PC World - August 2014 USA


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  • 8/10/2019 PC World - August 2014 USA


  • 8/10/2019 PC World - August 2014 USA


  • 8/10/2019 PC World - August 2014 USA




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  • 8/10/2019 PC World - August 2014 USA





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    Microsoft changescourse

    Windows 7

    mainstreamsuppot is ending,but dont panic

    Rumor: MicrosoftsWindows 9campaign beginsthis fall

    Microsoft givesaway nearly 300ebooks

    The militay isstudying yourFacebook andTwitter habits

    Grim Fandangoremaster confirmedfor PC

  • 8/10/2019 PC World - August 2014 USA


    Tech and trends that will affect you today and beyond.

    Satya Nadellas strategymemo reveals a focuson productivity.


    N ULY 10, with the release of a Microsoft stategy memo

    (go.pcworld.com/nadellamemo), CEO Satya Nadella

    chated a new course focused on interconnectivity and

    productivityone in which the standard-setting Office

    applications and other products and sevices could slowly blur

    together, becoming different modes of working with the same data.

    Right now, of course, you can still buy Windows, Office, Windows Phone,

    and other Microsoft products and sevices. But within the next decade,your inteaction with Microsoft products could be adically different.

    Nadellas stategy memo marks an evolution: Following Steve

    Ballmers devices and sevices stategy and Nadellas own mobile first,

    cloud first concept, the plan now is to make Microsoft the productivity

    and platform company for the mobile-first and cloud-first world.

    Microsoft has a unique ability to harmonize the worlds devices,

    apps, docs, data and social networks in digital work and life

    experiences so that people are at the center and are empowered to




  • 8/10/2019 PC World - August 2014 USA


    do more and achieve more with what is becoming an increasingly

    scarce commoditytime! Nadella writes.

    For Nadella, productivity requires connections, intelligence, andmost of all, ubiquity. He writes at length of the need to reinvent the

    companys culture and products to achieve that new reality.

    Connections forgedMicrosoft has already spent consideable effot connecting its apps to

    one another. For example, Microsofts Business Intelligence platform

    can tap into Bing Maps, and Excel can connect to live data sources

    stored within the Azure cloud. The Bing search engine has morphed

    into a knowledge repositoy powering Cotana and other sevices. And

    Microsoft has responded to the collaboative advantages of Google

    Apps and other competing sevices by making enhancements in its

    Office suite, especially its Web apps(go.pcworld.com/offwebapps).

    Microsoft has

    used its Web

    apps to quickly

    launch new


  • 8/10/2019 PC World - August 2014 USA


    Nadella also recognizes the potential pitfalls of the so-called

    Internet of Thingsthat we could be ovewhelmed by a wave of data

    that we simply cant gasp, let alone place in its proper context.

    Billions of sensors, screens and devicesin conference rooms,

    living rooms, cities, cars, phones, PCsare forming a vast network

    and streams of data that simply disappear into the background of

    our lives, Nadella writes. This computing power will digitize nearly

    eveything around us and will derive insights from all of the data

    being geneated by inteactions among people and between people

    and machines. We are moving from a world where computing power

    was scarce to a place where it now is almost limitless, and where the

    true scarce commodity is increasingly human attention.

    Its easy to dismiss this notion of reinventing the company as mere

    marketing-speak. And Microsofts product potfolio wont change;

    Nadella identifies Bing, Dynamics, Excel, OneDrive, OneNote, Outlook,PowerPoint, Skype, and Word as components of the roster.

    But Nadella also calls out other Microsoft technologies that arent so

    much products as sevicesnamely its Oslo technology, now renamed

    Delve(go.pcworld.com/oslodelve), and Cotana, the digital assistant

    powering the latest iteation of Windows Phone. Both technologies

    inteact in new ways with data that Microsoft has collected elsewhere.

    Other sevices, such as Skype Tanslator, will help to surmount language

    barriers affecting coworkers who are collaboating across continents.





    and relevant


  • 8/10/2019 PC World - August 2014 USA


    Increasingly, all of these experiences will become more connected

    to each other, more contextual and more personal, Nadella writes.

    Sofware as services

    Microsofts role, as Nadella outlines it, is to facilitate those connections

    among devices, people, and data, parsing the data in such a way that

    its genuinely useful. All of these apps will be explicitly engineered so

    anybody can find, ty and then buy them in friction-free ways, Nadella

    writes. They will be built for other ecosystems so as people move

    from device to device, so will their content and the richness of their

    sevicesits one way we keep people, not devices, at the center.Note his emphasis on people, not devices. Its a hint regarding how

    Microsoft will differentiate itself as the company rethinks its stategy.

    Not too long ago, Google regarded offerings such as Google Drive

    and Gmail as sevices that belonged on their own platforms. But thats

    less true today. While email can low across

    platforms, its the intelligence on top of your

    emailreading a message to learn about an

    upcoming light, say, and determining how soonyou need to leave for the airpot, factoring in

    tafficthats increasingly becoming platform-

    specific. I can open my Gmail account on my

    Windows Phone, but Google Now will ping me

    only if I have my Samsung Galaxy Note 3 handy.

    Its conceivable, then, that what we currently think of as Microsoft

    products may evolve into sevices as our data lows freely in and out.In this arangement, users are invited to patake of the sevices that

    Microsoft, Google, and Apple each offerbut those respective

    sevices never venture outside their corpoate walls. (Compare this

    approach with the way Wolfam Research handles data in its latest

    Mathematica release; see go.pcworld.com/mathematica.)

    You can see this idea in action already. You can open a spreadsheet in

    Excel, or in Word. You can also manipulate that data via a Web app, if

    you like. Or to use Nadellas example, you can take languagewhich is


    Microsofs role is toacilitate connectionsamong devices,people, and data.

  • 8/10/2019 PC World - August 2014 USA


    just another form of dataand inteact with it through Skype, Word,

    or Outlook, tanslating it and correlating it to your contacts. Its that

    last bit, however, where Microsofts own software is required.In other words, Excel can run on an iPad, but Excel runs best on a

    Windows PC or a Suface tabletnot because of any hardware

    limitations, but because Microsoft reseves its digital intelligence for

    users who choose Microsoft platforms. In a way, a Windows PC or

    tablet authenticates the user, allowing that person access throughout

    Microsofts ecosystem.

    And thats the direction Microsoft is heading these days. Instead of

    encouaging you to purchase a Microsoft Office DVD, the companynow promotes Office 365 and asks you to treat the productivity suite

    as a subscription, with the promise of new capabilities and features

    added over time. Youre simply buying a bundle of sevices.

    Five or ten years from now, Nadella suggests, we may still open

    Word, or Excel, or Internet Explorer to do our work. But we may

    increasingly regard those apps as remnants of a bygone age.

    Office for iPad

    looks great, but

    it lacks the

    smats of Office

    on Windows.

  • 8/10/2019 PC World - August 2014 USA


    Windows 7mainstreamsuppot isending, but

    IN EARLY ULY,Microsoft reminded the world that

    it will stop providing mainstream suppot for Windows 7

    (and a slew of other products; see go.pcworld.com/msftendingfor the full

    list) in Januay 2015. Immediately, a lood of fearmongering headlines and

    aticles implied that Windows 7 is following Windows XP into the gave.

    It isnt.

    The confusion stems from Microsofts maddeningly obtuse naming

    conventions. The end of Windows 7s mainstream suppot means only

    that the opeating system will no longer get new features or product

    tweaks, such as the fothcoming DirectX 12. Once a Windows desktop

    OS leaves mainstream suppot, it enters the extended suppot phase

    the same phase that Windows XP resided in from early 2009 until its

    demise earlier this year.

    Youll still receive critical security patches during extended suppot, sowhile Windows 7 wont be in active development beyond next Januay,

    Microsoft isnt tossing it to the wolves of the Web, either. The company

    will still provide security-related hotfixes, too; businesses can sign up for

    an extended hotfix suppot plan to cover nonsecurity hotfixes. The

    extended suppot for Windows 7 will last until Januay 14, 2020. (If youre

    still curious about how suppot works, read Microsofts Windows lifecycle

    fact sheet at go.pcworld.com/winlifecycle.)

    So dont panic. Windows 7 isnt dying for a long, long time.



  • 8/10/2019 PC World - August 2014 USA


    ACCORDING TO RUSSIAN LEAKERWZOR,Microsoft plans to launch

    Windows 9 this fall and back it with a substantial ad campaign.

    The Russian blogger also claims that accompanying the release

    will be a new distribution method keyed to the users PC and theonline Microsoft Store, ather than an activation key thats sold

    and/or distributed to an individual user.

