Pemphigus in Cats and dogs (or other species) · Pemphigus vulgaris, on the other hand, has deeper,...


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HAMPL CLINIC 60 Angove Street, North Perth. 6006. WA. Ph: (+ 61) 1300 132 966 Fax (+ 61) 1300 855 183


Pemphigus in Cats and dogs (or other species)

Pemphigus foliaceus, the most common autoimmune skin condition in dogs

and cats, is characterized by pustules, erosions, and crusts.

Some types of pemphigus can also affect the skin tissue of the gums. An autoimmune

disease is characterized by the presence of autoantibodies: antibodies that are

produced by the system, but which act against the body's healthy cells and tissues –

just as white blood cells act against infection. In effect, the body is attacking itself.

The severity of the disease depends on how deeply the autoantibody deposits into

the skin layers.

The hallmark sign of pemphigus is a condition called acantholysis, where the skin cells

separate and break down because of tissue-bound antibody deposits in the space

between cells.

Product CODE AN227

Pemphigus foliaceus

(pages 1 -16)

Equine Hoof Rot (or in other farm animals),

Feline Plasma Cell Pododermatitis (foot rot, pillow foot in cats).

Duck - Bumblefoot infection.

Foot Pad Dermatitis

(pages 17-20) In all species

20 Pages

For Pyoderma (skin lesions and/or ear canal infection) can

be caused by Pseudomonas Aeruginosa or

Staphylococcus intermedius infection. Abacterial infection that is

caused by an overabundance of an ordinary bacterial resident, usually

Staphylococcus intermedius, which results in scaled, itchy skin,

frequently incorporating pustules and ulcers. Use the "Topical Herbal

Skin Treatment" called "Skin Infection" Set of 2 (AN260)

Last Updated: 18-10-18

HAMPL CLINIC 60 Angove Street, North Perth. 6006. WA. Ph: (+ 61) 1300 132 966 Fax (+ 61) 1300 855 183


There are three types of pemphigus that affect cats:

pemphigus foliaceus, pemphigus erythematosus, and pemphigus vulgaris.

In the disease pemphigus foliaceus, the autoantibodies are deposited in the

outermost layers of the epidermis, and blisters form on otherwise healthy skin.

Pemphigus erythematosus is fairly common and is a lot like pemphigus foliaceus,

but less afflictive. Pemphigus vulgaris, on the other hand, has deeper, and more

severe ulcers, because the autoantibody is deposited deep in the skin.

Symptoms and Types


~ Scales, crust, pustules, shallow ulcers, redness, and itching of the skin

~ Footpad overgrowth and cracking

~ Occasional vesicles: fluid-filled sacs/cysts in the skin

~ The head, ears, and footpads are the most commonly affected; then becomes

generalized over the body

~ Gums and lips may be affected

~ It is common for the nipples and nail beds to be affected in cats

~ Swollen lymph nodes, generalized swelling, depression, fever, and lameness

(if footpads are involved); however, patients are often in otherwise good health

~ Variable pain and itchy skin

~ Secondary bacterial infection is possible because of cracked or ulcerated skin


~ Mainly the same as for pemphigus foliaceus

~ Lesions are usually confined to the head, face, and footpads

~ Loss of color in lips is more common than with other pemphigus forms


~ The most serious of the pemphigus types

~ More severe than pemphigus foliaceus and erythematosus

~ Ulcers, both shallow and deep, blisters, crusted skin

~ Affects gums, lips, and skin; may become generalized over the body

~ Mouth ulcers are frequent, may result in loss of appetite

~ The underarm and groin areas are often involved

~ Itchy skin and pain

~ Anorexia, depression, fever

~ Secondary bacterial infections are common.

HAMPL CLINIC 60 Angove Street, North Perth. 6006. WA. Ph: (+ 61) 1300 132 966 Fax (+ 61) 1300 855 183


Herbal Treatment:

~ Topical skin herbs: sores, bleeding, stops excessive scratching or chewing

of feet, redness, soothes skin from allergy reactions, restores hair growth - naturally.

USING ON FELINES (other small animals)

mix 40 drops into plain sobalene (non scented cream) as a base to apply to

lesions, repeat as many times a day. In conjunction with the herbal formula for

internal infection and immune boosting regime.

