Pathogenesis of Aspergillus fumigatus in Invasive ... · Pathogenesis of Aspergillus fumigatus in...


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CLINICAL MICROBIOLOGY REVIEWS, July 2009, p. 447–465 Vol. 22, No. 30893-8512/09/$08.00�0 doi:10.1128/CMR.00055-08Copyright © 2009, American Society for Microbiology. All Rights Reserved.

Pathogenesis of Aspergillus fumigatus in Invasive AspergillosisTaylor R. T. Dagenais1 and Nancy P. Keller1,2*

Medical Microbiology and Immunology, University of Wisconsin—Madison, Madison, Wisconsin,1 andBacteriology, University of Wisconsin—Madison, Madison, Wisconsin2

INTRODUCTION .......................................................................................................................................................447The Human Pathogen A. fumigatus ......................................................................................................................447Invasive Aspergillosis .............................................................................................................................................448

Infectious life cycle .............................................................................................................................................448Risk factors and pathology................................................................................................................................448

Animal Models of Invasive Aspergillosis.............................................................................................................449Biology of Aspergillus fumigatus .............................................................................................................................450

AIRWAY COLONIZATION ......................................................................................................................................450Aspergillus Interactions with Soluble Lung Components ..................................................................................450Aspergillus Interaction with Respiratory Epithelia.............................................................................................451Aspergillus and the Alveolar Macrophage............................................................................................................452

Macrophage responses to Aspergillus ...............................................................................................................452A. fumigatus defenses ..........................................................................................................................................453

(i) Melanin.......................................................................................................................................................453(ii) Mediators of ROS defense......................................................................................................................454

ADAPTATION TO THE MAMMALIAN LUNG ENVIRONMENT ....................................................................454Mammalian Tissue Degradation ..........................................................................................................................454Nutrient Biosynthesis and Acquisition ................................................................................................................455Iron Acquisition ......................................................................................................................................................456Additional Environmental Stresses ......................................................................................................................456

ASPERGILLUS AND THE NEUTROPHIL.............................................................................................................457Role of the Neutrophil ...........................................................................................................................................457A. fumigatus Hyphal Defenses ...............................................................................................................................457

ROS scavengers...................................................................................................................................................457Secondary metabolites........................................................................................................................................458

DISSEMINATION ......................................................................................................................................................459CONCLUSION............................................................................................................................................................459REFERENCES ............................................................................................................................................................460


Aspergillus species are ubiquitous, saprophytic fungi thatplay a significant role in global carbon and nitrogen recycling.Although their primary ecological niche is soil or decayingvegetation, aspergilli produce small, hydrophobic conidia thatdisperse easily into the air and can survive a broad range ofenvironmental conditions. The genus Aspergillus, which in-cludes almost 200 species, has a tremendous impact on publichealth both beneficially as the workhorse of industrial appli-cations and negatively as plant and human pathogens (71).Several Aspergillus species are utilized for their rich enzymaticprofile in the industrial production of foods and pharmaceuti-cals. For example, Aspergillus niger is used for the industrialproduction of citric acid, amylases, pectinases, phytases, andproteases; A. terreus is used for the cholesterol-lowering druglovastatin; and A. oryzae is used for the fermentation of soy-beans and rice into soy sauce and sake, respectively. Aspergillialso have a less reputable side in the agricultural industry.

Aspergillus section Flavi, particularly A. flavus and A. parasiti-cus, can contaminate several common crops with aflatoxin, ahighly toxic carcinogen with immunosuppressive properties(228, 230). The consumption of contaminated crops can causeserious illness or death and is a common problem in develop-ing countries.

The Human Pathogen A. fumigatus

Among the human pathogenic species of Aspergillus, A. fu-migatus is the primary causative agent of human infections,followed by A. flavus, A. terreus, A. niger, and the model organ-ism, A. nidulans (54, 135). Aspergilli cause a wide range ofhuman ailments depending on the immune status of the host(54, 107). In individuals with altered lung function such asasthma and cystic fibrosis patients, aspergilli can cause allergicbronchopulmonary aspergillosis, a hypersensitive response tofungal components. Noninvasive aspergillomas may form fol-lowing repeated exposure to conidia and target preexistinglung cavities such as the healed lesions in tuberculosis patients.Invasive aspergillosis (IA) is perhaps the most devastating ofAspergillus-related diseases, targeting severely immunocom-promised patients. Those most at risk for this life-threateningdisease are individuals with hematological malignancies such

* Corresponding author. Mailing address: University of Wisconsin—Madison, 3467 Microbial Sciences Building, 1550 Linden Drive, Mad-ison, WI 53706. Phone: (608) 262-9795. Fax: (608) 263-2626.


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as leukemia; solid-organ and hematopoietic stem cell trans-plant patients; patients on prolonged corticosteroid therapy,which is commonly utilized for the prevention and/or treat-ment of graft-versus-host disease in transplant patients; indi-viduals with genetic immunodeficiencies such as chronic gran-ulomatous disease (CGD); and individuals infected withhuman immunodeficiency virus (54, 97, 126, 133, 148, 162,227). Mortality rates range from 40% to 90% in high-riskpopulations and are dependent on factors such as host immunestatus, the site of infection, and the treatment regimen applied(114). The severity and increased incidence of IA necessitate abetter understanding of the interplay between host and fungusthat contributes to A. fumigatus pathogenesis (130). Pathogen-esis and virulence are terms used here in the context of alteredhost immune function, as this organism is inherently an oppor-tunistic pathogen, and disease pathology and progression arethe result of both fungal growth and the host response. In thisreview, we will thus discuss the pathogenic potential of A.fumigatus as a progression of the infectious life cycle within thecontext of these immunodeficiencies.

Invasive Aspergillosis

Infectious life cycle. Aspergilli are predominantly sapro-phytes, growing on dead or decaying matter in the environ-ment. The infectious life cycle of Aspergillus begins with theproduction of conidia (asexual spores) that are easily dispersedinto the air, ensuring ubiquity in both indoor and outdoorenvironments (Fig. 1) (65, 137). The primary route of humaninfection is via the inhalation of these airborne conidia, fol-lowed by conidial deposition in the bronchioles or alveolarspaces. In healthy individuals, conidia that are not removed bymucociliary clearance encounter epithelial cells or alveolar

macrophages, the primary resident phagocytes of the lung.Alveolar macrophages are primarily responsible for thephagocytosis and killing of Aspergillus conidia as well as theinitiation of a proinflammatory response that recruits neu-trophils (one type of polymorphonuclear cell [PMN]) to thesite of infection. Conidia that evade macrophage killing andgerminate become the target of infiltrating neutrophils thatare able to destroy hyphae. The risk of developing IA resultsprimarily from a dysfunction in these host defenses in com-bination with fungal attributes that permit A. fumigatus sur-vival and growth in this pulmonary environment (176). Al-though other host responses have been associated withdisease resistance, for this review, we will focus on fungalinteractions with the primary innate components that aremost important for fungal defense.

Risk factors and pathology. The primary host immunodefi-ciencies that are responsible for the increased risk of IA areneutropenia and corticosteroid-induced immunosuppression,and the pathological consequences of IA under these immu-nosuppressive conditions differ, as described previously forpatients and animal models (9, 17, 53, 192). Prolonged neu-tropenia is classically defined as the most dominant risk factorfor IA and is often the result of highly cytotoxic therapies suchas cyclophosphamide, which is used for transplant patients orthose with hematological diseases. Cyclophosphamide, aDNA-alkylating agent, binds to DNA and interferes with cel-lular replication, depleting circulating white blood cells includ-ing neutrophils. In neutropenic patients and animal models ofchemotherapy-induced neutropenia, IA is characterized bythrombosis and hemorrhage from rapid and extensive hyphalgrowth (41, 192). The lack of inflammatory infiltrates, despitethe production of tumor necrosis factor alpha (TNF-�), results

FIG. 1. Infectious life cycle of A. fumigatus. Aspergillus is ubiquitous in the environment, and asexual reproduction leads to the production ofairborne conidia. Inhalation by specific immunosuppressed patient groups results in conidium establishment in the lung, germination, and eitherPMN-mediated fungal control with significant inflammation (corticosteroid therapy) or uncontrolled hyphal growth with a lack of PMN infiltratesand, in severe cases, dissemination (neutropenia).


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in low levels of inflammation. Without neutrophil recovery,angioinvasion and dissemination to other organs via the bloodresult.

