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eNewsthe BCPVPA’s weekly electronic newsletter

October 10, 2014


In this issue … Leadership opportunitiesMental Health SymposiumMediaScanNew in AdminfoGordon Li on fair compensation

The BCPVPA offers Leadership Opportunities listings free of charge.Display ads are available. For rates, email

This study entails the participation in a brief survey (approximately 15 minutes to complete). The survey is intended to gather data to determine what supports exist in relation to the development and training of student leadership capacity specifically at the elementary level. The survey is part of a study conducted by Kerri Faa, an MEd student researcher at Vancouver Island University. This information is gathered anonymously and will form the basis for a thesis that is part of the requirements for a Master in Education program. By participation in this survey, you are giving consent for this information to be gathered and analyzed for themes.

Click to participateor visit

PARTICIPATEIN RESEARCH(elementary principals & vice-principals)

How and why is student leadership development and training offered at the elementary level?

Surrey invites applications for secondary vice-principals in anticipation of fu-ture vacancies. Applications are due by 12 noon, Oct. 15. For information click or visit

Surrey invites applications for District Principal/Human Resources. Success-ful experience as a principal or vice-principal (preference will be given to ap-plicants with secondary school experience) including the staffing of a second-ary school and the evaluation of teacher performance are important assets. You will provide advice with regard to collective agreements and human resources matters relying on your knowledge of and experience with legislation and col-lective agreements. Applications are due by 12 noon, Oct. 21. For information click or visit

Central Okanagan invites applications for principals and vice-principals, elementary, middle and secondary including dual-track (English/French Im-mersion). Anticipated start dates are from January 1 to July 1, 2015. The District is looking for candidates who are committed to continuous growth and learning as described by the Leadership Standards for Principals and Vice-Principals in British Columbia. Applications are due by 4 pm October 24. For information click or visit

North Vancouver invites applications for principals and vice-principals in anticipation of future vacancies. Candidates must have “exceptional organi-zational and leadership experience, and commitment to working as a vital member of an educational leadership team.” Applications are due by 4 pm, Oct. 31. For information click or visit

A BC Offshore School in Japan invites applications for principal. The school will open in April. Email for information.

Leadership opportunities

eNewsthe BCPVPA’s weekly electronic newsletter

October 10, 2014


Call for articles

AdminfoEmail your article to

BCPVPA Mental Health SymposiumOctober 24 • Richmond (Westin Wall Center Hotel)BCPVPA members ($125) and non-members ($150)

The fee includes breakfast and lunch, but GST will be added

Schools as a Setting for Promoting Positive Mental Health will provide partici-pants focus on the comprehensive school health framework, including its attention to the social and physical environment; teaching and learning; partnerships and ser-vices; and healthy school policies and practices.

The Fundamentals for Fostering Resiliency AND Promoting Mental Health (and so much more): School Connectedness and Social Competencies will provide an overview of the latest findings from the province-wide BC Adolescent Health Survey and highlight the important roles of schools and school staff in fostering healthy youth development.

Canadian Self Regulation Initiative is grounded in the work of Dr. Stuart Shanker. We will provide an overview and offer a variety of strategies that a school might sup-port students who need help to return to being calm, focused and ready to learn.

Aboriginal Health Education – Meeting the Needs of the Aboriginal Learner will showcase the creation of the Coquitlam’s Suwa’lkh school to support urban Aboriginal children and youth that need a more intimate learning environment, flexible timetables and ‘out of the box’ instruction.

The Evolution of Connecting Families & Service Providers will share the experience and learning of families whose children have experienced mental health challenges and will share the knowledge to enhance the mental health of children and youth.

Understanding and Managing ADHD/ADD in School will provide information about ADHD/ADD. Evidence-based and practical strategies will be discussed and resources will be provided.

School Connectedness Capacity Building will provide an overview of school connectedness; why it matters to BC educators and school leaders; effective improvement strategies as well as provincial-level school connectedness capacity building efforts.

Plus a panel discussion featuring

Dr. Jana Davidson, Keli Anderson, Jeff Stewart & Paul Irving moderated by Maria LeRose

A great day ahead at the BCPVPA’s

Mental Health SymposiumOctober 24 • Richmond

Westin Wall Hotel

Clickfor sessions & bios

Clickto register

eNewsthe BCPVPA’s weekly electronic newsletter

October 10, 2014


Call for articles

AdminfoClick to email your article

Registration now openEarly bird pricing through October 31

CAP 2015 Annual ConferenceConnecting Leaders: Inspiring Learning

May 11-14, 2015 • Chateau Fairmont Whistler

Preliminary program:


Canadian Education Association/Association canadienne d’éducation is now accepting applications for its Ken Spencer Awards, which are

built around sharing the work of innovative educators who “design teach-ing and learning environments for a post-Google generation of learners.” Seven cash prizes — $7,000, $3,000, and 5 x $1,000 — will be awarded to schools. For details as well as information about last year’s winners visit

