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Jim Listhartke

Go to InsertPaul L. Hanson 100400

Sand Ridge Secure Treatment Center

1111 North Rd

P.O. Box 800

Mauston, WI 53948-0800

James Listhartke

C/o Life Point Church

506 Legacy Dr

Smyrna, TN 37167

Dear Jim

It took me a few days before I decided to write back to you. I have no idea of whom gave you, my name and address. There are very few people who knows where I am or even know that I'm caged up in prison like an animal. This is one place I do not recommend for anyone to be placed.

There is not all that much to do in here as far as work goes. But the bible study's I do through the mail, which help's the time to pass by faster. The only other item I'm involved in is a ministry in Albany, New York. Which is ran by Sis. Barbara Judkins, she is a wonderful person and very helpful in a spiritual way.

I can not find any faults in what she doing by reaching out to other Christian. And give them a helping hand in understanding the Holy Words of God. So I praise God for working his will though her, to help other's. You may think that I'm strange for praising God for someone like Sister Barbara. But she has shown me that everyone I special in the sight of God.

To enlighten you more of what goes on in this place. I work on the unit I live, which the pay isn't greatest. The most may job requires is to walk from the unit over to the medical center in the evening for diet-bags. These diet-bag's are for those who are on special diet and can not eat what the rest of do. I have the weekend off and this gives me time to get ready for chapel on Sunday evening. Chapel is something that I do not like missing. When I do miss Sunday service, it is because I am no feeling well. It has only been very few time's I missed Chapel.

The weather around here has been chilly and somewhat wet. Other then that it has been an average April weather for this area. And Wisconsin isn't that great of a state to be in. It surprise's everyone that this is only State where the innocent is locked up behind bar's. I'm not saying I'm perfect in any respect but to do any type of crime that this state claims. Well that is a different story. As far as sending stamps out to anyone. It is hard for me to do that, because of the lack of funds to do with. Hope this does not prevent you from writing back

God bless, Paul.


Hi Jim

It was wonderful to hear form you and your family. Yes, I mistook what you was asking in your first letter about stamps. With the way things has going for me, it gets real confusing in here. I know what it is like being busy, but God never gives us more then we can handle. It must have been fun to go and help with Bible school from one's church. Music for me is a way to express one self to other's and glorify the Lord. I enjoy listen to music and being uplifted spiritually. Got two more bible study's through the mail to do. It seems that it will be a task to do them, at least the place will pay postage both ways for the bible study. I have learned allot from the bible study and it is great to learn more about what God will is for each one of His children.

I know the feeling on my own part about having to pay bills. The work I do on the outside of prison, is automotive repair. Well, I also had salvage removal and lawn care for the elderly business of my own. There was at times when it seemed there was more bills then money. The only thing that made it worth any thing was to being a caretaker of what God created. Keeping my minister lawn done and the lawn around the Church.

Being in here in prison, it a total different setting from being on the outside. It seems that allot of the guys in here want every thing handed to them. I am so use to being self-supporting with the help of God. It is senseless to see single guys wanting a woman to support them, or maybe I am missing something. It is also very uplifting for me when I attend church. When the people of the church really are in Christ and Christ is in them. I will close for now for it is getting late, and I have to get up in the morning early.

Take care,


PS I had to get a stamp from a friend so I could mail this letter to you.


Dear Jim & Family

This is to let you know that I am in TN. Got down here Thursday of last week. I would like to put you and family on my visiting form, In case you want to meet me. You can let me soon as possible about this, so I can get the paper in progress.

I have not the privilege of go to church here. My bible studies I brought with me. This way I can keep up with the Lord's work. Hope you and your family will keep in the Word of God. As all things the prayers that I will be back up north with my family. Cause the Lord is the only one who knows our need is the Lord How is the new church you and your family is attending going for you. It is probably different from us Lutherans . In all we believe in the same God, the method of conducting the service differ. Through the bible study's, they have enlighten my knowledge of God and Jesus Christ. And a way of Telling of Christ Jesus saving Love for his people I will close for now and hope to hear from you real soon.

God Bless Paul

The address here is :

Whiteville Correctional Facility

1440 Union Spring Rd

PO Box 679

Whiteville, TN 38075


Hey Jim

All I am sure of is Whiteville is near Memphis, just where at is where I am unsure. As you can see, that your letter made it to me and just to receive your letter made the day. Round here there isn't a positive surroundings and very little talk about the bible. Or even Christian's to talk with, I did get celled up with a Christian and I praise God for it. They can not take away the freedom of religion from an inmate.

To me it sounds like you and your wife had your hands full of things to do It is always nice when one's kids come over to visit. I always enjoyed when my three kid's came home with the grandkids It was a house full.

Thank you for the prayers for they work if anyone believes it or not. Don't be so hard on yourself. When a person is tired the things he wants to will never be done right when done in a tired state. Did you get the letter done to your mom? Family is always important to everyone. I did get the two stamps you sent me, I thank you for them. Using one of them to get this letter off to you and your family. Your are always in my prayers and thoughts. The bible study's I am in is from Set Free Correspondence and NBC If you would like the address to them please let me know. This way you can let others around yourself see what one can learn about the bible or learn what they didn't know before. I will close for now and get some more of the bible lesson done.

Take care,


Oct 25, 1998

Dear Jim

Have not heard from you and your family for awhile now. I am taking it as you are busy and just trying to get everything done. It has been busy for myself, trying to keep up on my bible studies and work some as a janitor. The wages and the hours that I work are both slim. Thanks to our Lord Jesus, I have a job, where some inmates here don't work. Also I got moved to a different unit, because the last cell mate I had was not mentally correct. the more other inmates would help him, the less he do for himself. I still pray for him that he will start doing somethings on his own.

Today we set our clock back an hour. It is like we are trying to save time for a rainy day. The farmers will start getting the crop's in for the winter. The seasons may change but God never changes, that is most wonderful and glories thing. - God never changes. I'm still trying to get use to this prison here in Tennessee. The hard part is being away from family members. I hear from them through the mail but the letters are few. they are also busy in their life's. I still count my blessings that I have a good family and friends.

A friend sent photo's of her wedding and the get together after the wedding. Well, it is getting late here. So I will close for now and hope to hear from you real soon.

God bless, Paul

Sept 21,1998

Dear Jim

Hope everything for you is going according to God's will. As for myself it is a time of who do's one trust in a place like this, God is the only one who will not leave me or fail me. I am celled up with a forty-nine year old child. He always is trying to play head games and trying to get everyone else to pay for his postage on his letter's. but I will keep on praying that he will change's his ways.

Further on to better news. Did get a small job in here, work about three hour in the evening. Which really isn't all that much, at least I'm doing something. It would be a lot easier if I had a job in here that I was trained for. But being an Auto mechanic in prison, they think the worst about it. So I leave it all in God's hands and let him take care of the problems that comes into my life. Got the three bible study's done and sent back in for correction. So I am praying that I done well on them. The chaplain here wanted to see the list of bible study's that I have. I take it that he didn't know that there was so many bible study's across the country. In all that is really nothing new for this prison. Well I will close for now. So take care and hope to hear form you soon.

God Bless. Paul

Nov 17, 1998

Hi Jim

From your letter it sounds like you have your hands full. Praise be to God, for the Lord will see you through everything. Be patience with the youth and they will more enough five the very best they have.

I am sure that you will do just great in organizing special music for the services. Your church has been blessed by growing, most church's don't grow.. They gave a small number of member, I believe that they may be getting a way from the bible and what it teaches. It give's me honor to correspond with you and your family. At times I just can not wait to hear form you and your family, I enlightens my day.

I been doing bible studies for some time now. It is hard to remember all the things I have learned. Through prayer's I know the Lord will hear us and help us both to learn even more.

You will have to let me know how the Revival went? For me to go to a Revival is difficult because I was never a person for a big crowd of people. The Lord is helping in that area.

Will working some here as a janitor. It is not the type of work that I was trained for. But repairing car's is not something that they will let me do. I can give advice to the one who ask or who is just wondering about their vehicle. The only thing is, I am getting southern way of talking. That is going to be hard to correct at first when I get back up north. It is all part of life and God's will for me!

I will be praying for you and your family. Hope the Lord Blessed everyone at the revival. Take care and write when you get the time.