USING ON CANINES(and other larger animals)

Directions- using an empty spray bottle and filling with water and 40-60 drops

of Herbal Scratch Skin 227-1 formula will work quickly when spraying on affected

areas a couple times a day for fast relief, healing of skin sores, redness, and

excessive itching and biting, also promotes fur regrowth.herbal skin formula must

be diluted before applying to skin.

To promote Fur growth can add later or now (no more than one) teaspoon of

Apple Cider Vinegar to min 200ml (8floz) of water. the ACV helps promote hair

growth and is a skin tonic. Note: too much ACV can cause temporary skin

irritations. * Fine if the pet licks the herbal skin application. If feet are the main

problem area, can put the mixture into a bowl so one foot at a time can be

dunked in to soak a little. Repeat throughout the day to get the fast response. This

formula will last for several years and is concentrate which only small amount is

used each time as diluted to water to apply on affected areas. If adding and

mixing with plain cream, the mixture will last for a lot longer. ;

~ Internal Herbs: It is also ideal to repair the immune system as well, and

herbal antibiotics (Infection Fighter 71 50ml) to daily meals for a min of 6 months

for chronic health issues.

Homeopathics: ~ drops can be applied to the back of shoulders, in water dish and meals. Supporting health from any gum ulcers, pus in skin wound infections, and


* If your pet is in pain, request the HAMPL Pain Eze 32 drops (homeopathics) and

use regularly whilst the other formulas drops and topical herbs heal.

HAMPL CLINIC 60 Angove Street, North Perth. 6006. WA. Ph: (+ 61) 1300 132 966 Fax (+ 61) 1300 855 183



By detoxing the body from past or prevent toxins. Avoid chemical drugs, products,

and vaccines, work on repair damaged immune system. When needed use

alternative safe medicines that are chemical free. Thankfully, we do have a

choice these days.

Vitamin C

in diet will help (as vaccines severely deplete vitamin C)

e.g a whole food type of "Vitamin C" powder (a good one is Pure Radiance

Vitamin C ) * order from (1 powder from capsule = 650mg).

This type of natural vitamin c is good if it's continued long-term just for good health.

DOSAGE: Organic Natural Vitamin C

Small to Large Canine: 2 powders from capsules in meals or/and milk drinks -

twice daily. * or if sick do four times a day for a week.

Feline or kitten: 1 powder from capsule in meals or/and milk drinks - twice


Puppy or Toy Dog: 1 powder from capsule in meals or /and milk drinks - twice



If you can't quite afford the natural form - get the "Synthetic" Vitamin C crystals

(white powder) * only use this short-term as its synthetic .. a couple of weeks to a


Use the Synthetic Vitamin C - SODIUM ASCORBATE POWDER

Small to Large Canine: Add approx. 2 teaspoons in meals and milk drinks twice to

three times daily or dilute in a little liquid an oral syringe.

Feline or kitten: Add approx. 1 teaspoon in meals and milk drinks twice to three

times daily or dilute in a little liquid an oral syringe.

Puppy or Toy Dog: Add approx. 1 teaspoon in meals and milk drinks twice to three

times a day or dilute in a little liquid an oral syringe.

HAMPL CLINIC 60 Angove Street, North Perth. 6006. WA. Ph: (+ 61) 1300 132 966 Fax (+ 61) 1300 855 183


Vitamin C

is an anti-inflammatory that helps reduce and prevent inflammation and

swelling. Research has shown that high doses of vitamin C given orally or in meals

has been shown to reduce the production of pro-inflammatory cytokines. We have

had great improvement seen when vitamin C is restored back into the

body. Example: vaccinations will severely deplete the body of Vitamin C.

Skin Conditions, weakness in joints and spine which cause "Inflammation" and "pain

in joints", spine area can be often associated with a vitamin or mineral

deficiencies. Thus continued vaccinations that severely deplete vitamin c and

magnesium (stress), will make your dog more susceptible to injuries and tears.

Research has shown that high doses of vitamin C given orally or in meals has been

shown to reduce the production of pro-inflammatory cytokines. We have had great

improvement seen when vitamin C is restored back into the body.

