Personal outcome approaches · Personal outcome approaches Yvette Burgess Housing Support Enabling...


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Personal outcome approaches

Yvette BurgessHousing Support Enabling Unit

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My Self Portrait Key Andrew Allison Chose to do painting – first time he has had the choice. Has now featured in 2 exhibitions and raised funds for local doctor’s surgery and Key
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Hot News, Cool Head 90 year old Bob Woodward (Blackwood) Likes to start the day reading the papers in bed to catch up on the latest news.


Talking points and Better Futures: side by side

Personal plans

Personal outcomes


Talking Points

Quality of Life

Feeling safe

Having things to do

Seeing people

Staying as well as you can be

Living where you want / was you want

Dealing with stigma and discrimination


Improved confidence

Improved skills

Improved mobility

Reduced symptoms


Listened to

Having a say

Treated with respect

Responded to


Presentation Notes
Similar topics as Better Futures. Differences: BF has less focus on Process – it’s less about how a person is treated and more about a what a person has control over in their lives. Less about health conditions and more about access to health care – this could result in reduced symptoms but is not something Better Futures records. BF focuses more on employment / training although other forms of ‘meaningful activity’ also recorded.

Better Futures: 5 goals



Safety and Security

Social and Economic Wellbeing

Employment and meaningful activity

Presentation Notes
NATIONAL OUTCOMES: Improved Health; Improved Well-being; Improved Social Inclusion; Improved Independence & Responsibility; Improved Safety

Aspects common to Better Futures and Talking Points

Importance of the conversation – not a tick box exercise

Flexibility built in – range of outcomes

Charting a journey – one that is relevant to the individual

Skills associated with leading this conversation

Better Futures: promoting individual outcomes and reflection

Scale 0 to 4 used

Targets set individually

Timescale for achieving targets varies

Reviews : as frequently as is relevant but at least 6 monthly

Graphics designed to assist individual reflection


Presentation Notes
Counterfactual score – green line: 09/ 09/ 2010 Encourages person to be in the driving seat from the outset. Starts with the ends in mind – sharply focusing on desired outcomes. Establishes baselines – then measures ‘distance travelled’ Can produce reports showing individual and wide range of aggregate levels of change; Produces easy-read numerical & graphical representations of distance travelled; Motivational for person and staff Can be integrated into organisation’s existing support planning documentation.


How do you currently identify outcomes important to individuals?

How are you recording these?

How to you find people relate to the approach you are taking?

To what extent are you developing your approach in conjunction with commissioners who are funding services?

Outcomes – this time it’s personal!

What matters for older peopleFeeling safeHaving meaningful things to do and opportunities to

meet and support each otherStaying as well as possibleLiving where and how you want toEliminating or dealing with discrimination and

stigmaBeing listened to, having your say in

services/supports - and being treated with respect and dignity

Review of Community Care Outcomes Framework

> build on the learning from the Community Care Outcomes Framework to inform the development and use of a single suite of outcomes and indicators, for both reshaping Care for Older People and the Integration of Health and Social Care, particularly in relation to personal outcomes,

> to continue to encourage and support local use of the Talking Points: Personal Outcomes Approach to focus practice on personal outcomes and to draw information from that process to inform performance management and joint commissioning

> to support local partnerships to take a whole systems approach in their use of the single suite of outcomes and indicators, and

> to promote the use of contribution analysis at local level to develop logic models for use in devising local joint performance management frameworks

4 ingredients of integration recipea) Nationally agreed outcomes that apply across adult health and social care;

b) Joint accountability to Ministers, local government Leaders and the public for delivery of those outcomes;c) A single integrated budget for each partnership that includes community health, adult social care and elements of acute spend; d) Strong clinical and professional leadership, and engagement of the third sector, in commissioning and planning of services.

Personal Outcomes Approach – next stepsPersonal outcomes clearly not often the

responsibility of one agencyIntegration of Health and Social Care for all adults One suite of outcomes – to include personal

outcomesNHS developing a person-centred health and care

programmeCare homes outcomes framework to be embedded

in new National Care Home Contract Service Specification
