Pentagram 121814




Citation preview

By Guv CallahanPentagram Staff Writer

Tax season is right around thecorner, and come January, servicemembers, retirees and their familieswill be able to use the services ofthe installation’s new consolidatedjoint tax center on Joint Base Myer-Henderson Hall.Located in Bldg. 205 at 101 Bloxon

Street on the Fort Myer portion ofthe joint base, the 2015 tax centerwill combine the Fort Myer andHenderson Hall tax centers into one

convenient location for customers.First Lt. Lynmarie Rivera, a legal

assistance attorney and officer-in-charge for the tax center, said the ideaof combining tax centers had beenin the works for a couple of years.“Of course, one of the biggest

concerns with the Armed Forces isthe budget issue,” Rivera said. “Itmakes no sense that we were openingtwo tax centers on such a small base.”Although the setup is different,

the tax center’s clientele willremain unchanged.“Basically, our clients are the same

– we still going to serve Army, AirForce, Marines – so we’re still goingto serve the same population, thesame clients,” Rivera said. “Insteadof opening two, we should open oneand consolidate all of the resources.”The facility will provide cost-free

federal and state income tax returnpreparation and e-filing for militarypersonnel, their families and othereligible clients throughout the 2015tax season. Tax center staffers willalso help with itemized deductions

By Julia LeDouxPentagram Staff Writer

The headstones of 230,000 veteransburied at Arlington National Cemeterywere adorned with wreaths Dec. 13 as50,000 volunteers participated in theannual Wreaths Across America event.“I’ve always felt strongly that each and

every one of the brave men and womenlaid to rest here must be honored,” saidMorrill Worcester, a wreath maker fromMaine and founder of WAA. “It seemsfitting that we reached our goal on thecemetery’s 150th anniversary.”Worcester donated 5,000 wreaths to

the cemetery back in 1992 and arrangedfor trucks to carry them from Maine toArlington. Since then, the nonprofit hasexpanded to include more than 1,000fundraising groups in all 50 states, whoplace wreaths at more than 900 cem-eteries, military memorials and other sites.Congress officially designated Dec. 13 asWreaths Across America Day in 2008.

By Jim DresbachPentagram Staff Writer

Themen and women of “Pershing’sOwn” have a new commander asof Dec. 12.Following a 16-year absence from

The United States Army Band, Col.Timothy J. Holtan took commandfromCol. ThomasH. Palmatier insideBruckerHall’s Col. Samuel R. LobodaStudio on the Fort Myer portion ofJoint Base Myer-Henderson Hall.Presiding over the ceremony

and Palmatier’s subsequent retire-ment ceremony was Joint ForceHeadquarters-NationalCapital Regionand U.S. Army Military District ofWashington Commanding General,Maj. Gen. Jeffrey S. Buchanan.Following the passing of the flag of

command, Buchanan called Holtan“a well-respected leader,” who in thepast has served as executive officer ofThe U.S. Army Band and directorof the Ceremonial Band, HeraldTrumpets, Brass Band, Chorale and

Vol. 61, No. 49 December 18, 2014 Published For Joint Base Myer-Henderson Hall


Holiday menu . . . . . . . . . page 2Community . . . . . . . . . . page 3News Notes . . . . . . . . . . page 4In photos: Army-Navygame . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . page 6In photos: Wreaths AcrossAmerica . . . . . . . . . . . . . page 7Classifieds . . . . . . . . . . . page 9


Attention!This is the last issue of the Pentagram for 2014.

The next issue will be published Jan. 8, 2015.

Cody CDC, FMWR officesclosed Dec. 26

Since President Barack Obama declared Dec. 26a federal holiday, all Joint Base Myer-HendersonHall Cody Child Development Center (CDC) andFamily Morale, Welfare and Recreation (FMWR)facilities will be closed. See page two for a fulllist of JBM-HH organization and facility holidayoperating hours.

Pay it forward opportunity –CFC extended to Dec. 31

During this holiday season and time of giving,we are asked to remember those less fortunate andpay it forward to help others. There are a number ofways to participate in this year’s Combined FederalCampaign, which runs through Dec. 31: contactyour CFC keyworker; login at;or contact JBM-HH Campaign Manager BarbaraEdmondson at or 703-696-3110.

ADPAAS activated for Armypersonnel with family in the

PhilippinesAn Army Disaster Accountability Assessment

Personnel System (ADPAAS) website has beenactivated to provide Army personnel who have familymembers in the Philippines the ability to requestassistance in the wake of Super Typhoon Hagupit.ADPAAS provides a tool to report individual

status, current location and emergency contactinformation. It also allows users to ask for assistance.This system helps Army leadership account forpersonnel and make decisions that support serviceand family members.Anyone with family members affected by the

typhoon that hit the Philippines Dec. 6, go to In the menu bar across the top(Home, My Info - Assessment - Reference - Help),click on assessment. Chances are, the messagereceived will be our records currently indicatethat you are not affected by any event. Users canverify their information at my info. Surveys can befilled out online or by hand and submitted to ArmyCommunity Service’s CarlaMoss, information andreferral officer and ADPAAS case manager, in Bldg.201 on the Fort Myer portion of the joint base.For more information, call Moss at 703-696-3510.

see NEWS NOTES, page 4

News NotesThe beat goes on as Holtantakes command of TUSAB

JBM-HH readies joint tax center for 2015

see WREATH, page 4

see TAX, page 4

see HOLTAN, page 4

Visit the official JBM-HH socialmedia websites to obtain per-tinent news about local-areaevents, traffic closures and otherrelevant local news.

When winter weather hits, stay informed!Facebook:


JBM-HH information hotline: 703-696-6906

JBM-HH webpage:


ABOVE - Volunteers place wreaths on headstones Dec. 13 in Arlington National Cemetery. Wreaths Across America provides theholiday wreaths, and this year was the first year each eligible headstone received a wreath. ABOVE RIGHT - Volunteers attendthe opening ceremony of Wreaths Across America near McClellan Gate in Arlington National Cemetery while others start gettingin line to receive wreaths Dec. 13.

Wreaths Across America makes history at ANCGoal of wreaths at 230,000 veterans gravesites achieved


Outgoing Leader and Commander of The United States Army Band“Pershing’s Own” Col. Thomas H. Palmatier gives remarks during a changeof command and retirement ceremony in Brucker Hall on the Fort Myerportion of Joint Base Myer-Henderson Hall Dec. 12. Palmatier relinquishedcommand to Col. Timothy J. Holtan and retired from the Army after 37-and-a-half years of service.

2 Thursday, December 18, 2014 PENTAGRAM

Caption This no. 48

Caption Thisno. 47 winner

“Since you’restanding under

mistletoe, you needto give me a kiss!”

