Peace Notes April 2015



Word of Peace Lutheran Church in Rogers, MN

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APRIL 2015APRIL 2015APRIL 2015APRIL 2015





5:30 PM


7:30, 9:00, 10:15 & 11:30 AM

The Complete Holy Week Schedule is Listed on the Back Page


Pastor Rick Skare, Senior Pastor

Pastor Krista Strum, Pastor

Pastor Keith Long, Pastor

21705 129th Ave. N.

Rogers, MN 55374

Church Office


(press 3 to leave an emergency

message for the pastor)

Office Hours

Mon-Thurs 8am-4:30pm

Fri 8am-12:30pm

Our Vision Statement

Our vision is to be a community

where everyone knows Christ’s

Love and shares Christ’s Love with

all people.

Our Mission Statement

Christ works through us as we:

• Welcome all people to grow in

faith, love and devo6on,

• Share Christ through word

and deed,

• Care for others and the world

God made, and

• Work for jus6ce and peace.


Contact Jennie Priebe at

763-496-2401 or

May newsle�er deadline:

April 10


& Readings

April 2 | Maundy Thursday

Pastor Keith Long, “The Original Social Network”

Holy Communion, Trinitarian fellowship, koinonia—we will explore these and oth-

er key terms as we share in Jesus’ body and blood, given and shed for you.

Scripture Readings: 1 Corinthians 11:23-26; John 13:1-17, 31-35;

Exodus 12;1-14

April 3 | Good Friday Service of Darkness

On this day, the church gathers to hear the proclama6on of the passion, to pray

for the life of the world, and to meditate on the life giving cross.

Scripture Readings: Isaiah 52:13-53:12; Psalm 22; Hebrew 10:16-25;

John 18:1-19:42

April 5 | Easter

Pastor Rick Skare, “Expect the Unexpected”

The resurrec6on takes all of us by surprise. We can’t prepare for it. We can’t un-

derstand it. It is a gi>.

Scripture Readings: John 20:1-18; 1 Corinthians 15:1-11; Psalm 118:1-2, 14-24;

Isaiah 25:6-9

April 12 & 13

Pastor Keith Long, “Jesus is Risen! Now What?”

How do you follow the invisible man? Close your eyes and reach out your hand!

Scripture Readings: John 20:19-31; Acts 4:32-35; Psalm 133

April 19 & 20

Pastor Rick Skare, “Standing Among Us”

The Risen Jesus comes and stands among us always and even in the midst of our

grief, fear, insecurity, illness, need and ignorance.

Scripture Readings: Luke 24:36b-48; 1 John 3:1-7; Psalm 4, Acts 3:12-19

April 26 & 27

Pastor Keith Long, “The Lord is Our Shepherd—And Trailblazer”

Being in God’s eternal presence is a lifelong, trailblazing adventure!

Scripture Readings: John 10:11-18; Psalm 23; Acts 4:5-12


Pastor Rick Skare

Senior Pastor

Seedlings from the Garden of Life & Growth

Spring is here at last! I’m grateful for many things these days – the first being YOU! Thanks for such a great

start. My family and I feel so blessed by this community and look forward to serving and worshipping togeth-

er in the coming months and years. So in the spirit of spring, here are a few seeds that the Spirit has been

busy plan6ng as I go about the ministry of Life & Growth:


Financial Peace University by Dave Ramsey

Within the first 90 days of Dave's most popular class, the average family pays off $5,300 in debt and

saves $2,700. These nine lessons will teach you to get out of debt the same way you learned to walk—

one step at a <me. (Beginning Sunday nights as soon as Fall 2015)


20 to 30 minute episodes featuring scripture readings, current events, sermon excerpts & lively discussion.


I hope to lead a pilot small group by the fall. Along with a group of 8-10 people, I’m leaning towards mee6ng around

the topic of Faith in Ac<on, perhaps using the book “Beyond Guilt: Chris6an Response to Suffering” by George Johnson.

