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School Handbook


Table of Contents


Page 1Policy InterpretationRelationship with the ChurchMissionPage 2Statement of FaithPage 3Statement of Nondiscrimination About Us Accreditation Page 4Faculty CurriculumPage 5Entry Testing TuitionPage 6 Fees Grading Page 7Daily Schedule Lunch Page 8Homework Field Trips Pictures Page 9Report Cards Safety Preparedness Plan Page 10Attendance Policy Tardies Page 11Defacing Property Bible Memory Page 12Reading Requirements Withdrawal ProceduresPage 13Dress CodePage 14Dress CodePage 15Cell Phones Discipline PolicyPage 16Acceptable Use Policies for TechnologySchool Calendar


All written policies and areas of concern either specifically or not specifically covered in the School Handbook are subject to clarification and/or change

by the school leadership. Policies dealing with appropriate behavior will transcend the school boundaries and apply both in and out of school.


CCA is a ministry of Cornerstone Christian Church and is therefore subject to the church. We will

operate in unison with their beliefs and under their guidance. Final decisions regarding ANY matter

will be at the sole discretion of the pastor and board of trustees.


The mission of Cornerstone Christian Academy is to provide our students with an exceptional

education steeped in Biblical truths. Furthermore, we desire to guide our pupils in a manner so that they develop spiritually, mentally, physically and

socially in a way that will empower them to become devoted followers of Jesus Christ.



We believe the Bible to be the only inspired, infallible, authoritative Word of God. We believe

that there is one God, eternally existent, in the persons of Father, Son and Holy Spirit who created man in His image. We believe in the virgin birth of our Lord Jesus Christ, in His deity, His miracles, and His sacrificial and atoning death. We believe

that He resurrected, ascended into Heaven, is seated at the right hand of the Father, and that He will

return in power and glory to gather His bride, the church. We believe that salvation is the only way

that man can commune with God. We believe both the saved and the lost will be resurrected; the saved

unto the resurrection of life and the lost unto the resurrection of damnation. We believe in the Holy

Spirit, and that it lives in the hearts of the children of God enabling them to live Godly lives. We believe that Christians should grow in grace and knowledge of our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ through regular

church attendance, frequent Bible reading and fellowship with other believers. We believe in the

eternal plan of God and that we are called according to his purpose, not our own. We believe in the God-

given command to be obedient to the Great Commission by proclaiming the Gospel to all




The church and school shall have a racially nondiscriminatory policy and, therefore, shall not

discriminate against members, applicants, students, and others on the basis of race, color, national or

ethnic origin.


In the fall of 2011, Cornerstone Christian Academy opened its doors for the first time. We started with six students and one teacher. That August a journey began with hopes to change the hearts, minds and

lives of the students that attended CCA forever through an individualized, Biblical, mastery based

education. God has equipped and enabled us to guide children in an educational path that glorifies Him. This is the Cornerstone to our existence. To God be all glory for what He has done and what we

know He will continue to do.


CCA is accredited by the Georgia Accrediting Commission. For more information please visit their

website at



All lead teachers at Cornerstone Christian Academy will hold certificates from the state of Georgia or

possess degrees from 4 year colleges, preferably in Education. This is not mandatory for private

Christian schools, but it is something that sets our school apart from others in the area. An education

in the field of expertise and countless hours of experience in the classroom prepare and enable our

teachers to offer our students a better quality education. Our support staff and volunteers are selected with the highest standards to ensure the

best possible learning environment.


Cornerstone Christian Academy uses curriculum materials from Accelerated Christian Education.

A.C.E. is a Biblical, individualized, mastery-based program which leads students through units called Paces. Each PACE will review previously learned

concepts and teaches new material that must be mastered before moving on to the next PACE. Curriculum for grades K-8 is based on 6 core

subjects, Math, English, Literature, Spelling/Vocabulary Building, Social Studies and

Science.Curriculum for grades 9-12 is based on 4 core subjects, Math, English, Social Studies, and

Science. Electives such as Art, Music, Computer,


Foreign Languages, Health and P.E. are offered to enrich the core educational subjects.

Student progress will be tracked continuously to ensure each child is on target with what they are learning. Students will also be required to model understanding for the teacher in various forms of assessment before moving on to the next concept. Students use a computer based records system that

tracks comprehension. The system is setup in game form and is enjoyable for the student.


To determine where your child is in each subject we administer diagnostic testing to accurately place

them on the correct levels. This is the advantage of an individualized curriculum; it caters to the

learning needs of the child and builds on strengths that have already been established. Students will

not be placed above the level where they scored on the diagnostic test. It is not beneficial for the child

and inhibits acquisition of new concepts.


Yearly tuition for one child is $3400. This amount can be paid in full or divided into 10 monthly payments of $340. If more than one child is enrolled a discount will be applied for each

additional child. Tuition is due on the first school day of each month. If accounts are late more than 7


days following the first school day of the month a fee of $25.00 will be added to the outstanding



Registration fee and Supplies $150 Tuition for regular education students $3,400 Tuition for special education students $9,000

Students receiving special education services are subject to additional tuition fees above that of those receiving regular education services due to the supplementary services they require.