- Bianca Behrisch-

ChappellA Pentagram reader


Each week, “Caption This” will feature a photo taken on base. It’s up to youto figure out the best, funniest or craziest caption that describes what’s goingon in the picture. The only rule is you have to KEEP IT CLEAN!Caption This submissions can be sent to, left

in the comments on or dropped off at HeadquartersBldg. 59, suite 116. Don’t forget to add the Caption This number, your name,rank or position and where you work.The winner’s name, caption and the photo will be printed in the newspaper.

If you have a photo you think would make a great Caption This, send it in.

The Pentagram is an authorized publication for members of the Department of Defense. Contents of the Pentagram are not necessarily

the official views of the U.S. Government, the Department of Defense, the Department of the Army, Department of the Navy, or Joint Base

Myer-Henderson Hall.

The content of this publication is the responsibility of the Joint Base Myer-Henderson Hall Public Affairs Office. Pictures not otherwise credited

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Circulation of 24,000 is printed by offset every Thursday as a civilian enterprise newspaper by Comprint Military Publications. Comprint

Military Publications is located at 9030 Comprint Court, Gaithersburg, MD 20877. Telephone (301) 921-2800. Commercial advertising

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Editorial staffCommander Col. Michael D. HendersonCommand Sergeant Major Command Sgt. Maj. Randall E. WoodsDirector of Public Affairs Mary Ann HodgesCommand Information Officer Sharon Walker

Pentagram staffEditor Jim Goodwin 703-696-5401

Staff Writer Jim Dresbach 703-696-5488

Staff Writer Julia LeDoux 703-696-7605

Staff Writer Guv Callahan 703-696-7607

Staff Writer Damien Salas 703-696-1363

Staff Photographer Rachel Larue 703-696-7606

Graphic Designer Helen Klein 703-696-3114

Printed on recycled paper


JBM-HH holiday hoursAlmost all activities on Joint Base Myer-Henderson Hall will be closed Thursday, Dec. 25 andDec. 26 (also a federal holiday by order of President Obama); and Thursday, Jan. 1, 2015.Most military personnel will have training holidays Wednesday, Dec. 24 and Wednesday, Dec.31 and Friday, Jan. 2. Most activities will be open with reduced staffing during the upcomingholiday period from Dec. 22 through Jan. 4. The following facilities and places of businesshave reported open or closed hours for Dec. 25 and Jan. 1. Unless otherwise noted, the listapplies to Dec. 25, Dec. 26 and Jan. 1. This new, alphabetical list is not all encompassing;please check with the facility you wish to visit for more details.

Army Community Service Closed. For more information, call 703-696-3510.

Auto Shop Closed. For more information, call 703-696-3387.

American Clipper Barber Shop Closed. For more information, call 703-271-8177.

Fort Myer Barber Shop Closed Dec. 25 and Jan. 1; open Dec. 26, from10 a.m. to 4 p.m. For more information, call 703-351-6569.

McNair Barber Shop Closed. For more information, call 202-484-7019.

Bowling Center Open noon to 6 p.m. Dec. 25, 26 and Jan. 1 and2. For more information, call 703-528-4766.

MCCS Car Wash Open 24 hours a day, seven days a week.

Memorial Chapel Closed Dec. 25, 26, Jan. 1 and 2. For more infor-mation, call 703-696-6635.

Old Post Chapel Closed.

Cody CDC Closed. For more information, call 703-696-3095.

CYSS Closed. For more information, call 703-696-3057.

Cleaners Closed Dec. 25 and Jan. 1. Open Dec. 26, from10 a.m. to 4 p.m. For more information, call 703-243-4986.

Clothing Issue Facility Closed. For more information, call 703-696-0817.

Fort Myer Military Clothing Sales Store Closed. Closed at 2 p.m. Dec. 24. For more infor-mation, call 703-696-3515.

The Honor Guard presents

Joint Base Myer-Henderson Hall Dining FacilityChristmas Day Menu

Thursday, December 25, 201411:30 a.m. - 1 p.m.

Spiral Cut HamRoast Beef

Candied YamsHoppin John

Corn on the CobSouthern Style Green Beans

Hot Rolls

Dessert Bar withPecan Pies, Sugar Cookies, Holiday Cake

1% White and Chocolate Milk, Coffee, Coke Products

Meal Rates: Standard Rate $7.70Discount Rate $6.55 (Dependents of E-4 & Below)

JBM-HH Schedule of Holiday Services 2014All events are in Memorial Chapel unless otherwise noted

Collective community events• Jan. 4, 4 p.m. Epiphany concert – Old Post Chapel.

Protestant Chapel community• Dec. 23/30, No Joshua Generation worship service.• Dec. 24, 7 p.m. Christmas Eve candlelight service,combined protestant congregation.

Gospel community• Dec. 20, 7 p.m. Christmas cantata – Officers Club.• Dec. 31, 8 p.m. Watch Night service. Breakfast to follow –Fellowship Hall.

Catholic community advent/Christmas• Dec. 20-21, Fourth Sunday of Advent.• Dec. 21, Children’s Christmas pageant during 9 a.m. Mass.• Dec. 24, 4:30 p.m. Choral Prelude – chapel and hand bell choir.5 p.m. Solemn Christmas Mass.

• Dec. 25, 9 a.m. Christmas Mass.• Dec. 27-28, Feast of the Holy Family.• Dec. 31, 5 p.m. Vigil Mass for the Feast of Mary, Mother of God.Holy Day of Obligation.

• Jan. 3-4, Feast of the Epiphany.• Jan. 10-11, Baptism of the Lord.

see HOLIDAY HOURS, page 10

Name: Santa Claus

Job title/Where do you work: Distributorand maker of toys for good boys and girls theworld over. Headquartered at the North Pole.

What do you like the most about your job?The best part of my job is bringing a smile andhappiness to everyone who comes in touchwith me. For a moment, they pause and forgetall the bad in the world.

How do you deliver all those toys in onenight?While everyone sleeps, for just a night,depending on your time zone, time is reversedto a complete slowdown and that’s why when children get out of bedit’s so darn early...they are so anxious and well rested while moms,dads and grandparents are so very tired...Ho!...Ho!...Ho!...

You must eat a lot of cookies on Christmas Eve. Do you have afavorite cookie? Yes, lots of cookies.The Oreo makes a mess of mybeard. After eating one, I look like a McFlurry...but I must admit Ilove the taste of a great chocolate chip cookie with a tall glass of milk...of course sugar cookies with all the decorative shapes and sprinkles ofcolor make me very happy!

How fast do the reindeer fly? With a little magic and touch ofscience they can travel at the speed of light. It’s all part of slowingdown time.

What is the reindeer’s favorite snack? My reindeer love oats,graham crackers and carrots with a little honey for energy. After theChristmas run, I will give them special Christmas cookies with specialingredients made by Mrs. Claus just for them. Of course, I get myshare of cookies from all my visits to children of all ages.

