Parawise comments on Bye Laws Diff Virpal Joshi



Parawise comments on Bye Laws compiled by Brig VIrpal Vihar are uploaded for your perusal. The amendments are given in a different color and the paras/ lines/ words where differences have been scored off.Do upload your comments and recommendations on the Society Web Site. Thanks,Deepak

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Chapter - I1. Short title and Application:

(i) These Bye-Laws may be called the Bye-Laws of the Association of Apartment Owners ofSispal Vihar, (AWHO), Gurgaon.

(ii) These Bye-Laws shall apply to the members of Association of Apartment Owners of theSispal Vihar Society, (AWHO). This Multistory Apartments’ Complex is situated at Sector– 47 & 49, Sohna Road, Gurgaon – 122018 (Haryana).

(iii) All present owners, their successors-in-interest, tenants, future tenants or theiremployees who may or any other person who may use the facilities of theMultistoreyMultistory Apartment Complex in any manner shall be bound by the provisionsset forth under these Bye – Laws. - Laws.

(iv) The acquisition of ownership or on rent of any Apartment (hereinafter referred to as"Dwelling Unit") of the Complex or act of occupancy of any of the said units will signify

that these bye-laws are accepted, ratified and will be complied with.2. Definitions:

Unless otherwise specified, all words and phrases used in these Bye-Laws shall have samemeaning as ascribed to them under the Haryana Registration and Regulation of Societies Act,2012 and the rules framed there under and the Haryana Apartment Ownership Act, 1983 andunder Army Welfare Housing Organization (AWHO) Rule, 1987

3. Haryana Apartment Ownership Act, 1983The multistorey Apartments and EWS accomodation Multistory Apartments complex raisedat Sector – 47 & - 49, Sohna Road District – Gurgaon (Haryana), and known as the SispalVihar (AWHO), is submitted to the provisions of the Act and the rules made there under.

4. Army Welfare Housing Organisation Rule,1987The Sispal Vihar (AWHO), multistoreyMultistory Apartment Complex at Sector – 49, EWSComplex and Community Center Number 2 in Sector 47, Sohna Road, Gurgaon – 122018werewas constructed by Army Welfare Housing Organisation under the Welfare Schemeexclusively for the ex-servicemen and serving Army Personnel on no loss no profit basis.Army Welfare Housing Organization (AWHO) Rule, 1987 thus have primacy and areobligatory for Sispal Vihar (AWHO) Society. Sispal Vihar Complex was transferred by ArmyWelfare Housing Organization (AWHO) for its Management exclusively by serving / ex-serviceman of Defence Services by those who are the Owners of the Apartment in SispalVihar under AWHO Rules, 1987. Civilian Members of the Society can be elected to theCollegium but are debarred from holding any Appointment in the Governing Body.

5. Aims and Objectives of Sispal Vihar Society: The aims and objectives of Sispal Vihar Society shall be:-

(i) to be and to act as the Association of Apartment Owners of the Multistorey complexcalled the Sispal Vihar Society (AWHO), (hereinafter called "Societycomplex") whohave filed their respective declarations submitting their apartments to the provisions ofthe Act.

(ii) to manage, invest or deposit contributions and other money with Sispal Vihar Societyas approved by General Body Meeting of Collegium; in the best interest of the Societyin accordance with Bye Laws and in strict observance of the 'Canons of FinancialPropriety'.

(iii) to ensure that the complex is properly managed, maintained and administered in amanner compatible with the standards and expectations of the apartment owners;

(iv) to provide for the maintenance, repair and replacement of fittings, fixtures,appurtenances or other property requiring maintenance, repair and replacementcomprised in common areas and facilities by contribution made by the apartmentowners, and if necessary, by raising loans for that purpose;

(v) the contribution from Apartment Owners for Maintenance of common areas, restrictedcommon areas, Club maintenance charges, tariffs and other charges will only berecovered as approved by the collegiumin the General Body Meeting;

(vi) to retain and permit use of common facilities by Residentsto outsiders against anapproved charge after approval from Collegium General Body Meeting andappropriate such income for the objects of Sispal Vihar Society or its credit to aCapital fund; limited to the extent permitted by the Bye Laws or as approved by theCollegium. Non members and non residents will not be permitted to use anycommon facility even on payment.

(vii) to establish and conduct educational, physical, social and recreationalactivities for the benefit of the apartment owners. No payment will be paid to anycommercial organisation/ individual for organising such events.; unless approved bythe Collegium for a planned and specific event. on its own account or jointly withindividuals or institutions;

(viii) All jobs will be outsourced and only a small staff will be kept / recruited for running of the office. The number of employees on central rooster should not exceed 10 underany circumstances. If there is need to hire more staff prior approval will be taken of theCollegium with 2/3 rd people voting in favour. All staff of the Society will be onContract basis only.

(i) to frame rules regarding establishment of any provident fund for the benefit of full-time employees of Sispal Vihar Society, as required under the law of the land, afterfollowing the prescribed procedure;

(ix) to do all things necessary or/and otherwise provide for the attainment of the objectsspecified in these Bye-Laws.

(x) Sispal Vihar Society shall not act beyond the scope of its objects without suitablyamending the provisions of these bye-laws for the purpose;

AffiliationShould there be any Federation of apartment owners in which Sispal Vihar Society (AWHO)is situated, Sispal Vihar Society may become a member there of if it is free. Prior approvalon year to year basis be taken from the Collegium for making any payment of any sums tosuch Federationthereof and pay the sums from time to time payable to such Federation underthe rules thereof.

Chapter – II

Chapter - IIMembership for Sispal Vihar Society for Apartment Owners of Sispal Vihar

6. Terms of admission for Membership of Sispal Vihar Society

(ii) Apartment Owners who have been allotted apartments originally by Army Welfare HousingOrganisation (AWHO) will only become the members of Sispal Vihar Society.

(iii) Subsequently, persons who have been allotted apartments on transfer by Army WelfareHousing Organisation (AWHO) will also be the members of Sispal Vihar Society.

(iv) Apartment owner who owns an apartment in Sispal Vihar Society (AWHO), Sector –49, Sohna Road, Gurgaon, will be governed and will abide under the clauses 3 to 6 ofthese Bye-Laws submitting the apartment to the provisions of The Haryana Registration& Regulation of Societies Act, 2012, Haryana Apartment Ownership Act, 1983, andArmy Welfare Housing Organization Rule, 1987 shall be a member of Sispal ViharSociety,

(v) Each member shall receive a copy of the bye-laws in electronic form for their reference,of which a hard copy may also be supplied on demand of fee of Rs. 20/-.

(a) Upon any apartment owner transferring his/her apartment by way of any will, gift orsale or family transfer through Court Decree or an apartment becoming liable totransfer on account of natural inheritance, the successor-in-interest shall become amember of Sispal Vihar Society, and shall be admitted as a member on payment of theapplicable membership fee to AWHO and Sispal Vihar Society ;Provided that anytransfer of the apartment by way of sale to a third party, other than those involvingfamily transfers, shall require prior approval of the AWHO and Sispal Vihar Society.The transfer fee to the Society will not be applicable for cases where the wife / son/daughter have inherited the property after the death of the Members (as defined in thesebye laws), however AWHO may charge them any fee / payment as deemed fit by them.

(b) Further provided that wherever Sispal Vihar Society permits any such transfer, theseller/ transferor or the buyer / transferee, as mutually settled between the parties, buyershall be liable to pay a one-time transfer fee to AWHO and to Sispal Vihar Society. Theamount to be charged will be approved by the collegium and details of all suchtransactions will be placed before the Collegium,

(vi) On the death of an apartment owner, the apartment shall be transferred after affirmationfrom AWHO and Sispal Vihar Society to the person or persons to whom the ownerbequeaths the same by his or her nomination or will or to the legal heirs of his or herestate, in case he or she has not made any specific bequest of the apartment:

(vii) Where any legatee is a minor, the apartment owner shall appoint a guardian of suchminor to exercise powers and perform the functions required under these bye-laws.

(viii) The Buyer and family transferee will also submit a copy of Conveyance Deed to thiseffect to AWHO and Sispal Vihar Society office.

6. Disqualification: Any member who has violated the rules and regulations/ Bye-Laws of Sispal Vihar Society orwho indulge in activities contrary to the interest of Sispal Vihar Society, a resolution can bebrought forward by the Governing Body against such members for punishment /disqualification; and other steps will also be initiated as decided by the Governing Body asper the Bye-Laws. The composition of the Disciplianary Committee will be threeprominent residents , to be aproved by the Collegium . The procedure will be as follows:-

(a) Each individual case will be discussed in the Collegium Meeting.

(b) Each defaulting Member(s) will be served a show cause notice and given 30 days time toreply.(c) Disciplinary Committee will investigate the case once the reply to the show cause has been received and forward their recommendation to the Collegium.(d) Necessary action which can also include fine not exceeding Rs 5000 (five thousand) can be imposed after a 2/3 majority have approved the case.(e) No members can be debarred for life from the membership of the Society; he may bedebarred from becoming the Member of the Collegium & the Governing Body for a period ofthree years.

(v) Disqualification: Any member who has violated the rules and regulations/ Bye-Laws of Sispal Vihar Society orwho indulge in activities contrary to the interest of Sispal Vihar Society, a resolution can bebrought forward by the Governing Body against such members for punishment /disqualification; and other steps will also be initiated as decided by the Governing Body asper the Bye-Laws.

7. Joint Apartment OwnershipWhere an apartment has been registered by the allottee in the Conveyance Deed in favour oftwo or more persons jointly, they may be jointly entitled to the ownership of the apartment.The membership of Sispal Vihar Society in such case will be issued in the person whosename stands first in the Conveyance Deed and only that member shall have the right to vote;provided that such person, whose name stands first in the Conveyance Deed, may transfersuch right of vote to any one of the other joint owners under written intimation to SispalVihar Society (AWHO) and Registrar of Society and thereafter will forfeit his/her right toVote.

8. Identity Card for Members of Sispal Vihar SocietyApartment owner admitted as a member of Sispal Vihar Society will be issued an Identity Cardcontaining his/her Photograph, brief particulars and duly signed by individual member and theGeneral Secretary of Sispal Vihar Society which will be required for the election purposes.Apartment owner will be required to provide two copies of photograph, Possession Letter /Transfer Letter from AWHO and a photocopy of Conveyance Deed.

9. Rights & Obligations of Members of Sispal Vihar Society(i) All the members of Sispal Vihar Society shall be bound by the rules and regulations of

Sispal Vihar Society as contained in its byelaws and as amended from time to time;(ii) Every member of Sispal Vihar Society shall have a right to cast his vote in the elections

from their respective Collegium of Sispal Vihar Society provided such member is not adefaulter in payment of any dues of Sispal Vihar Society and the annual subscription for aperiod of three months beyond the due date;however all votes will be cast in person; proxyvoting and postal voting will NOT be allowed.

(iii) Every member of Sispal Vihar Society shall have the right to inspect the books of accounts,books containing the minutes of proceedings of the Special /General Body Meetings,meetings of the Governing Body and register of members of Sispal Vihar Society on anyworking day by giving after serving three days notice; provision for this will be made twicein a month; the day/ date will be given in the web site.a notice of seven days;

(iv) Every member is obliged to inform Sispal Vihar Society about any changes in his address, e-mail, mobile & telephone numbers on occurrence which shall be duly recorded in theregister of membership of Sispal Vihar Society.

(v) Permanent Members of the Sispal Vihar Society will automatically be members of the Sispal

Vihar Club. However, tenants/ relatives of Permament Members who are staying in theSispal Vihar will have a choice of taking membership of the club by payment of the chargesfixed for such membership. The charges will be approved by the Collegium and may bereviewed from time to time. The membership of the club will not be compulsory for thetenants/ relatives of Permanent Members.

10. Cessation of Membership of Sispal Vihar Society: Any person admitted as a member shall cease to be a member of Sispal Vihar Society in thefollowing events:(i) Attracts the provisions contained in Section 22 of The Haryana Registration & Regulation of

Societies Act, 2012;(ii) Upon his/ her acting contrary to the aims and objectives of Sispal Vihar Society; (iii) Upon such member being found guilty of a financial misappropriation of the funds of Sispal

Vihar Society; (iv) Upon removal by Collegium in Special / General Body Meeting by majority of Votes. (v) Upon indictment and directions for removal by the District Registrar/ Registrar/ Registrar

General of Societies;(vi) Action in all above mentioned cases will be taken as per details / procedure out given in

para 6 of the Bye Laws above .

11. Deed of Declaration and Shares :The AWHO was required to prepare a Deed of Declaration as per Haryana Apartment OwnersAct, 1983. The Deed of declaration gives the share quotient to the owners in the common areasof the property and land of Sispal Vihar.

Chapter –- III

Collegium of Sispal Vihar Society

12. Collegium of Sispal Vihar SocietyThe New Act promulgated as The Haryana Registration and Regulation Act, 2012 has come intoeffect w. e .f. 28/03/2012 whereby these Bye-Laws of Sispal Vihar Society are reframed underthis Act.

(vi) Composition of the Collegium of Sispal Vihar Society:(i) As per this Act, a collegium may have a minimum of 55 and a maximum of 300 members.

Sispal Vihar Society has 1068 members. Approximately 80% of the members of SispalVihar Society being Serving Defence Officers are posted in different parts of the Countryand hence are neither available for day to day functioning (governing body) nor formaking rigid/ specific electoral colleges in a mathematical distribution. The Society thusneeds to have maximum flexibility in determination of the members to be elected to the“collegium”. Therefore the Society is subdivided into four electoral colleges of equalstrength based on contiguity of the Dwelling Units and each Electoral College would electequal number of members to the Collegium of the Society.