    Wzor, who went silent in March after allegedly receiving leaked

    information (go.pcworld.com/msftleak) from former Microsoft

    employee Alex Kibkalo, resufaced in early July, posting information to

    Russian bulletin boards(go.pcworld.com/win9leak). Wzors latest post

    as of this writing spends more time describing the new activation

    system than the Windows 9 campaign itselfbut the activation system


    Rumor: Microsofts Windows9 campaign begins this fallBY MARK HACHMAN

    Microsoft may

    abandon the

    Stat screen in

    favor of smaller


  • 8/10/2019 PC World - August 2014 USA


    Welcome to Greenbot,

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  • 8/10/2019 PC World - August 2014 USA


    may vey well end up being the more significant announcement.

    So far, Microsoft hasnt indicated what its plans are regarding

    Windows. Following the recent release of Windows 8.1 Update 1,tipsters have pointed toward a second, minor update this fall. After

    that, repots have claimed, comes Threshold (go.pcworld.com/

    buywin8), though whether that release will be a third update or a

    new, full-ledged Windows is up in the air.

    At this point, the distinctions are purely marketingbut what

    impotant distinctions they are. According to NetMarketShare, the

    combined market share of Windows 8.1 and Windows 8 is merely

    12.54 percent. Thats more than Apples Mac OS share, but far lessthan the 25.31 percent that Windows XP holds, or the 50.55 percent

    share that Windows 7 enjoys.

    Microsoft long ago stopped disclosing the number of Windows 8

    licenses it has sold. And its product releases have steadily moved

    away from the bold yet intimidating Stat screen toward more

    friendly elements, such as the shrunken Stat menu that will

    supposedly debut with Threshold.

    Windows 8

    may soon join

    Windows Vista

    in Microsofts

    hall of shame.

  • 8/10/2019 PC World - August 2014 USA


    Its Microsofts prerogative to keep the Windows 8.1 banding if it

    wishes. But the company has equal reason to jump ahead to Windows

    9 and begin a new chapter in its product development. If that turnsout to be Microsofts stategy, then Windows 8 is indeed the new Vista.

    Activation through the Microsof StoreThe Wzor post outlining a new, online-centric method of registering

    a Windows purchase states that registation would be bound to a

    single PC and activated when the user connects that machine to

    the Microsoft Store. Users could also back up their key to a special

    ESD-RETAIL format on a lash drive or onanother PC. Users who tried to run a single

    copy of Windows on multiple PCs would be

    asked to undock the other machines, in Wzors

    phasing, within three days.

    A tanslated copy of Wzors post describes the

    Windows 9 marketing campaign as fantastic.

    Microsoft communications chief Fank Shaw essentially dismissed

    the rumor, tweeting Was there a cazy rumor day declaation that

    I missed? without specifically referring to the Wzor repot.

    Whether or not the repot is true, the question it aises is an

    intriguing one. Each Windows 8.1 release that Microsoft ships

    leaves the company mired in that opeating systems troubled

    histoy. With a new chief executive, a revamped management

    structure, and a fresh mobile first, cloud first approach, doesnt

    it make sense to turn the page on Windows, as well?


    Whether Thresholdwill be an update ora new Windows isup in the air.

  • 8/10/2019 PC World - August 2014 USA


    GET READY TO DRINKdeep from

    the fountain of knowledge. As he

    has done in years past, Eric Ligman,

    Microsofts senior sales excellence

    manager, has collected a trove of

    free Microsoft ebooks and resources


    offering up nearly 300 gatis guides

    for your reading pleasure.

    To be fair, most of the items (which we first noticed thanks to

    BetaNews) are basic guides, sales materials, or deeply technical

    tomes delving into the arcane ats of, say, Azure, Microsoft

    Dynamics, and SharePoint. Valuable resources, sure, but maybe

    not consumer-friendly resources.

    That said, sifting through the bounty reveals some handyreference items that eveyday folks will find interesting. The

    hefty Windows 7 Power Users Guide is up for gabs, and so too is

    Introducing Windows 8.1 for IT Professionals, which spans 139

    pages. Youll also find the teen-focused Own Your SpaceKeep

    Yourself and Your Stuff Safe Online in the collection.

    Some of the smaller no-cost ebooks might be woth keeping

    near your PC. You can gab keyboard-shotcut guides for vitually

    evey Microsoft productWindows 7, Windows 8, Office,


    Microsoftgives awaynearly 300ebooks

    You can find

    helpful guides

    for Windows 7

    and other



  • 8/10/2019 PC World - August 2014 USA


    SharePoint, Outlook, you name it

    along with shoter tip-laden aticles

    such as What to do before you calltech suppot and various Office-

    product quick-stat guides. IT types

    will find plenty to peruse, too.

    Did I mention that all of these Microsoft guides are free? Be sure

    to check them out.

    If youre looking for even more computing advice, wander over

    to the Heres Howsection on page 103. And on PCWorld.com, we

    have waymore than 300 aticles that can teach novices and prosalike all sots of nifty tricks. Our guide to the 17 obscure Windows

    tricks too poweful to ignore (go.pcworld.com/obscure) and our

    advice on turning your Windows tablet or old laptop into a PC

    gaming powerhouse with Steam streaming (go.pcworld.com/

    steamstreaming) are just the tip of the iceberg.


    You can grab keyboard-shortcut guides orvirtually everyMicrosof product.

  • 8/10/2019 PC World - August 2014 USA


    IT SHOULD COMEas no surprise in the ea of Edward Snowden

    that the United States militay is keeping an eye on your social

    media habits. But what you might not realize is that the

    Depatment of Defense is also funding Facebook-style

    behavioal experiments.

    The Guardianrepoted in early July that DARPA, the Defense

    Depatments research arm, has given millions of dollars(go.

    pcworld.com/darpa) to projects that examine activity on

    Facebook, Twitter, Digg, Reddit, Pinterest, and other popular

    social networks as pat of its Social Media in Stategic


    The militay is studying your

    Facebook and Twitter habits

  • 8/10/2019 PC World - August 2014 USA



    Communication progam.

    According to the newspaper,

    one of the studies involvedsending messages to users to

    gauge their responses. DARPA

    even looked at the Twitter

    accounts of Lady Gaga and

    Justin Bieber to determine how

    messages disseminate across

    that network. The militay also

    examined Kickstater projects.Why is DARPA interested in

    what you and Lady Gaga are

    tweeting about? The SMISC

    progam (go.pcworld.com/

    smisc) is designed to prevent

    stategic surprise, according to DARPA, by studying how information

    spreads through social networks. Armed with those research results,

    the government can then develop tools to suppot the effots of

    human opeators to counter misinformation or deception

    campaigns with truthful information.

    DARPA claims that it abides by legal and ethical standards for its

    studies, and that it seeks willing paticipants for its experiments.

    Some of the studies, however, didnt ask for paticipation, according

    to the Guardian. One project, called Who Will Retweet This?

    Automatically Identifying and Engaging Stangers on Twitter toSpread Information, sought out Twitter users to pass along facts

    about public safety and disease.

    So if a stanger ever messages you on Facebook or Twitter, be

    careful: It might be a government researcher studying you.

    What youpost

    on Facebook

    and elsewhere

    is coming

    under scrutiny.

  • 8/10/2019 PC World - August 2014 USA


    IN EARLY ULY, one month after Sony representatives stood onstage

    at that companys E3 press conference (go.pcworld.com/e3sony2014)

    and announced that Grim Fandangowould be available for the first

    time in almost 15 years, we got confirmation that the beloved

    adventure game would be on the PC, too. (Oh, thank goodness.)

    Yes, despite the implication at E3 that the remastered version ofthe game would be exclusive to Sonys PlayStation 4 and Vita, Grim

    Fandangowill indeed be coming to its true and rightful PC home(go.

    pcworld.com/grimpc), as well as to Mac and Linux. This isnt really a

    surprise, considering that Grim Fandangocreator and Double Fine

    founder Tim Schafer tweeted about other platforms during E3,

    but stillnostalgic gamers can now heave a sigh of relief.

    And lest you blame Sony for making you wait on the edge of your

    seat for this announcement, keep in mind that Sony apparently


    Grim Fandango remasterconfirmed for PC

  • 8/10/2019 PC World - August 2014 USA


    helped Double Fine in the

    negotiations to get the rights to

    Grim Fandangoback after LucasAtsspent a decade and a half squatting,

    sticking its fingers in its ears, and

    shouting Sell one of the most

    critically acclaimed games of all time again so people can actually

    play it? I cant hear you! I cant hear you! while George Lucas an

    roughshod over the Star Warsfanchise.

