Pastoral Staff Sacraments and Ministries - · 8th Grade “A” Honor Roll: Lilliana...


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Pastoral Staff Pastor Rev. Denis Condon Associate Pastor Rev. Henry Kricek Pastor Emeritus Rev. John Hergenrother Deacon Mr. Kevin Reynolds School Principal Ms. Kelly Zawisza Religious Education Coordinator Ms. Anne Watylyk Youth Minister Mrs. Karyn Miller Business Manager Ms. Lynn Waterloo Music Director Mr. Jim Harrold, 201-755-7716 Secretary/Bulletin Editor Ms. Maureen Johnson, 352-7388 Spiritual Companion Mrs. Jane Kucera, 579-1785 Parish Council Chair Mr. Steve Swanson, 485-7365 Rectory 1144 Harrison Ave., 352-7388 FAX 352-0714 School 1125 Harrison, LaGrange Park, 352-2202 Religious Education 482-8814 Weekend Mass Schedule Saturday Evening: 5:00 p.m.; Sunday: 7:30, 9:30, 11:00 a.m. Weekday Masses Monday through Friday at 8:30 a.m.

Sacraments and Ministries Reconciliation/Confessions Saturdays 4:00—4:30 p.m. or on request. Baptisms Second Sunday: 12:30 p.m. A baptismal class is necessary prior to scheduling a Baptism. Marriage Contact the rectory six months prior to wedding. Home Communion Visits Deacon Kevin Reynolds, 352-7388 Parish Nurses, 352-4322 Hours as posted in church. New Parishioners Register at the rectory. Website E-mail Bulletin Deadline Monday at 10:00 a.m. Traveling? Call 1-410-676-6000 or Second Sunday of Advent

December 8, 2013

10 Avidita Circle glowed with Christmas lights. It was the fifth of nine circles making up the newest subdivision. Other inhabitants of this cul-de-sac had decorated for the holidays, but #10 outshined them all. The family had style and a decorator’s touch. Most people in the cul-de-sac presumed it was Ann, but some though her husband Loren was actually the designer. The Muchmores set the standard in more than Christmas décor for they had a lifestyle all the others tried to emulate. Loren and Ann along with their kids Kyle, Ginny and Timmy were the totally modern

family. Everyone had a smart phone; Loren and Ann favored the Surface 2 for life on line while the kids preferred the pads; there was a TV in every room and the latest 50” model in the family room. Both the BMW and the SUV racked up miles ushering the kids to every conceivable sport as well as dance for Ginny, band practice for Kyle and guitar lessons for Timmy. Their Crate & Pottery Barn home displayed the best in home décor and their clothes were of the latest fashion, but definitely not from TJ Max. They certainly were the trend setters of Avidita Circle. Loren and Ann didn’t seem to notice how time consuming their life style had become. They were so caught up in getting things and going places they were hardly ever in any one spot for long, except to sleep. The kids’ schedules kept everyone hopping. They were a very busy family. This year Uncle Edgar was going to be spending two weeks with them at Christmas time. In talking with the neighbors just before Thanksgiving they heard their neighbors say how they invited an aging relative who had no place to for Christmas to join them. This reminded the Muchmores of Uncle Edgar and, while it took them a while to track down dear old Uncle Edgar, once they found him they insisted he join them for the holidays. In typical fashion Uncle Edgar was fetched from the airport and deposited in the Muchmore residence while Loren and Ann scurried about picking up the kids from their various sports practices. Uncle Edgar was tall and thin with grey-white hair and wore a crumpled old fedora. The glasses perched on the end of his nose were definitely from another era. Uncle Edgar quietly settled into his room and spent the rest of the afternoon studying the house and looking out over the neighborhood. He drank it all in and, with furrowed brow, pondered what he saw. When the Muchmore clan returned home, Uncle Edgar went downstairs and sat at the kitchen table. The entire family rushed about hastily getting dinner on the table so it could be over with before the evening’s activities kicked in. Uncle Edgar sat as a calm eye in the midst of a swirling hurricane. On the third night during dinner Uncle Edgar asked, “What’s everyone want for Christmas?” The table exploded in a cacophony of “gotta have” items. “But what does your soul want for Christmas?” asked the gray haired man. Silence. Then puzzled looks shot around the table as the Muchmores tried to come to grips with this odd question. “My soul?” asked Ginny her eyes blank with incomprehension. “What’s my soul got do with it?” “Ah,” said the wise old man, “your soul is what Christmas is all about, isn’t it? You see, once many years ago in a far off land a priest named Zachariah went into the Temple to offer incense and ran into the Angel Gabriel standing right there by the side of the altar.” Uncle Edgar proceeded to tell once again the tale of God’s imagination. The three kids sat wrapped up in the story, forgetting all about that night’s schedule. Loren broke in, “That’s all very nice, Uncle Edgar, but we’ve got to get Timmy to his game, Ginny to rehearsal and Kyle to practice. We need to get going; we’ve a lot to do!” “What good’s a lamp if the electricity doesn’t get to the bulb,” responded Uncle Edgar, “or a computer in a black out? Without soul there’s no stories, no imagination, no songs. The soul glows like a light bulb only when connected to its energy source – divine imagination.” “Loren! The game!” barked Ann. The room burst into frenzied activity as dishes were rushed to the sink and the table cleared off. The family charged the door snatching coats on the way out. As the front door slammed with a jarring crash, Uncle Edgar sighed. [To be continued next week] Father Denis

