PBS Lesson Elementary Expectation Be Safe: Be where you belong


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PBS Lesson Elementary


Be Safe: Be where you belong

Definiton of Rule

• To be where you belong includes going to your correct destination and being in the location where you have permission to be.

Teacher Model

• If the bell rings I am supposed to be in class, so I go to class. If I ask to go to the restroom, I go to the restroom. Even if I think of some other place to go, I only go to the places for which I have permission.


• Student : May I go to my locker?

• Teacher : Yes

• (Student goes to locker and returns to class.)


• Student: May I go to my locker?

• Teacher: Yes

• (Student goes to locker. Student then remembers she needs to ask another teacher a question and goes to that teacher without returning to class first.


• Bell rings for activity period. Students are in appropriate class
