Part of - The Rodillian Academy · 2016. 12. 7. · academy. We run a major awards ceremony each...


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Part of

John Smeaton AcademySmeaton Approach,LeedsLS15 8TA0113 831


The Leeds Jewish Free SchoolThe Henry Cohen CampusWentworth AvenueLeeds LS17 7TN0113 269

The Rodillian AcademyLongthorpe LaneLofthouseWakefieldWF3 3PS01924 872

BBGBradford Road,Birkenshaw,West YorkshireBD19 4BE01274 871

The Featherstone AcademyPontefract RoadFeatherstonePontefractWest YorkshireWF7 5AJ01977 722

Southway at The Rodillian Multi Academy TrustLongthorpe LaneWakefieldWF3 3PS01924 872 252

I am delighted to welcome you to The Rodillian Academy, part of the Rodillian Multi Academy Trust.

Our core purpose is to increase the life chances of our young people and I am justifiably proud of our outstanding academic success.

As the flagship school of The Rodillian Multi Academy Trust, we are committed to providing private school opportunities in a modern comprehensive environment. At Rodillian, we believe that traditional values of discipline and respect are sacrosanct. We do not tolerate bullying, defiance or rudeness to staff and this has made for a harmonious and safe learning environment for our young people, and a supportive environment for staff, where they can concentrate their efforts on teaching and their own continuing professional development.

We are an innovative place to learn for young people, with an outstanding staff committed to keeping up to date with the latest in educational ideas, thus ensuring vibrant, purposeful and contemporary lessons.

Our school is committed to safeguarding and promoting the welfare of children.

Lorraine Bradley Head of School

Welcome to

Leadership and management are outstanding. This is as a result of clear

and well-focused leadership by the Head Teacher, senior leaders and the Governing

Body working closely together.

Ofsted Report 2012

Strong and highly effective leadership and management have contributed

to outstanding behaviour and a substantial rise in achievement.

Ofsted Report 2012

Leadership and management areOutstanding

We are an inspiring place to learn, with high aspirations for each of our young people.We aim to secure outstanding examination results for all our young people, providing innovative intervention and mentoring support, to remove any obstacles in their way. Every member of staff is fully committed to working relentlessly to achieve this. Moreover, we motivate our young people, through our academy culture, to aspire to the very best for themselves too. We strive to develop a growth mindset in each of our young people – a belief that intelligence is not fi xed or inherited but can be improved if we learn from our mistakes and continually try hard.

We are a happy and well run organisation, where students feel confi dent to strive and develop. It is anacademy where engaging, stimulating and appropriate learning takes place so that every student can achieve their true potential.

We work closely with home and these partnerships wholeheartedly support the development of our young people into successful and ambitious young adults. That said, we are not complacent and continue to strive to make improvements, big or small, in all facets of academy life, to make our organisation a truly outstanding one.

Aims and Ethos

The “Rodillian Ethos” is underpinned by a traditional approach to behaviour management, innovative curriculum design and excellence in teaching to deliver the best possible outcomes.


Fundamentally, we believe that we have aresponsibility to educate our pupils beyond the national standard, but not at the expensive of enriching their lives. As such, we offer a bespoke curriculum that focuses heavily on the core but engineers time to build character and resilience.

Our Year 7 curriculum includes Resilience, an innovative part of the curriculum, pioneered at Rodillian and now adopted across the Trust, where we challenge our pupils to be the most resilient learners they can be; this includes a compulsory 3 day overnight camp in September. Pupils in Year 7 also choose a three lesson Arts Option to allow them to be immersed in their subject and begin to develop a mastery of it. To follow on from our resilience camp at the beginning of Year 7, all our pupils are invited on a French water sports camp at the end of Year 7. Rodillian also has the highly successful ‘Rise and Read’ strategy to improve Literacy and develop a lifelong love of reading – essential for success as they progress through the academy.