A variety of nonneutropenic patients, most commonly thoseon corticosteroid therapy such as allogeneic transplant patientsreceiving corticosteroids for prophylaxis or treatment of graft-versus-host disease, are susceptible to IA, although the pathol-ogy of the disease is quite different. IA in these patients andnonneutropenic animal models is nonangioinvasive, character-ized by limited fungal development with pyogranulomatousinfiltrates, tissue necrosis, and excessive inflammation. Corti-costeroids have significant consequences for phagocyte func-tion, including but not limited to the impairment of phagocy-tosis, phagocyte oxidative burst, production of cytokines andchemokines, and cellular migration (reviewed in reference116). Several studies have shown that corticosteroids impairthe functional ability of phagocytes to kill A. fumigatus conidiaand hyphae (37, 92, 132, 171, 172, 214). Despite the effects ofsteroids on innate immune cell function, neutrophils are re-cruited to the lung and prevent hyphal invasion but create aninflammatory environment that results in tissue injury. Thisexacerbated inflammatory response is generally regarded asbeing the cause of death, in contrast to the uncontrolled fungalgrowth observed in neutropenic hosts. The dramatic differ-ences in both fungal development and host responses undereach immunosuppressive regimen highlight the importance ofstudying Aspergillus pathogenesis within the context of hostimmune status and subsequent response to fungal infection.

Animal Models of Invasive Aspergillosis

Identification of the contribution of individual fungal com-ponents to overall pathogenicity requires the use of in vivomodels of IA. Drosophila melanogaster (104, 115, 186) andGalleria mellonella (140, 163, 164, 166) have been applied toscreen A. fumigatus mutants for virulence attributes owing totheir ethical and financial advantages over the use of mamma-lian models. However, results should be interpreted with cau-tion, and interesting phenotypes should be reevaluated using amore applicable animal model. For example, the difference intemperature (flies and worms, which are unable to grow at37°C, are grown at 25°C) is known to affect multiple fungalcharacteristics including growth rate and toxin production (seebelow), and clearly, these models cannot be used to assesspathological outcomes of infection that are relevant to humaninfection. Indeed, a recent study highlights the need for cau-tion in using Galleria; those authors found that melanin mu-tants known to be less virulent in mammalian studies (seebelow) were more virulent in the G. mellonella model (86). Avariety of vertebrates including rats, rabbits, birds, and guineapigs have been used, but mouse models predominate due tothe availability of genetically defined species and reagents (42).Outbred mice are commonly chosen because of their cost com-pared to that of inbred strains, but sufficient numbers shouldbe used to establish reproducibility due to the inherent geneticvariability within populations. On the other hand, althoughinbred mice offer the advantage of genetic reproducibility,studies between individual inbred strains can be vastly differ-ent, such that comparisons of multiple inbred strains may ben-efit studies of fungal pathogenesis.

Specific genetic mouse models exist. CGD (p47phox�/�) orX-CGD (gp91phox�/�) mice display pathological consequences(such as peribronchiolar and alveolar necrosis) of A. fumigatusinfection similar to those for humans with CGD and have beena useful model for studying aspergillosis in the context of thisspecific genetic disease (136, 161). The importance of patternrecognition receptors (PRRs) to fungal recognition and mod-ulation of host responses has been clarified with the use ofknockout mice, such as those for dectin-1 and several of theToll-like receptors (TLRs) (142). Cytokine-deficient mice havealso been used to demonstrate the contribution of cytokines tohost resistance (such as TNF-�) or susceptibility (interleu-kin-10 [IL-10]) (33, 40, 158).

The most commonly used animal models of IA involve theinduction of neutropenia or corticosteroid-induced immuno-suppression to mimic human infection. Neutropenia may beinduced by cyclophosphamide or other chemotherapeuticagents (antibody-mediated neutrophil depletion has also beenused), whereas animals treated with corticosteroids representthe nonneutropenic model used to evaluate A. fumigatus patho-genesis in the context of inflammatory responses commonly ob-served in nonneutropenic patients. The use of specific drug ordepletion regimens is known to influence survival, pathology, andother outcome parameters (191). Comparison of both models canhelp to differentiate the fungus-host interactions responsible forpathogenesis in unique patient populations. One of the moststriking examples of this is in the case of gliotoxin mutants, whichdemonstrate wild-type virulence in a neutropenic model but re-duced virulence in a nonneutropenic model, suggesting that glio-toxin may be important for pathogenicity only in the context ofnonneutropenic hosts (Table 1).

Other variables to account for when establishing an appropri-ate animal model to assess fungal pathogenesis include theamount of fungal inoculum, route of infection, and outcome anal-yses (58). Conidial inoculation may be performed intratracheally,intranasally, intravenously, or via inhalation chamber. Intranasalinoculation is commonly used because of ease of handling, al-though chamber inhalation is potentially the most useful model interms of both reproducibility and mimicking human infection(182, 190). Outcome analyses often chosen for assessing diseasedevelopment include animal survival, organ pathology, host cel-lular responses, and fungal burden, all of which can be influencedby the variables described above (191).

The interaction of fungi with mammalian cells in vitro can bea useful complement to in vivo studies and can steer experi-ments toward the appropriate in vivo assays. For example,although a �gliZ gliotoxin mutant displayed virulence similarto that of a wild-type strain in the neutropenic mouse model,gliotoxin production did contribute to neutrophil apoptosis invitro, supporting the observed virulence reduction of gliotoxinmutants in a nonneutropenic model and reduced neutrophilapoptosis at sites of infection (25, 186, 197). In vitro studieswith primary mammalian cells and cell lines are frequentlyused to assess the role of specific fungal components duringfungus-host cell interactions, although A. fumigatus mutantsthat display altered interactions with host cells in vitro do notalways correlate with virulence defects in vivo, particularlywhen the only in vivo assessment made is animal mortality.This is in agreement with the multifactorial nature of A. fu-migatus pathogenesis and emphasizes the significance of exam-


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ining other outcomes of infection, such as histological analysesor fungal burden. Minor contributions of fungal components tooverall pathogenicity may thus be characterized by studying theinteraction of A. fumigatus with mammalian cells with furtherinvestigation in vivo to understand the pathogenesis of thisdisease. The use and careful interpretation of animal modelsand outcomes, as well as in vitro host systems, are thus essen-tial to study the role of fungal and host elements in a diseasesetting that mimics human infection.

Biology of Aspergillus fumigatus

A genomic comparison of clinical and environmental iso-lates from diverse host sources and geographic locations sug-gested that any environmental strain of A. fumigatus may bepathogenic given an appropriate host (50). In comparison toother species, A. fumigatus displays a unique combination ofbasic traits that contribute to pathogenicity. The primary routeof infection with Aspergillus is via the inhalation of airborneconidia and deposition in the bronchioles or alveolar spaces.The average size of A. fumigatus conidia (2 to 3 �m) is ideal forinfiltrating deep into the alveoli, whereas larger conidia ofother human pathogens including A. flavus and A. niger couldbe removed more easily by mucociliary clearance of the upperrespiratory tract. Furthermore, A. fumigatus is more thermo-tolerant than other disease-causing species, growing well at37°C and withstanding temperatures above 50°C, such as thoseencountered in decaying vegetation, a frequently inhabitedniche. It has been speculated that growth at high temperaturesmay induce the expression of unique stress response genes thatconfer additional virulence benefits, although evidence for thistheory is lacking.

Several studies suggested that the radial growth and germi-nation rate of aspergilli at 37°C correlate with pathogenicity.The deletion of A. fumigatus genes involved in morphogenesis,including the regulatory subunit of the cyclic AMP-dependentprotein kinase signaling gene pkaR and the ras family subho-mologue rasB, resulted in reduced germination and growthrates in vitro, correlating with reduced virulence in a murinemodel of IA (67, 235). Mutants of the calcineurin pathway,which is involved in cellular stress responses and morphogen-esis, are significantly impaired in growth, exhibiting defects in

conidial germination and polarized hyphal growth at 37°C, andare significantly impaired in causing disease in multiple animalmodels of IA (48). Additionally, a comparison of A. fumigatus,A. flavus, and A. niger growths demonstrated a correlationbetween the germination rate and pathogenic prevalence. Thegermination rates of these species were similar at temperaturesup to 30°C but differed at 37°C and 42°C (8). Interestingly,human sera, specifically albumin, enhance mycelial growth ofseveral Aspergillus species in vitro and specifically promoteconidial germination in A. fumigatus (170). It would appear,therefore, that one factor contributing to the pathogenicity ofA. fumigatus is growth rate in vivo, specifically at 37°C. Indeed,the deletion of a gene involved in ribosome biogenesis, cgrA, inA. fumigatus had no effect on growth at 25°C or virulence in aDrosophila insect model (25°C) but was slower in radial growthat 37°C and was reduced in virulence in an animal model(37°C) (19, 23). These studies correlate the rate of growth at37°C with virulence.


Inhalation of Aspergillus conidia is a common occurrencedue to their ubiquitous presence in the environment; estimatessuggest that the average person may inhale up to 200 conidiaper day. In IA-susceptible patient populations, the mucosaldefenses of the lung are compromised, leading to fungal col-onization and growth.

