Pas Assignment No.2 Learning Style 2011


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    HAND IN DATE 12th

    Dec, 2011



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    Firstly, I would like to take the opportunity to convey our sincerest gratitude to those who

    helped me in completing the Professional Academic Support Skills Assignment. I would

    like to thank God without whose grace project completion was impossible.

    I would like to thank my project supervisor Mr. GEETAINDER HANDA whole heartedly.

    He has guided me throughout the project, which made it possible to complete the project

    successfully on time. Her encouragement gave me the experience and knowledge of

    developing such a large and challenging project.

    I am thankful to the Library staff helps me in providing necessary books of different authors

    for project development and several other platform oriented books on which we had worked

    upon like entrepreneurs.

    At last but not the least I cannot forget to thanks our friends for their important suggestions

    help in editing my work and let us know about our errors and mistakes throughout the




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    This is to certify that I RAMPAL (PTM1101021) has completed the PROFESSIONALACADMIC SUPPORT SKILLS ASSIGNMENT and developed the project named

    LEARNING STYLE and submitted the assignment on December 12, 2011.

    Supervisor signature


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    Executive summary

    Assignment 2 learning style.

    Honey and Mumford model

    VARK model..

    Shannon and Weaver model...

    Self Development Action Plan

    References &bibliography..

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    Executive summary:-

    Learning is the process of our life that whole life we remain

    busy to learn something. It never will be stop in whole life. Learning is a relatively permanentchange in behavior that occurs as a result of a prior experience. A relatively permanent

    change is knowledge or skill produced by experienced. Learning involves two dimensions:

    perception and processing. Human perception refers to the ways people take in new

    information (experience and conceptualizing). Human processing refers to the ways people

    process new information (reflection and action). Four major phases are identified in the

    learning cycle based on these two dimensions.

    So now this assignment is exercise in reflection and learning styles of my journey during

    MBA life. These experiences will help to move forward and move ahead.

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    Assignment 2

    Learning style:-

    I strongly believe that learning styles are important as they define a persons character and

    the way one allows data to be absorbed by his mind. Learning is the process whereby

    knowledge is created through the transformation of experience. We can say that knowledge is

    total combination of experience and transforming it. So learning is process by which we can

    learn everything in our life. I learned more with the help of learning theories. I would like to

    say that Social and Operant are the learning most evident within organizations behavior and

    that classical would be much less of an influence. However on the reflection I was surprised

    to find how many occurrences of classical learning I could find.

    I learned many model like Honey and Mumford model, VARK model, and Kolb learning

    theory, these model and theories are for learning.

    Honey and Mumford model

    I used the model of Honey and Mumford in my group, after doing the survey, the outcome

    was very clear that I am a strong activist and a stronger pragmatist. The self assessment

    questions (SQA) were done to officially test the outcome that we came up with based on

    assumptions. The result of my outcome was quite accurate as the outcome I assumed. But my

    assumption was not totally matching with other members of my team.

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    First of all I applied the Pragmatists; these persons are keen to try out ideas, theories andtechniques to see if they work in practice. They are pragmatic and grow bored with long

    discussions. They seek out solutions with determination, and value new ideas if they have

    practical applications. Theorists are those persons who enjoy collecting and integrating datato form complex but logically sound solutions. They like to analyze, synthesize and think

    things through. Reflectors are those people who like to stand back and ponder experiences,

    postponing conclusions and ruminating over possibilities. They gather information and think

    through the experiences thoroughly. After that, activists are those people who enjoy new

    experiences. They are gregarious, open-minded and enthusiastic. They thrive on challenge

    and new experiences, and strongly prefer immediacy and spontaneity to planning or

    regimentation. Thus for team and group Honey and Mumford model is very important.


    The VARK learning style shows that I have strong preference learning by reading/writing

    followed by visual and kinesthetic learner. Because a visual learner has many right

    characteristics according to Honey and Mumford and also of VARK model. And I was like a

    person who learns better when theories and techniques are put in to practice. I specifically

    prefer to learn from new experiences as well, making me a person who likes to do more

    physical and hands on activities compared to learning new modules through theories. For

    example, teaching and training materials are absorbed faster and effectively when I perform

    them through tutorial or lab activities.

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    Visually- learners do best seeing things. They learn best with diagrams, handouts, Power

    Point presentations, maps, videos, etc. Auditory - learners obviously prefer auditory

    learning, or hearing things. They may have difficulty with written instructions, but they're

    great with learning from lectures, discussions, and audio lessons. Reading/writing - learning

    types like to learn through different methods of reading and writing. They often take in-depthnotes and are very creative. Kinesthetic - learners also called tactile learners, these types like

    to experience learning through doing and body movement. They're very hands-on and are

    natural discovery learners.

    Now with the help of diagram of model, anybody can understand easily that what is written.

    Now we can make diagram of theory for better understand:

    V stands for visual and A stands for auditory

    R stands for read and write and k stands for kinesthetic.

