Parallel Lines(1)


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  • 8/4/2019 Parallel Lines(1)


    Parallel LinesBy: Ssangchudream

  • 8/4/2019 Parallel Lines(1)


    Even after all this time the sun never says to the Earth, You owe me.

    Look what happens with a love like that, it lights up the whole sky.

    ~Hafiz - a Persian poet of the 1300~

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    ~Prologue ~

    A woman in black, her fingers wrapped around a single stem

    of calla lily the whiteness of the flower stood in starkcontrast against her midnight dress.

    A man stood behind her, but not close enough for her to notice his

    presence. Watching. Hurting.

    The woman reached out with her other hand and felt the etchings of

    the stone tablet in front of her, each movement a yearning of what

    would never be again.

    The man took in the way her shoulders hunched and shook with

    barely contained pain. Powerless.

    The two of them forever parallel lines, never meant to intersect.

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    ~Chapter 1~

    Yoogeuny, please be good for omma, Hwangbo pleads, tellingherself not to cry, reminding herself that this is not personal, that he

    really doesnt hate her despite what hes saying right now.

    She looks desperately at her crying five years old son. It has been

    just the two of them for so long, Yoogeuny and Omma against the

    world, that Hwangbo could understand his distress at what his young

    self consider to be an act of desertion by her.

    Suddenly there is a knock on her door and a voice calls in, Noona,

    its me. Can I come in?

    Oh Hyun Joong! Yeah, come in, Hwangbo yells, feeling guilty.

    Yoogeuns cries must have woken her friend and neighbor up.

    A rapid series of beeps follow and Hyun Joong enters the apartment.

    He looks sympathetically at both mother and son before going down

    on his knees, facing the little one.

    Im so sorry, Hyun Joong. Hes having more issues than I anticipated

    with my going back to work, Hwangbo explains.

    Dont worry, noona. I was up already, Hyun Joong dismisses her

    concerns while looking at the now hiccupping five years old boy,

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    Yoogeun-ah. What did samchhon told you about being a brave young

    man for omma?

    But omma is leaving me, Yoogeun sobs.

    No, shes not, Yoogeuny. Shes just going to work like youre going

    to school. You will see her again when you go home , Hyun Joong

    patiently explains.

    No! I have to go to jobumos* house afterward, Yoogeun weeps,

    fresh tears making tracks down his baby cheeks.

    How about this, Yoogeuny. What if samcchon* takes you to school

    today and Ill pick you up also? We can go for some ice cream

    afterwards too? Hyun Joong asks.

    No, Hyun Joong! You have work, dont worry about it. He needs to

    learn to let me go anyway, Hwangbo interrupts, her voice fraught

    with worries.

    I only need to come in for a couple of hours, noona. I was planning

    to be bored but now Yoogeuny can keep me company, Hyun Joong


    All right, if youre really sure, Hwangbo hesitates.

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    We will be fine, noona. Ill get the car seat from the front rooms

    closet and take him in a bit, Hyun Joong cheerfully replies.

    Yoogeuny, be good ok, baby? You know omma loves you more than

    anything in this world, Hwangbo says as she envelopes her son in a

    hug. Ill see you tonight, all right?

    Ok, omma. Yoogeuny answers, a picture of happiness now that his

    beloved samcchon is there with him.

    Good luck, noona. You will be fantastic today! Hyun Joong

    encourages as he and Yoogeun wave Hwangbo good bye at the


    Bye guys, thank you again, Hyun Joong! Hwangbo waves back,

    grateful once again for the fact that Hyun Joong decided to move nextdoor years ago.


    Three years earlier

    The persistent noise pierced through Hwangbos brain sending up a

    white flare of pain. Muttering curses, she fumbled for something to

    throw over herself and walked to the door. Hwangbo threw it open

    with an angry bang.

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    Noona! Hyun Joong, her friend and ex-colleague, greeted her

    enthusiastically. Hwangbo winced at his buoyancy.

    Hyun Joong? What are you doing here? Hwangbo asked, her voice

    hoarse. It had been a long time since she spoke to anyone.

    I live here now, noona. He answered, smiling still. Hwangbo wished

    he would stop doing that. I just move in next door so I thought I come

    to let you know that if you ever need to borrow a cup of sugar, Im

    there! Although to be honest, the only thing you can borrow from me

    now would be some tap water.

    Uh huh.ok good, thank you for letting me know, bye now,

    Hwangbo replied uncaringly, already wanting to return to her bed.

    If he noticed her disheveled appearance or the pitch darkness of her

    place, Hyun Joong didnt comment on it. Instead he smiled some

    more and said, All right, noona. Ill see you around, before turning

    around to walk to his adjacent apartment.

    Hwangbo nodded, slammed her door shut, and went back to her

    living mausoleum. Not noticing how her new neighbor had paused

    just short of his door or how his face had transformed into a portrait of

    raw pain as he gazed at her back.

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    Noona had a hard time this morning, hyung, Hyun Joong describes

    as he starts to arrange the flowers he bought earlier. I was afraid for

    a moment she wouldnt let me help, such a stubborn woman that one


    Finishing his task, Hyun Joong goes about weeding the few stray

    plants that have popped up since his last visit, And she started to

    pace again at night. Over and over again, twenty steps to the right

    and back twenty steps to the left.

    Straightening up, Hyun Joong stares at the stone tablet in front of

    him. How did you make her happy, hyung?