HAMPL CLINIC 60 Angove Street, North Perth. 6006. WA. Ph: (+ 61) 1300 132 966 Fax (+ 61) 1300 855 183


Detoxing Supplement

Using Activated Charcoal powder. This powder can detox over 4,000 toxins a day.

Research studies have shown that activated charcoal decreases the toxic load on

the body by over 60% with daily use.

This is due to its ability to bind and grab up chlorine, pesticides and herbicides,

bacteria, viruses, yeast, parasites, toxic chemicals and endotoxic metabolites.

PUPPY give approx: 1/4 teaspoon of the powder to meals or milk drinks.

ADULT PETS: use 1 capsules of the powder or 1/2 a teaspoon in meals and/or milk


MULTIPLE PETS (cats and dogs), add 2 capsules or 1 teaspoon the powder into a jar

with a screw lid (one or 2 cups of filtered water) and can add the homeopathic

detox remedies (along with) things like the Bioplasma drops (tissue salts) is great for

growing infants and run down pets and kittens who may have had parents who

were mal-nutrition or feral etc, homeopathic ParaExpel wormer and DrawingOut 16

drops if teeth or skin issues.

Shake before adding to each meal or/milk drinks. pour about a tablespoon or so of

the liquid each time.

TWICE a day for one month to help detox from the heavy metals from the vaccines.

After a month, one can continue adding activated charcoal to meals daily for

optimum health.

* You should be able to order online or buy from a health food store the capsules or


HAMPL CLINIC 60 Angove Street, North Perth. 6006. WA. Ph: (+ 61) 1300 132 966 Fax (+ 61) 1300 855 183


If previously or are on chemical drugs or vaccinations (pet was

unwell from) we can "assist in detoxing" as well with the below

remedies and as all drugs affect the liver, we need to repair liver:

HAMPL Chemical poisoning 110 30ml (overdosing and use of chemical sprays and drugs)

HAMPL Pet Cleanse 30ml (use of any chemical drugs)

HAMPL Drawing Out 16 30ml (draw out any pus/infection, abscess).

HAMPL Vaccine Detox 30ml (all new customers, you will receive a sample of the Vaccine Detox pills),

HAMPL Rabies Vacc Detox 30ml (rabies injection side effects)

HAMPL Liver Detox 36 30ml drops (all drugs affect the liver)

HAMPL RenoAid 19-1 50ml drops (assisting kidney function, along with adding "Activated Charcoal

powder" daily to meals)

There are alternatives to many pet products , which are safe and

effective for all species example the link to each product below:

NATURAL HEARTWORM DROPS * download the pdf HELP SHEET as well.



HAMPL CLINIC 60 Angove Street, North Perth. 6006. WA. Ph: (+ 61) 1300 132 966 Fax (+ 61) 1300 855 183


Repair the Gut

3. We highly recommending purchasing and using the below supplements to

restore and strengthen your dog or puppies "gut flora defense system"

Colostrum Chewable chewable tablets (or Powder for feline or

other small animal)

~ Colostrumhealth 100% pure Colostrum Powder Order online.

CANINES - hand feed (offer) one chewable tablet twice a day for dogs.

FELINE - add 1/4 teaspoon or a good pinch in some milk or second best add to


.. Then one for you!!!

Continue taking for minimum of 2 months.

HAMPL CLINIC 60 Angove Street, North Perth. 6006. WA. Ph: (+ 61) 1300 132 966 Fax (+ 61) 1300 855 183


CANINE ADULT DIET Guide *short quick guide

Incorporate less " COOKED OR RAW MEAT MEALS or *If feeding COMMERCIAL

foods" (better to omit ALL artificial food) and go to "real food" meals.

Two weeks of 50/50 Veg & Meat Ratio with fruit meals separate.

Incorporate mono meals.

Eventually leading to a 3 x week raw meat meals if you can. If not just alternate

between fruit meals and veggie & meat meals. In general, we see dogs do better

on 25-30% raw meat, 10% meaty raw bone (e.g lamb shank or chicken necks if a

small dog), and the rest Veggies and Fruits.

e.g. SMOKED kangaroo, SMOKED lamb necks from fruit and veg markets if you can

find someone that does this. Avoid commercially sold type of dried treats.

