Persuasive Outline Assistance for AP Exam, Dr. Gingrich ... · 1 Persuasive Outline Assistance for...


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Persuasive Outline Assistance for AP Exam, Dr. Gingrich, AP Lang and Comp,

1. This is a persuasive essay so you are attempting to make an argument defending your position.

2. Have a clear thesis within the beginning of your essay.

3. You should have two-three supporting arguments which support your thesis.

4. For each argument you should have at least one clear example from your readings, the media, or your personal experience.

5. Each example should be connected to your thesis via analysis of how it supports the thesis.

6. Paragraphs should follow the format of claim (argument and topic), example (supporting reason), analysis (explanation of how your

example supports your argument).

7. This is an essay so it should have an introduction and a conclusion.

8. Be sure that you are addressing all elements of the prompt/question.

9. A passing score will adequately support the position. A 7 essay will give more support and development and/or be in better control of

writing language.

10. An 8 will be convincing in its argument and provide one or more of the following three elements

A. Thorough development

B. Apt and original insight

C. Superior written style

11. When you have completed the essay, staple it in this order

A. Rubric with your name on it

B. Your essay with your name on it

C. The test questions


A. Introduction

Gains audience’s attention

Presents topic/context

Write clear thesis of position

Highlights examples/arguments


B. Body

Presents 2-3 reasons

Each reason should have 1 or 2 concrete examples

Analyzes how the examples support the reasons

C. Conclusion explains how you have effectively supported your position


Persuasion and Literature Organizing your Paper, Gingrich, AP Lang,

The Argument and Literature Types of Evidence You Will Use Where the evidence will come from

• What is most important about the


• What positions are taken and who

takes them (author, narrator,


• Is the claim directly stated or is it


• Will everyone agree with the


• What is the rhetorical situation for

the argument?

• What is the claim made by the


• How does the character establish


• How does the character establish

common ground?

• Are there fallacies? How do they?

• What are the outcomes of the

argument? Are they convincing/ to

whom? What happens as a result

of the argument?

• Is the argument moral or immoral?

Logos (cause and effect, syllogism,

analogy, definition)

Pathos (feeling, value)

Ethos (credibility, authority)

Readings (at least three quotes from the

core text)

Media (internet, film, tv, music,


Observations, experiences)


Supporting Claims,



Evidence (two



Where does evidence

come from (readings,

observations, media)


Type of appeal

Cause and effect;

definition; syllogism;

analogy; emotion;

value; credibility;



Is this effective? Will

people accept the claim?

Explain how the

evidence supports the




Persuasive Rubric Checklist for Horace Adversity AP Essay Name:

Score 1

o Undeveloped

o Simplistic

o Weak in control of language/Especially lacking in coherence

Score 2

o Demonstrate little success in defending, challenging, or qualifying the Horace’assertion about the role adversity plays in

developing a person’s character

o May misunderstand the prompt

o Offer vague generalizations

o Substitute a simpler task such as summarizing

o Demonstrate consistent weakness in writing in general

Scores of 3

o Less success in defending, challenging, or qualifying the Horace’assertion about the role adversity plays in developing a

person’s character

o Less control of language than a 4

Scores of 4

o Inadequately defends, challenges, or qualifies the Horace’assertion about the role adversity plays in developing a person’s


o Evidence may be inappropriate, insufficient, or unconvincing

o Arguments may have lapses in coherence or be inadequately developed

o The prose generally conveys the writer’s ideas but suggests immature control

Possible Passing Score of 5

o Clearly explains the author’s position or the position of the prompt

o Argues for, against, or qualifies the Horace’assertion about the role adversity plays in developing a person’s character

o Evidence may be uneven, inconsistent, or limited

o Writing may contain lapses in syntax or diction but generally conveys author’s ideas

Passing Score 6

o Adequately defends, challenges, or qualifies Horace’assertion about the role adversity plays in developing a person’s character


o Evidence and explanations are appropriate and sufficient

o The argument is coherent and adequately developed

o Writing may contain lapses in syntax and diction but the prose is generally clear

Scores of 7

o More complete explanation, more thorough development or more mature prose style

Scores of 8

o Effectively defends, challenges, or qualifies the Horace’assertion about the role adversity plays in developing a person’s


o Evidence is appropriate and convincing

o Argument is especially coherent and well developed

o Demonstrate an ability to control a wide range of the elements of effective writing