December 8, 2013 Page 2

School Families Support To Teach Who Christ Is Campaign School families are fiercely supporting To Teach Who Christ Is...the campaign is about education after all! We are working hard to have 100% commitment from our 150 school families in Time, Talent or Treasure. Families are choosing from a list of ways in which they can help further the effort. We will “feed” the St. Louise Panther one “T-bone steak” for every school family that commits to the campaign. Visit our Panther in front of the main school entrance to see our progress!

ST. LOUISE STUDENT HONOR ROLL Congratulations to the St. Louise students on this trimester’s Honor Roll: 5th Grade “A” Honor Roll: Maura Dransoff, Katarina Kutlesa, Kathleen Keen “B” Honor Roll: Gabriella Gonzalez, Daniel Sablich 6th Grade “B” Honor Roll: Franco Garcia, Matthew Hanson, Analise Lattyak, Paige Nehmzow, Julee Paradee, Sebastian Ramirez, Tyler Swanson, Alex Thomas 7th Grade “A” Honor Roll: Neha Immaneni, “B” Honor Roll: Kiley Blatt, Lauren Dunn, David Keen, Braden Schneider 8th Grade “A” Honor Roll: Lilliana Dziagwa, Suzana Jukic “B” Honor Roll: Maria Giampietro, Luke Graham, Kyle Hanus, Gerald Hopkins, Lidija Kutlesa, John Panek, Alyssa Rodriguez, Gabriella Watylyk, Laura Yarka P.A.W. Award Recipients: The SLM P.A.W. Award (Positive Action in our World) is presented to the student who consistently shows Christian attitude and behavior towards teachers, staff and students in the school community and throughout the school day. They act as a positive example and role model, demonstrating a willingness to be of service to others and put Catholic values into action. Congratulations to our recipients!

Varsha Immaneni-Super Kids Mary Hopkins-Challengers

Julee Paradee-6th Grade, Neha Immaneni-7th Grade.

December 8, 2013 Page 3

Monday, December 9 6:00 p.m. Play Practice-PC/M 6:30 p.m. Troop Mtg.-C Tuesday, December 10 2:30 p.m. Girl Scouts-M 5:00 p.m. Sports-PC 7:00 p.m. Cub Scouts-M Wednesday, December 11 2:30 p.m. Girl Scouts-M 2:30 p.m. Advent Activity-C 5:00 p.m. Sports-PC 7:00 p.m. Adoration-CH 7:00 p.m. Faith Group-M 7:00 p.m. Spirit & Truth-R 5:30 & 6:45 p.m. Religious Ed Thursday, December 12 2:45 p.m. Daisies-M 4:00 p.m. SPRED-R 5:00 p.m. Sports-PC 6:00 p.m. Vincent de Paul-M 7:00 p.m. Cub Scouts-C Friday, December 13 2:45 & 7:45 p.m. Teen Clubs-PC/C 2:45 p.m. Girl Scouts-PC 5:00 p.m. Sports-PC Saturday, December 14 8:00 a.m. Morning Prayer-CH 9:00 a.m. Sports-PC 10:30 a.m. Coffee with Pastor-R 12:15 p.m. Drama Club-M Sunday, December 15 8:00 a.m. Bible Breakfast-M/K 12:30 p.m. Sports-PC 6:00 p.m. Scouts-M 6:00 p.m. BEDS- C 8:00 p.m. Alcoholics Anonymous

ANNUAL CATHOLIC APPEAL It is very important that these pledges be paid so that our parish will reach or exceed our goal. Once the pledge payments received have exceeded our goal, all of the additional funds are returned to our parish. PARISH GOAL $38,750 AMOUNT PLEDGED $47,596 AMOUNT PAID $42,645 BALANCE DUE $4,950

Warm up with hot game of BINGO TODAY- Sunday, December 8 at 2:00 p.m. in the Colonnade Room. Doors open at noon.

raffles, pull-tabs, refreshments $2100 in CASH PRIZES!!

Advent Reconciliation Schedule Prepare your heart and soul for Christmas by receiving the gift of forgiveness. Our Advent Reconciliation service is Thursday, December 19 at 7:00 p.m. There are also confessions on Saturday, December 21 from 3:00 to 4:00 p.m.