Grace and Peace,


In the past weeks we have par6cipated in a worship series en6tled,

How To Get Through What You Are Going Through, exploring how God

and God’s Word help us get through life’s pain and hardship, grief and


The resurrec6on of Jesus Christ that we celebrate this month with

Easter certainly gives us assurance and hope and helps us get through

what we are going through in life. As we have gone through this series

and heard from people going through difficult 6mes, I have been

amazed how God has been there and worked in unexpected ways.

Tina Christopherson, a member of Word of Peace who lost her s6llborn

baby girl, Tegan, seven years ago, shared this with the congrega6on as

part of the worship series: “We have found from our experience that

grief has taught us so much about ourselves and helped us grow in our

spiritual lives. The bond we share as a family has been strengthened

through this experience, our love for each other has brought us closer

together. Our rela<onship with God has also been made stronger

through this experience. While it is difficult to understand why things

happen—we know that God cannot protect us from

every evil. We are very aware that he is there for us

and is our rock when evil comes calling. He helps us

pick up the pieces and carry on when our world is

turned upside down. Lastly, our experience has

helped us realize how incredibly lucky we are. We

are surrounded by friends, family and a church family

that has held us and walked with us on this journey.

We are so grateful and apprecia<ve that God has

given us the giD of these wonderful people and this

support through our experience.”

As our worship series and tes6monies like Tina’s

aNest to, the resurrec6on con6nues today. While

the resurrec6on of Jesus Christ may seem strange

and mysterious to us, the risen Christ doesn’t wait

for us to make sense of him. He comes to us, calls us

by name, and gives us what we need (including fami-

ly and friends and a church family who surround us

and support us) so that we can join in the Easter cho-

rus: “Christ is risen! He is risen indeed!”

Easter Blessings to you and your family!

Pastor Keith Long

Pastor of

Congregational Life

and Growth



A Community-Wide Event to End Hunger

3rd Annual Fundraiser for CROSS Food Shelf

Thursday, April 30 2015, 4pm-7pm

The Crown Room – Wellstead of Rogers

You are invited to a soup and bread dinner

provided by local restaurants. Area musicians

and school students will provide entertain-

ment. Shop for beau6ful, handcra>ed bowls

made by local ar6sts, community members

and area students.

Free Admission

$10.00/person suggested dona6on

for soup dinner.

100% of all proceeds benefit CROSS Services.

This event is sponsored by local area church-

es, businesses, schools and organiza6ons.

Want to get involved? Contact Pastor Rick at

763-496-2400 or Stomp Out Hunger

5k Run/Walk for CROSS

Saturday, April 25

at Word of Peace

All proceeds will go to CROSS Food Shelf

NEW THIS YEAR! 8:00am Morning Stretch with Marilee Maxwell

Race begins at 9:00am (8:30am registraEon)

9:45am Kids Race for ages 5-11

Register by April 6 for a Free T-shirt!

T-shirts will be available a>er April 6 while supplies last

To Register: Go to

or Sign up at the table in the Gathering Area

on March 29 & April 12

$20 by April 6 | $25 a>er April 6

Volunteers Needed on Race Day!

If you have ques6ons or would like to volunteer, please contact


Boxed potatoes, toothpaste


Volunteers are needed at CROSS in the

warehouse on Wednesdays. Two

different 6mes are open, either from

9:00 to 12:30, or 12:30 to 4:00.

For more informa3on or to volunteer,

call CROSS at 763-425-1050

Holy Week Walk

Good Friday, April 3, 10:00am, 12:00 noon & 2:00pm

Experience the marketplace of Jerusalem, watch Jesus share a meal with

his disciples and join Jesus as he prays in the Garden of Gethsemane. This

worship service is designed for adults and families of all ages to experience

and par6cipate in the sights and sounds of Holy Week. This is a wonderful

opportunity for parents, grandparents, aunts, uncles, neighbors, and stu-

dents to worship through drama, music, and experience.

