Parish Website: Pentecost ...€¦ · 05/05/2015  · THIS WEEK IN OUR PARISH Mass Times & Mass...


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S t . J a me s Pa ri sh P a r ish W eb sit e: h t t p : //st ja m esp a r ish r c. c om

Pentecost Sunday May 24th, 2015 Year B

Pastoral Staff

FR. JAROSLAW DZIUBA, SDS (Fr. Yarek) Pastor *Appts to be arranged through the parish office FR. DENNIS BHASKAR Associate Pastor DEACON KEN WADDLE Deacon SR. LUCILLE FIELD, S.I.T.G. Religious Education & Youth Ministry Coordinator DEBORAH QUINLAN Senior Administrator MARIA VAN KAMPEN Youth Assistant 403-938-4600 VI LAKE Part-Time Secretary CHRISTINA SPRINKHUYSEN Administrative Assistant Submissions for the bulletin go to: DEADLINE IS THURSDAY 12 NOON

St. James Church

Church address:

338040 – 32nd Street East

Parish Office & Mailing Address: 30 Elma Street West Okotoks, AB T1S 1J7 Phone: 403-938-3122 Fax: 403-938-0524 Email: Office Hours: Monday-Friday 8:30-3:30pm *Closed 12-1:00pm for lunch. *Closed 3rd Friday of the Month Emergencies only (Sacrament of the Sick): Fr. Yarek at 403-613-2680 or Fr. Dennis at 587-432-5792. Please speak clearly and state your name and Phone number

St. Michael’s Church 402 Government Road

(Street address only)

Black Diamond

Schedule for St. Michael’s Church:

Mass Times:

Sun: 9:00am

Wed: 9:00am

Fri: 9:00am

Reconciliation Schedule: After weekday Mass or by Appt.

Solemn Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament

Friday following Mass, 9:30-10:30am

Building and


One Parish

Schedule for St. James Church

Mass Times: Sun: 11:00am & 7:00pm Tues: 7:00pm Thurs 9:00am *10:30am Sat: 9:00am

Reconciliation Schedule: Tuesday after 7:00pm Mass Sunday: 6:30-6:55pm *or by appt.

Solemn Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament *Cancelled*

Tuesday following Mass 7:30-8:30pm


Mass Times &

Mass Intentions


For The Week

Sunday - May 24

9:00am - St. Michael’s Sam Vanier

11:00am - St. James Diane Nickerson

7:00pm - St. James People of the Parish

Coffee Sunday - hosted by The Center for Learning St. James Choir Practice 10-11am, St. James Church First Communion Rehearsal 1-2:30pm, St. James Church

Monday - May 25


St. Michael’s 2nd Sunday Choir Practice 7-8pm, St. Michael’s Church Men’s Prayer Group 7:30-8:30pm, St. James Church, Children’s room. Rivers of Living Water Prayer Group - Talk Pentecost

Tuesday - May 26

7:00pm - St. James

No Adoration Troy Quinlan

Please note: *No Adoration*

Baptism Preparation Class 7:30-9pm, St. James Church Book of the Month Club 7:30-9, St. James Church. Book: A Million Miles in a

Thousand Years: What I Learned While Editing My Life by Donald Miller.

Wednesday - May 27

9:00am - St. Michael’s Yolande Racine

Thursday - May 28

*10:30am* - St. James Pat Dipersio

Please note: Mass time changed to 10:30am, Community to join HTA

School closing Mass. HIS Choir Practice 7:30-10pm, St. James Church Youth Group (Gr 7-9) Meeting 7-9pm, St. James Church. Final meeting for Year

Friday - May 29

9:00am - St. Michael’s Don Chisholm

SJY Wake-a-thon: Youth Group 7-9pm Wake-a-thon begins 9pm Youth guided adoration, 9-10:30pm. All parishioners invited to attend. Perpetual adoration 10:30pm-8:00am, all invited to join us

Saturday - May 30

9:00am - St. James Earl Johansson

SJY Wake-a-thon ends with 9:00am Mass.

* Low Gluten Eucharist is available at every Mass

Upcoming Events and Activities

Let us all keep Fr. Dennis in our prayers as he will be away on a Clergy Retreat from May 25th-29th.