1. Students must make at least 80% on each PACE test, or they will be required to repeat the PACE and re-take the test. This process will continue until the student masters the PACE. 2. Grading scaleA – 94-100B – 87-93C – 80-86Inc. – 79 and below3. An "Incomplete” (Inc.) grade is given when requirements have not been met. Students will be given ample time to make up an incomplete grade.



8:00-8:10am Prayer and Pledges8:10-10:00am Academic Time10:00-10:15am Snack10:15-11:00am Electives11:00-12:00pm Academic Time12:00-12:30pm Lunch12:30-1:00pm Recess1:00-2:00pm Academic Time2:00-2:45pm Electives3:00pm Dismissal


At this time we will not offer lunch services. Students should bring their snacks and lunch daily. There is a refrigerator available for student use. If your child will be using the refrigerator be sure to

label ALL items with their name. The same goes for snack items. The refrigerator will be emptied on a weekly basis. Please send disposable items such as juice boxes or pouches. NO 2 LITER or ENERGY

DRINKS (including Kickstart) are allowed. Any dishes that are brought by students will be taken

home for cleaning on a daily basis. No dishes will be stored or washed at school for any reason.

We encourage you to send BALANCED and NUTRITIOUS snacks and lunches for your child.

Studies have proven that food has a direct impact on behaviors and learning and to provide balanced meals gives your student a step forward in their



We believe that students have sufficient time to complete their required work at school. Therefore, we will not issue homework unless there are special



Local trips will be taken as often as weekly.Upon occasion, and at the discretion of the

administration, all students will have an opportunity to participate in local field trips upon completion of

their goals. However, the administration does reserve the right to withhold this privilege if a

student has not shown themselves deserving of such an occasion.

Out of town trips will be taken once each semester.The same rules apply as above stated. Any funds

required for out of town trips will be collected before departure.


School pictures will be taken in the fall and spring by a professional photographer selected by the school. Pictures will be available to purchase. If you have

multiple children and wish to have them photographed together this is an option. Pictures

will be paid for before they are received.



Report cards are issued every nine weeks. These reports should be signed by the parent and returned to school THE FOLLOWING DAY. Conferences are scheduled on an as needed basis. If you would like to set up a conference please call and let the

school know.*Please do not enter the school building during instructional time to confer with your student’s

teacher. If you have any questions please call to set up a conference.


Several times throughout the year we will have safety preparedness sessions. We will go over

different types of emergencies with the students so they will know what we expect during drills and in the event of a real emergency. These sessions are not meant to frighten the students, but to inform

them of what to do during these events. Emergencies covered will be: fire, tornado, and local emergencies in which the school may be

placed on “lock down”. Our goal is to keep your child safe while they are at school.



The state of Georgia requires that all private schools be in operation for 180 days a year.

Cornerstone Christian Academy will adhere to this law. Private schools are obligated to report any students with compulsory absences to the local

school superintendent. The maximum number of days that a student can be absent is 10 total days in

a school year, 5 per semester.In the event that a student is absent one or two

days, parents may send a personal note the following day asking for excusal. Absences of

three or more days due to illness require a doctor’s excuse. If the absence is planned, a note should be

sent in advance. If, in the opinion of the administration, absences have been excessive

and/or unnecessary the student will be considered unexcused. All excuses will be kept in the

student’s file. Doctor, dental, music, and other appointments are to be scheduled after school

hours. Excessive absences shall be reported to the local school superintendent. Students must be in

school between 8:00 a.m. and 1:00 p.m. (5 hours) to be considered present.


Students should arrive between 7:45 - 8:00 a.m. Students entering the school building after 8:00 a.m. will be marked as tardy. After 5 tardies have been marked students will receive a detention the next


afternoon. Students may read or work during this time. For the safety of our students, parents

delivering late students must park their cars in a parking space, enter the building, and sign-in the late student. Parents may NOT drop late students off at the door. If students arrive at school before 7:45 a.m. they may not enter the school building. Parents will be responsible for waiting with their student until the school building opens at exactly

7:45 a.m.


A monetary fee will be charged to any student responsible for defacing school owned materials,

peer’s materials or school/church property.


Bible knowledge and memory is important to build the character of a person. We seek to aid the parent in establishing a strong foundation of faith in their

child(ren). Scriptures and Bible reading are included in each Pace and as well in the Bible

curriculum. Weekly/monthly scripture memory is part of the grade they will receive for Bible class.



Each student will be required to read 20 books on their diagnosed reading level each school year.

Reading levels are determined by what PACE books students are placed on in Science and Social Studies.

For students in 4th grade and up these books are normally chapter books. For younger students

picture books are included.


