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Theoretical Approaches into LET:Collaborative Learning

Arilesere Fatiu .O.

Hi my name is The theme for this pecha kucha presentation is Theoretical approaches into LET

There are three main theoretical approaches to the LET Programme but I have choosing to talk about one of the major approaches which is Collaborative Learning1

What is CLIt is a type of active learning that takes place in student teams. it represent a shift from the teacher-centered to students-centered process which is based in students discussion and active work with the course material.


What is CL?When we analyze CL generally requires interpretation, assessment, evaluation, comparison, synthesis, and so on3

Benefits of CL

Now lets look @ the benefits of CL aid students socialization, which requires them to divide up tasks, provide feedback, and debate different conclusions.4

Another benefits of CL encouragement of problem solving skill, make them understanding of complex relationships and also decision making in an open ended situations5

More so, Collaborative learning often give room for peer coaching, where an higher achieving students render help to less achieving team members to understand a problem and possible solutions6

Also, in many cases the solution students derive to a problem or issue through collaborative learning tend to be better than they would otherwise come up with on their own.7

It has opened different array of roles that individual could play when involved in it. This role could be seen when a teacher acts more as an organizer, facilitator, and mediator than as a transmitter of knowledge.


CL often involves challenging students with analytical problems which they must solve in teams by obtaining information or utilizing information given to them.


Now lets look a the example of collaborative Learning, Jigsaw, Think-peer-share, Numbered Heads Together, Send a Problem, One Minute Papers, Peer Writing Groups, Simulations


The jigsaw enables each student of a "home" group to specialize in one aspect of a topic. This allows students meet with members from other groups who are assigned the same aspect, and after mastering the material, return to the "home" group and teach the material to their group members.11

The Think-peer-share allow students to work together to solve a problem or answer a question about an assigned reading. In this case students think individually about a topic or answer to a question; and (2) share ideas with their classmates12

Numbered Heads Together technique allows each student to be assigned a number, for example from one to four Then students form teams with four members, each member having a different assigned number. Each team then performs the assigned task, and decides on the answer to the problem


Send a Problem, provides team with a problem. Each team comes to a consensus on the best answer to the question, and writes their answer on the back of the card and pass it to the 2nd team who tries to modify or contradict the 1st team answer, as they decide. 14

One Minute Papers technique allow students have minute to write their responses to one of the following questions:What was the most important thing you learned today? What two important questions do you still have; what remains unclear? What would you like to know more about15

Peer Writing Students work in small groups to write a paper together, going through each stage. formulating ideas, creating a thesis statement, find supporting evidence, and so on


To have an effective CL the instruction and procedure of Projects, Assignments, Tasks, and the Expectations must beas clears as possible. Likewise their should be the creation of common ground.17

Therefore, learning collaboratively demandsresponsibility, persistence and sensitivity in other to build a community of learners in which everyone is welcome to join, participate and grow.


Collaborative learning has developed me as a lifelong learner and has really helped me in regulating my learning with this for me I think the sky is the limit.


Finally, with know doubt we have witnessed lots of potentials in CL. I think we should seek for more of the potentials it can offer to better our learning style. thank 20