In Year 8 we continue with our mastery curriculum in the arts, with pupils choosing either to continue in their subject or begin something new. Pupils also choose how they will participate in our Applied Resilience Curriculum, where skiing, water sports, climbing, debating, cycling, cake-decorating and mixed martial arts, to name but a few, are all offered. This progresses into Year 9 where we have recently included horse riding, scouts and the Duke of Edinburgh Award. This is also the time when our successful Netball and Rugby academies train. Year 9 pupils also choose two pre-option subjects in which they have the opportunity to be immersed in GCSE study skills, before choosing their options in Year 10.

In Years 10 and 11, pupils focus on the core subjects of English, Maths and Science alongside other options over the two years. These options are completed within one year to ease the burden of pressure in Year 11. In our growing sixth form, we offer as much fl exibility as possible with pupils choosing four subjects for fi ve lessons per week. Pupils in the sixth form also benefi t from a weekly tutorial lesson, focusing on their development into independent adults and supervised study support three lessons per week.

The Positive Discipline system is the foundation of all we do. We teach our young people how to behave enabling them to achieve our high expectations.

Positive Discipline has created a behaviour for learning climate that has allowed us to grow from 210 students per year group to 270, without a capital build programme. This has allowed us to overstaff core curriculum areas, reduce class sizes and invest in staff who can provide quality fi rst teaching. As a result of the climate for learning

created within the academy, our staff retention is excellent as staff remain within The Rodillian Multi Academy Trust.

Behaviour in the academy is excellent. Our judgement was supported by Ofsted when we were awarded an ‘Outstanding’ for behaviour. In short, we are a happy and safe academy, where students feel confi dent to strive and develop.

We have a tiered approach to rewards that sees members of staff telephoning home to recognise the

progress students are making at the academy. We run a major awards ceremony each year where subject areas nominate students for their awards, rewarding both progress and effort, alongside academic excellence and contributions to the wider aspects of academy life. The culture of rewards within the academy develops positive relationships with all students and their families, all culminating in the annual Rewards’ Trips in September.

A calm and ordered learning environment, The Rodillian Academy is housed in a £27 million new building, with state of the art technologies across all departments. All our classrooms have inter-active whiteboards, allowing for greater creativity and participation; we have two Apple

Mac media suites, a dance studio, two gyms, recording studio, lecture theatre and astro-turf pitches. All of these facilities are combined with an ethos where teachers are encouraged to take risks, try new things, all to enable students to be fully engaged, have fun and make outstanding progress.

At the centre of our ethos is a commitment to the development of character, resilience and a growth mindset. We believe that this has been an intrinsic part of the transformation of the academy, both in terms of examination results and the confi dence of our young people.

We promote many aspects of resilience in our students: academic, physical, emotional, cultural and spiritual. Our aim is for students to develop transferable skills which support their achievement in all curriculum areas.

At the centre of our ethos is a

Positive Discipline


Learning Environment

“Students are polite, courteous and treat other people with respect.”

“Expectations of behaviour are high and the school takes a‘zero tolerance’ approach to misbehaviour.”


“The school is highly orderly and the students feel very safe.”

The resilience curriculum revolves around topic work, focused on encouraging and developing the resilience of students. Students refl ect on their strengths and weaknesses and are set individual targets.

Pupil voice from students is extremely positive, with over 90% of students believing they are becoming more resilient at the academy. Parent voice has also been encouraging with many parents noticing changes in their child’s ability to overcome obstacles, which we believe is essential for success in the world.

Part of

John Smeaton AcademySmeaton Approach,LeedsLS15 8TA0113 831


The Leeds Jewish Free SchoolThe Henry Cohen CampusWentworth AvenueLeeds LS17 7TN0113 269

The Rodillian AcademyLongthorpe LaneLofthouseWakefieldWF3 3PS01924 872

BBGBradford Road,Birkenshaw,West YorkshireBD19 4BE01274 871

The Featherstone AcademyPontefract RoadFeatherstonePontefractWest YorkshireWF7 5AJ01977 722

Southway at The Rodillian Multi Academy TrustLongthorpe LaneWakefieldWF3 3PS01924 872 252