Part 6: Judaism Slide 1 Session 5: Major Developments ... … · World War (1939-1945) at the time...


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World Religions

Part 6: Judaism

Session 5: Major Developments From World War 1 to the Present

Dirk’s Contact Info

Phone: 603.431.3646 (Bethany Church’s main number) Email: Facebook Page: Pastor Dirk Rodgers

Twitter: @dirk_at_bethany Tumblr:

Dirk’s Web Site: Bethany Church Web Site:

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This Session

1. World War 12. Holocaust3. Restoration of Israel












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Part 6.5: Major Developments From World War I Until Present












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World War 1: Impact on Judaism

Russian Czar accuses Jews of collaborating with the Germans; ~600,000 banished from their homes

~500,000 Jewish people still fought in Russian army; ~100,000 served in the German Army; with heavy casualties

Jews on both sides still maliciously accused of a lack of participation and patriotism

Jews expelled from Pinsk (now in Belarus) by the Germans with their belongings loaded onto carts, on the outskirts of the city, 1917.

Image Source:












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World War 1: Impact on Judaism

Harsh treatment in Russia compelled some Jewish leaders to side with Germany; Hermann Cohen writes “Germanness and Jewishness“[“Deutschtum und Judentum”](1915)

Boshevik revolution in Russia, 1917, and their withdrawl from the conflict further complicated loyalties amid worsening conditions

Image Source: By Unknown -, Public Domain,












Slide 6

World War 1: Impact on Judaism As German and Austrian

policies hardened in occupied territories, Jewish loyalties began to switch to the allies.

The shift encouraged by the Balfour Declaration, 1917

Image Source: By Unknown -, Public Domain,












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World War 1: Impact on Judaism League of Nations

establishes British Mandate, 1922

Image Source:

Gives Zionists hope, but …












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Part 6.5: Major Developments From World War I Until Present

Note: The outline for this section is loosely based on Dr. Henry Abramson, The Holocaust (Essential Lectures in Jewish History, available here: (accessed 4/25/2016)












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Origin: Middle English: from Old French holocauste, via late Latin from Greek holokauston, from holos 'whole' + kaustos 'burnt' (from kaiein 'burn')

1 Destruction or slaughter on a mass scale, especially caused by fire or nuclear war: a nuclear holocaust

1.1 (the Holocaust) The mass murder of Jews under the German Nazi regime during the period 1941-5. More than 6 million European Jews, as well as members of other persecuted groups, were murdered at concentration camps such as Auschwitz.

2 historical A Jewish sacrificial offering which was burnt completely on an altar.













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DefinitionsThe “Shoah”:

Origin: Hebrew: , HaShoah Meaning "the catastrophe"

Jewish mass grave near Zolochiv, west

Ukraine (Nazi occupied USSR). Photo was found

by Soviets at former Gestapo headquarters in

Zolochiv.Image Source and description: By Unknown Gestapo photographer - Declassified Soviet State Archives. This photo was presented during the Nurnberg Process Trial and is part of the Collection of Nurnberg Process Trial. Available online at - link to file: caption reads:Трупысоветских людей после одного из массовых расстрелов близ г. Золочева, сфотографированные гитлеровцами перед закапыванием(Немецкий снимок Обнаружен в гестапо г. Золочева в июле 1944 года) (Из документов Чрезвычайной Государственной Комиссии.), Public Domain,












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Definitions“Final Solution of the Jewish question”

(Die Endlösung der Judenfrage)

Image Source and Description: Reinhard Heydrich - Probably near to (See ).For a more natural photo colouration of original document see:

wannsee/dokumente/luther_einladung_dezember1941_barrierefrei.pdf, Public Domain,

In a February 26, 1942 letter, ReinhardHeydrich follows up on the Wannsee

Conference by asking for administrative assistance in the implementation of the

"Endlösung der Judenfrage" (Final Solution of the Jewish Question).

Nazi policy of deliberate and systematic genocide












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KristallnachtNovember 9-10, 1938

Image Source: Hitler's War Against the Jews (1975) by Lucy Dawidowicz, p. 61., Fair use,

Photograph of the smashed interior of the Berlin


Paramilitary & civilian pogrom against Jews in Germany, Austria, Poland, Russia

Pretext: German diplomat Ernst vom Rath killed by Herschel Grynszpan, a German-born Polish Jew living in Paris

Hundreds of Jews died in the event or as a result of it.

~30,000 arrested and sent to concentration camps

~1000 synagogues and ~7000 businesses damaged or destroyed












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EinsatzgruppenParamilitary death squads of Nazi Germany

Image Source & Description: By Unknown (Sometimes mistakenly attributed to Jerzy Tomaszewski who discovered it.) - Original publication: Zwiazek Bojowników o Wolnosc i Demokracje / League of Fighters for Freedom and Democracy / Union des Combattants pour la Liberté et la Démiocratie / Verband der Kämpfer für Freiheit und Demokratie (1959) 1939-1945. We have not forgotten / Nous n'avons pas oublié / Wir haben es nicht vergessen., Warsaw: Polonia, pp. 267 no ISBN (multilingual book)[3][2]Latest digital copy from, Public Domain,

Executions of Jews by German army mobile killing units (Einsatzgruppen) near IvangorodUkraine. The photo was mailed from the Eastern Front to Germany and intercepted at a Warsaw post office by a member of the Polish resistance collecting documentation on Nazi war crimes. The original print now resides in Historical Archives in Warsaw.