Will Rudolph be leading the sleigh this year? Yes, Rudolph willalways be my lead. You never know when we will hit bad weather,especially the fog, you know.

If a house doesn’t have a chimney, how do you get inside? Thereare many homes without a chimney, so I will go through a door thathas Christmas lights or a wreath on it.

What time do you expect to arrive at Joint Base Myer-Henderson Hall on Christmas Eve? According to my world clockcalculation, I should be arriving at Joint Base Myer-Henderson Hall atapproximately 2:15 a.m., depending on the prevailing northern winds.It can get really windy way up high.

What is your wish for the JBM-HH community this holidayseason? I wish all the children, families and soldiers a very safe andblessed holiday season! Let’s not forget all the Soldiers, Marines,Airmen, Sailors, Coast Guards men and civilians serving in harm’sway for a peaceful and safe time wherever they are serving in is dangerous times you know!


Santa Claus

Community Spotlight


By Jim DresbachPentagram Staff Writer

The Army Black Knights’ fight for theright to end the longest losing streak inArmy-Navy football history will wait until2015.The 17-10 Navy v ictor y – the

Midshipmen’s 13th straight win againsttheir service foe – featured 100 combinedrushing attempts while the service teamsracked up 403 yards via the run.Bolstered by a first quarter blocked punt

which resulted in a Cadet touchdown, theBlack Knights pounced to an early leadyet watched Navy execute a two-minutescoring drive to end the first half. A finalquarter quarterback sneak resulted in theNaval Academy’s second TD Dec. 13 atBaltimore’s M&T Stadium.“We are certainly disappointed that we

lost the game,” Army Coach Jeff Monkensaid. “I thought our guys fought tremen-dously hard, and I am really proud of theireffort. We just didn’t make enough playsto win the football game and credit Navy,they are a really good football team andsuch a well-coached football team. Theymade the plays when they needed to, towin the football game.”Yet Navy’s two scores came from a first-

half ending nine-yard pass from Middiequarterback Keenan Reynolds to widereceiver Jamir Tillman and a quarterback1-yard keeper by Reynolds that put Navyahead 17-7 in the fourth quarter.Army found a quick burst of energy

which sustained the Knights for a goodchunk of the first half. Following a blockedpunt deep in Navy territory by Cadet JoshJenkins, fellow Army special teamer XavierMoss scooped up the loose ball and ranseven yards for the score. Just 5 and a halfminutes into the 115th meeting, Army led7-0, but that touchdown would be Army’sonly TD of the afternoon.“We had a play called up to 10-man

block, and we just went in there,” Jenkinssaid of the play which put Army ahead.“I was put in a great position. I just didmy job and watched everyone else makea play after.”Army senior running back Larry Dixon

closed out his career with a 14 rushes goodfor 90 yards against the Midshipmen.Game notes: In the second half, the

2014 Army-Navy Blood Drive Challengeresults were announced on the M & TBank Stadium field. The Navy won theblood drive competition by over 100 donors– 733 to the Army’s 623. The overall Army

By Damien SalasPentagram Staff Writer

Two command sergeants majorheld a town hall meeting withJoint Base Myer-HendersonHall-based Soldiers Dec. 15in the Community Centerballroom to discuss living con-ditions and renovation plans forthe barracks on the Fort Myerportion of JBM-HH.JBM-HH Command Sgt.

Maj. Randall E. Woods and

3d U.S. Infantry Regiment(The Old Guard) RegimentalSergeantMajor, Command Sgt.Maj. Samuel J. Stoker, led the90-minute meeting to encourageSoldiers living in the barracksto take ownership of theirliving spaces. The two seniorenlisted leaders emphasized thatliving conditions will become“cramped” due to renovationsslated for next year.

Barracks and otherfacility renovationsslated for 2015

PENTAGRAM Thursday, December 18, 2014 3

see TOWN HALL, page 7

Navy rolls to 13th straight win over Army

see FOOTBALL, page 6

ACS welcomes newvolunteer coordinator

By Julia LeDouxPentagram Staff Writer

Army Community Service on JointBase Myer-Henderson Hall welcomeda new volunteer coordinator to its staffearlier this month.Kathryn Feehan, a native of Little

Rock, Ark., and wife of an active dutySoldier, began work on the joint base Dec.1. She also manages the Army FamilyAction Plan and Army Family TeamBuilding on JBM-HH.“We just moved to the area back in

June, we PCSed [permanent change ofstation] from Fort Shafter, Hawaii. It’sbeen kind of fun wearing scarves again,”she said with a laugh.Feehan holds a master’s degree in public

administration from the University ofArkansas at Little Rock and has a varietyof experience in the family resource field.She said she understands the struggle thatmilitary spouses face when looking for ajob as they follow their service members

from duty station to duty station. Whilestationed overseas, Feehan said she hada difficult time finding employment inher career field and making new friends.“I think a lot of military spouses have

been in that situation,” she said. “I wasalso in a career field that wasn’t prevalentin that area.”Feehan said that led her to begin vol-

unteering with ACS as an Army FamilyTeam Building instructor.“That helped me meet new people and

build my resume,” she said. “And, I can’tstress this enough. I would not be in thisposition today if I had not volunteeredway back then. I don’t see how it wouldhave happened.”Feehan said people may not realize how

important volunteers are to the militarycommunity. She said organizations likechapels, scouts, holiday toy drives andeven the Army Ten-Miler are fueled bythe efforts of volunteers.

see VOLUNTEER, page 7



Kathryn Feehan, new volunteer coordinator for Army Community Service, poses fora photograph in her office in Bldg. 201 on the Fort Myer portion of Joint Base Myer-Henderson Hall.



Fort Myer varsity basketball player Ernest Hassell blocks a National Capital Region Marine fieldgoal attempt during the first half of the 2014 Operation Santa basketball tournament champion-ship game Dec. 14 at the Fort Myer fitness center gymnasium. The Marines claimed the tourna-ment title with a 72-67 victory over the Generals. The Fort Myer team did win Dec. 13’s poolplay to advance to the final four with wins over the Coast Guard, 83-44; Seymour Johnson AirForce Base, 67-47; and against Fort Belvoir, 59-38. In the semi-finals, Fort Myer defeated theNaval Support Activity-Bethesda squad, 97-59.


Navy quarterback Keenan Reynolds runs a first-half option play as teammate NoahCopeland flanks him during Navy’s 17-10 victory over Army at Baltimore’s M & T BankStadium Dec. 13. The Midshipmen improved their winning streak against the Cadetsto 13 straight games.