God bless, Paul

Dear Jim and Family

Season Greeting to you and your family, it is the season to be thankful for what Jesus has done for us. I am thankful for what Jesus Christ has done in my life and for people like you and your family. Freedom can be found in our Lord Jesus. It seems that a lot of inmates in here seems to forget is no time to feel sorrow but rejoice that Christ lives and is coming back for his children.

I am doing will, just knowing that I have friends who care for me. That I am in their prayers and they are in my prayers. I got done writing to a friend up North who just married this year. And I could not resist to stop and write a letter to you. Being active as you are in the church, can be a blessing as it goes along.

It has been a warm season so far this year. Still waiting for the weather to change any time. I miss the snow and the real cold weather of Wisconsin. Some may complain about cold, snowy weather, but it is a time of rest for the plants. And rebirth in spring of flowers and the sounds of songs from bird in the air. All things will be a new in the spring.

It must be real busy around the church and your home. Planning for Christmas service and buying presents for the family at home. It is well worth all the effort and the time it takes to get everything just right. In all I am doing great through all the trials that seems to be at my heals,. You may noticed I repeated myself an how I am doing. It is because I started this letter yesterday and didn't go through it before starting writing once more. I wanted so much to get this letter out to you without any mistakes, but it happened anyway. There is much more to write about at the moment. I will close for now, and wait to hear form you soon.

God Bless, Paul

Dear Jim and Family

Happy New Year even if it is late in telling you so. May the New Year be filled with everything that is joyful from the Lord. There may be a few lows and few high's in the course of the year, but the Lord will never let any of us down who believe in Him. Things around here is hard to believe that people can be so out of touch with the facts of God. It must be that I see things that I should not see and hear things that I should not hear. In it all I will not weaver from my faith in what Jesus Christ has done for me on the cross.

The reason I make such a statement is, there is so many false believers around me. And the statements and actions of the staff member's are unbelievable. The treatment of some the inmates is a total story in it self. But I can let you know what happens to some inmates and how they are treated here at C.C.A It may seem inhuman treatment by the staff members. But it actually happens. The staff members when they do a pat down put their hands in places that is totally out of order. It can be classified as make excused to the effect that is how they were trained. I have doubts that their training goes that far or anyone has such little moral towards another human being. And to enforce the correct rules that are set up for everyone, those rules are some how pushed to the side. And enforced only when it is convenient to that certain staff member. Does this make any sense, to me it make no sense at all on how this place is ran.

To further explain about the unbelievers in here. I was celled up with a Jew person, just because I am a Christian. Everything I believed and have faith in through Christ was wrong. There was a constant problem between us because I try to go by the rules. More then once I went to the staff member to resolve problems. On Dec. 19, 1998 I tried to solve another problem with him and found myself getting a fist in my face. Both of us were taken off to Seg. for fighting. It seem strange that one can not do anything right no matter what it is. I am not complaining about the chips fall, just makes me wonder is it all worth it, being in this Facility. So I made my mind up to let everyone that I know and write to know what a person must do through at this Facility. this way the message can be told to others that are concerned about those in C.C.A. prisons. In hopes that things will change for the better or they will send Wisconsin inmates back up north. It would be a blessing for me, if I was back in Wisconsin closer to my family.

It was a big surprise Sunday 1/10/99. there was a Christian motorcycle group that came in here. Each one gave testimony how they finally received the Lord into their life's . A bit of good can not do away with the bad, unless everyone works together as a whole.

Is everything with you and your family going well? The last time I heard from you, you were busy with several things in the church. Has it got any easier for you with the task you have in the church? Now that the holidays are over things should be getting some what back to normal. But there is always times that I am wrong. I better close for now and hope to hear from you real soon.

God bless, Paul


Hi Jim and family

Got your letter, which is great to receive and to hear from you and your family. There maybe ups and downs in life but the Lord is always there beside us. All one has to do is stand firm in faith that the Lord is always there. The Lord will always keep his promises to those who are firm believers in him.. I asked about the tape's you have and the tapes have to come from a vendors that the prison deals with. As far as the other material, there is no objection. I pointed out that I received two books through the mail without any problems and receive study books from a Bible course. The reading material I would enjoy very much.

When I read the part in your letter about truck's, well trucks are something I enjoyed being around. Just the sound of the engine running is relaxing to me. Of course being raised around farm equipment and trucks, I know the danger of not asking for God's guidance when around them. God never let any of us down when we go to Him in prayer about needing Him with us daily. At present time God helped me by convincing my cellmate to study God's word and getting into a bible study through the mail.

I am sure he will do well in the Bible study courses. He stated to me that so many other inmates tried to push the courses at him and I was the only one who told him God would let him make up his own mind. So there is a new door opened up to Jesus Christ and willing to accept God's Will. I will be praying that the two quizs your church has to do, you will win! And may it show to all that has no faith what our Lord God can and will do in us who have faith in Him. If you have the time to read a book named Heaven Better by far, it is well written book. the Author is J. Oswald Sanders, it answers to questions about the believers final hope. I will close for now and hope to hear from you soon.

God Bless, Paul

PS J. Oswald Sanders has another book call Facing Loneliness, Both of the book I had the chance to read and enjoyed both of them.


Hi Jim and Family

Doing as well as I can for where I am and being restricted in movement. Still give thanks to our Lord for allowing me to wake up every morning to a new day. Your letters are welcome sight and just to know that you care is a blessing. There is time's when we all get busy and it seems that there isn't enough hours in a day. I am a very patient person and also know that you are a busy person.

It seem that you have a big job in transferring information from Disks to CD's. Personally, I never got close to a computer except to use one on a care, it gives a read out on how the care or truck are running. But that is how people differ from one and another. It is great to hear that your daughter did well in the quiz. The quiz in March will go well for your daughter, she has good and loving parents.

It must have been a sight for your grandson to just watch the deer, instead of hunting for food. In Wisconsin it is full of deer, and pheasant. On the side roads the pheasant will fly right in front of the card, I hit a few pheasant with a pickup. What do's her son hunt with? Rifle or by bow. Hunting for me, it has to be by bow. More fun and natural to hunt that way. When you go out this spring for the turkey, I wish you the best of luck.

I draw some but it has been some time sense I did any drawing. Was the only one out of seven children in family that drawing came natural to. I am also good with animals, that is due to being raised up on a dairy farm. Working with my hands is a pleasure not a chore! Of course the six members of my family was girls. So I got a great deal of help in my homework if I did there are work. It was a good trade off for all of kids. My parents wanted me to go to school for drawing, but I had no means to pay for the schooling. Some years later, I went to a trade school and took up Auto Mechanic's. Which is a form of art in a way.

There is a few questions I have, there are about the trinity. So have a few inmate are claiming the trinity is one person. What I have been taught was the trinity is three person but acting as one? Could you help in that area? If you could find any material on backsliding, it would be of great help. And the question is, about Revelation. Most of Revelation is in symbols of things, such as colors, water and precious stones. All the symbols have a meaning, where can I find the meanings? There are three books I have read which I got a great deal out of. They are; Facing Loneliness, Heaven Better by far, the two are by J. Oswald Sanders. And the third book is Living Proof, by Jim Petersen. The third book is based on the Book of John and has a outline in the back of the book for a small group to study the book of John. If you get time to read these books, you could let me know what you think about them. I will close for now and wait for your next letter. Take care.

A Friend



Hey Paul,

I wanted to get the stuff on the Trinity to you as soon as possible. Now that the Bible Quizzing is over we have to concentrate on the Easter Play we are putting on for Palm Sunday - Next Sunday, we have play practice tonight, Friday, Saturday and probably one Sunday afternoon so we will be ready Sunday Evening. We have to get everybody ready with their parts. The props need to get done too. I think most of the wardrobe's are ready for everybody.

After all this I don't think very much will be happening. Soon, we will have to start mowing the lawn.

Without those other letters, I don't know what happened to them, I don't remember what else you wanted information for - Are you originally from Wisconsin? I take it that your family is there. Who are your family?

Have you had formal training in automotive repair? I don't know how long you were in the prison system, but, a lot of changes have taken place in automotive technology. There is computers in them controlling the ignition and fueling system, dash and monitoring systems. You may want to consider a course to update you.