(ii) The Sispal Vihar Society would be divided into Four Electoral Colleges. The Four ElectoralColleges would be based on serial wise apartment from Tower-A to Tower - S (comprisingof all 17 Towers having a total of 1068 members of Sispal Vihar Society) as under:

13. Composition of the Collegium of Sispal Vihar Society:(iii) As per this Act, a collegium may have a minimum of 55 and a maximum of 300

members. Sispal Vihar Society has 1068 members. Approximately 80% of themembers of Sispal Vihar Society are either Serving Defence Officers posted indifferent parts of the Country or retired and staying in a different location. Over aperiod of time, the number of out-station members will reduce and the numbers ofresident owners will increase. The collegium size should therefore be kept in mindboth the present number of residents and their expected number in the future and ina manner which is equitable to all Blocks.

(iv) The Sispal Vihar Society would be divided into 17 Electoral Colleges. Each Block will be an Electoral College would be based on serial wise apartment from Tower-A to Tower - S(comprising of all 17 Towers having a total of 1068 members of Sispal Vihar Society) asunder:

S.N. ElectoralCollegeNo.


Apartment No. Total No. ofApartments

No of membersof Sispal ViharSociety

No of members tobe elected for the Collegium

From To

1. 1 ABCDE






Total 4.5 - - 268 268 302. 2 E







TOTAL 4.5 - - 272 272 30

3 3 KLMN






TOTAL 4 - - 268 268 30

4 4 PQRS






TOTAL 4 - - 260 260 30Grand total 17 - - 1068 1068 120

S.N. ElectoralCollege No.


Apartment No. Total No. ofApartments

No of members tobe elected for the



From To

1. 1






























Bye Election for any vacancy wil be held once in a year.Date and time of the election will be announced by the Governing Body after approval by the Collegium.

2. 6
















































4 14
























Grand total 17 - - 1068 300

(v) The particulars and details of the members of Sispal Vihar Society (apartment owners)allocated to each Electoral College, are attached as Annexure 1 to these Bye-Laws. Theywill vote to elect 300 30 members to represent them in the Collegium as per details givenin the table above.

(vi) Any change in the allocation of members of Sispal Vihar Society (apartment owners) shallbe made only upon cessation of the membership of Sispal Vihar Society and induction offresh members or on consideration of the request of any member, if found feasible ofacceptance.

(vii) The Collegium of Sispal Vihar Society shall act as the General Body for all intents andpurposes and the members of the Collegium shall in turn elect five Office-bearers and sixexecutive members of the Governing Body.

14. Eligibility Condition for Election to be a member of Collegium of Sispal Vihar Society:

(i) He/ She must be a owner member of Sispal Vihar Society and a resident of Sispal ViharSociety. .

(ii) He /She should be a serving or ex-servicemen of the Defence Services i.e Army/Navy/Air

force.(iii) He/ She should not have been convicted in any criminal case in the Court of Law.(iv) He / She who were elected in any previous governing body or collegiums and did not

participate in any of its meetings will be debarred from contesting any elections for threeyears.

(v) He / She who was suspended as a member of Governing Body or Collegium and whosesuspension was approved in Special/ General Body Meeting, as given out in para 6 above ,will be debarred to contest election for one termsix years.

(vi) Any member of Sispal Vihar who is not working for Sispal Vihar Society’s – Aims /

Objectives and had been Black Listed by the Collegium in Special / General BodyMeeting and Registrar of Society was informed by a written communication to this effect.

(vii) He/ She can contest for the election only from that Electoral College in which their nameappears as member of Sispal Vihar Society.

(v) Any person / Their f amily members,if He/ She and their family members should not beinvolved in any commercial activity with Sispal Vihar Society, can become member of theCollegium but cannot become part of the Governing Body. also should not be receivingany benefits / employed with Sispal Vihar Society.

(vi)Each member who wishes to be a member of collegium will file his nomination in person. No postal or proxy nomination will be accepted.

15. Voting For Collegium(i) There shall be one vote for each apartment, which will be cast in person by the members

registered of the Sispal Vihar Society and No Proxy Voting will be allowed.(ii) Every vote by the duly authorized joint member, shall be cast in person provided that the

member of Sispal Vihar Society may communicate such authority in favour of the jointmember through a written mail to Returning Officer(s) with a copy thereof duly endorsedto General Secretary of Sispal Vihar Society and to the Registrar of Societies at least twodays before date of election.

(iii) No house to house canvassing will be permitted.

16. Procedure for Election of the Collegium(i) Each of the 17 four Electoral Colleges will have 30 Members elected. There will be a total

of 300120 Members elected from the four Electoral Colleges. (ii) The members elected from the 17four Electoral Colleges as per paraclause (III) of 16 shall

constitute the general body (Collegium) of Sispal Vihar Society.(iii) The term of the Collegium’s members shall be three years from the date of its constitution.(iv) The outgoing Governing body will declare the schedule of election and appoint a returning

officer and four independent observers after approval from Special/General Meeting ofCollegium for conduct of election and also notify/ display the details of members of SispalVihar Society separately for all the four Electoral Colleges entitled to vote at least 90 daysprior to holding the General Meeting. Further, individual notices for holding elections ofthe collegium shall also be conveyed by the Governing Body. The information of holdingthe election of the collegium shall also be sent to the District Registrar.

(v) Any objections qua the list of members of Sispal Vihar Society entitled to vote for theirrespective Collegium shall be decided by the Returning Officer. However, the decision ofthe Returning Officer shall be final in the event of any difference of opinion. TheReturning Officer shall, thereafter, invite nominations to be filed, scrutiny and withdrawalof nominations, if any, within the period prescribed in the Schedule of elections forelection of the members of the Collegium.

(vi) The Returning Officer will display a list of the eligible members on the notice board ofSispal Vihar Society. The returning officer will conduct the election on the notified date.The members eligible to vote will be allowed to cast their vote in person, and whereverdisputed, on production of the identity card issued by Sispal Vihar Society.

(vii) After closing hours on the date of the poll, the returning officer will declare the results and

constitute the Collegium of Sispal Vihar Society. A list of the elected members of thecollegium, duly signed by the Returning Officer, will be filed with District Registrarwithin 15 days.

(viii) It is possible that some collegium vacancies may remain unfilled. Wherever % of collegium is mentioned inthese bye-laws, these % values will be based on the filledvacancies.

17. Cessation of members of the Collegium- A member of Collegium of Sispal Vihar shall cease to be the member of the Collegium:(i) upon submission & acceptance of his resignation (resignations will deem to be accepted if

not withdrawn within four weeks of tendering the same);(ii) upon death of the Collegium member;

(iii) if he he/she ceases to be a member in accordance with sub-clause (8) of Clause 4 ofthese byelaws;the primary member of Sispal Vihar Society;

(iv)if he ceases to be a member in accordance with sub-clause (8) of Clause 4 of these byelaws;(v) if he is removed by a resolution passed in the Special/ General Body Meeting of the

Collegium by Majority of Votes in terms of action as per procedure given at para 6 of theibid Bye Laws.

18. Filling of any Casual Vacancy on the Collegium:Any vacancies arising on account of resignation or death or of any other reason of any memberof the Collegium may be filled up by bye- election from the respective Electoral College wherethese vacancies arose in case the remaining term of the Collegium is more than 12 months fromthe date of the said vacancy. Bye- Election will be conducted once in a year as done for normalelections of members to the Collegium. The member’s elections should be so coordinated by theGoverning Body along with Annual General Body Meeting at least once in year. The electedCollegium Members in the Bye-Election will only be for the remainder period of the Collegium.

19. Exclusions from the Employment of a Society:(i) No member of Collegium of Sispal Vihar Society shall be in full-time or part-time

employment/ paid consultant of Sispal Vihar Society;(ii) No dependant or family member or close relative of the office-bearers and members of the

Governing Body shall be engaged as an employee of Sispal Vihar Society during its term;(iii) Every member of the Collegium of Sispal Vihar shall make a declaration in case any

person in the employment of Sispal Vihar Society is his close relative.(iv) No member of Collegium of Sispal Vihar shall be appointed to any salaried office of Sispal

Vihar Society, and shall not be paid any fees or remuneration for the services rendered byhim;

(v) Provided that the member of the Collegium of Sispal Vihar Society shall be entitled to claimre- imbursement of actual travel and out of pocket expenses incurred by them in connectionwith any work related to Sispal Vihar Society, and interest on , any money lent toSispal Vihar Society for overcoming any temporary requirements.

20. Powers, Functions & Duties of the Collegium of Sispal Vihar Society:

(i) To guide Sispal Vihar Society in determining and fulfilling its aims and objects. To decidepolicy matters such as change of name of Sispal Vihar Society etc.

(ii) To detail the following committees from time to time as required :- (a) Disciplinary Committee.(b) Technical Committee incharge for technical maintenance of the Society.(c) garden and Parks Committee.

(d) Security and fire fighting committee. (e) Monthly and quarterly audit Boards (f) Society Club Committee.

(g) Any other committee as required / felt necessary. (iii) The Colegium will ensure that No Non Member is detailed for any Board of Members. Ifa Board of Members requires any technical assistance, a technically qualified/ experienced NonMember may be detailed as an advisor only if required.

(iii) Amendment in the Memorandum of Association and the Byelaws of Sispal Vihar Society,approval of annual accounts of Sispal Vihar Society. Any ammendment will require 3/5 thmembers to vote in favour. The proceedings will be recorded and all Members will sign theProceedings. (iii) Approval for disposal of immovableimmoveable assets of Sispal Vihar Society etc. and all

such other acts as may be required under the Haryana Registration and Regulation ofSocieties Act & Rules, 2012.

(iv) To elect the members of the Governing Body.(v) To remove any member from the Governing Body, once action has been taken as per para 7

of the Bye Laws, and according approval to the continuation of a person appointed as amember of the Governing Body against a casual vacancy by majority of votes.

(vi) To Debar/ suspend Blacklist a member of Sispal Vihar Society the Collegium will decide

based on Governing Body and Discipline Committee recommendations as per details givenin para 6 of the Bye Laws. The Collegium will decide the penalty / fine / period of debarringfrom Membershipmembership of Sispal Vihar Society.

21. Duties of members of Collegium Sispal Vihar Society:

(i) The Collegium members have willingly and volunteered to contest in the election ofcollegium. Their aim as member of the collegiums should be to spare time, resourcesetc for the betterment, development and improvement in the functioning of Sispal ViharSociety. Also ensure the Governing Body works for the Aim and Purpose set forth for theSispal Vihar Society.

(ii) The collegium member must provide support and co-operate with the Governing Body toachieve the aims set forth for Sispal Vihar Society.

(iii) Also the collegiums must ensure Governing Body does not digress from the aim ofSispal Vihar Society.

(iv) The Collegium will ensure that all shops and other commercial establishments are only given on rent / alloted for running to only Members of the Sispal Vihar. If no Member areavailable then it will be offered to any ex servicemen and lastly if no ex servicemen isavailable then only will it be given to a civilian. However advertisement will be carried theweb site and all Block Notice Boards to ensure maximum publicity. All such shops andcommercial establishments will be given in an open auction. The Collegium will detail aBoard of Members from within the Collegium to oversee this function. The person / partywho is being alloted the shop/ commercial establishment should NOT have any Policecase or any criminal case or any civil case relating to financial irregularity against him /them or have been black listed by any Society anywhere in the national Capital region.The party concerned will be required to submit an judicial affidavit to this regards.

(v) They will ensure that no non commercial common area is converted for commercial use. They will also ensure that no additional/ alteration is done to any existing sturcture forcommercial purposes.

(vi) The Collegium will ensure that No resident / member / non resident will encroach upon any common area and existing encroachments, if any, will be got identified and removed.Legel action may be taken whever required for removal of these encroachments.

22. The collegiums and Governing Body aim is to provide good Management, better Maintenanceservice and welfare of residents.

23. The collegiums will ensure Governing Body works as a team collectively and no autocraticsystem of work in the Governing Body be permitted.

24. The collegiums will also ensure the governing body does not get into commercialization ofSispal Vihar Society and deny the residents the facilities at reasonable cost in Sispal Vihar.

25 The collegiums members during the Special/General Body Meeting must conduct themselvesin the best of manners. Also must respect other collegiums members, Governing Body member andwhere they feel strongly one can put the issue to voting and there after accept the decisionhonorably and gracefully.

26 No collegiums member must cast aspersions on any member of collegium/use of abusivelanguage/derogatory remarks on any individual member, his/her character or on his/her dignity &pride.

27 Collegium members must ensure the Governing Body manages the finances of Sispal ViharSociety well and the funds are utilized for betterment of Sispal Vihar Society.

28. Meetings of the Collegium of Sispal Vihar Society:(i) The Collegium will select a Chairman to preside over the Proceedings. The Chairman will

be detailed for a period of one year. All secretarial assistance will be provided by theGoverning Body.

(ii) A meeting of the Collegium of Sispal Vihar Society will be held as and when required.However, at least twoone meeting of the Collegium of Sispal Vihar Society, called as theAnnual General Meeting (AGM). One such meet will be held in February to pass anddiscuss the annual budget. The other meeting will be held in July that is within three ayear, within six months of the close of the financial year for consideration and adoption ofthe duly audited annual accounts of Sispal Vihar Society in addition to transaction of anyother business of Sispal Vihar Society as may be required.

(iii) The Governing Body of Sispal Vihar Society may convene an extraordinary/ specialmeeting of the Collegium of Sispal Vihar Society at any time after giving due notice (14Days) as prescribed hereunder, either of its own or within 3045 days of receipt of a writtenrequisition along with reasons for convening such meeting, from at least 10 % 1/20th of themembers of the Collegium with minimum of 24 members.

(iv) For any meeting of the Collegium, a clear notice of at least 14 days along with a copy of theagenda of the business to be transacted, date, time & venue of the meeting will be given tothe members of the Collegium. A copy of such notice will also be endorsed to the DistrictRegistrar.

(v) A meeting of the Collegium may also be convened at a shorter notice, if agreed to, by amajority (at least above 50% of the total members) of the members of the Collegium on

Sispal Vihar Society Notice Board, on Sispal Vihar website and on the member’s email.(vi)The proceedings of all meetings of the Collegium will be recorded in the minutes-book

(bound or in loose leaves) maintained separately for the purpose by the Secretary and suchminutes will be signed by the President of the meeting and the Secretary of Sispal ViharSociety: All such minutes will be put on the Society Web Site within seven days of theclose of a meeting.

