Personal Statement for Prague



This was my short application description for why I wanted to study film abroad in the Czech Republic

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Nikki KigaEducation Through Film

Bleep. Honk. Honk, Vrrooomm. Honnnnnk. Auto-rickshaws, mopeds, even the occasional car maneuver for space among the crowded street, food vendors and determined shoppers. From the very first day of my summer study group, my senses were overwhelmed by smells, noises and colors.

India truly is a land of contrasts and so very different from the United States. I believe that the culture shock I experienced in India has prepared me for almost any international travel. And although our focus was international business and womens leadership, I came away with so much more than that. I learned to appreciate how important education is and how cross-cultural connection inspires personal introspection. I came back a more focused student, determined to maximize my education and networks.

While we were in India, my study abroad group went to see Step Up 3. Even though many in the audience couldnt understand English, they were very loud in response to shots of womens legs and to the kissing scenes. Film is such a powerful art medium because it stimulates multiple senses. It was truly an education to see and feel my culture from such a different perspective.

My experience in India helped me to appreciate the many facets of education not only formal academic training but also educational experiences. I learned that despite language barriers and cultural divides, common ground can be found whenever there are exciting ideas and shared passion for knowledge. I have always enjoyed interdisciplinary projects but have never before thought to combine my passion for photography and film with my academic studies.

I appreciate art for its power to connect: to evoke powerful emotion and to elicit action. I want to be able to use film as a medium to connect people, raise awareness and create intellectual interest. In the past, I enjoyed foreign films for their different film techniques and pacing. Recognizing that certain cinematic techniques represent a brief glimpse into a culture has made me realize just how much I need to expand my horizons culturally and cinematically. I have just dipped a toe in the waters of film structuralism and would enjoy further delving from a foreign perspective. What better location than in Prague at FAMU with its rich history of avant-garde cinema?

Currently I work as a volunteer, handling and identifying old film in Special Collections at the University of Washington, and also as an intern for a documentary on grunge music in Seattle. I would love to take Cinematographers Influence under the instruction of Michael Gahut and the Documentary: Connection class with Vt Janeek. Since they would supplement my current pursuits so well.

Finally, I am very interested in learning more about Czech culture because I would like to connect with my own Czech roots. My grandmothers family comes from the South Moravia region in the Czech Republic. Film is my passion and I hope that I will have the opportunity to learn from personal and cultural history next year in Prague.