You made the comment that guys there are looking for an easy solution out. They want someone else to take care of them. There are males and females at home and at work that have the same attitude. The one's living on government this, that, and the other thing. They don't care, they feel they deserve it. I myself would rather take care of myself and my family and not look to someone else to take care of me. I wouldn't feel good about myself in that situation.

I made some small drawings and put them onto these papers for something else to look at. I like to draw. It is relaxing.

I finely got all your letters typed into the computer. I have them for reference. It also helps if I loose the originals that I still have it. I did find some of the letters. I think that I am missing some though. Last year when we had revival it was great. For us the revival was just within our church and it was not like a big crowd. It went very good, many were blessed and recommitted themselves to Christ. It is always a good time to spend a more intense time growing closer to the Lord. It is a time of singing and learning. The church finely got a part time Music director that took over the special music. I worked with him for awhile to get him familiar with how I

was doing it. He is doing a great job. He organized a choir for the church. It is difficult to get them all together to practice. We also have two services in the morning and don't know when we are going to sing. I sing bass. I have done it at other churches. I don't mind getting in front of people to sing if I'm in a choir.

The whole topic of prophecy and prophetic events that have been, are happening, and will happen, shows us to be in the end of this age. The most important one that has been fulfilled is the coming of Israel to be a country again (Since '47). Most people who study prophecy see this as a significant event. Others are the age of technology that we are in - Never before in the History of Mankind has knowledge increased to such unbelievable limits. The cars, trains and planes make this also a very small world. With the added technology of television and computers (internet), it has made the world like a large community.

Satellites can read license plates, monitor herd movement within a wildlife resource area or transfer television and phone conversations around the world in seconds. With the '"Euro" dollar the European money has been united. The use of the "Smart Card" has eliminated the need for cash in Europe. Our military and some test areas have also eliminated the need for cash. There is ADS on TV from time to time encouraging the use of debit cards. Direct deposit has put our money in the banks for us and some banks have gone to electronic banking. We can pay our bills, reconcile our check books, transfer funds, etc, at home or our computer. Banks charge extra for paying our bills for us though.

You know where this is leading don't you? It is the one prophetic event where they will make you get this number, smart card or whatever, and you will not be able to buy, or sell without this -

I don't know how much you know on prophecy or events that are happening, have happened, Let me know -

How is that cell mate of yours working out? You mentioned that he was Jewish. Has he done any Bible Study yet?

Take care, God bless, Jim


Hey Jim

The material on the trinity was very helpful. It cleared up the question that one person kept asking. You will tell me how the play went, even though I am sure it will go fine.

The other information that I was really interested in, was the brake down on the last book of the bible. Yes, I am originally from Wisconsin, I was born and raised in Wisconsin. So most of my family is in Wisconsin. Most of them don't even know that I'm down here in Tennessee. I was formally trained in Auto technology and full aware that there has been some changes in that field. There is no doubt that I can learn about all the new car's coming out.

There seams to be that the attitude, they owe me a living is everywhere. Very few male and female want to make a living and depend on them sell to take care of their family's. It is sad that this country has to degrade itself that far. I enjoyed the drawings on your letter, as you may not know I draw some but is for entertainment for myself. Once in awhile I will put a drawing on my envelopes.

Having things on the computer saves allot of space and time. I am glad that last year revival went great for you. Now you got more time to spend with your family, because the church has a part time music director. Singing is one thing that I don't do, I sound awful.

The topic of prophecy and prophetic events are interpreted differently by many people. Some of the old testament prophecy still has not been fulfilled. All things has not come full circle, it has been talked about for years about one standard currents. That has become true in Europe. Soon to become world - wide. The one's who don't know about signs of the coming of the beast will caught up. The number of bible studies that I have done, has pointed out in detail things to come. the events happening in the world is only briefly touched on by the news, and newspapers.

I am no longer celled up with the Jewish inmate that I told you about. It turned out that all he really wanted to do was to look down his noise at Christians. It seemed that he didn't care to hear the truth about Christ Jesus nor did want anything to do with bible studies. The problem was he was not willing to have an opened mind to hear the truth about Christ. So I am now an a different unit and celled up with someone I know. It in some ways allot easier and not so tense when each person knows the other.

At the present time I am doing a bible study from NBC. It is the easiest study that I have done yet. If you would like the address, I would be more then happy to share it with you and your family and church.. The NBC bible study is a great help to the young and those who has been just saved. If you do want the address you can let me know. I will close off this letter to you for now. Take care.

God Bless, Paul


Hey Jim & Family

Sorry about the delay in writing to you. Been trying to keep busy here so there isn't so much dead time on my hands. Always liked to be busy where I don't have to just sit around. It good to hear that you are trying to set time out for prayer each day. So many Christian's keep forgetting the power of prayers, it just time set aside to praise God for what He has already done.

Being a wife, mother, and homemaker is a job within it self. To foster or adopt a child is a job, yet it is well worth the effort. I wish you and your wife God's blessing in that area. All things takes time and it has to be according the Lord's time table and will.

The last of good engineers and technicians are hard to find. It is the same way in the auto industries and semi trucks areas. I worked on car's for self satisfaction and not so much for the money. of course the people of today are not happy with them self, so their not happy with their jobs. All of us has ups and downs with love's, it how we handle them. It make a relationship stranger if we refuse to let go and stand strong by each other in God's word.

I am not able to get close to a map, so all I knew was that I am not that far from Memphis. Hope your trip to N.C. goes well for you and may the Lord guide you on the trip. I will close for now, May the Lord watch over you

A Friend



Dear Jim & Family

How are you and your family doing? I found some time to write to you, so you may know that I am all right. Of course it is a pleasure to relay that all is going well here. Even though I still long to be with or even close to family members. For now I must make the best of where I am, knowing I will be reunited with love ones soon. The job which I have here is simple but it take time. All I really do is wash windows. It may not sound like much of a job, it keeps me mentally and physical active. There is allot of inmates who don't have a job, so there is boredom for them. If it wasn't for the televisions which we are allowed to own, there probably be great amounts of trouble. I try to steer away from the trouble makers, it makes my time easier. Got the Memorial weekend off to relax from work. So gives me time to draw some and get some letter written.

The Flu has been making it's way around the Facility. Hope no one in your family has caught the flu. Once it starts, it is hard to get away from it. Hope the trip to N.C. will be in your favor and God will use you to do his work. God has plans for all his children, by now you have learned that important part of God's word. Don't preach the word to you. I find myself preaching at people without knowing it. I still don't know where Smyrna is, of course a map would help. Tennessee is not my favorite state, then again neither is Wisconsin. To be set up in the mountains away from big cities would be more me. Being raise on a farm was the best time of my life. Well, I better close for now, for it is getting late. Take care.

God bless,



Dear Jim & Family

May this letter find you and your family in good spirits and health. It be some time between my letters and wondering if everything is going well with you. Been keeping myself some what busy here. Trying to get my Bible Study done so it can get mailed out to be graded. I pray that I don't get too many questions wrong. Most of the question are not that hard, they make one reflect on what A Christian should be and do in life.

Of course there is a lot of guys here who proclaim to be Christians. Yet, it is just a game with them to get out of prison. It makes a true Christian think a lot about how strong Satan can be at times. It is times of temptation and trials for all of us, but faith will carry us through. Until Christ's returns for his own.

I find that some of the television programs in this area is unusual. One channel during the day shows program that I have not seen in years. It is a enjoyment to see programs that was on when I was growing up.

Yet, in all television isn't a great part of my daily life. To know the Bible and what goes on around me, is what catches my attention. Not everyone can see or hear what is going on around them. Nor do they care. It is a shame when no one pays attention to what is happening. It is getting late, so I will close for now. Hope to hear from you real soon.

A friend Always,

Paul Hanson


Dear Jim & Family

Received your letter last night, Friday the 20th. Seems that this place don't pick up the mail on the weekends, nor do we get mail on Saturday. It gives one time to sit down and write this letter to you and your family. I know what it is to be busy, barely enough time in a day to rest at times. Sounds as if the kids in your neighborhood has no respect for others. If they don't change now, then there is one place for sure they will be - in prison. Prison is nothing for things to laugh at. Some of the things that goes on in prison would make a anyone out wonder how anyone live through it. There is no respect for life in here or property. It is a life of self - defense and trying to keep one own morals in place. There is no fear of the staff member, matter of fact the staff members here are afraid of the inmates and what can happen. It is a shame to hear about or see a young person heading down the wrong path of life. Trying to buy a house with any type of crime in the area is hard. All anyone can do right now is let the Lord show the way and work the problem out.