Aspergillus Interactions with Soluble Lung Components

Following inhalation, A. fumigatus conidia immediately en-counter the airway mucosa comprised of the fluid lining therespiratory tract and airway epithelia. This pulmonary fluid iscomprised of mucus, proteins, lipids, ions, water, and othercellular secretions that contribute to the mucociliary clearanceof inhaled particles or pathogens. Also within this complexfluid are opsonic PRRs that coat inhaled pathogens and con-tribute to host defense. Among these proteins are the collec-tins, a group of C-type lectin receptors secreted by type II cellsand Clara cells that bind carbohydrate moieties in a calcium-dependent manner. Many pathogenic fungi, including A. fu-migatus, have a carbohydrate-rich cell wall that can be recog-

TABLE 1. Comparison of gliotoxin mutants in different animal models of IA

Animal Drug regimena Inoculationmethod

Inoculum size(conidia) Strain of origin Relative virulence Reference

BALB/c mouse Cyclophosphamide, cortisone acetate Intranasal 3 � 104 CEA17 Similar to wild type 103BALB/c mouse Cyclophosphamide, cortisone acetate Intranasal 6 � 104 ATCC 46645 Similar to wild type 103Outbred Swiss

ICR mouseCyclophosphamide, cortisone acetate Intranasal 5 � 106 Af293 Similar to wild type 25

Outbred SwissICR mouse

Cyclophosphamide, cortisone acetate Inhalation 109/ml, 1 h Af293 Similar to wild type 47

BALB/c mouse Cyclophosphamide, cortisone acetate Inhalation 109/ml, 1 h Af293 Similar to wild type 186BALB/c mouse Cortisone acetate Intranasal 5 � 106 Af293 Less than wild type 186BALB/c mouse Cortisone acetate Inhalation 109/ml, 1 h Af293 Less than wild type 186BALB/c mouse Cortisone acetate Intranasal 5 � 106 B5233 Less than wild type 197129/Sv Cortisone acetate Intranasal 5 � 106 B5233 Less than wild type 197D. melanogaster

(Toll deficient)NA Needle puncture 108/ml solution Af293 Less than wild type 186

a NA, not applicable.


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nized by the most common collectins, mannose-binding lectin(MBL) and the surfactant proteins SP-A and SP-D. In vitro,MBL, SP-A, and SP-D have been shown to bind and aggluti-nate A. fumigatus conidia as well as enhance the phagocytosisand killing of A. fumigatus conidia by macrophages and neu-trophils (2, 3, 120, 144). MBL, SP-A, and SP-D were morerecently found to activate complement (59). Collectins havebeen demonstrated to be important in vivo: MBL�/� and SP-D�/� mice exhibit increased susceptibility to IA, and recom-binant MBL, SP-D, and SP-A have been used to enhance hostdefenses against aspergillosis in animal models (94, 121). Col-lectins may thus contribute to conidial clearance by enhancingcomplement activation, phagocytosis, and killing of conidia oraggregating conidia for other host defenses.

One of the earliest host responses to microorganisms is theactivation of complement, a collection of serum proteins thatrecognize and bind conserved microbial constituents, resultingin opsonization or destruction. Although found predominantlyin serum, complement components are present, albeit at lowerlevels, in bronchoalveolar fluid and have the potential to beinvolved in host defense against Aspergillus. Three complementpathways exist, converging at binding of C3 to the microbialsurface. Early studies demonstrated that A. fumigatus conidiaand hyphae bind C3. In comparison to other human patho-genic species, A. fumigatus as well as A. flavus bind fewer C3molecules per unit of conidial surface (75). The majority ofbound C3 is cleaved to iC3b, a ligand for phagocytic comple-ment receptors; thus, A. fumigatus and A. flavus may be lesssusceptible to complement-mediated phagocytosis or phago-cyte recognition (193, 194). Conidia and hyphae from severalAspergillus species also bind the alternative complement inhib-itor factor H, its splice product FHR-1, and factor H familyprotein FFHL-1, preventing the activation of complement cas-cades (13, 213). Binding to the classical and lectin pathwayinhibitor C4b-binding protein has been observed for A. fumiga-tus (213). Finally, A. fumigatus and A. flavus, but not A. niger,were found to produce a soluble complement-inhibitory factor,potentially lipid derived, that prevented alternative pathwayactivation (219, 221). It would thus appear that A. fumigatusand, to a lesser-known extent, A. flavus have defense mecha-nisms to inhibit or reduce complement activation. Thus, theability of A. fumigatus to inhibit complement activation maycontribute to the overall pathogenesis of this organism.

Other soluble components involved in Aspergillus defenseinclude the pentraxin PTX3 and plasminogen. PTX3 is a sol-uble opsonin produced by phagocytes that facilitates microbialrecognition (28). Mice deficient in PTX3 are susceptible to IA,which correlated with a reduced recognition of A. fumigatusconidia by phagocytes (69). A recent study implicated geneticvariation in plasminogen, a component of the fibrolytic path-way, in susceptibility to IA (233). Plasminogen bound to A.fumigatus has also been detected, which, when cleaved intoactive plasmin, could enhance dissemination via its role in thedegradation of the extracellular matrix (13).

Aspergillus Interaction with Respiratory Epithelia

Despite the importance of respiratory epithelia in initiatingantimicrobial innate immune responses against many inhaledpathogens, few studies have examined the role of the airway

epithelia in the host defense against Aspergillus (12, 127). Asthe first cells encountered by inhaled conidia, airway epithelialikely contribute to the overall immune response to A. fumiga-tus. Epithelial cells may secrete soluble antimicrobial com-pounds that play a direct role in airway defense. Members ofthe defensin family of antimicrobial peptides have broad-spec-trum activity against multiple microbes and are produced byepithelial cells in vitro following incubation with A. fumigatus(1). In vitro, Aspergillus germinating conidia and hyphae, butnot resting conidia, are recognized by host PRRs on epithelialcells and induce the production of cytokines and chemokinessuch as IL-6, TNF-�, and IL-8 (10, 14). Corticosteroid admin-istration can eliminate this inflammatory response, questioningthe function of epithelial cells in corticosteroid-treated pa-tients at risk for IA (14). Epithelial cells likely assist in initiat-ing proinflammatory responses against A. fumigatus, althoughtheir contribution is likely far less robust than that of thealveolar macrophage.

A. fumigatus conidia have been shown to bind and be en-gulfed by a variety of epithelial cells including tracheal epithe-lial cells, alveolar type II cells, human nasal epithelial cells, andthe A549 lung epithelial cell line (66, 155, 223). Conidia en-gulfed by A549 epithelia enter acidic phagolysosomes and canbe killed, although some conidia are able to germinate and exitboth the phagolysosome and pneumocyte without evidence ofpneumocyte damage (222, 223). A. fumigatus conidia are alsoable to inhibit drug- or TNF-�-induced apoptosis in primaryepithelial cells and epithelial cell lines in vitro, although the invivo implications of this are unknown (18).

Several fungally derived factors may contribute to the abilityof A. fumigatus to bind and modulate the airway epithelium(Fig. 2). One factor contributing to A. fumigatus binding anduptake by epithelial cells is the presence of sialic acid residueson conidia (34, 51). Interestingly, pathogenic species of as-pergilli, including A. fumigatus, display more conidial sialic acidthan do nonpathogenic aspergilli (224). Adhesion to fibrino-gen, the basement membrane glycoprotein laminin, and theextracellular matrix component fibronectin is also partially me-diated by sialic acid residues and other proteins on the conidialsurface (7, 30, 31, 34, 46, 202, 203). The significance of conidialbinding to these components is linked to the fact that lunginjury or distress is a risk factor for IA. Fibrinogen (fibrin afterprocessing) and fibronectin attach to wounded surfaces such asthe surface of damaged epithelia, and laminin is exposed uponepithelial injury or detachment. Sialic acid, and perhaps otherconidial factors that bind to alveolar components, could thuscontribute to pathogenicity by enhancing adhesion to and col-onization of epithelia and components of injured tissue.

A. fumigatus may facilitate colonization in otherwise healthylung tissue via secreted products that alter epithelial functionand viability. Culture filtrates from A. fumigatus strains havebeen shown to induce cell shrinkage, desquamation, and actincytoskeleton rearrangement in A549 cells (93, 98). The activityof filtrates could be inhibited with serine and cysteine proteaseinhibitors, implicating protease activity. Indeed, when a spe-cific serine protease, AF-ALF, was deleted, culture filtratesfailed to induce actin cytoskeleton damage (98). Protease ac-tivity in A. fumigatus culture filtrates has also been linked tohuman nasal epithelial cell detachment and loss of focal con-


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tacts that may assist germinating hyphae in invading the lungtissue (98, 169, 201).

Human respiratory epithelial cell damage and slowed ciliarybeat frequency from A. fumigatus culture filtrates and sputumsamples obtained from patients with pulmonary aspergillosishave been linked to secondary metabolites, specifically glio-toxin and, at higher concentrations, fumagillin and helvolicacid (5, 6, 43). The tremorigenic metabolite verruculogen, pro-duced in conidial and hyphal filtrates of many A. fumigatusstrains, has also been implicated in modifying transepithelialresistance, hyperpolarization, and cytoplasmic vacuolization ofhuman nasal epithelial cells in an air-liquid interface model ofthe airway epithelium (29, 96). Associated with conidia andhyphal elements, verruculogen could impact the airway epithe-lium during early infection, although production in vivo has yetto be observed (96). Thus, A. fumigatus is able to interfere withmucociliary clearance, bind respiratory epithelia and basementmembrane proteins, and invade or damage epithelial cells toestablish infection and potentially evade other host defenses.