    Ahemsory. At any ate, Disney may be the best thing to happen

    to Star Warsin a long time, and the best thing to happen to classicadventure games from the 1990s. We still have no official release

    date for the remastered adventures of Manny Calavea, though

    the July announcement from Double Fine says just a BIT longer.


    Disney may be the bestthing to happen toclassic adventuregames from the 1990s.

  • 8/10/2019 PC World - August 2014 USA





  • 8/10/2019 PC World - August 2014 USA



    YBERCRIMINALS TRICKED FRED into giving away some

    sensitive information. Now he wants to know how to mitigate

    this situation.

    Dont feel bad. We all make mistakes. But with these sots

    of mistakes, you have to act fast to avoid disaster.

    Youve fallen for a scam!

    Now what?Whats done is done. Heres what you need to do to keep yourmistake from costing your further. BY LINCOLN SPECTOR


    Make smart purchases,stay safe online.

  • 8/10/2019 PC World - August 2014 USA


    What you need to do depends on how

    you were tricked. Did you give them your

    email password? Your bank and/or creditcard numbers? Your passwords for

    Facebook, Twitter, or other social media

    sites? Did they remotely access your PC,

    or trick you into installing software?

    If you have reason to believe that criminals can access your financial

    accounts, call your banks and credit card companies immediately.

    Explain the situation and follow their instructions.

    Next, change any passwords that might have fallen into criminalhands. This includes email, social-media, and other passwords.

    If youve been using the same password for multiple accounts,

    change all of those passwords as well. And stop using the same

    password for multiple accounts already!

    If you cant change a passwordor even log on to a sitethat means

    the crook got there first. Check the site for instructions on recovering a

    hijacked account. Conduct a Web search forhijacked accountand the

    name of the sevice in question (Facebook, Google, or whatever) and

    follow the directions given on the sevices website.

    By the way, if you set up your account with two-step verification

    (most major sevices offer this), chances are slim that criminals will be

    able to access and hijack your account.

    Next, call the police and ask to make a repot. No, the cops will not

    find the crooks and return what was stolen. But banks, credit card

    companies, and other institutions may want to see a police repot. Itmakes your claim to victimhood official. Dont call 911. Unless the

    criminal is physically inside your home, its not an emergency.

    Were you tricked into allowing someone to remotely control your

    PC? Or into downloading software? If so, theres no telling what

    information they got, or are still getting.

    In that case, change your Windows login password immediately. And

    scan your PC for malware (go.pcworld.com/malwarestrikes) using

    multiple antimalware tools.

    If you cant change a

    passwordor even logon to a sitethat meansthe crook got there first.

  • 8/10/2019 PC World - August 2014 USA



    THE CREATORS OF TRUECRYPT shocked the computer security world

    recently when they seemingly ended development of the popularopen-source encyption tool. Even more surprising, the creators said

    TrueCypt could be insecure and that Windows users should migate

    to Microsofts BitLocker. Theories immediately began to swirl as to

    what might have prompted the surprise announcement.

    But in any case, the TrueCypt incident gives us a chance to explain

    BitLocker and how to use it.

    What is BitLocker?BitLocker is an easy-to-use, proprietay encyption progam for

    Windows that can encypt your entire drive as well as help protect

    against unauthorized changes to your systemsay, by malware

    that targets your systems firmware.

    Who can use BitLocker

    The progam is available to anyone

    with a machine running Windows Vista

    or 7 Ultimate, Windows Vista or 7

    Enterprise, Windows 8.1 Pro, or Windows

    8.1 Enterprise. If youre running an Enterprise

    edition, chances are your PC belongs to a large company, so

    you should discuss enabling BitLocker encyption with your

    companys IT depatment.

    Most of us buy PCs with the standard version of Windows, which

    A beginners guide toBitLocker, Windowsbuilt-in encyption toolBY IAN PAUL

  • 8/10/2019 PC World - August 2014 USA


    doesnt include BitLocker encyption. But if you upgaded to Windows

    8 during the initial rollout of Microsofts dual-inteface opeating

    system then you probably have Windows 8 or 8.1 Pro.

    System requirementsTo run BitLocker, you need a Windows PC running one of the OS

    lavors mentioned above, plus a PC with at least two patitions and a

    Trusted Platform Module (TPM). A TPM is a special chip that runs an

    authentication check on your hardware, software, and firmware. If the

    TPM detects an unauthorized change, your PC will boot in a restricted

    mode to deter potential attackers. BitLocker will run a system checkwhen you stat it up to see if your PC can use the progam.

    Who should use BitLocker?Heres the thing about BitLocker: Its a closed-source progam. Thats

    problematic for folks who are extremely privacy conscious, because

    users have no way of looking at the code

    to see if, for example, Microsoft was

    pressured by the U.S. government into

    putting some kind of backdoor into the

    progam that would allow the

    government to access it. (The company

    says there are no backdoors.)

    So I wouldnt count on this encyption

    progam defending your data against government actors such as

    border agents or intelligence sevices. But if youre looking to protectyour data from petty criminals and nongovernment types, then

    BitLocker should be just fine.

    Going crypto, Microsof styleHeres how to got BitLocker running on a Windows 8.1 Pro machine.

    The first thing youll need to do is fire up the Control Panel.

    When the Control Panel opens, type BitLockerinto the search

    box in the upper-right corner and press . Next, click

    Dont count onBitLocker protectingyour data againstgovernment actors.

  • 8/10/2019 PC World - August 2014 USA


    Manage BitLocker, and on the next screen click Turn on BitLocker.

    Now BitLocker will check your PCs configuation to make sure your

    device suppots Microsofts encyption method.

    If it approves your PC for BitLocker, Windows will show you a

    message like this one. If your TPM module is turned off, then Windows

    will turn it on and encypt your drive.

    TPMTo activate your TPM security hardware, you must shut down

    Windows. Then you must manually turn your PC back on. Before you

    go ahead with this process, make sure to eject any lash drives, CDs, or

    DVDs from your PC. Then press Shutdown.

    Once you restat your PC, you may see a warning that your system

    was changed. In my case I had to press to confirm the change

    or to cancel. After that, your computer should boot back up.Once you log in again, youll see the BitLocker window.

    Recovery key and encryptionAfter a few minutes, you should see a window with a green checkmark

    next to Turn on the TPM security hardware. Click Next.

    Before you encypt your drive, however, you have to save a recovey

    key in case you have problems unlocking your PC. Windows 8.1 gives

    you three choices for saving this key: Save the recovey-key file to your



    checks that

    your PC has

    the required




  • 8/10/2019 PC World - August 2014 USA


    Microsoft account, save the file

    to a lash drive, or print the

    recovey key. You are able tochoose as many of these options

    as you like, and you should

    choose at least two.

    In my case, I chose to save the

    file to a USB drive and print the

    key code on paper. I decided against saving the file to my Microsoft

    account, because I dont know who has access to the companys

    severs. That said, saving your key to Microsofts severs will make itpossible to decypt your files if you ever lose the lash drive or piece of

    paper containing your recovey key code.

    Once youve created two different instances of the recovey key and

    removed any USB drives, click Next.

    On the following screen, you must decide whether to encypt only

    the disk space used so far or to encypt your PCs entire drive. If you

    are encypting a band-new PC, without any files, then encypting only

    the used disk space is the best choice, since new files will be encypted

    as you add them. If you have a PC with a few miles on the hard drive,

    Here, the PC

    has rebooted

    and the TPM isnow active.

    To encyptyour drive, choose the option best describes your PC.

  • 8/10/2019 PC World - August 2014 USA


    you should choose to

    encypt the entire drive.

    Then click Next.

    Make sure the box next to

    Run BitLocker system

    check is selected so that

    Windows will run a system

    check before encypting

    your drive. Then click

    Continue and youll notice

    that nothing happens.Look at the system tay,

    and youll see an alet telling

    you that encyption will begin after you restat the PC. Restat your PC.

    When you log in this final time, you should see another system tay

    alet telling you that the encyption opeation is in progress.

    You can continue to work on your PC during the encyption phase,

    but things may run a little slower than usual. Consider waiting to do

    anything that might tax your system during the initial encyption,such as running gaphics-intensive progams.

    The length of time it takes BitLocker to fully encypt your files

    depends on the size of your drive, or, if youre only encypting existing

    data on a new PC, the amount of data.



    Top:You have to manually reboot your PC to stat BitLockers

    disk encyption.Above:And now, the encyption begins.

  • 8/10/2019 PC World - August 2014 USA


    FORGOTTEN YOUR WINDOWS password? Thats not the end of the

    world. You dont have to tash your computer, or even restore your PC

    to its factoy default settings. There are many ways to remove or reset

    a Windows password.