To be able to write to you and your family is very uplifting. The letters that I receive from you show that someone care about me. I don't know anyone overseas, never had the chance to know anyone in deferent country. Of course there is only a hand full of people here in the US I know and even less to write to. Guess I didn't get around when I was free, more less stuck to myself. Crowds of people made me uncomfortable to be around. Could be due to the fact that I was raised up on a farm and only had to be around the live stock. So to be an out going person was not something I had to do then.

You will find that your bible study will get easier as you let the Holy Spirit work through you. Even the difficult things God has planned for us will be revealed at the proper time. All things are done according to the will of God. The Lord will for our life's is done according to His time table not our own.

To sit down and draw for any length of time or even to start at time is hard. The noise around here at times is hard to take, everyone trying to talk louder then the next guy. Which makes hard to stay focused on drawing.

A sanctuary is what is needed here so some of older guys can relax and to talk with the Lord. Maybe it would not be a bad idea to suggest a sanctuary to the staff just for us Christians and older inmates.

There is a few contemporary programs that I like watching. The Waltons, Mash but cartoons I never got into. Most of the good programs are on during the time I'm working, so it is hard to watch them. The radio comes in handy for me when there nothing on TV. I will close for now, so I can mail this letter to you. Well, before it becomes a book.

A Friend in Christ Paul Hanson

Oct 31, 1999

Dear Jim and Family,

Have not heard from you for some time now. So I am taking it that you got busy with the church and everyday life. As most of us do, in getting side tracked in life. I am doing all right yet, the food here has not got the best of me so far. Working some, doing windows of all jobs to have. At least it is a job and helps keep my mind and body active in here. I just finished a Bible Study course through the mail. It was one of the easier Bible Study I have done so far. Also been corresponding with a Christian lady in Texas. Who is also in prison, it a an uplift when I can share what I have learned with other. There are some who are not interested in what Christ Jesus has done for them. God has made us all the same, yet so different in many ways. Such as, proclaiming to be a Christian and they are not. Some guy here try to impress the staff by acting the Christian part. All they are doing is fooling themselves. I pray for those inmate that put a false front up for others.

How is your art work going? Just remember do not try to rush the work on drawing. It will be done correctly in time. Are you still sanging in the church? Sanging is an art within self. The several places in the Bible study state that everyone has a gift given to us by the Lord. It is up to us to find the gift and use it to Glorify the Lord. The Bible Study's must of done me in a way far the uses of the Lord. I will close for now and await to hear from you soon.

God Bless, Paul L. Hanson

11/3/99 Wednesday

Hey Paul,

Sorry haven't been writing. No excuse. There have been some changes at church. The pastor left for New York. I spoke with a lady at church and she said that there hasn't been any mail from you either. I hope that you are doing OK and keeping busy. He had a change of calling you could say. The family moved there. He was originally form there I think but his wife's family is here in Tennessee.

I have missed your mail. I look forward to hearing from you. I don't know what your situation is three I wrote to a prisoner years ago and he was paroled and went home or somewhere. After he left from the institution he didn't write anymore.

There has been a load of changes at work too. They have been redecorating and moving departments around. We have half of the department is still in the original room. Some are in the front office area and some the other end of the building. I drawn a layout of the proposed room where the lab and I are going to move. I told them there isn't a lot of room to put everything in there. It won't be until 3 or 4 weeks probably. Some of the people are moving to the other end by end of this week.

It has been kinda slow down at work.

My wife has been having pains in the abdomen and the doctor still doesn't know what it was. I hope that she will get better soon. I don't like when she hurts. We have been very short with money since we moved. Expenses exceed income. So, we have been looking at more, work at home opportunities, or a part time job for me. I have been considering a part time working with animals. I took a animal specialist correspondence course and finished it. I liked working some hours in a kennel cleaning and taking care of the cats and dogs. I like to work with other animals. It would be neat in a pet shop where they have a variety of animals to care for.

My drawing has been coming along good. I copied a cat that I did in pencil. The copier doesn't do justice but you get the idea.

Please let me know if you foresee any changes where you are. I still need to work on some animals like farm animals. Then I will concentrate on scenery - trees, bushes, flowers and stuff.

Bye for now, God bless, Jim

Nov 10, 1999

Dear Paul,

What kind of Bible Study did you finish? I am glad that you wish to learn and study the Bible. We need to always to keep the Bible in our hearts. I don't know what is in the hearts of men, but, sometimes they may have excepted Jesus into their hearts but not surrendered their life to him yet. Sometimes they are still caught up into their own sin that so easily binds them, it keeps them from growing. Please be careful to Judge them. They may really want to serve the Lord, but, don't know how, or not encouraged to do so. You have a special gift to want to learn and grow. It may be that the Lord wants you to share your faith and help those others grow into maturity. You may be able to reach, those that would not be reachable. I can't imagine what it is like there. But, your love for the Lord has kept your faith alive. We can pray for those others that do not seem to be very dedicated Christians, and, let the Lord make them grow. We can only be lights in a dark world. If the people are playing a game with others heads, God knows their heart and will deal with them.

Can you get me a picture of yourself? Or, would that bother you to send me one? I will send you one of myself, if you want one. Do you have a chaplain there? Or someone that leads the worship. Do you have regular worship services there?

God Bless, Jim

Nov. 14, 1999

Dear Jim and Family,

Sorry about not writing as I should. There no good excuse for not keeping up on my letter writing. It been busy and confusing around here. To keep up with all the new rules that this place makes. It makes an inmate wonder what is really going on with the people who are in charge. All I can do is take one day at a time. In here is nothing I can do about yesterday, and tomorrow is in Gods hands, for he is the only one who knows what it holds. Sorry to hear that your pastor left your church. It is clear that God has something better for your church. it will not be long before there is a new pastor at your church. The situation seem to never change, except the guards and rules. When an inmate does get paroled, they are more interested in what is going on with the new life they got back. Some here say that they are true Christian. Yet, a person can see that once back out a home. Their Christian ways of thinking is gone and they are back to the way they were before.

Sounds as if your job is trying to enlarge and there isnt enough room where they are. Before I get much farther into this letter. Thank you for the drawing. In art work, it is not what others think about the drawing. It is the way you see the object and how you put it on paper. None of us are real great artist, God is the true artist of all things in this world.

I pray that your wife doctor will find the cause of your wife pain. One feels helpless when they can not help the one who is in pain. I pray that you will find a way to get a part job or home opportunities.

I have been writing to a Christian female in Texas. She is also in prison and very enjoyable to write too. Yet being locked up as we are, there isnt much to write about. She has a wonderful out look on life and she not letting where she is get her down. I enjoy receiving letters from you and your family.. The letters that I get from you, keep my faith up in mankind.

Animals are great to work with. Of course I was raised on a farm. where I was around animals all the time, when I was young.

I am sorry that I left the farm life for more money in the city. We all once in awhile make the wrong move for work for the wrong reasons. Hope you find the right kennel to work at. I will keep you posted if there will be any changes as far as movement out of the facility. There is no doubt that your drawings will get better as long as you keep working on drawing

well bye for now.

God bless



Dear Jim and Family

It has been a while since I wrote my letter to you. Every time there seems I have time to write, something happens to make things hard to write. You probably seen where we got locked down, because of a few inmates. Yet all things are going well for me. Been told that my chances are great to be transferred back to Wisconsin. You are the first person that I have told. I prayed to God before I would tell anyone of the transfer back north. I will pray that we can keep writing each other after all this transfer is done. I know that a lot of people make promises and don't keep them. At times I may be slow in my letter writing, yet I have not forgot those I need to write to.

Hope you Valentine day went well for you. It is man made day for those how are in love. Should Valentine day be every day. Because Christ Jesus ask us to love one and another daily? Before I forget, I started on another bible study. It is a simple bible study, there is always hope that it will get harder. If not I will always learn something from it. There is a few guys here who rather have the answers given to them. Instead of reading the bible, they learn nothing that way.

How is your drawing coming. Still have the last drawing you sent to me. I work some on my drawing, just it improve upon my way of drawing. Well for now, I will close. Hope to hear from you soon.

