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Flooding can happen at any time of year frommany different sources. Flooding doesn't justaffect homes, it affects businesses, schools,childcare facilities, care homes, hospitals - thelist goes on. Environment Agency Wales is working closely withyour school to ensure the safety and welfare ofyour child during a flood. We have asked yourlocal school to help us raise awareness throughdistributing leaflets to parents and guardians ofpupils. We ask you to follow the three simple steps belowto help prepare your family for flooding. Step 1 - Find out Visit www.environment-agency.gov.uk/floodwales or ring Floodline on0845 988 1188 to find out if you live in an area atrisk of flooding. Step 2 - Sign up If you are at risk you may be eligible to receivefree flood warnings of possible flooding fromrivers or the sea. An advance warning could giveyou the time you need to make sure your lovedones are safe during a flood. Step 3 - Complete a personal flood plan You can download a personal flood plan templatefrom the Environment Agency’s website. Fill thisin and keep it in a safe place as you will need torefer to it during a flood.

Three steps to prepare forflooding

Be prepared for flooding                                        Floodline 0845 988 1188

Paratowch at lifogydd

Flooding and your familyLlifogydd a'ch teulu chi

Gall llifogydd ddigwydd ar unrhyw adeg o'rflwyddyn, o amryw wahanol ffynonellau. Nidcartrefi'n unig sydd ym mherygl, ond hefydfusnesau, ysgolion, cyfleusterau gofal plant,cartrefi gofal, ysbytai...mae'n rhestr faith. Mae Asiantaeth yr Amgylchedd Cymru yngweithio'n agos gyda'ch ysgol i sicrhau lles adiogelwch eich plentyn yn ystod llifogydd. Rydymwedi gofyn i'ch ysgol leol ein helpu i godiymwybyddiaeth drwy ddosbarthu y daflen hon irieni a gwarchodwyr y disgyblion.  Gofynnwn i chi ganlyn y tri cham syml isod ermwyn helpu paratoi'ch teulu chi at lifogydd.  Cam 1 – Canfod Ymwelwch ag www.asiantaeth-amgylchedd.gov.uk/floodwales neu galwchFloodline ar 0845 988 1188 er mwyn cael gwyboda ydych mewn ardal tan fygythiad llifogydd. Cam 2 – Ymgofrestrwch Os ydych ym mherygl, efallai y gallwch gaelrhybuddion o flaen llaw rhad ac am ddim ynglŷn âllifogydd o’r afonydd neu’r môr. Gallai rhybudd oflaen llaw roi i chi’r amser angenrheidiol ar gyfersicrhau fod eich anwyliaid chi’n ddiogel pan follifogydd. Cam 3 – Creu cynllun llifogydd personol Gallwch lawrlwytho taflen cynllun llifogyddpersonol o'n gwefan. Cwblhewch hwn a chadwcho mewn lle diogel.  Efallai y bydd angen i chi’iddarllen o yn ystod llifogydd.

Tri cham paratoi at lifogydd