For more informa6on, contact Kris6n Skare, or 763-496-




No Peace Market This Year

The ini6al vision for Peace Market was to provide an oppor-

tunity for those in need to have a faith-based place to pur-

chase necessary items at an accessible price. Over the years,

Peace Market has become more of a community-wide garage

sale and social event, with unsold items being donated to

Goodwill. Although those benefits are good, Peace Market

requires numerous volunteer hours, staff hours and building


With much discussion and prayer, we have decided to table

Peace Market for 2015. This decision was carefully made, re-

viewing feedback from the ministry teams and volunteers as

to the frustra6ons and challenges of the event. We are look-

ing for addi6onal ways to partner with CROSS and other

agencies in the area to more effec6vely meet the needs of

individuals and families in our community.

We ask you to pray for our pastors, staff, community leaders

and agencies as they work together to assess the needs of

our community and the ways in which Word of Peace can be

more involved in mee6ng those needs. Thank you!



ANend the New Member Orienta6on on

Saturday, April 18, 9:00am-12:30pm

Recep6on of New Members is April 26 & 27

• Meet the pastors and key staff

• Learn what we believe and how we do ministry

• Enjoy a fellowship meal

• Iden6fy your gi>s and how to use them

Please RSVP:

Contact Susen Kay in the Church Office

763-496-2400 |

- OR -

Sign up online at

Membership is not required to par<cipate in the life of Word of Peace.

Non members are always welcome to take part in

worship, study and fellowship events of this faith community.

Earn Cash for the

Navajo Lutheran Mission School!

Nearly 200,000 Camp-

bell’s labels and Gen-

eral Mills box tops

were donated by indi-

viduals and churches

in 2014. The Navajo Lutheran

Mission school in Rock Point, AZ was able to pur-

chase school equipment and a van to transport

the students and parents to and from school.

Please keep bringing in those labels and box tops

to the Informa6on Desk, which will help to pro-

vide things like computers and electronics, school

supplies, classroom furniture, athle6c uniforms

and equipment, a gymnasium and bleachers for

the mission and school.

Thank you!




Thank you for your generous dona6ons to the

Demsa Health Center in Nigeria during Lent! The

funds we raise will go to the Lutheran Church of

Christ in Nigeria (LCCN) to help remodel and ex-

pand the clinic and hospital, to provide wells for

clean drinking water, and for community health

programs and malaria preven6on.

There is sEll Eme to donate! Envelopes are availa-

ble at the Informa6on Desk and can be turned in-

to the church office, or you may donate online at Any and all gi>s are appre-

ciated! Let’s fill up the Demsa Health Center ban-

ner with dona6ons! For every $10 donated we’ll

add a bandage, for every $20 donated we’ll add a

syringe, and for every $30 donated we’ll add a

brick! With you’re help we can meet our goal of

$5,000 in dona6ons!


Worship & MusicWorship & MusicWorship & MusicWorship & Music

We are very pleased to wel-

come to our new organist,

Julie Nelson, to the Word of

Peace music staff. Julie will

be playing for our tradi6onal

and blended worship ser-


Julie is re6red from the University of Minnesota

where she worked as the Assistant to the Dean

of the Law School. She’s also worked as the

Family Ministry Administra6ve Assistant at

Prince of Peace Lutheran Church in Burnsville.

In addi6on to playing for her hometown church

Immanuel Lutheran Church in Audubon Minne-

sota, (popula6on 500) she volunteers her 6me

playing for the Wellstead in Rogers and for pa-

6ents at Fairview Hospice.

She lives in Maple Grove with her husband Ron.

She has three children and two grandchildren.

Welcome Julie!

Glenn and Caren Nemec Share Experiences

from their Mission Trip to Jamaica

Word of Peace members

Glenn and Caren Nemec

par6cipated in a Mission

Jamaica team Feb 21-28

with a group from Zion Lu-

theran Church in Buffalo.

The team consisted of two

groups, each working on a

different project. The first

group remodeled a wom-

an’s home in the town of

Jbode. In 3 days, the construc6on team demolished a rickety

porch and replaced it with a bathroom and a a large one-room

addi6on. This was the first home the woman had ever had with

indoor plumbing. View a 6me-lapse of the project at h�p://

The second project was a mobile

medical clinic which went to 3

different sites. One was a poor sec-

6on of Montego Bay, the second

was a hillside village named Copse,

and the third was a higher mountain

town named Burnt Savannah.