Aspergillus and the Alveolar Macrophage

Macrophage responses to Aspergillus. Alveolar macrophagesare the primary resident phagocytic cells of the respiratorytract and a critical component of the host defense againstAspergillus conidia. Alveolar macrophages phagocytose As-pergillus conidia in an actin-dependent manner, a process me-diated by the recognition of pathogen-associated molecularpatterns by host cell PRRs. PRR engagement of A. fumigatusligands generates a proinflammatory response characterized bythe production of cytokines and chemokines that are importantfor host defense against this organism, including TNF-�, IL-1�, IL-6, IL-8, macrophage inflammatory protein 1�, andmonocyte chemoattractant protein 1 (39, 131, 138, 158). TLR2and TLR4 and the C-type lectin receptor dectin-1 are the mostwell-characterized PRRs involved in the recognition of A. fu-

migatus and the activation of host cells. In vitro studies havedemonstrated that conidia and hyphae activate macrophagesthrough TLR2 and TLR4, and TLR2 recognizes both conidialand hyphal morphologies, whereas TLR4 recognizes only thehypha form (143). Studies using TLR�/� mice also suggest anessential role for TLR4, and potentially TLR2, in vivo. Inneutropenic models, TLR2�/� and TLR4�/� mice exhibithigher fungal burdens than wild-type mice (11, 15). AlthoughTLR4�/� mice have lower survival rates than wild-type mice inthese studies, contradicting results were demonstrated forTLR2�/� mice. The role of TLRs in nonneutropenic modelshas not been well studied, although TLR4 polymorphisms inallogeneic hematopoietic stem cell transplant patients havebeen associated with an increased risk for IA (22).

Unlike TLRs, dectin-1 is essential for the host defenseagainst Aspergillus in both immunosuppressed and immuno-competent hosts (226). Dectin-1 is specific for the fungal car-bohydrate �(1,3)-glucan, which is normally masked on restingA. fumigatus conidia by the proteinaceous hydrophobin layer.Following conidial swelling, �(1,3)-glucan becomes exposedand is present on swollen conidia, germlings, and hypha mor-photypes (70, 77). Dectin-1–�(1,3)-glucan engagement resultsin phagocytosis, macrophage activation, and a strong inductionof proinflammatory responses (35, 70, 77, 119, 189, 210). Thus,dectin-1, with additional contributions by TLRs, enables innateimmune cells to phagocytose and kill conidia as well as elicitproinflammatory responses.

Alveolar macrophages kill conidia that have swollen withinthe phagolysosome with reactive oxygen species (ROS) andphagolysosomal acidification (83, 159, 220). Philippe et al. firstdemonstrated the role of ROS in macrophage-mediated conid-ial killing. In these experiments, alveolar macrophages fromp47phox�/� CGD mice, or wild-type alveolar macrophagestreated with chemical inhibitors of NADPH oxidase, were sig-nificantly impaired in their ability to kill A. fumigatus conidia(159). Although other studies suggested that NADPH-medi-

FIG. 2. Interaction of A. fumigatus with respiratory epithelia. Following inhalation, A. fumigatus encounters airway epithelia (lining trachea,bronchi, and bronchioles), the mucus and fluid lining the upper respiratory tract, and, ultimately, the alveolar space. Fungal products (shown inred) may enhance colonization through tissue injury (cross-haired line) and attachment to epithelial cells or damaged basement membrane.Conidia may also germinate and invade the surrounding lung tissue via the basement membrane or following ingestion by epithelial cells.


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ated oxidative responses do not contribute to alveolar macro-phage killing of conidia, several factors (macrophage-to-conid-ium ratios, coincubation times, and animal strains and/or celltypes tested) can lead to conflicting results (136, 177). It doesappear that nonoxidative mechanisms contribute to conidialkilling. Reactive nitrogen species are ineffective, althoughother candidates (antimicrobial peptides, for example) haveyet to be tested (159). Overall, immunosuppressed patientswho are susceptible to IA have reduced alveolar macrophageeffector functions, either from corticosteroid-mediated sup-pression or from chemotherapy-induced depletion, resulting inthe ability of A. fumigatus to escape macrophage killing.

A. fumigatus defenses. (i) Melanin. In addition to masking�(1,3)-glucan and delaying macrophage activation, resting A.fumigatus conidia are resistant to macrophage killing (Fig. 3).The protective role of the pigment melanin against host de-fenses, specifically via scavenging ROS, has been described formany pathogenic fungi (87, 106). In Aspergillus, melanin pro-vides the conidial pigment that has been used to distinguishbetween some species. In A. fumigatus, a white, pigmentlessstrain was first described by Jahn et al. following UV mutagen-esis (88). Complementation of the wild-type phenotype usingan A. fumigatus cosmid library identified a polyketide synthasegene, pksP, as being the source of pigment production (105).The white mutant displayed ultrastructural cell wall differencesand increased susceptibility to the oxidants H2O2 and NaOClin comparison to wild-type conidia (88). Additionally, whiteconidia induced greater monocyte and neutrophil productionof ROS than did the wild type as a result of wild-type melaninscavenging ROS from the culture medium. Monocytes wereable to kill more ingested mutant conidia than wild-type

conidia, presumably via ROS-mediated mechanisms. In an an-imal model of systemic IA, the white conidia were less virulent,demonstrating for the first time the direct role of melanin in A.fumigatus pathogenesis. These studies implicate melanin asbeing an important contributor to pathogenesis as an ROSscavenger. It should be noted that the systemic animal modelof IA does not fully recapitulate the infectious process of IA, asconidia are instilled directly into the blood via the tail vain asopposed to intranasally or intratracheally. Clearly, this admin-istration could lead to a very different host response to A.fumigatus. Studies of another melanin mutant in an intranasalmodel (see below), however, support the role for melanin in A.fumigatus pathogenesis. One study also implicated the involve-ment of the cyanide-insensitive alternative oxidase in protect-ing conidia from macrophage ROS-mediated killing (the hy-phal component not being explored) (123). In that study,however, RNA interference was used to knock down aox ex-pression in a melanin mutant such that alternative oxidase maybe important for protection against macrophage killing only inthe context of a melanin deficiency.

Additional studies indicated that human macrophage en-gulfment of pksP mutant conidia resulted in an increased acid-ification of the phagosome as a result of phagolysosomal fusion(89). The addition of chloroquine, which increases phagolyso-somal fusion and pH, resulted in wild-type killing similar tothat of the mutant. A functional pksP therefore preventedsome level of phagolysosomal fusion, increasing conidial sur-vival. Furthermore, that study implicated phagolysosome acid-ification as being a mechanism of conidial killing.

The initial discovery of pksP coincided with the identifica-tion by Tsai et al. and Watanabe et al. of another gene involved

FIG. 3. A. fumigatus interactions with phagocytes. Alveolar macrophages phagocytose inhaled conidia via PRRs. Conidial swelling (within oroutside of the macrophage) releases the protective rodlet layer, exposing �(1,3)-glucan for recognition by dectin-1. Dectin-1–�(1,3)-glucaninteractions are primarily responsible for the activation of macrophage proinflammatory responses, including conidial killing. Neutrophils attachto hyphae and degranulate, damaging hyphae by oxidative and nonoxidative mechanisms. Neutrophils may also aggregate conidia and preventgermination. Compromised phagocyte function is the primary risk factor for IA. Fungal products (shown in red) may contribute to fungalpathogenicity in these immunocompromised hosts by evading or modulating host defenses.


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in pigment biosynthesis, arp1, a naphthopyrone synthase andhomologue of scytalone dehydratase (206, 225). Mutants ofarp1 were reddish-pink and bound fewer C3 molecules thanwild-type conidia, implicating melanin or a pigmented inter-mediate synthesized by arp1 in the defense against host com-plement. Further study of conidial pigment biosynthesis in A.fumigatus identified a six-gene cluster involved in dihy-droxynaphthalene-melanin biosynthesis, including pksP (alsocalled alb1) (207). The deletion of alb1, similar to the obser-vations by Jahn et al., led to a white phenotype and reducedvirulence in mice (205). The alb1 mutants were also moresusceptible to C3 binding, reinforcing the notion that melaninor melanin intermediates may prevent complement activation.Another melanin, pyomelanin, produced by the tyrosine deg-radation pathway, may also contribute to pathogenicity, asmutants showed an enhanced sensitivity to ROS (178). Overall,melanin appears to be a significant determinant of A. fumigatuspathogenesis by protecting conidia against multiple host de-fenses, particularly those of the alveolar macrophage.

