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PBN Mastery The Ultimate Checklist Of A Natural Looking Private

Blog Network That Rocks!

By Patrick Babakhanian & John Hofmann

By Patrick Babakhanian

PBN Mastery

2 The Ultimate Checklist Of A Natural Looking Private Blog Network That Rocks

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By Patrick Babakhanian

PBN Mastery

3 The Ultimate Checklist Of A Natural Looking Private Blog Network That Rocks

Contents. The Introduction. ............................................................................................................................ 4

Where To Host Your PBN. .............................................................................................................. 5

The Reliable Hosts ....................................................................................................................... 5

Reliable Hosts List........................................................................................................................ 6

How To Setup Your PBN. ................................................................................................................ 7

The Persona ................................................................................................................................. 7

The Transformation ................................................................................................................... 13

The Plugins ................................................................................................................................ 14

Domain Buying Checklist ........................................................................................................... 18

By Patrick Babakhanian

PBN Mastery

4 The Ultimate Checklist Of A Natural Looking Private Blog Network That Rocks

The Introduction. Hi there, my name is Patrick and I've been doing SEO for over 3

years now. Aside from running a Local SEO business, I also offer

SEO services and SEO training on www.SERPchampion.com.

If you are looking to skip this WHOLE process of getting a good

PBN built, then you can click on the links and use my services. Of

course, these are services for SEOs that DON'T have time to do the

work themselves, because they are too busy focusing on scaling

their SEO businesses.

This PBN Mastery checklist exists to help you understand quickly how to set up your private blog

network and buy the "right" kind of domains on your own.

I hope this straight-to-the-point checklist helps you clarify how to setup a quality blog network,

so you can start ranking your websites and start ROCKING.

I sincerely hope that you enjoy this checklist!

Success to You,

Patrick Babakhanian

Founder of SERPchampion

By Patrick Babakhanian

PBN Mastery

5 The Ultimate Checklist Of A Natural Looking Private Blog Network That Rocks

Where To Host Your PBN.

The Reliable Hosts

The most tedious and boring task of setting up your PBN has to be finding the right hosts, setting

them up while dealing with technical issues and such.

Lesson #1

I will start by saying avoid SEO hosting at all costs. I’m talking about every single host provider

that advertises as an SEO host provider.

The moment you install your domains on an SEO host, you become a

target for Google. Period.

It goes a bit deeper than that too. Because you can use 2 types of hosts.

There are shared and dedicated hosts. Obviously, it means you’re either sharing your domains

with someone else’s domains because they are hosted on the same IP or Name server.

Dedicated means that you’re the only one using domains on the IP and Name server.

Anyway, whenever you park your domains on a shared server from an SEO host, your PBN

becomes a ticking time bomb.

Don’t DO IT.

Instead, invest in premium or reliable shared/dedicated hosts that do not advertise themselves

as an SEO host.

There are thousands, if not millions of legit websites hosted on reliable hosts, so Google would

not dare to target their IPs and Nameserver. That’s why you should mingle your PBNs with the

legit crowd.

By Patrick Babakhanian

PBN Mastery

6 The Ultimate Checklist Of A Natural Looking Private Blog Network That Rocks

You can also use reseller hosting from legit non-SEO host providers, because now you are able to

create unique nameservers and IPs with 1 host.

Host each PBN on an unique IP as much as possible and you’ll erase the risk of getting deindexed

by 90% already.

There are tons of affordable options around and I’ve compiled a list of reliable hosts for you.

Reliable Hosts List

▪ Bulkbuyhosting

▪ Hostgator

▪ GoDaddy

▪ JustHost

▪ HostClear

▪ InMotion Hosting

▪ IX-Webhosting

▪ Bluehost

▪ Hawkhost

▪ Eleven2

▪ RSHosting

▪ StableHost

▪ WebhostingBuzz

▪ Site5

▪ GreenGreeks

▪ A Small Orange

▪ HostPapa

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7 The Ultimate Checklist Of A Natural Looking Private Blog Network That Rocks

How To Setup Your PBN.

The Persona

"Behind every great site there's a great WHOIS identity"

- some Wise SEO Man

Every PBN site has to have a qualified persona behind it. Every one of your PBN sites would

appear legit and unique towards Google. Which is a crucial factor, if you want to have a long-

lasting PBN that ranks your sites for a long time. You're going to start generating persona's within

seconds with the fake name generator tool.

Step 1 - Go to fakenamegenerator.com and generate your geo- based

persona for every one of your PBN sites.

By Patrick Babakhanian

PBN Mastery

8 The Ultimate Checklist Of A Natural Looking Private Blog Network That Rocks

You're going to need a full name, home address, birthday and cellphone number. However,

emails should be created separately from the following providers: Hotmail/Outlook, Yahoo, AOL

or @domainname.com via your own cPanel.

