Part 7 - Input Signals



System Identification; Technical University of Cluj-Lucian Busoniu

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System IdentificationControl Engineering B.Sc., 3rd yearTechnical University of Cluj-Napoca


Lecturer: Lucian Busoniu

Common input signals Signal properties Characterizing common inputs

Part VII

Input signals

Common input signals Signal properties Characterizing common inputs


Identification methods require inputs that satisfy certain conditions.


Transient analysis requires step or impulse inputs.Correlation analysis preferably works with white-noise input.PEM and IV require “sufficiently informative” inputs – theproperty was left informal in previous material.

Common input signals Signal properties Characterizing common inputs


In this part:

Several new types of input signals are described.These signals are characterized by their properties relevant forsystem identification.

Common input signals Signal properties Characterizing common inputs

Table of contents

1 Common input signals

Step, impulse, sum of sines, white noise

Pseudo-random binary sequence

2 Signal properties

3 Characterization of common input signals

Common input signals Signal properties Characterizing common inputs

Step input

Left: Unit step:

u(k) =

{0 k < 01 k ≥ 0

Right: Step of arbitrary magnitude:

u(k) =

{0 k < 0uss k ≥ 0

Remark: These are discrete-time reformulations of thecontinuous-time variants.

Common input signals Signal properties Characterizing common inputs

Impulse input

In discrete-time, we cannot generate arbitrary approximations of theideal impulse (left), since the signal can only change values at thesampling instants.

Right: Simplest practical realization:

u(k) =


k = 00 otherwise

The continuous-time integral of this signal is still 1.

Common input signals Signal properties Characterizing common inputs

Sum of sines

u(k) =m∑


ajsin(ωjk + ϕj)

aj : amplitudes of the m component sinesωj : frequencies, 0 ≤ ω1 < ω2 < . . . < ωm ≤ πϕj : phases

Common input signals Signal properties Characterizing common inputs

White noise

Recall white noise: different steps uncorrelated.

Common input signals Signal properties Characterizing common inputs

White noise (continued)

In the example figure, values were independently drawn from azero-mean Gaussian distribution:

u(k) ∼ N (0, σ2) =1√


(− x2



Common input signals Signal properties Characterizing common inputs

Table of contents

1 Common input signals

Step, impulse, sum of sines, white noise

Pseudo-random binary sequence

2 Signal properties

3 Characterization of common input signals

Common input signals Signal properties Characterizing common inputs

Pseudo-random binary sequence (PRBS)

A signal that switches between two discrete values, generated with aspecific algorithm.

Interesting because it approximates white noise (explained later).

Common input signals Signal properties Characterizing common inputs

PRBS generator

PRBS can be generated with a linear shift feedback register as in thefigure. All signals and coefficients are binary.

At each discrete step k :

State xi transfers to state xi+1.State x1 is set to the modulo-two addition of states on thefeedback path (if ai = 1 then xi is added, if ai = 0 then it is not).Output u(k) is collected at state xm.

Common input signals Signal properties Characterizing common inputs

Modulo-two addition

Formula/truth table of modulo-two addition:

u1 ⊕ u2 =

0 if u1 = 0, u2 = 01 if u1 = 0, u2 = 11 if u1 = 1, u2 = 00 if u1 = 1, u2 = 1

...also known as XOR (eXclusive OR)

Remark: such a feedback register is easily implemented in hardware.

Common input signals Signal properties Characterizing common inputs

Arbitrary-valued PRBS

To obtain a signal u′(k) taking values a, b instead of 0, 1, shift & scalethe original signal u(k):

u′(k) = a + (b − a)u(k)

Example for a = 0.5, b = 0.8:

Common input signals Signal properties Characterizing common inputs

State space representation

x1(k + 1) = a1x1(k)⊕ a2x2(k)⊕ · · · ⊕ amxm(k)

x2(k + 1) = x1(k)

...xm(k + 1) = xm−1(k)

u(k) = xm(k)

x(k) compactly denotes the state vector of m variables

Common input signals Signal properties Characterizing common inputs

Period of PRBS

The PRBS algorithm is deterministic, so the current state x(k)fully determines the future output

⇒ Period (number of steps until sequence repeats) at most 2m

The identically zero state is undesirable, as the future sequencealways remains 0

⇒ Maximum practical period is P = 2m − 1

A PRBS with period P = 2m − 1 is called maximum-length PRBS.