(ii) Mediators of ROS defense. Other molecules implicatedin pathogenicity as scavengers of toxic ROS include rodlets andsuperoxide dismutases (SODs). Conidia are surrounded by ahydrophobic layer comprised of rodlet proteins. Of the tworodlet genes in A. fumigatus, rodA is solely responsible forrodlet production, and rodA mutants display increased suscep-tibility to alveolar macrophage killing (156). Rodletless conidiaalso induced a weak inflammatory response in a rat model ofIA (183). Given that conidial swelling is essential for macro-phage activation, the rodletless conidia may induce more rapidand robust macrophage activation and conidial elimination.The two eukaryotic SOD enzymes, Cu/Zn-SOD and Mn-SOD,have not been well studied for their role in A. fumigatus patho-genesis. Cu/Zn-SOD has been detected in the cell wall ofconidia and hyphae, and SOD activity in culture filtrates hasbeen demonstrated (73, 78). Although Cu/Zn-SOD is upregu-lated under low-iron conditions in vitro and sera from somepatients with A. fumigatus infections react with Cu/Zn-SOD, aspecific role in vivo has yet to be identified (38, 73, 79). Mc-Donagh et al. found increased levels of Mn-SOD transcripts inresponse to neutrophils in vitro and during infection in a mu-rine model of IA, implicating this SOD in oxidative stressdefense (129).

Studies of rare hypervirulent mutants substantiate the con-tribution of oxidative stress resistance to pathogenicity. A dis-ruption of the �(1,3)-glucan synthase gene ags3 led to in-creased virulence in an animal model of IA, correlating withresistance to oxidative stress in vitro, perhaps related to theincreased melanin content or increased germination rate ob-served in this mutant (128). An unrelated mutant of oxylipinbiosynthesis, in which the three cyclooxygenase genes in A.fumigatus were silenced by RNA interference, also demon-strated increased virulence correlating with increased resis-tance to H2O2 (208). The individual deletion of the cyclooxy-genase genes did not yield an increase in virulence, although aloss of one gene, ppoC, resulted in greater resistance to H2O2

as well as aberrant conidium morphology and increased phago-cytosis by macrophages (49). Finally, the deletion of the gly-cosylphosphatidylinositol-anchored protein ECM33 resulted ina hypervirulent strain with increased germination and resis-tance to cell wall-destabilizing agents (174). Intriguingly, the

deletion of the ace2 gene, encoding a C2H2 zinc finger tran-scription factor, resulted in altered conidial pigmentation, cellwall organization, and resistance to H2O2 (63). The ace2 mu-tant was hypervirulent in a nonneutropenic mouse model butnot in a neutropenic model, implicating resistance to neutro-phil oxidative defenses. Transcripts of ags3, ecm33, and ppoCin this mutant were also examined and found to be lower thanthose of the wild type, suggesting that ACE2 regulation ofthese genes may contribute to some of the phenotypic similar-ities among these mutants.


A. fumigatus germination and hyphal growth in the mamma-lian lung, following the survival of resident pulmonary de-fenses, require the activation of nutrient-sensing, acquisition,and biosynthetic pathways to obtain nutrients from the hostenvironment. The study of metabolic pathways is essential foran understanding of A. fumigatus pathogenesis, as it allows theidentification of host nutrient limitations and the reciprocalresponse pathways specifically utilized by A. fumigatus to adaptto this environmental niche.

Mammalian Tissue Degradation

The genome of A. fumigatus encodes an extensive arsenal ofdegradative enzymes supporting the ubiquitous growth of thisfungus on plant matter in the environment (56). Althoughmany of these enzymes are specific for plant cell wall compo-nents, it is likely that some fungal enzymes may be involved inpathogenesis, since filamentous growth in the mammalian hostrequires the breakdown of host tissue for nutrient acquisitionand invasion (Fig. 3). When the need for protein secretionoverwhelms the protein-folding capacity of the endoplasmicreticulum, the unfolded protein response (UPR) is initiated.This can occur under specific environmental stresses such ascell wall perturbation, thermal stress, and nutrient limitation.A recent study by Richie et al. revealed that a disruption of theUPR through the deletion of the hacA gene resulted in amutant that is sensitive to various stresses, including growth onmammalian lung tissue (168). Moreover, this mutant was sig-nificantly impaired in three murine models of IA, implying theneed for UPR to regulate the protein secretion pathwaysneeded for tissue degradation and nutrient acquisition in vivo.

Since elastin represents a significant portion of lung tissue,the majority of studies of protease involvement in IA havefocused on the role of Aspergillus elastases. Kothary et al. firstdescribed a correlation between elastase production and inva-sive disease (100). In that study, several elastase-producing andnon-elastase-producing environmental strains of A. fumigatuswere selected for an infection of cortisone-treated (nonneu-tropenic) mice. All of the elastase-producing strains were le-thal, whereas almost two-thirds of the mice infected with non-elastase-producing strains survived. Higher fungal burdens andlevels of tissue necrosis in the lungs of mice infected withelastase-producing strains were also observed, implicating elas-tase activity in fungal invasion and pathogenicity. Anotherstudy of clinical and environmental A. fumigatus isolates foundthat all strains from patients with IA displayed elastase activity


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but that more than one-third of environmental strains lackedelastase activity (21). Strains from patients with IA also dis-played higher average elastase activities than strains from pa-tients with aspergillomas or who were colonized with A. fu-migatus, linking elastase activity to the pathogenicity ofinvasive disease.

The large number and functional redundancy of proteolyticenzymes have made it difficult to determine the significance ofelastase activity, or of individual proteases, in pathogenicity. Aserine protease, alp, was first identified as being one source ofelastinolytic activity (165). Anti-alp antibodies were producedin sera of patients with aspergillosis, and Alp could be detectedin infected human lung tissue, linking the production of thisprotease to infection. However, several studies have demon-strated that A. fumigatus alp (Afalp) mutants display no signif-icant differences in virulence in cortisone-treated or neutro-penic mice (134, 199). Additionally, a histological examinationof pulmonary vasculature from patients with IA found a lack ofelastinolysis of the blood vessel walls, which brings the contri-bution of elastase activity to IA into question (55). On theother hand, another elastolytic proteinase with strong homol-ogy to Afalp was identified by Kolattukudy et al., and an A.fumigatus mutant of this protease producing less than 10% ofthe total elastase activity of the wild type was significantly lessvirulent in irradiated (neutropenic) mice (99). This serine pro-tease was localized to germinating conidia and hyphae in thelungs of neutropenic animals by immunogold electron micros-copy (99, 125). In a similar manner, a metalloprotease withelastinolytic activity was localized to invading hyphae in theinfected lungs of neutropenic animals. An aspartic proteinasepurified from A. fumigatus that could degrade human elastin,type I and type III collagens, and fibronectin and was secretedby penetrating hyphae in a neutropenic model was also de-scribed (81, 108). Those studies revealed that one or moreproteases with elastinolytic activity are produced during infec-tion, although it is still unclear whether elastase activity con-tributes to pathogenesis. We suspect that the A. fumigatusproteases responsible for elastase activity are but one factorresponsible for tissue degradation for nutrients and fungalinvasion of host tissue. In a study of various Aspergillus sp.clinical isolates, A. fumigatus clinical isolates were found tohave not only elastase activity but also acid proteinase andphospholipase activity, whereas strains of A. flavus had onlyelastase activity, and in A. niger, only phospholipase activitywas detected (4). Thus, a combination of various proteolyticenzymes may contribute to the ability of A. fumigatus to de-grade host tissue for nutritional acquisition and invasion.

Nutrient Biosynthesis and Acquisition

The nutritional needs of A. fumigatus during infection haveclassically been identified by studying the phenotypes of mu-tants in metabolic pathways. For example, infection studieswith auxotrophic pyrG, pabaA, and lysF mutant strains dem-onstrated a requirement for fungal biosynthesis of uracil/uridine, folate, and lysine, respectively, to maintain survivaland virulence in vivo (36, 52, 113, 175). To date, these are theonly studies of auxotrophic strains that demonstrate the strin-gent need for the fungal biosynthesis of nutrients that areunavailable in the host.

Nitrogen metabolism also plays a role in the pathogenicity ofA. fumigatus. Aspergilli can utilize a wide range of nitrogensources and contribute significantly to global nitrogen recyclingvia nitrate assimilation, in which environmental nitrate istaken and converted into ammonium and subsequently glu-tamine and glutamate. Proteins that are involved in nitratetransport and processing are transcriptionally regulated by theareA gene locus. Hensel et al. found demonstrable growthdifferences between areA mutants and wild-type A. fumigatuswhen grown on poor nitrogen sources (74). Although areAmutants displayed virulence similar to that of wild-type strainsin a neutropenic model of IA, a delayed-growth phenotype ofthe mutant was observed in the lung tissue. The reversion rateof areA-hygR transformants in vivo also suggested a beneficialrole for areA regulation of nitrogen metabolism. In a separatestudy, Panepinto et al. identified the Ras-related protein RhbAbased on transcriptional upregulation during the contact of A.fumigatus with human endothelial cells (153). rhbA mutantsgrew slower on poor nitrogen sources and displayed signifi-cantly reduced pathogenicity in a neutropenic model of IA.Examination of lung lesions further demonstrated a reducedgrowth of the rhbA mutant in vivo. It is apparent from thesestudies that versatility in nitrogen metabolism contributes tothe overall pathogenicity of A. fumigatus.