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Image Source and description: By unknown / неизвестно - here / здесь, Public Domain,

Men forced to dig their own

graves by Einsatzgruppe

troops, Šiauliai, July













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Concentration & Extermination Camps

Image Source and description : By unknown / неизвестно - here / здесь, Public Domain,

Map of the Holocaust in Poland during the Second World War (1939-1945) at the time of German occupation of Poland. This map shows all German Nazi extermination camps (or death camps), prominent concentration, labor and prison camps, major prewar Polish cities with ghettos set up by Nazi Germany, major deportation routes and major massacre sites.












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Concentration & Extermination Camps

Approx. number of people killed at each extermination camp

Auschwitz II 1,000,000

Belzec 600,000

Chelmno 320,000

Jasenovac 58–97,000

Majdanek 360,000

Maly Trostinets 65,000

Sobibór 250,000

Treblinka 870,000Adapted from table at












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Concentration & Extermination Camps

Image Source and description : By 60. Sqad. SAAF, Sortie No. 60/PR694 - [dead link], Public Domain,

Photo of the German extermination camp at Birkenau, taken by a United States Army Air Force plane, August 25, 1944 Poland. Crematoria II and III are visible.












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Concentration & Extermination Camps

Image Source and description : By Unknown - USHMM website (, Public Domain,

Jewish children during deportation to the Chełmno

extermination camp

Image Source and description : By Unknown. Several sources believe the photographer to have been Ernst Hoffmann or Bernhard Walter of the SS - YadVashem. The album was donated to Yad Vashem by Lili Jacob, a survivor, who found it in the Mittelbau-Dora concentration camp in 1945., Public Domain,

Carpathian Ruthenian Jews arrive at Auschwitz–Birkenau, May 1944. Without

being registered to the camp system, most were killed in gas chambers hours after













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Never Forget

Image Source:

The New England Holocaust Memorial, Boston, MA












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Part 6.5: Major Developments From World War I Until Present












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Immigration Issues

Jewish demonstration against White Paper in Jerusalem, 1939

Image Source: Matson Photo Service, photographer - This image is available from the United States Library of Congress's

Prints and Photographs division under the digital ID matpc.19611.This tag does not indicate the copyright status of

the attached work. A normal copyright tag is still required. Public Domain,

British “White Paper of 1939”

Response to Arab revolt & demand for independence, 1936 – 1939

Called for Jewish home within Palestinian state w/in 10 years (rejecting a Jewish State and Partitioning options)

Limited Jewish immigration to 75,000 within 5 years

Further immigration policy to be determined by Arab Minority

Restriction of Jewish land purchases












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Immigration Issues

SS Exodus arriving at Haifa port, July 20, 1947

Image Source: self-scanned from collection of uploader, JGHowes - British Admiralty photo, reprinted in Steam Packets

on the Chesapeake by Alexander Crosby Brown (1961), Cambridge, MD: Cornell Maritime Press (LCCN 61-012580),

Public Domain,

Aliyah Bet/Ha'apala Zionist movement to exceed limits

imposed by the White Paper of 1939 (i.e., part B, after part A -Aliyah Aleph)

First phase, to help Jews escape Nazi Germany

Second phase, to help concentration camp survivors and other “Displaced Persons” find homes

British internment camps set up for captured “illegal” immigrants

110,000 est. immigrations












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Immigration Issues

Memorial plaque at the house on Planty 7 in Kielce, Poland

Image SourceHalibutt, Ely1 (The new version) - Own work, CC BY-SA 3.0,

Kielce pogrom, 1946

Public outbreak of violence based on unfounded allegation of child kidnapping against someone living in a Jewish home.

~40 people killed in the violence Created a large wave of Jewish

emigration to Palestine from Poland, ~120,000












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United Nations Partition Plan, 1947

Image Source: U.S. Central Intelligence Agency - Crop and edit of, Scan from “Issues in the

Middle East”, Atlas, U.S. Central Intelligence Agency, 1973., Public Domain,

Plan to divide the British Mandate into two states, while the city of Jerusalem would have an “international” government

Passed the UN, supported by Jewish membership, rejected by Arab leadership

Passed the UN General Assembly but was never acted upon.












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A New State of Israel, 1948

Image Source: Rudi Weissenstein - Israel Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Public Domain,

Arab Higher Committee launches strike in response to the UN Partition Plan; violence begins

British Mandate expires, May, 14, 1948

Jewish Peoples Council immediately proclaimed the establishment of a Jewish state in Eretz Israel, to be known as the State of Israel

US and USSR immediately recognize the new state

Arab League refuses to accept the new state

First Arab – Israeli War begins

David Ben-Gurion proclaiming the Israeli Declaration of Independence in 1948












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The Green Line, 1949

Image Source: Public Domain,


Israel negotiates armistice with Egypt, Lebanon, Jordan and Syria.

