Pbe sophomores 2014 template




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Personal Brand Equity Presentation

Tuesday, June 3, 14

What am I know for

Tuesday, June 3, 14

Ge"ing Second on Varsity champion #ips

Tuesday, June 3, 14


Tuesday, June 3, 14

Being Ha%y

Tuesday, June 3, 14

Next year, I plan to be kno& for

Tuesday, June 3, 14

Fir' in Varsity Cross C)ntry Champion#ips

Tuesday, June 3, 14

I plan to be more involved in school activities

Tuesday, June 3, 14

I plan to be kno& for playing so*ball

Tuesday, June 3, 14

Some ,ings I've learned in - la' year

Tuesday, June 3, 14

Final Cut

Tuesday, June 3, 14


Tuesday, June 3, 14

Paint Water Colors

Tuesday, June 3, 14

Engl.h Project Samples

Tuesday, June 3, 14

Daily Warmup

Tuesday, June 3, 14

Song Analyses

Tuesday, June 3, 14

Bench Mark

Tuesday, June 3, 14

My Current Passion

Tuesday, June 3, 14

Travel Ball

Tuesday, June 3, 14

Cross C)ntry

Tuesday, June 3, 14

Making a Blanket

Tuesday, June 3, 14


Tuesday, June 3, 14

Clinometer Project

Tuesday, June 3, 14

Barbie Zip-line

Tuesday, June 3, 14

Top Gun Challen/

Tuesday, June 3, 14

What I do to make f0ends, be

v.ible and "be kno&":

Tuesday, June 3, 14

Play Spo$s

Tuesday, June 3, 14

Go To School

Tuesday, June 3, 14


Tuesday, June 3, 14

Agrascience Project

Tuesday, June 3, 14


Tuesday, June 3, 14

Balancing Act

Tuesday, June 3, 14

Impo$ant New People

Tuesday, June 3, 14

Coach Taylor

Tuesday, June 3, 14

1 Powers

Tuesday, June 3, 14


Tuesday, June 3, 14

H.tory Of Any,ing

Tuesday, June 3, 14


Tuesday, June 3, 14

Armenian Genocide

Tuesday, June 3, 14

Relation Ships

Tuesday, June 3, 14


Tuesday, June 3, 14

2 Alvar3

Tuesday, June 3, 14

90 Days

Tuesday, June 3, 14

I am going to 'a$ training for cross

c)ntry season

Tuesday, June 3, 14

Go Camping

Tuesday, June 3, 14


Tuesday, June 3, 14


Mia Vi4a Locas

Tuesday, June 3, 14

Music Video

Tuesday, June 3, 14

Seventeen Music Cut

Tuesday, June 3, 14

5e Year In Reflection

Tuesday, June 3, 14

Baked )t of box Loved Baking

5. YearAlwaysLa' Year

Learned Basics Wanted to learn

bake from scratch

Took A$ ClassDrew

Ran Varsity Loved Running

No 6an.h

Liked to Draw

Ran JV

Tuesday, June 3, 14

Top Project

Tuesday, June 3, 14

A$ Stimulation Project - Less . More

Tuesday, June 3, 14

1Powers taught honor engl.h ,at less . more

Tuesday, June 3, 14

Gin/r and I created a presentation of 112 slides

Tuesday, June 3, 14

ab)t a$ 'imulation

Tuesday, June 3, 14

5e presentation was made up of mo'ly pictures

Tuesday, June 3, 14

5. assignment taught us how to actually learn what we were researching.

Tuesday, June 3, 14

Minarets Students

Tuesday, June 3, 14

Aurora . a great f0end and a great person. She always helps o,ers no ma"er -

situation. 5. pa' year I have gro& a lot closer to Aurora and #e has been a great

help to me when I was do&. She . very b0ght and talented. She always has her work

done and . always willing to help o,ers wi, ,eirs. She . also a great a$.t ,at

always has a new piece of a$ to work on. Aurora . a one of a kind person who I am

glad to be able to call my f0end.

-Jacob Crossly-

Tuesday, June 3, 14

Aurora . a$.tic, kind hea$ed and a good f0end. I have had -

opu$unity to work wi, her on several occasions and I love it because

#e cont0butes a lot to a project and #e delivers quality work. I am

so blessed to know her.

- Gin/r Bell.a0o -

Tuesday, June 3, 14

I have kno& Aurora for a total of two years. Honestly at fir', I 4dn't like her. At

all. Mo'ly because #e 'abbed me in - arm wi, an ear 0ng. I later f)nd )t ,at

was her way of making f0ends. It seems like #e . always ,ere for any of her f0ends ,at

are having problems, and #e . an amazing runner. For - #o$ time I have kno& her, #e

has been one of my best f0ends.

- Calvin Cacy -

Tuesday, June 3, 14

Minarets Staff

Tuesday, June 3, 14

I adore y) and love ,at y) decided to come to Minarets. 5e fir' day I met y)

du0ng summer practice of y)r Freshmen year I knew y)r were 6ecial. No ma"er

what y) decided to do in y)r life, y) will be successful. Y) always work hard

whe,er it . in y)r academics or wi, y)r extra cur0cular activities, Y) are a type

of 'udent ,at all teachers w)ld love all ,eir 'udents to be lik8 I can't wait for

Cross C)ntry next year. It . going to be big/r and be"er. 5anks for always being

such a positive role model and in6iration to - team.

- 2 Alvar3 -

Tuesday, June 3, 14

Aurora Middleton . a champion. I have high hopes for her because I know how truly

talented #e .. I hope #e knows ,at #e can do any,ing #e wants to as long as #e works

hard. She . and c)ld grow to be even more of a role model for y)n/r girls in )r

community. I love 6en4ng time wi, her and I look forward to working on some 6ecial

projects wi, her in - next two years.

-1 Ching-

Tuesday, June 3, 14

Aurora knows a lot more ,an people ,ink #e does. Someday people will

pay her for ,at.

-Mr Powers-

Tuesday, June 3, 14

Pro brochure

Tuesday, June 3, 14

Tuesday, June 3, 14

“Running .n't a 6o$ for pre"y boys...It's ab)t - sweat in y)r hair and - bl.ters on y)r feet. Its -

frozen 6it on y)r chin and - nausea in y)r gut. It's ab)t ,robbing calves and cramps at midnight ,at are

'rong en)gh to wake - dead. It's ab)t /"ing )t - door and running when - rest of - world . only

9eaming ab)t having - passion ,at y) need to live each and every day wi,. It's ab)t being on a lonely road

and running like a champion even when ,ere's not a single s)l in sight to cheer y) on. Running . all ab)t

having - desire to train and persevere until every fiber in y)r legs, mind, and hea$ . turned to 'eel. And when

y)'ve finally for/d hard en)gh, y) will have become - best runner y) can b8 And ,at's all ,at y) can

ask for.”

― Paul Maurer,-

Tuesday, June 3, 14
