PAUL CEZANNE - Groveport Madison Schools Home


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Paul Cezanne (say ZAN) was born in France. His father was a wealthy banker and he wanted his son to become a banker. He did not approve of Cezanne's plan to become an artist, but he went on to Paris anyway. After a while, his father sent him a small allowance on which to live.

When he got to Paris, his paintings were so rough that none of the official art schools would admit him as a student. At first his paintings were done in dark colors, but a friend encouraged him to paint out in the sunlight, and his paintings came alive with bright colors.

He often used common objects in his still life settings. He is most famous for still life paintings of fruit.

Apples on a Sheet


STILL LIFE­A still life is a painting featuring an arrangement of inanimate, everyday objects, such as natural objects (flowers, food, etc.) or man­made items such as (books, bottles, crockery, etc.).

What natural inanimate objects do you see in this painting?

What man­made objects do you see in this painting?

INANIMATE­What does this mean? Think about the word animation.

5. FORM is one of the elements of art. Forms are three­dimensional. They have height, width and thickness.

Do you know the difference between a shape and a form?

sphere cube pyramidcylinder cone

Look at the painting, Apples and Oranges and see if you can find any of the forms above.

Cezanne considered the objects in his still life settings to be basic forms; such as a sphere,cube or cylinder.

Cezanne usually used apples, oranges and peaches in his still life. He would arrange them on a table with a piece of fabric.

We are going to use pumpkins and fabric in our still life.

What basic form do you see in the pumpkin?

A pumpkin is a natural form. It is not a shape.

What is the difference between a form and a shape?

You are right, forms are 3­D not flat!!!

7. TEXTURE is one of the elements of art. Texture is the way something feels when you touch it.

Artists can also create the illusion of texture in the paintings and drawings.

How would you describe these textures that you can touch?

Can you see the illusion of texture in this pencil drawing? Think about how the shingle on the rood would feel.

soft roughscratchy

Dish of Peaches

Do you see the texture in the painting?

You will be adding texture to your FINAL still life with, colored pencil, watercolor paint, Sharpie and salt!

Wet­on­Wet Technique:Paint is WET. Brush is WET. Paper is WET. (activate the WARM colors)1. Wet a section of the pumpkin with water only.

2. DAB 1 color onto the water, do not paint w/brushstrokes.­should look like it is tie­dyed (cloudy)

3. Rinse your brush and DAB a 2nd color if you want to.

4. Be patient, they will mix themselves!!! DO NOT PAINT

5. Sprinkle salt onto the wet paint or dab with a paper towel, so there are no puddles when you are walking.