    Password-reset methods for Microsoft accounts differ from the

    methods used for local Windows accounts. If you arent sure which

    Locked out? Get back intoWindows 8 by resettingyour passwordBY ERIC GEIER

  • 8/10/2019 PC World - August 2014 USA


    type of Windows account you have, turn

    on your computer and see if an email

    address is displayed above where youenter your password to log in. If you see

    an address, its a Microsoft account. If you

    dont, its a local account.

    Resetting the password for Microsoft

    accounts is relatively quick and easy. Resetting local accounts,

    however, requires a hack or a third-paty tool. Because computers

    preloaded with Windows 8 include a new Secure Boot feature and the

    Unified Extensible Firmware Inteface (UEFI) boot method, using athird-paty tool complicates the process futher.

    Reseting he password o a Microsof accounIf you have a Microsoft-based Windows 8 account, you can use

    Microsofts online form(go.pcworld.com/passreset)to reset the

    password. You can complete this from another PC, or even from a

    smatphone or tablet. Although you can find a phone number for

    Microsoft suppot, I was told, when I called, that I must use their

    online form to reset your password.


    The online

    formshows a

    patial email

    address and cell

    phone number

    that you must

    complete inorder to


    Reseting a local

    Windows accounrequires a hack or ahird-pary ool.

  • 8/10/2019 PC World - August 2014 USA


    It will be easier to reset your password online if your current email

    address or cell phone number is saved to your Microsoft account.

    The online form will show you an incomplete view of the email

    address and cell number you have on file. You must then confirm

    the full address or number, and choose which one youd like them to

    send the reset code to.

    If you dont remember the full email address or cell number that

    you have on file, or you dont have access to them anymore, you

    can fill out a questionnaire that that asks you a variety of account

    security questions. If your information checks out, the site will helpyou create a new password.

    Once you successfully reset your password, you should be able to log

    in. Your computer must be connected to the Internet to be updated

    with the new password.

    Removing the password of a local accountAlthough its not great from a security perspective, there are many

    ways to reset or remove a Windows password for local accounts


    checks for the





    The questionnaire

    requires you to

    answer securityquestions, enter

    any previous

    passwords, and

    respond to other

    security prompts.

  • 8/10/2019 PC World - August 2014 USA


    without having administative access or passing the security checks

    from Microsofts online form. These methods typically include using

    a bootable CD, DVD, or USB drive. We discussed this approachwhich uses a utility called Trinityin a previous aticle (go.pcworld.

    com/localreset) for Windows 7 and earlier, but that paticular utility

    doesnt apply to Windows 8.

    Caution: Resetting a password using these methods means you will

    lose access both to any encypted files utilizing the Encypting File

    System (EFS) built into Windows and to stored passwords for Internet

    Explorer and network resources.

    There are many other bootable password-recovey and rescue toolsthat work with the latest Windows versions, but most require

    changing your computers boot settings.

    If you have a genuine Windows 8 disc or lash drive, you should be

    able to boot from it without having to change the boot settings. If

    this is the case, you can use it to peform a so-called Sticky Keys

    hack to reset your local Windows account password.



    The new Advanced Statup Options screen that replaces the Advanced Boot

    Options screen from previous Windows versions.

  • 8/10/2019 PC World - August 2014 USA


    A previous aticle describes

    how to peform the Sticky

    Keys hack (go.pcworld.com/stickykeys). The aticle was

    written for Windows 7 and

    earlier versions of the

    opeating system, but it still

    applies to Windows 8 and

    later with a couple of tweaks:

    Ignore step 4 from the

    first set of steps and dothe following instead:

    Click Troubleshoot,

    Advanced options, and

    then open the Command


    Resume with step 1 of

    the second set of steps.

    If you dont have a

    genuine Windows 8 disc or

    lash drive, you can use a third-paty tool or utility. For example,

    the Oline NT Password & Registy Editor (go.pcworld.com/

    ntpassword) is included with other rescue discs like Hirens BootCD


    Before you can boot up a third-paty tool on a computer that

    came preloaded with Windows 8 or later, you must tempoarilydisable the new Secure Boot and UEFI features. Stat by holding

    the key down while you restat Windows 8, even from the

    initial login screen.

    Once Windows boots into the Advanced Statup Options (ASO) menu,

    click Troubleshoot, Advanced Options, and UEFI Firmware Settings. The

    exact settings differ between PC manufacturers, but find and disable

    the Secure Boot and UEFI features, which may include enabling the

    Compatibility Suppot Module (CSM) or legacy boot mode.

    You can set up

    the new


    login methods

    with the PC

    Settings app.

  • 8/10/2019 PC World - August 2014 USA


    After you run the bootable third-paty tool and clear your Windows

    password, you should reenable Secure Boot and UEFI. Then you should

    be able to boot into Windows again and log in.

    Preven fuure forgoten-password issuesNow that youre back on your Windows account, consider setting up

    some alternative log-in methods (go.pcworld.com/altlogin), like a PIN

    and picture password, which you can use if you forget your password.

    If youre using a local Windows 8

    account, you can create a password-

    reset disk using a USB lash drive via theUser Account settings in the Control

    Panel. If you ever forget the password,

    even if youve changed it since you made

    the reset disk, you can plug in the lash

    drive to reset your password.

    You can use a somewhat similar password-reset function for

    Microsoft accounts. You can geneate a Microsoft recovey code and

    then save it and enter it later if you ever forget your password. The

    recovey code will work even if youve since changed the password.

    To geneate this recovey code, visit the Microsoft security settings

    webpage (go.pcworld.com/msrecoveycode).


    Consider seting upsome alernaive log-inmehods, like a PIN anda picure password.

  • 8/10/2019 PC World - August 2014 USA


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  • 8/10/2019 PC World - August 2014 USA


    Microsoft SufacePro 3: A work PC intablet clothing

    Varidesk: A sit-standdesk with a few

    ergonomic issues

    Toshiba SatelliteP50t: The first laptopwith a 4K display

    Karma hotspot offersno-nonsense pricing

    NEC MultiSyncEA274WMishuman sensor

    puts it to sleep

    Asus PB287Q: Abudget-friendlyUlta HD display



  • 8/10/2019 PC World - August 2014 USA


    Microsoft Suface Pro 3:A work PC in tablet clothingWith a ew small changes, Microsof has made choosing between a laptopand a Windows tablet ar more difficult. BY MARK HACHMAN


    In this section, hardware & softwarego through rigorous testing.



  • 8/10/2019 PC World - August 2014 USA




    Microsofts Suface Pro tablet

    has edged closer to becoming alaptop replacement. The newest

    model, the Suface Pro 3 (go.pcworld.com/

    sufacep3), takes seveal more small steps in

    that directionalong with one giant leap.

    Youll immediately notice the larger display,

    which is 12 inches in diagonal width and 38 percent bigger than the

    screen of the Suface Pro 2. Its 2160-by-1440-pixel resolution, an

    improvement over the Suface Pro 2s 1920-by-1080 resolution, isbreathtakingly crisp. Just as impotant, Microsofts shift to a 3:2

    aspect atio adds 1.12 inches of vetical real estate to what already is

    a wider tablet. The result is a more luxurious, useful work spaceand

    thats critical when youre multitasking in a desktop environment.

    Despite the larger screen dimensions, the Suface Pro 3 is slimmer

    Despite the larger

    screen dimensions,the Surface Pro 3is slimmer than itspredecessor.

    Viewed on edge,

    the Suface Pro 3

    looks and feels

    like a tablet.

  • 8/10/2019 PC World - August 2014 USA


    than its predecessor, its designers having trimmed 0.23 inch of width

    and 0.24 pound from the Suface Pro 2. Yet Microsoft is still offering a

    full ange of Core processors for the lineup, including a Core i7 thatsomehow manages to live happily in a 0.3-inch-thick slate.

    A substantial investment

    Microsoft is shipping the Suface Pro 3 in five configuations. Our

    evaluation unit, containing a Core i5 processor, 8GB of RAM, and

    256GB of stoage, costs $1300. The low-end Core i3 model costs $800,

    a price thats competitive with full-ledged laptops. But a high-end

    Core i7 model costs more than $2000 after sales tax, and any future4G connectivity options will boost prices even futher. The new Type

    Cover costs another $130, and its a must-have. Microsoft also moved

    to a new charger, breaking compatibility with earlier models. And if

    you bought a docking station for the Suface Pro 2, it wont work with

    the Suface Pro 3 due to a pot reconfiguation.

    Compared withthe 10.6-inch

    Suface Pro 2

    (left), the 12-inch

    Suface Pro 3

    offers a luxurious

    amount of space.