In some cases, mutants of metabolic pathways that have nophenotype in animal models of IA can provide useful informa-tion regarding nutritional availability during infection. For A.fumigatus, growth on C2 compounds and fatty acids as solesources of carbon and energy requires isocitrate lyase ormalate synthase. However, mutants of either enzyme were fullyvirulent in animal models of IA, suggesting that A. fumigatusutilizes alternative carbon sources (147, 179). Other humanpathogenic fungi upregulate isocitrate lyase, malate synthase,and �-oxidation enzymes upon phagocytosis by host macro-phages, suggesting a glucose-poor, C2/fatty acid-rich environ-ment. It was postulated that the ability to grow on lipids, alsoexpected to be rich within the host cell, accounted for theirfully virulent phenotype. However, these mutants also grewwell on carbohydrate and amino acid sources of carbon. Con-sidering that some conidia may not encounter alveolar macro-phages, it is likely that multiple pathways of carbon assimila-tion can make up for the loss of the glyoxylate cycle. Onecandidate pathway is the methylcitrate cycle, which is requiredfor fungal survival and pathogenicity (82, 122). In the degra-dation of amino acids for carbon assimilation, toxic propionylcoenzyme A accumulates within the cell, which is prevented bymethylcitrate synthase. The deletion of methylcitrate synthasein A. fumigatus led to reduced growth and secondary metabo-lite production in culture, increased susceptibility to macro-phage killing in vitro and in vivo, and reduced virulence ininsect and murine models of IA (82, 122). It is unclear whetherconidial killing was due to an accumulation of toxic propionylcoenzyme A independently of or in addition to susceptibility tohost defenses. Nonetheless, carbon assimilation by A. fumiga-tus in vivo requires the methylcitrate cycle. These studies alsosuggest that A. fumigatus utilizes native or host protein degra-dation to obtain amino acids and other nutrients.

Amino acids may be obtained from degraded proteins orsynthesized from carbon- and nitrogen-containing precursors.Under amino acid starvation conditions, the derepression of


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genes involved in amino acid biosynthesis occurs under thecontrol of a conserved pathway regulated by the cpcA locus.The deletion of cpcA led to a less virulent strain in an animalinhalation model of IA, although lung histology showed nosignificant differences between the mutant and the wild type interms of fungal growth or dissemination (101). Since the cpcAmutant was prototrophic, it was speculated that in vivo, animbalance rather than a lack of amino acids results in cpcAactivation. Thus, cpcA regulates amino acid biosynthetic path-ways to provide the ideal nutrient conditions for growth in themammalian lung.

Iron Acquisition

Iron is a necessary component of many biosynthetic path-ways, acting as a cofactor in enzymatic reactions and as acatalyst in electron transport systems. However, the instabilityof free iron and sequestration in vivo by host defense mecha-nisms severely limit iron availability. For many human patho-gens including A. fumigatus, the ability to acquire iron from thehost is a necessary virulence determinant (Fig. 3). A. fumigatusutilizes two systems for iron acquisition: siderophore-mediatediron uptake and reductive iron assimilation (180). A. fumigatusproduces four known siderophores, small ferric-iron-specificchelators. In Aspergillus, fusaricine C and triacetylfusaricine Care excreted to chelate extracellular iron, whereas ferricrocinand hydroxyferricrocin are involved in hyphal and conidialintracellular iron storage, respectively (62, 72). sidA was thefirst gene identified in the siderophore biosynthesis pathwayand catalyzes the first step in all siderophore biosynthesis, thehydroxylation of L-ornithine (76). Mutants of sidA lacking bothextracellular and intracellular iron storage were unable to growor grew poorly under low-iron conditions or in human serum,displayed increased sensitivity to H2O2, and had a reducedgrowth rate (76, 180). Moreover, sidA mutants were avirulentin neutropenic and nonneutropenic mouse models of IA.

Schrettl et al. recently identified the iron-regulated genesinvolved in specific siderophore synthesis: sidC, sidD, sidF, andsidG (181). The deletion of any one of these genes in A.fumigatus attenuated virulence in a neutropenic model of IA,demonstrating the requirement for both extracellular and in-tracellular siderophores in iron acquisition and storage duringinfection. Characterization of the individual mutants suggestedthat intracellular siderophores regulated by sidC and sidGstore iron for germination and resisting oxidative stress, bothof which are important for pathogenesis. Moreover, sidD andsidF regulate the production of extracellular siderophores thatpromote hyphal growth, perhaps by acquiring iron from humantransferrin as demonstrated in vitro. Although siderophore-independent mechanisms of iron assimilation are used by A.fumigatus to obtain iron in vitro, they do not appear to beessential for virulence. A mutant of ftrA, the iron permeaseinvolved in reductive iron assimilation, displayed a wild-typephenotype in vitro and retained full virulence in vivo (180).Thus, siderophore-mediated iron acquisition and intracellularstorage are essential for A. fumigatus virulence.

In an attempt to gain global insight into the adaptation of A.fumigatus during early infection, McDonagh et al. performed atranscriptional analysis of A. fumigatus from the lungs of in-fected mice in a neutropenic model of IA (129). In agreement

with in vitro and in vivo studies to date, genes upregulatedduring the initial adaptation to the lung, in comparison toiron-rich laboratory media, include siderophores and irontransport genes as well as genes involved in metal acquisition,nitrogen catabolism, lipid and amino acid catabolism, and car-bohydrate transport. Taken as a whole, these studies demon-strate the versatility of nutrient sensing, acquisition, and bio-synthesis that contribute to the overall pathogenic potential ofA. fumigatus.

Additional Environmental Stresses

Besides nutritional acquisition, A. fumigatus must also adaptto environmental stresses such as temperature (discussedabove), pH, and oxygen limitation. In an analysis of fungaladaptation to the mammalian lung during IA performed byMcDonagh et al., genes differentially expressed in vivo (com-pared to laboratory media) correlated with genes expressedunder alkaline conditions in vitro (pH 7), such as the pHregulator PacC (129). First identified in A. nidulans, PacC is atranscription factor that activates alkaline-expressed genes andrepresses acid-expressed genes when grown under alkalineconditions such as physiological pH (200). In a neutropenicmodel of IA, pacC was required for the full virulence of A.nidulans, implicating pH adaptation as being a pathogenic traitof Aspergillus (20). Adaptation to a hypoxic environment wasalso expected to be important for A. fumigatus pathogenicity.Inflammatory sites such as those found in Aspergillus-infectedlung tissue amass recruited immune cells that metabolize avail-able oxygen and obstruct blood vessels, creating an oxygen-depleted environment. Little is known about the genes in-volved in hypoxic adaptation in eukaryotic pathogens. A familyof transcription factors, sterol-regulatory element-binding pro-teins, was first characterized in Schizosaccharomyces pombe,which mediates oxygen-dependent sterol synthesis and growthunder hypoxic conditions (80). SrbA, a homologue of the S.pombe sterol-regulatory element-binding protein Sre1, was re-cently identified for A. fumigatus (229). The deletion of srbAled to altered sterol biosynthesis and cell wall morphology.Although growth and conidiation of the srbA mutant wereunaffected under oxygen-replete conditions, the srbA mutantdisplayed altered hyphal growth and morphogenesis under hyp-oxic conditions and was avirulent in a neutropenic murinemodel of IA. In CGD mice, the srbA mutant was significantlyless virulent than the wild type. Moreover, histological analysisof neutropenic lungs following infection demonstrated hostclearance of the srbA mutant, leading to the hypothesis that A.fumigatus requires adaptation to hypoxic conditions to estab-lish invasive infection. In contrast, McDonagh et al. were un-able to demonstrate a connection between genes differentiallyexpressed in the mammalian lung and under anaerobic condi-tions in vitro, although anaerobic conditions completely lackoxygen and are not a suitable comparison to hypoxia (129).Although no one has clearly addressed the availability of oxy-gen at sites of Aspergillus infection, hypoxia adaptation appearsto be a critical component of the pathogenesis of other fungalpathogens including Candida albicans and Cryptococcus neo-formans and deserves further investigation in A. fumigatus (64).


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Role of the Neutrophil

Neutropenia is a primary risk factor for IA. Animal modelsand in vitro studies have demonstrated that neutrophils attachto fungal hyphae and degranulate, resulting in fungal killing byoxidative and nonoxidative mechanisms (57, 111). Similarly toepithelial cells and macrophages, neutrophils utilize variousPRRs, including TLRs and dectin-1, to recognize and respondto A. fumigatus (15, 16, 95, 226). In addition to oxidative attackmediated by NADPH oxidase, neutrophil granules contain avariety of antimicrobial compounds such as proteases, de-fensins, pentraxin-3, lysozyme, and lactoferrin (reviewed inreference 141). Although conidia are relatively resistant toneutrophil killing, recent evidence suggests that neutrophilscontribute to conidial control by forming aggregates in the lungto inhibit conidial germination (27, 109, 110, 234). Inhibitionwas mediated by lactoferrin sequestration of iron, an essentialnutrient for fungal growth in vivo (27, 234). The relevance ofneutrophil defense against conidia has been argued given thatneutrophil recruitment to the lung requires germinated conidiato elicit proinflammatory responses. However, in a patientsetting, continuous or repeated exposure to conidial inocula isplausible; thus, neutrophils may encounter newly inhaledconidia following recruitment to the lung from a previous in-oculum.