29. Notice of Meetings (i) A notice of 14 days, indicating the time, date and venue, shall be given to the Collegium

members for any General Body meeting. Provided that such notice may be of a reduced toseven days if the meeting is being called to meet an emergency situtationshorter duration ifnot objected by at least 1/3rd of the Collegium members.

(ii) The notice of any Special / General Body Meeting sent by electronic mail to the email ID ofthe Collegium members and on Society website shall be an accepted mode of service ofsuch notice.

(iii) The minutes of all meetings – General / Annual / Special / Adjourned minutes will be put-upon Sispal Vihar website within 10 Days for information of all members of Sispal ViharSociety and also endorse to the Registrar of Societies.

(iv) A copy of the notice of every General Body Meeting, Annual or Special, shall also beendorsed to the office of the District Registrar. A hard copy of the said notice may be sentto the concerned office of the District Registrar, if the office is not electronicallyconnected.

30. Quorum

Quorum for the meeting of the Collegium will be 4050% of the total members' entitled to voteand present in person, or 100 members, which ever is highersubject a minimum of 60 members.In case of a meeting adjourned for want of quorum, the quorum for the adjourned meeting shallnot be less than 3020% of the total members, subject to a minimum of 6024 members ofcollegium, which ever is higher. . The Collegium shall be competent to transact all business insuch adjourned meeting except the consideration of any Special Resolution. Any SpecialResolution can be passed in such adjourned meeting only if at least 50% of the total members ofCollegium, Sispal Vihar Society are present subject to minimum of 10060 Collegium members.

31. Adjourned Meetings. –(i) A Special / General Body Meeting of Sispal Vihar Society may be adjourned if the quorum

for such meeting is not complete.(ii) It shall be competent for the Governing Body to re-convene an adjourned Special / General

Body Meeting after a gap of not less than 48 hours of the meeting first convened andadjourned

(iii) If the 4050% level of the quorum is still not met in the adjourned meeting, a total of 30%members present shall constitute the quorum subject to minimum of 6036 members and thematters decided by a 2/3rd majority.

32. Extra-ordinary or Special General Body Meetings(i) The Collegium may hold its extra-ordinary or special general meetings as and when

required. Provided that the Governing Body shall convene a special or extraordinary generalmeeting of Sispal Vihar Society upon a requisition signed by 1/3 rd of the Governing Bodymember or 1020% of Collegium members or as & when so directed by the District Registrarof Societies or any other officer duly authorized by them under the relevant statutes in this

behalf.(ii) The notice of any Special General Meeting shall state the date, time and place of such

meeting and the purpose thereof along with the Agenda.

33. Order of BusinessThe order of Business of any Special/General Body Meeting may be decided by the GoverningBody or the members as deemed appropriate.

34. Special ResolutionAny matter required to be resolved through a Special Resolution may be decided at any generalmeeting, annual or special, which is attended by at least 50% of the total members and theproposal is approved by 3/5th of the members present and voting.

Chapter –- IV

Governing Body of Sispal Vihar Society35. Composition:

The Governing Body of Sispal Vihar Society shall consist total of 1311 members to include six5Office-bearers and Seven6 Executive Members as under:(i) President(ii) Vice-President(iii) General Secretary (iv) Joint Secretary(v) Treasurer(vi) Joint Treasurer. (vii) Seven Six Executive Members

36. Eligibility conditions for Election to Governing Body of Sispal Vihar Society:(i) He/ She should be a duly elected member of any one of the Collegium of Sispal Vihar

Society.(ii) He/ She should be a serving or ex-servicemen of the Defence Services i.e Army / Navy / Air

force.(iii) He/ She should be residing in Sispal Vihar, Sector-49, Sohna Road, Gurgaon.(iv) He/ She should not be involved have been convicted in any criminal case in any Police

Station or have a criminal case pending in any the Court of Law.(v) He / She who were elected in any previous governing body or collegiums and did not

participate in any of its meetings will be debarred from contesting any elections for threeyears.

(vi) He / She who was suspended as a member of governing body or Collegium and whosesuspension was approved in Special/ General Body Meeting will be debarred to contestelection for three six years.

(vii) Any member of Sispal Vihar who is not working for Sispal Vihar Society’s – Aims /Objectives and had been Black Listed by the Collegium in Special / General BodyMeeting and Registrar of Society was informed by a written communication to this effect.

(viii) He / She and their family members should not be involved in any commercial activity withSispal Vihar Society also should not be receiving any benefits / employed with SispalVihar Society.

(ix) He should not have been a Member of the Previous two consecutive Governing Body. (vii) Voting For Governing Body of Sispal Vihar

37. Voting For Governing Body of Sispal ViharThe Collegium will elect 1311 members for the Governing Body by Voting. The Collegiummember will cast their votes in person and No Proxy Voting or Postal Ballot will be allowed.The Governing Body will have a secret ballot for selecting the office bearers. This election willbe overseen by three nominated Members of the Collegiumis allowed.

38. Election of the Governing Body(i) The term of the Governing Body will be 18 monthsThree Years from the date the Returning

Officer notifies the results of the Governing Body’s election of Sispal Vihar Society. (ii) The outgoing Governing Body will declare the Schedule of Election and appoint the

Returning Officer and four independent observers after approval from Special/GeneralMeeting of Collegium for conduct of Election of the Governing body concurrent with theelection of the Collegium. The schedule must be completed within 45 days of thenotification/ declaration of results of the new Collegium by the Returning Officer(s). Itwill also notify/ display a list of members of the Collegium entitled to vote at least 45 daysprior to the holding of the General Meeting for conduct of the elections. The GoverningBody shall also send notices for holding elections of the Governing Body to all themembers, conveying the date, time & the manner. The information w.r.t. holding ofelection for the Governing Body shall also be send to District Registrar to appoint anobserver, if he so desires.

(iii) Any objections regardingqua the list of members of the Collegium entitled to vote shall bedecided by the Returning Officer indepedently and his/her in consultation with the office-bearers of Sispal Vihar Society. However, the decision of the Returning Officer shall be finalin the event of any difference of opinion.

(iv) The Returning Officer shall, thereafter, invite nominations to be filed within the periodprescribed in the Schedule of elections, scrutiny and withdrawal of nominations, if any, forelection of the office-bearers and the executive members of the Governing Body.

(v) The Returning Officer will display a list of the eligible contesting members on the noticeboard of Sispal Vihar Society at least 15 days before the date of the election. The returningofficer will conduct the election on the notified date. The members eligible to vote will beallowed to cast their vote in person, and wherever disputed, on production of the identitycard issued by Sispal Vihar Society.

(vi) After closing hours on the date of the poll, the returning officer will declare the results andconstitute the Governing Body of Sispal Vihar Society within 24 hours of completion ofthe polling. A list of the elected office-bearers and the executive members of theGoverning Body, duly signed by the Returning Officer(s), will be filed with DistrictRegistrar within seven days.

(vii) The office-bearers and executive members of Sispal Vihar Society shall not be entitled toany remuneration for rendering services to Sispal Vihar Society.

39. Resignation, Suspension and Removal of Governing Body Members. -(i) A Governing Body member may, of his own volition, resign from such position at any time.

Provided that the Governing Body may, if considered unavoidable, require such office-

bearer to continue to discharge his functions till such time his substitute is duly elected at aSpecial / General meeting of the Collegium by majority votes and not later than sixmonths. A resignation of any member would be deemed to be accepted within four weeksfrom the date of submission by the member to the Governing Body. The Governing bodywould intimate about the resignation of the member of the governing body to the Registrarof Societies within seven days of acceptance of the resignation or within four weeks of themember having tendered his resignation; as the case may be.

(ii) In case at least atleast 3/5th (seven) members of the Governing Body express their lack ofconfidence in any member of the Governing Body, for whatsoever reason, they shall be'competent to suspend such Governing Body member from office till such time the matter isconsidered at the Special / General Body meeting of the Collegium for his removal and soresolved.

(iii) Recommendation for removal of a Member of the Governing Body will be reported to the Collegium who will take action in accordance with details given in para 6 above.

(iv) The Governing Body shall convene a Special/General Body Meeting of the Collegiummembers as soon as possible, but not later than 45 days of such decision, to consider theremoval of such members of Governing Body.

(v) The Governing Body sha ll convene a Special/General Body Meeting of the Collegium members as soon as possible, but not later than 30 days of such decision, to consider theremoval of such members of Governing Body. Provided the suspended member ofGoverning Body removal is passed by a resolution in the meeting of Collegium bymajority of votes.

(vi) The successor of any Governing Body removed from the office shall be elected at the samemeeting of the Collegium either from the members of Governing Body or from themembers of the Collegium by majority of votes.

40. Exclusions from the Employment of Sispal Vihar Society:(i) No member of Governing Body of Sispal Vihar Society shall be in full-time or part-time/

paid consultant employment of Sispal Vihar Society;(ii) No dependentdependant or family member or close relative of the office-bearers and

executive members of the Governing Body shall be engaged as an employee of Sispal ViharSociety during its term;

(iii) Every Office-Bearer and Executive members of the Governing Body shall make adeclaration in case any person in the employment of Sispal Vihar Society is his closerelative.

(iv) No Office-Bearer or executive members of Sispal Vihar Society shall be appointed to anysalaried office of Sispal Vihar Society, and shall not be paid any fees or remuneration forthe services rendered by him;

(v) Provided that the Office-Bearers and/or the executive members shall be entitled to claimreimbursementre- imbursement of actual travel and out of pocket expenses incurred by themin connection with any work related to Sispal Vihar Society, and interest on , any money lentto Sispal Vihar Society for overcoming any temporary requirements.

41. Filling of any Casual Vacancy on the Governing Body —(i) Any vacancy arising on account of resignation or death of any member of the GoverningBody or for any other reason, willmay be filled-up by the handing over that Members duties toany Governing Body, if required, from amongst the members of the Executive Members tillsuch time the Collegium on adhoc basis till the holding of next Special / General Body Meetingof the Collegium is held and Bye Elections are announced. Sispal Vihar Society. Such adhocmember of the Governing Body shall cease to be a member of the Governing Body on the date

of the next Special/General Body Meeting, if his appointment is not approved in thespecial/General Body Meeting by a majority of votes for the balance term of the GoverningBody.

(ii) Any vacancy in the General Body, caused by any reason other than the removal ofif anoffice- bearer, may be filled-up by the remaining Governing Body . The Colleegium willhold the Bye Elections for all vacancies arising in the Gneral Body arising due to anyreason within 30 days of it's occurance. The General Body may appoint any of theExecutive members by voting and a simple majorityor from members of collegium ofthe Board by nomination as an intervening measure, which shall be placed in its nextSpecial / General Body meeting for ratification or election of such office-bearer,executive member of Governing Body or from members of Collegium. Confirmation ofsuch adhoc appointment must be sought from the Collegium within 90 days by theGoverning body.

42. Governing Body and its Mandatemandate(i) The affairs of Sispal Vihar Society shall, be managed by a Governing Body, comprising of

Sixfive office-bearers and seven six executive members who shall be elected by themembers of 17 Four Collegiums of Sispal Vihar Society for a term of 18 monthsthree years,and may be referred to as the Governing Body hereinafter.

(ii) the office-bearers and executive members of the Governing Body shall be the GoverningBody of Sispal Vihar Society also.

(iii) The Governing Body will also be Residential Welfare Association (RWA) of Sispal ViharSociety.

(iv) The Governing Body shall act as the trustees of the members of Sispal Vihar Society and beresponsible for the overall management of the assets of Sispal Vihar Society, operation andmanagement of all its common facilities and the multistoreyMultistory Apartmentcomplex as a whole, and shall exercise all powers as are required to be exercised in theefficient discharge of its functions and responsibilities;

(v) The Governing Body shall discharge its functions and duties following the principles ofcollective responsibility and the designations of any office- bearers are not meant tocreate any hierarchy;

(vi) The Governing Body may appoint such sub-committees of members from time to time,as may be considered necessary, with such terms as it may deem appropriate in exercise ofpowers and discharge of duties for the administration of the affairs of Sispal Vihar Societyand by co-opting Collegiums Members. It will be ensured that NO Non Member will bedetailed as a Member of any Sub Committee unless he / she is technically qualified in thatsubject. Approval for this will be taken from the Collegium. if required co-opt Collegiumsmembers/ Members of Sispal Vihar Society.

(vii)The Governing Body may co-opt or appoint such persons as members of any such sub-committee who possess special knowledge of any field / area to provide any expertassistance to any such committee.It will be ensured that NO Non Member will be detailedas a Member of any Sub Committee unless he / she is technically qualified in that subject.Approval for this will be taken from the Collegium.

(viii) The Governing Body may take the Services of Consultant / Consulting Services forspecific field and duration after due approval by the Collegium on remuneration as approveddecided by the CollegiumGoverning Body.

(ix) Any sub-committee appointed by the Governing Body, with or without any expert, shallsubmit its report to the Governing Body along with their recommendation. Therecommendation(s) will be tabled before the Collegium and once passed / approved by theCollegium, The Governing Body shall, take such action as approved. The Governing

willfinal action/decision as deemed appropriate and would be fully responsible for executionof all such directions. All such decisions will be taken within the ambit of these ByeLawsand accountable for such action/ decision.

(x) The Governing Body wil ensure that all Members who are co opted / detailed for any Board of Members are rotated each time and fresh Members are detailed for each of such subcommittees and Boards of Members.

(xi) The Governing Body shall be responsible for preparation of Budget for the ensuingfinancial year the Annual accounts and shall present to the Collegium in Feb/Mar forapproval and shall present audited accounts of the previous financial year and status /progress of current financial year in a meeting of Collegium held in July every yearanAnnual Report of its activities in its Annual General Meeting before the Collegium.