About 90 pa6ents were seen at

each site with a variety of common

illnesses. Jamaica has na6onal health insurance but a severe

shortage of physicians, so small towns have no access to care as

there are no doctors there and the people are too poor to have

transporta6on to the city. The team also worshiped with a local

Methodist congrega6on in Montego Bay (a three-hour service!).

At the end of the week they had a day to goof off on the beach,

which a>er the three days of hard work plus the day it takes to

prepare the medical team and organize the construc6on process

was much appreciated.

The team from Zion goes every

year during the last week of

February. If you are interested

in joining them, Glenn and

Caren would be happy to share

more details and let you know

how you can join them.

Mental Health Forums

Sundays at 9:45am in Room 120

The Mental Health Task Force invites you to

join them for four Sunday morning classes,

each on four different mental health top-

ics. Area experts will be presen6ng and answer-

ing ques6ons on the following:

April 12: Book Discussion—I’m Not Sick I Don’t

Need Help! How to Help Someone with Mental

Illness Accept Treatment by Xavier Amador

April 19: Anxiety—Cindy LoveleNe explores

anxiety and how it impacts our lives.

April 26: Brain Balance—Lisa Carlson presents

the groundbreaking Brain Balance Program™


children with Au6sm, ADHD, Dyslexia, and oth-

er neurological disorders.

May 3: The Nurtured Heart Approach®—

Breannne Adickes presents how NHA helps

children develop self-regula6on and “inner

wealth” by recognizing and rewarding the posi-

6ve behaviors they display.

For details, please visit h�p://

Glenn Nemec assists an injured man on the side of the road.

Caren Nemec (far right) and other volunteers

with the group from Zion Lutheran Church.

Glenn, Caren (second row from bo�om) and

the medical team from Zion


Luke 12: 22-28 says Do Not Worry.

Therefore I tell you, do not worry about your life, what you

will eat or drink; or about your body, what you will wear. Is

not life more than food and the body more than clothes?

Look at the birds of the air; they do not sow or reap or store

away in barns, and yet your heavenly Father feeds them. Are

you not much more valuable than they? Can any one of you

by worrying add a single hour to your life? And why do you

worry about clothes? See how the flowers of the field grow.

They do not labor or spin yet I tell you, even Solomon in all

his glory was not arrayed like one of these.

It is as if Jesus were talking directly to me when he said

these words. These verses have always resonated with me,

but I have been less than quick to trust in them. I have al-

ways worried about having enough. Enough for me, my fam-

ily and enough to share. What Jesus wants me to do is stop

to worrying and to put my trust where it should always have

been, in him. Trus6ng in him will always be enough, more

than enough. Enough for me, my family and enough le>

over to share with others. Whether it is my 6me, talents or

money there will always be more than enough. Do not wor-


Al Lund and the Stewardship Team

From the Endowment Fund Investment Princi-

pals Document: “Investments shall be made

solely in the interest of the WOP Endowment

Fund. Investments shall be diversified as to mini-

mize the risk of large losses. All purchases shall

be for cash with no margin transac<ons, short

selling or commodity transac<ons. Investments

in limited partnerships and deriva<ves are pro-

hibited. Investments shall be restricted to prod-

ucts and companies that provide a benefit to so-

ciety. The primary objec<ve of management of

the total porVolio is the a�ainment of an aver-

age annual minimal return of 5% over every tail-

ing five year period.” The the first 3 quarters of

2014 the average return was over 7%.

For more informa6on on the Endowment Fund,

contact the church office at 763-496-2400 or vis-


Thank You For Your Generosity!

Thank you to all of the people that have sponsored our youth for the 2015 Na6on-

al Lutheran Youth Gathering. You have contributed more than $3,800 towards the

transporta6on costs of the trip. Future opportuni6es to help support the trip will

include the Easter Breakfast on April 5 and the Plant Sale on May 10.