3d U.S. Infantry Regiment (The Old Guard) Regimental SergeantMajor Command Sgt. Maj. Samuel J. Stoker, right, and JointBase Myer-Henderson Hall Command Sgt. Maj. Randall E. Woods,conduct a town hall meeting in the Community Center on the FortMyer portion of JBM-HH Dec. 14. The town hall meeting was con-ducted to discuss concerns about the barracks, including livingconditions during planned renovations next year and beyond.

4 Thursday, December 18, 2014 PENTAGRAM

Chorus. Holtan’s last assignment was as commander ofthe Fort Meade, Md.-based Army Field Band.In his remarks, Buchanan mentioned that Holtan had

now become an Army record setter.“Tim now holds the distinction of being the first

officer to command all three of the Army’s premierebands [‘Pershing’s Own,’ The Army Field Band and

U.S. Military Academy Band],” Buchanan said.Holtan, a native of Bismarck, N.D., and a former music

educator in Montana, spoke at the end of the ceremonyand officially opened his door to welcomes.“I’m most honored and very humbled to be in this

position, to be a leader and commander,” Holtan said.“I look forward to re-joining those of you who I knewfrom my previous assignments and getting to know allof you I haven’t known since I left [‘Pershing’s Own’].”With the change of command, Holtan becomes the 10th

leader and conductor of The United States Army Band.In his farewell remarks, Palmatier’s theme focused on

three words – continuity, change and growth – whichwere all emphasized earlier in Palmatier’s Army careerin speeches by then Army Chief of Staff of the ArmyGen. Gordon Sullivan.“This is the seventh time I’ve passed the flag leaving

a command. I’m pretty sure it’s the last,” Palmatier said.“I would like to leave you with a couple thoughts for thefuture… We don’t have any choice but to maintain thecontinuity of the incredible standard day-to-day enforcedby [our] noncommissioned officers. Look for opportu-nities to change. Don’t shy away from it – embrace it.But look for areas of growth – look for ways we can geteven better.”To start the change of command and retirement

ceremonies, Palmatier conducted his final concert asTUSAB leader and led his band and vocal ensemblesin a 23-minute concert.Yet, there was an encore. In an impromptu move to

close the event, Palmatier took to the microphone andsang “How do You Keep theMusic Playing?” as a tributeto his wife, Shirley.“There can be no better team than the Soldiers and

civilians of ‘Pershing’s Own’,” Palmatier told the audience.“To borrow a quote from a past retiring member of‘Pershing’s Own,’ ‘I get to serve at the best place withthe best people.’”

A mile-long convoy of vehicles,including tractor-trailers, buses,motorcycles and cars carryingveterans, family members of fallenSoldiers and supporters deliveredthe wreaths in the early morning ofSaturday morning after making thejourney to Arlington from Maine.Along the way, the group spreadthe WAA mission of “Remember,Honor, Teach” by stopping at schools,memorials and other locations inMaine, Massachusetts, New York,New Jersey, Delaware andMarylandbefore arriving at ANC.“I’ve been here just a week now,

and I didn’t want to wait until nextyear to get involved with this,” saidArmy Staff Sgt. Orlando Arroyo, avolunteer who now spends his workingdays at the White House.Arroyo stood among the white

tombstones, assisting volunteers likeMaster Gunnery Sgt. Jose Reyna, aMarine from Henderson Hall, whobrought along his wife, Reyna, andtheir children, Amali and Cristian.“We’ve been here a couple of years

and we’ve always come to see thewreaths,” the master gunny sergeantsaid. “I always explain the wreaths andthe significance of my 30-plus yearsof service to our country. Everybodyhere has played a part in our freedom.It’s our duty to come here and payour respects.”Henderson Hall Marine Lance

Cpl. Manuel Barragan was also vol-unteering for the first time at thisyear’s event.

“It just seems so appropriate, thisis definitely honoring my comrades-in-arms and sending the holidayspirit to them,” he said. “This is myfavorite time of the year and it justfelt like the right thing to do.”JBM-HH Command Sgt. Maj.

RandallWoods laid wreaths and coinsat the gravesites of Chief WarrantOfficer 5 Sharon Swartworth and Sgt.Maj. Cornell Gilmore, members ofthe Judge Advocate Generals Corpswho were killed Nov. 7, 2003, whentheir helicopter was shot down in Iraq.“That was a huge impact for our

JAG Corps,” he said. “For me, thiswas the first time I participated inWreaths Across America.”Woods slowly walked the mile and

a half from the joint base to ANC’sSection 60, where the majority ofservice members who have beenkilled while fighting in Iraq andAfghanistan are buried.“Tome, it reinforces that Americans

support our service members, past,present and those in the future,” hesaid. “I saw bikers, I saw kids, I sawthe elderly, I saw a variety of peopleout there solely to grab a couple ofwreaths and honor veterans and fallenservice members.”American service members were

not the only ones who came out tohonor those whose final resting placesare in ANC. German Air Force Lt.Col. Sven Henniger and severalof his colleagues also participatedin the event.“This keeps the camaraderie among

all the armed services alive,” he said.

Also included in the day’sevents were wreath laying ceremo-nies at the gravesite of PresidentJohn. F. Kennedy, the USS Mainememorial and at the Tomb of theUnknown Soldier.For more images, see page 7.

Personal financialmanagement

Planning for retirement? Let the personal financialmanagement programmanager assist you in devel-oping a plan as you retire from active duty, then forgood. A class on retirement planning will be heldDec. 19 from 11:30 a.m. until 1 p.m. at Bldg. 29on the Henderson Hall portion of the joint base.One-on-one counseling is also available, as well asclasses on investing. For more information and toregister, call 703-614-6950.

Gift wrapping availableBetter Opportunities for Single Soldiers troops

will be on hand at the Exchange on the Fort Myerportion of the joint base Dec. 20 to handle your giftwrapping needs on the spot for free. First-come,first-served. They will be set up in the lobby fromnoon to 3 p.m. For more information, call Spc.Chinyere Wells-Byrd at 571-275-7468.Single Marine Programmembers can bring their

gifts to be wrapped at The Kickback, the SMP loungein Bldg. 416 on the Fort Myer portion of the jointbase, from 4 to 8 p.m. Dec. 19 and from noon to8 p.m. Dec. 20 and 21. Supplies are provided. Formore information, call 703-696-0033.

Client Services offers newwalk-in hours

The Legal Assistance Office, located at 201 CusterRoad on the Fort Myer portion of the joint base,serves active duty and retired military members andtheir dependents on a variety of legal issues. Startingin January, these services will include walk-in hourson Thursday mornings from 7:30 to 11:30 a.m.During these hours, DoD ID card holders can

come to the legal assistance office for assistancewithout an appointment on general legal matters,such as landlord/tenant law, consumer fraud, militaryadministrative matters, general contract review andsimilar issues. For the drafting of a will and otherestate planning documents, call to make a specialappointment. These services will not be available forwalk-in appointments. Similarly, for family matters,such as divorce and child custody issues, the SJAoffers briefings every Wednesday at 8:30 a.m. and1:30 p.m., with individual attorney consultationsimmediately following the briefings. It is importantto call ahead at 703-696-0761 to secure a seat for aparticular briefing.

