PCD Objective 5.03 Exemplify Parenting Styles and methods for Guiding Toddlers. Chapter 3


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PCDObjective 5.03Exemplify Parenting Styles and methods for Guiding Toddlers.

Chapter 3

•Expects children to obey parent without question

•Tells child what to do and expects it to be done immediately

•Responds quickly and firmly to rules that are broken

Authoritarian parent

•Gets input from child for rules and limits

•Gives children some freedom of choice

•Believes that children learn best by accepting the results of their actions. Use problem solving with child to find the best punishment

Democratic parent

•Gives child wide range of freedom

•Lets child set own rules and limits

•Teaches child to think for himself/herself

Permissive parent

Methods for guiding toddlers’ behavior

•Set a good example so children can imitate positive behaviors

•Set limits or behavioral boundaries that are age-appropriate and appropriate to misbehavior

•Meet toddlers’ needs instead of punishing

•Show love for toddler•Give the toddler respect•Be consistent

Methods for dealing with inappropriate behaviors of toddler

•Decide if misbehavior is intentional or unintentional

•Use punishment to remind children that appropriate behavior is important and to teach them consequences of poor decisions

•Give warning for first offense •Punish in proportion to misbehavior

• Select consequences that effectively discourage children from repeating misbehaviors▫ Natural consequences

Avoid lecturing child Avoid replacing item ruined by behavior Avoid taking care of the situation for the child

▫ Logical consequences Connect consequences to the misbehavior Be prepared to follow through with consequences Loss of privilege Time-out

• Avoid less effective responses▫ Bribes▫ Making child promise to behave▫ Shouting and yelling▫ Shaming and belittling▫ Threatening to withhold love

Methods for dealing with specific inappropriate behaviors of toddlers

• Directions:▫ Fill in these notes on your handout labeled ‘Methods for Dealing with Specific Inappropriate

Behaviors of Toddlers’

• Contrariness▫ Tell in advance▫ Use pretend games

• Temper tantrums▫ Put expectations in positive statements▫ Use pretend games▫ Discuss treats with child before going to store

• Biting▫ Look directly in eyes of child▫ Say “do not bite”

• Hitting▫ Guide child toward choices▫ Use pretend games

KEY TERMS• Characteristics of parenting styles

▫parenting styles The manner in which parents express their beliefs about how

to be a good parent; many adopt the styles of parenting learned from their parents because that is the way they were raised and they feel it must be right

▫Authoritarian Style of parenting in which punishment and control are used

frequently with parents assuming power and authority▫Democratic

Style of parenting in which parents and children work together to set limits and make discipline decisions

▫Permissive Style of parenting in which parents let their children make

their own decisions in order to learn from their successes and failures, setting few limits, and offering minimal guidance

•Examples of methods for guiding children’s behavior▫role model

A person who is consistent and sets a positive example for others

▫setting limits Defining rules and boundaries between acceptable

and unacceptable behavior▫positive reinforcement

A response to a desired behavior that makes the behavior likely to be repeated

▫Consistency Maintaining a particular standard or repeating a

particular response in the same or a similar way

•Methods for dealing with inappropriate behavior▫Intentional

Done on purpose, not by accident▫Unintentional

Done not on purpose or by plan, but by accident▫Warning

A piece of advice given to somebody to be careful or to stop doing something

▫Natural consequences Results that occur on their own when a certain

behavior is performed▫Logical consequences

Results set by parents to show what may be logically expected to happen following certain actions

Sample Test Questions

1. Which is an example of words that are likely to be used by an authoritarian parent?

a. “Johnny, let’s talk about your going to the fair.”

b. “Johnny, think about what time you want to come home after the fair.”

c. “Johnny, you can go to the fair anytime you want to.”

d. “Johnny, you will not go to the fair because I do not want you to go.”

Answer D

2. Which is an example of words that are likely to be used by a democratic parent?

a. “Marilyn, you can stay out as late as you wish, no problem.”

b. “Mary, you’d better not stay out one minute after eleven o’clock.”

c. “Sarah, let’s take a minute to discuss the time for your curfew tonight.”

d. “Terry, you are to be home promptly at eleven-thirty tonight.”

Answer C 

3. Which is an example of an appropriate method for guiding toddlers’ behavior?a. Sam put John in time out for two minutes.b. Susan ignored her son and made him go to

bed without his supper after he spilled his milk.

c. Suzanna corrected George yesterday about running, but let him get away with running today.

d. Tiffany gave Tina an ice cream bar and then punished her.

Answer A

Learning Logs

•Researchers have divided the methods and techniques for guiding children’s behavior into three main parenting styles.

•Pretend you are 35 year old parenting three children--a 2 year old, a 6 year old, and a 10 year old.

•Write on your own paper examples of what their daily routines would be in this situation.

Activity:“What Parenting Style Is

Used in My Home?”•Directions:

▫Have 9th graders in an English class respond to the survey. Have them write their name and teachers

name on the survey.▫We will compile the survey responses and

make a bar graph of the results.

The Developing Child

•Read Chapter 3 in the textbooks on Parenting Styles.

•Use the graphic organizer “Parenting Styles” Appendix 5.03B to record information for each style under the correct heading.

“Misbehavior Scenarios”

•Directions:▫Define and list 1 example of an intentional

and unintentional misbehavior.▫Write what you would do if you were these

children’s parents on the intentional and unintentional behaviors.

▫After writing your answers, you will then switch with someone on the class and they will read your responses and determine what parenting style you will be one day.

“Dealing with Inappropriate Behaviors”

•Directions:▫Complete the handout using book.

Key Terms & Sample Test Questions

•Define terms using textbook.•Answer Sample Test Questions using book

and/or notes

Parenting Style Quiz•Directions:

▫Go to the following website to complete a parenting style quiz online.


▫There are no right and wrong answers.

1. Write down your score and results. 2. Match your results with one of the

parenting styles discussed in class. 3. Be ready to share your styles with the



•Complete Objectives 5.01-5.03▫Total or Separate▫Quiz or Learning Mode▫Record score▫We will have our 5.00 Total Test Friday!

To do/Turn in list:1. Learning Log question/answer.

1. Leave in notebook for 5.00 grade.2. Survey “What Parenting Style Is Used in My

Home?”3. “Parenting Styles” Handout/use book4. “Misbehavior Scenarios”5. Dealing with Specific Inappropriate Behaviors of

Toddlers-Handout6. Key Terms Defined7. Sample Test Questions 8. Parenting Style Quiz-Online9. MiTiReLa-5.00 Total Test-Record Score