Scores 9

o Especially sophisticated in their argument

o Especially thorough in their development

o Particularly impressive in their control of language



Social Problems Persuasive Essay/Speech using Logical Proofs

Total assignment is 10% of semester grade

Gingrich, AP Lang and Comp,

Topic Due Friday

Annotated Bibliography: Notes and Sources (10 points) D

Rough Draft (10 points) Due Tuesday,

2nd Draft (100 points) Due Monday,

Speech (50 points) Due Week of

Write an essay (1500-2000 words) persuading a person/people that a particular action is appropriate for a particular circumstance. The

paper should focus on what you consider to be a critical problem facing American society. The focus of this paper is to present an

argument based on logical proofs (we will discuss these types of proofs momentarily). The essay should include at least three sources

with two quotes for each source, making a minimum of 8 citations. There should be a works cited page. Sources should be published,

refereed materials from the last five years in either print or electronic format (magazines, newspapers, journals, etc.). Encyclopedias,

dictionaries and other reference books do not count as sources.

The following topics may not be used

Drug Legalization

Capital Punishment


Genetic Engineering

Intelligent Design/Evolution

Prepare a speech of (5-7 minutes) on the persuasive paper. Include some type of visual clue, prop, handout to go with the


The argument should also center on the following from Toulmin’s model of argument


(In all cases the following three should be included in the paper)

Claim: The claim is the main part of the argument. An essay/speech may also have a

series of subclaims related to the claim.

Support: The additional information that the author supplies to convince the audience of


Warrants: assumptions, general principles, conventions of specific disciplines, widely

held values, commonly accepted beliefs, and appeals to human motives that

are an important part of any argument

(In some cases the following may be needed to support the above three)

Backing (of warrants): support for warrants, necessary if audience may not necessarily

accept warrants

Rebuttal: establishes what is wrong, invalid, or unacceptable about an argument

Qualifiers: argument does not demonstrate certainties, it merely establishes probabilities.

(may or might, some, few, probably,possibly)

The following will result in point deductions.

Essays that do not reach the minimum word count of 1500 words (the equivalent of 4 pages, double spaced, using 12 point Times

New Roman font, and one inch margins) will receive a MAXIMUM OF 65% for the essay

For each source less than 3 20 points per source will be deducted to a maximum of negative 60.

For each quote less than the 6 10 points per quote will be deducted to a maximum of negative 60.


Persuasive Essay Rubric







4=Superior/Highly Sophisticated

Content (40 points) 1 2 3 4 Shows a great amount of knowledge of the topic

Uses specific examples

Explains key definitions and terms clearly, if necessary

Addresses significant issues of topic in a sophisticated fashion

Argumentation (40 points) 1 2 3 4

Provides a well stated claim

Appropriate subclaims support the main claim

Support is extremely well developed using a variety of types of proofs (logical proofs)

Examples illustrate thoroughly and support the claim (narratives, statistics, analogies, etc.)

Support is cogent

The reader has a tendency to either agree with the claims and support of the argument


Or at least accept them as plausible

The writing leads the reader to consider thoughtfully taking a specific action based on the

Writer’s contentions

Warrants are clearly utilized, with backing when appropriate

If necessary to the cogency of the argument, the paper considers rebuttals and possible


Arguments are appropriately qualified

Style and Organization (20 points) 1 2 3 4

Sophisticated Transitions

Strong introductions and conclusions

Mature structuring of sentences

Powerful, precise diction

Correct citations and use of sources

Includes bibliography

Creative, descriptive language—avoids a pre-formatted five paragraph essay format!!!!


Persuasive Paper Using Rogerian Argument , Dr. Gingrich,

The oral portion will be done with a partner

The written portion may be done with that partner or individually

Go to the following web page in order to get more information on topics if you are still searching

Topic Written as a question Friday, November 10th (we will be in the media center)

Ann. Bibl. Due: Wednesday, November 29th 30 points (at least six sources, three per person)

Rough Draft Due: Friday, December 1st 20 Points

2nd Draft Due: Friday, December 8th 150 Points

Speeches Week of December 11th 50 Points

Write an essay of 1500 to 2000 words (5-7 pages) on an issue of your choice (choose a topic that you have some interest other than the

following: drug legalization, alcohol age, guns, and abortion). This issue must be one of which there are at least two sides. The

purpose of the paper is to find a place for negotiation and acceptance of the multiple viewpoints on the issue. The essay should include

logos, ethos, or pathos. You should use at least six sources; these should represent at least two different positions. Include the

following components in the essay.