God bless, Paul


Hey Paul,

Sorry didn't write. Started a letter, the day we decided to leave the church we were going. The interim pastor Gonyea was asked to leave because he was speaking the gospel. Ever since our full time Pastor left the church 2 or 3 months ago, it has been going down hill. I enjoyed Pastor Gonyea's sermon, in fact I made sure I asked him for his sermon notes too. I don't know why churches have to do that. We are still looking for a good church we can call home. We are going to try one of the churches up the street from our house next Sunday. Take care God bless, Jim

Hey Paul,

Had a busy holiday and things going on. The song at church was nice. It was "How great thou Art" it makes me think that I am out in the wilderness enjoying nature, trees, animals and everything. It really gets me to feel good. He is an awesome God!

I spent a lot of time scanning all my pictures at home and transferring them to my computer, it took many days. There was hundreds of pictures I have accumulated over the 20 - 30 years. I also send some Email devotional to people in the church.

I hope that you will have a hood new year.

It has been busy down at work. I have been doing over time. I usually only put an hour a day, making a 9 hour day. Things have been going down hill fast down there. We are loosing 3 engineers already this month. I have also considered starting a new job. There are not a lot of electronics jobs in my area. So, most of the people are leaving for certain companies and everyone knows where they go. If I leave I will be going to a place where there are former people that worked where I am now.

I know that you may feel like you are writing a book, but, please go ahead! I enjoy your letters. I want to know what it is like for you. I want to know you. You can tell me what you do everyday - even if you feel it is unimportant - I want to know everything you do everyday.

Please send your letters to: Calvary Baptist Church PO Box 942 Smyrna, TN 37167

I reread one of your letters last year I save all the letters too. I can go back and feel again the things you have wrote about. I do care about you. I am sorry that I haven't wrote you much. I feel bad when I don't hear from you or write you for a long time

I am listening to a Wednesday night bible study on Exodus. They are studying the Ten commandments - in particular about " Thou shalt not kill". He talked about abortion, capital punishment, war, and other related topics that this world is doing.

God be thanked - he died for all of are sins. He forgives us of all our sins and we begin a new life in Christ! I enjoy the pastors preaching and studies. I want to grow in Christ and be closer to him. I don't want to be a carnal Christian - without joy. I want to be filled with the fruit of the Spirit. To be filled with love - not hate - anger to people that leads to killing. He was pointing out that the Bible says " Thou shalt not " but, also, " Thou shalt love". To be a Christian is not "do not do this or that" but "to do" as well...

He started on Adultery next. President didn't give good example to all. This would also include thoughts and actions concerning all sexual situations of the mind or body.

Well - that gives you an idea of Wednesday night service. I am tired lately. It seems that I have so much that needs to get done. Some days are so tiring I come home and take a nap.

My wife and girl and I started attending a Art class Monday nights. It is a nice place to learn a lot. All of us are learning how to transfer a picture to canvas. I never worked with paints or ever did a portrait. Its hard, but, also fun. I am trying to do a portrait of my wifes brother.

I will try to send more letters and at times a picture. Take care Jim

March 3, 2000

Dear Jim & Family,

I am very happy to receive your letter, yet shocked that you changed churches. I do understand that changing pastors makes allot of different on how the service are done. The Lutheran minister still come here once a month. Which make everything worth wile to take time off work to go to the chapel for communion. And my supervisor understands that my faith and religion are important to me. To me it is important that they are willing to let me visit with the minister with pay on the day he visits me.

It is hard for me to tell others about myself. Except that all things that happens around me or to other effect me and others. What happens in the life has effect upon us all, as Christ Death on the cross. The Bible course I finished from NBC Bible study, they sent a King James Bible to me. Which is a real nice Bible an it in large print type. This way I dont need a microscope to read my other Bible.

Well, some how I miss placed my Blue Ink Pen. I am very sure that it will show up sooner or later. yet it will not stop me from finishing this letter to you. To let anyone know what it is like inside of these wall is hard to explain. Having ones freedom taken and put out of reach. When there is the mind games of the staff members and the staff members here are not trained for the job they are doing. Then inmates who play their head games on other inmates and even staff members. To stay out of trouble, I stay off to my self and try to do my time. There is a need to tell others that this is no place for any person. And to let those persons know that through Christ Jesus can anyone be saved and guided down the straight and narrow path. The job I have here consists of washing windows five days a week. Of course there is others inmates who also work in the hallway. Yet, Im left alone to work and some how they have no doubt that I am working.

Dont feel bad about not writing as much as you want. Some how I know you are thinking about how I am doing. As far as the President committing to Adultery, if Christ Jesus can forgive me of my sins. then I can forgive Bill Clinton, isnt that what we are suppose to do?

I am sure that Bill Clinton is fully aware that he has done wrong. Adultery is spoke of, through both the old and new testament. As they say we are not getting any younger, maybe that is why we need to take a nap once in awhile.

Hope the art class that you attended will be a great adventure and relaxing. I have not done any art in paints. Chalk is what I enjoy working with. This place is strictly about what we can have in our cells or have as a hobby. I will live until I get out to do art with chalk. Well, it is late, so I Will close for now. Will write more soon.

Take care,

From a friend,


PS Sending this song, so it may uplift your spirit as dos mine.

13-April 2000

Dear Jim & Family,

Greeting from Wisconsin once again, got transferred back up at Wisconsin at the end of last month. I just got use to the weather up here. It is a slow process in adjustment but with the grace of God, I will make it through. Just got finished writing to the Lutheran minister in Memphis, Tennessee. Yet you and your family are important to me as the minister. It has been snowing up here for the last two days. Yet the snow is not staying on the ground that long. There is no way of describe the snow when it stays any length of time.

Hope your art class is going well for you. I never tried to paint any type of picture. It would be a challenge for me to try one of these days. for now drawing will have to do, trying new ways of doing different picture. Done a few drawings on envelopes but nothing that great. Sent most of them out to another friend She like them and that was all that mattered to me. Has anymore people quit where you work?

Some people are not happy with the job or the wages dont cover living expenses. Raising a family cost money. Be happy when I can work on cards once again. Probably have to get some training on all the new cars that has been built since I been locked up. Been trying to keep up on the new cars, yet it is a challenge in here. All good things must wait for the proper time and place. Drawing will have to be the substitute for working on cars right now.

Had to send out two visiting forms to family and friend. For some reason when I got back up here my visiting list was wiped clean. Which does not make any sense, there was no permission given to have anyone removed from my visiting list. That is what I get for being sent out of the state of Wisconsin in the first place. Of course I had no say, just had to follow the rules that they have set up. It is to bad that the younger generation can not see that prison is not a game or a place to be for anyone. Some where along the way our society has lost values in what the Bible teaches and letting government rule our daily lives. No more disciplining our own children, or prayers in the school systems. Saying pledge to the flag of the United States is what I grew up on.

Not everyone can agree on things and some has to suffer for it. A friend is making good money where she works and has a chance for a $1.00 pay raise. So now I know she is making it without any problems. This does not mean that I dont worry about her as a friend. Well, I close for now and wait to hear from you and your family. Take Care

God Bless,


14-Aug 2000

Dear Jim and Family,

Received your letter before leaving Fox Lake Correctional. where I am at is worse then where I was, yet by the grace of God things will work out. It is all right about us not getting to meet when I was in Tennessee. Both of us was busy with daily life that God gave us to live, but we kept in contact by mail.

The short time I was at Fox Lake Correctional, I worked in the kitchen. It was hot in the dish room and the pay was not that great. Yet I found away to get what I needed. And got a few inmates interested in the Bible studys I was doing. There is no better way to get Gods word out but letting others see what one is doing. Glad that you are learning allot in your art class.

Chain saws are useful but when rebuilding the engine it is hard. You are good with your hands, so there is no doubt that the chain saw will be running soon. Sounds like you are working allot of hours. Hope it will pay off for you . Three isnt much more to say. So I will close for now.