Special Christmas meal at DFACThe special Christmas meal, open to retirees

and DoD ID card holders, will be served at theJBM-HH Tri-Service Dining Facility on the FortMyer portion of the joint base Dec. 25. The cost is$7.70 per person.Dining hours Dec. 25 will be 11:30 a.m. to 1

p.m. The dining facility will operate on holidayhours schedule fromDec. 20 - Jan. 4, 2015. Brunchwill be served from 9 a.m. to noon for $5.35, andsupper will be served from 4 - 5:30 p.m. for $6.55.The Christmas Day meal will be smaller than theThanksgiving meal due to Soldiers being on holidayleave. Formore information, call 703-696-2087/1068.

SoberRide available through Jan. 1If you choose to celebrate the holidays with

alcohol, choose your ride. Designate a driver or callWashington Regional Alcohol Program’s SoberRideat 1-800-200-TAXI for a free ride (up to a $30fare) nightly through Jan. 1. AT&T customersmay dial #WRAP. You must be 21 or older to usethe service. Calls must originate in the District ofColumbia, Arlington, Fairfax, Prince William andeastern Loudoun Counties in Virginia; the citiesof Alexandria, Falls Church, Fairfax, Manassasand Manassas Park in Virginia; Montgomery andPrince George’s Counties in Maryland; and thecities of Rockville, Bowie, College Park, Greenbeltand Takoma Park inMaryland. See for more details.

Single Marines can watch lightheavyweight championship

Single and unaccompanied Marines and theirguests are welcome at the Kickback Lounge (SingleMarine Program Lounge) in Bldg. 416 on the FortMyer portion of the joint base Jan. 3 to watch theUFC 182 light heavyweight championship, Jones vs.Cramer. Free refreshments will be provided. Call703-696-0033 for more information.

New year, new youThe Cpl. Terry L. Smith Gymnasium on the

Henderson Hall portion of the joint base offers anew year, new you incentive program starting Jan.5 and running throughMarch 6, a team weight-lossprogram. Teams of at least two must have a teamcaptain and a team name. Weigh-ins are Jan. 5-9,11:30 a.m. to 12:30 p.m. Weigh-outs are March2-6, 11:30 a.m. to 12:30 p.m., on the 56th day afterweigh-in. Winners will be announcedMarch 6 andprizes will be awarded to the top three teams thatlose the most weight. Call 703-614-8759 or for details.

Get fit, stay fit incentive programThe Cpl. Terry L. Smith Gymnasium on the

Henderson Hall portion of the joint base offers a getfit, stay fit incentive program starting Jan. 5. Theprogram runs until the end of 2015 and encour-ages exercise by reporting on the honor system thenumber of points earned in the gym’s exercise classes,on cardio equipment, in strength training and, foractive duty and reserve component troops, in theHigh Intensity Tactical Training (HITT) program.Prizes will be awarded starting at 500 points upto 10,000 points. Quantities are limited, so startearly. Call 703-614-8759 or visit for details.

TransparentingThis seminar is designed to provide parents who

are separated or divorced with the tools to ensure

News Notes, from page 1

see NEWS NOTES, page 5

Wreath, from page 1

Holtan, from page 1

Community donates to our Soldiers


From left, MiriamDoehnert and MarilinBrooks organize pres-ents for the JointBase Myer-HendersonHall Army CommunityService VolunteerAssociation HolidayToy Program in build-ing 201 on the FortMyer portion of JBM-HHDec. 16. Gifts for chil-dren of all ages weredonated by individu-als and organizations— military and civilian— for in-need servicemembers and theirfamilies selected bythe JBM-HH ChaplainsOffice.

and certain self-employment incomeand expenses.Rivera said she’ll also be the

staffer providing advice on anyquestions customers might havepertaining to tax law.The tax center will provide services

in Spanish throughout the 2015season as well.“If [clients] want to see somebody

in Spanish, I’ll be the one helpingthem,” Rivera said.The center will be staffed by 11

Soldiers, eightMarines and a varietyof civilian and military volunteers.

Service members who want tovolunteer and whose commandersare willing to let them should call703-696-0761.Volunteers and service members

assigned to the center will attenda free training session, known asVolunteer Income Tax Assistanceor VITA, from Jan. 12 to Jan. 16 atFort Belvoir.Five parking spaces at Bldg. 205

will be reserved specifically for taxcenter customers, but clients willalso be able to use available parkingspaces in the vicinity of the building.The JBM-HH tax center filedmore

than 2,600 tax returns during the

2014 season, saving customers morethan $300,000 in tax preparationfees. The center’s work generatedmore than $2.7million in tax refunds.To schedule an appointment, cus-

tomers should call 703-696-1090.Rivera said she hoped the center

would be very busy this comingseason. If it’s busy, that means thefacility is helping people, she said.“We’re going have a lot of people

in comparison to last year,” she said.“The whole purpose of the tax centeris to be really busy.”There will be no tax center on the

Henderson Hall portion of the jointbase this year.

Tax, from page 1


Incoming Leader and Commander of The United StatesArmy Band “Pershing’s Own,” Col. Timothy J. Holtan,receives the colors from Joint Force Headquarters-National Capital Region and U.S. Army Military Districtof Washington Commanding General, Maj. Gen. JefferyS. Buchanan (not pictured) during a change of commandceremony in Brucker Hall on the Fort Myer portion ofJoint Base Myer-Henderson Hall Dec. 12. Col. Thomas H.Palmatier relinquished command to Holtan and retiredfrom the Army after 37-and-a-half years of service.


Trucks carrying wreaths drivetoward Arlington National Cemeterywith people waiting for their arrivalDec. 13 on Memorial Drive. WreathsAcross America provides the holidaywreaths and this year was thefirst year each eligible headstonereceived a wreath.


PENTAGRAM Thursday, December 18, 2014 5

they are able to continue supporting and encouragingtheir children despite the breakup of the family unit.Session will be held Jan. 5 from noon to 4 p.m. in Bldg.201 on the Fort Myer portion of the joint base. For moreinformation or to register, call 703-696-3512.

Family member employment assistanceMarine Corps Community Service Henderson Hall’s

FamilyMember Employment Assistance Program offersemployment assistance to spouses and other familymembers of active duty service members. Among theofferings in January are a military spouse employmentassistance orientation Jan. 8 and seminars on interviewingJan. 15; federal hiring Jan. 22 and marketing volunteerexperience Jan. 28. For details, visit and look for upcoming FMEAP upcomingevents or call 703-614-6828.

