Pay It Forward




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Pay it forward is about the Trevors history. Trevor, a little boy, he was eleven years old and goes in seventh grade. Trevor had social studies class, with a new teacher, who encourages them to think about the outside world that they exist not only in the world but there are more people out there; for assignment the teacher made them was thinking about an idea that can change the world and they have to put it into action. On his way home, Trevor saw some dirty, hungry and smelly people in a garbage dump, and then he thought it would be a good idea to help one of them. So he took one homeless guy with him and he feed him, let him sleep over and also take a shower in the morning. His mom woke up in the same morning and saw the guy, and she was angry. The man tried to pay the favor fixing the Trevors mother truck. One day Trevor went to the mans house to explain the mechanic to the pay it forward, but he was drugged so Trevor knew that he was failed in his work. So he decided to help another person and the other one will be his teacher and he will help him getting him a date with her mother like a blind date but finally it didnt work so well at the beginning but later it worked. In the last time he decided to help an other person of bad boys; and a bad boy stab him. He died and is recognized for his achievement. All person go to his house and they carry a candle for respect to his achievement.