Other: Organic Tumeric powder, Coconut oil, Dates, Raw Carrots, Dried Fruit

(no sultanas or raisins) Nuts, Seeds, Squashes, Spinach, Kale, Lightly Steamed

Broccoli etc. Pulverise all the veggies for optimal absorption.

Fasting: Fast your pet for 24 hours once a week. You can start with 12 hours and

work your way up. * can give liquids during this time.

Following the 24 hour day fast, do a fruit day. You may add almond milk, organic

maple syrup, coconut shreds, raw nuts and seeds in moderation to any fruit

smoothies or fruit bowls to get them to eat it.


Acidic type vegetables (ie tomatoes, oranges etc)

No pork meat

wheat products or foods

Avoid ALL kibble foods

Dried pigs ears or any other toxic processed treats etc.




HAMPL CLINIC 60 Angove Street, North Perth. 6006. WA. Ph: (+ 61) 1300 132 966 Fax (+ 61) 1300 855 183


Vaccination Options - Titre Test

No pet should ever be re-vaccinated, not ever, without a “Titre test” to see if it's

actually needed.

What to do?

You will need to phone around to vet clinics to ask if any a vet can order the

VacciCheck in-house test kit. Which is basically only AVAILABLE by request through

from a Vet Clinic. Give the contact details so they can proceed with purchasing the

kit. Then once it is at the clinic they can let you know and make an

appointment. Some vets are not willing to do Titers, so find a more caring Vet to

help you make a safe decision on vaccinations.

Biogal brand - VacciCheck® Antibody Test Kit


Australia - Give these details to your Vet - Laboratories Diagnostics NSW.

Contact: Sonia Whittle Tel: 61-2-9668-0600 Website:

OR Find a supplier in your Country

If your pet has seroconverted, no matter what their age, they do not need another

vaccination. Nor do they need a 'booster' at a year old, as they already have long-lasting

immunity. Dr. Edwards DVM has titre test puppies 2 weeks after initial vaccination if it's

positive then they need no more vaccinations (So - any dog or cat, of any age, can

be titre tested 2 weeks after any C3 vaccination. If your puppy is going to respond, it will

have by then. He has titre tested several puppies after their first vaccination like this, and

they've had strongly positive titre levels. Any further vaccinations for these puppies (or

kittens) would have been completely unnecessary and may have caused the puppy in

question harm.

The whole 'booster' thing is really a false way to describe it - nearly all the so-called 'booster'

vaccinations administered to our pets are completely unnecessary. No difference what

country you live in, either. There is no need for a so-called 'booster' vaccination a year after

the puppy or your kitten's vaccinations. NO PET SHOULD EVER BE RE - VACCINATED, NOT


Dr. Ronald Schutz's research around the duration of immunity for C3 (Dog) and F3 (Cat)

vaccinations has been around for ages - and is only a short google away from anyone.

THE WHOLE BODY needs detoxing, repairing and strengthening, in order for your pet to

maintain a strong foundation of the defense system to maintain a natural immune system

that can stand up against anything that comes there way. Once or if we go back to

putting more toxins in the body - chemicals drugs, sprays, washes, inhalant sprays in the

household, insecticides wormers, flea, and heartworm drugs, this is when your pets life will

start going downhill again. .. with chronic or acute illness, skin, joint, organ damages to

autoimmune disorder disease. All these toxins in the commercial foods and drugs and

products will shorten your pets life, no different to our own lives.

HAMPL CLINIC 60 Angove Street, North Perth. 6006. WA. Ph: (+ 61) 1300 132 966 Fax (+ 61) 1300 855 183


Nutritional Therapy 1. ReMag Magnesium liquid * several drops in meals - felines and toy dogs.