A. fumigatus is the leading cause of death in patients withCGD, although patients usually succumb to aspergillosis onlyunder conditions of heavy inocula or following treatment withimmunosuppressive drugs (68). CGD is a primary immunode-ficiency characterized by mutations in components of NADPHoxidase, which produces superoxide anion and its metabolitesincluding hydrogen peroxide (H2O2) and hypochlorous acid.Historically, the association of IA with CGD patients sug-gested a role of ROS in the control of A. fumigatus. However,CGD patients commonly present with hyperinflammation andacute lung injury. Recent studies revealed that superoxide isrequired for tryptophan catabolism, and the lack of this anionresults in the IL-17-dependent hyperinflammatory phenotypethat also contributes to the susceptibility of CGD patients toinfection (173). Regardless, neutrophils from CGD patientsand mouse models have been useful for studying the role ofROS in neutrophil-mediated hyphal killing.

Several studies have indicated the involvement of ROS inneutrophil-mediated hyphal killing by comparing normal hu-man neutrophils to those from CGD patients as well as thosewith myeloperoxidase (MPO) deficiency. MPO catalyzes theformation of hypochlorous acid from H2O2, both of which areROS produced by neutrophils. Neutrophils from patients withCGD and MPO deficiency were unable to kill A. fumigatushyphae, in contrast to those from healthy patients (57, 167).The antihyphal activity could be reconstituted with H2O2, hy-drochloric acid, or the addition of normal neutrophils (57,167). Both p47phox�/� and MPO�/� mice are susceptible toinfection with A. fumigatus, demonstrating that ROS contrib-ute to murine control of A. fumigatus (161). CGD p47phox�/�

mice exhibited a shorter survival time than MPO�/� mice,perhaps because H2O2 is a precursor for hypochlorous acid,

and acute lung injury is already present from hyperinflamma-tion at the initiation of infection (173).

A. fumigatus Hyphal Defenses

ROS scavengers. As ROS scavengers, catalases may be im-portant for A. fumigatus hyphal defense (Fig. 3). The deletionof the conidium-specific gene catA or the mycelium-specificcatalase gene cat1 or cat2 had no effect on virulence in aneutropenic rat model of IA (101). Although the deletion ofcatA resulted in an increased susceptibility to H2O2 and neu-trophil killing, catA conidia were killed similarly to the wildtype by alveolar macrophages and were fully virulent in aneutropenic animal model of IA (23). It is possible that catA isnot an efficient scavenger of H2O2 and that other scavengers(e.g., melanin or peroxidases) may limit the amount of damagedone by macrophages. Regardless, it appears that catA doesnot contribute significantly to the overall pathogenesis of A.fumigatus. The deletion of either mycelial catalase resulted ina wild-type phenotype in vitro and in vivo (101). When bothmycelial catalases were deleted, a slight increase in mycelialsensitivity to H2O2 was observed in vitro, and reduced viru-lence was observed in vivo, suggesting that mycelial catalasesoffer some amount of protection against neutrophil-mediatedhyphal killing (101).

Some researchers have argued that superoxide and peroxidedefenses do not play a significant role in A. fumigatus patho-genesis in an immunocompromised host. The deletion ofAfyap1, a regulator of oxidative stress response genes, or thedeletion of the putative AfYap1 binding partner AfSkn7 re-sulted in an increased susceptibility of these mutants to H2O2

but did not alter their virulence in a neutropenic model of IA(72, 76, 106). The Afyap1 mutant was killed to the same extentas the wild type by neutrophils in vitro and was unaffected bythe addition of glutathione (a broad inhibitor of reactive oxy-gen and nitrogen intermediates) (76). Following challenge withH2O2, the Afyap1 mutant also demonstrated reduced catalaseactivity compared to that of the wild type (76). These obser-vations suggested that defense against ROS was not importantfor pathogenesis. However, it is also possible that the catalaseactivities are sufficient or higher during incubation with neu-trophils or in vivo than following H2O2 challenge and able toprotect Afyap1 similarly to the wild type. Cat1 activity wasreduced, but not absent, in the Afyap1 mutant. Consideringthat the deletion of both mycelial catalases was found to benecessary for the reduced virulence of A. fumigatus in vivo, thisseems to be a plausible hypothesis (101). Alternatively, otherunidentified ROS scavenging abilities could contribute to oxi-dative defense in the Afyap1 mutant. Another explanation forthe similar virulence attributes of the Afyap1 mutant and thewild-type strain could be the specific immunosuppressionmodel used. In some neutropenic models, the severity of im-munosuppression results in such high susceptibility to A. fu-migatus that minor contributions of fungal components cannotbe established. In general, differences among animal modelsand fungal strains also make it difficult to compare data frommany of these studies, as discussed above for gliotoxin mutants.These concerns are not specific to ROS defense and must beaddressed by studies of A. fumigatus pathogenicity. Overall,ROS play a significant role in the host response to A. fumiga-


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tus, although the contribution of specific fungal ROS defensesto pathogenicity must be further investigated.

Secondary metabolites. In addition to melanin, toxins rep-resent a class of secondary metabolites that could contribute toA. fumigatus pathogenesis (Fig. 3 and Table 2). The biosynthe-sis of secondary metabolites among the aspergilli is quite di-verse, and it has been hypothesized that the production ofspecific secondary metabolites by A. fumigatus in vivo contrib-utes to its pathogenicity, particularly during hyphal growth.Among the known metabolites, the epipolythiodioxopipera-zine toxin gliotoxin is abundantly produced by A. fumigatus andis the only toxin isolated in vivo from systemic aspergillosis andIA insect and animal models and from sera of patients with IA(112, 163). The biological activity of gliotoxin is based on aninternal disulfide bridge that can bind and inactivate proteinsvia a sulfide:thiol exchange as well as ROS produced by redoxcycling between oxidized and reduced forms of the toxin (61,204, 217, 218).

One study examining the relative production of gliotoxinfrom clinical isolates of several Aspergillus species found thatalmost all A. fumigatus isolates produced gliotoxin (�95%),compared to other species (103). Gliotoxin was also producedat the highest concentrations in A. fumigatus, suggesting a linkbetween gliotoxin production and the pathogenesis of this spe-cies. Studies of gliotoxin function in vitro have identified mul-tiple immunosuppressive activities including an inhibition ofmacrophage phagocytosis, mitogen-activated T-cell prolifera-tion, mast cell activation, and cytotoxic T-cell responses (60,139, 146, 188, 231); suppression of immune cell reconstitutionfollowing sublethal irradiation (198); slowing of ciliary beatfrequency and induction of epithelial cell damage (6); andapoptosis induction in lymphocytes, phagocytes, dendritic cells,liver cells, fibroblasts, and cancer cells (32, 45, 150, 160, 188,195, 215, 216). Previously reported mechanisms of apoptosisinduction include the induction of TNF-mediated cell death,activation of caspase-3 and ROS, inhibition of NF-B activa-tion, and activation of Bak, which in turn activates ROS pro-

duction, mitochondrial pore formation, and cell death (149,154, 236). Gliotoxin has also been shown to inhibit antigenpresentation by monocytes and dendritic cells to effector Tcells, limiting the subsequent expansion of an antigen-specificadaptive response. Furthermore, gliotoxin may prevent theformation of the NADPH oxidase complex in neutrophils (209,232). Together, these studies reveal the broad nature of glio-toxin immunosuppression by preventing cellular effector func-tions or inducing cellular apoptosis.

The contribution of gliotoxin in vivo was first characterizedby using mutants of two genes involved in gliotoxin biosynthe-sis, the transcriptional regulator gliZ and the nonribosomalpeptide synthetase gliP. Mutants of either gene were found tobe deficient in gliotoxin production (25, 47, 103, 186, 197). Ina neutropenic murine model of IA, both gliZ and gliP mutantswere found to be as virulent as wild-type strains despite show-ing reduced cytotoxicity or cellular inhibitory activity of culturefiltrates (25, 47, 102). However, in cortisone-treated nonneu-tropenic mouse models, a reduced virulence of gliP mutantstrains compared to that of the wild type was observed (186,197). Furthermore, Spikes et al. found reduced neutrophilapoptosis at the site of fungal lesions in gliP mutant strain-infected mice (186). Interestingly, supernatants from a gliZmutant cultured in vitro induced less PMN apoptosis than didsupernatants from a wild-type strain (25). These analyses sug-gest that gliotoxin affects the contribution of neutrophils tohost defense, likely via the induction of neutrophil apoptosis.