St. James Par ish Page 3

Upcoming Events and Activities

Black Diamond Knights of Columbus will be holding their annual plant sale after mass at St. Michael’s on May 31.

St. James Catholic Women’s League

Our June windup will be held on Wednesday, June 10th at St. James

Church. All women of the parish are invited to attend. The

evening will begin with refreshments at 5:30 pm and a delicious full

course meal, prepared by Pizzaberg, at 6:30pm. The cost is $25.00

each. CWL members are encouraged to bring a friend. For

reservations call Vi at 403-938-2369. Payment can be dropped off

at the parish office. Deadline is Thursday, June 4th.

The Crowning of Mary was a

wonderful celebration!

Prayers were said for all in

attendance and those who could

not join us.

Thank you to all the

parishioners who came out to

make this such a success and

stayed afterwards for cake and

fellowship! Since there were

many requests, we plan to make

this an annual event.

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*Correction: Sunday, May 24, 2015


Student and Parent Rehearsal for First

Communion Liturgy

Sunday, May 31 or June 7, 2015

First Communion Sacramental Mass

*First Communion parents will plan a follow-

up gathering in June

for parents and students.


If your child is seven years old or younger you are required to attend two classes on two consecutive days. The classes are at St. James Church.

Session Four: May 19 and 26, 2015, Tues 7:30-9pm

Session Five: September 16 and 23, 2015, Wed 7-9pm

A baptismal registration form must be handed into the parish office before the start of the session. Baptisms are held on the second Sunday of every month after the 11:00am Mass. If your child is older than seven years and in need of baptism please contact Sr. Lucille at

the parish office 403-938-3122.


Phone the Parish Office at least 6 months before marriage and make an appointment with Fr. Yarek. Marriage preparation sessions are mandatory for those preparing for marriage. Sessions are at St. James Church, Friday 7-9pm and Saturday, 9:00am to

4:00pm on the following dates:

Session Three: October 23 and 24, 2015

Registration fee is $80.00 per couple.

Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults

Registration is ongoing for all those interested in learning more about the Catholic Faith. Inquirers are instructed in the Catholic Faith and introduced to the life of the Church. The sessions are Wednesdays

from 7-9pm at St. James Church. For more information please call

Sr. Lucille at 403-938-3122.




O Holy Spirit, most merciful Comforter: You

proceed from the Father in a manner beyond

our understanding. Come, I beseech You, and

take up you abode in my heart. Purify and

cleanse me from all sin, and sanctify my soul.

Cleanse it from every impurity, water its

dryness, melt its coldness, and save it from

sinful ways. Make me truly humble and

resigned, that I may be pleasing to You, and

that You abide with me forever. Most blessed

Light, most amiable Light, enlighten me. O

rapturous Joy of Paradise, Fount of purest

delight, my God, give yourself to me, and

kindle in my innermost soul the fire of your

love. My Lord, instruct, direct, and defend me

in all things. Give me strength against all

immoderate fears and

against despondency.

Bestow upon me a true faith,

a firm hope, and a sincere

and perfect love. Grant that I

always do your most

gracious will. Amen.

Congratulations to Fr. Yarek who is celebrating his 22nd Anniversary of Ordination to the Priesthood!

He was ordained on May 29, 1993

May God Grant you many Healthy & Happy Years!

Roman Catholic Diocese of Calgary Announcements from the Catholic Pastoral Centre for May 24th 2015. Pentecost


Social Justice Ministry The Diocesan Social Justice Commission is sponsor ing a workshop on May 30, 2015 from 8:30am – 12:30pm at St.

Patrick’s Parish Hall, 1414 Shawnessy Blvd. SW., Calgary. The presenter is Dr. Peter Baltutis who will speak on,

“Living like Christ in Our Day to Day Lives”. Cost is $10.00 which includes breakfast. To register please contact

Caroline at 403-218-5523 or e-mail

In association with the above event the Canadian Catholic Organization for Development & Peace Calgary Diocesan

Council invites you to a shor t Lunch & Learn presentation on their work star ting at 12.30, to be followed by their

AGM. Stay for one or both! To register please contact Doreen Thibeault at Lunch by donation.