2. ReMyte Minerals liquid * several drops in meals - felines and toy dogs

3. Use a natural Vitamin C that is a wholefood vitamin C.

"Pure Radiance Vitamin C (Pure synergy) (1 powder from capsule = 650mg) * get from

Pure Radiance Natural Vitamin C DOSAGE: Small to Large Canine: 2 -3 powders from capsules in meals or/and milk drinks twice daily. Puppy or Toy Dog, Cat: 1 - 2 powder from the capsule in meals or /and milk drinks twice daily. Kitten: 1/2 - 1 powder from capsule in meals and milk drinks - twice a day.

Or use the synthetic vitamin C * See page 2

4. And add a pinch of Zinc Picolinate 30mg Capsules open cap and add a

pinch of powder) Enhances immune function and aids healing of ulcers.

5. Activated Charcoal Powder - detox. In conjunction with the homeopathic

detox eg. see remedy AN 110 Chemical Detox or AN042 Pet Cleanse - which

focuses on past or current chemical drugs that can cause side effects and

further irritations. * See Page 4

HAMPL CLINIC 60 Angove Street, North Perth. 6006. WA. Ph: (+ 61) 1300 132 966 Fax (+ 61) 1300 855 183


Dry Skin- Fur ?

As often indicates a diet lacking in fatty acids omega 3, Vitamin E & Lecithin.

For Medium or Large Size Dog (1/4 of this for small or toy dog)

Daily - 1 Tablespoon Lecithin grains

and 1 - 2 dessertspoons of Hemp Seed Oil Organic Cold Pressed (Omega 3 oil)

OR make up a jar of soaked Chia seeds (40% chia and rest water) - add to main


Weekly - 1 teaspoon of Wheat Germ Oil to diet. (500 IU of natural Vitamin E)

Three times weekly - 1 dessertspoon of cod liver oil to (vitamin A & D) main meals.


Open 1 capsule of Activated Charcoal powder in a small jar filled with water. Shake before

using each time. Add 3 tablespoon to milk drinks. Activated Charcoal pulls out 4,000 toxins a

day. See page 3

Activated Charcoal Powder



Homeopathics and herbal treatments will helped, however, for optimum health and

healing, we also need to provide a good health diet that is as free from chemicals

etc and also avoid toxic drugs.

Nutritional deficiencies also play a part in the health of a pet, and reflects in the skin

and fur.

HAMPL CLINIC 60 Angove Street, North Perth. 6006. WA. Ph: (+ 61) 1300 132 966 Fax (+ 61) 1300 855 183


Warning: Vaccinations severely deplete a animal of Vitamin C

The essential vitamin known as vitamin C is one of the most important elements in an

individual’s daily diet. We need Vitamin C to help contribute to good cellular growth,

promote function of the circulatory system, and generally help our bodies to develop

and maintain themselves. A vitamin C deficiency is a serious issue, and should be

caught early and treated with natural foods or dietary supplements that contain plenty

of this critical ingredient. Lots of medical experts agree that a vitamin C deficiency is

fairly uncommon in most modern societies. Infant formulas and other food sources are

fortified with vitamin C in order to prevent some forms of deficiency of this essential


Symptoms of a Vitamin C Deficiency

A deficiency in vitamin C causes a lowered immunity, dental issues, impaired

lactation, Leukaemia, irritability, fear, anxiety, skin problems, allergies, .. Just to name

just a few. Vitamin C is water soluble so the body cannot store it for very long, this is why

we need repeat dosing during the day for full effect and healing to take place. eg

three times a day would be ideal, until improvement is seen.

A variety of symptoms will show that an individual is suffering from a vitamin C

deficiency. Here are some of the top signs of this kind of shortage in the system.

1. Fatigue – Early on, a pet with a vitamin C deficiency will tend to get tired easily

and experience reduced energy. Because chronic fatigue is a symptom of so many

illnesses, it can be hard to catch a specific condition based on this symptom.

2. Behavior Changes – pets with a vitamin C deficiency may become irritable or short


3. Weight Loss – As with other “wasting conditions” a pet with a vitamin C deficiency

may experience sudden weight loss.

4. Joint and Muscle Aches – Chronic pain in the limbs or joints can be a symptom of a

vitamin deficiency.

5. Bruising – pets with a vitamin C deficiency will tend to bruise easily. Excessive

bruising is a sign that the body’s chemistry needs to be improved.