A friend Always,


PS The address here is Jackson Correctional Institution

PO Box 233

Black River Falls, WI. 54615-0233

November 10, 2000

Hey Paul,

So much has happened since I last wrote you. My wife and I went through Foster and Adoption classes last year. We did not have any children placed with us. I contacted the Baptist Children's Home at the beginning of the year. They had to go back to the department of Family Services (DHS) and get all of our records transferred to them. We had to get some other paper work done. We found out my mother in law did not fill out the paper work she should have, that was one of the things that held us up. The agency requested for her to fill out the form, at least twice, but she still said didn't get the letter or lost it or something... My oldest daughter filled it out instead. Right after I got your letter we received a girl named Christina, she is 8. About a week after we received two more girls, Jasmine and Aleia ages 1 and 2 respectfully. These last two were such a hand full that we could not take care of them. We were getting so frustrated. The 2 year old had a habit of head banging. At night she would bang her head on the floor. It started out just in her bed, then she got off her bed during the night and banged her head on the floor. Needless to say my wife lost a lot of sleep because of her. She got very short with her. I tried to help, but, it was a situation that we both could not take any more. We called up the agency and requested them to be re-placed into another foster home. We were sure glad to see them go. I am sorry to say... The baby Jazzy was a good baby. We could have dealt with her if her sister was not in our house. She would sleep good at night and had a good personality. She also suffered from lack of sleep from time to time because of the noise from her sister at night.

Christina is a good girl for the most part. Since she has moved in my daughter and her like to play with each other constantly. They have the idea that there is nothing else they need to do but play. She started out lying about the neighbor. She said that he came over and abused my dog, and our other pets outside. I really didn't think that he would do that, at least not to the extent that she said. I had to talk to his father and explain the situation and we took care of that. Needless to say there has been other things that have come up since then that made us wise to her lies. Now when we start hearing something from her we tell her that the "Pink Piggies are flying again" ... another words, we are on to her. We have found out that her mother lives in a fantasy world as much as she does...

I have been working on a club on the internet under Yahoo. The name of it is the Christian Hunter's and Fisherman. I have been working on building it up. I started it in June 2000 but didn't get real motivated in sending out invitations until a month or more ago. I sent out over 2400 invitations to other users in different clubs on Yahoo. Boy that was work. Out of all those the club has grown to at least 100 people as of today.

I wanted a place that other Christian Hunters or Fisherman could come and share their faith and testimony of how the Lord has been working in their lives. So besides the fact that they share in the hunting or fishing experiences, I am hoping that they will also be sharing their faith to other hunters or fisherman. When we go hunting and fishing we need to glorify God in all we do in our lives and be a witness. Many of the members are glad that I sent them an invitation. Others have said that it was a good idea. Last time I looked we have members from at least 3 different countries, from 13 to 65 years of age, as well as females. I am also trying to accumulate information on different states. I am doing research on other clubs that are within their states, or countries, so that they can fellowship with others. Of course there is no guarantee that these other clubs will be Christian in nature or practice, but, it will give them a chance to share their faith to others.

My wife and I have started a Discipleship Class at our church. Boy, is that interesting to learn about so many things. We are studying many different topics including, salvation, baptism, dealing with sin, prayer and the attributes of each member of the trinity. We go every Thursday evening for a couple hours. We have at least three selected verses to memorize each week. This last week we were dealing with sin. Our pastor has a Godly heart. I am going to Email him and tell him so. He needs our prayers and encouragement too.

I am sorry that things were not so good for you. I hope things are better at Jackson. I will put you on my prayer list. Speaking of prayer lists... I have a friend on Yahoo that is a pastor, well several of them. But, this one has been working on taking care of homeless people in his area, at his church. He has been providing shelter and food. He requested that I would pray for him. He wants God's direction on how to do the ministry differently and better.

I don't remember if I told you that I am helping out at church doing the sound system. I also talked to the minister of music and asked him if there were others that play instruments for a Christmas Musical. I told him that I play the violin. He said, "Really!" I think he thought I was kidding. I don't mind playing with other people but get real nervous playing by myself.

I have many Christian pen pals that I right too via the internet Email. They are mostly men between 30 and 40 years of age. I got a list of them when I was 39. They are located in different states and countries as well. Some of them I can go through the Yahoo Instant Messenger and others through the ICQ instant messenger. Boy, I wish that I could Email you. Now that would be neat. I could talk to you everyday and quickly. I don't know what security clearance is possible for you, or the facility you are in. Is anything like that possible? Using the snail mail is so slow... (Snail mail is via the post office...) Email is sooooo much cheaper too..... I have at least 3 free Internet services that I can go through. It does not cost us anything to get onto the internet. It is not like it used to be where you had to pay $20 per month for internet service. Now you can even make long distance calls via the internet to anyone, saving on long distance charges as well! I signed up to Yahoo Phone Service. It allows you to "hear" all you Email that is sent to you! It has sophisticated software that recognizes words in letters and translates those words to sounds. (words). It is unbelievable what they can do now a days. You can also reply using the phone to those Emails. It will send a recorded message to your recipient that they can hear on their computer.

Oh I forgot, I went hunting September 23rd. Was going for deer, but, only saw squirrels. Then I went out in the evening and only saw a few squirrels and they were out of range. Then I went out Sunday morning and bagged me a squirrel. I know the doe and buck are in the area, but, I need to practice more with my bow. We are in muzzleloader and later this month we will be in gun season. I am still praying I will bag a doe or buck.

I don't know if prisoners can vote, but, both my wife and I did this year. It was such an important Federal and State Election for president and congress that we needed too.

I hope that you don't mind me typing this out. It will be easier for you to read and I will be able to get more information on less paper this way. I really.. really ..really missed hearing from you. I hope that you are doing OK. Again I will be praying for you and that the Lord will be close to you. Please take care, James.

Paul Hanson #239299 Jackson Correctional Inst. PO Box 233, Black River Falls, WI. 54615-0233.

Dec 6, 2000

Hey Jim,

Found myself in some bad situation after receiving your letter last month. Spent twenty-one days in segregation because another inmate struck me in the face. All I did was asked to get past so I could go to the bathroom. I give full thanks and grace to God that everyone seen the truth when the conduct report was heard. The ticket was dismissed.

Sorry to hear that the two children you took in, didnt work. god will find a place for them. What you are doing on the internet sounds great, it may be a great thing for all who see what other Christians has to say. And how God has worked in their lifes . I just finished the first part of a Bible Study and got a recommendation from them. Just can not wait to start on the next part of their study.

As far as e-mailing anyone from inside prison is a big dont . the institution up here frown on anything dealing with a computer when dealing with the public. So I must follow the rules in here, cause I do not need any more trouble from these people.

Did you get a doe or a buck, when you went bow hunting. The squirrel was something to take home. A lot of people dont even get that when out bow hunting. For myself, bow hunting is more sporting and it is relaxing to me. Up here, it is nothing to get a doe or buck within the first couple of days. The deer population is up in numbers, so you should try deer hunting up here.

No, us inmates dont get to vote. Wish we could, yet its one of their laws. I do not mind you typing out your letters to me. Sorry about being so slow in writing at times. Thank you for praying for me. God does hear them and acts upon them. I keep you and your family in my prayers. The Lord is always close to me and you. Please take care.

A Friend Always,


PS here is the address of the Bible study I am in:

Key Life Network

PO Box 94-5000

Maintland, Florida 32794-5000

So in case you may want to do the course 12 lesson on tier 1 and 3 on tier 2.

Jan 13, 2001

Dear Jim,

Got your letter and had to wait so I could get some stamps. Been keeping up with my Bible Studies. What is so amazing is one inmate thinks God will get him out of prison before his time. Other then that, I have been doing all right. Been doing allot of reading, even though the library here is very small. Been asked what type of newspaper is in Tennessee. I could not answer what was asked or find any newspaper address. If you know of the address of a newspaper, let me know - please. Well close for now. May this card enlighten your day.

It is nice to have a friend like you to share things with.PS How is the foster care going for you and your wife? May God bless you in that area.

From a Friend always. God Bless, Paul


Hi Jim,

It has been a some time between my letters. Things up this way has been on the cold side, hope our weather has not found its way down your way?

All I can say is, there is a whole lot of snow up here. Got one letter from a friend in Texas, who is in prison, she a nice lady. Hope your valentine day went well for you and your family.

Got a different governor here in Wisconsin. He wants to bring back all the out of state inmates. Just have to see if he hold to his words. One thing for sure, allot of family would be happy to have their love ones back up here and closer to home. It will take some time to see what happens. How is your drawing and painting going. Ive been trying to keep up on my art, some of my drawings needs allot of work. It could be Im getting rusty at drawing? Ill just keep on trying to do better on my drawing.

