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Preterm Labour

Preterm Birth

Medical Paper Presentation

Aditiawan, Fitriyani




Period February 2nd 2015 - April 11st 2015


Preterm labor is defined as the presence of contractions of sufficient strength and frequency to effect progressive effacement and dilatation of the cervix between 20 and 37 weeks gestation

(Williams Obstetric, 24ed)


Overall incidence of PTL : 6 % - 10 %

Spontaneous : 40 50 %

PROM : 25 40 %

Obstetrically indicated : 20 25 %

(Slattery and Morrison 2002 )

Survival in Premature Infants

26 wks 80%

27 wks 90%

28-31 wks 90 to 95%

32-33 wks 95%

34-36 wks approaches term survival rates


Complications of Prematurity


Intraventricular Hemorrhage of the new born

Necrotizing enterocolitis









Risk Factors

I-Maternal factors :

Previous preterm delivery .

Low socioeconomic status .

Maternal age 40 years .

Preterm premature rupture of the membranes .

Multiple gestation .

second-trimester abortions .

Maternal complications (medical or obstetric) .

Lack of prenatal care .

Smoking. (Murphy.2007)

Risk Factors

II-Uterine causes :

Uterine septum .

Bicornuate uterus .

Cervical incompetence .

III-Fetal causes :

Intrauterine fetal death .

Intrauterine growth retardation .

Congenital anomalies .

IV-Placental causes :

Abnormal placentation (Murphy.2007)

Risk Factors

V- Infectious factors :

Genital :

* Bacterial vaginosis (BV) * Chlamydia

* Group B streptococcus * Mycoplasmas

Intra-uterine :

* Ascending (from genital tract)

* Transplacental (blood-borne)

* Transfallopian (intraperitoneal)

* Iatrogenic (invasive procedures)

Extra-uterine :

* Malaria

* Typhoid fever * Pneumonia

* Listeria * Asymptomatic bacteriuria

(Jane Norman.2005)

The Challenge: Identification

Labor = regular, painful uterine contractions that produce cervical dilation and/or effacement

Uterine contractions are seen in normal pregnancies at early gestational ages

Up to 50% of women hospitalized for PTL go on to deliver at term


Prediction of preterm labor

1. Risk factors .

2. Cervical ultrasonography (Cx. Length assessment) .

3. Salivary estriol .

4. Screening for bacterial vaginosis (BV) .

5. Screening for fetal fibronectin (fFN) .

( Edwin and Sabaratnam. 2005)

Fetal Fibronectin

99% negative predictive value for delivery within 2 wks

Positive predictive value worse, about 30%

22 to 35 weeks

Sample collection issues


Fetal fibronectin testing

Sample :

from the posterior fornix of the vagina


1- Symptomatic preterm labour 24 - 36 weeks

2- Intact membranes and

3- Cervical dilatation less than 3 cm


1- Ruptured membranes 2- Vaginal bleeding

3- Cervical cerclage insitu

Relative Contraindications:

1- After the use of lubricants or disinfectants

2- Within 24 hours of coitus or vaginal examination

(The Royal Australian and New Zealand College of Obstetricians and Gynaecologists 2008)

Prevention of premature labor

Primary prevention :

Aim :

lower the prevalence of premature labor by improving maternal health in general and by avoiding risk factors before or during pregnancy

Measures :

1- Smoking cessation .

2- Nutritional counseling .

3- lower workload for women with stressful jobs

( Flood and Malone ,2012 )

Prevention of premature labor

Secondary prevention :

Aim :

Early identification of pregnant women at a risk of preterm labor and helped them to carry their pregnancies to term.

Measures :

1- Self-measurement of the vaginal pH for B.V. (Bitzer.,et al.2011)

2- Cervix length measurement by TVS . ( Crane and hutchens ,2008)

(The accepted cutoff value for cervix length is 25 before GW 24 )

3- Cerclage and complete closure of the birth canal (Berghella.,et al.2011 )

4- Progesterone supplementation . ( Romero.,etal.2012)

Assessment and management of PTL

Secondary prevention :

Aim :

Early identification of pregnant women at a risk of preterm labor and helped them to carry their pregnancies to term.

Measures :

1- Self-measurement of the vaginal pH for B.V.

2- Cervix length measurement by TVS .

