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Science – Social Studies & Math First Period 2015

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The word we use for any individual living thing is organism. An organism can carry out the basic

life processes. The life processes are the abilities to do things that keep an organism alive and to

produce more of its own kind. All living things share life processes such as growth and

reproduction. Most scientists use seven life processes or characteristics to determine whether

something is living or non-living.

1. Movement: The ability to change of place or posture.

2. Respiration: The ability to release energy from inside the food.

3. Sensitivity: The ability to react to changes in the surroundings.

4. Growth: The ability to get bigger.

5. Reproduction: The ability to produce offspring – that is, more of its own kind.

6. Excretion: The ability to get rid of waste.

7. Nutrition: The ability to take in food or raw materials to support the other life processes.

Structure of Living Things

Cell: the smallest part of a living thing that can carry out processes of life.

Cell membrane: a thin outer layer of a cell.

Cytoplasm: the gel-like material inside the cell that holds all the other inner parts of the cell.

Nucleus: a large, round structure at the center of a cell that controls all the activities of a cell.

Mitochondrion: the part of a cell that breaks down food and turns it into energy for the cell.

Vacuole: a cell part that holds food, water, and wastes.

Cell wall: a hard outer layer of a plant cell that protects the cell and provides support.

Chloroplast: a part of a plant cell that uses energy from sunlight to make food.

Organism: an individual living thing that can carry out all its own life activities.

Tissue: a group of similar cells that do the same job in an organism.

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What are living things made of?

All living things are made of cells. A cell is the smallest part of a living thing that can carry out life

activities. That is, they take in food and grow. Cells are the building blocks that all living things are

made of. There are different kinds of cells. Cells that make up plants are able to make food for a

plant. They can store water. Cells that make up animals allow for taking in food, since animals do

not make their own food. Plant cells often have boxlike shapes that fit closely together. This

arrangement provides support for a plant. Animal cells have more rounded shapes than plant cells.

Their shapes allow for movement.

Organ: a body part made of different kinds of tissues that work together to do a certain job.

Organ system: a group of organs that work together to do a certain job.

Kingdom: the broadest group into which living things are classified.

Vertebrate: an animal that has a backbone.

Invertebrate: an animal that does not have a backbone.

Vascular: any plant that has tubes for moving water and other materials to where they are


Nonvascular: any plant that soaks up water from the ground directly into its cells.

Fungus: an organism that cannot make its own food, but instead absorbs food from decaying


Bacteria: one-celled living things that do not have a nucleus.

Protest: a one- or many celled organism that can make, eat, or absorb food.

Kinds of Organisms

Based on the number of cells, there are two kinds of organisms:

• One-celled organisms: A one-celled organism carries out all its life processes in a single cell. One-

celled organisms live in water, soil, and even on dust in the air.

• Many-celled organisms: People and all animals and plants are many-celled organisms. In a many-

celled organism, each cell carries on life processes. However, the cells work together to do different

jobs. For example, muscle cells in your heart work to keep your heart beating.

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How do cells work together?

Many celled organisms are made of different kinds of cells—such as blood cells, muscle cells, nerve

cells, and so on. Each of these kinds of cells has a particular job. Cells of the same kind work

together doing their particular job. A group of the same kind of cells that do the same job is called a

tissue. Examples include:

• Animals: muscle tissue (which allows you to move), blood, nerves, bone, and skin

• Plants: tissue that carries water from roots to stems to leaves, flesh of fruits.

Organs and Organ Systems

Tissues of different kinds come together to make up an organ. Examples are:

• Animals: brain, lungs, heart, stomach.

• Plants: stems, fruits.

A group of different organs that work together to do a certain job is an organ system. Examples are:

• Animals: system for breaking down food, transporting system, skeletal system.

• Plants: root system, shoot system (stems and leaves).