Step 2 - Go to Hotmail, Outlook, Yahoo or your cPanel to create a

verified email account, so you can receive emails from your domain

registrars to verify ownership.

Once you have your persona's setup, it's time to implement the information into your WHOIS

details on your domain registrars. I'm going to use the domain registrar GoDaddy as an example,

but the steps remain the same with every registrar.

I mostly recommend you to setup your own @domainname.com emails via cPanel and then

forward all the emails to 1 inbox, so you can easily verify each domain from any domain registrar.

Here’s how you do it:

Go to Email Accounts

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9 The Ultimate Checklist Of A Natural Looking Private Blog Network That Rocks

Create Your New Email Account

Add your email forwarder and click Add Forwarder

By Patrick Babakhanian

PBN Mastery

10 The Ultimate Checklist Of A Natural Looking Private Blog Network That Rocks

Step 3 - Login into your domain registrar, head over to your domain

dashboard and select the domain that you want to use as a PBN.

Select the Contacts tab, click on Edit All Contacts and fill in your pre- made persona details.

Once you have requested a WHOIS change, you'll receive an email from your domain registrar to

verify the changes you've submitted. Click on the verification button in the email and you'll be

all set!

*It's CRUCIAL to use an email account that you can access or else you won't be able to implement

your Persona!

By Patrick Babakhanian

PBN Mastery

11 The Ultimate Checklist Of A Natural Looking Private Blog Network That Rocks

Step 4 - Go to your hosting cPanel, click on Update Contact info,

change the account email into your Persona's email and click on the

Save button.

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12 The Ultimate Checklist Of A Natural Looking Private Blog Network That Rocks

Step 5 - After you changed your contact email, it's time to edit your

SOA records.

Go to your cPanel, click on Advanced Zone Editor, select your domain name and edit your .MAIL

into your Persona's email.

If you can't find your SOA records, then email your hosting provider and simply request them to

change it for you!

By Patrick Babakhanian

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13 The Ultimate Checklist Of A Natural Looking Private Blog Network That Rocks

The Transformation

Transformation is a process, and as life happens there are tons of ups

and downs. It's a journey of discovery

Rick Warren

Step 6 - Install a CMS like WordPress on your PBN site with your

Persona's name and email, when installing from QuickInstall or


Once you have installed your WordPress, head over to Dashboard and do the following:

Go To Settings --> General

--> Change WordPress & Site URL to the best possible extension your domain has, in terms of link

juice and the best metrics.

--> Change E-Mail Address to your Persona's email.

Click on Save Changes

Go To Settings --> Permalinks

--> Under the common settings, you need to click on Post name, so your URL looks clean and well

optimized for SEO purposes.

Click on Save Changes

Go To Users --> Your Profile

--> Fill in your Persona's full name and email address, so it aligns with your hosting and domain

registrar's details. This adjustment alone separates you from a lot of PBNs filled with obvious


Go To Appearance --> Themes --> Add New

--> Install a nice-looking WP theme that basically represents a legit business, service or a personal


Go To Appearance --> Editor --> Footer.php

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14 The Ultimate Checklist Of A Natural Looking Private Blog Network That Rocks

--> Delete the Footer Link (<a href="www.example.com"</a>) in the footer.php file, so you won't

have any outbound links with link juice pointing to other websites. This is because you want to

keep all the link juice on your PBN site and for your own money sites.

The Plugins

"I'm going to use all my tools, my God-given ability, and make the best

life I can with it"

- LeBron James

Go To Plugins --> Add New

Download one of the following plugins under each category and choose a random plugin for

every PBN site.

SEO Optimization

▪ All In One SEO

▪ SEO Yoast

▪ Platinum SEO

Link Juice Optimization

▪ Link Juice Keeper

▪ Backlinks Saver

▪ 404 Redirection

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15 The Ultimate Checklist Of A Natural Looking Private Blog Network That Rocks

Social Integration

▪ Acurax social media widget

▪ Floating social media icon

▪ Shareaholic

▪ Jet Pack

Contact form

▪ Contact form 7

▪ Contact form plugin

Spam Protection

▪ Anti-spam

▪ Anti-spam Bee - WP Spamshield

▪ WP Security

▪ Wordfence Security

Back-up Plugins - Always BACK-UP your PBN sites!

▪ Keep Backup Daily!

▪ Backup

▪ Ready! Backup

▪ Simple Backup

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16 The Ultimate Checklist Of A Natural Looking Private Blog Network That Rocks

Block bots to hide your PBN from competitors

▪ Spyder Spanker

▪ Link Privacy

▪ Bot Nemesis

Privacy Policy/Terms of Service generators

▪ Auto Terms of Service and Privacy Policy

▪ Policy Generator for AdSense

▪ Oik-Privacy-Policy

The Content

"Traditional marketing talks at people. Content marketing talks with


- Doug Kessler

Go To Pages --> Add New

Add Inner pages with content to your PBN sites to make them look like a business site or a legit

looking personal blog. Depending on the topic of your PBN site, you should add pages that look

real and make sense.