1. Introduction: Introduce the issue. Bring readers into the topic. Should include an attention-grabber, background of

issues/topics to be discussed, and discussion of organization of essay. Look at different types of introductions

(interrogative, anecdotal, setting the scene, definition)

2. Exposition: Explain the key arguments for each of the multiple perspectives (show contexts in which the opposition’s

views may be acceptable). You do not critique the position. You state objectively each stance. Bulk of citations should

occur in this section.


3. Personal Position: Write a clear transition from the various positions, explaining your position or views on the issue.

You may state the strengths or weaknesses of the argument here. You may also use different types of appeals to support

your position.

4. Reconciliation—Negotiate a solution that would be acceptable to the multiple positions. The thesis will occur as part of

the reconciliation.

In your essay cite/directly quote each of the six sources. Use parenthetical documentation. Include a works cited page. Underline

book titles; place essays and articles in quotation marks.

Here is how it should be written equitably if it is done collaboratively.

Person A

Person B

1. Introduction Person A

2. Presentation of Side One (Person A or B)

3. Presentation of Side Two (Person A or B)

4. Person A or B presents their personal beliefs which may include a critique of the arguments from 2 and 3

5. Person A or B presents their personal beliefs which may include a critique of the arguments from 2 and 3 above

6. A negotiation/reconcialition of the arguments

Review—Toulmin’s Components of Argument:

Claim also known as thesis, proposition, conclusion, main point

Support—evidence, opinions, reasons, examples, facts, data, grounds, proof

Warrants –assumptions, general principles, widely held values, commonly accepted

beliefs, presuppositions, generally accepted truths

Backing—support or explanation for warrants if warrant are contentious

Rebuttal—oppositional support

Qualifiers—limitations of argument, arguments are not absolute, these are circumstances

that serve as restraints for the argument, conditions under which the argument is supported


Types of Claim: Fact, definition, cause, value, policy

Logical Proofs: Definition, Cause and Effect, Syllogism, and Analogy

In critiquing the arguments consider the logical fallacies and works of propaganda see other sheets.


Rogerian Argument Rubric

“4” Paper

Has the following characteristics

• A clearly defined thesis with an intense focus on that thesis, supported by superior development and details

• Presents a clear and thorough explanation of both arguments

• Develops a sophisticated negotiation of common ground

• Has elaborate details, supporting well researched arguments through appropriate and convincing argumentative appeals

• Is highly organized with sophisticated transitions between different components of the paper

• Is very original with an unique and powerful voice that explores the author’s views on issues

• Mechanics, usage, and grammar are used in a highly effective manner

• This paper will be highly persuasive to the reader

“3” Paper

Has many of the following characteristics:

• A clearly defined thesis, strong focus, and strong supporting details

• Clear and thorough explanations of both arguments through appropriate and sufficient argumentative appeals


• Solid negotiation of the common ground

• Strong details supporting the argument, showing evidence of thoughtful research

• Well organized with transitions between different components of the paper

• Clear and thoughtful voice, expressing personal consideration of topic

• Mechanics, usage and grammar are used effectively

• The paper will be very persuasive to the reader

“2” Paper

May have several of the following characteristics

• A clearly defined thesis

• Uneven explanation of both sides of the argument

• Adequate support and details

• Solid organization

• Use of research though not as elaborate and developed as in a stronger paper

• Some mechanics or grammatical problems

• Limited persuasiveness, perhaps through a lack of logic or development

“1” Paper

Has some of the following characteristics:

• Lack of clarity of topic

• Extremely limited support or a lack of research

• Disorganization

• A failure to clearly explain both sides of the argument



Name: Topic:

Name of

Article and


Where does the article

come from

How do you know this is a

valid source?

Main claim of article Evidence provided



Annotated Bibliography Rogerian Argumentation—you need at least 5


Dr. Gingrich, AP Lang and Comp

1. Bibliographic information for each of the entries in MLA format

• 5 sources (all sources must have an author and be published sources)

• Indent second line—the author’s name should be the only thing on the left margin.

Double space the MLA citation.