43. Duties, functions and powers of the Governing Body The Governing Body shall, in addition to the duties and responsibilities assigned under thesebye-laws or by resolution of Sispal Vihar Society, be responsible for the following, among otherthings:(i) The Governing Body shall prepare the budgets under the following heads and shall put up

to the respective Collegium committee for perusal and recommendation to the Collegiumfor approval in Feb / Or within 30 days of being formed for the ensuing year. :-

1. General Area Cleaning Budget. 2. Security Budget 3. Fire Fighting Budget 4. Lift Budget 5. Generators Budget 6. Sub Station Budget 7. Garden and Parks Budget 8. Society Office Budget 9. Club Budget 10. Budget to meet any unforeseen emergency expenditure. 11. Any other head which is needed. 12. Sinking Fund. 13. The Budget will give the details of the entire capital expenditure and the revenue

expected to be generated in the ensuing financial year.(ii) The care, upkeep and surveillance of the multistoreyMultistory Apartments Complex of the

Sispal Vihar Society, and the common areas and facilities and the restricted common areasand facilities;however boards warning residents that they are under CCTV surveilence.

(iii) Determination and collection of the monthly maintenance charges from the apartmentowners as approved in the General Body meeting;

(iv) The Governing Body shall put up AMCs for the respective heads to the respective committees of the Collegium for perusal and recommendation to the Collegium for approvalin Feb for the ensuing year or as per the requirement.

(v) The termination/ extension of all AMCs and agreements shall be approved by Collegium on the recommendation of respective committee of Collegium.

(vi) The strength of hired staff under respective budget and their remuneration shall be approved by Collegium.

(vii)Raise bills, receive the amount and deposit the same with the appropriate authority onaccount of monthly water, sewer charges and electricity bills;

(viii) All tariffs and levies for common and restricted facilities including Community Centre / Club Facilities , Parking Shifting charges etc from tenents shall be charged asapproved by Collegium.

(ix) Levy and collection of user charges for use of restricted common facilities as decided byGoverning Body and approved in Special/General Body meeting of Sispal Vihar Societyfrom time to time;

(x) All tariffs and charges fixation both for common and restricted facilities includingCommunity Centre / Club Facilities , Parking, Shifting charges , from tenants etc will beapproved by the Collegium decided by Governing Body and approved in theSpecial/General Body Meeting from time to time.

(xi) Designation, employment, payment of remuneration and dismissal of personnel or serviceprovider(s) necessary for the maintenance and operation of the multistoreyMultistoryApartments Complex of Sispal Vihar (AWHO), its common areas and facilities and therestricted common areas and facilities within the budget approved approved budget inGeneral Body Meeting;

(xii)Provide for the manner in which the accounts of Sispal Vihar Society shall be maintainedand its audit shall be carried out;

(xiii) Inspect and examine the records and accounts kept by or under the supervision of theTreasurer so as to ensure that these are maintained in the manner as prescribed;

(xiv) Take steps for timely payment of all obligations and the recovery of all sums due to SispalVihar Society;

(xv)Approve or sanction working expenses, maintenance of cash balanceand deal with other miscellaneous business as decided by the Governing Body andapproved in the Special/General Body Meeting;

(xvi) Ensure that the cash book is written promptly and is signed daily by Treasurer and in hisabsence by one of the members of the Governing Body authorized in this behalf;

(xvii) Always appropriately deal with the complaints concerning all issues of residents andobtain their feedback on the manner complaint/ requests to improve the services;

(xviii) Perform all other functions as may be decided, from time to time, by Governing BodySispal Vihar Society for the maintenance, repair and replacement of the fittings, fixtures,appurtenances or other property requiring maintenance, repair and replacement comprisedin common areas and facilities and the restricted common areas and facilities.

(xix) Governing Body, Sispal Vihar Society is the Prime employee for all services providers byoutsource agencies manpower as per the government orders. Therefore, it is mandatory onpart of the Governing Body to ensure that all statutory and mandatory payments are madeto the outsource service agency. Also ensure these funds (PF, ESI etc) are paid to theconcerned manpower by Service Providers. The photo copy of the documents are providedby the Service Providers as evidence regularly as government departments candemand/verify these documents.

(xx)Governing Body will ensure that the AMC and contracts for various services are not givento unauthorized and non registered vendors in order to avoid litigation or violation ofgovernment orders.

(xxi) Governing Body Sispal Vihar is providing the maintenance services. All services exceptthose defined as exempted by Service Tax Department are required to pay service tax.Governing Body must pay where ever required the taxes, charges, Cess, VAT whereapplicable by due date.

(xxii) Governing Body Sispal Vihar will ensure that all shops/ other commercial establishments in the clubwhich are given out on rent will be done in an open auction. Adequateadvertisement will be carried out for this. Shops/ other commercial establishments will berented out only to members of the Society. In case no Members is willing to take over anyshop/ commercial establishment, then in order of Priority it will be given to an ex-servicemen and if no ex servicemen is available then only will it may be given to acivilian. However all such cases where a shop/ commercial establishment is to be given to

a civilian, all individual cases will be discussed and prior approval of the Collegium taken.The proceedings will be recorded and all those present will sign the resolution. No shop/establishment in the Club will be given on more than three years lease. All such leases willbe registered. No shop / commercial establishment wil be given to a person with a criminalbackground/ or has criminal proceedings going against him in any court in India. Anaffidavit to this account will be taken from all persons who are rented out any shop /commercial establishment in the Sispal Vihar Society.

(xxiii) Painting / White washing of all Central facilities / common areas will be done once in every three years after due approval of the Collegium. However depending upon thecondition of the state of the painting/ white wash, this period may be increased/ decreasedby the Collegium.

(xxiv) The Governing Body will make and present a budget within one months of it taking over / mid February . The budget will be passed by the collegium. No expenditure will beundertaken by the Governing Body which has not been approved by the Collegium.

(xxv) In case of an emergency situation, expenditure may be undertaken, however a emergency meeting of the Collegium will be called and the expenditure be got passed. In case theCollegium rules that the expenditure was un-called and is not justified for, the entireamount will be made good by the members of the Governing Body who had approved theexpenditure from their personal account.

(xxvi) The Chartered Accountant (CA) detailed for audit of accounts wil prseent the audited accounts to the Collegium in July. CA's will be changed once every three years.

44. Powers, Functions & Duties of individual members of Governing Bo dy -

(viii) Powers, Functions & Duties of individual members of Governing Body-(i) President:

The President will be the Chief Executive Officer of Sispal Vihar Society.a) To preside over all the meetings of the Collegium and of the Governing Body and regulate

the proceedings of such meetings.b) To do all such acts, deeds and things as may be authorized by the Collegium and/or the

Governing Body from time to time.c) To allow or disallow discussion on any matter which is not included in the agenda. The

subject matter and reasons of disallowing discussion in the meeting shall be recorded in theminutes.d) To ensure proper & transparent functioning of Sispal Vihar Society/ Governing Body.e) To ensure strict compliance of the provisions of the Haryana Registration and

Regulation of Societies Act, 2012 and the rules made their under.f) To supervise and guide the overall activities/ achievement of aims & objectives of

Sispal Vihar Society.

(ii) Vice-president:a) To assist the president in carrying out his duties.b) In absence of the President, to act on his behalf and perform all duties and exercise all

the powers of the President.c) To do all such acts, deeds and things, as may be authorized by the Governing Body.

d) He will be the Chief Financial Officer of Sispal Vihar Society and will countersign the monthly accounts at the end of each month.

e) The Vice President will also be responsible for the following and will be assisted by Executive Members:-

1. Security Head : Preparation of annual budget of security and AMC proposal for approval by Collegium through respective Collegium Committee.

2. Finance Head : Responsible for proper maintenance of society accounts and will counter sign all accounts every month after closure. Preparation of consolidatedbudgets for approval in Feb by Collegium for the ensuing year.

3. Audit of Accounts . Responsible for getting closed accounts by designated CA and putting up in the Collegium meeting held in July for approval of annualaccounts.

4. Society Club Head : Preparation of annual budget , AMC , Contract , Agreement proposals for approval by Collegium through respective Collegium Committee.

5. Responsible for getting getting rates approved from Collegium of the services provided by the club to members.

6. Society Office Head : Responsible for proper functioning of Society office, preparation of office budget and getting it approved from Collegium through respective collegium Committee.

(iii) General Secretary:a) To conduct, organize, supervise and manage Sispal Vihar Society as envisaged in

Bye- Laws or carry out duties as assigned by the President/Governing Body. b) To conduct, organize, supervise and manage all the affairs of Sispal Vihar Society and

do all such acts and perform all such duties for the working of Sispal Vihar Society asmay be assigned by the President/Governing Body;

c) To convene meetings of the Collegium/Governing Body with the consent of thePresident and serve proper notices as prescribed under these byelaws.

d) To attend all the meetings of the Collegium and the Governing Body and assist thePresident in conducting the meetings and record proceedings of all the meetings.

e) To prepare annual report of Sispal Vihar Society and place it before the GoverningBody along with audited annual accounts of Sispal Vihar Society, for approval to placethe same before the Collegium in the Annual General Meeting.

f) To keep and preserve the records of Sispal Vihar Society/ Governing Body.g) To help and assist the President in looking- after the complete affairs of Sispal Vihar Society

and in attaining aims & objectivesobjects of Sispal Vihar Society as spelt out in these byelaws.h) To ensure timely filing of all statutory returns/ documents in the office of the District

Registrar and such other authorities as may be prescribed under the HaryanaRegistration and Regulation of Societies Act, 2012 and the rules made thereunder.

i) To be the custodian for safe custody of common seal of the Society and affix the same,wherever required, as per the authorization of the Governing Body.

j) To conduct correspondence on behalf of Sispal Vihar Society/ Governing Body and tosign letters and papers on its behalf and to ensure that all statutory registers andrecords are properly kept and maintained.

k) To prepare before announcing of the date of election and the Annual General Meeting,the list of all the members eligible to vote, duly updated and to place it before theGoverning Body.

l) Act as the overall in-charge of the administration and execution of all the programs ofSispal Vihar Society/ including financial affairs on behalf of the Governing Body

including creation of posts, fixation of salaries/ remuneration/ allowances etc., makeappointments/ engagement of staff, make purchases and do all other such things asmay be necessary in the furtherance of the aims & objects of Sispal Vihar Society inaccordance with the delegations by the Governing Body from time to time and whereno such delegation is specifically made, in consultation with the President of SispalVihar Society.

m) He will be responsible for the following tasks and will be assisted by Executive members:-

1. Head Technical Equipments & Fire Fighting : Responsible for preparation of budgets of Lifts, Generators, Lifts, Water Pumps, Fire Fighting etc and getting theseapproved from Collegium through respective Committee of Collegium. PlacingAMC proposals to Collegium for approval through respective Committee ofCollegium.

2. Head Leased Properties : Responsible for leasing of Society Properties after approval of Agreements by Collegium through the respective committee ofCollegium.

(iv)Joint Secretary:a) To assist the General Secretary/ Secretary of Sispal Vihar Society in carrying out his

functions and duties;b) To discharge the functions and duties of the General Secretary/ Secretary of the

Society in his absence to the extent authorized by the Governing Body;c) To look after such functions and duties and exercise such powers as may be assigned

and delegated by the Governing Body of Sispal Vihar Society from time to time.d) He will be responsible for the following tasks and will be assisted by Executive

members:-di) Head General Cleanliness : Responsible for preparation of budget and getting it

approved from Collegium through respective Committee of Collegium. Puting up ofAMC proposal to Collegium for approval through respective Committee ofCollegium.

dii) Head Gardening & Parks : Responsible for upkeep of gardens and parks of the Society. Prepare budget and get it approved from Collegium through the respectiveCommittee of Collegium. Get the proposal of AMC approved from Collegiumthrough the respective Committee of Collegium.

(v) Treasurer:a) To keep accounts of all financial transactions of Sispal Vihar Society and of all the

sums of money received and spent by Sispal Vihar Society and maintain records ofreceipts and expenses relating to such matters, and of assets, credits and liabilities.

b) To close accounts at the end of each month and get it countersigned by the President and the Vice President.

c) To get the accounts of Sispal Vihar Society audited by the chartered accountantappointed by the Governing Body at the close of the Financial year, every year.

d) To submit to the Governing Body through General Secretary/Secretary, the audited annualaccounts of Sispal Vihar Society, at least one month prior to the date of annual generalmeeting.e) To act as the overall custodian of all the books of accounts of Sispal Vihar Society,

financial statements, receipt books, expense vouchers, bank pass books & chequebooks, cash etc.

(vi) Joint Treasurera) To assist the Treasurer of Sispal Vihar Society in carrying out his functions and duties;

b) To discharge the functions and duties of the Treasurer the Society in his absence to the extentauthorized by the Governing Body;c) To look after such functions and duties and exercise such powers as may be assigned and

delegated by the Governing Body of Sispal Vihar Society from time to time.

(vii) Executive Membersa) To be part of Committees / sub-committees as decided by the Governing Body.b) To manage Security / House Keeping / Technical Services /Horticulture etc services as

decided by the Governing Body.c) To assist Governing Body in Management, Administration and in Maintenance of

Sispal Vihar Society.d) To assist the Governing Body in Management of Community Center / Club / any other

institute.(e) To work as a team in overall interest of Sispal Vihar Society.

Chapter –- V

Meetings of the Governing Body —Notices, Agenda, Quorum, and Proceedings45. Governing Body Meeting

(i) The first meeting of the newly elected Governing Body shall be held within 1530 days ofsuch election in Sispal Vihar Complex fixed by the Governing Body.

(ii) The Governing Body may hold its meeting as and when required subject to the condition that it shall meet at least once every quarter and hold a minimum offour meetings in a financial year.

46. Place of meetings Governing Body Meetings —All Governing Body Meetings of Sispal Vihar Society shall be held in the Sispal ViharComplex.

47. Notice for the Meetings of the Governing BodyEvery meeting of the Governing Body shall entail a notice of at least three days, circulatedin electronic or physical mode, as the case may be, along with the tentative agenda of thebusiness to be transacted at such meeting. Also inform all the members of Governing Bodyby SMS on their mobile telephones. Provided that the notice period may be waived in emergency circumstances if a majorityof the office-bearers agree to hold the meeting at a shorter notice.

