Paul’s Prayer for the Church - 1.15-23... · Ephesians 1:15-23...


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Paul’s Prayer for the Church

Ephesians 1:15-23

The Flow of Ephesians 1

1:3-14 – The Grand PRAISE to the Triune God

The Flow of Ephesians 1

1:3-14 – The Grand PRAISE to the Triune God

1:15-19 – The Grand PRAYER for the People of God

The Flow of Ephesians 1

1:3-14 – The Grand PRAISE to the Triune God

1:15-19 – The Grand PRAYER for the People of God

1:20-23 – The Grand SUMMARY of God’s Power

Ephesians 1:3-14 – The Grand Praise to the Triune GodGod the Father: Blessed, chose, predestined, and graced us.God the Son: Redeemed, forgave, shed His blood, created a Church, and gave us eternal life. God the Spirit: Sealed us, and is our Personal guarantee of eternal life.

All of This Was Done: According to the richness of His graceAccording to His good pleasureAccording to His own will

Resulting In: Spiritual blessings (not temporary, physical ones)Being holy and without accusationBeing adopted as His childrenBeing acceptedHaving immense wisdom and proper decision-makingBeing a fellowship: unity in all of our diversityAbsolute confidence that eternal life is awaiting us!

Ephesians 1:15-23 – The Grand Prayer for the People of God

Ephesians 1:15-23 – The Grand Prayer for the People of God

1:15-16 – Thankfulness to God for the Church

Ephesians 1:15-23 – The Grand Prayer for the People of God

1:15-16 – Thankfulness to God for the Church+ Their faith in the Lord Jesus

Ephesians 1:15-23 – The Grand Prayer for the People of God

1:15-16 – Thankfulness to God for the Church+ Their faith in the Lord Jesus (VERTICAL, UPWARD RELATIONSHIP)

Ephesians 1:15-23 – The Grand Prayer for the People of God

1:15-16 – Thankfulness to God for the Church+ Their faith in the Lord Jesus (VERTICAL, UPWARD RELATIONSHIP)+ Their love for all the saints

Ephesians 1:15-23 – The Grand Prayer for the People of God

1:15-16 – Thankfulness to God for the Church+ Their faith in the Lord Jesus (VERTICAL, UPWARD RELATIONSHIP)+ Their love for all the saints (HORIZONTAL, OUTWARD RELATIONSHIP)

Ephesians 1:15-23 – The Grand Prayer for the People of God

1:15-16 – Thankfulness to God for the Church+ Their faith in the Lord Jesus (VERTICAL, UPWARD RELATIONSHIP)+ Their love for all the saints (HORIZONTAL, OUTWARD RELATIONSHIP)

1:17-19 – Requests to God for the Church

Ephesians 1:15-23 – The Grand Prayer for the People of God

1:15-16 – Thankfulness to God for the Church+ Their faith in the Lord Jesus (VERTICAL, UPWARD RELATIONSHIP)+ Their love for all the saints (HORIZONTAL, OUTWARD RELATIONSHIP)

1:17-19 – Requests to God for the Church“Wisdom of God and Godly Knowledge”

Ephesians 1:15-23 – The Grand Prayer for the People of God

1:15-16 – Thankfulness to God for the Church+ Their faith in the Lord Jesus (VERTICAL, UPWARD RELATIONSHIP)+ Their love for all the saints (HORIZONTAL, OUTWARD RELATIONSHIP)

1:17-19 – Requests to God for the Church“Wisdom of God and Godly Knowledge”

To Continue Learning and Growing

Ephesians 1:15-23 – The Grand Prayer for the People of God

1:15-16 – Thankfulness to God for the Church+ Their faith in the Lord Jesus (VERTICAL, UPWARD RELATIONSHIP)+ Their love for all the saints (HORIZONTAL, OUTWARD RELATIONSHIP)

1:17-19 – Requests to God for the Church“Wisdom of God and Godly Knowledge”

To Continue Learning and GrowingTo Know God More Clearly

Ephesians 1:15-23 – The Grand Prayer for the People of God

1:15-16 – Thankfulness to God for the Church+ Their faith in the Lord Jesus (VERTICAL, UPWARD RELATIONSHIP)+ Their love for all the saints (HORIZONTAL, OUTWARD RELATIONSHIP)

1:17-19 – Requests to God for the Church“Wisdom of God and Godly Knowledge”

To Continue Learning and GrowingTo Know God More Clearly

(1) To Know that we have Hope only through God

“If we could more clearly perceive the glorious destiny awaiting us, we could live

more victoriously here below”

Ephesians 1:15-23 – The Grand Prayer for the People of God

1:15-16 – Thankfulness to God for the Church+ Their faith in the Lord Jesus (VERTICAL, UPWARD RELATIONSHIP)+ Their love for all the saints (HORIZONTAL, OUTWARD RELATIONSHIP)

1:17-19 – Requests to God for the Church“Wisdom of God and Godly Knowledge”

To Continue Learning and GrowingTo Know God More Clearly

(1) To Know that we have Hope only through God

(2) To Know that we are God’s Inheritance

Ephesians 1:15-23 – The Grand Prayer for the People of God

1:15-16 – Thankfulness to God for the Church+ Their faith in the Lord Jesus (VERTICAL, UPWARD RELATIONSHIP)+ Their love for all the saints (HORIZONTAL, OUTWARD RELATIONSHIP)