We are grateful for your kindness and we will keep you informed of our final prep-

ara6ons for the trip and con6nue to inform you of our trip to Detroit and all that

we do and experience in this great city. We ask for your con6nued prayers as we

prepare for our 6me of Bible study, volunteer service, and worship. God Bless You!

We invite you to journey through the Gospel of Mark, which is the text for the Na<onal Youth Gathering this summer. Read

through each of the 16 chapters several <mes and summarize the chapter—Who are the key characters? What stories are new

to you? What surprised you? What should we know about this chapter? Tell us about Jesus in this chapter.


For more informa<on contact Marcus Eads at 763-496-2410 or

Youth MinistryYouth MinistryYouth MinistryYouth Ministry

More Info!

MS: MSM.AM – April 12 and 26 at 9:45am in the Youth Room.

Come for food, devo6ons and games. Friends are always wel-


MS: The LoL at the RAC (Rogers Ac6vity Center)—The 1st

Thursday of each month a>er school. Head upstairs for games,

homework help or just to hang out. Bring money for conces-


MS/HS: Plant Sale Youth Fundraiser—The deadline for turning

in plant sale packets is Sunday, April 12. Youth who have sold

plants must pick their plants up and take them out for delivery

on Friday, May 8 from 4-8pm.

MS/HS: Summer Stretch, June 17-August 12—It’s all about

having fun while doing important work! Youth in completed

grades 5-8 register as par6cipants, while youth in completed

grades 9-12 serve as high school leaders! Join us for six

Wednesdays of service and fun in the community! Registra6on

forms are available outside the Youth Ministry Office and

should be returned by Wednesday, May 13.

MS/HS: Summer Camps—It’s not too late to register for Sum-

mer Camp! Forms are available outside of the Youth Ministry


Family Camp at Luther Crest (All families welcome)

June 19-21

Seeds Camp at Wapo (Completed grades 2-3)

July 31-August 2

Youth Camp at Wapo or Luther Dell (Completed grades 4-5)

August 2-7

Youth Camp at Luther Dell (Completed grades 6-8)

August 2-7

Sr. High Roots Camp at Luther Dell (Completed grades 9-12)

August 2-7

For ques6ons about Summer Camp or Summer Stretch, please

contact Marcus Eads at or 763-496-2410.

HS: Sunday Morning Bible Study—Sunday, April 12 and 26

from 11-Noon in the Youth Room with Marcus. You like

snacks? There’ll be snacks!

HS: Wednesday Night Youth Connect, 6:45-7:15pm in the

Youth Room—food, games, prayer and some 6me to connect

with friends and other high schoolers. All are welcome!

Church School & Con�rmation MinistryChurch School & Con�rmation MinistryChurch School & Con�rmation MinistryChurch School & Con�rmation Ministry

Upcoming Youth Events : MS = Middle School | HS = High School

VacaEon Bible School

June 22-26 | 9am-Noon For children ages 4 years (as of June 25) through completed 5th grade

Registra6on forms are available outside the Children’s Ministry Office or at There are more than 200 volunteer opportuni6es availa-

ble so come spend a week with us!

Church School and ConfirmaEon RegistraEon Begins Sunday, April 26

Registra6on for the 2015/2016 church school and confirma6on year begins on Sunday, April 26 at 8:30am and regis-

tra6on forms will be available at church and at on that date. Registra6on is based on a first-come

first-served basis, and all Children, Youth & Family volunteers will have first choice of their preferred church school

or confirma6on session.


Thursday Senior Shop Rogers Bus—

Thursdays at 10am, $1.00 per rider. Assis-

tance provided with your groceries. Contact

Judy at 763-428-7657.

Jammers Potluck & Music—Sunday, April

12 from 1-5pm (eat at 4pm) at the Rogers

Community Room (21201 Memorial Drive).