  • 8/10/2019 PC World - August 2014 USA



    Longtime Suface fans may be disappointed by those dawbacks,

    especially if they recently spent four figures on a Suface Pro 2. But if

    youre in the market for a new laptop, you should seriously consider aSuface Pro 3 as your daily driver for work and play.

    Just like that, itsup and runningThe Suface Pro 3 boots

    fastso fast that I initially

    thought I had left it insleep mode instead of

    shutting it down. Yes, Ive

    been reviewing a clean

    machine, and improved

    SSD technology plays a

    role, but boot-to-password

    was on the order of 3 to 4

    seconds. (Hold the powerbutton a bit longer than

    normal on first boot,

    however, as a quick press

    doesnt seem to trigger it.)

    Microsoft claims 8 hours

    of battey life during casual

    use, but our in-house

    battey tests, which entail

    Cooling vents surround

    the upper reaches of the tablet.

    Under load, the fan vents air with

    an unobtrusive hiss.

    Microsof Surace Pro 3


    Larger screen offers 38 percent more

    real estate New Type Cover is much more stable Stated battey life of 8 hours


    Pricing still gives one pause No more free OneDrive cloud stoage Stylus holder is awkwardly placed


    Microsofts Suface lineup keeps

    getting better, with an improved

    screen for desktop use and an

    upgaded Type Cover for the road.

    $1300 (Core i5 processor, 8GB RAM,

    256GB stoage)

  • 8/10/2019 PC World - August 2014 USA


    a continuous mix of scripted Office use and video playback, brought

    the Suface Pro 3 to its knees after 4 hours, 18 minutes. (The smaller

    Suface Pro 2 shut down after 4 hours, 44 minutes.)Our Core i5based review unit always felt snappy and responsive.

    Microsoft describes the chip as a tuned version of the Core i5-4300U,

    the upgaded processor that Microsoft adopted midway through the

    Suface Pro 2 life cycle. The Suface Pro 3s WorldBench 9 score,

    however, was just 72, whereas the Suface Pro 2 achieved a score of 74.

    Microsoft has moved to the faster 802.11ac Wi-Fi standard, which

    increases potential wireless throughput. The new tablet also has

    5-megapixel cameas front and rear, enough for full 1080p Skype chats.As for pots, the Suface Pro 3 retains the MicroSD slot of previous

    geneations, as well as the single USB 3.0 pot and Mini DisplayPot

    connector. The upcoming docking station will include three USB 3.0

    pots and two USB 2.0 connectors, as well as gigabit ethernet.

    The new stylus is

    nice, although a bit

    awkwardly placed.

  • 8/10/2019 PC World - August 2014 USA



    Improved digital-ink penOur test unit included the latest Windows 8.1

    Update. When you shut down the tablet, itasks you to pull down the window to turn it

    off, just as Windows Phone does. One serious

    omission on the software front: Whereas the

    Suface Pro 2 came with 200GB of free

    OneDrive stoage, the Suface Pro 3 does not.

    Ditto for the years woth of Skype Premium

    calling and Wi-Fi access that the Pro 2 offered.

    The Suface Pro 3 ships with a chunky new

    N-trig pen that features what Microsoft calls

    decreased paallax;the digital ink lows more

    closely from where the pen touches the

    screen. And heres a nifty trickyou can rouse

    the tablet from sleep by holding the button

    on the top of the pen, which launches a new OneNote note without

    requiring a password.

    Either you like digital ink or you dont, and the Suface Pro 3 is still too

    heavy and awkward for long-term one-handed use. Microsoft wants

    you to use the Suface Pro 3 as a digital legal pad, but doing so requires

    setting the tablet down on a table.

    The pens stoage loop in the new Type Cover also needs work, as it

    makes removing and stowing the pen too difficult. Securing the pen

    within the tablet would be a better solutionthough perhaps

    unfeasible, given that the Suface Pro 3s internals are already packedto capacity with components.

    On a plane, on a trainSuface chief Panos Panay has made lapabilityhow a Suface tablet

    stacks up against a taditional notebook when youre resting the

    device on your lapone of the selling points of the line. In the sevice

    of improved lapability, Microsoft has reworked the kickstand and the

    Type Cover for this model.

    Using he SurfacePro 3 as a digial legalpad requires seting idown on a able.

  • 8/10/2019 PC World - August 2014 USA


    The first geneation of the Suface lineup included a kickstand that

    folded back to a 22-degree angle. Later, the Suface Pro 2 added a

    second, 55-degree angle. With the Suface Pro 3, the limitations

    effectively disappear. The tablet still clicks back to the 22-degree

    angle, but beyond that the kickstand and its friction hinge can

    suppot any angle up to 150 degrees. Microsoft says it has tested

    the hinge to hold up over repeated use.

    I used the Suface Pro 3 on a plane from New York to San Fancisco,

    lying in coach. The Suface Pro 3 fit fairly well on the tay table, with

    a bit hanging off the edge. Typing was no problem. In key tavel and

    spacing, Microsoft claims, the Type Cover 3 is essentially the same asthe second-geneation model, and the keys are still backlit.

    I cant say, however, whether the Suface Pro 3 will remain

    comfotable to use if the person ahead of you reclines the seatthe

    passenger in front of me slept with the seat in the upright position. To

    Microsofts credit, I was able to use the Suface Pro 3 with the Type

    Cover comfotably on my lap, and I typed on it for extended periods.

    The real key to so-called lapability lies in a tweak that Microsoft

    made to the Type Cover 3. Click it in, and it resembles the previous

    The Type Covers

    redesign gives the

    Suface Pro 3

    greater stability

    when you rest the

    tablet on your lap.

  • 8/10/2019 PC World - August 2014 USA



    geneations keyboard. Youll notice, however, a narrow strip on its

    long, connected edge that uses a second magnetic connection. When

    you fold it down, this strip aises the keyboard to a slight angle, and itreinforces the Type Covers connection across the entire tablet. Earlier

    Type Cover designs feel limsy on your lap, but the additional suppot

    of the Type Cover 3 stabilizes the whole unit. The Type Cover 3 works

    with earlier Suface models, too.

    When I used the Suface Pro 3 on a swaying commuter tain in San

    Fancisco, the new tablet-keyboard combination offered enough

    stability, lexibility, and headroom to make me dismiss the old Suface

    Pro 2 combo immediately.I did encounter two bugs. First, after I folded up the Suface Pro 3

    and then reopened it, the touchpad wouldnt work and the cursor

    vanished. Rebooting solved the problem. Second, when I snapped the

    Type Cover 3 onto my older Suface Pro 2 to check connectivity, it

    worked finebut after I reattached the Type Cover 2 to the Suface

    Pro 2, the Type Cover 2 failed to connect, even after seveal reboots.

    Another, older Type Cover failed to work as well. Microsoft says

    software updates will fix such issues with the covers.

    Third times the charm?

    For all of the Suface Pro 3s attactive qualities, you may be better

    seved by exploring other Windows 8.1 options, be they hybrids or

    taditional laptops. These competitors may not have the Suface Pro

    3s gorgeous display, but they will likely cost a few hundred dollars

    less, boast longer battey lives, and maybe face the challenges of theairplane tay table with greater aplomb.

    Thats not to downplay what Microsoft has accomplished with the

    Suface Pro 3, however. The new model represents an improvement

    on all fronts. The original Suface wasnt much of a tablet. The Suface

    Pro 3 cetainly is.

  • 8/10/2019 PC World - August 2014 USA


    Varidesk: A sit-stand desk

    with a few ergonomic issuesBY MICHAEL ANSALDO

    IF YOU HAVENT heard yet, sitting will kill you. The posture in which

    most of us spend the bulk of our day has been linked to evey life-

    threatening malady from heat disease to diabetes to cancer. Because

    most of our sitting is done in the workplace, a popular tool to combat

    this habit has been the sit-stand desk, which allows you to vay your

    posture. The problem is theyre expensive, frequently complex, and

    not evey workplace offers one as an option.

    The Varidesk (varidesk.com) is a compelling alternative: a height-

    adjustable platform that sits on your fixed desk. Unfotunately,

    some significant design laws limit its usefulness.

    Watch thevideo at


  • 8/10/2019 PC World - August 2014 USA



    Simple setupThe Varidesk comes fully assembled. However, the

    single-monitor model we reviewed (dual-monitormodels are also available) is a cumbersome 41.8

    pounds, so that may be a two-person task. Theres no

    hardware to secure the Varidesk to your current

    workstationits designed to balance its weightso

    once its positioned, its merely a matter of loading your monitor,

    keyboard, and any other peripheals you want at hand. The most

    laborious pat of setting up is making sure all your cable lengths will

    accommodate both sitting and standing positions.The Varidesk Single has

    a spacious 30-by-23-inch

    work suface. To change

    the height of the Varidesk,

    you release levers on either

    side of the platform and

    manually aise or lower it

    to one of 11 preset

    positions. It lifts with little

    effot thanks to spring

    assistance, but lowering it

    takes some muscle.