2. Annotation

• Double space after the citation; single space the annotation.

• 150-200 word explanation per source

A. Summary of the source

B. Critique of writing style/persuasiveness of the articles position—what are their

arguments and what are the strengths and weaknesses of each

C. Explanation of how you will use this in your paper

D. One direct quote from the source

E. Block indent the enter annotation


Editing Checklist for Persuasive Essay using Rogerian Argument

Writer’s Name: Editor’s Name:

Title and Introduction

• Your title refers to the topic you address in essay

• The essay starts with an opening sentence which gains the audience’s attention

• The topic of your argument is clearly introduced

• You discuss the different argumentative positions associated with the issues

• Context for your argument is evident and explained

• What type of introduction do they use? Is this effective? (inverted triangle, narrative, question, paradox, mind the gap, etc.)?

Body Paragraphs

• Clearly states the positions; both sides are adequately addressed

• Strengths of each position are acknowledged and support for each position explained

• A transition is made between the differing position and your own position

• You suggest why readers may want to adopt your argument over others

• What type of claim is being made?


• The paper makes cogent arguments to support the case

• Uses a range of arguments and appeals and provides concrete evidence to support them

Which types are most prevalent and most effective?

Logical Proofs/Appeals



Cause and Effect

Comparison (Literal Analogies and Figurative Analogies

Pathetic (Emotional) Appeals


Motivation (Fear, Anger, Hope, Pleasure, Pain, Sympathy, etc.)

Values (Right and Wrong)

Ethical Appeals (Speaker Centered)





Types of Claim do they use? Is this effectively connected to their arguments?

Claims of Fact: Did it happen? Does it exist?

Claims of Definition: What is it? How should we define it?

Claims of Cause: What caused it or what are its effects?

Claims of Value: Is it good or bad? What type of criteria will help us decide?

Claims of Policy: What should we do about it? What should be our course of action?

Conclusion • Remind readers of importance of your topic

• Emphasize why your argument is sound

• Emphasize the relevance of your ____

• What type of rhetorical devices were used in

• Conclusion? (echo the introduction, challenge the reader.look to the future, pose a question, end with a quotation)

• What are the major strengths of the Paper?

• What are the areas that need the most improvement?



• Sophisticated writing style

• Correct grammar, mechanics and usage

• Appropriate in text and outside of text citations

1=needs a lot of work (missing) 2=adequate 3= effective 4-exemp;lary


Rogerian Persuasive Speech Guidelines:

The speech is worth 50 points.

The speech should be rehearsed. You should use note cards. On the note cards you should highlight the key points that you would

want to make. Generally, in order for an individual to process information the person has to hear a concept more than once.

Therefore, you may want to restate during the course of your speech your claim and the key highlighted supporting arguments. The

speech should be 5 to 7 minutes in length and you will be timed.

In the speech there are several key components to consider

A. Introduction, conclusion (including visualization and call to action)

(1) The introduction and conclusion: The introduction obviously should introduce the audience to your topic. But as important,

the introduction should gain the attention of the audience. This may be done by

a. Rhetorical questions

b. Scenarios—placing the audience in the situation

c. Engaging ideas, a shocking statistic or occurrence, an event from the news

d. Strong sensory images—a metaphor, allusion, or analogy

e. A powerful story

f. Generating an idea that directly relates to the audience, a personal anecdote

(2) The conclusion should emphasize the claim, clarify that you have defended your claim logically. This should be the point of


(3) Within the introduction and conclusion the speaker should also include a clear visualization and a call to action.

A visualization is sentence or two which helps the audience to visualize what would happen if they did or did not do what you

are attempting to persuade them to do.

The call to action simply tells the audience what to do once the speaker has completed the speech.


B. The Proofs for both sides—use logical proofs to support the key ideas. You have a limited amount of time (five to seven

minutes) so be sure to emphasize the key points which you consider critical. Show what the key arguments are for both sides.

Each key argument should be highlighted, emphasized and clarified for your audience. You should unpack these clearly

through examples, statistics, etc.

The audience should be able to state decisively your claim and your supporting evidence at the end of your speech.

Types of logical proofs:

Argument from Deduction also called argument from principle:

Argument from Definition: If the audience accepts the definition, the claim should be accepted by definition.

Argument from Cause: Places the subject in a cause-and-effect relationship to show that it is either the cause of an effect or

the effect of a cause.