(The accepted cutoff value for cervix length is 25 before GW 24 )

3- Cerclage and complete closure of the birth canal

4- Progesterone supplementation

Queensland Maternity and Neonatal Clinical Guideline (2009)

Treatment of premature labor

Inhibition of uterine contractions with tocolysis

Corticosteroids to induce fetal lung maturation

Treatment of infection with antibiotics

Bed rest and hospitalization.


Goals of Treatment of PTL

Tocolysis often halts contractions only temporarily

Allow 48 hr+ for steroids to be given

Allow for transport to delivery location with NICU capability

Allow for correction of reversible causes



Aim of tocolysis :

Suppress uterine contractions and delay preterm delivery to :

1-allow in-utero transfer to an appropriate level facility .

2-allow for the administration of corticosteroids.

(King .,et al.2003)


Contraindications :

Gestation > 34 weeks

Labour is too advanced

In utero fetal death

Lethal fetal anomalies

Suspected fetal compromise

Placental abruption

Suspected intra-uterine infection

Maternal hypotension: BP < 90 mmHg systolic

Relative contraindications :

pre-eclampsia . Multiple pregnancy

placenta praevia . Rupture of membrane

(Di Renzo et al., 2007)



Tocolytic drugs that are used in clinical practice

Calcium antagonists . ( Nifedipine )

Oxytocin-receptor antagonists . ( Atosiban )

Inhibitors of prostaglandin synthesis . ( Indomethacin )

NO donors . ( Nitroglycerin)

Betamimetics . ( Terbutaline & Ritodrine )

Magnesium sulfate . ( MgSO4 )


(Schleuner 2013)

Mechanisms of action of tocolytic drugs

Calcium channel blockers (Nifedipine)

Dosage and administration :

30 mg loading dose,|then 1020 mg every 46 h.

Contraindications :

. Cardiac disease . . Renal disease .

. Maternal hypotension (< 90/50 mm Hg) .

. Avoid concomitant use with magnesium sulphate .

Maternal side effects :

. Flushing, headache . . Nausea .

. Transient hypotension . . Transient tachycardia .

Fetal and neonatal side effects :

. Sudden fetal death . . Fetal distress .

(Conde et al.,2011)

Atosiban (Tractocile)

Dosage and administration :

Initial bolus dose 6.75 mg over one minute, followed by an

Infusion of 18 mg/h for 3 h and then 6 mg/h for up to 45 h.

Contraindications :

. None .

Maternal side effects :

. Nausea .

. Allergic reaction .

. Headache .

Fetal and neonatal side effects :

. None

( De Heus et al.,2009 )

Prostaglandin synthetase inhibitors( Indomethacin )

Dosage and administration :

loading dose of 50 mg rectally or 50-100 mg orally, then

25-50 mg orally every 6 hr 48 hr.

Contraindications :

. Renal or Hepatic impairment

Maternal side effects :

. Nausea, heartburn gastritis . Renal impairment function

. Increased PPHge . Headache, dizziness

Fetal and neonatal side effects :

. Constriction of ductus arterious . Pulmonaryhypertension

. Oligohydramnios, . Intraventricularhemorrhage

. Hyperbilirubinemia, . Necrotizing enterocolitis

( Haas et al.,2009 )

Nitric oxide donors

Dosage and administration :

10 mg patch for every 12 hr continuing until contraction

cease up to 48 hours

Contraindications :

. Headache

Maternal side effects :

. Headache .

. Hypotension .

Fetal and neonatal side effects :

. Neonatal hypotension

( Smith et al.,2007 )


Dosage and administration :

1-Terbutaline 0.25 mg subcutaneously every 20 min. to 3 hr .

2-Ritodrine initial dose of 50-100 g/min i.v., increase 50 g/min

every 10 min until contractions cease or side effects develop,

maximum dose = 350 g/min

Contraindications :

. Uncontrolled thyroid desease, & diabetes mellitus

. Cardiac arrythmias (Anotayanonth et al.,2010 )

Maternal side effects :

. Hypokalemia . Hyperglycemia . Hypotension

. Pulmonary edema . Arrhythmias . Myocardial ischemia

Fetal and neonatal side effects :

. Tachycardia. . Hyperinsulinemia . Hyperglycemia

Magnesium sulfate

Dosage and administration :

Loading dose: 4g MgSO4 as a SLOW BOLUS over 15-30 minutes

Maintenance dose: 1g/hr. for 24/hr.

( Stop infusion if: RR