Science – Social Studies & Math First Period 2015

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The whole of the natural numbers is formed by:

N = {0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9,. ..}

Natural numbers count the elements of a whole, cardinal number, or express the order which

occupies an element in a whole, ordinal number . The natural numbers are ordered, which al lows

us to compare two natural numbers:

5 > 3; 5 is greater than 3.

3 < 5; 3 is less than 5.

The natural numbers are unlimited, if 1 is added to a natural number, another natural number is


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Representation of the Natural Numbers

The natural numbers can be represented in a straight line ordered from minor to major. On a

straight line, draw one point and mark i t with the number zero. To the right of the zero, and with

the same separations, place in ascending order the following natural numbers: 1, 2, 3...

Addition of Natural Numbers

a + b = c The terms of the addition, a and b, are called addends and the result, c is the sum.

Properties of the Addition of Natural Numbers

1. Closure: The sum of two natural numbers is also a natural number.

a + b

2. Associative: The way in which the addends are grouped does not change the result.

(a + b) + c = a + (b + c)

(2+3) + 5 = 2 + (3+5)

5 + 5 = 2 + 8

10 = 10

3. Commutative: The order of the addends does not change the addition.

a + b = b + a

2 + 5 = 5 + 2

7 = 7

4. Additive identity: The 0 is the identity element of the addition because every number added with

it gives the same number.

a + 0 = a

3 + 0 = 3

Subtraction of Natural Numbers

a - b = c The terms involved in a subtraction are called: the minuend, a, and the subtrahend, b.

The result, c, is called the difference.

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Properties of the Subtraction of Natural Numbers

1. No closure: The result of subtracting two natural numbers is not always another natural number.

2 − 5

2. No commutative: 5 − 2 ≠ 2 – 5

Multiplication of Natural Numbers

To multiply two natural numbers, add one factor to itself many times as indicated by the other


a · b = c The terms a and b are calle factors and the result, c, is the product.

Properties of the Product of Natural Numbers

1. Closure: The result of multiplying two natural numbers is another natural number. a · b

2. Associative: The way in which the factors are grouped does not change the result.

(a · b) · c = a · (b · c)

(2 · 3) · 5 = 2 · (3 · 5)

6 · 5 = 2 · 15

30 = 30

3. Commutative: The order of the factors does not change the product.

a · b = b · a

2 · 5 = 5 · 2

10 = 10

4. Multiplicative Identity: The 1 is the neutral element of the multiplication because any number

multiplied by it gives the same number. a · 1 = a 3 · 1 = 3

5. Distributive: The multiplication of a natural number and a sum is equal to the sum of

the multiplication of the natural number for each of the addends.

a · (b + c) = a · b + a · c

2 · (3 + 5) = 2 · 3 + 2 · 5

2 · 8 = 6 + 10

16 = 16

Removing a common factor: It is the reverse of the distributive property.

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a · b + a · c = a · (b + c)

2 · 3 + 2 · 5 = 2 · (3 + 5)

6 + 10 = 2 · 8

16 = 16

Division of Natural Numbers

D : d = c The terms involved in a division are called, D, the dividend and, d, the divisor. The

result,c, is the quotient.

Types of Divisions

1. Exact Division: A division is exact when the remainder is zero.

D = d · c

15 = 5 · 3

2. Not exact division: A division is no exact when the remainder is not zero.

D = d · c + r

17 = 5 · 3 + 2

Properties of the Division of Natural Numbers

1. No closure: The result of dividing two natural numbers is not always another natural number.

2 : 6

2. No commutative:

a : b ≠ b : a

6:2 ≠ 2:6

3. Zero divided by a number equals zero.

0 : a = 0

0 : 5 = 0

4. Division by 0 is undefined.

Science – Social Studies & Math First Period 2015

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Officially the republic of Colombia, is a country situated in the northwest of South America,

bordered to the northwest by Panama; to the east by Venezuela and Brazil; to the south by Ecuador

and Peru; and it shares maritime limits with costa Rica, Nicaragua, Honduras, Jamaica, Dominican

Republic and Haiti. It is a unitary, constitutional republic comprising thirty-two departments.