    Rise up

    Varidesk trumpets that itsadjustable height desks

    can get you from a seated

    to standing position in

    three seconds. Technically

    thats true, but because

    the monitor and keyboard

    cant be adjusted

    independently, getting to

    Varidesk Single


    Sturdy construction Easy setup


    Cant adjust keyboard and monitorindependently

    Too big for a cubicle desk Must move peripheals each time

    you change positions


    Varidesk Single is a solid enty-level

    adjustable desk, but its size and

    design quirks prevent it from being

    a long-term sit-stand solution.


    The Varidesk lifswih litle efforhanks o springassisance.

  • 8/10/2019 PC World - August 2014 USA


    an ergonomically correct

    standing positionand

    back to a seated onetakes consideably longer.

    It also quickly became

    clear that Varidesks 11

    positions arent enough

    to accommodate all

    statures. At 6 feet tall, I

    needed to use the

    Varidesk in its fullyextended position15.5

    inches above my regular

    deskto get the height

    that would let me

    position my elbows at the

    optimum 90-degree

    angle. Even then, I had

    uses two risers to elevate

    my monitor so that the

    top of the screen was

    close to eye level. And

    because the work

    platform moves out as it rises up, I had to push the entire Varidesk

    back from the edge of my desk to get the recommended 20-30

    inches between me and my monitor.But when I lowered the Varidesk to sit, I had to remove the risers and

    move the monitor foward to get the proper viewing height and

    distance for a seated position. Because the platform comes to mid-

    chest level when fully lowered, the keyboard and mouse need to be

    moved to the Varidesks keyboard tay, which slides staight out (but

    not up or down) with the turn of a couple of thumbscrews.

    All that shuling of peripheals gets tiresome, especially if you want

    to change positions once each hour of the workday, as is commonly

    The Varidesk

    Singlesits on

    top of yourexisting desk.

  • 8/10/2019 PC World - August 2014 USA



    recommended. As a result, youll probably end up

    leaving the Varidesk in one position, likely the

    most comfotable: sitting.

    Is it for you?The Varidesk Single retails for $275, making it an

    attactive enty point to workplace wellness. If

    youre intrigued by the fad, its a fairly risk-free way to find out if you

    like working on your feet. Youll get the best results if your desk isnt

    boxed into a cubicle and you use a wireless keyboard and mouse. If

    youre committed to the idea of a sit-stand desk, however, theVaridesk Single is tough to recommend.

    Its a fairly risk-freeway to find out ifyou like workingon your feet.

    The Varidesk is easy

    to set up, but it

    doesnt offer enough

    adjustment for proper

    sitting and standing.

  • 8/10/2019 PC World - August 2014 USA


    Toshiba Satellite P50t: The

    first laptop with a 4K displayBY MICHAEL BROWNTOSHIBAS SATELLITE P50t boasts two impotant firsts: Its the first

    laptop to feature a 4K display, and its the first to be Technicolor Color

    Cetified. You likely have at least a passing familiarity with 4K video,

    but I would argue that the latter claim to famewhich you might

    never have heard ofdeseves more paise.Its easy to go gaga over the Satellite P50ts (go.pcworld.com/

    toshibap50t) display, which boasts a resolution of 3840 by 2160 pixels.

    The laptop is outfitted with a 15.6-inch screen, which means it offers

    an eye-popping pixel density of 282 ppi. But dont buy this in anti-

    cipation of watching your favorite movies and TV shows in glorious

    4Kthere is almost no content available in that format right now.

    The Blu-ay format, meanwhile, will need to be overhauled before it

    can be used to distribute 4K movies. No one expects that to happen

    Watch thevideo at


  • 8/10/2019 PC World - August 2014 USA



    before the end of 2014. And the P50t is equipped with a DVD burner,

    not a Blu-ay player, so you can forget about the computer upscaling

    Blu-ay playback from 1080p to 4K. Even if it could, the P50ts batteywill give up. In our grueling battey-rundown test, Toshibas machine

    capped out in just 1 hour and 52 minutes.

    Color calibrationSo lets turn our attention to the Satellite P50ts other first: The

    first laptop to be Technicolor Color Cetified. Youve probably seen

    the Technicolor band in the credits of many films. The company has

    provided technical sevicesto the motion-picture

    industy for decades.

    Technicolor developed

    the Technicolor Color

    Cetified specification as

    a means to guaantee the

    color you see on a consu-

    mer computer or mobile

    display is accuate, with-

    out needing to whip out

    a colorimeter or other

    pricey hardware. The

    spec focuses on three

    use cases: Entetainment,

    e-commerce, and con-sumer content creation.

    In the entetainment

    space, Technicolor Color

    Cetified guaantees that

    the colors you see on your

    display when youre

    watching a movie are

    exactly what the director

    Toshiba Satellite



    4K display Technicolor Color Cetification

    Mostly high-end specsCONS:

    Vey little 4K video contentavailable

    HDMI output limited to 30Hz at 4Kresolution

    No Blu-ay drive


    This is one beautiful laptop, but with

    4K content so hard to come by, you

    might be paying for more technology

    than you can actually use.


  • 8/10/2019 PC World - August 2014 USA


    and the cinematogapher intended. When it comes to e-commerce,

    the spec ensures that the color of the items you buy from online

    retailers will match what you saw online when you placed your order.

    And when youre producing your own content, you can be cetain that

    the photos and videos you shoot will look the same on your computer

    as they do in your camea.

    Technicolor patnered with software developer Potait Displays to

    achieve this goal. Potaits software talks to the computers gaphicsand display hardware to automatically control color settings and

    adjust color gamut.

    Youre not limited to using the Technicolor color space. Using

    Potait Displays Chroma Tune app, you can switch between

    Technicolor and a cool color space for working with productivity

    apps, for instance.

    Put these two technologies together and you get an absolutely

    gorgeous display. The 4K demo footage Toshiba preloaded on the

    Toshibas Satellite P50t-BST2N01 is

    evey bit as beautiful as youd expect.

  • 8/10/2019 PC World - August 2014 USA



    machine looks amazing, as do gameswhen you turn the resolution

    down to 1920x1080 to get a playable fame ate, that is. At that res,

    the P50t delivered BioShock Infinite at 37.4 fames per second.

    Theres just one major shotcoming: Glare. There are times when the

    Satellite P50ts screen looks like a 15.6-inch mirror. The problem is

    paticularly acute with nighttime scenes.

    Specs and performanceMost of the rest of the P50ts specs are impressive: The machine is

    powered by Intels Core i7-4700HQ processor, augmented by 16GB of

    DDR3/1600 memoy. And it has a discrete gaphics processor in the

    form of an AMD Radeon R9 M265X, which taps 2GB of its own GDDR5

    memoy. Toshiba includes gigabit ethernet and an Intel Dual-band

    Intel Wireless-AC 7260 adapter, so you can take full advantage of your

    802.11ac routers excellent streaming capabilities.

    Chroma Tune

    lets you choose

    from five color


  • 8/10/2019 PC World - August 2014 USA


    All four of the Satellite P50ts USB pots are USB 3.0, and theres an

    SD memoy card reader in front. Although its key tavel is vey shot,

    the backlit island-style keyboard felt great under my fingersIn terms of oveall peformance, The Satellite P50t tailed HPs work-

    oriented ZBook 15 Mobile Workstation and Dells entetainment-

    focused XPS 15. But the Toshiba clobbered Dells Inspiron 7537. While

    all four machines are outfitted with Core i7 processors, the Dells Core

    i7-4500U is only a dual core and that PC is equipped with a 5400 rpm

    mechanical hard drive. The Toshiba is equipped with a 1TB hybrid hard

    drive (a 1TB 5400 rpm hard drive augmented by 8GB of solid-state

    memoy). The HP has a mechanical drive, too, but it spins its platters

    Games look greaton the Satellite P50ts display, but dont ty playing AAA titles at

    its native resolution.

    Toshiba Satellite P50t Review

    BioShock Infinite Performance1920x1080 resolution, medium image quality


    0 10 3020 40 50


    Toshiba Satellite P50t(Intel Core i7-4700HQ)


    Dell Inspiron 7537(Intel Core i7-4500U))


    HP Zbook 15 MobileWorkstation(Intel Core i7-4800MQ)

    44.0Dell XPS 15(Intel Core i7-4702HQ)

  • 8/10/2019 PC World - August 2014 USA



    at 7200 rpm. The XPS 15, meanwhile, comes with a 512GB SSD, and

    SSDs have an outsized impact on our benchmarks.