Bring a dish to share. Contact Dave at 763-


Rogers Senior Dining—Tuesday through

Thursday every week at 12:00 noon at the

Rogers Community Room. Call at least two

days in advance by 2pm for reserva6ons,

763-428-0976. Cost: 55+ $4.00. Under 55


Weekly Exercise FLEX Program: Mondays

from 11am-Noon at the Rogers Community

Room. Free for SilverSneakers members:

Non-members pay only $1.00 per class and

your first class is free. Exercises are geared

towards 55+ but everyone is welcome. No

on-the-floor work. Chairs used as props

with op6on of adjustable wrist/ankle

weights. Call Instructor Lori Schoenborn at

612-636-0207 or Liz at 763-428-0939 with


Spring CraL Fair and Bake Sale: Sat. April

25 from 9 am - 2:30 pm at the Rogers

Community Room. Many wonderful ven-

dors and plenty of scrump6ous bake sale

items to buy. Lunch will be served. Call Liz

at 763-428-0939 with ques6ons.

Driver Improvement Program through St.

Cloud University: Tuesday, April 14 from

9am-1pm (4 hour refresher, $20.00) at the

Rogers Community Room. Save 10% on

your auto insurance for 3 years. Call 1-888-

234-1294 to sign up.

Great Decisions: A Global ConversaEon

Group - approx. 1 hour monthly foreign

policy discussion of important global topics

presented by videos, local expert presen-

ta6ons and group discussions. April 15 at

10am at the Rogers Community Room.

This month’s topic is Food and Climate.

Call Liz 763-428-0939.

Computer Classes at the Rogers Communi-

ty Room—All classes are $19. To register,

call 763-241-3520 or go to Upcoming clas-

ses: Facebook 101 (8009-1P) Wed. April 1,

1:30-3:30pm. TwiOer 101 (8009-3P) Tues.

April 7, 1:30-3:30pm. There are 5 more

computer classes in April; call or check the

website for more informa6on.

The Word of Peace Kids-Care Bus takes

seniors shopping at Ridgedale every other

month. The next trips will be April 14 and

June 9. Cost is $1.00 for the round trip. The

bus starts picking up at 9:30am and returns

to Rogers by 1:30pm. Call Judy to sign up at



Family Camp at Luther Crest in Alexandria

June 20-22

Word of Peace families of all ages, you are invited to aNend this

fun and relaxing weekend at Luther Crest Bible Camp in Alexan-


Take advantage of beau6ful Lake Carlos with swimming and

pontoon rides, arts and cra>s, hiking trails, Bible studies, wor-

ship, campfires and more! Camp begins at 7pm Friday and ends

at noon on Sunday.

LODGING: Adult Retreat Center: $145/family

Cabins: $85/family

MEALS: $30/person (age 13 or older)

$15/person (age 6-12)

Free (age 0-5)

SIGN UP: Outside of the Youth Ministry office

TO LEARN MORE: Contact Marcus Eads at or 763-496-2410

Please contact Judy Hanson at 763-428-

7657 for resource, community or general

informa<on for seniors in the Rogers area.

To subscribe to the Rogers Senior News-

le�er, call 763-241-3520. Or, read it online


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Ch a n g e S e r v i c e R e q u e s t e d

SundaysSundaysSundaysSundays 8:30 a.m. Traditional8:30 a.m. Traditional8:30 a.m. Traditional8:30 a.m. Traditional 9:45 a.m. Blended9:45 a.m. Blended9:45 a.m. Blended9:45 a.m. Blended 11:00 a.m. Contemporary11:00 a.m. Contemporary11:00 a.m. Contemporary11:00 a.m. Contemporary MondaysMondaysMondaysMondays 6:30 p.m. Contemporary6:30 p.m. Contemporary6:30 p.m. Contemporary6:30 p.m. Contemporary


Services at 8:30, 9:45

& 11:00 AM


Service at 6:30 PM


Service at 6:30 PM


Holy Week Walk

10:00 AM, 12:00 PM

& 2:00 PM

Traditional Service

6:30 PM

The Passion Experience

8:00 PM

Prayer Vigil

8:00 PM-8:00 AM


Service at 5:30 PM


Services at 7:30, 9:00,

10:15, & 11:30 AM

Breakfast served from

7:30-11:00 AM


Details at