Humanitarian Crisis in Nepal: The Canadian Catholic Organization for Development and Peace (CCODP) has

launched an appeal for donations to help in humanitarian emergency in Nepal. See the following links: https://

You may also contribute by sending your cheques through the Office of the Diocese to CCODP - simply mark "Nepal" (to

the address: Catholic Pastoral Centre, 120-17th Ave. SW, Calgary, AB, T2S-2T2).Thank you.

Stewardship Ministry 2015 Western Canadian Catholic Stewardship Conference (WCCSC) - “Stewards – Radiating the Joy of the Gospel.”

will take place at the Calgary Telus Convention Centre, June 12 – 14, 2015. Register online at .

Registration fee is $235.00 per person. With questions, contact or call Eden D’Souza,

Stewardship Coordinator at 403-218-5520.

Office of Liturgy Rites of the RCIA is the topic of this year’s Western Conference for the Catechumenate. June 5 (7-9pm) and June 6

(8:30-4:30), 2015, Saskatoon SK, $99. Contacts: 306-358-2057 |

Life & Family Resource Centre (LFRC) Couples for Christ and LFRC invite you to "Let Me Love You”, a Theology of the Body Conference with Christopher

West on May 29 - 30 at St. Bonaventure Church, 1600 Acadia Dr. SE. Program starts with Mass at 6:00pm on Friday and

on Saturday, with the 9 am Mass to be celebrated by the Most Reverend Frederick Henry, Bishop of Calgary. Main topics:

God, Sex & the Universal Longing. Contact: 403-999-5456 or 403-651-7443 or, for tickets @

$25 +$12.00 for workbook.

Therese Cirner will be presenting ‘5 Facts About Your Feelings’, a Marriage Enrichment event at St. Luke’s Church, 1566

Northmount Drive NW, Sept 25, 6:30 to 9:15 pm – Sept 26, 9:am to 3:00 pm. For more information and registration view:

The Euthanasia Prevention Coalition (EPC) organized a ‘Give us time!’ campaign to urge the government to establish a Royal

Commission and to use the Notwithstanding Clause. Link onto to watch video or for more information; to

be involved in a letter-writing campaign see:


For you or someone you know, Project Rachel is a ministry of reconciliation and healing for those who suffer distress from

a past abortion experience. For more information call our confidential line at 403-218-5506. Or call toll free 1-877-59-

PEACE (1-877-597-3223).

“For Better & For Ever…” Marr iage Preparation, accepts all couples prepar ing for marr iage.

Upcoming Dates: June 1/19-20, Aug 24/Sept11-12. For more upcoming dates, other information and/or registration

contact 403-218-5504 or email

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Ministry Contact Information

Altar Servers Peter Kiranas 587-581-6874

Book Club Sr. Lucille 403-938-3122

Children’s Liturgy Roxanne Bruketa

Couples for Christ Program

Julius Strachan 403-630-5291

Finance Council Jim Hart

Girls T&T Jane Perreault

K of C - St. James Kevin Crawford 403-938-4328

K of C - St. Michael’s Steve Dookie 403-933-5757

Men’s Prayer Group Stefan Schwartz 403-850-2057

Music Ministry Leanne Plamondon 403-982-9876

Parish Pastoral Council

Dave Wilson 403-995-2201

Pastoral Care Ron Nelson 403-995-0089

Prayer Chain Vi Lake

RCIA Cheryl Poulin

Rivers of Living Water Prayer Group

Kim Jakobowski

Sacramental Preparation Sr. Lucille 403-938-3122

St. James’ Boy’s Group for Father’s and Sons

Jason Krueger 403-836-1541

St. James Catholic Women’s League

Pamela Mclean

St. James Moms’ Group Linda Bryson 403-938-7644

St. Vincent de Paul Tara Epp 403-938-0562

St. Vincent de Paul - Black Diamond

John Walsh 403-933-4955

Together in Action Dave Wilson 403-995-2201

Youth Group

Maria van Kampen 403-938-4600


Marriage Preparation Weekends: Catholic Family Service welcomes

engaged couples to a wonderful weekend: June 12-14, Aug. 7- 9, or Sept.