    Is it just too early for 4K?The Toshiba Satellite P50t delivers the highest resolution of any

    laptop you can buy today. But you wont want to play games at its

    native resolution, and theres almost no entetainment content to

    watch on its beautiful screen. The day will come when 4K movies are

    as common as 1080p video is today. Until then, dropping $1800 for a

    Toshiba Satellite P50t buys bagging rights and a color-accuate

    display more than anything else.

    The Toshibas WorldBench scorewould be even higher if it had an SSD instead of

    a hybrid hard drive.

    Toshiba Satellite P50t Review

    Laptop WorldBench 9 Performance


    0 20 6040 80 100


    Toshiba Satellite P50t(Intel Core i7-4700HQ)


    Dell Inspiron 7537(Intel Core i7-4500U))


    HP Zbook 15 MobileWorkstation(Intel Core i7-4800MQ)

    100Dell XPS 15(Intel Core i7-4702HQ)

  • 8/10/2019 PC World - August 2014 USA


    Karma hotspot ofersno-nonsense pricingBY JOHN P. MELLO JR.

    THE TERM PAYASYOUGO seems to mean one thing to mobile

    carriers and something else to the rest of the human ace.

    For instance, with my Verizon Pay As You Go mobile sevice, I have

    to pay for more data evey month whether I need it or not. Sure,

    Im not stuck in a contact, but if I fail to buy minutes in any given

    month, the company will disconnect my phone and wipe my

    accumulated minutes clean.

    Karma is a Wi-Fi


    provides a

    shareable 4G

    connection to

    the Internet.

  • 8/10/2019 PC World - August 2014 USA



    True pay-as-you-go sevice would allow

    you to pay a lat amount and only buy more

    data when you need itwhether thats nextmonth or next year.

    Thats exactly the model Karma (yourkarma.

    com) uses. To get stated with the sevice, you

    must buy a mobile hotspot from Karma for $99. You can buy data at

    the same time, or purchase it later ($14 for 1GB, $59 for 5GB, or $99

    for 10GB). Once you buy it, its yours until you use itfree of any

    time restrictions.

    You can also earn freedata: When your hotspot is

    on, anyone with a Karma

    account can connect to

    the Internet with it, and so

    can others without an

    account. These new

    customers can set up an

    account on the ly, and

    when they do so, they

    receive 100MB of data for

    freeand so do you.

    The more,

    the merrier

    The device itself is 2.25inches square and a

    quater inch thick, with

    LEDs on the edge that

    display information about

    power, Wi-Fi connectivity,

    and 4G coveage.

    According to Karma, the

    hotspot can handle up to



    True pay-as-you-go pricing 100MB of data awarded when

    someone uses your hotspot to sign

    up for a Karma account

    CONS: Coveage limited to WiMax in

    80 cities

    Data more expensive than whatsavailable with some carriers

    monthly plans


    Karmas mobile hotspot and pay-as-you-go sevice is wothwhile for

    anyone with intermittent cellular

    data needs. You pay more for data

    than with some other plans, but it

    never expires.

    $99 plus data charges

    The hotspot canhandle up to eightusers without anyperformance issues.

  • 8/10/2019 PC World - August 2014 USA


    eight users without suffering pefor-

    mance degadation.

    When someone connects to the Internetthrough your hotspot, Karma charges data

    usage to that persons account. This is useful

    for families; each member can have a Karma

    account, but you only need to buy one hotspot.

    Near-LTE speedsKarma relies on the Cleawire network, which

    Sprint owns. That limits Karmas coveage toabout 80 U.S. cities. However, Karma plans to

    expand to the full Sprint network sometime

    this summer, which will give it nationwide

    coveage and access to LTE speeds.

    According to Karma, its hotspot delivers

    download speeds between 3 and 6 megabits

    per second, and upload speeds of about 1.5

    Mbps. Those are near-LTE numbers. Speed

    tests peformed with Ookla Speedtest and

    SpeedOf.me backed up those claims.

    For common Internet tasks, such as Web

    sufing and email, Karmas hotspot provided

    excellent coveage with no noticeable latency.

    Video clips and streaming audio also

    played smoothly.Karma is designed for people who

    occasionally need Internet access on the go and who dont stay too

    far from major metropolitan areasalthough that will change once

    Karma gains access to the full Sprint network. At $14 per gigabyte, its

    data prices are more expensive than those of many alternative

    sevices, but less expensive than purchasing access in hotels and

    airpots. Whats most appealing about Karma is its lexible buy it and

    keep it model, which allows you to pay for data only as you need it.

    Karma offers optionsfor both Android and

    iOS, but all you really need is a browser.

  • 8/10/2019 PC World - August 2014 USA


    THE NEC MULTISYNC EA274WMi (go.pcworld.com/necea274) is a

    27-inch widescreen monitor with a special talent: It can sense when no

    one is nearby and then dim the display accordingly. But even aside from

    that power-saving feature, this monitor is impressive, with high-quality

    IPS panels, LED backlights, and an antiglare screen.


    NEC MultiSync EA274WMis

    human sensor puts it to sleepBY JAMES GALBRAITH

  • 8/10/2019 PC World - August 2014 USA


    The specsThe 2560-by-1440-pixel monitor connects to your Mac or PC via

    DisplayPot, HDMI, DVD-D, or VGA, and offers a four-pot USBhub for peripheals. You can also connect two sources to the

    display and use NECs Picture By Picture feature to view both

    simultaneously. The monitor has built-in speakers, as well as a pot

    for plugging in headphoneshandy features, especially for

    people using the display with tower computers. One thing the

    EA274WMi doesnt offer is a DisplayPot Out connection,

    which is a nice-to-have but are feature that allows

    you to daisy-chain monitors.

    The all-black EA274WMi has an ergonom-

    ically lexible stand that makes it easy to

    adjust to a comfotable computing

    position. It can pivot between potait

    and landscape modes, swivel left

    to right, and tilt foward and back,

    plus it offers a generous five inches ofheight adjustment.

    The on-screen menus offer lots of

    customization options, with five color-

    tempeature presets and native,

    progammable color settings, and DICOM

    simulation for medical imaging use.

    The sensorThe EA274WMis aforementioned ability

    to know when a person is nearby is due

    what NEC dubs the Human Sensor, which

    resides along the bottom edge of the

    bezel. When it senses that no one is

    Among its many adjustments, the stand lets

    you pivot from landscape to potait.

  • 8/10/2019 PC World - August 2014 USA


    present, the screen dims. When it thinks that

    someone is in front of it, the display returns to

    its previous brightness settings. You can opt tohave the sensor activate in anywhere from 1

    to 255 seconds, you can specify how close

    someone should be to the sensor to activate

    and deactivate the power reduction, and you

    can set the level of dimming to either 51 percent (Light) or 78 percent

    (Deep). The feature worked well, but its really a motion sensor, not a

    human sensor. Waving a stick in front of the screen will trigger the

    feature just as effectively.The EA274WMis screen looked great in all our tests. You can move

    from side to side or up and down from the center of the screen

    without seeing any obvious color shifts, thanks to the IPS panel. Gays

    were neutal and whites

    looked a little warm

    compared to other

    displays Ive recently

    tested, but I find that

    prefeable to the overly

    cool screens I often see.

    Skin tones looked natual,

    and text was easy to read,

    even at small point sizes. I

    found no dead or stuck

    pixels in our full-screensolid-color tests and I saw

    no issues with screen

    uniformity or light


    NEC EA274WMi

    PROS: Highly adjustable stand

    Wide viewing angles

    Power-saving features


    No DisplayPot Out connection

    for daisy-chaining monitors

    BOTTOM LINE:If youre looking for a large, high-

    quality, IPS-based monitor with an

    environmentally friendly disposition,

    the NEC MultiSync EA274WMi is a

    great choice.



    You can move side to

    side rom the center o

    the screen and see no

    obvious color shifs.

  • 8/10/2019 PC World - August 2014 USA


    Asus PB287Q: A budget-friendly Ulta HD displayBY JAMES GALBRAITH

    UNTIL RECENTLY, SHARPS $3500 PN-K321 was about as affordable as

    4K desktop monitors got. With the $649 PB287Q (go.pcworld.com/

    pb287q), Asus joins Dell and Samsung in making Ulta HD desktop

    monitors affordable for consumers. Are todays applications,hardware, and opeating systems ready to

    make the leap? Our

  • 8/10/2019 PC World - August 2014 USA



    tests of the PB287Q revealed mixed results.