Such PRBS have interesting characteristics, so they are preferred inpractice.

Common input signals Signal properties Characterizing common inputs

Maximum-length PRBS

The period is determined by the feedback coefficients ai .

The following coefficients must be 1 to achieve maximum length (allothers 0):

m Max period 2m − 1 Coefficients equal to 13 7 a1, a34 15 a1, a45 31 a2, a56 63 a1, a67 127 a1, a78 255 a1, a2, a7, a89 511 a4, a910 1023 a3, a10

Other variants exist, and coefficients for larger m can be found in theliterature.

Common input signals Signal properties Characterizing common inputs

Table of contents

1 Common input signals

2 Signal properties

3 Characterization of common input signals

Common input signals Signal properties Characterizing common inputs

Mean and covariance

Given a random signal u(k), its mean and covariance are defined:

µ = E {u(k)}ru(τ) = E {[u(k + τ)− µ][u(k)− µ]}


Mean and variance of random variablesRelated covariance function ru(τ) in correlation analysis

Common input signals Signal properties Characterizing common inputs

Mean and covariance: deterministic signal

When the signal is deterministic (e.g. PRBS):

µ = limN→∞




ru(τ) = limN→∞



[u(k + τ)− µ][u(k)− µ]

Note: limN→∞1N

∑Nk=1 · is the same as E {·} for a (well-behaved)

random signal.

Generalization to vector signals u(k) ∈ Rnu : interpret the sums elementwise,replace [u(k + τ)− µ][u(k)− µ] by [u(k + τ)− µ][u(k)− µ]>, an nu × numatrix.

Common input signals Signal properties Characterizing common inputs

Correlation analysis

Next: Persistent excitation.

Motivation: We develop an idealized version of correlation analysis.

Finite impulse response (FIR) model:

y(k) =M−1∑j=0

h(j)u(k − j) + v(k)

Common input signals Signal properties Characterizing common inputs

Correlation analysis: Covariance estimation

Assuming u(k), y(k) are zero-mean:

ru(τ) = limN→∞



u(k + τ)u(k)

ryu(τ) = limN→∞



y(k + τ)u(k)

In practice covariances must be estimated from finite datasets, buthere we work with their ideal values.

Common input signals Signal properties Characterizing common inputs

Correlation analysis: Identifying the FIR

Taking M equations to find the FIR parameters, we have:ryu(0)ryu(1)

...ryu(M − 1)


ru(0) ru(1) . . . ru(M − 1)ru(1) ru(0) . . . ru(M − 2) − 1) ru(M − 2) . . . ru(0)



...h(M − 1)

Denote the matrix in the equation by Ru(M), the covariance matrix.

Common input signals Signal properties Characterizing common inputs

Persistent excitation


A signal u(k) is persistently exciting (PE) of order n if Ru(n) ispositive definite.

A matrix A ∈ Rn×n is positive definite if the scalar h>Ah > 0 for anynonzero vector h ∈ Rn. Note that A must be nonsingular.

Examples:[1 00 1

]is positive definite. Denote h =


], then

h>Ah = a2 + b2.[1 22 1

]is not positive definite. Counterexample: h =



h>Ah = −2a2.

Common input signals Signal properties Characterizing common inputs

Role of persistent excitation

Above, an order M of PE ensured that an FIR model of length Mcould be identified.

However, PE plays a role in all parametric system identificationmethods. Recall the requirements for the guarantees of predictionerror and instrumental variable methods:

Assumptions· · ·

2 The input signal u(k) is “sufficiently informative”.· · ·

These assumptions can be precisely stated in terms of a largeenough order of PE. The required order is proportional to the numberof parameters n that must be estimated.

Common input signals Signal properties Characterizing common inputs

Covariance alternatives

When u(k) is not zero-mean, the two definitions:

ru(τ) = limN→∞



u(k + τ)u(k) (7.1)

ru(τ) = limN→∞



[u(k + τ)− µ][u(k)− µ] (7.2)

can lead to different orders of PE (larger by 1 for the first definition).

We will use the first definition when examining PE in the sequel.