18 -20. For registration/information call CFS at 403-233-2360 or visit our


A LIFELINE FOR MARRIED COUPLES – The Retrouvaille program

called “Help Our Marriage” can help married couples who are

experiencing difficult times! It has even helped separated and divorced

couples seeking reconciliation! The next program begins September 11 –

13, 2015. For more information go to:

or call 403-257-7499 or 403-218-5504.

Ecumenical and Interreligious Affairs Prayer Summit 2015: Mount St. Francis Retreat Centre (941160

Retreat Road, Cochrane) is hosting the 2015 Ecumenical Prayer Summit,

Saturday June 20th, 10am – 4pm. Join other Chr istian leaders in a day

of reflection and prayer. The weekend features Pastors John Hutchinson and

John Lucas Sr., Father Kevin Lynch, OFM, Father Bob Mitchell, OFM, Dr.

Charles Neunkirchen, and Deacon Adrian Martens, with music by Denis

Grady. For more information call 403-932-2012.

Youth Ministry Searching for a family bonding activity this summer? One Rock 2015 offers

the Redwood Meadows Fair Grounds near Bragg Creek as your camping

ground with live music, world class speakers, kids’ activities, free child

care, food trucks and much more. So pack your camping gear or come for a

day, August 14, 15 and 16, 2015!

June 30th is the last date we plan to accept applications

from volunteers. One Rock cannot happen without our dedicated team of

volunteers. We can't wait to work with you to create a fantastic experience

for our guests! Visit

St. Albert the Great Parish, Calgary EMPLOYMENT OPPORTUNITY: St. Alber t the Great Par ish is

hiring a full-time Sacrament Coordinator for the sacraments of Marriage,

Confirmation, First Reconciliation and First Communion. There will be a

support person for this role helping with the clerical work for these

sacraments. St. Albert is a large suburban parish with a growing population

of young families, and we need someone to dedicate themselves to the

formation, education, and renewal of people in these sacraments. For more

information about the position, application details and downloadable

application documents, please visit the Diocese website at http://

The FCJ Christian Life Centre, Calgary Spiritual Direction Training Program (SDTP). In September 2015, a

new session of this two year, part-time certificate program will commence.

More at This is an ecumenical

program meeting on Tuesday evenings and will include three weekend

training sessions. Open to men and women who desire to deepen their own

spiritual formation, and believe that God is calling them to a one-on-one

companioning with people who are seeking a deeper relationship with God

through the integration of life and faith. For an application package please

contact Sr. Ann Marie at or call 403-228-4215 before

May 29, 2015.

take five minutes to feed your faith every day


A “sequence” is part of the Liturgy of the Word, sung before the

gospel on the greatest feasts in the year. However, it seems to

be hardly ever sung anymore. Does it “prolong” the liturgy?

Why not celebrate the gift of God’s Spirit today and discover

yourself embraced by God’s Spirit in one of these thrilling

manifestations: Come, Holy Spirit. Come, father of the poor,

giver of gifts, light of the heart. Greatest comforter, sweet guest

of the soul, sweet consolation. In labor, rest, in heat,

temperance, in tears, solace. Cleanse what is unclean, water

that which is dry, heal that which is wounded. Bend that which

is inflexible, fire that which is chilled, correct what goes astray.

Grant eternal joy. TODAY’S READINGS: Day: Acts 2:1-11; Galatians 5:16-25 or 1

Corinthians 12:3b-7, 12-13; Sequence Veni Sancte Spiritus; John

20:19-23 (63). “He breathed on them and said to them, ‘Receive the

Holy Spirit.’ ”



So many books, so little time

You know the drill: You buy the book, then never read it. It

gathers dust and remorse the longer it sits on the shelf. Your

intentions were sincere, but time always seems short, energy

scarce. It’s much easier to watch television or surf the internet

than to give yourself to the pursuit of learning! The Venerable

Bede made the time: for learning languages, studying scripture,

pouring over histories, and becoming truly wise. Today we

begin a week of reading Sirach, a compilation of acquired

wisdom. Turn off the media and find three wise sayings in

Sirach meant for you. TODAY’S READINGS: Sirach 17:20-24; Mark 10:17-27 (347). “No more

can the dead give praise than those who have never lived.”


