Participant Two




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Participant Two Age: 18

Sex: F

Location: Netherlands

1. From first glance, which piece of work looks more professional and why?

The 3D text piece, the animation looks kinda messy and the 3D text piece looks firm

2. What feeling is being provoked in the 3D text piece? -

3. What are the main colours represented in the 3D text piece and what do they represent?

white: represents a car, pink: represents blooming trees

4. Do the two pieces set a sense of false hope? How can you tell? No they don't

5. What aura do you feel when contrasting the two pieces? -

6. What comes to mind when contrasting the two pieces? They're both really different

7. Are you encouraged to feel a false sensation? If so, how? No I don't

8. How does the colour differentiate the two pieces from one another? The 3D text piece looks a bit darker

than the animation

9. What would you change about the two pieces? 3D text piece: Making the text blend more with the rest of

the picture, Animation: Stopping all those different art styles it kinda gave me a headache.

10. How does the choice of angles used alter the perspective of the two pieces? Make the images seem either

close or far

5 minute break.

11. How do the two pieces instigate you to create something of your own? They both make me want to

create something on their skill level

12. How does the 3D text piece lead your eyes to the main focal point? Using a different style on the text

distinguishing it from everything else catches the eye

13. What subject do you recognize within the two pieces (i.e. political, education, etc) and how does it reflect

on reality? The animation makes me realize about autism in today’s society and how common it can be

14. How is the lighting different between the two pieces? The 3d piece is dark and mysterious whereas the

animation has only one light

15. Do you think the 3D text piece has a good enough message to be shown worldwide, if so why? Nope

16. Who would you recommend the pieces of work to? The 3d piece should be shown to those who enjoy


17. Which piece caught your attention most and why? The 3d piece because it is an image and not long


18. Do you think the animation still has a strong message if watched several times, if so why? Yes because you

will be able to understand the message better and effects used

19. What word could you have used instead of the current word in the 3D text piece? Audi

20. Does the soundtrack to the animation work well with the piece? Why? Yes because it fits in

3D Text Piece.

Snack and Drink Animation.