Winter weather is on the wayIn the event of weather-related closures, Joint Base

Myer-Henderson Hall personnel follow the guidance ofthe Office of Personnel Management. OPM determinesthe open or closed status for all government agencies andinstallations located inside theWashington, D.C., beltway.If you have any questions about your duty status,

contact your supervisor. Partner organization personnelshould inquire within their chain of command.For OPM guidance, see You

can also call 202-606-1900 around the clock for status.Also, see and for the winter weather link, activated whennecessary; call the commander’s information hotline at703-696-6906, which is updated often in emergenciesor inclement weather situations. See a forecast.

Have a comment about the Express?If you have suggestions or comments about the newly

renovated Express on the Fort Myer portion of the jointbase (or any Army and Air Force Exchange Servicesactivities), there’s a new way to do so: Log on to; underProvide Store Feedback, leave a comment and submitthe online form, or call 800-527-6790 and leave a voicemessage. Patrons may also call FrankMarquez, JBM-HHExpress manager directly at 703-696-9241.

New classes at Smith GymMCCSSemper Fit announces additional group exercise

classes at the Cpl. Terry L. Smith Gymnasium on theHenderson Hall portion of the joint base. Spin is nowheld daily from 6 to 7 a.m. Spin will also be heldMonday,Wednesday and Friday from 11:30 a.m. to 12:30 p.m.Zumba is held Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday from5:30 to 6:30 p.m. and Monday, Wednesday and Fridayfrom 11:30 a.m. to 12:30 p.m. For class descriptions, and for updates

on cancellations, visit MCCSHH on Facebook.

Special Operations recruitingSoldiers can discuss Special Operations in-service

career options with recruiters Jan. 12 and 15 from 9 3 p.m. in room 105 in Bldg. 417 on the Fort Myerportion of the joint base. A session will also be held Jan.13 and 14 from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. also in Bldg. 417. Formore information, call 910-432-9697 or 919-648-9132.You can also email

Brown bag lunch series: Dynamics ofstalking and domestic violence

January 2015 marks the 11th anniversary of NationalStalking Awareness Month. Join the Family AdvocacyProgram for a roundtable discussion Jan. 12 from noonto 1 p.m. in Bldg. 201 on the Fort Myer portion of thejoint base about the correlation between domestic violenceand stalking. For more information or to register, call703-696-3512.

Army Finance offices take half a day tocelebrate season

The Army Finance offices at Fort Belvoir, Joint BaseMyer-Henderson Hall and the Pentagon will be openeduntil 11 a.m., then closed for the remainder of the day

News Notes, from page 4

Pentagrammarks 62 yearsof publication

That’s right, the Pentagram has been inpublication 62 years with the arrival of2015. We’re here to stay, but there willbe a newspaper hiatus. The final issueof the Pentagram for 2014 will be Dec.18. The first issue of 2015 will be Jan. 8.This issue will be the very popular year inreview. If you have questions, comments orsuggestions about the Pentagram, contactEditor Jim Goodwin at 703-696-5401

see NEWS NOTES, page 8





6 Thursday, December 18, 2014 Thursday, December 18, 2014 7

“In this economic environment rightnow where government funding is beingcut, volunteers are going to play an evenmore important role,” she said.And for those who may be sitting on

the fence about volunteering, Feehan

said to give her a call at ACS at 703-696-3510. Potential volunteers can also for volunteeropportunities.“There’s an opportunity for every-

body,” she said. “Volunteering is notonly a way to benefit your community,it’s a way to benefit your own life.”

base winner was Fort Belvoir with 91 units while JointBase Myer-Henderson Hall was second with 83.For more photos from this event, visit us online at:

Football, from page 3

Volunteer, from page 3

Bldg. 247, one of The Old Guard’sbarracks at JBM-HH, is slated for reno-vations beginning within the next twoyears, according to Ramon Nieves,branch chief for the Directorate ofPublic Works’ Engineering Division.U.S. Army Installation ManagementCommand awarded $25 million forthose renovations. Following the startof those renovations, Bldg. 246 will befully renovated, he said. Meanwhile,Soldiers are being assigned three perroom at the barracks to allow for overflowbilleting of additional personnel duringthe construction.Due to the uncertainty of project

completion time, Soldiers interested inmoving off the joint base can apply fora certificate of non-availability. Woodssaid he will approve Soldiers to liveoff-base for an indefinite amount oftime based on the approval of Soldierleadership. More information aboutobtaining off-base residences can be

found via the JBM-HH housing officeat 703-696-3559.For those who will remain in the

barracks, leaders recognized that thecurrent facilities are old and requirecontinual maintenance. Representativesfrom the Directorate of Public Worksdiscussed the process of filing workorders for issues ranging from light bulbreplacement to emergency situationssuch as flooding.Public works may be reached any

time at 703-696-3263, but Soldiers areencouraged to communicate with unitleadership to ensure work orders arecompleted within set time frames.The JBM-HH Tri-Service Dining

Facility is also slated for renovationFeb. 1, which is expected to last up toone month. Food will still be preparedat the facility, but customers will dineat the community center during therenovations.The Pentagramwill continue to follow

these stories in 2015.

Town Hall, from page 3

Five things about the2014 Army-Navy game

Compiled by Jim DresbachPentagram Staff Writer

1. The current 13-game Navy winning streak over the Army is the longestwinning/losing streak in the 115-game history. The last time the Black Knightsof the Hudson won on the gridiron against the Midshipmen was on Dec. 1,2001, at Veterans Stadium in Philadelphia. During the Army’s 13-game losingstreak, Navy has outscored the Cadets 417 to 132.

2.To open the scoring in the 2014 Army-Navy game, the Cadets blocked afirst quarter Navy punt, and Xavier Moss picked up the block and ran 7 yardsto put Army ahead 6-0. The last time Army blocked a punt and recovered it fora touchdown was Sept. 1, 2007, against Akron at Cleveland Browns Stadium.Before the 2014 Army-Navy game special teams score, the last time Army scoreda special teams touchdown was against Temple on Sept. 29, 2007.

3.The 2014 Army-Navy game marks the third time M&T Bank Stadiumplayed host to the service rivalry. Past games were played at the home of theBaltimore Ravens in 2000 and 2007. The Army-Navy game returns to Baltimoreagain in 2016.

4.The Midshipmen now head west this week to prepare for the 2014 SanDiego County Credit Union Poinsettia Bowl to be played Dec. 23. In SanDiego, the Middies will play the San Diego State Aztecs.

5.The 2014 Army football team concluded the season with a 4-8 record.The last season Army played 500 or better football was in 2010, and they havenot had back-to-back winning seasons since 1989-1990.