Let your life be your sermon

Philip Neri was a popular spiritual advisor and confessor. But

this “saint of Rome” who lived during the Council of Trent also

was criticized by some for allowing laymen to preach and for

using hymns written in the language of the people. History is a

great teacher that in this case reminds us that a saint of the

church recognized the richness of faith within the laity of his

day and encouraged the use of everyday language in the

singing of hymns. Say a prayer of gratitude today for the faith

that is yours alone to preach by the way in which you live. TODAY’S READINGS: Sirach 35:1-12; Mark 10:28-31 (348). “But many

that are first will be last, and the last will be first.”



The original Canterbury tale

Imagine being uprooted from a monastic life and told to march

across medieval Europe to Christianize a far-flung kingdom

with unknown gods. This was the task given to Augustine of

Canterbury, a Benedictine monk who became the first

archbishop of Canterbury and a founder of the English church

in the year 597. We would not be talking about Augustine today

had he listened to the men in his mission who, seeing the task

before them, urged Augustine to turn back and cancel the

undertaking soon after it began. Encouraged by Pope Gregory

the Great, Augustine and the men persevered and succeeded.

If we stay the course through the difficult times, our mission of

faith—large or small—can and will be completed. Hang in

there! TODAY’S READINGS: Sirach 36:1, 4-5a, 10-17; Mark 10:32-45 (349).

“Come to our aid, O God of the universe, look upon us, show us the

light of your mercies.”


Let failings lead you to faith

Many of us find it difficult to ask for help. We would much rather

give than be vulnerable enough to receive. While faith tells us

that God is in charge, we so often forget and live as if we are in

control of our lives. Then something stops us in our tracks: a

disappointment, a diagnosis, a failure, or a death. And in that

moment pride is revealed for the false god that it is and we cry

out, “Master, help me see.” Write a note of gratitude to

someone whose “strength has been revealed in weakness.” TODAY’S READINGS: Sirach 42:15-25; Mark 10:46-52 (350). “Many

rebuked him telling him to be silent. But he kept calling out all the



A prayer for the ages

Shrines, home altars, burial grounds, memorial services—these

are all common ways people honor their ancestors. For

Christians, we have the Litany of Saints, one of the oldest

prayers in Christianity, where we call to mind the holy men and

women in our salvation history. The litany is most often sung at

Easter Vigil Mass and All Saints Day, but many of us also pray

modified litanies each night calling out the names of our own

special circle of saints: God bless Mom, God bless Dad . . . .

Remembering the goodness and faithfulness of living and

departed holy men and women is the first step in paying our

respects. To ensure a lasting legacy, we must follow their

examples of radical love. TODAY’S READINGS: Sirach 44:1, 9-13; Mark 11:11-26 (351). “Now will

I praise those godly men, our ancestors, each in his own time.”


She just keeps showing up

Some people put great faith in the apparitions of Mary—those

times throughout history when the Mother of Jesus has been

reported to appear, speak, and sometimes perform a

miraculous sign. The church officially makes belief in Marian

apparitions a matter of decision, not doctrine. Still, as one

Protestant believer has phrased it, whether you credit these

visions or not, what do you make of the idea that folks

throughout history and around the world keep seeing her? Mary

speaks to our longing for a personal encounter with the sacred.

She had one. We’re all invited to be Christ-bearers. TODAY’S READINGS: Sirach 51:12c-20; Mark 11:27-33 (352). “When I

was young and innocent, I sought wisdom openly in my prayer.”

©2015 by TrueQuest Communications.; 800-942-2811; All rights reserved. Daily email sign-up and App available

online. Noncommercial reprints permitted with the following credit: Reprinted with

permission from Scripture citations from the New American Bible

Revised Edition.

Palio of Calgary - Family Event Palio of Calgary will be celebrated this year on Saturday September 19, 2015. Save the date and mark your calendars for this fun filled family day at the Strathmore Rodeo Grounds. The Event will feature an open air Mass (5pm) with Bishop Henry, the running of the horses, exciting entertainment and children's activities. Check your parish notice boards for information on the event. See and for details.