Learning post-GoogleCEA’s Ken Spencer Awards

DistruptED Vancouver 2014: It’s Time to Shake Up Education will provide, “individuals and groups with the opportunity to come together over

three days to share stories and ideas” about “what could school look like tomorrow?” Scheduled for October 23-25, speakers include David Helfand, President, Quest University and Sean Nosek, Director of Instruction, Tech-nology and Innovation, West Vancouver. The first day will be held at Thom-as Haney Secondary in Maple Ridge and the last two days of the conference will be held at the Vancouver Convention Center. For more information and to register click or visit

Shaking up educationConference in

Maple Ridge & Vancouver

Nominations are open for The Learning Partnership’s 2015 Canada’s Out-standing Principals’ Program, which honours principals from across Can-

ada who exemplify excellence in public education. The program was cre-ated, in partnership with Rotman School of Management, to strengthen the public education system by developing its leaders and offers principals who have demonstrated outstanding leadership, the opportunity to be recognized nationally as exemplary educators and to experience a five-day Executive Leadership Training program at the Rotman School of Management.

• Nomination forms are here or visit

Nominations openCanada’s Outstanding Principals

eNewsthe BCPVPA’s weekly electronic newsletter

October 10, 2014


BCPVPA MediaScanPrincipals & vice-principals & the BCPVPA in the news

SD73 Principal Darren Coates on collaboration & school-wide initiatives, BBQ, community garden, nutrition program & +

SD22 District Principal Judy Hershman on increasing international enrollment, building language skills & friendships

SD78 Principal Sandy Balascak: alternate sch + seniors = improved performance, self-esteem & community responsibility

Adminfo: SD69 VP Don Bold on @bcpvpa S4L ‘a rare opp for ongoing conversations w/ BC’s p/vps & with different ideas’

SD70 P&VP Stacey Manson & Julie Dawson on self-regulation, ‘from high-needs kids to school-wide, it helps everybody’

SD23 Principal Raquel Steen: student leadership conf & connecting face to face, helping students make a difference

BCPVPA President @PrincipalGLi on relationships, student outcomes, timetables & the semester system @jonmccomb980

Congrats SD20 Principal Wayne Naka, new prez, BC Senior Games: ‘friendly, welcoming, supportive & transformative’

SD79 Principal Larry Mattin: helping students who’ve had a bump in life that has gotten in the way of their education

2500+ Followers1100+ Tweets

Click to join them onTwitter and for short, timelyupdates from the BCPVPA

MediaScan is published in the second eNews of the month. We try to monitor stories of interest,

but if you have been in the news, please forward the story or a link to

Adminfo (click to access all stories) • New and online nowListening, Enabling & Building Student Achievement by Lesley Dyson who interviews BCPVPA Supervision for Learning participants

A Community of Learners’ Spiral of Inquiry by Mary-Lynn Epps about applying a inquiry-based focus in the classroom

Creating Leaderful People: Resilient, Caring, Creative, Connected & Thriving by Christine Marin and Diana Cawood about an all-department professional learning program in Richmond

An Age of Improvement by Sandy Balascak about the impact of including seniors in an Alternate school in Agassiz

Evidence-based, Teacher-delivered Social and Emotional Learning by Kate Evans and Kelly Angelius about a MCFD program that helps educators support their students and build engagement

And columns by BCPVPA President Gordon Li and Executive Director Kit Krieger

eNewsthe BCPVPA’s weekly electronic newsletter

October 10, 2014


BCPVPAEducatoremail networking that builds

on the experience of BCPVPA’s principals and vice-principals email:

Students in grades 4 to 6 are invited to submit an essay by November 10 about what home means to them for a chance to help fund the construc-

tion of a Habitat for Humanity home in Canada. Genworth Canada's Mean-ing of Home Contest, now in its 8th year, has directed nearly $700,000 to Habi-tat for Humanity homebuilding nationwide. The winner receives an iPad, a pizza party for the school and a $60,000 grant, which is directed to a Habitat for Humanity project of the winner’s choice. Five runner ups receive $5,000 grants, an iPod and a pizza party. For more information or to submit an entry visit

Conference chairStudent Voice

Supervision for Learning

Conference Chair Dan Watt, Vice-Principal, Kelly Road Secondary, Prince George has been named Chair of the 2015 Connecting Leaders conference, October 23-24, 2015 in Richmond. The committee will begin its meetings in November and a few committee positions are open. Please complete/return the form here or visit if you are interested.

Student Voice Two openings for participation in Student Voice are available for 2014-15. Zone 7 includes North and West Vancouver, Sunshine Coast, Powell River, and Sea to Sky; Zone 13 includes Central Coast, Haida Gwaii, Prince Rupert, Coast Mountains, and Nisga’a. In addition, a representative is sought from either Coquitlam or Richmond. If you are interested in knowing more about the roles and responsibilities email Don Boyd at

Supervision for Learning (Penticton) Only two spaces remain in this year’s BCPVPA S4L program. If you are interested please complete the application here or visit

Student writing contestsupports

Habitat for Humanity

The Future of the Principalship in Canada The Canadian Association of Principals and the Alberta Teachers’ Association have released The Future of the Principalship in Canada. The study involved 500 principals from across Canada who participated in 40 focus groups. The report provides both provincial and regional analysis highlighting common trends and critical influences effecting educational leadership in schools.

