PeopleAdmin - User Guide for CAP (Conversations About … · 2019. 5. 29. · PeopleAdmin - User...


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PeopleAdmin - User Guide for CAP (Conversations About Performance) System

The following step-by-step guide is designed to help users navigate the CAP system in PeopleAdmin. The system is an interactive portal for both employees and managers as they discuss performance towards goals. If you need additional help, please contact your Human Resources Business Partner (HRBP) for assistance. The CAP process starts with the “Kick Off” meeting. Manager and employee should have a discussion about Business Goals and Learning Activities/Developmental Goals prior to initiating the process in the system. As you see below, the manager kicks off the process at the start of the annual cycle. Once at the log-in page (, follow these directions:

All Users 1. Log into PeopleAdmin using your Bentley User Name and Password. Do not log in as a

Guest User. You can also click on SSO Authentication at the bottom to log in.

2. By default you will be logged into the Applicant Tracking screen (Blue Banner Header) at

your highest approval level group role. You want to click on “Go to Bentley University Employee Portal” at the top right.


Managers 3. Managers will see a list of their direct reports on the “Your Action Items” screen. As you

move through the process, actions requiring your attention will always appear on the Action Items screen. At the outset, there is a “Kick-off Goals” link in blue for each employee. To input the agreed upon Business and Developmental Goals, select the Kick-off Goals link, or the View button.

Click on either to get



Managers 4. The Kick-off Goals link opens the Plan page, which includes a summary of the CAP process,

and two tabs—one for Kick-off Goals, and one for Learning Activities/Development Goals. There is a link to information about using the SMART format for goals, which brings you to information located on the HR web page.

Managers 5. Managers will enter goals under the appropriate Goal tab, ideally following a planning

meeting with the employee, or after receiving written input from the employee. Managers can enter additional goals under each tab by clicking “Add Entry” at the bottom right. A complete-by date is optional for each goal. If you wish to include complete-by dates, click in the Date box and a calendar will pop up. If a goal is entered and then you decide not to move forward with it, you can click “Remove Entry.” Goals should not be removed once it has been acknowledged during the process. If a goal is changed during the cycle, appropriate Comments under the goals can be added along the way. Important: Users should always save their work by clicking “Save Draft” under the blue “Actions” tab to the upper right or at the bottom right of the page. This is required to move the form through the process.

Shows what

page of Form

you are on





Once the goals are complete, the Manager then adds the Learning Activities/Development Goals in the same way.

Managers 6. Once the Plan (Goals and Learning Activities) is complete (minimum of one Goal for each

tab is required), click on the “Save Draft,” button, then the blue “Action” button on the upper right, and select “Complete,” or select “Complete” at the bottom right of the page. There will be a pop-up box making sure that you want that action to be taken. Once you click OK, the Goals/Plan will arrive in the employee’s Performance Portal, and the employee will receive an e-mail alert.

Employees 7. Employees will access the portal as outlined in Steps 1 and 2 above. Once in the portal,

employees will see, and click, “Review Goals, Learning Activity Plan” in the “Your Action Items” box to view the Goals/Plan. If you are in agreement with the Goals/Plan, click on the “Acknowledge” tab in the upper right (under “Actions”) or at the bottom right of the page.

If employees have concerns with the Plan, instead of clicking “Acknowledge,” you would capture your concerns in the Comments box at the bottom of the Plan. Employee will then click on the “Return,” and the Plan will be sent back to the manager with the employee’s comments visible. Ideally, employees should verbally discuss concerns with the Plan before sending it back with comments.

Select here to

input each

additional Goal

Important – Users must

click “Save Draft” after

each step of the process in

order for the system to

advance to the next step.


Managers 8. Once the employee Acknowledges or Returns the Plan, the manager will receive an e-mail

alerting them of the action. Managers will then go in and click on the “Actions” tab to the upper right, and choose to either: Print, Revise, or Copy the Plan. Copying the Plan is useful if you have multiple direct reports with the same or similar Goals.



Managers 9. If the manager has revised the Plan (if appropriate based on the employee’s input), they

will then send it back to the employee for Acknowledgment. Employees will then acknowledge the same way as in Step 7.