For example, a business site will have a Services/About Us pages and a personal blog could have

pages with videos and funny stories.

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17 The Ultimate Checklist Of A Natural Looking Private Blog Network That Rocks

Examples of inner pages

▪ About Us

▪ Services


▪ Tips

▪ Resources

▪ Privacy Policy

▪ Terms of Service

▪ Events

▪ Workshops

▪ Stories

▪ Portfolio

▪ Contact

▪ Blog

▪ Get Notified

▪ Videos

Since Google ADORES content-rich websites, it would be smart to feed your PBN sites with unique

content varying between 300 and

1000 words. There isn't a standard number of how many words you should use, but the more the

merrier. Mix it up between your pages!

On-Page SEO Silo

I also recommend interlinking from your homepage to other inner pages on your PBN site. For

example, you can link out to the about us page from your homepage and then link from your

about us to the services page.

This creates a stream of link juice flowing through your website, which is great because now you

can create decent juicy back links from your inner pages to your money site(s). This is called silo-

ing and not only do you silo your money sites, but you also silo your PBN sites. This doesn't take

a lot of work and it's a smart way to leverage MORE from your PBN sites.

By Patrick Babakhanian

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18 The Ultimate Checklist Of A Natural Looking Private Blog Network That Rocks


You can also recreate old pages that still have link juice, and by clicking the link below, you'll see

how the exact process works.

Members Area Video: How To Find Expired Inner Pages On Your Domain (For High PA links)


When you're adding pages/posts, it would be logical to add niche- related images in your content.

Be sure to add your Alt text and use a broad niche related keyword. (Don't use your exact


Domain Buying Checklist

By applying the actions I've mentioned above, you will be able to create clean and natural looking

PBN sites and potentially avoid Google penalties in the future.

But a clean and natural looking PBN starts with having the "right" kind of domains. I'm talking

about PBN domains with the following criteria:

A GOOD domain

- has a brand name

(Business name, person's name, unique name)

- has a natural anchor text profile

(Brand/Domain name, URL, click here, visit site, related keywords)

- has back links from TF10+ PA20+ pages

- hasn't been spammed by SEO's before

- has a clean history – Check the history of a domain here

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19 The Ultimate Checklist Of A Natural Looking Private Blog Network That Rocks

- Is Indexed in Google

A BAD domain

- has a keyword-stuffed URL

(Example: howtocurebadacne.com, insanity-workout-review.com)

- has an over-optimized & unnatural anchor text profile

(Most anchors have keyword anchors like "how to cure acne fast" or Chinese words)

- has a lot of backlinks from spammy looking blogs

- has been dropped at least 2/3 times by previous owners

- Is de-indexed in Google

Now the following metrics I recommend are guidelines, so that doesn’t mean a domain with

these metrics is necessarily good. The most important factor of a domain is the quality & quantity

of incoming backlinks.

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NOTE: Find a domain with at least 5 to 10 high TF/PA links from reliable websites. You can find

this out with tools like MajesticSEO, Ahrefs or Open Site Explorer.

Check the image below (Source: MajesticSEO.com)

Always make sure to research the sources of your backlinks. Having at least 5 – 10 high quality

links from high authority sources ensures that your potential PBN domain has link juice to move

up your websites in the SERPs. SEOs tend to overlook the incoming backlinks tab, which is the

most important of it all.

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Don’t make the same mistake!

Tools to research metrics of a domain

▪ MajesticSEO (TF, CF)

▪ OpenSiteExplorer (DA, PA, Moz Trust)


▪ Netpeak Checker (Free Software)

▪ SEOquake (Firefox/Chrome Extension)

▪ MozBar (Firefox/Chrome Extension)

Tools to find domains

▪ RegisterCompass (Paid)

▪ PR Powershot (Paid)


Do NOT rely on good domain metrics, because metrics can mislead you into buying low quality


Watch the video below to discover why you can't rely on metrics and how you can avoid buying

low quality domains.

Bonus Video: Discover Why High Domain Metrics Can Fool You Into Buying Low Quality

Domains And Learn How To Avoid It!

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The Done For You Services

Do you want to skip this whole process and save yourself time, while focusing on scaling your

SEO Business?

Well, you can....

Below, I've listed the done-for-you services for PBNs, content writing, web 2.0s, DFY money

sites and more.


Buy Researched PBN Domains

Click Here

PBN Setup (with & without domains)

Click Here

IFTTT Web 2.0 Network

Click Here

Done For You Affiliate Websites

Click Here

Authority Guest Post Service

Click Here