6. Gum Issues - (e.g. gingivitis, stomatitis, rodent ulcers) – Just as a healthy daily dose

of vitamin C contributes to healthy teeth and gums, a deficiency can cause

deterioration of the gums. Periodontal problems are a symptom of a vitamin C

deficiency that has been allowed to develop to a hazardous level.

7. Dry Fur and Skin – A change in fur and skin conditions can also signal that the

body is not getting enough of vitamin C and other essential vitamins and minerals.

8. Infections – When an individual does not have enough vitamin C over time, this

can have a negative impact on general healing of wounds and the fighting of


Generally, the body’s immune system will be compromised

HAMPL CLINIC 60 Angove Street, North Perth. 6006. WA. Ph: (+ 61) 1300 132 966 Fax (+ 61) 1300 855 183


Zinc (mineral) Supplement

How important is Zinc?

Very important ..If you cat, kitten, puppy or dog have some or many of the below

issues then now is the time to add some Zinc into daily meals.

RESPIRATORY - Mouth ulcers, diarrhea, low immunity, chlamydia bacterial infection

(internally or eyes), sinus or flu, bronchitis, emaciation, vomiting, debility, poor health

in general, retarded growth, and tendencies to have allergies, abscess type sores, or

little scabs here and there, slow healing sores and recovery from illness, prostate

problems in older canines.

ALLERGIES - tendencies to have allergy reactions to foods, grass or other inhalants


EYES - conjunctivitis or corneal inflammation

SKIN - Mange (skin mites), ringworm, unhealthy looking skin, dry skin poor coat, skin

sores, skin allergies issues, extra zinc is required until skin is healing and good health

has resumed. Then reduce to zinc a couple times a week for a little longer.

BACTERIAL INFECTION- e.g. Chlamydia bacterial infection is usually harmless unless

you or your pet are Zinc (mineral) deficient. As this infection seems a common

occurrences with infant kittens and teenager cats, this would be pointing the fact

that this maybe a common deficiency amongst our feline friends.

Especially the malnutrition cats and kittens that have had a lot of stress – breeders,

rescue centers and other life saving pet rescue groups.

…. This mineral helps in fighting off infections and also helps in the production of cells

in the body. It boosts the body’s immunity and helps to heal wounds and injuries

faster. It helps the kitten or puppy to grow. e.g. runt of the litter. E.g. Malnutrition

mum and kittens, frequent infections, and appetite and weight loss.

Prolonged deficiency then starts to show more serious signs.

In the skin, deficiency causes a disruption to normal cell division, and the skin

becomes dry and flaky. As it progresses, the skin can become grossly thickened and

scaly looking (hyperkeratosis), similar to human psoriasis. Hair growth is also retarded,

and eventually hair-loss spreads over the body (alopecia).

In conjunction with the skin changes, the entire animal’s immune system is severely

depressed, and secondary bacterial skin infections and pustular dermatoses occur,

along with increased susceptibility to all manner of bacterial and viral infections.

Poor wound healing is also a notable sign, as is damaged and brittle nails, and

thickened and crusty nasal pads and digital pads.

HAMPL CLINIC 60 Angove Street, North Perth. 6006. WA. Ph: (+ 61) 1300 132 966 Fax (+ 61) 1300 855 183


Deficiency of zinc during pregnancy and foetal development can

lead to severe growth retardation, limb abnormalities, swollen joints,

and poor skeletal formation. Brain development is retarded, and

learning and cognitive functions are inhibited.

Long term deficiency can result in premature ageing, senility

(cognitive), vision loss (especially night blindness), and hearing loss.

Types of Zinc Supplements

There are several types of zinc supplements, some better than others, that can be

purchased most anywhere.

Some types of zinc supplements include:

Zinc sulphate (which can cause stomach irritation),

Zinc chelate Amino acid (which may be a little expensive),

Zinc gluconate (which is a good type).

Some types of zinc that are best absorbed include:

zinc citrate capsules,

zinc acetate capsules,

zinc picolinate capsules,

zinc orotate capsules.