Managers and Employees 10. Once the Plan has been acknowledged by both employee and manager, employees and

managers will notice icons on the Overview page labeled “Plan”, “Progress Notes,” and “Approvals and Acknowledgements” indicating completed and open/editable steps. Progress Notes is a tool where managers and employees can keep their own notes that each other will not be able to see (Progress Notes can be printed and attached, however, for sharing). This is a great way for managers and employees to document and track progress toward Goals to assist in the CAP Wrap-up at the end of the cycle.


11. Once the Plan has been fully acknowledged by the manager, the employee will see “Check-in Meeting-I/Progress Notes” in the Action Items box after log-in; this is also available by clicking the Home link in the gray banner. This is one of two Check-in meetings that must occur (at any time) throughout the cycle. To initiate the Check-in Meeting, the employee will select “Check-in Meeting- I/Progress Notes.” Employee may also enter optional Comments at this step.


The employee then selects “Acknowledge” from the lower right, or from the drop-down under “Actions.” Any written Comments the employee inputs are viewable by the manager. Once the manager receives the e-mail alert, he/she will schedule a formal Check-in Meeting.


12. Once the employee has initiated the Check-in meeting, the manager will see “Validate Check in Meeting” in their Action Items box. At this point the manager will schedule a face-to-face meeting with the employee.

Employee can click

either of these to get to

the Check-in screen


The manager can select “Validate Check-in Meeting,” to review the employee’s comments displayed at the bottom of the screen, prior to the meeting.

Managers and Employees 13. Manager and Employee will meet for their Check-in meeting.

Manager 14. Once the meeting has occurred, and based on the conversation, the manager may choose to Print, Acknowledge, *Revise (the Goals), or Copy. Manager may also add their own comments as well. If the manager chooses to simply add comments/or not, they will click “Acknowledge” to complete the Check-in Meeting process.

*Please note that if the Manager chooses to “revise” the Plan in any way (editing an existing Goal, adding a new Goal, etc…) the Plan will go back to the employee for acknowledgement as outlined in Step 9. Because the Plan was revised this will kick of another “Check-in Meeting I” which will be initiated by the employee. If the meeting has already taken place, the employee-manager may just advance through the system.

Employee 13. Once the process is completed for “Check-in Meeting I”, the employee will see “Check in

Meeting - II” and the same steps will need to be repeated for the next Check-in.


Once the process is completed for the second Check-in meeting, the employee will see “CAP Wrap-Up Self-evaluation” in the Action Items box when they enter the portal, and as an icon on the Overview page (below). Employees will click on either to access the Self evaluation.

Employees can add text under each Goal and/or the Summary tab. Employees may also cut and paste into the Summary as well. Employee should remember to Save Draft, and be


sure to input Summary Comments before submitting Complete. Employees may also choose to add an attachment, but the Summary Comments field must include something.

Manager 14. Once the employee completes the self-evaluation, the manager will see the self-

evaluation, and the “CAP Wrap-Up Manager Summary” in the Action Items box. Managers can cut and paste from the Self-evaluation into the Wrap-up Summary if they choose. Managers are not required to add Comments to each Goal, but a Summary is required. Once the manager drafts the Summary, they should print it out and schedule a time to meet to discuss the year-end summary. Ideally the manager should give it to the employee in advance of the meeting.

Important: Managers should not click on “Complete” until the meeting has taken place as the Summary will become locked and no longer editable once it is completed and sent to the employee!

Managers and Employees 15. Manager and Employee will meet for their CAP Wrap-up meeting.

Managers 16. Once the meeting has taken place the manager can make edits (if any, based on the

Wrap-up conversation) and send to the employee for acknowledgment by selecting “Complete.”

Select “Save Draft” and

“Complete” from either of

these. Comments on

each Goal are not

required, but Summary

Comments are required.


Employee 17. Once the manager completes the Summary, the employee will see “Acknowledge

Manager Wrap-Up Summary” in the Action Items box. The employee may add comments if they so choose.

18. Once the employee acknowledges the Manager Summary the CAP process is complete,

and the Goals planning for the next cycle can begin!