Britain recognizes the new state and releases refugees interred at Cyprus

Israel admitted to UN in May, 1949 In December 1949, the UN establishes

United Nations Relief and Works Agency for Palestine Refugees in the Near East (UNRWA) to provide aid to the Palestinian refugees












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Two Important Leaders

Image Source: Fritz Cohen, Public Domain,

David Ben-Gurion1886-1973

First Prime Minister of Israel

Golda Meir1898-1978

Fourth Prime Minister of IsraelImage Source: Marion S. Trikosko, Public Domain,












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Sinai Campaign, 1956

Image Source: Public Domain,


Response to ongoing violence and trade disruptions, especially around the Gulf of Suez.

Israel claims violation of armistice agreement with Egypt, invades the Saini and the Gaza Strip

Israel supported militarily by Britain and France

Cease-fire declared by December; Israel withdraws from the territory gained.

Straits of Tiran re-opened to Israeli shipping












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Six-Day War, 1967

Image Source: User:Ling.Nutderivative work: Rafy -Six_Day_War_Terrritories.png, CC BY-SA 3.0,

June 5-10, 1967 Response to Egyptian forces deploying

troops into the Sinai, along Israeli border

Israel launches preemptive strikes into Sinai.

Nassar pulls Jordon and Syria into the war, and Israel responds by seizing the West Bank and Golan Heights

Israel Expands territory into Sinai, Gaza, West Bank (including East Jerusalem) and Golan Heights












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Yom Kippur War, 1973

Image Source:

72157632588891070, Public Domain,

Response to Egyptian attacks in the Suez Canal, and Jordon’s attack on the Golan Heights

Israel successfully repels the attacks

Negotiates shared occupation of the Suez Canal region

Egyptian military trucks cross a bridge laid over the Suez Canal on October 7, 1973, during the Yom Kippur War/October War












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Camp David Accords, 1978

Image Source: Fitz-Patrick, Bill, photographer - Jimmy Carter Library: Carter White House Photographs Collection, 01/20/1977 -

01/22/1981; Public Domain,

A Framework for Peace in the Middle East

A Framework for the Conclusion of a Peace Treaty between Egypt and Israel

Begin and Sadat share 1978 Nobel Peace Prize

Israel returns Sinai to Egypt in exchange for access to Suez Canal

Celebrating the signing of the Camp David Accords: Menachem Begin, Jimmy Carter, Anwar El Sadat












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PLO Declares State of Palestine, 1988

Image Source: Public Domain,

Declared Nov 15, 1988 PLO claims to be government in

exile Recognized by >195 countries in

the world, not including US Requested UN recognition in

2011, but blocked by US; but did receive non-member observer state status












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Oslo Accords, 1993, 1995

Image Source:

Two Agreements signed: in Washington DC (1993) and Taba, Egypt (1995) between Israel and the PLO

Began with Olsonegotiations: PLO recognizes State of Israel and Israel recognizes PLO as representative of the Palestinian people

Established the Palestinian Authority, given limited self-government over certain areas within Israel

Menachem Begin, Bill Clinton and Yasser Arafat at the Oslo I Accord in Washington DC












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Lebanon War, 2006

Image Source: Masser -, CC BY-SA 2.0,

Precipitated by Hezbollah attack from Lebanon on the Northern Borders of Israel; taking of two Israel soldiers captive

Hezbollah heavily supported by Iran

Cease fire negotiated by UN

Israel agrees to withdraw from Security Zone in Lebanon

UN Peacekeepers deployed

Israel bombs the suspected residence of a Hezbollah leader












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Operation “Cast Lead”, 2008 - 2009

Image Source By Gringer (talk) 14:01, 8 January 2009 (UTC) - SVG version of File:Gaza_Strip_map.png, created using Inkscape v. 0.46. with help from GIMP 2.4.7.:For Country Borders: UN Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs, Gaza-Strip Overview MapFor roads, text, and

population areas, I traced/typed from File:Gaza_Strip_map.pngMinimap made using Israel location map.svg by User:NordNordWestColours in the main map were changed to those in w:Wikipedia:WikiProject_Maps#Map_colors, CC BY-SA 3.0,

Also known as the Gaza War; Dec 2008-Jan 2009 (3 weeks and a day) between Israel and Hamas controlled Gaza

Israel strikes in response to rocket file and allegations of weapons smuggling

Controversial accusations of targeting civilians against both sides

Hostilities renewed in November 2012 in Operations Pillar of Defense in 2012












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Iron Dome Deployed, 2011

Image Source By Israel Defense Forces and Nehemiya Gershoni see also ) -, CC BY-SA 3.0,

A missile from the Israeli Iron Dome, launched during the Operation Pillar of Defense to intercept a missile coming from the Gaza strip.












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Ongoing Terrorist Activities

“Hamas brags of one

stabbing every two days”

First Published: 5/1/2016, 7:04 PM

Image and News Story Source:











