PARISH CHURCH - · Although there may be positive aspects to the “Pope Francis...


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Dear Parishioners, 1. The Promises of God When God told Abraham to leave home, God was asking a lot of him. The world was not a global village then. Travel wasn’t easy; there were no planes, taxis, or hotels. Furthermore, leaving home was a decisive break with all the good of home, because going back for a visit was difficult or just out of the question entirely. So leaving home then was a loss that we can’t imagine well anymore, in our era of video calls and texting. Still, when God told Abraham to leave, Abraham went. Why did he go? Presumably because he wanted what God offered him. If Abraham left, God told him, then he would become a great nation, and all the communities of the earth would find blessing in him. That is a fairly stunning reward. So Abraham, who had a great desire for that reward, obeyed God, left what was familiar and beloved to him, and wandered off as a stranger in a strange land. And then notice what happened. Abraham lived a very long time after this promise of God’s and he stayed faithful to God’s commands his whole life. But by the time Abraham died, this is all Abraham had: one son to carry on his posterity under this promise and two grandchildren. By anybody’s estimation, this is a very small family. Certainly, one son and two grandsons is not a great nation. Furthermore, hardly any communities knew Abraham at all, let alone found a blessing in him. The idea that all the communities of the earth would find blessing in Abraham really would have been completely laughable at that time, wouldn’t it? Of course, as we now see it, all Jews, Christians, and Muslims are the Abrahamic peoples. Many great nations are included among the Abrahamic peoples. All of them know Abraham and think that they find blessing in Abraham. And so God’s stunning promise to Abraham has been completely fulfilled. But Abraham did not live to see it. He had to take the fulfilment of God’s promise to him on faith. So maybe Abraham is the father of faith because he was willing to stake his life on a promise whose fulfilment did not come in his lifetime on earth. In this, he is not only the patriarch of the family of faith but also a pat-tern to follow for all those in his family.

Celebrating FAITH, LIFE and LOVE in COMMUNITY.

16th March, 2014 - Year A



2 Halley Street FIVE DOCK 2046

Parish Priest: Fr Greg McGregor

Associate Pastor: Fr Salas Muttathukattil MSFS

Secretary: Elena Di Perna

Presbytery: Monday: Closed Tues - Fri: 8.30am - 3.30pm Closed for lunch 12.30-1.30 pm

Phone: 9713 7960 Fax: 9713 5172



All Hallows’ Catholic Primary School

Principal: Mr Paul Wilson

Phone: 9713 4469 Fax: 9712 5184



Sacramental Life

Eucharist: Saturday - 9.00am & 5.30pm Vigil Sunday - 8.30am Sunday - 10am Children’s Liturgy

Sunday - 6.00pm Youth Mass Monday - 9.00am Tues - Wed - 8.00am Thurs - Fri - 9.00am Lauds (morning prayer) is prayed 20 minutes before morning mass daily. All Welcome.

Italian Mass: No Italian Mass until further notice.

Reconciliation: Saturday 9.30 - 10am & 4.45 - 5.15pm

Anointing: Every 2 months - check bulletin for dates.

Sick Calls: Any time - day/night.

Funeral Masses: In co-operation with Funeral Directors.

2. Caritas Just a reminder Project Compassion boxes and envelopes will be available this weekend in the Church. Please take one home if you would like to donate to Caritas Australia during Lent. The boxes/envelopes will be collected during Holy Week. 3. Parking in front of Garage We please ask parishioner to consider when parking on presbytery grounds so as not to restrict Fr Greg or Fr Salas using their vehicles. Thank you for your consideration 4. Police Checks Eucharistic Ministers who are part of the Nursing Homes roster are reminded it is time to re-register for the police checks . Please see Elena in the office with your 100 points of proof of identification. 5. Altar Servers Fr Salas will be starting another program soon to train altar servers, if any young person who has made their First Communion and would like to be an altar server please contact the parish office for details. 6. Damage to Church As you have noticed there was damage to the Church ceiling due to the heavy rain. This has extensively wet the carpet and damaged the ceiling to the left of the Church. I would ask that as much as possible people stay away from the wet areas. These areas are indicated by the blowers which will be running continuously except for Mass times. The damaged section of the ceiling has been made safe by the builders, we expect a more permanent repair to begin shortly. For your safety please be careful around the damaged areas. Thank you for your patience. God Bless You Fr Greg


Silver Circle

Congratulations to Week 2 winners: 1st No. 16 Maria Megna;

2nd No. 19 Dora Benfatto

Next CWL meeting will be on Monday 17

March in the Parish Hall commencing with a shared lunch at 12pm

Catholic Care The Pregnancy Counselling Support service

provides free ongoing counselling and support to women during their pregnancy acknowledging

this may be a time of stress and difficulty. This is primarily a face to face counselling service

supporting women, their partners and family throughout this critical and vulnerable time and

assisting them to build a safe, healthy and loving place for their child. There are postcards in the pamphlet stand in the gathering space if you

would like further information

Getting Married in the Catholic Church – Frequently Asked Questions

Is a web-based resource prepared by the Australian Catholic Marriage and Family Council for the

Bishops Commission for Pastoral Life. This publication answers all those questions, great and

small, that couples wishing to marry in the Catholic Church need answered. It is not a doctrinal or theolog-

ical statement, but a practical guide to everything a couple would wish to know.

You can find this resource on the website at: & go to the Council “documents”.

Farewell Mass for His

Eminence, Cardinal George Pell Thursday 27 March, 2014 7.30pm (doors open from 7.00) St Mary’s Cathedral, Sydney

Please join us as we farewell His

Eminence, Cardinal George Pell and give thanks for his service as the

Archbishop of Sydney. All are warmly invited.

Experience Primary School Teacher K - 6

Available for Private Tutoring

Maths and English $50/hr

Phone Vanessa Scelzi 0417 006 939


In your love and concern, please pray for:-

Recently Deceased: Biagio Squadrito, Ursula Farrel, Ibar Austreo, Evariste Bankamwabo

Anniversaries: Antonio Querin, Giovanni La Scala, Giuseppe Capizzi, Michael Pellegrino Also for: Michele Mustaca, Eugenio Vuchich, Domenico Triulcio

For the following ill members of our community:- Antonietta Ciaglia, Tomas Laming,

Fr Miah Mc Sweeney, Angela Colantonio, Antonia Merlino, Ida Bova, Amelia Casarotto,

Mirella Mercuri, Alex La Rossa, Norma and Bernie Lloyd, Peter Hankinson, Monica Moschella,

Madelina Michael, Marcello Cheles, Brian Lees.

(Names will remain on list for 1 month unless notified.)



• Hero to Croaan Jews: ‘Nazi’ prelate risked life to

save families

• Abuse vicms should be able to sue Church:

Cardinal Pell

• Ash Wednesday in Rome: breathing new life into

an ancient tradion

• Some heroism required: Bishop Anthony Fisher

discusses the New Evangelisaon

• The links between religious faith and terrorism

• Project Compassion: a flower in the favelas of Sao


• Vista: what’s on in your parish and diocese



Thank you to everyone who has been generous in

there giving. Please keep in mind to only place

items listed in our tubs in the gathering space.

Other items can be placed in the Charity bin at

Top Block or taken to the proper outlets. Below is

the list of items we have been assigned to collect:

Shampoo, Black socks, Conditioner, Bath towels,

Toothbrushes, Toothpaste, Deodorant, Shaving

cream & Pkt Razor Blades.


- 21 March

All Hallows Community Garden - Parish Garden

We invite you to come along to our next working bee on Saturday 12th April, 2.00pm - 4.00pm . It’s a rewarding social event and no experience necessary, just an interest to be involved in the community and an enthusiastic attitude. Working bees only come around once a month for a couple of hours so there are many opportunities to put some time aside to be involved and learn more about the purpose and benefits of the school and parish gardens. Future dates for your diary: Garden Planning Meeting, Wednesday 9th April, 6.30pm - 8.30pm in the Parish Hall. Working Bee, Saturday 12th April, 2.00pm - 4.00pm meet outside the Parish Hall If you would like to be included on our garden roster please contact: Lynne 0405 222 153.



Il Movimento Cattolico del “Rinnovamento

nello Spirito Santo” invita la comunita’Italiana

a prendere parte alla Messa di Guarigione e

Liberazione che sara celebrate Giovedi 20

Marzo alle ore 13pm da Don Patrizio di Pinto

(DallÍtalia) e Pr. Frank Furfaro nella Chesa di St

Joan of Arc, 97 Dalhousie St, Haberfield.

Tutti ben venuti Per informazione telefonare

Albina 9713 8961, Marisa 9745 5191 or Anna

9712 2970

Mount Carmel Retreat Centre

2014 Programme is on the noticeboard for your

information. Day and weekend retreats

Call 8795 3400 or visit website

Recognition of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander

People - Exploring Perspectives

Wednesday 26th March - 7pm

Ashfield Town Hall - Activity Rooms

260 Liverpool Road, Ashfield


Twelve months ago today, Cardinal Jorge Mario Bergoglio, a low profile archbishop of Buenos

Aires, stepped out onto the Loggia of Saint Peter’s Basilica to greet the thousands gathered in

the square as the newly elected bishop of Rome.

Elected just two weeks after the historic resignation of Benedict the XVI, the Argentinian cardi-

nal – taking the name of Francis – became the first pope to hail from the Americas.

Yet Cardinal Bergoglio was not considered “papabile”; 76 years old at the time of his election, the Jesuit prelate

was thought to be too old to be elected pope. “This was where the brave decision of Pope Benedict to resign

was very important because it meant that age didn’t come into it,” said Cardinal Cormac Murphy-O’Connor in an

interview with ZENIT. “For instance, if Pope Francis at some time, in years to come, felt his health wouldn’t do

the job as it were, then he, too, could retire from the job.”

Despite being largely unknown at the time of his election, Pope Francis has received a warm welcome from

Catholics and non-Catholics alike in what many have described as the “Pope Francis effect”.

The benefits of this “Pope Francis Effect,” Cardinal O’Connor explained, is that “it will help bishops to feel ‘freer’

in being evangelical, freer in the public forum to pronounce the values and the truths of the Gospel. And [they]

won’t be afraid to take risks, if they are genuinely for the good of the Gospel.”

“Pope Francis is setting up structures which, I think, if he were to go and die, the actual collegial character which

he’s trying to encourage in the Church here in Rome, but especially in the worldwide Church, will continue.”

The “Effect”

Although there may be positive aspects to the “Pope Francis Effect,” Sean Patrick Lovett, director of Vatican

Radio’s English language program, warns against using the term lightly. “I’m wary of anything that has the word

‘effect’ suffix to it,” he told ZENIT, “because it implies transience. It implies some kind of superficiality, like the

word ‘special’ effects. It’s something which is there, then it’s gone. It’s there to distract your attention, in a sense.

So, I’m wary about applying that term to any papacy, and to any person. And particularly, to this papacy, and to

this person.”

He added: "Certainly, when I look in Saint Peter’s Square during a Sunday Angelus, or a Wednesday general

audience, certainly when I read how the media treats him with such awe and admiration, I’m delighted, I’m

thrilled as a Catholic. My chest swells with pride because he’s my Pope, and when I travel around the world and

people hear where I come from and who I am and they pat me on the back and tell me how ‘cool’ my pope is. Of

course, it makes me feel good.”

However, Lovett explained, much of this “coolness” is centered around superficial aspects of his papacy, such

as the shoes he wears, the car he drives, or where he lives.

“I don’t think that’s what it’s all about," he said. "I think there’s much more substance there that perhaps we’re

missing because some of us are allowing ourselves to become distracted by the effect, and not paying enough

attention to the substance.”


In the twelve months since his election to the papacy, one of the predominant themes of Francis is that of re-

newal. “He now has a very clear profile,” said newly-elected Cardinal Vincent Nichols of Westminster. "He is a

Pope of radical renewal. So he wants at every step to take us back to the roots of our life of faith which is essen-

tially the gift of God, essentially the call to discipleship, to be with Christ, to be in his company day by day, and

the call to be missionary.”

Cardinal Nichols explained that this sense of renewal is largely centered on the dignity of the human person.

“It’s a renewal that he’s looking for, springs of joy, hope and vitality.”

“It doesn’t matter if your face is deformed, or your intellectual ability isn’t of the highest degree or if you have

other physical limitations. He’s saying: ‘No, you’re precious, you have a dignity that comes from God, and an

eternal destiny.’

“So I think it’s those things: it’s radical renewal and it’s invigorating.”

Theology of the Body:

Lenten course at Holy Spirit North Ryde

Date: Wednesday nights from 5 March 2014,

8 sessions.

Time: 7pm - 9pm

Loca�on: Holy Spirit Church, Parish Centre Cafe,

191 Cox's Rd, North Ryde.

Descrip�on: Blessed Pope John Paul's

Theology of the Body: unpacked over several weeks

with Eva Tarchichi, a student of Christopher West.

Cost: Free Event

Transport: Sydney Buses 288 City-Epping route.

Alight at the corner of Cox's Rd & Wicks Rd

Contact: 9888 2569 Holy Spirit Parish Office

OPEN DAYS Domremy College Open Day

Sunday 16 March 2014

11.00 am – 3.00 pm

⇒ Meet the Principal

⇒ Enjoy sumptuous food prepared by our hos-

pitality students

⇒ Guided tours by our students

⇒ Workshops and displays

⇒ Experience dynamic arsc performances

121 First Avenue, Five Dock 9712 2133

St Marys College

March 21, 2014

1.30pm - 2.30pm

2 St Marys Road, Sydney

Ph: 9235 0500

Please take a brochure home from the pamphlet


Afternoon for couples hoping to conceive:

Saturday 12 April 2-5pm

Married couples who are hoping for children,

struggling to conceive, or who wish to better

understand what the church offers and promotes

in regards fertility awareness and assistance are

invited to an afternoon of information and

discussion. Catholic Adult Education Centre, 3

Keating St, Lidcombe

Please direct RSVP and inquiries to 9390 5290

Open to the Public

Hospitality Suppliers

192 Marion St Leichhardt NSW 2040

Tel: 9564 6746 Fax: 9564 6424


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Journey with this Lent The Archdiocese of Sydney social networking site is excited to announce the release of the Xt3 Lent Calendar 2014 in partnership with The University of Notre Dame Australia. We invite you to journey with this Lent as we provide daily inspiration through videos, podcasts, re-flections and original artworks depicting Jesus, and the lead up to His Passion. The calendar can be downloaded for Android devices by searching for "Xt3 Lent" in the Google Play store, It is also available as a free app for download on the iPad and iPhone - just search for "Xt3 Lent" in the App store. Please check it out!!

Volunteers needed for Pastoral Care Program Are you a good listener and willing to be ‘present’

with another person through the sorrows and joys

of life?

Our pastoral care program is looking for volunteers to visit on a regular basis, older

persons or people with disabilities from various religious and cultural backgrounds.

If you are interested in a rewarding role and would like to know more, you are welcome to

attend an information session to be held on

Tuesday 1st April at 10.00 am-1.00 pm

(Lewisham) or Saturday 24 May 10.00am -1.00pm (Ryde) Please contact Kate Quinlan on

0439 898 533 or

HARMONY DAY - Friday 28 March, 6:30- 9pm

To celebrate Harmony Day we are showing 6

Colourfest short films. Colourfest is Australia's

Multicultural Film Festival. Experience unique

stories that are part of Australia's past, present

and future. The films will be followed by a

discussion. Refreshments will be provided.

Some transport for locals may be available.

This is a free evening but please RSVP by 21

March to 9719 8102 or

Frank’s Pitstop Motors Specialising in:


Frank & Tony


45 Liverpool Road

Summer Hill NSW 2130

Q. What do you call a cheese that is not yours?

A. Nacho cheese!!

Kid’s Corner

Home catering from $15 per head Weddings - Christenings - Birthdays - Corporate & Social Functions Telephone 9713 7520 120 Great North Road, Five Dock

John Biazzo

M: 0419 238 809

F: 02 9712 3750

T: 02 9713 5676


Residen�al Builder

New Homes




Course Calender is on our noticeboard, along with

Course Handbook on pamphlet stand.

Please feel free to look over or visit the website or call 9646 9010 for

more details

Taize retreat – ‘Wellspring of Hope’ April 11-13 weekend retreat

Preparing for Easter with prayer and the music of Taize. Trisha Watts

Cost: $250 Where: Mt Carmel Retreat Centre, 247 St Andrews Road, Varroville

Enquiries: 02 8795 3400

Day of the Unborn Child – Sunday, 23 March All are warmly invited to attend the celebration of the Day of the Unborn Child on Sunday, 23 March, beginning with 10.30 am Mass at St Mary’s Cathedral, Sydney. Following the Angelus at 12 noon, a procession will be led through the CBD by the Maronite Bishop in Australia, Bishop Antoine-Charbel Tarabay. Afternoon tea will follow in the Cathedral College Hall. Celebrated in many countries on the Sunday closest to the Feast of the Annunciation, the Day of the Unborn Child is a wonderful opportunity to pray for the unborn and for a greater cherishing of the beauty and preciousness of human life. Further information available at or telephone 9519 9111.

