Personal Inquiry Personal Inquiry: Designing for Evidence-based Inquiry Learning across Formal and...


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Personal Inquiry: Designing for Evidence-based Inquiry Learning across Formal and Informal


Learning Science Research Institute

Introduction – main objective

• “The main objective is to design new educational methods of scripted inquiry learning, implemented across devices including personal mobile technologies and shared classroom displays, and to evaluate their effectiveness in helping young people aged 11-14 to understand themselves and their world through a process of active scientific inquiry across formal and informal settings.”


• Open University, MK– Oakgrove School

• University of Nottingham– Hadden Park High School

• We ran 3 set of trials – themes: “myself” & “my community”, – for the last trials we swapped themes.

• Find my topic• Decide my inquiry question or hypothesis• Plan my methods, equipment & actions• Collect my evidence• Analyse and represent my evidence• Respond to my question or hypothesis• Communicate my inquiry• Reflect on my progress

Personal Inquiry process

Research question









collect analyse




February 2008

Heart rate & fitness

February 2008: heart rate & fitness

Inquiry Question:Is there a relationship

between heart rate and fitness?

November 2008

How healthy is our diet?

Pupils to understand where they are in the inquiry process

Overall objective

Nov 2008: Technology

• Asus running the PI toolkit

• Camera to keep a food diary

Data collection• To be able to reflect on

data collected by their group on food observations

• To be able to consider the answers from the expert and ask any further appropriate questions

My Analysis, My conclusions• Compare their nutrients intake

with the RNI, in a bar chart• To make valid comments about

the data collected: personally and for the group

• To recognise a healthy and less healthy diet from nutritional information in bar chart

• To use a model for their own conclusions

November 2009

Does noise pollution affect birds’ eating habits?

Attenborough fieldtrip

School study

Bird feeders


Garden experiment

Bird feeders