The territory of what is now Colombia was originally inhabited by indigenous peoples including the

Muisca, Quimbaya, and Tairona. The Spanish arrived in 1499 and initiated a period of conquest

and colonization ultimately creating the Viceroyalty of New Granada, with its capital at Bogotá.

Independence from Spain was won in 1819, but by 1830 "Gran Colombia" had collapsed with the

secession of Venezuela and Ecuador. What is now Colombia and Panama emerged as the Republic

of New Granada. The new nation experimented with federalism as the Grenadine

Confederation(1858), and then the United States of Colombia (1863), before the Republic of

Colombia was finally declared in 1886. Panama seceded in 1903. Since the 1960s, the country has

suffered from an asymmetric low-intensity armed conflict, which escalated in the 1990s, but since

2000 has decreased considerably. Colombia is ethnically diverse, its people descending from the

original native inhabitants, Spanish colonists, Africans originally brought to the country as slaves,

and 20th-century immigrants from Europe and the Middle East, all contributing to a diverse

cultural heritage. This has also been influenced by Colombia's varied geography, and the imposing

landscape of the country has resulted in the development of very strong regional identities. The

majority of the urban centers are located in the highlands of the Andes Mountains, but Colombian

territory also encompasses Amazon rainforest, tropical grassland and both Caribbean and Pacific

coastlines. Ecologically, Colombia is one of the world's 17 megadiverse countries, and is considered

the most biodiverse per square kilometer. Colombia is a middle power with the third largest

economy in Latin America, is part of the CIVETS group of six leading emerging markets and is an

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accessing member to the OECD. Its principal industries include oil, mining, chemicals, health

related products, food processing, agricultural products, textile and fabrics, garments, forest

products, machinery, electronics, military products, metal products, home and office material,

construction equipment and materials, banking, financial services, software, IT services and the

automotive industry.

Patriotic symbols:

1. Flag: The yellow color symbolizes the great natural wealth of Colombia, the blue symbolizes the

sky and seas, and red, the blood spilled by our heroes.

2. The coat of arms of the Republic of Colombia: it is divided into three horizontal bands: the upper

band , on blue field , has in the center a gold Granada red open grained , with stem and leaves of

gold. On each side of the Granada goes a cornucopia of gold inclined, pouring coins into the

center of the right side, and proper fruits of the torrid zone of the left side. The name denotes the

Granada wearing this republic, and cornucopias, the richness of its mines and the fertility of

their land. The middle band in platinum field, has in the center a Phrygian cap horned into a

spear as a symbol of freedom, (Platinum, precious metals, our own country). At the lower end is

the Isthmus of Panama, with its two adjacent seas wavy silver and black ship with its deployed in

each candle .The condor symbolizing freedom. From its peak hangs a green laurel wreath and a

flowing ribbon, grabbed the shield and woven into the crown, the statement concerning gold

with black letters: Freedom and Order.

3. The national anthem of Colombia: was formalized by Law 33 of 1920. The anthem was written by

Rafael Núñez and music by the Italian composer Oreste Sindici.

Patriotic icons:

1. Orchid: is the national flower of Colombia, named as such in 1936 by the Colombian Academy of

History. Its structure and colors are extraordinarily beautiful.

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2. The majestic Andean condor: symbolizes the sovereignty and freedom of Colombians. It has been

called "the eternal bird."

3. Wax palm: It is a palm of stunning beauty, extraordinary strength and legendary longevity. The

slenderness of the wax palm, is its height and its unique size.

4. Colombian emeralds: are the most beautiful and valued the world. The purity, brilliance and

transparency of these precious stones are the most important features for evaluation.

5. Coffee: is one of the most consumed beverages in the world and although Colombia is

considered one of the best producers. Colombian coffee is recognized as the best coffee in the

world and in several countries as a gastronomic excellence.

Natural regions of Colombia

Because of its natural structure, Colombia can be divided into six very distinct natural regions.