The wisdom of the Blessed:

John XXII and John Paul II

A preparation for the their canonization on the

2nd Sunday of Easter. Date: April 4 – 6

Fr Gabriel Maliakkal OCD and Sr Nory Ordiz CM

Where: Mt Carmel Retreat Centre,

247 St Andrews Road, Varroville

Cost: $220

Enquiries: 02 8795 3400,


Inner Wheel Club - Balmain Group

1st Tuesday of month 6.30pm - 9pm in Hall

St Vincent de Paul Society Meetings held each 2nd & 4th Tuesday of the month at 6.30pm in the meeting room

connected to the garage.

Catholic Women’s League Five Dock 3rd Monday of month 12.00pm in Parish Hall

Choir Practice

All welcome to choir practice in the Church 7.30 pm every Monday. Ring Maria on 9713 7310

Italian Choir Group

Tuesday -12.30 pm in the Church

Italian Prayer Group Tuesday - 1 pm in Parish Hall

Messa Italiana ogni ultimo martedi del mese Enquiries: M. Mureddu 9712 2394


9.30am -11.30am in Parish Hall (not during school holidays)

Wednesday - Antonella 0417 068 323

Family Mass Choir Practice Wednesday 7.45pm in Church

All welcome!

Italian Prayer Group - Thursday In Chiesa, ogni settimana dopo la messa

delle nove (9). Ogni terzo Giovedi del mese l’intenzione è per il Gruppo di Preghiera di Riparazione

Eucaristica. Siete tutti benvenuti!

Enquiries/Per informazioni: Lucia 9713 1800

Youth Mass Choir Practice Tuesday 7.00 pm in Church

All welcome!

HOME VISITS: L. La Cava, M. Hinds, M. Chesworth, P. Pavan


Visit 20 March - Parkview : no visit

Visit 21 March - Russell Lea: Maria & Veronica


TRANSPORT: Michael, Miranda, Margaret, Sue

PIETY STALL: Veronica/Caitlyn, Sue, Mary R, Elena

ALTAR SOCIETY: Mary Mc, Barbara, Mary V, Bronwyn


NEXT WEEK Sunday 23rd March 2014 - THIRD SUNDAY of LENT

READINGS: Ex 17:3-7; Rom 5:1-2, 5-8: Jn 4:5-42


SUNDAY 8.30am


SUNDAY 6.00pm Youth Mass


C. O’Grady M. Zol M. Fitzpatrick G. Picone

G. Favotto H. Chow R. Salvato G. Giliberti

M. Raymond N. Raymond P. Gambino

Intro & P/F: Max C Ist: Liam A Ps: Kayleigh-Anne 2nd: Chris M


M. Tomasello D. Grippi G. Bonaddio J. Bonaddio V. Radice R. Glover A. Fabro

I. Bova A. Merlino M. Coleman N. Er R. Compantangelo R. Liberatore J. Pappalardo

S. Carbone L. Moliterno F. Mercuri M. Caldareri A. Caldareri A. Roberts E. Ferraro

M. Zol Chris M M. Di Bella A. Di Bella A. Den A. Pavan C. Pollifrone


Group 4 Group 2 Group 2 Group 1

HOME VISITS: J. Pappalardo, J. Pappalardo, M. Coleman, E. Ferraro


Visit 27 March - Parkview : no visit

Visit 28 March - Russell Lea: Mass

COUNTERS: Group 8 TRANSPORT: Maria, Theresa, Muriel, Tony

PIETY STALL: Mary C, Laura

ALTAR SOCIETY: Lorraine F, Lorraine C, Enza F, Vickie


Sunday 16th March 2014 - SECOND SUNDAY of LENT

READINGS: Gen 12:1-4; 2 Tim 1:8-10: Mt 17:1-9


SUNDAY 8.30am


SUNDAY 6.00pm Youth Mass


T. McDonald D. Pettenon F. Hume N. Giunta

M. Chesworth R. O’ Dwyer C. Mylott G. Sutera

M. Angelatos V. Scelzi A. Slyney

Intro & P/F: Melinda S Ist: Michelle S Psalm: Owen M 2nd: Emily C


Z. Di Bella C. Tramonte B. Smyth A. Panuccio T. Coghlan K. Smyth M. Virtu

E. Chesworth M. Chesworth C. Mylott S. Storan L. La Cava M. Hinds M. Piccolo

V. Jacobs D. Squadrito A. McMahon M. Hadjidakis C. Petrucco N. Ancona P. Pavan

A. Kirby E. Di Perna W. Florian S. Roberts N. Lazzaro K. Ommundson L. Parisi


Group 3 Group 1 Group 1 Group 3