48. QuorumAt least 5040% of the members subject to minimum Seven five members of the GoverningBody, (which should include at least four Members of the Governing Body and at leastthree Executive Members) shall constitute the quorum for any meeting.

49. Voting Rights in the Meetings of Governing BodyAll the members of the Governing Body have a right to cast one vote during the GoverningBody Meeting where a resolution / agenda have to the decided by voting.

49. Meetings of the Governing Body -(i) The meetings of the Governing Body will be held as least once every month. However, the

Governing Body shall meet at-least thrice in every quarter and there will be minimumtwelve meetings of the Governing Body in a financial year.

(ii) The proceedings of every meeting of the Governing Body will be recorded in the proceedings book separately maintained for this purpose. Such minutes shall be signed bythe Chairman of the meeting and the Secretary of Sispal Vihar Society. In case theChairman or the Secretary are not available to sign the minutes, these will be signed byany two members present in the meeting as may be authorized by the Governing Body. Allminutes of such meetings will be put on the Net for the information of all ordinarymembers within seven days of the closure of the meeting. All members not voting infavour an issue will write their descent note. All Members of the Governing Body willsign the Minutes. These wil be put up for the information of all ordinary members withinseven days of the closure of a meet.

(iii) The minutes of every meeting of the Governing Body will be placed for confirmation in the succeeding meeting of the Governing body.

50. Adjourned Meeting of Governing Body(ix) Meetings of the Governing Body -

diii) The meetings of the Governing Body will be held as and when required. However, theGoverning Body shall meet at-least once in every quarter and there will be minimum fourmeetings of the Governing Body in a financial year.

div) The proceedings of every meeting of the Governing Body will be recorded in theproceedings book separately maintained for this purpose. Such minutes shall be signed bythe Chairman of the meeting and the Secretary of Sispal Vihar Society. In case theChairman or the Secretary are not available to sign the minutes, these will be signed byany two members present in the meeting as may be authorized by the Governing Body.

dv) The minutes of every meeting of the Governing Body will be placed for confirmation in thesucceeding meeting of the Governing body.

(x) Adjourned Meeting of Governing BodyIn case quorum is not present the meeting shall be adjourned to another date for which a propernotice shall be issued. The members present in the adjourned meeting, subject to a minimum offour members, shall form the quorum for the adjourned meeting.

51. Proceedings of Meetings(i) Proceedings of each and every meeting of the Governing Body shall be recorded by the

Secretary and signed by the Secretary and the President;(ii) The proceedings of meetings, signed by the Secretary and the President, shall be maintained

in the form of a register of proceedings;(iii) The proceedings will be circulated amongst the members of the Governing Body by

electronic mode and hard copies thereof shall be endorsed to Registrar of Societiesas required.

(iv) The proceedings of all meetings of Governing Body must be compiled within seven days ofthe meet and put on the Society Web Site and made accessible to all members of SispalVihar Society or Collegiumaccessible to members of collegium or members of Sispal ViharSociety as and when requested for the same with 7 days notice to the Governing Body.

(v) The proceedings all meetings of the Governing Body must be put on Sispal Vihar Societywebsite within 7 days for information to members of Sispal Vihar Society and also send toRegistrar of Societies.

Chapter VI

Funds, Accounts and Audit

52. The Management, Accounting and Maintenance of Sispal Vihar Funds is one of the mostimportant functions / duty of the Governing Body of Sispal Vihar. It should be carried outabsolutely as per the directions given in these Bye-Laws and as per the standard operatingprocedure of Accounting System. The Governing Body acts as the custodian / trustee of SispalVihar Society funds and same must be spent judiciously with full transparency and diligence.

53. General Rules to be followed.

(xi) General Rules to be followed. (I) If the Governing Body incurs any expenditure in violation of the directions of the

CollegiumGeneral Body, it shall be required to make good the loss to the society completely.The money will be paid by all Members of the Governing Body who had ruled / voted infavour of the expenditure, Therefor written record of all such meetings will be held andMembers who do not agree shall write their Note of descent .

(ii) No member / office bearer of the Governing Body shall draw a cash advance from any ofSispal Vihar Society funds except for any emergency purchases.

(iii) Any employee of the Sispal Vihar, who collects cash on its behalf on account of parkingcharges, club membership, stall / kiosk booking etc must deposit the same with theaccountant on the same day. Non deposition to be viewed seriously and should attractdisciplinary action.

(iii) Monthly statement of accounts to be placed on the web site by 10 th of the followingmonth giving details of expenditure and income.

(iv) Agreements with vendors / suppliers to be signed by the President and General Secretaryonly on behalf of Sispal Vihar Society and no employee of Sispal Vihar Society shall beauthorized to sign the same.

(v) No agreement shall be signed for a period exceeding three3-5 years. Any deviation to beapproved cleared by the Collegium Governing Body before such an agreement is signedand reasons for deviation recorded. Members who descent will write their reasons on theMinutes of the meeting. All such proceedings will be put on the net for the informationof all ordinary members.

54. Deployment of fundsThe income and property of Sispal Vihar Society shall be applied solely towards promotion ofthe aims and objects of Sispal Vihar Society as set forth in the Memorandum of Society andBye-Laws and no portion thereof shall be paid or transferred, directly or indirectly, tothe members of Sispal Vihar Society.

55. Maintenance of Accounts(i) Sispal Vihar Society should open separate bank accounts as under for separate purposes and

maintain separate accounts of credits to and debits from each such account:-

(a) Capital Fund(b) General Fund(c) Funds From Recharge of Meters(d) Maintenance Fund(e) Sinking Fund(f) Club Fund

(ii) The Treasurer should keep an amount, not exceeding Rs.20,000 (Rs. Twenty Thousand), incash at all times with them or with the Estate Manager in order to defray any or all suchpetty expenses for which payments may not be feasible through bank instruments.Expenditure out of this amount must be got approved by the Governing Body beforerelease of any further amount of cash.

(iii) All payments exceeding Rs.5,000 (Rs. Five Thousand), in so far as possible, shall be madeby cheque signed Jointly by the President and the Treasurer of Governing Body SispalVihar Society. In absence of President and /Treasurer any two Office Bearers can benominated to sign the cheque after the same has been passed by a resolution in theGoverning Body Meeting. Reasons for not making payment by cheque will be recordedand signed by the President and the Treasurer. All such details will be brought to theNotice of the Collegium and regularised. In case of absence of more than seven days, theaccounts will be handed over by the President to the Vice President and by the Treasurer tothe Joint Treasurer.

(iv) The Governing Body shall maintain an account in respect of every member of Sispal ViharSociety in electronic or physical form containing particulars of the amount due from amember (in respect of common maintenance charges, utility bills, user charges, or anyother demand), the payments made, the balance towards or against the member/ SispalVihar Society, as the case may be. Copies of the accounts so Maintained shall be madeavailable to the members on demand during the Annual General Body Meeting of SispalVihar Society or at any stage, for which Sispal Vihar Society may determine a fee.

(v) Maintenance charges will be taken from all residents based on no loss and no profit basis. The maintenance charges will be reviewed twice in a year in August and in Decembereach year.

(xii) Operation of Funds, Sispal Vihar Society

56. Operation of Funds, Sispal Vihar Society Sispal Vihar Society will open separate Accounts in one or more banks as decided by the

Governing Body dully approved in General Body meeting of Collegium as under:-

Sispal Vihar Society will open separate Accounts in one or more banks ( account will NOTbe opened in a private bank) as decided by the Governing Body dully approved in GeneralBody meeting of Collegium as under:-

(xiii) Capital Fund of Sispal Vihar Society

57. Capital Fund of Sispal Vihar Society

(i) Income - The income in Capital Fund will be from following resources whichshould preferably be deposited in Fixed Deposits of Capital Fund in the approved Banks:-

(a) Corpus of Apartment Owners received from the AWHO.(b) 50% of the total fund received in General Fund in a Financial Year to be deposited in

the fixed deposit of Capital Fund.

(c) Interest accrued from the Fixed Deposit of Capital Fund will be amalgamated intothe Capital Fund at the end of every Financial Year.

(d) Any donations received from the apparent owner/ members of Sispal Vihar Society.(e) Any donation received from the any Organization, Institute, Commercial/

Companies and any individuals without any embargo or any terms and conditions onSispal Vihar Society.

(ii) Expenditure - The Expenditure from the Capital Fund should not be incurred till theCapital Fund is raised to Rs. 20,00,00,000 (Rs Twenty Crores) or as approved by theGeneral Body Meeting of Collegium. There after only the interest accrued out of the FixedDeposits of Capital Fund could be utilized by Governing Body after approval in theGeneral Body Meeting of Collegium by a majority of Votes as under:-

(a) Transfer the Interest into Reserve Fund / Sinking Funds as with passage of time therewill be a major requirement of Funds for Expenditure on replacement / major repairsof equipments and major repairs to Structure of Towers

(b) to subsidize the Maintenance Charges (c) for any project/ facilities to improve the Habitability of Sispal Vihar Residents after

the approvals in Annual General Meeting of Collegium.

(iii) Financial Powers of Governing Body for Expenditures from Capital Fund

The Governing Body has no powers to do any expenditure from this Fund without theexplicit sanction in the Annual General Body Meeting of Collegium by a 3/5th majority ofvotes.

58. General Fund of Sispal Vihar Society(i) Income - The income in this General Fund account will be from the following resources

which will be deposited in the Saving Account /Fixed Deposit of General Fund in theapproved List of Banks:-

(a) Rent and allied charges received from the Leased properties of Sispal Vihar from theLessee.

(b) Securities – Refundable or Non Refundable Securities received from venders / Lesseeand Interest on these Securities.

(c) Charges / Payments received from residents/ others for usage of Restricted CommonFacilities / Areas.

(d) Advertisements / Publicity Charges.(e) Kiosks / Stalls charges for sale / publicity(f) Penalty / Fines received from Residents and others.(g) Any other income / payments /miscellaneous payments received for Sispal Vihar


(ii) Expenditure - The expenditure from General Fund will be based on an appreciated /tentative income in a financial Year and approved in Annual General Body Meeting. TheWorks / Projects proposed beyond Rs. 50,000 (Rs. Fifty Thousand Only) along with theProject Report will only be executed after the approval in the Annual General Body Meetingof Collegium. 50% of the Total Income accrued of General Fund will be transferred to theCapital Fund annually. All expenditure other than maintenance expenditure fromMaintenance Fund for Sispal Vihar Society will be done from this fund by the GoverningBody within their financial powers.

(iii) Financial Powers of Governing Body for Expenditures from General Fund

The Governing Body has powers to spend upto Rs. 50,000 (Rs. Fifty Thousand) and thesePowers will not be vested in any individual member of the Governing Body and will bewithin the approved Budget of the Financial Year. President of the Governing Body haspowers to spend up to upto Rs. 20,000 (Rs. Twenty Thousand), which must be approved bythe Governing body in its next meeting. In case of any emergency these Powers may beincreased as a one time expenditure to one lacs on any one item. However a meeting of thecollegium will be ordered and this amount be regularized. The Governing Body cannotspend money in a month which more than the monthly expenditure.

(iv) Procedure for Undertaking Major Works:

If any major work ( above twenty five lacs) is to be undertaken, which requires contribution from all members, then such works can be undertaken only once all Owners have given their consent in writing and sent the requisite advance by cheque / draft.

59. Funds from Recharge Meter

(i) The advance payments received by Recharging Of Meters from Residents for theirApartments and from Sispal Vihar Society leased properties are for the followingexpenditures / payments as under:-

(a) Transfer of Fixed Maintenance Charges paid by Residents and paid by Sispal ViharLeased Property occupants to Maintenance Fund Sispal Vihar Society.

(b) Payment of Electricity consumed by Resident for their apartments and by Sispal Viharleased properties to DHBVN through Sispal Vihar Society

(c) Payment for the Standby DG Power Supply by Resident for their apartments and bySispal Vihar leased properties to Sispal Vihar Society.

(d) Payment for fixed water charges by Resident of each apartments and by Sispal Viharleased properties to HUDA through Sispal Vihar Society

(e) Payment for Sewer Charges by Resident for their apartments and by Sispal Vihar leasedproperties through Sispal Vihar Society.

(ii) The Fund From Recharge Meter will operate under following Heads separately showing thepayments and receipts and expenditures under each Heads separately:-

(iv) The Fund From Recharge Meter will operate under following Heads separately showing thepayments and receipts and expenditures under each Heads separately:-

(a) Maintenance Charges(b) Electricity Charges(c) Standby DG Power Supply Charges(d) Water Charges(e) Sewer Charges

(v) Financial Powers of Governing Body for Expenditures from Fund From Recharge

Meter - Governing Body is authorized to make the payments from Fund From Recharge Meter for Electricity, Diesel for DG Power supply, Water and Sewer which will be paid on actual to the DHBVN, HUDA and Diesel supplier and transfer the Fixed Maintenance Charges monthly into Maintenance Fund, Sispal Vihar Society.

60. Maintenance Fund

(i) Income

The Income for Maintenance Fund are received from Fund from Recharge Meter which arepaid as Fixed Maintenance Charges in advance by Residents for their apartments. Thepayments for Maintenance Charges will be transferred monthly from Fund from RechargeMeter to Maintenance Fund for Separate Accounting of Income and Expenditure. TheMaintenance Charges will be fixed by the Governing Body from time to time after theapproval in the General Body Meeting of Collegium.

(ii) Expenditure

The expenditure is incurred for providing Maintenance Services for Common / RestrictedCommon Areas /Facilities to the residents of Sispal Vihar Society. The payments made byResidents are for the Maintenance Services which shall include Security Services,Housekeeping Services, Horticulture/ Arboriculture, Technical Services and StructuralInsurance of Towers and Equipment etc.Share of Payment for Common Area Consumption for Electricity, DG Standby PowerSupply, Water, Sewer charges will be transferred from Maintenance Fund to the respectiveHeads in Fund from Recharge Meter monthly by Governing Body.

