Perendev Magnetic Motor


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Perendev Magnetic Motor• .

• Here is the whole process of transforming the magnetic energy into mechanical energy, explained by the invetion’s author (Sandeep Acharya):

• “Think of Two Powerful Magnets. One fixed plate over rotating disk with North side parallel to disk surface, and other on the rotating plate connected to small gear G1. If the magnet over gear G1 s north side is parallel to that of which is over Rotating disk ′then they both will repel each other. Now the magnet over the left disk will try to rotate the disk below in (think) clock-wise direction.

• Now there is another magnet at 30 angular distance on Rotating Disk on both side of the magnet M1. Now the large gear G0 is connected directly to Rotating disk with a rod. So after repulsion if Rotating-Disk rotates it will rotate the gear G0 which is connected to gear G1. So the magnet over G1 rotate in the direction perpendicular to that of fixed-disk surface.

• Now the angle and teeth ratio of G0 and G1 is such that when the magnet M1 moves 30 degree, the other magnet which came in the position where M1 was, it will be repelled by the magnet of Fixed-disk as the magnet on Fixed-disk has moved 360 degrees on the plate above gear G1. So if the first repulsion of Magnets M1 and M0 is powerful enough to make rotating-disk rotate 30-degrees or more the disk would rotate till error occurs in position of disk, friction loss or magnetic energy loss.

• The space between two disk is just more than the width of magnets M0 and M1 and space needed for connecting gear G0 to rotating disk with a rod. Now I’ve not tested with actual objects. When designing you may think of losses or may think that when rotating disk rotates 30 degrees and magnet M0 will be rotating clock-wise on the plate over G2 then it may start to repel M1 after it has rotated about 25 degrees, the solution is to use more powerful magnets.

• If all the objects are made precisely with measurements given and the rectangular cubic magnets are powerful enough to rotate more then 30 degrees in first repulsion then the system will work.

• Here friction and other losses are neglected as magnets are much more powerful. But think of friction between rotating disk and Shaft, it can be neglected by using magnetic joint between them.

• On the left primary measurements of needed objects are given. If you find any reason of not running this mechanism let me know.”

Perendelev Replication

Perendelev Replication

Perendelev Replication

Perendelev Replication

Perendelev Replication

Perendelev Replication

Perendelev Replication

Perendelev Replication

Trying to understand the Perendev motor

Neodymium magnets (Ø-10mm, h-10mm, grindingangle 30°) are placed in graphite case with plate of magnetic screening material.

Trying to understand the Perendev motor

We made a model of the Perendev according the patent. We only used one wheel instead of three as described in patent. The magnet position between stator and rotor is adjustable by means of three identical segments placed on stator.

About the use of pot magnets in the Perendev Device:

• Here is an explanation:The Perendev has movement, because the magnets on the rotor are sealed with steel. This technique makes the magnet stronger where it isn't sealed: top and bottom, but makes the magnetic fields (flux) closer. They isolate the magnetic field around the magnets. The steel will not get attracted to the stators because the magnets on the stators are probably also sealed but the magnetic force between top of magnets (not sealed) on the rotor and those of the stators is the strongest and that is why the simulation on this site doesn't work.

•This way of isolating magnets is very known: look at pot magnets! The steel is a better guider of magnetism than the air and that is why the magnetic flux chooses to travel through the steel and you are cutting the field short!There is contact between the steel (=external shell) and the magnets. Steel gets magnetized (attracted), it is a way of isolating that is frequently used with pot magnets. Every magnet dealer sells them!If the Perendev motor works, then it has to be with that kind of isolation; otherwise the repelling power is equal to the attracting power on the sides of the magnets!

rying to understand the Perendev motor


• Calculation number of magnets: by Tero RantaOn top of the middle white disk there is a metallic flange that has 6 holes 60 degrees apart (there is a threaded rod in one of the holes). Now you can draw lines that go through the 6 holes (black lines). Then project the black lines downwards the same heighth (yellow) as the metallic flange and in the same direction as the shaft (red line). The projected lines are blue and the angle between them is 60 degrees. By comparing the blue lines with the outer perimeter of the disk (green) you can count that there are 5 magnet attachment nylon screws per 60° segment. Thus you have 30 magnets on the disks.

Trying to understand the Perendev motor

Trying to understand the Perendev motor

• by Jason Owens.I have been studying the Perendev motor lately to see just how they have the offsets set up on the main wheel. I was also looking at some diagrams Dan made of the offsets and I finally figured out exactly how they did it. I took a clip from the flash video and the video of the working model and I could see just how the offsets were made by doing a cheap line test.

Dan’s idea came pretty close but from my observations, the distance between the offsets is one magnet width as opposed to half the width like in the diagram. What I did next was make a simple animation that I could study to see just how they accomplished the off balanced effect in the motor:

Trying to understand the Perendev motor

I attached the animation to this e-mail so you can look at it but I can see clearly here how the balancing effect is happening. From this idea, I figured out a way to modify my original tri-phase designs so that these three-phase offsets can be applied. I simply segmented the stator magnets up into three sections (to represent the offsets of the three wheels on the Perendev) and I got this final layout:

• Butch LaFonte sent the following post about the Golden Ratio to this page. Hi Butch,I played around a bit with the cad system last night, and here is what I came up with:For all practical purposes you probably don’t need accuracy greater than 1/1000 as it gets difficult to measure and even things like surface finish and slight eccentricity are starting to become significant factors, the transition of the ratio through Phi happens with an offset just over .508 inches. Here is the work up:To the nearest 1/1000 ..Using magnets 1.000 inches in diameter with a center offset distance of .508 inchesThe Crescent moon shape is 0.4852 square inchesandthe Cats eye shape is 0.3002 square inchesFor a ratio of 1.61626Going for another decimal place we see the transition happening like this:

Extending the offset distance to .5081 givesCrescent moon shape is 0.4853 square inchesand Cats eye shape is 0.3001 square inchesFor a ratio of 1.61713

Phi = 1.6180339887499...

Extending the offset distance to .5082 gives usCrescent moon shape is 0.4854 square inchesand Cats eye shape is 0.2999 square inchesFor a ratio of 1.61887

I am sure you wouldn’t remember me from years ago, but I was one of the people who joined your group about 4 years ago. I told you at that time I anticipated getting some good software and I would do some 3D work for you when I got it. Things didn’t work out quite as I planned and I didn’t get the software till a few months ago.But I now have a copy of SolidWorks 2004 and it is all I had hoped for and more!If you are interested in sharing your insights I would love to know where you are going with the Phi relationship. As I think about it, this would be very close to the region where you would get maximum attraction or repulsion in a plane 90 degrees to the magnet faces, and you may be onto something quite important here.

Area calculation for GOLDEN RATIO research

Diameter circle: 1 Inch

0.7857 square Inch

0.3072936 square Inch

0.4784064 square Inch

0.3072936 : 0.4784064

1 : 1.5568382

0.6423275 : 1