We ask that when first considering withdrawal from school, the parent contact a member of the

administration before a final decision is reached. After meeting, if the final decision is made to

withdraw the student, the appropriate paperwork must be completed and all materials returned before

a student can be withdrawn.*Transcripts and other records cannot be released to

another school until ALL bills are paid and all school-owned textbooks and materials have been

returned. If your child will be entering a homeschool program their records will be held by

CCA. Cumulative records folders are only transferred from school to school.



Student dress should display modesty at all times. This includes clothing, jewelry, hair and accessories. Clothing or accessories that display symbols not of a good Christian witness are not permitted. Dress code infractions will result in

earning demerits. Parents will be contacted to pick up the student if the problem cannot be remedied.

ShirtsNo low cut, skin tight, sleeveless, or tank top

type shirts. If a sleeveless or tank top shirt is worn under a cardigan, the cardigan is not to be removed.

It is often wise for girls to wear a camisole under shirts for coverage.

PantsThe pants of both boys and girls will be

placed at the waistline. No holes, rips or tears should be visible. For girls who wish to wear leggings or

skinny jeans, the buttocks and front will remain covered when arms are raised above the head. Shorts

will be of a length that is not shorter than the student’s fingertips when shoulders are relaxed and hands are hanging at sides. At no time should the

undergarments of girls or boys be visible when standing up or bending over.


ShoesTennis shoes, loafers, boots or dress shoes are all

acceptable. No flip-flops are allowed. Shoes should be kept clean. Please consider outside play when

choosing your child’s shoes.

Piercings and Hair StylesPiercings are only permitted on the ears of

girls and are not to be in excess. Hair dye is to be kept modest and should not draw undue attention.

Only colors hair could naturally grow will be permitted. Hair must be kept clean, groomed and out

of the eyes.

AccessoriesHats and hoods are only to be worn to school during cold weather months for warmth. Hats and hoods will not be worn inside the building. No baseball

caps should be sent to school unless they have been approved for a field trip or other special day.

Sunglasses are to be left at home unless there is a valid reason why the student needs them to function

outside. Jewelry including necklaces, earrings, bracelets, rings and watches are not the

responsibility of the school. If students bring these items they are responsible for them.



Cell phones are not allowed inside the school building EVER. If your child needs to call home for any reason they will be allowed to use Miss Leah’s phone or the school land line. If you need to get in touch with your student you may call or text Miss Leah. If by chance a phone is brought to school 1 warning will be issued. If a second offence occurs

the phone will be held for 1 week. If a third offense occurs the phone will be held for1 month and a

parent must come to retrieve it. Further violations will result in suspension.

The same rules apply, but driving students may leave their phones in their cars if they have one.


A Biblical approach to child discipline must acknowledge the legitimacy of corporal punishment.

The writer of Proverbs observed that, “folly is bound up in the heart of the child, but the rod of

correction will drive it far from him”. CCA values the wisdom the Bible provides on this subject and

will utilize it as we deem necessary. When this type of punishment is needed it will be administered in a

loving way as to create a positive learning experience for the student. We love each one of our

students and want only the best for all of them.



Students are prohibited from posting, sending, texting, emailing or disseminating messages or information that would violate school policies if

they were spoken orally or written on paper. Students may not post or text inappropriate pictures

of themselves or others. They may not write, publish, post or text anything that would be

considered bullying or harassment. They may not advocate behavior that is inconsistent with the

school’s behavior code. In other words, the same rules of conduct for written or face-to-face communication apply equally to electronic

communications. Violations of this policy may subject students to disciplinary action, including, but

not limited to demerits, detention, community service, probation, suspension, expulsion, or

dismissal depending on the nature of the offense.


Social networking sites such as Twitter, Instagram and Facebook are not allowed at school. However, the school realizes many students have access to

these sites outside of school. Students are reminded that regardless of where their posting originates, any text, photographs or videos they put on these sites or

similar sites which would be derogatory to the school or the school community, or threaten,

demean, or bully students or faculty is prohibited.19


Cornerstone Christian Academy’s school calendar will follow closely with surrounding counties in an effort to keep families on the same schedule, but due to our required 180 day calendar we will not

take all of the same breaks as public schools. In the event of inclement weather or other natural or man-

made disaster CCA will follow the directive of Franklin County Public Schools. You may find

information about school closings at . The calendar for the

2014-2015 school year will be as follows:


Cornerstone Christian Academy

2016-2017School Calendar

August 9 Students return

September 5 Labor Day/No school for

studentsOctober 12 Report cards go home

October 13-14Teacher work day/Fall Break

No school for studentsNovember 21-25 Thanksgiving BreakDecember 12 Report cards go home

December 15 Early Release 12 pmDecember 16-January 2 Christmas BreakJanuary 3 Students return

February 17&20Teacher work day/Winter Break

No school for studentsFebruary 22 Report cards go homeApril 3-7 Spring Break

April 14 Good Friday No school

May 18Last day of school/Early release

12pm/ Awards Ceremony 7pm