(iii) Financial Powers of Governing Body for Expenditures from Maintenance Fund

The tentative monthly maintenance expenditure for the next financial year should beapproved along with Annual Budget in Annual General Body Meeting by the GoverningBody. The details of tentative expenditure from Maintenance Fund for the MaintenanceServices giving detail Monthly and Yearly expenditures for the following services asunder :-

(a) Security Services Payments(b) Housekeeping Services Payments(c) Technical Services Payments(d) Horticulture /Arboriculture Payments(e) Garbage Disposal Payments(f) Working Committee Payments(g) Office Management Payments(h) Towers Structures and Equipment Insurance Payments.(i) Annual Maintenance Contracts (AMC) Payments for :-

a) Liftsb) DG Setsc) Pumpsd) Transformerse) 33 KVA Sub Stationsf) Cable from 33 KVA station to DHBVN Power House Sector 72…..g) Electrical Panels

h) CCTV and Boom Barriersi) Recharge Meters

(j) Electricity consumption for Common /Restricted Common Areas / facilitiesPayments(k) Water for common /Restricted Common Areas / facilities consumption Payments(l) DG Standby Power Supply for Common /Restricted Common Areas / facilitiesconsumption Payments(m)Repairs done monthly /Annually payments(n) The miscellaneous / emergency unforeseen expenditure’s payments(o) 10 % of Maintenance Fund to be deposited and reserve / sinking funds payments

(p) Any taxes, charges and cess payments to the Govt. Departmentsdepartments. (iv) Non Planned Expenditure. Any non planned expenditure will not exceed 25% of the income for that quarter. In all such cases expenditure will be got regularised by taking approval of the Collegium in the next meeting.

(iv)These tentative details should be shown on monthly and yearly basis separately for approvalin Annual General Body Meeting. Once approved the Governing Body is empowered tospend from Maintenance Fund on actual expenditure but within the limits of tentativeexpenditures approved. Governing Body is authorized to do expenditures for emergencies,crisis management / major breakdown and which subsequently should get ratified in theearliest Special / General Body meeting.

(v) The rates of the Monthly Maintenance charges will be reviewed once every six months and if the expenditure from this head is less than forecast then the rates will be reduced and viceversa. The maintenance charges to be charged from Members will be approved by theCollegium.

61. Sinking Fund

The Sinking Fund which is part of the Maintenance Fund will receive 10% of the Total Monthlymaintenance charges received from Residents which will be deposited as Fixed RecurringDeposit. The amount must be credited to this account on monthly basis. This Fund will only beused for major repairs / replacements of Lifts, DG sets, Pumps and for major repairs ofStructures of Towers after approval in General Body Meeting of Collegium by 3/5 th majority ofVotes.

62. Club Fund

(i) Income - The income of Club / Community Centre will be from the income accrued fromthe following resources:-

(a) Club Membership No monthly charges will be taken from any residents. No non resident/ Non Member will be given Membership of the Club or allowed to use any of thefacility in the Club or the Society. All such memberships, given to non residents / nonmembers, will be terminated immediately.

(f) Club Membership (b) Interest on Fixed Deposit from Club Fund(c) Paid Services Charges / Tariffs - Swimming Pool, Billiards room, Cards Room, Guest

Rooms, Banquet Hall, Lower Banquet Hall/ Party Hall, Open Lawn, Roof Top Terrace,Activity Hall, and any other Indoor / Outdoor Games. The paid services charges/ tariffs

will be fixed by the Governing Body after the approval in General Body Meeting ofCollegium.

(d) Rent from Cafeteria, Gymnasium and Beauty Parlour.(e) Interest on securities from the leased property of the Club.

(f) Grants / Donations / any other payments received for Club/ Community CenterCentre,Sispal Vihar Society.

(ii) Expenditure

The expenditure for Management and operation of the Club will be incurred from this fund.The expenditure of normal maintenance for common area / facilities including electricity,DG Power backup and water have been included into the maintenance expenditure of SispalVihar Society.

(iii) Financial Powers of Governing Body for Expenditures from Club Fund

The financial powers for expenditure from the Club Fund by Governing Body will be asunder :-

(a) Monthly staff emoluments will be actual as approved in the Annual General BodyMeeting.(b) Monthly operational / Management expenditure will be actual as approved in theAnnual General Body Meeting.

(c) Any miscellaneous expenditures if required will be up to upto maximum of Rs. 10000 (Rs.Ten Thousand ) which the Governing Body must ratify the expenditure subject to amaximum of Rs 50000 (fifty thousand) in a month. All such expenditure must be part of theAnnual Budget and approved by the Collegium.

63. Sispal Vihar Society members (Apartment Owners) Account

(xiv) Sispal Vihar Society members (Apartment Owners) Account

The Governing Body Sispal Vihar Society will open separate accounts for each individualmember of Sispal Vihar Society. This account should have the monthly receipts of paymentsmade in Fund from Recharge Meter and expenditures which should be available to themember through electronic / physical mode. This account will also be audited by the auditorand its audit report will also be part of audit report of Sispal Vihar Society.

64. Registers and Documents

The following registers and papers shall be maintained and shall be opened for the inspectionof anyone interested in its funds, except that no one shall be allowed to see the depositaccount of any other member without that member’s consent in writing: -

(i) A register of members, showing the name, address and occupation of every member, the date of admission to membership, date of termination of membership and the nominee appointed under the bye-laws.

(ii) A cash book showing the income, expenditure and balance on each day on which business istransacted.

(iii) A ledger account for each member, depositor, creditor and for miscellaneous and contingent

income and expenditure.(iv) A register showing the maximum credit of each member.(v) An account showing monthly deposits and contribution.(vi) A register showing all the properties purchased and disposed/leased out by the Society.(vii) A minute book.(viii) An Account for each member and depositors.(ix) Any other register prescribed by the Registrar.(x) The last balance sheet shall be opened to public inspection during office hours.

65. Custody Of Documents. Respective Office bearers shall ensure the safe custody of various documents and registers requiredto be maintained by them. The following records are also to be maintained by the Society for theaudit purposes:-

(vi) Registration of the Society.

(vii) Register of renewals.

(viii) Membership Register.

(ix) Record of proceedings of the meetings.

(x) Stock register.

(xi) Cash books, ledgers and receipt books.

(xii) Directory of allotteesallotees.

(xiii) Any other record as may be considered essential/necessary by the Society.

66. Cashless PaymentsAll payments received should be cashless. The payment should be received including inRecharge From Meters by any one of the methods as under:-(i) By Debit Card / Credit Card and Tax as applicable will be paid extra.(ii) Cash deposit for recharge coupons for a maximum limit of Rs 3000 (three thousand only). j) By E- Banking / Net Banking k) By mobile telephone transfer.l) By cash deposit in the concerned account in the bank directly by any individual member for

payments including Recharge From Meter. Based on bank receipt and confirmation fromthe Bank by SMS there after Recharge for Meter will be done.

(iii) All other payments should only be received by Pay Order / Demand Draft above Rs. 1000/-Cheques will only be taken from Members of Sispal Vihar as defined in these ByeLaws.500/-

(iv) Only small amount upto Rs 1000500 cash can be received by the Governing Body for use ofclub facility by any resident/ member.

67. Investments Investments – Sispal Vihar Society may invest or deposit its funds in one or more of the following:-

(i) In a Co-operative Bank or a Scheduled Bank or a Post-office Savings Account, or(ii) In any of the securities specified in Section 20 of the Indian Trust Act, 1982;(iii) In any other manner as resolved and approved in Special / General Body Meeting of The

Collegium, Sispal Vihar Society by majority of votes.(iv) All investments will be discussed and approved in the Collegium.

68. Annual Accounts

(i) The Governing Body, Sispal Vihar Society shall prepare annual accounts of Sispal ViharSociety at the end of each financial year, as soon as possible, but in any case on or beforethe 30th June of the following year.

(ii) The Annual Accounts shall contain details as under:-a) the receipts and expenditures statement of the previous financial year;b) surplus or deficit account; and c) a summary of the property and assets and liabilities of the common areas andfacilities of Sispal Vihar Society giving such particulars as will disclose the generalnature of these liabilities and assets and how the value of fixed assets has been arrivedat.d) get approved the detail Monthly Maintenance Expenditures from Maintenance Fund,Expenditures from General Fund and expenditure from Club Fund for the next FinancialYear in Annual General Body Meeting.e) get the Planned and Non Planned Budget approved for the Next Financial Year.

69. Internal Quarterly Audit of Accounts

Internal Quarterly Audit of all accounts of Sispal Vihar Society shall be carried out by aIndependent Audit Board detailed by the Collegium once every quarterGoverning Body. TheIndependent Audit Board shall Audit the Account and also check and reflect that the fundsutilization are as per laid down procedures and as per the accounting system. Also check theexpenditure incurred by the Governing Body have been confined to the limits sanctioned inBye-Laws and also approved in the Annual General Body Meeting.

70. Audit of Accounts(i) The Annual Accounts shall be submitted for Audit by a Chartered Accountant engaged by

the Governing Body, Sispal Vihar such Chartered Accountant not being a member ofGoverning Body of Sispal Vihar Society or a close relative of any of these members;

(ii) The Auditors shall audit the accounts of Sispal Vihar Society, with or without anyqualifications, and submit their report thereon.

(iii) The Auditor shall also check all Funds have been utilized as per terms and conditions givenin these Bye-Laws and any deviations report will also be given along with the AuditReport.

(iv) The audited financial statement shall be open to inspection by any member of Sispal ViharSociety during office hours and in the office of Sispal Vihar Society and a copy thereofshall be placed before the Annual General Body Meeting for its approval and adoption notlater than 31st of August of the year.

(v) Every financial statement shall be accompanied by a complete list of the apartment owners,along with the amount received, expenditure and balance (credit / debit) from theApartment Owners.

(vi) A copy of the Annual Audited Accounts shall be filed in the office of the District Registrarin the form and manner prescribed under the relevant law.

71. Appointment of Auditor and audit related matters.-(i) Governing Body, Sispal Vihar Society shall appoint a registered Chartered Accountant or a

firm of Chartered Accountants as the auditor after its approval at its Annual GeneralMeeting along with the determination of the remuneration there for.

(ii) The Governing Body of Sispal Vihar Society shall extend full assistance to the Auditor andmake all such documents and records available to him as may be required for the same;

(iii) The Auditor shall conduct the audit of the accounts of Sispal Vihar Society in accordance

with the accepted Accounting Standards, along with or without any qualifications oradvisory to the Governing Body of Sispal Vihar Society for the proper upkeep of accounts.

(iv) The auditor shall be entitled to call for and examine any papers or documents belonging toSispal Vihar Society covering the complete scope of activities of Sispal Vihar Society.

(v) The Chartered Accountant (CA) hired for auditing the Society accounts will be changed once evry three years. Only CA with proven track record will be hired for auditing ofaccounts.

(xv) Registers and Documents:

72. Registers and Documents.The following registers and papers shall be maintained and shall be opened for theinspection by any one interested in its funds, except that no one shall be allowed to see thedeposit account of any other member without that member’s consent in writing: -

(i) A register of members, showing the name, address and occupation of every member, the date of admission to membership, date of termination of membership and the nominee appointed under the bye-laws.

(ii) A cash book showing the income, expenditure and balance on each day on which business is transacted.

(iii) A ledger account for each member, depositor, creditor and for miscellaneous and contingent income and expenditure.

(iv) A register showing the maximum credit of each member.(v) An account showing monthly deposits and contribution.(vi) A register showing all the properties purchased and disposed/leased out by the

Society.(vii) A minute book.(viii)An Account for each member and depositors.(ix) Any other register prescribed by the Registrar.(x) The last balance sheet shall be opened to public inspection during office hours.

Chapter – VII

Procedures for Management, Administration and Maintenance Services

The Governing Body should ensure the under mentioned procedures are adopted for better functioning and improving the services in Sispal Vihar Society:-

73. Working Committee:

A Working Committee should be a nucleus of highly professional, experienced and dedicatedteam deployed for Administration, Management including office management and for thecontrol of the Maintenance services. The Working Committee should be headed by the EstateManager and to assist him there should be a Technical Manager, Security Manager,Housekeeping Services Manager, office staff including account’s staff, Complain Cell Staff and

Staff for Recharge of Meters etc. The Working Committee should be given the detailresponsibilities in writing and the authority including the financial powers by the GoverningBody. All Service providers’ staff and AMC staff etc should be under the management ofWorking Committee.

74. Standing Operating Procedures:The Governing Body will make Rules, Standing Operating Procedures and stream line theworking in the society in writing and will also ensure they are implemented strictly, particularlythe lease by tenants, parking, entry & exits, club rules and for use of restricted common facility/areas.

75. Handing Taking Over:As and when the Governing Body of Sispal Vihar are changed it is the responsibility of theOutgoing Governing Body to properly handover the responsibilities and documents, registers,Accounts, Fixed Deposit, lease agreements of Sispal Vihar Properties and Agreements forVarious Services and contracts etc along with a detail handing over details. The IncomingGoverning Body will properly take over from the Outgoing Governing Body Also the Governing Body will ensure proper handing and taking over of the staff deployed ofWorking Committee and the Service providers is done whenever their services are stopped.

(xvi) Stores Purchase, Receipt, Issue, And Accounting:A proper system be implemented for proper purchase system where the financial limits bespecified separately for tenders, quotations and routine purchases. Vendors after screening andfixing their rates should be shortlisted for Maintenance Services and other stores. Stores shouldpreferably be purchased directly from the manufacturer or approved agents or main suppliers.The stores purchased should be original, genuine parts / items and no local or duplicate parts bepurchased.Stores receipt, accounting and distribution should be properly maintained and their judiciousutilization / deployment. Yearly stocktaking of assets, properties and stores must be done regularly.

(xvii) Automation of Sispal Vihar Society:The Governing Body after the approval in General Body Meeting the financial implication mustget the Sispal Vihar Society automation done to include complete office procedure, accounts,data from recharge meter, complaint cell, exit and entry. The Governing Body will use theservices of Software Engineer, Software Programmer, and data entry operator. Sispal ViharSociety should have its own website for better control, services and security.The recharging of meters must be controlled and staffed under the Working Committee forbetter management and coordination for preparation of each individual apartment’s accounts.This will also enable the resident to see their Monthly Payments made and Expenditures onElectricity, DG Power Backup, water and sewer charges etc.