LEFT- An ArmyCadet showsall how he feels prior tokickoff of the 115th Army-Navy football game Dec. 13at Baltimore’s M & T BankStadium. Navy defeatedArmy 17-10 and moved itsArmy winning streak to 13in a row. BELOW- Navygoat mascots even sur-vived the week to be field-side for Dec. 13’s Army-Navy football game Dec.13 at Baltimore’s M & TBank Stadium.


Navy Midshipman linemen prepare to take the M & T Bank Stadium field Dec. 13 in the second half of the 115th Army-Navy game. For more photos from thisevent, visit us online at:

Three Cadets run to the M & T Bank Stadium sideline prior to the opening kickoff ofthe 115th Army-Navy game Dec. 13. The Midshipmen improved their winning streakagainst the Cadets to 13 straight games with a 17-10 victory.

Secretary of the Navy Ray Mabus arrives on the field towatch the 115th Army-Navy football game at Baltimore’sM & T Bank Stadium Dec. 13.

Army quarterback Angel Santiago finds an openingagainst the Midshipmen defense during the first quarterof the 115th Army-Navy football game, played atBaltimore’s M & T Bank Stadium Dec. 13. Navy defeat-ed Army 17-10. For more photos from this event, visit usonline at:


3d U.S. Infantry Regiment (The Old Guard) Regimental Sergeant Major, CommandSgt. Maj. Samuel J. Stoker, left, and Joint Base Myer-Henderson Hall CommandSgt. Maj. Randall E. Woods, right, conduct a town hall meeting in the CommunityCenter on the Fort Myer portion of JBM-HH Dec. 14. The town hall meeting wasconducted to discuss concerns about the barracks, including living conditionsduring planned renovations next year and beyond.

Wreaths Across America


Wreaths placed on headstones in Arlington National Cemetery are provided byWreaths Across America, and 50,000 volunteers placed the wreaths Dec. 13.Wreaths Across America provides the holiday wreaths and this year was thefirst year each eligible headstone received a wreath. For more photos from thisevent, visit us online at:

Marine Sgt. Maj. Bryan B. Battaglia, senior enlisted advisor to chairman of theJoint Chiefs of Staff, gives remarks at the opening ceremony of Wreaths AcrossAmerica near McClellan Gate in Arlington National Cemetery Dec. 13. WreathsAcross America provides the holiday wreaths and this year was the first yeareach eligible headstone received a wreath.

RIGHT - Four Army Cadetsforego traditional garbto show the serviceacademy’s colors duringthe 115th Army-Navyfootball game Dec. 13 atBaltimore’s M & T BankStadium. Navy won for the13th straight time – thelongest winning streakin the rivalry’s history.Despite holding the leadfor the majority of the firsthalf, Army fell victim to17 unanswered points andlost to Navy 17-10.

Midshipman Chris Swain churns for additional yardageduring the third quarter of the 115th Army-Navy foot-ball game Dec. 13 at Baltimore’s M & T Bank Stadium.







BarcroftApartments is now offering its gardenapartments with 10% discount for militarypersonnel &month to month leases available.

• Park right at your door in this park-like setting.• Walk to elementary and high school or Army NationalGuard Readiness Center.• Take the express bus to the Pentagon, Ft. Myer,Henderson Hall or Ballston in 12 minutes.• Cats welcome. No dogs.

PLEASE CALL (703) 521-3000HOURS: MON. - FRI. 9-5 Call for Saturday hours

BARCROFTAPARTMENTS1130 South George Mason Drive • Arlington, VA 22204

At Columbia Pike and So. George Mason DriveSome Restrictions Apply

Efficiency......................................................$979-$1005One Bedroom..............................................$1070-$1105Two Bedrooms............................................$1315-$1400Three Bedrooms Plus Electric.................$1500-$1545Townhome..............................................................$1500

All prices subject to change. A month. All utilities paid.


8 Thursday, December 18, 2014 PENTAGRAM

By Jim DresbachPentagram Staff Writer

The United States Army Band trombonist Staff Sgt.Victor Barranco was born, raised and schooled in NorthPole, Alaska.Now one may ask how a horn player of Puerto Rican

descent becomes a resident of a town 1,700 miles southof the real North Pole, and where the average low tem-perature in December is 17 degrees below zero.The answer involves the United States Army.“I’m probably one of the only Puerto Rican Alaskans

you’ll ever meet,” Barranco said with a smile full of holidayspirit. “My dad was drafted [by the Army] during [the]VietNam [War] from Puerto Rico. He was stationedat Fort Wainwright for one stint and fell in love withAlaska, and he decided to live up there.”The town of North Pole has approximately 2,200

inhabitants, and December finds the city in high gear.

Besides a house inhabited by a jolly old elf who wears afluffy red suit, the town hosts a winter festival with allthe holiday trimmings.And Barranco vividly remembers the winter festival

music concerts, the candy cane-striped utility poles,the crystal-clear fresh air and his time as a youth in thetown near Fairbanks.“It’s like an island in the middle of Alaska,” he said.

“We go five minutes in any direction, and you’re in bearcountry and moose country. I miss fishing. I would gofishing for salmon all the time.”He gets home every so often, and for those he brings to

North Pole, faith in Kris Kringle becomes strengthenedwith a visit to the town’s most famous resident.“In North Pole, there’s Santa Claus Lane and Santa

Claus’ house,” he said. “I took my wife there, andhe [Santa] could name the streets she grew up on inHouston, Texas.”

Friday, Dec. 19 for the Defense Military Pay Officeholiday party. For more information, call 703-805-3724.

Death noticeAnyone with debts owed to or by the estate of Maj.

Zachary R. Waity, Training Division, National GuardBureau, must contact Maj. Jason DeSoto, the summarycourt officer for the Soldier. Waity passed away Aug.23. DeSoto can be reached at 703-607-7306.

Ice melt refillsAt JBM-HH, filled ice melt buckets have already

been placed outside facilities by public works personnel.Refill ice melt buckets by bringing empty buckets toBldg. 325 on the Fort Myer portion of the joint baseand the P Street Lot on the Fort McNair portion of thejoint base between the hours of 1 and 2 p.m., Mondaythrough Friday. Call Denise Faldowski at 703-696-1254for more information.

Update: Soil removal project postponedPart of the project for the new Network Enterprise

Center facility on the Fort Myer portion of the jointbase will be the removal of soil at the construction sitefor the future Bldg. 235. The project, which was origi-nally scheduled to begin Dec. 8, has been temporarilydelayed. Once a new start date has been established, thePentagram will publish that information. Once started,the project will involve removal of soil at the site behindBldg. 238 and the caisson. During this time period, thearea will be closed, and no cars will be allowed to parkbehind the caisson and paddock area. There will be largedump trucks transiting the area and along SheridanAvenue. For more info, call the Directorate of PublicWorks at 703-696-5680.