Click or visit for a copy of the report.

BC Retired Teachers’ Association’s Golden Star Awards recognize and reward programs in the BC public school system that have as the salient feature the interaction of students with seniors. Click for information and nomination forms • Nominations close April 15

British Columbia Association of Mathematics Teachers annually recognizes outstanding achievements in mathematics teaching with awards in elementary, secondary and new teacher (less than five years teaching experience) categories. Click for information and nomination forms. • Nominations close May 8

eNewsthe BCPVPA’s weekly electronic newsletter

October 10, 2014


President Gordon Lion salary

inversion & compression

2014 — 2015 Board of Directors

President Gordon Li (Burnaby)


Susan Clough (Surrey)

Darren Danyluk (Rocky Mountain)

David DeRosa (Kootenay-Columbia)

Heidi Grant (Nechako Lakes)

John Horstead (Surrey)

Brett Johnson (Greater Victoria)

Bryan Johnson (Sooke)

Lee Karpenko (Prince George)

Carol-Ann Leidloff (Kootenay Lake)

Brian Leonard (Coquitlam)

Kevin Reimer (Comox Valley)

On the move?If you’ve moved or changed


who will update your records

With the teachers’ contract settled and BCTF members due to receive a 2%

wage increase retroactive to September 1 as well as another 1.25% applied to grid in Janu-ary, our members are understandably asking when they will see an increase to their com-pensation. Although the Association has been working tirelessly, independently and through the Exempt Staff Compensation Working

Group (ECSWG), the wage freeze for exempt staff is still in place. I do not an-ticipate that the freeze will be lifted until the conclusion of negotiations between government and the BC Nurses’ Union. Best guesses suggest that this will be sometime in the first quarter of 2015. At that time we hope that the framework put forward by the ECSWG is adopted: ex-empt staff should receive increases that exceed those given to teachers to reverse the trends of compression and inversion that have developed over the past five years. The Association will continue its advocacy of and de-fense for a fair increase in compensation for exempt staff as we await the lifting of the freeze. Building on previous meetings, we have upcoming appointments with government and partners, where we will once again present our strong, data-driven case for a significant lift to principals’ and vice-principals’ salaries. I will continue to report on developments over the next few months. I welcome your feedback at any time.

Earlier this week I had the opportunity to travel to Peace River South and Peace River North. These Chapter visits, marked by gracious hos-pitality, provided me with numerous opportunities to learn, first hand, about the work of our members in these districts. I travelled past log-ging trucks, pump jacks, and drill sites and this spirit of industry per-meated the schools I visited. School leaders, teachers and staff have engineered flexible, creative, and personal programs to meet the needs of all students in their community. I saw examples of project-based learning from K-12 where entire schools are structured to work in community groups. Elsewhere students were engaged in blended DL programs, apprenticing in the field, and earning dual credits towards various certifications through Northern Lights College. There is a get-ting-it-done attitude as industry, local government, and schools partner to create opportunities for student learning. Northern Opportunities ( is an example of this innovative part-nership and is one that provides flexible personalized learning options for students to transition from secondary schools to post-secondary training, to jobs in the region. This out-of-the-box thinking was also evident in the rural schools I visited as principals and vice-principals

eNewsthe BCPVPA’s weekly electronic newsletter

October 10, 2014


had found creative ways to overcome the challenges of size and distance. The use of technology was prevalent as educators look for new ways to cre-ate community. The paperless classroom and the synchronous delivery of distance learning in elementary grades are excellent examples.

The encouraging number of members who registered over the past week for our Mental Health Symposium is a reflection, I think, of schools resuming their normal patterns and principals and vice-principals being able to plan for upcoming events. October 24 is a provincial pro-d day, and if you are still looking for a dynamic learning event, be sure to see the information on page 3, or click here for presenter/session information and here to register.

Have a great weekend, Gordon

His Holiness the 14th Dalai Lama will be visiting a Canadian school for the first time when he returns to BC in October. On October 21 he will spend the morning at John Oliver Secondary in Vancouver in dialogue with secondary students who represent a cross section of school districts. In this live-steamed event, the students will share the stage with the Dalai Lama and offer a personal story of a transformative time in their live when their hearts were educated in school. The event has been designed for intermediate, middle and secondary classrooms. Click or visit to register.

There is no cost, but registration will ensure you have accessand technical information needed to be an active participant.

An opportunity for BC schools and classrooms

Live-stream with the

Heart-Mind Youth Dialoguewith the Dalai Lama

October 21 9 to 11 am

2015 Horatio Alger Jim Pattison BC ScholarshipsThe Horatio Alger Association of Canada is now accepting applications for the Jim Pattison British Co-

lumbia Scholarship program, which will award $5000 scholarships to 20 grade 12 students. Applica-

tions must be submitted by December 1. Scholarships are awarded to assist students who have: a

commitment to pursue a post-secondary degree; demonstrated integrity and perseverance in overcom-

ing adversity; strength of character; financial need and a good academic record. Eligible students must

be enrolled full time as a grade 12 student in the 2014-15 school year.

For additional information about the program click or visit

Call for articles

AdminfoClick to email your article