    The 28-inch PB287Q has an impressive list

    of features, including 3840-by-2160-pixelresolution, LED backlighting, two HDMI 1.4

    pots, a single DisplayPot 1.2 connection, a

    bright 330 cd/m2 luminance ating, and a

    1-millisecond gay-to-gay response time. It

    offers picture-in-picture as well as picture-

    by-picture suppot, MHL suppot, and decent

    built-in 2W speakers. The highly lexible

    stand has height adjustment, pivot, swivel,and tilt capabilities.

    No USB hubOn the downside, the PB287Q lacks a USB hub

    for connecting peripheals. Its on-screen menu system is clunky, as

    well: Six dots and a power icon near the lower-right corner are

    meant to guide you when youre using the physical buttons on the

    back. I found myself

    hitting the wrong button

    more often than not.

    Frequently the menu

    timed out as I fiddled

    around tying to press the

    right combination of keys.

    You use those menus toaccess the brightness,

    color, and speaker-volume

    settings; as well as eight

    SplendidPlus display

    modes, including Reading,

    Theater, sRGB, Game, and

    Standard modes. The

    Standard mode proved to

    Asus PB287Q


    Inexpensive Ultahigh resolution


    Limited viewing angles Muted colors


    If you require an Ulta HD display,

    the PB287Q is an affordable,

    seviceable option.


    The Asus PB287Q

    4K display includes

    two HDMI 1.4 pots

    and one DisplayPot

    1.2, but it lacks a

    USB hub.

  • 8/10/2019 PC World - August 2014 USA


  • 8/10/2019 PC World - August 2014 USA




    Samsung U28D590D, so I had to compare the

    Asus with the much more expensive Sharp

    PN-K321 (go.pcworld.com/sharppnk321). Nextto the Sharp and its IGZO screen, the PB287Q

    has a limited angle of view: Colors shift as you

    move left, right, up, or down from center. Text

    on the Asus had a gainy, slightly broken appeaance, as if some

    pixels were missing; it looked better from a bit of a distance, but it

    was never as clean as the text on the Sharp.

    The 31.5-inch Sharp has a pixel density of 140 ppi; the Asus, 157 ppi.

    That increased pixel density makes icons and screen elements appearsmaller, which is more of a problem at vey high resolutions.

    In test photos, the colors on the Asus were a little muted compared

    to those on the Sharp, but again, the PB287Q costs one-fifth as much

    as the PN-K321.

    If you need an Ulta HD display to view large images or to work

    on 4K video, youll find the Asus PB287Q to be a seviceable choice.

    It works best with DisplayPot 1.2, so make sure that your existing

    hardware is compatible.

    Make sure yourexisting hardware iscompatible withDisplayPort 1.2.

  • 8/10/2019 PC World - August 2014 USA


    TOP FIXESfor





  • 8/10/2019 PC World - August 2014 USA


  • 8/10/2019 PC World - August 2014 USA


    been answering questions from PCWorld readers

    since 1997, and I think Ive read about evey

    problem that Windows and PC hardware can provide.

    But some questions pop up over and over again. Others arely come up,

    but nevetheless involve impotant issues that evey user needs to know

    about. Still, others are unansweable, and the only advice I can give is to

    have a professional look at the PC.



    Attack of theBlue Screen

    of DeathPAGE 73

    Recoverdeleted files

    PAGE 75

    Back upyour data files

    PAGE 77

    Protect yourprivacy while

    browsingPAGE 79

    Speed up a slowPC withoutbuying new

    hardwarePAGE 81

    One antivirusprogam isbetter

    than twoPAGE 87

    Securely wipesensitive filesor your entire

    hard drivePAGE 89

    A slow Internetconnection whenyoure paying for

    a fast onePAGE 83

    Archive filesso theyllstay around

    for yearsPAGE 85

    Actually, youdo need toshare yourpasswords

    PAGE 91

    Here are


    evey Windows user needs.

  • 8/10/2019 PC World - August 2014 USA


    Youll find useful

    data below the

    first paagaph

    and under



    PROBLEM:Youre working on an impotant project, andsuddenly your screen displays nothing but white text against a

    blue background. If it happens once, you curse, reboot, and hope

    for the best. But if youre getting these screens frequently, youve

    got a problem that needs fixing.

    FIX:Microsoft calls these stop errors, but eveyone else prefers amore descriptive label: The Blue Screen of Death (BSoD).

    Theyre not as common as they used to be, but BSoDs still

    happen (I experienced one two days ago). If you get one, curse,

    reboot, and hope for the best. But if youre getting them

    frequently, youve got a problem that needs fixing.

    The trick is to find information about your paticular BSoD, and

    }Atack of he Blue

    Screen of Deah

  • 8/10/2019 PC World - August 2014 USA


    thensince that information usually comes in an obtuse formsearch

    the Internet for more pactical advice.

    What should you look for when the BSoD is in front of you? Youll find

    useful data immediately below the first paagaph, and under the

    Technical information label near the bottom of the screen.

    Since you cant use Windows Snipping Tool to capture a BSoD screen,

    youll need to write down the impotant information on paper. Or you

    can use a camea or phone to photogaph the screen. Just dont expect a

    great-looking photoor even an easily readable one.

    You can also get information on the BSoD after youve rebooted:

    If you get a Windows has recovered from an unexpected

    shutdown message, youre in luck. Click Viewproblem details

    for information. You can also click Check for solution,but dont expect

    much help there.

    You can also get information, after rebooting, via the free progamBlueScreenView(go.pcworld.com/bluescreen).

    Whichever way you get the info, intelligent use of a search engine can

    probably bring up something useful. If it doesnt, here are some other

    tests you might ty:

    > Check the health of your RAM with Memtest86+ (memtest.org).

    > Update your drivers with SlimDrivers (slimwareutilities.com).

    > Diagnose your hard drive with HD Tune (hdtune.com).


    You can

    also get

    nfo on the

    BSoD after


  • 8/10/2019 PC World - August 2014 USA


    File Recovey

    progams such

    as Recuva are

    easy to use.

    } PROBLEM:Now you see them, now you dont. Files are likethat sometimes. So where are they? Are you sure you dont have abackup somewhere?

    FIX:Lost files can usually be recoveredif you discover the loss soonenough. But evey time you write to the hard drive, you lower the

    likelihood of a successful recovey. So use that computer as little as

    possible until the files are recovered or youve given up hope.

    Ty these solutions, in this order:

    Check the Recycle Bin Windows stores deleted files here as a safety

    measure. Youll find the icon in the upper-left corner of your screen. if you

    Recover deleted files

  • 8/10/2019 PC World - August 2014 USA


    find the files there, select them,

    right-click them, and choose


    Use your backup If you back

    up your hard driveor at least

    your libarieson a regular

    basis, your files are probably

    preseved there. I dont know which backup progam you use, so I cant tell

    you exactly how to search for and recover the files. Its geneally a prettyintuitive process.

    And if you dont back up, maybe its time to get into the habit. It wont

    help you this time, but it could the next.

    Ty file recovey software Even a file thats no longer in the Recycle Bin

    may still exist. Windows doesnt ovewrite the actual ones and zeros until

    another file needs the drive space. Thats why I told you to avoid using the

    PC as much as possible.There are seveal good file recovey progams available. I recommend

    Recuva Potable (piriform.com). Its easy to use and has a vey good tack

    record. And it sometimes shows you the images that it can recover. (Ive

    seen it recover images that it could not preview.) Its also free.

    And, since its potable, which means that you dont have to install it, you

    can use it on your PC without writing to the hard drive. Download the

    progam on another computer, and unzip it to a folder on a lash drive. Then

    plug the lash drive into the PC with the missing files, and run it from there.

    Hire a professional This is the last resot, if none of the above

    suggestions work. There are many data recovey sevices available,

    and if your drive is still working, you probably dont need one of

    the more expensive ones.

    Ive never used one of these sevices, so I cant recommend a paticular

    company. Ask friends for a recommendation, or find someone local on Yelp.

    IF YOU BACKUPyourhard driveor at

    least your libariesregularly, then yourfiles are probablypreseved there.


  • 8/10/2019 PC World - August 2014 USA


    Use a progam

    capable of

    both file

    and image


    PROBLEM:Not backing up is like not wearing a seatbelt. Youcan go months or even years without a problem, then disaster

    strikes and youre in serious trouble.

    FIX:Its a simple rule: Never have only one copy of anything.You absolutely must backup your data files evey day. And no, you

    dont have to copy each of those files evey day. Any decent file backup

    progam can do an incremental backupcopying only the files that

    have been created or changed since the last backup.

    By data files, I mean your documents, photos, spreadsheets, songs,

    and so on. If you back up all of your Libaries, or eveything in the Users

    folder, you should get all of these.

    You might also consider backing up your systemWindows and your