Common input signals Signal properties Characterizing common inputs

Table of contents

1 Common input signals

2 Signal properties

3 Characterization of common input signals

Common input signals Signal properties Characterizing common inputs

Step input

Take the more general, non-unit step:

u(k) =

{0 k < 0uss k ≥ 0

Common input signals Signal properties Characterizing common inputs

Step input: Mean and covariance

Mean and covariance:

m = limN→∞



u(k) = uss

ru(τ) = limN→∞



u(k + τ)u(k) = u2ss

Note the signal starts from k = 0, so the summation is modified (unimportantto the final result).

Common input signals Signal properties Characterizing common inputs

Step input: Order of PE

Covariance matrix:

Ru(n) =

ru(0) ru(1) . . . ru(n − 1)ru(1) ru(0) . . . ru(n − 2) − 1) ru(n − 2) . . . ru(0)



ss u2ss . . . u2


ss u2ss . . . u2


u2ss u2

ss . . . u2ss

This matrix has rank 1, so a step input is PE of order 1.

Common input signals Signal properties Characterizing common inputs

Impulse input

Recall discrete-time realization:

u(k) =


k = 00 otherwise

Mean and covariance:

m = limN→∞



u(k) = 0

ru(τ) = limN→∞



u(k + τ)u(k) = 0

⇒ The impulse is not PE of any order.

Common input signals Signal properties Characterizing common inputs

Sum of sines

u(k) =m∑


ajsin(ωjk + ϕj), 0 ≤ ω1 < ω2 < . . . < ωn ≤ π

Mean and covariance:

m =

{a1sin(ϕ1) if ω1 = 00 otherwise

ru(τ) =m−1∑j=1


2cos(ωjτ) +


m sin2 ϕm if ωm = πa2

m2 cos(ωmτ) otherwise

Common input signals Signal properties Characterizing common inputs

Sum of sines (continued)

For the multisine exemplified before, the covariance function is:

A multisine with m components is PE of order n:

n =

2m if ω1 6= 0, ωm 6= π

2m − 1 if ω1 = 0 or ωm = π

2m − 2 if ω1 = 0 and ωm = π

Common input signals Signal properties Characterizing common inputs

White noise: Mean and covariance

Take a zero-mean white noise signal of variance σ2, e.g. drawn froma Gaussian:

u(k) ∼ N (0, σ2) =1√


(− x2



Then, by definition:

µ = 0

ru(τ) =

{σ2 if τ = 00 otherwise

Common input signals Signal properties Characterizing common inputs

White noise: Covariance example

Covariance function of white noise signal exemplified before:

Common input signals Signal properties Characterizing common inputs

White noise: Order of PE

Covariance matrix:

Ru(n) =

ru(0) ru(1) . . . ru(n − 1)ru(1) ru(0) . . . ru(n − 2) − 1) ru(n − 2) . . . ru(0)


σ2 0 . . . 00 σ2 . . . 0...0 0 . . . σ2

= σ2In

where In = the identity matrix, positive definite.

⇒ for any n, Ru(n) positive definite — white noise is PE of any order.

Common input signals Signal properties Characterizing common inputs

PRBS: Mean

Consider a 0, 1-valued, maximum-length PRBS with m bits:P = 2m − 1, a large number.

Then its state x(k) will contain all possible binary values with m digitsexcept 0.

Signal u(k) is the last position of x(k), which takes value 1 a numberof 2m−1 times, and value 0 a number of 2m−1 − 1 times.

⇒ Mean value:

µ =1P


u(k) =1P

2m−1 =(P + 1)/2




2P≈ 2

Common input signals Signal properties Characterizing common inputs

PRBS: Covariance

Consider a zero-mean PRBS, scaled between −a and a:

u′(k) = −a + 2au(k)

Then:µ = −a + 2a(



2P) =

aP≈ 0

ru′(τ) =

{1− 1

P2 ≈ 1 if τ = 0− 1

P −1

P2 ≈ − 1P ≈ 0 otherwise

Common input signals Signal properties Characterizing common inputs

PRBS: Covariance example

Covariance function of the zero-mean PRBS above:

So, PRBS behaves similarly to white noise (similar covariancefunction). This makes it very useful in system identification.

Common input signals Signal properties Characterizing common inputs

PRBS: Order of PE

A maximum-length PRBS is PE of exactly order P, the period(and not larger).