76. Stores Purchase, Receipt, Issue, And Accounting:A proper system be implemented for proper purchase system where the financial limits bespecified separately for tenders, quotations and routine purchases. Vendors after screening andfixing their rates should be shortlisted for Maintenance Services and other stores. Stores shouldpreferably be purchased directly from the manufacturer or approved agents or main suppliers.The stores purchased should be original, genuine parts / items and no local or duplicate parts bepurchased. Stores receipt, accounting and distribution should be properly maintained and theirjudicious utilization / deployment. Yearly stocktaking of assets, properties and stores must bedone regularly by a Board of Members detailed by the Colegium. Non Members will NOT bedetailed for any Board of Members.

77. Automation of Sispal Vihar Society:The Governing Body after the approval in General Body Meeting the financial implication mustget the Sispal Vihar Society automation done to include complete office procedure, accounts,data from recharge meter, complaint cell, exit and entry. The Governing Body will use theservices of Software Engineer, Software Programmer, and data entry operator. Sispal ViharSociety should have its own website for better control, services and security.The recharging of meters must be controlled and staffed under the Working Committee forbetter management and coordination for preparation of each individual apartment’s accounts.This will also enable the resident to see their Monthly Payments made and Expenditures onElectricity, DG Power Backup, water and sewer charges etc. All increase in rates ofmaintenance / electricity charges/ fines and so on to the vendor for the recharging meterswill be informed by the Governing Body to the Collegium in the next meeting of theCollegium.

78. Criteria for Fixing Tariffs / Charges from ResidentsSispal Vihar Society is a basically a welfare society for the residents of Sispal Vihar and itis not a commercial organization. Therefore the Criteria for fixing the tariffs / charges byGoverning Body Sispal Vihar Society should generally be based on the following factors:-

(i) All expenditure actually being incurred including expenditure on electricity, DG StandbyPower Supply , water, share of manpower expenditures and overall expenditure if any.

(ii) Statuary payments, taxes, cess, and etc should be the expenditure.(iii) The Depreciation factor as applicable or 10% depreciation should be the expenditure.(iv) The overall 10% on the total expenditure should be included as profit etc.(v) The total expenditure should be divided based on usage by the number of residents, duration

of the period for usage which should decide the tariffs / charges from residents for thoseservices / facilities.

(vi) Fines – The scale of fines which the Governing Body may levy proposes must be approvedin the General Body Meeting of the Collegium.

79. Contract for Maintenance Services, Manpower and Annual Maintenance Contract(AMC)

The contracts for Maintenance Services, supply of Man Power and Annual MaintenanceContract (AMC) while being outsourced to the Services Providers/Maintenance Providers thefollowing factors must be strictly ensured :-(i) Technical feasibility and performance of outsource service provider must be evaluated.(ii) The service provider must be a registered service provider as per the govt. norms.(iii) Financial health of the service provider must be evaluated.(iv) The Past experience and the background of the service provider must be evaluated.(v) The present performance of service provider to other societies must also be evaluated. (vi) The Service Provider’s performance on payments for EPF , ESI and any other statuary

payments to their employees must be evaluated .(vii) As per the standard of maintenance services/ AMC required accordingly the outsource

agency‘s /AMC costing must be compared to the costing going around in other societies. (viii) All legal aspects of the contract must be fully vetted from a legal consultant / adviser and

ensured before the Service / Manpower contract / AMC contract is awarded.(ix) No Service Provider must be permitted to take the contract unless Letter of Intent or the

Contract is signed between The President and The Service / Manpower / AMC Provider.(x) The contract must be for 11 Months and based on the performance the contract could be

renewed.(xi) The Governing Body will detail a committee to process the contract for Service Provider /

Manpower / AMC and Governing Body will be the final authority to finalize the Contract.(xii) The Governing Body must ensure that the Services, AMC are carried out as per the terms

and condition given in the contract.(xiii) There should be penalty clauses in the contract for the deficiencies in services / AMC and

for shortfall in man power.(xiv) The Service Provider / AMC Provider performance must be as for as possible documented.

They must ensure both good service / performance and the requisite manpower areprovided failing which the penalty clauses must be imposed on Contractor / Agency.

(xv) The Governing Body must make the payments to service / manpower providers / AMC bydue date for better response and good service.

80. Lease Agreement between The Apartment Owner and TenantAll landlords will ensure that all necessary documents as laid down by the Governing Body willbe submitted to the Office of the Society. No Apartment will be rented out /leased to a thirdparty without prior permission of Governing Body, Sispal Vihar Society reserves the right toBlock the entry of any tenant whose documents as stipulated by the Society have not beensubmitted to the Society Office. The Governing Body also reservesin writing. Governing Body,Sispal Vihar Society has the right to reject /evict a tenant on account of indiscipline, misconductand moral turpitude. The tenant will follow rules of Sispal Vihar Society and will pay theprescribed charges per month towards Maintenance Fund to Sispal Vihar Society. Theprescribed charges will be decided by the Governing Body from time to time and which will beratified by the General Body Meeting. The members will ensure that antecedents of prospectivetenants and their servants are verified from the police and the local police station as well and theGoverning Body is informed accordingly. Apartment will be leased out an a proper LEASEDEED (A suggested copy of lease deed can be had from the office by a nominal payment of Rs10/- per copy). Decorum of the complex shall be maintained. No commercial activity or openingof offices at working / non-working hours or using Apartment as godowns by occupants orotherwise is permitted from this complex. A copy of the Lease Deed shall also be shall becounter signed by Governing Body and one photo copy given for record in Sispal ViharSociety’s office. All local rules set by Sispal Vihar Society shall be followed in letter and spirit.

81. Lease Agreements for Sispal Vihar Properties by Governing BodyThe Criteria while leasing out property of Sispal Vihar the following factors must be consideredand strictly implemented :-(i) The Lease Agreements must be vetted for its legality from a legal adviser / Consultant.(ii) The Lease Agreements must be favorablefavourable to Sispal Vihar Society.(iii) The Lease Agreements must be of shorter durations in any case not more than three 5 years.(iv) The Lease Agreement’s rent etc must be in consonance with the rents prevailing in the

market and similar Societies. (v) Three months of advance rent will be taken as security form all vendors who take a shop/

any other establishment on rent.(vi) The clause for termination of the Lease Agreements by either party without assigning any

reason with minimum period and in any case not more than 3 months must be included. (vii) The Monthly Rent and Maintenance Charges etc should be paid through the Recharge of

their meters along with their consumption of electricity, Standby DG Power Supply andwater charges which should be part of Lease Agreement.

(viii) Security Deposit must also be taken as decided along with the Lease Agreement.

(ix) The Lease Agreement along with all requisite documents must be taken before finalizing theLease Agreement and all Lease Agreements must be registered.

(x) President and the General Secretary/ Secretary will jointly President is only authorized tosign the Lease Agreement. This power cannot be delegated to any other Member of theGoverning Body.

(xi) All lease documents will be put on the Society Web site for the information of all Members of the Society.

(xii) All lease documents where a shop/ other establishment is being lease to a civilian will be approved by the Collegium before the lease is signed by the President and the GeneralSecretary / Secretary.

81. Ledgers / Accounts of Leased Assets. The governing body will ensure that individual separaterunning ledgers/ accounts for each of the properties / assets leased out by the Governing Body aremaintained. These must show the details of their individual monthly rental/ dues paid, electricityand maintenances charges paid by them and the details must be put up along with the accounts ofthe society on the portal.

82. Sale /Disposal of Apartments by Apartment OwnersNo Sale /Transfer of dwelling unit to a third party shall be affected by the members, his/herheirs, successors, administrators and executors without prior permission, in writing, of theAWHO. Conditions for disposal of property as laid down in Paras 80 to 83 of the MasterBrochure of AWHO, as amended from time to time, shall be followed in letter and spirit. In theevent of consent being given by Sispal Vihar Society, Sispal Vihar Society will charge a transferfee from the transferor (seller) and from the buyer as laid down from time to time and approvedin General Body Meeting of Collegium.

83. Legal Cases / Proceeding of Sispal Vihar SocietyThere maywould be Legal Cases / Court proceedings of Sispal Vihar Society which will requireto be contested in various courts / legal establishments. Therefore there may will always be arequirement for Legal Consultant / Legal Adviser and Advocate to contest the cases in the Courtof Law after the Governing Body passes in the resolution. All legal proceedings shall beinstituted, continued or defended by the President who shall sign the documents / papers andvakalatnama relating to, in the name of and on behalf of Sispal Vihar Society. The legalconsultancy and expenditure / charges for contesting the cases will be got approved in theCollegium. No standing counsel will be hired for the SocietyGoverning Body Meeting andratified in next Special / General Body Meeting.

84. Complaints and Disputes in Sispal Vihar Society1. All complaints / Disputes of Apartment Owner, Tenants, Service Provider etc. will be

first investigated by Discipline Committee and decision taken by theCollegiumGoverning Body. In the case is case not resolved By either the Collegium orthe Governing Body, the then the Special / General Body Meeting of Collegium willdecide failing which complaint / Dispute will be addressed to AWHO and if all abovechannels for addressing complaints / disputes had failed then only the aggrieved partymaycan approach the Registrar of Society.

2. If any disputes or complaints relating to the constitution or business of Sispal ViharSociety arises between members or past members of the AWHO or persons claimingthrough a member or past member or between members or past members or persons

claiming and any allottee, member or servant of Sispal Vihar Society (past or present) orbetween Sispal Vihar Society or its Governing Body and any allottee, member or servantof Sispal Vihar Society (past or present) it shall be referred to the General Body Meetingof Collegium, failing which to AWHO if the AWHO can resolve the matter ; and failingwhich it may be refferedfinally to the Registrar of Societies as provided in the Act andthe Rules made there under.

3. All matters not specially provided for are to be decided in accordance with the Act and the Rules made there under.

Chapter –VIII


85. Notice about Mortgage and related information(i) A member, who mortgages his or her dwelling unit in favour of any financial institution,

shall notify Sispal Vihar Society through its General Secretary, thename and address of hisor her mortgagees, and Sispal Vihar Society shall maintain such information in a book entitled Mortgagees of Units."

(ii) The member shall also notify Sispal Vihar Society about the status of mortgage of thedwelling unit, and its vacation.

(iii) Sispal Vihar Society may, at the request of the Mortgagee of a unit, report any unpaidassessments or charges due from the owner of such unit.

Chapter –- VIII

(xviii) Determination of contributions from Members for Common Maintenance offacilities, user charges and utility payments

86. Determination of contributions from Members for Common Maintenance offacilities, user charges and utility payments

(i) General Body, Sispal Vihar Society after approval in the General Body Meeting shalldetermine the rates of various charges to be contributed by the members on account of allor any of the following:

a) Charges for the maintenance of common areas and facilities, e.g. security, cleaning,garbage disposal, horticulture, electrical and plumbing services, AMCs of variousfacilities e.g. lifts, Gen-set, pumps etc.;

b) Charges for use of common facilities, e.g. Gym, Indoor games, lounge, terrace withlounge, common kitchen area, lawns etc;

c) Utility charges Electricity – The pre-payment energy metering system for all theapartment owners as a part of the electrical distribution system has been installed.Every member would have to pay in advance by the metering system which wouldconstitute electricity charges, power backup charges, water charges, sewerage charges,

Society maintenance charges, other civic amenities, club and common facilities andtaxes as applicable. The rate would be decided by the Governing Body after approvalin General Body Meeting from time to time. If the owners/occupants do not pay thecharges the Governing Body will take action to black list such members and take anyother appropriate action for recovery of dues as deemed fit, which may includedisconnection of water and electricity supply.

d) Contribution to the Reserve Fund /Sinking Fund for meeting major replacements /repairs and major renovation works required for the common areas / facilities of thecomplex;

e) Costs towards payment of insurance premium to cover the risk against variouseventualities, e.g. fire, earthquakes, calamity, strike by any terrorist action etc;

f) Any taxes or fees or cess payable to the local Municipal Corporation, Central/ StateGovernment and their Departments;

g) Any other charges not specifically covered under the above.

(ii) All expenditure incurred on the maintenance of the common facilities and services of themultistoreyMultistory Apartment Complex shall be recoverable from and payable by themembers on a prorated basis i.e. divided or multiplied by a factor of (no. of members)in a uniform manner.

(iii) All owners are obliged to pay annual assessment imposed by the Society, as approved by theCollegium, to meet all expenses relating to the complex, which may include insurancepremium for a policy to cover structure replacement cost.

(iv) In addition to annual charges specified above, members shall share any other costs/feeslevied, rates and taxes, fines, deposits, as demanded from Sispal Vihar Society from timeto time by the Government and other statutory bodies.

(xi) Members shall be liable to pay any other special contribution as decided by the GoverningBody after approval in General Body Meeting to meet special expenses such as purchaseof assets and special maintenance as distinguished from routine maintenance etc.

Chapter – IX

Obligations of the Apartment Owners

(xix) Obligation to timely payment of all charges and contributionsEach and every owner of an apartment in the Multistory Apartment Complex, who is a alsomember of Sispal Vihar Society, shall be under obligation at all times to pay the commonmaintenance charges and user charges as determined by Governing Body of Sispal ViharSociety after approval in General Body Meeting of Collegium from time to time and the utilitybills in respect of electricity, DG Standby Power and water consumption without being inarrears.

87. Obligation to timely payment of all charges and contributionsEach and every owner of an apartment, specially non resident owners, in the multistoreyApartment Complex, who is a also member of Sispal Vihar Society, shall be under obligation atall times to pay the common maintenance charges and user charges as determined by GoverningBody of Sispal Vihar Society after approval in General Body Meeting of Collegium from time

to time and the utility bills in respect of electricity, DG Standby Power and water consumptionwithout being in arrears.