You had said that you got pen-pals through the ICQ. What kinda service is that? If I may ask, cause I have not heard of it. Is there a address for this place, the reason I ask is, Im been hit up for a pen-pal. Which I am not a directory or a match - maker. I will close for now. Take care, will wait to hear from you.

A friend always,



Dear Jim,

How is things going for you? As far as I go, Ive been moved once again. A new institution that Wisconsin Built, If I remember right I helped open the C.C.A Facility in Tennessee. In a way, I wish I was still down there yet.

Have you ever heard of Miracle Lake in Etowah, Tennessee. it is a Christian training and counseling place. Their E-mail: mlake Phone (423)263-258? I found out about them when I asked the chaplain here if he had any bible study course. The ones I could do through the mail. Miracle lake was on it, yet it dont offer any bible courses. If you know of any bible study courses I could do through the mail, it would be a great help. There is allot of inmates who are seeking there Lord and wanting to get in to bible studies. They see me reading the word and helping one or two inmates in their bible studies. It automatic, they think I have ways of getting them in to a bible study course. There is only three or four bible study course I know of, then I left in the dark. the Chaplain here is not use to what it takes to see the hunger that some inmates have to learn about God.

Are you and your wife still in art class that you told me about. Here a surprise for you, I still have the drawing that you did of a cat. Im slowly getting back into drawing some, nothing all that great. Not like when I was younger and draw people, animals, and landscape and made all three fit together as they meant to be one drawing. God forbid if it sounds like bragging, I mean not to boast, it is I was born with the gift of drawing. It also carried over into my work places. Any job I would set out to do, it has to be done correctly or not done at all.

I said earlier in my letter that I wish I was still Tennessee. It is because of the people up here are so wound up tight, that it is very unpleasant to be around them.. The tension between the races is very great, unlike being at Whiteville. Where race was not so much a problem as great as being away family. The guards really dont care about inmates so much, as they care about the pay check. The guards at Whiteville are paid allot less then the guards up here get paid. From what I been hearing the contract for out of state transfer is being canceled by the year 2003. And that is not far off, before Wisconsin starts bring back the rest of the inmates. So they will have to start releasing some of us to make room for the ones coming backup up.

Any way, I am working as a janitor on the unit. It is a job, yet I get no gratification from the job. Because of the way the place is ran and I feel like Im clean up after group kids, instead of grown men. There is only four men on the wings Im on the will pick-up after them self. Well, I will close for now .Write back when you get the time.

your friend Paul

PS Here a small drawing I did and two bible verses from the book of Proverbs. Hope you Like the drawing. Address here Red Granite Correctional Institution P.O. box 925 Red Granite, Wisconsin 54970-0925


Dear Jim,

got your post card today. I heard of Moody Bible Correspondence, it is in Chicago, Ill. Yes I would be interested, at the present time Im a strapped for stamps and money. Yet I am eager to learn more about the Bible. I am not aware of that if you know or not there is place in Tennessee called Miracle Lake, 182 County Road #498, Etowah, TN 37331 (423-263-2583).

This place is for men released from prison and willing to do 8 weeks of Christian work. They sent information to me yet it was not enough to get a full picture of their outfit. If you like to check them out for me and let me know. How do I get the post cards, do they come from the Bible Course?

There a book I just read called Living Proof by Jim Peterson. It about sharing the Gospel Naturally. The book is based on the book of John. Dont want to give away the book to , before you read it. This way you can get the same effect of the book as I did. Finally got a friend started in studying the bible, which is a great thing. Not much more has hanged here, I will write more later.

A Friend Always,

Paul L. Hanson


Dear Jim,

Hope things are going well for you. The two stamps you sent to me, they would not allow me to have.. The them it is all about controlling every part of an inmates life, yet they can not control them selves. did get a change to find the book I told you about? of course each person has their own taste of reading material. I sent away for list of Bible studies I did through one place, didnt know I did so many studies. There is allot of places that offer Bible Courses but I am not sure if you can find them on the computer. But if you can find a list of any bible study courses through the mail, could you send it to me.

Anyway, I have a new book that Im reading It is called Bible Reading On Hope, by Roger C. Palms. So far It is good reading. Ill be writing one place and see about one book that I have not received from them. Well, this letter is going to be short. Im sending along my transcripts of a Bible course. So you can see what studies I did. You can write to them and take the courses also. I close for now. Hope to hear form you soon.

A friend Always


June 19, 2001

Dear Jim,

Hope my last letter didnt scare you. I thought that it was important to let you see what courses I went through. And that is only one place that I went through, there is a few other Bible courses I took and passed. Another good place is NBC Correspondence, Emmaus Bible School 2570 Asbury Road, Dubuque, IA 52001. I dont have the address NBC Correspondence, if I find someone with their studies, I get the address for you. If that is all right? This way you can let others know about the Bible studys. Emmaus Bible School is free for the studies, they pay postage both way. They will send the study to you and postage is pay for when you mail the lesson back to them. Hope you and your family check out Set Free Ministry and let your church know about them. In this way we are spreading Gods word to everyone we can.

I heard from a friend that is still at CCA in Tennessee. He is one of many on the list to come back to Wisconsin. It is about time, he been down these for over two years. There is time I wish I was still down there, allot less headaches there, then being up here. Form what I understand is all the inmates that are Wisconsins are coming back up. So the prisons up here are going to be packed beyond their limits.

It is really a shame, when they could start releasing more people. I would love to get on with the rest of my life without a fence around me. yet the Lord has something better form e, what it is yet I do not know. But I put my hope in the lord for all things. I finished reading a book called Bible reading on Hope. It gave scripture and short story for the verse. I think I told you about the book in my last letter. And I also read my Bible which gives me strength daily. Cause this place can get to a person real fast. Makes some in mates not care about anything but to carry out all their anger on others. It is a no win situation up here for inmates, we can tell the staff the truth, yet we are lying. Make any sense to you, cause to me it dont . But that is life and I give it to God to take care of. Well I will close for now. Write back soon.

A friend Always,



Dear Jim,

Got a ink pin that I dont have to fight with to write a letter. I found the drawing that I did and I am sending it to you. .Hope you like it, the faces are not just right. Never really was any good at doing the faces of people, there has to be a better way of learning how to do faces. Im sure one of these days I will get it right. Still waiting on a book called what the Bible is all about, just want to get started reading it.

This place got all up tight about what I wrote to another inmate. It isnt my fault that staff members dont even know what is going on in their own work place. Of course some dont even care and that is shame, because Christ Jesus cares so much for them It is all about the money and how much they can get. The weather up here, has not been that bad lately. On the mild side as far as the temperature goes. Around here inmates dont have that much freedom, it probably be better in a max. prison as far as freedom goes.

Still waiting on Billy Graham Association Bible Study Course. I want to see what is in it as far as study work. As you can see, I have not given up on studying the Bible. For I put my hope, faith and love into the Lord. How is you Bible Study Going? The Lord will show a person a great deal through his Word.

So, I am going to close for now. Sorry about a short letter. Will write more later.

A friend through Christ


Hey Jim,

Hope you are doing all right? Hope the record of what bible course I took did not over take you by surprise? I thought you had the right to know how much of the bible I studied. And in my last letter to you, I also told you about other bible studies course I have done. I tried to get a friend who is also in prison into doing a few bible courses. Yet it seems he wanted all the answer given to him so he could sit back and watch television. To me that is no way to learn anything about the bible. Did you get a chance to check out the two address I gave you, you may be surprised in how much you can really learn. I know that I gained a great deal from the bible courses I took.