St. Louise will celebrate a Christmas Eve Family Mass at 5:30 on December 24. Any grade school children who would like to be a part of this Mass should come to two

rehearsals: Saturday, December 14, and Saturday, December 21, from noon until 1:00 p.m. in church. Children are needed to carry up the gifts, greet people and the door and act out the Gospel. Questions? Contact Karyn Miller or Anne Watylyk.

RESPITE CARE The Friends of the Parish Respite Group are parishioners who have volunteered to give their time for the needs of our St. Louise family. Respite Care: A short-term care that helps a family take a break from the daily routine and stress. Care is provided in the person’s home or a variety of out of home settings. Respite care is an essential part of the overall support that families may need after surgery or in the midst of recovery from an illness. Hospice: Special care designed to provide comfort and support for patients facing a terminal illness as well as attention for their families. Care is provided at home by a hospice organization. Bereavement: The situation you are in when a close friend or family member has passed on. Care is not to fix grief but about the privilege of being a companion and a facilitator to help through the healing process. Assistance can be provided within a 13-month period of a loved one’s passing. More information is available on the church website<http:/> or at the rectory. You can also contact Jill Rock at 708/485-1579 or 312/953-9334.

Gifts are due under the Giving Tree this Sunday, December 8, by noon. Questions-call Anne Szymczak, 630-248-7881.

PRAYER SHAWL MINISTRY Meetings are in the back of church on the second Wednesday of every month from 1:00 to 2:30 p.m. and 7:00 to 8:00 p.m. Join us on Wednesday, December 11.

December 8, 2013 Page 4

HELP WANTED!! We need to fill two important positions at our church. 1. Tom Kraus, head of the Art & Environment group, needs to step down for personal reasons. I’m looking for someone with a designer’s imagination. Our church building is very large and seasonal designs need to fit the space. Whoever takes this position should also be able to think “outside the box,” not being afraid to try new things. Anyone interested should speak to the pastor. 2. We also need someone to run the sacristy. This is an extremely important position and a large job. Presently the pastor is trying to do this job but it is too much. The person taking this position will initially need to inventory all we have in the sacristy and closets, deciding, with the pastor’s help, what to keep and what to discard. Then arrange the closets and drawers as he/she sees fit to store all the necessary materials. They must make sure all the vestments and materials used in our liturgies are kept in the best possible condition. They will also be responsible to keep tabs on supplies (hosts, wine, charcoal, incense, candles, etc.) working with the business manager to make sure we have what we need when we need it. Some of this work may be shared with others. The pastor will work closely with the sacristan at first to help them become familiar with all that is needed and how to approach the job.

THIS MOMENT Dear friends, may no adversity paralyze you. Be afraid neither of the world, nor of the future, nor of your weakness. The Lord has allowed you to live in this moment of history so that, by your faith, his name will continue to resound throughout the world. ~Pope Benedict XVI, “Prayer Vigil with Young People, 8/11

PRO-LIFE ROSARY A pro-life rosary and Chaplet of Divine Mercy will be prayed after the 5:00 p.m. Mass on Saturday, December 14. All are welcome to come and join us!

> Eighth Grade: Teen Club meets on Friday, December 13 from 2:45-4:45, with open gym. > High School: Teen Club meets on Friday, December 13 and 27 from 7:30-10:30, with open gym. > Board Meeting: December 13, 6:30 in the Teen Room. High school students interested in helping plan youth events are welcome. Teen Club Winter Lock-In: Monday, December 30-- Tuesday, December 31. Cost: $10, with a discount for those whose parents volunteer for two hours. Permission forms available from Ms. Miller, in Teen Room, and at rectory. Forms and fee due by Friday, December 27. If ten high school students have not signed up by deadline, the lock-in will be cancelled.

December 8, 2013 Page 5


Dear Brothers and Sisters in Christ, Your parish will soon present the annual

collection for the Retirement Fund for Religious, an opportunity to honor and thank retired Catholic sisters, brothers and religious order priests for their generous service to our Church and our world. Whether we realize it or not, we are all beneficiaries of the tremendous contributions these women and men have made. Through hard work, prayer and sacrifice, they established schools and hospitals, initiated programs to promote social justice and ministered to the neediest among us. I remain grateful for the ways they have given outstanding service to our archdiocese. I realize there are numerous worthy causes in need of assistance and that many individuals and families continue to struggle financially. I ask you simply to offer what you can for the care of women and men who have made such enormous contributions to our Church. Thank you for your support of this appeal. During the Advent season, you and those you love will be in my prayers in a special way; please keep me in yours. Sincerely yours in Christ, Francis Cardinal George, O.M.I. Archbishop of Chicago

ADVENT MORNING PRAYER According to the General Instruction of the Liturgy of the Hours, “public and common prayer by the people of God is rightly considered to be among the primary duties

of the Church. From the very beginning those who were baptized, devoted themselves to the teaching of the apostles and to the community, to the breaking of the bread, and to prayer” (Acts 2:42). On Saturdays, December 14 and 21, at 8:30 a.m., youth and young adults of St. Louise will lead the parish in Advent Morning Prayer. This is a moving celebration of psalms, prayers, and readings based on some of the earliest celebrations of the Church. What a wonderful way to put the craziness of our secular holiday preparations in perspective - come join us!