88. Observance of duties and responsibilitiesThe apartment owners shall be obliged to observe their duties and obligations as set out hereinand any violation of the same shall make them liable to fine and /or for forfeiture of their rightsas may be determined by the Governing Body at its meeting or by any special committeeappointed by them in this regard.

89. Enforcement of obligationsIn case any member is in arrears of payment of his obligations for a period of60 days or more,the Governing Body Sispal Vihar Society shall be competent to take all measures for therecovery of such arrears of the monthly maintenance charges, or monthly utility bills(electricity and related charges) and other user charges, including coercive measures bytaking recourse to disconnection of electricity and water supply to the apartment, blocking itssewage outflow, and denial of access to the use of common facilities including the lifts.

90. Maintenance and repairs of individual dwelling units(i) All repair, renovation and replacement of internal installations within the area of the

individual apartment e.g. water, light, gas, power, sewage, telephones, air-conditioners,sanitary installations, doors, windows, lamps and all other accessories belonging tothe unit area shall be carried out by the apartment owner at his own expense;

(ii) Every apartment owner shall promptly undertake the maintenance and repair work in respectof any installation within his own apartment, which if not attended promptly, may have anadverse effect on the apartments of other members or the common areas of Sispal Viharcomplex;

(iii) Should there be caused any damage or injury to the common areas or facilities in theprocess of internal works in any other’s apartment, the owner shall either get the samerestored to its condition at his own expense or be liable to pay and re-imburse theexpenditure incurred by Governing Body, Sispal Vihar Society on getting such damagesrepaired.

(iv) The apartment owner 'A' shall either reimburse and compensate the owner of anotherapartment 'B' for any damage or injury caused to his (B's) apartment in the process ofrepairs carried out in his (A's) apartment or get the same repaired at his cost to thesatisfaction of the affected owner.

(v) Façade will not be changed by apartment owners. No apartment owner shall make anystructural modification`s or alteration or erection of temporary structure in his/herapartment or installations located within the apartment without previously notifyingGoverning Body, Sispal Vihar Society in writing, through the General Secretary of theGoverning Body, and securing prior permission of the Governing Body for suchmodifications and alterations in writing.

(vi) Provided that the elevation and engineering structure of the building will not be changedunder any circumstances. Provided further that any change affecting any other apartmentwill not be permitted.

91. Use of apartment and liability for violation(i) All the apartment shall be used for residential purposes only as permissible under the

regulations of Army Welfare Housing Organisation Rules, 1987 and these Bye- Lawsamended from time to time.

(ii) Any financial or other liability arising out of violation of the usage condition shall have tobe borne by the apartment owner who violates this condition;

92. Use of Common areas and facilities and restricted common areas and facilities.(i) No member shall place or cause or allowed to be placed any furniture, packages or objects

of any kind in the stilts, lobbies, vestibules, stairways, elevators, parking areas and otherareas of the Sispal Vihar Complex and facilities of a similar nature both in common andrestricted areas, that may impede or expected to impede the smooth movement of persons,vehicles or goods etc or may cause inconvenience to the residents.

(ii) The common or restricted areas shall not be used for any purpose e.g. storage orconstruction work, except where specifically authorized by Sispal Vihar Society, other thanfor normal transit and circulation.

(iii) Owners, tenants and their workmen may use the lifts only for carrying any packages,merchandise or construction material or any such other objects which should not affect thecomfort or well being of the owners, occupants, visitors and guests. The users shall exercisedue care and caution and ensure that no damage or defacing is caused to any of the liftsduring the use thereof.

users shall exercise due care and caution and ensure that no damage or defacing is caused to anyof the lifts during the use thereof.

93. Right of access and entry in emergency and normal conditions(i) Every apartment owner shall ensure unhindered access to the Estate Manager or any

workmen employed by the Governing Body of Sispal Vihar Society to attend to anyemergent situation arising from electrical installations or any such thing which mightthreaten the safety of his apartment or any other apartment whether in his presence orabsence.

(ii) An owner shall permit other owners or their representative, when so required, to enter hisdwelling unit for the purpose of installation, alteration, or repairs to the mechanical orelectrical services, provided, that requests for entry are made in advance and that such entryis at a time convenient to the owner; but in case of emergency, such right of entry shall beimmediate.

94. Code of Conduct for Community living by the residentsThe Codes for Community Living are to ensure a safe, comfortable and enjoyable residenceexperience for all members of this residence community, known as Sispal Vihar (AWHO). Thespirit of this residence community is one of cooperation and mutual respect. It is the responsibilityof each resident to contribute in positive ways to the development and maintenance of this spirit.All communities, be they nation, states, municipalities, or cooperative housing society or multi-story apartments, have rules. Respect for and adherence to these rules is essential for many peopleto coexist peaceably in the same communal space. In the constructing setting for residents of SispalVihar, rules come in two forms :

(a) Bye-laws/Rules & Regulations – Bye-Laws/Regulations concern the proceduralrequirements for operation and governance of the “Cooperative Corporation” for allapartment owners and will be implemented by Governing Body, Sispal Vihar Society.These include stipulations and parameters for elections and meetings, as well asdeterminations on who has authority to act on behalf of Association and /or members –to hire someone to fix the elevator, carry out maintenance etc. They also define therelationship, between members/owners/residents/tenants and the Residents WelfareAssociation.

(b) Code of Conduct For Community Living – These are formulated in a booklet form andwill be shortly provided to all apartment owners for compliance.

(xiv) Code for Community Living, on the other hand, are less technical, andinvolve primarily behavior and quality-of-life issues. They are easier toamend – but harder to enforce – than Bye-laws/Regulations, and are at theroot of many conflicts, Governing Body may encounter.

(xv) For the most part, Code for Community Living does not cover what goes oninside your apartment, although there are notable exceptions. In list of Codefor Community Living in this booklet, you will, most likely, find a restrictionon noise, odour and/or issue related to maintaining harmony & environment.

(xvi) The first issue of the Code for Community Living for residence Sispal ViharSociety could often be subjected to a debate and sometimes may take littletime to completely understand & see them working.

(xvii)The Codes are typically modified once the members/resident begin to berepresented by their representative to Governing Body. Once we have realpeople living in the apartment, and Estate Managers, whose duty is to enforcethe Code for Community Living – that’s when amendments occur. Itgenerally falls to the Executive Committee advise the Governing Body onrules that make sense, rather onces that are unenforceable.

(xviii) The purpose of this handbook is to introduce all Residents & PropertyOwners and their families to the guidelines for living in Sispal Vihar(AWHO). They are designed to ensure the maximum enjoyment and privacyto all residents, to preserve the character of the complex and to develop goodenduring relations between the residents. This booklet reviews portions of theterms of your sale deed, and maintenance and service agreement and alsoexpands on these to establish procedures, rules and regulations for healthycommunity living.

(xix) In order to achieve effective understanding, we request that each member ofyour family and/or your tenant’s family should read this booklet. Also ensurethat all your domestic help, maids, drivers etc. are fully educated and havecomplete understanding of these Codes.

(xx) Finally, some Codes for Community Living are more shades-of-gray thanblack-and-white. Therefore, whenever in doubt, just apply code –“Community Above Self “

95. Parking of Vehicles: Governing Body, Sispal Vihar Society will ensure the following factors are strictly followedwhile allotting Paid Parkings :-

(i) No Paid Parkings will be allotted at such places which will obstruct the entry / exitof Fire Brigade Vehicles or of Disaster Management Department vehicles to moveall around the towers / complex during fire accident/ emergencies in Sispal ViharComplex.

(ii) No Paid Parking will be allotted against the safety norms such as at Two ElectricalSub Stations, Diesel Gen Sets and Transformers etc.

(iii) Governing Body will ensure adequate Guests / Visitors car parkings (4 to 5) aremade available in all Towers.

(iv) Thereafter the balance car parkings as Paid Parking could be allotted to onlyapartment owners who are residing in Sispal Vihar Complex. The Paid Parkingallotted to the apartment owner is only for their personal vehicles and no sublettingPaid Parking will be done by these apartment owners.

96. The apartment owners/ residents/ tenants shall follow the following guidelines and willensure:-

(i) As car parking slots are earmarked for each apartment the residents will ensuretheir Vehicles are parked in their Parking Allotted Areas only.

(ii) Entrance and parking of any additional vehicle on a regular basis for any apartmentowner inside the Complex will be regulated by the Governing Body.

(iii) All the apartment owners and residents are expected to ensure that their vehicles ortaxies are not parked in the main drive-way except for drop and pick-up facility ofthe passengers;

(iv) No resident shall bring Vehicles in the Sispal Vihar Society more than the AllottedParking’s to the resident unless he/ she has been alloted a paid parking by the SocietyOffice. .

(v) Residents will not park their vehicles in the Car Parks earmarked for Visitors /Guests Parkings.

(iii) No parking of vehicles in Visitors /Guests Parkings will be done by the residents.(vi) No owner or resident shall park or allow his vehicles to be parked in the drive-

ways/ pathways demarcated for the movement of vehicles to stilts and on the roadsin the Society.

(vii) All residents owning vehicles (Four wheelers/ Two wheelers) will obtain vehiclestickers / Tags from Sispal Vihar Society office for their vehicles entry and for theirparking.

(viii) The piece of land located in the corner of Sector 47 (near Gate 1) may be used for parking of addational vehicles and security guards as may be required behired.

97. Domestic Staff (servants, drivers, cleaners, cooks and domestic workers etc.)(i) Apartment owners/ residents are required to get the servants, drivers, cleaners,

cooks and domestic workers (henceforth to be referred as the domestic staff)employed by them verified by the local police and to submit a copy of the policeverification to the Governing Body. Entry to the Sispal Vihar Complex may bedenied to the domestic staff not verified by the local police.

(ii) The names and other particulars of the servants, drivers and domestic staff employed by the residents should be supplied by them to the Governing Body. Theresidents will also ensure that details of all domestic help staying with them in theflats will be given to the Society Offce withing seven days of hiring, TheGoverning Body shall issue identity cards to them that must be carried by thedomestic staff while in the Sispal Vihar Complex. On termination of theemployment of any member of their domestic staff, it shall be the responsibility ofthe owner/resident to inform the Governing Body and to return the identity card.No underage domestic help will be hired by any resident.

(iii) The domestic staff is prohibited from using the common areas for recreation, assembly or sitting unless accompanied by the residents. Domestic staff will useonly the areas earmarked for them in the Complex area.

(iv) The names and other particulars of the servants, drivers and domestic staff employed bythe residents should be supplied by them to the Governing Body. The Governing Bodyshall issue identity cards to them that must be carried by the domestic staff while in theSispal Vihar Complex. On termination of the employment of any member of theirdomestic staff, it shall be the responsibility of the owner/resident to inform theGoverning Body and to return the identity card.

(v) The domestic staff is prohibited from using the common areas for recreation, assembly orsitting unless accompanied by the residents. Domestic staff will use only the areasearmarked for them in the Complex area.

Chapter – X

Other General matters

97. Compliance:These bye-laws are set forth to comply with the requirements of the Haryana Registration and Regulation ofSocieties Act, 2012 read with the provisions of Haryana Apartment Ownership Act, 1983 and Army WelfareHousing Organisation Rules, 1987 and the rules framed there under. In case of any inconsistency between these byelawsbyelaws and the provisions of the Haryana Registration and Regulation of Societies Act, 2012, the provisionsof the Acts will apply.

98. Seal of Sispal Vihar SocietySispal Vihar Society shall have a common seal which shall be in the custody of the General Secretary and shall beused only under the authority of a resolution of the Governing Body and every deed or instrument to which the sealis affixed shall be attested for or on behalf of Sispal Vihar Society by two members of the Board and the GeneralSecretary or any other person authorized by Sispal Vihar Society in that behalf.

99. Amendments in the Memorandum of Association, Bye-Laws, Name of Sispal ViharSociety, etc. —

Any amendment in the Memorandum of Association and Bye lawsByelaws, or Change ofName, amalgamation or division of Sispal Vihar Society will be done only with the approval ofthe Collegium by way of a special resolution in Special / General Body Meeting and passed by3/5th members present and voting. The intimation of any such amendment or change, along withattested copy of the requisite documents, shall be forwarded to AWHO for their approval andthere after filed in the office the District Registrar by the General Secretary within such time asmay be prescribed under the Haryana Registration and Regulation of Societies Act, 2012 andthe rules made thereunder for confirmation. The amendments to the Bye-Laws after approvedand confirmed from Registrar of Societies shall only be applicable.

100. Amalgamation or Dissolution of Sispal Vihar Society

(i) Sispal Vihar Society is of Apartment Owners of the multistoreyMultistoryComplex (17 Towers) of situated at SohnaSohan Road, Sector – 47 & 49,Gurgaon – 122018 is a body corporate with perpetual succession and notlikely to be dissolved.

(ii)Sispal Vihar Society, may, however, amalgamate itself with any other Society with identical aims and objects through a special resolution passed in a general meeting of Sispal Vihar Society and approved by at least 3/5th of the members present and voting.

101. In case of Liquidation:-

(i) Sispal Vihar Society shall be wound up and dissolved only by an order of the Registrarunder the relevant Section of the Act.

(ii) After meeting all the liabilities, surplus assets, if any, shall not be divided amongst themembers, but shall be utilized towards any purpose or public utility determined by theGeneral Body Meeting of Sispal Vihar Society within three months from the date of thefinal liquidation approved by the Registrar, or the Registrar may, with the approval of theGeneral Body Meeting of the Society place the said surplus in deposit with the bank, untilsuch time a new Society with similar conditions is registered when with the consent of theRegistrar, such surplus may be credited, to the Reserve Fund of such new Society, orassign the said surplus either wholly or in part to an object of public utility of local interestor a charitable purpose as defined in Section 2 of the Charitable, Endowments Act, 1890 (6of 1890) for the welfare of Sispal Vihar Apartment Owners Welfare Society.

We, the several persons whose names and address are subscribed hereunder, certify the above tobe the true copy of the Bye-Laws of Sispal Vihar Society.

Sr. No.

Name Father / Husbands Name

Address Occupation Signature