Specific roles for other toxins in the pathogenesis of IA havenot been well defined. The deletion of the res gene to createmutants deficient in the ribonucleotoxin restrictocin did nothave an effect on virulence or fungal burden in neutropenicmodels of IA (185). However, culture filtrates of restrictocinmutants were unable to suppress neutrophil-mediated hyphaldamage, in contrast to filtrates from wild-type strains (84).Restrictocin may therefore be important under nonneutro-penic conditions, but this has yet to be determined. It is pos-sible that, as with other fungal components, the contribution of

TABLE 2. A. fumigatus secondary metabolites implicated in pathogenesis


Fungalassociation(s) Potential function in vivo Reference(s)

Gliotoxin Hyphae Induction of host cell apoptosis 25, 32, 45, 150, 160, 188,195, 215, 216

Epithelial cell damage and slowed ciliary beating 6Inhibition of phagocytosis and oxidative burst 60, 209, 232Inhibition of T-cell responses 139, 188, 231

Restrictocin Hyphae Inhibition of neutrophil-mediated hyphal damage 84, 185

Verruculogen Conidia, hyphae Affects transepithelial resistance and induces hyperpolarization,cytoplasmic vacuolization of epithelial cells

29, 96

Fumagillin Hyphae Epithelial cell damage and slowed ciliary beating; angiogenesis inhibitor 5, 6, 43

Helvolic acid Hyphae Epithelial cell damage and slowed ciliary beating 5, 6, 43

Ergot alkaloids Conidia, hyphae Unknown 5, 6, 43

Fumitremorgin Unknown Unknown 124

Afpes1 product Unknown Unknown 164


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individual toxins to pathogenesis may be overlooked. In studiessupporting the role for multiple toxins in virulence, Bok andKeller identified the first global regulator of secondary metab-olite production, laeA (26). The deletion of laeA led to analmost complete loss of secondary metabolite production. Im-paired virulence of the laeA mutant in a neutropenic model ofIA correlated with increased uptake by macrophages and re-duced killing of neutrophils by live hyphae or culture filtrates(24). The deletion of laeA in another pathogenic strain of A.fumigatus also resulted in reduced gliotoxin production andvirulence in a nonneutropenic model of IA (196). Given thatthe laeA, but not the gliZ, mutant showed reduced virulence ina neutropenic animal model, those authors speculated thatother toxins contribute to the pathogenesis of A. fumigatus.Indeed, microarray analysis of cultures grown in vitro revealed13 secondary metabolite cluster loci regulated by laeA, almostall of which (97%) were suppressed under the conditionstested (157). Furthermore, microarray analysis of wild-typeand laeA strains from murine lung following infection revealeda significant overlap in the regulation of genes, in particularsecondary metabolite genes, by laeA compared to in vitro cul-ture (129).

Candidate metabolites that may be involved in LaeA-regu-lated pathogenesis include clavine ergot alkaloids and theproduct of Afpes1 (164). Ergot alkaloids have been detected inconidial extracts of A. fumigatus as well as in broth cultures (44,152, 187). One ergot alkaloid, festuclavine, could interfere withseveral mammalian regulatory systems via the ability to bindserotonin, dopamine, and �-adrenalin receptors (151). Al-though genes regulating the production of clavine ergot alka-loids have been identified for A. fumigatus (152, 211, 212), therole of these metabolites in the pathogenesis of IA has yet tobe explored. AfPes1 is an atypical nonribosomal peptide syn-thetase with homology to nonribosomal peptide synthetasesthat produce siderophores or destruxins (164). However, sinceA. fumigatus produces no known destruxins and Afpes1 expres-sion is regulated differently than siderophores, the gene prod-uct is expected to be a different compound (145, 164). Thedeletion of Afpes1 resulted in altered conidial surface mor-phology, hydrophobicity, and melanin production; an in-creased susceptibility to oxidative stress in vitro and killing byhuman neutrophils; and reduced virulence in a G. mellonellamodel of IA. The similarities between the Afpes1 and laeAmutants suggest a potential role for the Afpes1 metabolite invirulence.

Other LaeA-regulated toxins have been implicated in con-tributing to pathogenicity. Maiya et al. identified a gene clusterresponsible for fumitremorgin biosynthesis in A. fumigatus, yetthose authors could not detect fumitremorgin (or its precur-sors) under reported fumitremorgin-inducing conditions, andthe role of this compound in pathogenesis has not been tested(124). Fumagillin, a potent angiogenesis inhibitor, is a sesqui-terpene implicated in IA (85, 184). This metabolite could alterendothelial cell function associated with hyphal invasion (118).At high concentrations, fumagillin and the metabolite helvolicacid are cilioinhibitory, as mentioned previously (96). Thegenes required for helvolic acid synthesis have recently beenidentified (117), which should assist in genetically exploring therole of this metabolite in IA.


A. fumigatus can disseminate throughout the lung and viathe bloodstream to other organs. Growing hyphae that escapehost defenses may invade the endothelial cell lining of bloodvessels to gain access to the vasculature (Fig. 1). As mentionedpreviously, angioinvasion is commonly associated with neutro-penia, as neutrophils are not available for hyphal killing andthe control of fungal growth. Hyphal invasion occurs from theabluminal side to the luminal side of endothelial cells, inducingendothelial cell activation but little cell damage (90, 91). Dur-ing this process, hyphal fragments can break off into the blood-stream and invade the endothelium at other sites, resulting inhematogenously disseminated disease. Invasion into other or-gans requires hyphal invasion from the luminal side to theabluminal side of endothelia, causing significant damage (90).In either case, angioinvasion results in thrombosis and infarc-tion, creating an area of necrotic tissue that is well suited tofungal growth. To date, fungal products that contribute directlyto the specific manipulation of endothelial cells are not welldefined, although as noted above, angiogenesis-inhibitoryproperties associated with fumigillin render this metabolite asuspect. Live conidia induce more endothelial cell damagethan do heat-killed conidia, suggesting the involvement of asecreted compound, whereas damage induced by germ tubes isindependent of viability, implicating a fungal cell wall compo-nent (90). In contrast, hyphae induce greater endothelial cellactivation than conidia, and endothelial cell activation may beindependent of secondary metabolites (90, 91).


Aspergillus fumigatus is the most common etiological agentof human aspergillosis. Profoundly immunocompromised pa-tients, particularly those with hematological malignancies orwho have undergone transplantation, are at risk for the mostsevere of Aspergillus-caused infections, IA. Despite the breadthof studies of Aspergillus pathogenesis, there are few well-de-fined factors that contribute to A. fumigatus-related IA. Per-haps most important are the basic biological characteristics ofthis species. Small, easily airborne conidia access the lowerrespiratory tract, and A. fumigatus grows well at 37°C, withgermination rates exceeding those of other species. In additionto these traits, A. fumigatus adapts to environmental conditionsimposed within the mammalian lung. In immunosuppressedindividuals at risk for IA, conidia colonize injured lung tissueor lung epithelia, evade macrophage killing, and degrade sur-rounding tissue to obtain or synthesize nutrients necessary forgrowth. Depending on the underlying host immune status, A.fumigatus may grow uncontrolled and disseminate (neutrope-nia) or be controlled by neutrophils and result in excessiveinflammation (steroid-induced immunosuppression). Thepathogenesis of A. fumigatus is multifactorial, and it is likelythat many of the fungal attributes described in this reviewcontribute to the prevalence of this particular species in IA.Mutant characterization and global analyses in response toconditions encountered in vivo have provided significant in-sight into the overall pathogenesis of A. fumigatus. In combi-nation with these methods, cross-species comparisons and in-corporation of host responses to Aspergillus infection could


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yield further insight into the complexity of A. fumigatus patho-genesis during IA.


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Taylor Dagenais graduated from the Uni-versity of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign, witha B.S. in Biochemistry in 2002. In 2007, sheobtained her Ph.D. from the University ofWisconsin, Madison, following characteriza-tion of antigen-presenting cells during Afri-can trypanosomiasis. Currently in her thirdyear as a postdoctoral fellow at the Univer-sity of Wisconsin, Madison, her research in-terests are focused on the interactions ofaspergilli with phagocytic cells of the im-mune system.

Nancy P. Keller is a professor in the Depart-ment of Medical Microbiology and Immu-nology and the Department of Bacteriologyat University of Wisconsin, Madison. Herinterest in fungal secondary metabolismdates back to her days in the Peace Corps inLesotho (Africa), from first-hand knowl-edge of molded and toxic food supplies. Hercurrent interests range from elucidation ofvirulence traits of human and plant patho-gens to genome mining for fungal naturalproducts. She received her Ph.D. from the Department of Plant Pa-thology at Cornell University in 1990 and was then employed as apostdoctoral research scientist with the USDA, followed by employ-ment as an Assistant and Associate Professor in the Plant PathologyDepartment at Texas A&M University before moving to the PlantPathology Department at University of Wisconsin.


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