Anyway, to let you know more about the place that I am at. The institution is not that large to say the least, there is only (4) four units. Well five if one includes segregation. most of the guards are fresh out of school and dont know what is really going on. Most inmates dont help matters when all they care about is fighting or trying to take from others. That is why I like staying off to myself in here. very few can one really trust in here and the one who can be some what trust you keep an eye on them also. cause prison here in Wisconsin is place for those who are out far them selves. Yet I try not to judge anyone far who they are or far what they did to be put into prison. We all are sinners and fall short of the glory of God. If more inmates would realize that, then maybe things may change for the better. This institution does not offer much far programs or even jobs are very, very few. I think that could be a great part of why this has problems with inmates, is the lack of activity. But that is my opinion, I can only speak for myself. Then we the guards who has-been around for some time doing the same job. They see them self above the law. What a waste of taxs dollars. I dislike to say anything but when a guard can have sex with another man wife, there is something real wrong. Or a young female guard who openly admits that she would love to have any black inmates have sex with her while on duty. That is sick, yet if an inmate reports things like what go on in here. Is in big trouble, because they dont want the public to know what really go on behind these fences. I hate to let them know this, but I will not bear false witness far no one. I fit hurt their feeling well I really sorry about that. They are to set an example of how god wants us to be, these people dont care.

Well, this letter is getting longer then when I had intend to let get. so I hope you dont mind my long letter. I will close for now.

A friend Always,


Dear Jim,

Hope this letter finds you and your family doing well. I received another letter from Set Free Correspondence, and they are looking over some new course. they may add new courses and wanted to know if I would be interested in doing them.. So I had to write them back and tell them I would be glad to do them new courses they may add. Have you done any studies from

Billy Graham Association

1300 Harmon Place

Minneapolis, MN 55403 (612) 338-0500

I included the phone number, so if you dont want to write them. You can call them.

Anyway, this new prison is a joke. They try to mix the younger guys with us older inmates. And they are finding out that it is not working as well as they hoped. Then there is all new guards fresh out of the schools. First time they ever stepped foot in a prison or even be around inmates. Just wish they would transfer me to where Im suppose to be, cause this institution holds nothing for anyone. There is really no communication between staff members and inmates, well there is if the inmate is black. They white inmate really has nothing around here as far as communication with staff goes.

The meals are something else, I ate more at a truck stop then I do here. My kids ate more as snack then they feed us. Goes to show you that prisons in Wisconsin is just out for money. They will lock up innocent people up here and justify it by saying we are a threat to others. the only time Im a threat is when my life in danger or one of my kids are in danger. there is no self defense law up here in Wisconsin.

Did you hear anything from Moody Correspondence? And what their response was? I am just wondering and thought I would ask Ill close for now. Hope you dont mind so many letters from me. Dont mean to be a pest.

A friend in Christ,



Dear Jim,

Finally got the letter you sent me with the two stamps. I was set back some when I read your letter and the shock that some people are only out to hurt others. Im very sorrowed that another human had to inflict pain on your loved one. For me, I dont think I could be so restrained from hurting that person, for causing one of my children any type of pain. It is the animal in me. Which causes me so protective of my love ones, even those who are very close friends are secure around me. I will pray for your daughter and you family.

It is very hard to tell the difference between male and female chicks. One has to wait until they are grown some, any type of bird is hard to tell the different in the sexes when they are young. And the bad part is, I was raised up on a farm. I mainly seen was dairy cows, the only thing there is. There is four different breeds of milk cows and number of beef cattle. Went from farming to fixing cars and driving truck, more pay. The city isnt the type of life for me. Yet the wife didnt like country living and being away from her mother that long. My parents taught me early on in life that I had to make it on my own.

Hope you got my last letter, for there was a drawing in it. I am enclosing another drawing that I did. Sent so many drawing out to another friend that she has to build an extra room on her house for my pictures. Ill close for now, please write me.

God bless,


PS I will pass on your address and name if someone is in need of pen pal. So for everyone here has someone to write.


Dear Jim,

I got your post card today, the only thing is I dont know how long the mail room here had it, the post mark is the 21st of July. Billy Graham sent a few books to me. Plus I got one book from Set Free Prison Ministry, the name of the book is What the Bible is All about. It is a very interesting book, written by Henrietta C. Mears. you can get a copy of the book by writing Chaplain Ray, International Prison Ministry, PO Box 130063, Dallas Texas, 75313-0063. you can share the address with the members of your church.

You should of seen what happened up this way. One prison guard raped a child and try to pick up three other children. A Very sick person in any case. The way these guards acted around us inmates, I knew only time would one of them would show the real side of how the guards are here in Wisconsin. We all make mistakes in life but when one person or group of people say they are better then the rest. I have to wonder what that person is hiding from themselves and others and God.

It sounds as your daughters wedding was allot to get ready for. The cost of wedding and the planning of the wedding takes allot out of a parent. Yet, when the wedding is done, everyone can relax, until the grand kids start coming along. The only thing good about being a grandparent is, we can spoil the grand-kids and let the parents take them home. Of course our kids are not happy when we spoil their kids, they have to remember that is what our parents did to us.

I got a list of Bible Study course from the Chaplain here. if you want a few of the address let me know, and I will copy some of them down far you. I will close for now. Take care and may God bless you in all thing you do in his name.

A friend,



Hello Jim,

Hope the weather isnt that bad where your at, up here it is hot. That means this winter will be cold and allot of snow. There is a young man here, who is trying to get his life straight with God. I told him about you and what an uplift it is to have a Christian person to write tool. you are a lot of help in lifting me up when I am down. He want to enclose a letter with mine, to you. Hopefully this isnt to much for you? His own family hasnt wrote to him in some time now.

How did you like the last two drawing that I sent. I am not good at doing faces of people, just can not get a persons, face just right. For the longest time, all my drawings were cartoons or of landscape. Lately, I have been doing allot of reading, all the books are on the Bible.

What the Bible is all about, is the one Im reading now. It is a very good book, the author is Henrietta C. Mears. Still have one or two books yet to read Finally got the Bible study course list from the Chaplain here, some of the address are out of date. At least he tried his best in get the list for me, sometime us inmates are ahead of the staff in knowing anything.

Often then reading and staying in the Bible, there has nothing new happen around here. It is just new faces but the same tune as any other inmate. I will close for now hope to hear from you real soon.

God Bless

A Friend

Paul Hanson.


Hello Jim,

Got your letter, yes I will need the listing of Bible studies I have done back. That list is only part of all the studies I have done and a way to prove that I have done the studies. There is no reason to be sorry for not checking on Miracle Lake. I took it as you were very busy person, which you are.

The only reason I feel bad about the faces not coming out right. Is Im better then that, just need time to get back where I once was in drawing. Any car, van or truck is a costly item. yet Im lucky I went to school for mechanics and fix my own cars. To much stress to fix other peoples cars because they want to know every little detail of what I am doing.

I feel very lucky when it come to my children and grand children. We already had boundaries set up for when they are around me. Act like an animal then I treat them as an animal. If I sound some what is the dumps, it because I received a letter from a friend. She had to put a very special dog to sleep, the dog was smart as can be. of course I made sure of that because the dog was once mine. Now the last one of the pups are dead, as well as the Father and mother.

Having a gift is one thing, yet so many people up here dont care about God. And being in prison is another story. So many inmates that are locked up think that God will physically free them. They miss the target completely , its is spiritual freedom. The address I sent to you about Bible Studies is meant for anyone you want to share them with. That is why I let you know about them. At the moment I am taking a short brake from the study part. To do some reading of some book that was sent to me from Billy Graham. I will close for now.

May God Bless you,




Hope you are all right, I have not heard from you in awhile now. So I took it you been very busy at work and with your family. Everything around here is about the same. New faces show up every week, so they try to keep the beds filled. The biggest thing is, there is nothing about this place that makes sense, well at least to me. The last time I wrote Edward Christianson was sent to segregation, he has problems connecting with other inmates. Ed. isnt a bad person, he tries to hard make people like him and not every person in person is not going to get along together. Any way Ed has not came back on to the unit of yet. I dont even know why he was sent to segregation in the first place. he is in my prayers every night.

I wrote to some other Bible Studies, so now Im just waiting for the material to come in. Just hoping that it is more interesting and different then the studies I have already done. Each study was informative and very helpful to me, I have told other about the Bible studies I have done. Before I left Tennessee, I got one inmate started on WELS. Dont know if he ever got them done or not. I still miss hearing about the little dog that put to sleep. My friend finally wrote and told me the whole story. It was old age and her bred, she was a small dog. Yet the idea of being there when the dog was born and then house training her before I gave her to my friend. A lot people dont understand that allot of training and caring about the dog, it makes the dog less animal and more family. I dont know if you understand what I mean, but I tried to explain it the best I could. I will close for now, for it is real late here. Write back real soon.

A Friend,
