Peter Sunde Kolmisoppi dj/author/geek/entrepreneur/activist


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Peter Sunde Kolmisoppidj/author/geek/entrepreneur/activist

The changing role of “intellectual property” in modern culture

(and a little bragging about what we achieved already to fill all the time I got)

“Unlike certain other countries, such as the one you're in, we have sane copyright laws here. But we also have polar bears roaming the streets and attacking people :-


Closing in to 100.000 tracker connections / second TPB mediating around 60-65% of all BitTorrent traffic BitTorrent estimated at 80-82% of all Internets traffic That means over 48% of all the traffic on the Internets Few hours of work each month, technically at least

“Give us the server or we'll take your fax”

Copying is a Fact

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