detrital composition and temperature on the extension of albitization. ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS

This work was financed by Projects CGL2005-

07445-C03-01 and CGL2006-01861/BTE of the Ministerio de Educación y Ciencia (España).

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