1:17-19 – Requests to God for the Church“Wisdom of God and Godly Knowledge”

To Continue Learning and GrowingTo Know God More Clearly

(1) To Know that we have Hope only through God

(2) To Know that we are God’s Inheritance

(3) To Know that we have God’s Great Power in us

Ephesians 1:20-23 – The Grand Summary of the Power of God

Ephesians 1:20-23 – The Grand Summary of the Power of GodGod Raised Jesus from the Dead (RESURRECTION)

Ephesians 1:20-23 – The Grand Summary of the Power of GodGod Raised Jesus from the Dead (RESURRECTION)

God Raised Jesus up to the Heavenly Throne (EXALTATION)

Ephesians 1:20-23 – The Grand Summary of the Power of GodGod Raised Jesus from the Dead (RESURRECTION)

God Raised Jesus up to the Heavenly Throne (EXALTATION)

God Put All Things under Jesus’ Authority (RULE)

Ephesians 1:20-23 – The Grand Summary of the Power of GodGod Raised Jesus from the Dead (RESURRECTION)

God Raised Jesus up to the Heavenly Throne (EXALTATION)

God Put All Things under Jesus’ Authority (RULE)+ Jesus is the Head over all powers and principalities

Ephesians 1:20-23 – The Grand Summary of the Power of GodGod Raised Jesus from the Dead (RESURRECTION)

God Raised Jesus up to the Heavenly Throne (EXALTATION)

God Put All Things under Jesus’ Authority (RULE)+ Jesus is the Head over all powers and principalities

o Everything is inferior to Jesus

Ephesians 1:20-23 – The Grand Summary of the Power of GodGod Raised Jesus from the Dead (RESURRECTION)

God Raised Jesus up to the Heavenly Throne (EXALTATION)

God Put All Things under Jesus’ Authority (RULE)+ Jesus is the Head over all powers and principalities

o Everything is inferior to Jesuso Everything is subject to Jesus

Ephesians 1:20-23 – The Grand Summary of the Power of GodGod Raised Jesus from the Dead (RESURRECTION)

God Raised Jesus up to the Heavenly Throne (EXALTATION)

God Put All Things under Jesus’ Authority (RULE)+ Jesus is the Head over all powers and principalities

o Everything is inferior to Jesuso Everything is subject to Jesus

+ Jesus is Head over the Church

Ephesians 1:20-23 – The Grand Summary of the Power of GodGod Raised Jesus from the Dead (RESURRECTION)

God Raised Jesus up to the Heavenly Throne (EXALTATION)

God Put All Things under Jesus’ Authority (RULE)+ Jesus is the Head over all powers and principalities

o Everything is inferior to Jesuso Everything is subject to Jesus

+ Jesus is Head over the Churcho He gives power to the Church

Ephesians 1:20-23 – The Grand Summary of the Power of GodGod Raised Jesus from the Dead (RESURRECTION)

God Raised Jesus up to the Heavenly Throne (EXALTATION)

God Put All Things under Jesus’ Authority (RULE)+ Jesus is the Head over all powers and principalities

o Everything is inferior to Jesuso Everything is subject to Jesus

+ Jesus is Head over the Churcho He gives power to the Churcho He fills the Church with Himself. Church is the fullness of Christ!

Ephesians 1:20-23 – The Grand Summary of the Power of GodGod Raised Jesus from the Dead (RESURRECTION)

God Raised Jesus up to the Heavenly Throne (EXALTATION)

God Put All Things under Jesus’ Authority (RULE)+ Jesus is the Head over all powers and principalities

o Everything is inferior to Jesuso Everything is subject to Jesus

+ Jesus is Head over the Churcho He gives power to the Churcho He fills the Church with Himself. Church is the fullness of Christ!o For what purpose? OUR MISSION!

Ephesians 1:15-23 – Paul’s Prayer for the Church

Ephesians 1:15-23 – Paul’s Prayer for the Church

Keep being faithful to God (not the world). The upward focus on His character

Ephesians 1:15-23 – Paul’s Prayer for the Church

Keep being faithful to God (not the world). The upward focus on His character

Be committed to loving one another. The outward focus on commitment and loyalty to His people

Ephesians 1:15-23 – Paul’s Prayer for the Church

Keep being faithful to God (not the world). The upward focus on His character

Be committed to loving one another. The outward focus on commitment and loyalty to His people

Always hold onto Hope. Keeping your eyes on the eternal perspective

Ephesians 1:15-23 – Paul’s Prayer for the Church

Keep being faithful to God (not the world). The upward focus on His character

Be committed to loving one another. The outward focus on commitment and loyalty to His people

Always hold onto Hope. Keeping your eyes on the eternal perspective

Know that you are God’s inheritance. You have such value and worth!

Ephesians 1:15-23 – Paul’s Prayer for the Church

Keep being faithful to God (not the world). The upward focus on His character

Be committed to loving one another. The outward focus on commitment and loyalty to His people

Always hold onto Hope. Keeping your eyes on the eternal perspective

Know that you are God’s inheritance. You have such value and worth!

Know the power (His power) at work in you! Don’t miss the power of God at work in your life