BIBLE BREAKFAST...Teen Club will host “Bible Breakfast” on Sunday, December 15, following the 9:30 Mass. Come enjoy a continental breakfast while discussing the readings for the Third Sunday of Advent.

December 9-15 Monday, Feastday of the Immaculate Conception 8:30 - Frank Condon, Otto & Mae Weiler Tuesday 8:30 - Petrovic & Mehlin families Wednesday, St. Damasus I 8:30 - Parishioners Thursday, Our Lady of Guadalupe 8:30 - Louis Agresto Friday, St. Lucy 8:30 - Anna Weiler, Frank Minella Saturday 5:00 - Harry Schwass, Mary Bork Sunday 7:30 - Bernice Paitl, Patrick & Della Brennan, Gina Albrecht 9:30 - Timothy Murphy, Eugene Chadwick, Marie Reich 11:00 - Matt Zalac, Bill Purl

Presiders December 14 December 15 Confessions - Fr. Henry 7:30 - Fr. Henry 5:00 - Fr. Henry 9:30 - Fr. Denis 11:00 - Fr. Denis

Readers December 14 December 15 5:00 - S. Swanson 7:30-B. Petek 9:30-M.A. Donlon 11:00-M. Miller/B. Schneider

Eucharistic Ministers December 14 5:00 - J. Chenelle, P.&C. Hammerschmitt, K. Kappmeyer, P. Erickson, T. Jarvis, R. Williams December 15 7:30 - F. Johanek, R. Voss, M. Voss, J. Panek, J. Prorok, E. Wagner, M. Wahlstrom 9:30 - M.&P. Golden, M. & D. Polaski, G. Witkowski, S. Czarnik, D. Juday, R. Jevorutsky, L. Korenchan

11:00 - J. Skowronski, C. Korabik, A. Korabik, R. Kozica, G. Sapp, M. Sapp, S. Buckley, L. Mate, J. Hanson

Altar Servers Mon. - Wed., December 9, 10, 11 8:30 - T. Swanson, G. Watylyk Thurs. - Fri., December 12, 13 8:30 - K. Kutlesa, J. Johnson Sat., December 14 5:00 - C. Sventy, G. Sventy, M. Adams Sun., December 15 7:30 - C. Melone, M. Melone, L. Dziagwa 9:30 - D. Keen, D. Keen, L. Keen 11:00 - E. Graham, L. Graham, Br. Schneider

Altar Women Dec. 11-B. Mangan, Dec. 12-D.Zeleznik, Dec. 13-K.Keen

December 8, 2013 Page 6

WEEKLY OFFERTORY Sunday Collection: 11/12/13 12/01/13 This Year $8,800 $10,000 Last Year $8,100 $13,700 Sunday Collection, Year-to-Date: This Year $206,000 $216,000 Last Year $222,800 $236,500 Year-to-Date Collection Budget: $ 218,000 $228,400 Envelopes Returned: This Year 385 373 Last Year 398 486

Our sympathy to the family of Brian Walther.

Bulletin Holiday Schedule Articles for December 22nd are due by Dec. 11th

Articles for December 29 are due by Dec. 17th Articles for Jan. 5, 2014 are due by Dec. 20.

Copy must be in by 10 a.m. on due date.

No Exceptions To These Dates

The Immaculate Conception

Patroness of the United States

T he doctrine of the Immaculate Conception states that “The Blessed Virgin Mary, in the first instance of her conception, by a singular privilege and grace granted by God, in view of the

merits of Jesus Christ, the Savior of the human race, was preserved exempt from all stain of original sin.” Original sin was not removed from her soul as happens with baptism, but in fact was never even present there to be removed. It was because of the merits of Christ that this was able to occur, because no one can have that debt of original sin removed or excluded without Christ's actions and the grace of God. At Lourdes, France in 1858 – just four years after the dogma was proclaimed – Mary herself confirmed this to St. Bernadette during one of her 18 apparitions, telling Bernadette “I am the Immaculate Conception.”

"...The popularity of this particular representation of The Immaculate Conception has remained the best known artistic depiction of the concept: in a heavenly realm, moments after her creation, the spirit of Mary (in the form of a young woman) looks up in awe at (or bows her head to) God. The moon is under her feet and a halo of twelve stars surround her head, possibly a reference to "a woman clothed with the sun" from Revelation 12:1-2.