    For VISUAL LEARNER I will prefer:-

    To use colorful posters. To use PowerPoint. To use the Internet. To use video/Television. To use graphics, diagrams, pictures. To use a range of different color pens. Students will produce posters.

    FOR AUDITORY LEARNER, I will prefer:-

    To use my voice to explain things To use a lot of group discussion To use role play activities To tell stories and jokes To use music in the training room To have learners do presentations Verbal revision

    FOR READ AND WRITE LEARNER, I will prefer:-

    To read from workbooks To provide handouts To give written activities to do To write important words on whiteboard To have closed book tests Written tests/exams/quizzes

    FOR KINESTHETIC LEARNER, I will prefer:-

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    Students to experience for themselves To use stories and metaphors To make students do all the work The spend little time behind the desk To use up beat music in the room To demonstrate Open book tests

    Thus, this model is very helpful for making good group. And result of this model shows that

    with the help of this model I can progress definitely and I find that if we are creating ideas

    and implementing those that time the ideas should be practical and also theoretical. Because

    we knows that in any organization if any is working there then he should be learn

    theoretically and also practically and he should be active and pragmatist. Thus I was decided

    that for us new learning style are helpful and VARK model is very important for team and

    group because it never harms in learning of any body.

    Kolb model

    The main purpose of Kolbs experiential learning theory is to make the student self-renewing

    and self-directed; to focus on integrative development where the person is highly developed

    in each of the four learning modes; active, reflective, abstract and concrete.

    Shannon and Weaver model:-

    Now if we are leader of team and group and we have responsibilities of making andlearning team then we can take help of Shannon Weaver model, this model is very

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    important for team learning and other skills improving. It is not certain if this pair of

    researchers had seen the Continuous Loop model, but they were probably at least

    familiar with it. This model was designed to be practical. And we know that loop model

    was just as the Loop model was more academic, the Shannon & Weaver Model is

    more down-to-earth.The basis for this model was a study of telephone conversationsover a very lengthy two year time. In this model main focus is that we should remain

    focus on the machine of the message.

    Shannon and Weaver Model

    Thus the Shannon and Weaver model is very good for learning because in this first of all

    sender have a source of information and by the help of medium like transmitter and phone he

    sends the message and after this process there a noise is creates cause of connecting of

    connection of mental or electronic then receiver receive the message. And if message is not

    clear then an altered confusion will be created where noise was created.

    Leadership: -

    Leadership is the process of influencing a group toward the achievement of goals.






    Receiver phone



    Sender info.

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    Leadership theories: Great man theories assume that the capacity for leadership is inherent

    that great leaders are born not made. These theories often portray great leaders like heroic,

    mythic and destined to rise to leadership when needed. Trait theories assume that people

    inherit certain qualities and traits that make them better suited to leadership. Trait theories

    identify particular personality or behavioral characteristics shared by leaders. And

    Contingency theories focus on the particular variables related to the environment that might

    determine which particular style of leadership is best suited for the situation. The purpose of

    Situational theories, leaders choose the best course of action based upon situational

    variables. Different styles of leadership may be more appropriate for certain types of

    decision-making. Behavioral theories are based upon the belief that great leaders are made,

    not born.

    Self Concept:-

    Self concept is one of the most important ideas in psychological literature. And motivation is

    the psychological feature that arouses an individual to behave in certain manner for

    accomplishing certain pre-defines goals. Perhaps the most important distinction that

    differentiates various conceptualization is whether self-concept is viewed as an overarching,

    global characteristic of the person, or as a set of self-evaluations specific to different domains

    of behavior.

    Self Development Action Plan:-

    During this module I faced many problem and many challenges. First of all when I was starting the

    work in group, I was facing that I was unable to communicate with other. All the members of my

    group were not able to compete with other group. At that time I had no good time table for learning.

    And I was unable to give message to other and I remain unable to get message from another. I had notcommunication skills and at that time I need to analyze all of my weakness. To creating action plans

    for personal development is a crucial step in a persons growth and success in life. Some people

    achieve success by luck but most have to plan and work hard. Having an action plan is important

    because it forces the setting of goals.

    Working hard is good, but it will be more better if we will worked with a plan. Market

    economies thrive on efficiency and dont normally provide much consideration for the fate of

    specific individuals. Some of the most frequent uses of goals and action plans in personal
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    development are in the education. Personal development plan mainly include two faces

    analyzing the strength and weakness.

    Reference and Bibliography:-

    1. Questionare Available on last

    accessed on 5th

    April 2011

    2. Learning style: Available on last accessed on 6

    th april 2011

    3.Kolb Learning style: Available on

    last accessed on 1 st april 2011

    4.Time Management : Available on

    on-time-management/ Last accessed on 2 nd april 2011

    5. vark Model : Available on

    Last accessed on 3 rd april 2011

    6Vark theory Available on last accessed on 3 rd

    april 2011

    7.tuckamns Theory Available on

    accessed on 5 th april 2011

    8. Action Plan Available on

    personal-development-a273330 Last accessed on 6 th april 2011


    Honey, P., & Mumford, A. (1982).Manual of Learning Styles. London: P. Honey.
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