HAMPL CLINIC 60 Angove Street, North Perth. 6006. WA. Ph: (+ 61) 1300 132 966 Fax (+ 61) 1300 855 183


Personally, I recommend Thorne Research brand-

Zinc Piconate 30mg Capsules can order from



Kitten, Teenager, Cat - Open capsule and mix in ¼ of the powder into a kitten’s

meal twice a day. Or, if, say you are feeding say 4 kittens in the one bowl add 1 full

powder of the capsule.

Puppy - Add ½ capsules of powder to meals twice a day.

Adult dog- Add 1 capsules of powder to meals twice a day

There seems to be a pattern I have noticed with rescue groups and kittens, they

have symptoms of mineral deficiencies.

Zinc deficiency - affects many other hormones, and can be involved in

hypothyroidism, diabetes, and dwarfism. Its effect on suppressing the immune system

has also been documented to prove that it makes animals more susceptible to

developing a large range of degenerative diseases, including cancer.

The first, and most easily missed, sign of zinc deficiency is reduced appetite and

gradual weight loss.

During early post-natal development, the puppy’s immature immune system begins

forming from bone marrow tissue. These immature immune cells leave the bone

marrow and migrate to the Thymus gland, where they are “educated” to become

mature immune cells (called thymic cells or “T” cells). These T cells are responsible for

a significant part of the immune system, and are able to differentiate between

normal body cells and “foreign” cells (i.e bacteria, viruses, fungi, and cancer cells).

The T cells are critical to normal immune function (these are the cells destroyed by

the HIV virus leading to immune failure). Zinc is essential for the growth and

development of the thymus gland, and for the proliferation and “education” of T


HAMPL CLINIC 60 Angove Street, North Perth. 6006. WA. Ph: (+ 61) 1300 132 966 Fax (+ 61) 1300 855 183


Equine Hoof Rot (or in other farm animals),

Feline Plasma Cell Pododermatitis (foot rot, pillow foot in cats).

Duck - Bumblefoot infection. Foot Pad Dermatitis

For All Species

Working on Infections like anaerobic bacteria, septic inflammation relief, draws out pus and

infection anywhere in the body, conditions of thick deformed hoofs, moist eczema, keloids,

supports the liver, healing of wounds and antiseptic, clearing ulcers, and prevention of infection

spreading deeper. Releases any decomposed blood, foul discharge, necrosis.


FARM ANIMALS - using a clean 1 litre bottle with lid. add approx. 5 pills of the HAMPL Clear~Heal

227-2 into 500ml of water, gently shake for 1 minutes then add a cupful or more into water

trough once per week - stir around. Great for farm animals, ducks.


Add approx. 5 pills HAMPL Clear~Heal 227-2 in the large oral syringe (without needle) fill with

filtered water and give 5 ml orally - four (4) times daily if possible. Continue to make up a new

batch each time you run out. When assisting with herds of cows or sheep (animals), that may

have the infection you can mix 10 pills in a litre of filtered water and stir shake water container

then syringe 5ml orally to each animal that needs it throughout the day. On improvement can

reduce the frequency of repeats during the day.

Inconjunction with other healing supportive treatment formulas. See next page.

HAMPL CLINIC 60 Angove Street, North Perth. 6006. WA. Ph: (+ 61) 1300 132 966 Fax (+ 61) 1300 855 183


Depending on the condition and species, you may need to use other herbal and homeopathic

remedies in conjunction with the Footro 283 drops, to help your pet or animal become more

comfortable whilst healing.

See other formulas:


(homeopathic pain relief) - HAMPL Pain Eze 31 3oml

(homeopathic prevent or stop bleeding/ tendencies) - HAMPL Injurysurg 32 drops

(herbal Antibiotic) internally & topically - HAMPL infection fighter 71 5oml

(septicemia) - Herbal Blood Pura 204 50ml or Herbal Sepsis 206 50ml drops

( tenosynovitis, arthritis pain) - Herbal HAMPL Inflammatory Pain 264 100ml/50ml

(soft tissue swelling) - HAMPL InjurySurgery 32 drops

(muscle fibrous swelling) - HAMPL Muscle Inflam 259 30ml

(swelling (inflammation of the soft connective tissues on the surface of the bones) - -

HAMPL Carpitis 143 50ml

(connective tissues and joints) - HAMPL Joint Swollen 147 30ml

(osteomyelitis) - HAMPL Bone Repair 87 formula, with HAMPL Drawing Out 16 30ml

and HAMPL Sepsis 206 50ml (herbal antibiotic)

..see other remedies on website to match symptoms.


