Math 20A lecture 1 - Brandeis will we do...


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Math 20A lecture 1

An overview, some administration, and a littlegeometry

T.J. Barnet-Lamb

Brandeis University

Math 20A lecture 1 – p. 1/13


Instructor Thomas Barnet-Lamb, Goldsmith

Schedule Tues, Fri 10.30am–12 noonOffice hours Tues 2–3.30pm, Fri 3–4.30pmTextbook Multivariable Calculus, Concepts and

Contexts, James Stewart, 4th ed

Math 20A lecture 1 – p. 2/13

What will we do in Math 20A

Math 20A lecture 1 – p. 3/13

What will we do in Math 20A

1. Calculus of Several Variables

Math 20A lecture 1 – p. 3/13

What will we do in Math 20A

1. Calculus of Several Variables

2. Analytic Geometry of space

Math 20A lecture 1 – p. 3/13

What will we do in Math 20A

1. Calculus of Several Variables

2. Analytic Geometry of space

Math 20A lecture 1 – p. 3/13

How to get an A

Your grade will be composed of:35% Weekly homeworks

(set on Fri, due following Fri)30% Midterm (Oct 2nd)35% Final exam

Math 20A lecture 1 – p. 4/13

Why math?

I think:

Math 20A lecture 1 – p. 5/13

Why math?

I think:

The objective of mathematical enquiry is tostudy abstract objects—objects which exist only inthought—unravelling their properties with thefollowing end in mind: that when we encounterreal-world objects which are analogous, we canapply by analogy the knowledge we have gained.

Math 20A lecture 1 – p. 5/13

Guess where?

Math 20A lecture 1 – p. 6/13

A true story

Math 20A lecture 1 – p. 7/13

A true story

Math 20A lecture 1 – p. 8/13

The story so far

Relative positions are an example of a vectorquantity: one which has a direction as well as magnitude.

If we want to process these relative positionsmathematically, we often have to turn them in to numbers,but this can only be done using a frame of reference, whichis usually arbitrary.

Most things you can do with these numbers will benonsensical because they’ll depend on the frame ofreference in a silly way.

But there are some things we can do: take the sum,negative, and length of a vector, or multiply a vector by anordinary number.

Math 20A lecture 1 – p. 9/13

Does the universe have a center?

How many Harvard Students does it take to change alightbulb?

Math 20A lecture 1 – p. 10/13

Does the universe have a center?

How many Harvard Students does it take to change alightbulb?

Just one: they hold it in the socket and wait for the world torevolve around them.

Math 20A lecture 1 – p. 10/13

Example: manipulating vectorsgeometrically

Consider the following vectors, u and v. (See picture onboard.)

Draw u + v

Draw u − v

Math 20A lecture 1 – p. 11/13

Example: manipulating vectors withnumbers

Let u = 〈1, 2, 3〉 and v = i − j.Compute |v|, 2u, v + u and |v + 2u|.

Math 20A lecture 1 – p. 12/13

Example: manipulating vectors withnumbers

Let u = 〈1, 2, 3〉 and v = i − j.Compute |v|, 2u, v + u and |v + 2u|.Well, |v| =

12 + (−1)2 =√


Math 20A lecture 1 – p. 12/13

Example: manipulating vectors withnumbers

Let u = 〈1, 2, 3〉 and v = i − j.Compute |v|, 2u, v + u and |v + 2u|.Well, |v| =

12 + (−1)2 =√

2, 2u = 〈2, 4, 6〉

Math 20A lecture 1 – p. 12/13

Example: manipulating vectors withnumbers

Let u = 〈1, 2, 3〉 and v = i − j.Compute |v|, 2u, v + u and |v + 2u|.Well, |v| =

12 + (−1)2 =√

2, 2u = 〈2, 4, 6〉, andv + u = 〈2, 1, 3〉.

Math 20A lecture 1 – p. 12/13

Example: manipulating vectors withnumbers

Let u = 〈1, 2, 3〉 and v = i − j.Compute |v|, 2u, v + u and |v + 2u|.Well, |v| =

12 + (−1)2 =√

2, 2u = 〈2, 4, 6〉, andv + u = 〈2, 1, 3〉. Finally, v + 2u = 〈3, 3, 6〉, which haslength

√32 + 32 + 62 =

√9 + 9 + 36 =


Math 20A lecture 1 – p. 12/13

Example: manipulating vectors withnumbers

Let u = 〈1, 2, 3〉 and v = i − j.Compute |v|, 2u, v + u and |v + 2u|.Well, |v| =

12 + (−1)2 =√

2, 2u = 〈2, 4, 6〉, andv + u = 〈2, 1, 3〉. Finally, v + 2u = 〈3, 3, 6〉, which haslength

√32 + 32 + 62 =

√9 + 9 + 36 =


Find a unit vector in the same direction as 〈2, 3, 6〉.

Math 20A lecture 1 – p. 12/13

Example: manipulating vectors withnumbers

Let u = 〈1, 2, 3〉 and v = i − j.Compute |v|, 2u, v + u and |v + 2u|.Well, |v| =

12 + (−1)2 =√

2, 2u = 〈2, 4, 6〉, andv + u = 〈2, 1, 3〉. Finally, v + 2u = 〈3, 3, 6〉, which haslength

√32 + 32 + 62 =

√9 + 9 + 36 =


Find a unit vector in the same direction as 〈2, 3, 6〉.The length of this vector is√

22 + 32 + 62 =√

4 + 9 + 36 =√

49 = 7. Thus if wemultiply this vector by 1

7, the resulting vector will have

unit length. (And we will not have changed thedirection.) So the answer is 〈2

7, 3

7, 6


Math 20A lecture 1 – p. 12/13

Example: coordinates

Find the distance from the point (1, 2, 3) tothe xy planethe x axis

The triangle PQR, where

P = (1, 1, 1), Q = (3, 3, 3), R = (−1,−1, 2)

is isosceles: which two sides have the same length?

Math 20A lecture 1 – p. 13/13