Argument from Sign A specific visible sign is sometimes used to prove a claim.

Argument from Induction: Provides a number of examples and draws a claim, in the form of a conclusion, from them.

Argument from Statistics: describes relationships among data, people, occurrences, and events in the real world, only they

do so in quantitative terms.

Argument from Historical, Literal, or Figurative Analogy

Historical Analogies: These explain what is going on now in terms of what went on in similar cases in the past.

Literal Analogies: These two compare two items in the same category: two school systems, two governments, two religions,

two individuals.


C. Style and Audience Awareness

The first and most important thing is to be aware of who your audience is. You are attempting to persuade a group of people

of a particular claim using logic. What types of ideas and support will they find most logically persuasive?

Maintain the audience’s attention

Vary speech patterns including tone, volume, and speed

Maintain eye contact

Use some gestures to highlight points

Speak from notes without appearing to read

You may want some type of visualization to keep the audience focused

The more prepared you are the less nervous you will be and the better this will go.


Rater Name:

1 is inadequate 2 is adequate 3 is strong 4 is superior/outstanding

Speaker Name:


Presentation Both Sides 1 2 3 4

Effectiveness of Support 1 2 3 4

(Tied to clear claim)

Organization 1 2 3 4

Audience Awareness and Style 1 2 3 4

(Rate, volume, clarity of speech)

Negotiation Common Ground 1 2 3 4

Total Score =

Speaker Name:


Presentation Both Sides 1 2 3 4

Effectiveness of Support 1 2 3 4

(Tied to clear claim)

Organization 1 2 3 4

Audience Awareness and Style 1 2 3 4

(Rate, volume, clarity of speech)

Negotiation Common Ground 1 2 3 4

Total Score =

Speaker Name:


Presentation Both Sides 1 2 3 4

Effectiveness of Support 1 2 3 4

(Tied to clear claim)

Organization 1 2 3 4

Audience Awareness and Style 1 2 3 4

(Rate, volume, clarity of speech)

Negotiation Common Ground 1 2 3 4

Total Score =

Speaker Name:

Speaker Name:


Presentation Both Sides 1 2 3 4

Effectiveness of Support 1 2 3 4

(Tied to clear claim)

Organization 1 2 3 4

Audience Awareness and Style 1 2 3 4

(Rate, volume, clarity of speech)

Negotiation Common Ground 1 2 3 4

Total Score =

Speaker Name:


Presentation Both Sides 1 2 3 4

Effectiveness of Support 1 2 3 4

(Tied to clear claim)

Organization 1 2 3 4

Audience Awareness and Style 1 2 3 4

(Rate, volume, clarity of speech)

Negotiation Common Ground 1 2 3 4

Total Score =

Speaker Name:


Presentation Both Sides 1 2 3 4

Effectiveness of Support 1 2 3 4

(Tied to clear claim)

Organization 1 2 3 4

Audience Awareness and Style 1 2 3 4

(Rate, volume, clarity of speech)

Negotiation Common Ground 1 2 3 4

Total Score =

Speaker Name:



Presentation Both Sides 1 2 3 4

Effectiveness of Support 1 2 3 4

(Tied to clear claim)

Organization 1 2 3 4

Audience Awareness and Style 1 2 3 4

(Rate, volume, clarity of speech)

Negotiation Common Ground 1 2 3 4

Total Score =

Speaker Name:


Presentation Both Sides 1 2 3 4

Effectiveness of Support 1 2 3 4

(Tied to clear claim)

Organization 1 2 3 4

Audience Awareness and Style 1 2 3 4

(Rate, volume, clarity of speech)

Negotiation Common Ground 1 2 3 4

Total Score =


Presentation Both Sides 1 2 3 4

Effectiveness of Support 1 2 3 4

(Tied to clear claim)

Organization 1 2 3 4

Audience Awareness and Style 1 2 3 4

(Rate, volume, clarity of speech)

Negotiation Common Ground 1 2 3 4

Total Score =

Speaker Name:


Presentation Both Sides 1 2 3 4

Effectiveness of Support 1 2 3 4

(Tied to clear claim)

Organization 1 2 3 4

Audience Awareness and Style 1 2 3 4

(Rate, volume, clarity of speech)

Negotiation Common Ground 1 2 3 4

Total Score =