These consist of the Andean Region, covering the three branches of the Andes Mountains found in

Colombia; the Caribbean Region, covering the area adjacent to the Caribbean Sea; the Pacific

Region adjacent to the Pacific Ocean; the Orinoquia Region, mainly in the Orinoco river basin along

the border with Venezuela; the Amazon Region, part of the Amazon rainforest; and finally the

Insular Region, comprising islands in both the Atlantic and Pacific oceans.

Andean Region: The Andes mountains form the most populous region of Colombia and contain

the majority of the country's urban centers. They were also the location of the most significant pre-

Columbian indigenous settlement.

Caribbean Region: Is traversed by a number of rivers heading from the Andean highlands to the

sea, including Colombia's principal river, the Magdalena, which disgorges at the main port of


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Pacific Region: Is distinguished by its high humidity. Precipitation is among the highest in the

world, with an average of 4,000 mm per year, some areas that receive as much as 12,000 mm per


Orinoquia Region: Is rich in oil and suitable for extensive ranching but sparsely populated.

Amazon Region: Is a region in southern Colombia over the Amazon Basin.

Insular Region: Is considered by some as a sixth region, comprising those areas outside continental



About 60% of Colombia's population are mestizos, and some one fifth are of European descent.

Indigenous peoples, who account for only about 1% of today's population, live on the edge of some

of the major cities and in remote areas. About 15% of the people are of mixed African and European

descent. The small (less than 5%) black population is concentrated along the coasts and in the

Magdalena and Cauca valleys. Spanish is the official language. The population is overwhelmingly

Roman Catholic. There are universities in all the major cities.


Colombian Cuisine is very diverse and varies depending on the different regions of Colombia. In

some areas you will find specialties like roasted ants or guinea pigs while in other areas Colombians

wouldn't even touch those dishes. Colombia is not a paradise for vegetarians as the Colombian diet

includes a lot of meat. In the coastal areas you will find a good variety of fish, lobster and seafood

often prepared with a sauce made out of coconut milk. The offer of fresh fruit is overwhelming and

many of the varieties you have probably never heard of before. In general breakfast is quite

important in Colombia and consists of fruit juice, coffee or hot chocolate, fruit, eggs and bread.

Lunch which is served between 12 and 14pm is the main meal of the day – at least in the

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countryside. A traditional main meal consists of a soup, a main dish, a drink and sometimes a

dessert which is generally very sweet. The dinner is more like a snack. In the big cities the main meal

often will be served around 7pm or 8pm.


Colombian folklore seems to permeate culture here on a deep and perhaps, difficult level to grasp.

It's function is embedded in the search for meaning and significance in daily life that is often

portrayed through stories, music, carnivals and festivals, folk legends and proverbs. Although I

find it difficult, if not impossible, to fully understand Colombian culture, it seems that by paying

attention to their stories, told through music or oral tradition for example, that you get a glimpse

into the deeper meaning of the country. I recently met a man at a film festival who seemed to be at

the heart of Colombian folklore who told stories through the oral tradition. He told them with great

zeal and drama. I was surprised, expecting him to be calm but on the contrary, it's as though he was

acting the characters of his stories.

Touristic places

Tourism in Colombia is an important sector in the country's economy. Colombia has major

attractions as a tourist destination, such as Cartagena and its historic surroundings, which are on

the UNESCO World Heritage List; the insular department of San Andrés, Providencia y Santa

Catalina; and Santa Marta and the surrounding area. Fairly recently, Bogotá, the nation's capital,

has become Colombia's major tourist destination because of its improved museums and

entertainment facilities and its major urban renovations, including the rehabilitation of public

areas, the development of parks, and the creation of an extensive network of cycling routes. With its

very rich and varied geography, which includes the Amazon and Andean regions, the llanos, the

Caribbean and Pacific coasts, and the deserts of La Guajira, and its unique biodiversity, Colombia

also has major potential for ecotourism.