Herbal Ointment treatment on the pads of avian feet: Calendula, Echinacea, and St John Wort

herb. Clean feet thoroughly, apply a liberal amount of Herbal Ointment and wrap with gauze to

keep ointment in place and feet clean. Apply twice a day until feet appear healthy.

In conjunction with HAMPL Clear~Heal 227-2 50ml homeopathic drops

HAMPL CLINIC 60 Angove Street, North Perth. 6006. WA. Ph: (+ 61) 1300 132 966 Fax (+ 61) 1300 855 183


FOOT RINSE (can add herbal formula into a spray bottle and spray regularly, or add herbs

to a bowl or bucket with warm water and place one foot at a time in it or dunk foot in water as

often as possible)


Suggesting the use of HAMPL Heal~Clear 227-2 50ml formula for treating Hoof Rot, also known as

pododermatitis, which is caused by a bacteria (Fusobacterium Necrophorum) that thrives in wet,

decaying, airless material such as mud and manure. When the hoof becomes packed with this

material, the lack of air and constant moisture work together to create a perfect breeding

environment for pathogens. Hoof Rot specifically affects the sole of the hooves between the wall

and the hood, whereas the related condition Hoof Scald affects the area between the hoofs

claws (toes) and Thrush tends to only affect the frog.

* TOPICALLY spray Organic Apple Cider Vinegar around frog inside the hoof.

Twice a day if bad.


What is Feline Plasma Cell Pododermatitis? (or Pillow Foot OR Foot Rot)

Plasma cell pododermatitis is an inflammatory disease that affects the footpads of cats. The

pads become infiltrated by plasma cells, a type of white blood cell.

What are plasma cells? They’re immune cells that would normally secrete antibodies in response

to an infection.

Symptoms of feline plasma cell pododermatitis- Pododermatitis can affect any footpad, but

most commonly it involves the large or central pad of the front or back feet (called the

metacarpal or metatarsal pads). Generally, all four feet are affected, but occasionally a cat will

have only one affected foot.

Affected pads are typical:

Swollen e.g * use HAMPL Muscle Inflam 259 30ml or HAMPL Joint Swollen 147 30ml



Ulcerated *spray or apply calendula tea or ointment on ulcerous pad for fast healing.

Quick to bleed. * apply on body the HAMPL InjurySurgery 32 drops

The pads might then become painful and cause your cat to limp. Cats with feline plasma cell

pododermatitis also often lick or chew at their feet.

HAMPL CLINIC 60 Angove Street, North Perth. 6006. WA. Ph: (+ 61) 1300 132 966 Fax (+ 61) 1300 855 183


Domestic Ducks

Bumblefoot Plantar Pododermatitis, Foot Pad Dermatitis, Foot Infection Bumblefoot, a term used

to describe a condition known as plantar pododermatitis (inflammation of the foot), is a

common cause of pain and lameness in domestic duck breeds.

Bumblefoot was named after the "bumble-like" appearance of the sores during the more

advanced stages of the infection. Bumblefoot in birds is similar to what diabetic foot ulcers are

for humans.Clinically, during the early stages of bumblefoot, it may initially appear as a small,

superficial lesion, rough abrasion, or mild discoloring of the foot. However, once there is a

breakdown in the skin barrier, it provides a direct opening for opportunistic bacteria (often

Staphylococcus aureus) to enter and cause infection.

Once the foot is infected, ducks often begin to show slight behavioral changes (associated with

an onset of pain caused by the infection) and varying degrees of lameness.

If left untreated or not treated appropriately, the infection often becomes chronic and

progressive, eventually spreading into the underlying bones, tendons and joints and resulting in

osteomyelitis, tenosynovitis, septicemia, and arthritis.

Put the homeopathic HAMPL Clear~Heal 227-2 drops on the body and in feed and water bowl,

trough - fine for others to share. Can even add it to pond the ducks swim in.