News Note policy! Read in fullNews Notes submissions must be less than 100 words,

contain all pertinent details — to include the five “W’s”— as well as a point of contact, phone number and/orwebsite for additional information. News Notes must besubmitted no later than noon,Wednesdays, for consider-ation for publication in the following week’s Pentagram.For example, information submitted for publicationin News Notes on Tuesday, Jan. 6, will be publishedin the Pentagram Thursday, Jan. 15. Priority will begiven to those announcements of events and deadlinesoccurring during the publication week. Please note thatsubmission of a news note does not guarantee publica-tion. Please send your news notes to the Pentagram

News Notes, from page 5

Christmas was every day forTUSAB tronbonist Barranco


Staff Sgt. Victor Barranco, trombonist in The U.S.Army Band “Pershing’s Own,” poses for a photographin Brucker Hall on the Fort Myer portion of Joint BaseMyer-Henderson Hall Dec. 12. Barranco is originally fromNorth Pole, Alaska.

For more JBM-HH event photos from this issue, visit us online



BarcroftApartments is now offering its gardenapartments with 10% discount for militarypersonnel &month to month leases available.

• Park right at your door in this park-like setting.• Walk to elementary and high school or Army NationalGuard Readiness Center.• Take the express bus to the Pentagon, Ft. Myer,Henderson Hall or Ballston in 12 minutes.• Cats welcome. No dogs.

PLEASE CALL (703) 521-3000HOURS: MON. - FRI. 9-5 Call for Saturday hours

BARCROFTAPARTMENTS1130 South George Mason Drive • Arlington, VA 22204

At Columbia Pike and So. George Mason DriveSome Restrictions Apply

Efficiency......................................................$979-$1005One Bedroom..............................................$1070-$1105Two Bedrooms............................................$1315-$1400Three Bedrooms Plus Electric.................$1500-$1545Townhome..............................................................$1500

All prices subject to change. A month. All utilities paid.


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PENTAGRAM Thursday, December 18, 2014 9

10 Thursday, December 18, 2014 PENTAGRAM

Visit us online!www.DCMilitaryHcom

Holiday Hours, from page 2

Pentagon Military Clothing Sales Store Closed. For more information, call 703-695-6446.

Directorate of Emergency Services Mili-tary Police Station

Open 24/7. Call 703-696-3525 for more informa-tion.

Fort Myer Officers Club Closed Dec. 24 through 27; open Dec. 28 from10 a.m. to 2 p.m.; closed Dec. 29 through 31with the exception of the New Year’s party Dec.31 from 6 p.m. to 2015. See for menu; call 703-696-5147 or 703-524-3037 for reservations.

Fort McNair Officers Club Closed. For more information, call 202-484-5800.

Spates Community Club Closed from Dec. 21 through Jan. 3. For moreinformation, call 703-527-1302.

Commissary Closed. For more information, call 703-696-3674.

Dining Facility The Dining Facility will operate on holiday hoursschedule from Dec. 22 through Jan. 4 (with theexception of Dec. 25): Brunch – from 9 a.m. to12:30 p.m., and supper – 4 to 5:30 p.m. Dec.25: holiday meal - 11:30 a.m. to 1 p.m.; brunch –9 a.m. to noon; and supper – 4 to 5:30 p.m. Formore information, call 703-696-2087/1068.

Environmental Management Division Closed. For more information, call 703-696-8055.

Closed Nov. 27; open 4 a.m. to 7 p.m. Nov. 28.For more information, call 703-522-4575.

Executive Management Housing Division Closed. For more information, call 703-696-1152.

Fort Myer Exchange Closed Dec. 25 and Jan. 1. Open from 10 a.m. to4 p.m. Dec. 26. For more information, call 703-522-4575.

Marine Corps Exchange Closed. See Formore information, call 703-979-8420.

Fort Myer Express Closed Dec. 25; open 9 a.m. to 6 p.m. Dec. 26;Jan. 1 open 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. For more informa-tion, call 703-696-9241/44.

Fort McNair Express Closed. For more information, call 202-484-5823.

Firestone Closed Dec. 25 and Jan. 1. Open 7 a.m. to 6p.m. Dec. 26. For more information, call 703-522-2584.

Fort Myer Fitness Center Closed. Dec. 25 and 26; Open Jan. 1 from 6 2 p.m. For more information, call 703-696-7867.

Fort McNair Fitness Center Closed Dec. 24 through 28; open 6 a.m. to 2p.m. Dec. 29 and 30; closed Dec. 31 and Jan. 1.For more information, call 202-685-3117.

GNC Closed Dec. 25; Open Dec. 26 10 a.m. to 6 p.m.more information, call 703-522-6786.

Cpl. Terry L. Smith Gymnasium Closed Dec. 25, 26 and Jan. 1; closing early Dec.24 - open 4 a.m. to 2 p.m. For more information,call 703-614-7214.

Headquarters & Service Battalion, Head-quarters Marine Corps, Henderson Hallside of JBM-HH

Curtailed operations (reduced staff) Dec. 22through Jan. 2; closed Dec. 25, 26, Jan. 1 and 2.For more information, call 703-696-8163.

Headquarters Command Battalion, FortMyer portion of JBM-HH

Curtailed operations (reduced staff) Dec. 22through Jan. 2; closed Dec. 25, 26, Jan. 1 and 2.For more information, call 703-696-8163.

Rader Health Clinic Closed Dec. 25, 26 and Jan. 1 and 2. For moreinformation, call 703-696-2977.

Rader Dental Clinic Closed Dec. 25, 26 and Jan. 1 and 2. For moreinformation, call 703-696-3460.

Fort McNair Health Clinic Closed Dec. 25, 26 and Jan. 1 and 2. For moreinformation, call 202-685-3100.

Human Resources Closed.

Java Café Closed Dec. 25 and Jan. 1. Open Dec. 26 from7:30 a.m. to 4 p.m. See For more information, call 571-483-1962.

Library Closed. For more information, call 703-696-3555.

Optical Shop Closed Dec. 25 and Jan. 1. Open Dec. 26 from10 a.m. to 4 p.m. For more information, call 703-528-9122.

Outdoor Recreation Gear Issue Closed. For more information, call 703-693-4730.

Petals and Blooms Closed. For more information, call 703-525-0489.

Subway Closed. For more information, call 703-243-1786.

Recreation Center Closed. For more information, call 703-696-3470.

Reenlistment Closed. For more information, call 703-696-1321.

Soldier for Life – Transition AssistanceProgram (formerly ACAP)

Closed. For more information, call 703-696-0973.

Thrift store Closed Dec. 18 through Jan. 5; reopen Jan. 6with regular schedule. Open Jan. 10.

Veterinary Clinic Closed. Call 703-696-3604 for more information.