    Five years earlier

    Youre the man whos in love with my fiance, arent you? a low

    voice cut through Hyun Joongs inebriate state. He looked up blearily

    at a tall man, in his mid thirty, wearing on his face what could be the

    friendliest grin Hyun Joong had ever seen.

    Who the hell are you? Hyun Joong asked not caring to be polite.

    The man smiled further at his answer and dropped down on the chair

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    next to him.

    I dont think weve ever been properly introduced, Hyun Joong-shi.

    My name is Song Joong-ki, the man offered his hand. Hyun Joong

    didnt take it. Unperturbed by this, the man signaled the bartender

    over, Ill have what hes having and a refill, Hyun Joong-shi?

    Hyun Joong looked down his glass, drown it in one gulp and

    shrugged, Why not?

    Im sorry it took me this long to talk to you, Joong-ki began, I

    always wanted to meet the man who loves Hye Jung like I do.

    Hyun Joong stared at the other man in disbelief, What are you

    talking about?

    I know youre in love with her, Hyun Joong-shi, because I see myself

    reflected in you whenever you look at her. Its hard to miss that

    alteration to your features as you watch Hye Jung since I see the

    same thing when I look into the mirror. She makes life sort of brighter,

    doesnt she? Joong-ki asked, his eyes lit with understanding and

    warm sympathy.

    How do you know this? Hyun Joong stammered, feeling himself

    stripped down to his bare skeletons. What the other man said was a

    secret he meant to bury forever upon the announcement of Hye

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    Jungs wedding to this person here, the one next to him, the one

    talking as if Hyun Joong shouldnt be hating his guts.

    I know Im probably the most hated man in your life right now and

    this conversation could just come off as me gloating, but I just want

    you to know I sincerely appreciate your feelings for Hye Jung. Loving

    someone is a beautiful thing and while Im not sorry to have her love,

    Im sorry that there is only one of her. I sort of think the world will be a

    better place if theres more than one Hye Jung around, Joong-ki

    smiled deeply.

    I know we cant ever be friend in the true sense of the word, but

    please know that I respect you if only for your having the good taste

    to fall in love with her, he grinned amicably and continued, And

    please continue to love Hye Jung for as long as you can because

    being the smitten man that I am, I just want her to have as much loveas it is possible.

    I have to go now, Joong-ki said, standing up and slipping several

    bills under his glass .Remember to call a cab to go home tonight,

    ok? Then flashing that damn affable smile of his once again, he left.

    Hyun Joong found himself watching the others back, unable to bring

    himself to feel what he should be feeling toward that man. Instead he

    found himself almost admiring the one crushing what could have

    been his happy ending.

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    Jobumo = grandparent

    Samcchon = uncle, also used when its not a blood relative but

    especially close anyway.

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    ~Chapter 2~

    I just picked him up, noona, Hyun Joong says as he slowly

    maneuvers his car into traffic. We gonna go get some ice cream

    then drop by JaeJongs place so I can pick up my music sheets.

    Thank you, Hyun Joong. Lets me treat you to dinner tonight, ok? Ill

    stop and pick up some food before going home. I should be there

    around 7, Hwangbo answers, fidgeting impatiently as the stylist paint

    on another layer of eye shadow. She has forgotten how tedious the

    whole process of looking real for the audience could be.

    Sounds like a good plan, bye noona, Hyun Joong replies before

    hanging up the phone.


    Three years earlier

    In the immediate months after the accident, Hwangbo walked in a

    haze, feeling herself a hollow and transparent vessel. She was

    vaguely aware of things happening around her, of faces looking at

    her in concern, of a child crying for his omma, but she passedthrough it all like a ghost forever doomed to wander Earth in frozen


    Hwangbo shut off contact with almost everyone and spent her times

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    in a pitch dark room, wanting to cry herself to sleep but the tears

    refused to come. Usually she would just fall asleep near dawn; her

    body exhausted by the dry wrenching sobs. Then there were the

    times when she lashed out in impotent rage at the world for being

    alive when the one she loved was not. In a fit of macabre theatric,

    Hwangbo covered all the mirrors in her house.

    One early morning, she woke up to tiny warm body nestling against

    her side. Hwangbo looked down to the sight of her son with one

    thumb in his mouth and fresh tear drops still cling on his heavy

    eyelashes, eyelashes thats wasted on a guy. Just like his fathers


    As she lay there in the stillness of dawn, listening to the soft

    breathings of her son, and the palpations of her heart, Hwangbo

    realized it was time to live again.~~

    Omma! Hwangbo feels a small bundle of energy hit her in the knees

    and she looks down to her son beaming up.

    Yoogeuny! Have you been a good boy today to samcchon?

    Hwangbo asks as she scoops Yoogeun up.

    Uh huhwe got ice cream and visited with Jaejong-ahjusshi who

    gave me a gold fish! Yoogeun tells her excitedly. I named him Duk.

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    Welcome home, noona, Hyun Joong smiles up at Hwangbo from his

    seat on the black sofa, which replaced her old beloved ivory one

    when Yoogeun discovered the magic of crayons. Judging from the

    various papers strewed on the low table, Hyun Joong is in the middle

    of his works.

    Thanks, its good to be home, Hwangbo grins, setting Yoogeun

    down. Her son runs and sits down on the little stool Hyun Joong had

    set up. It seems Yoogeun is also in the middle of some important

    works such as drawing on Jung Min-ahjusshis hair. Its electric blue.

    She supposes thats an improvement from the hot pink last time.

    Hwangbo sinks down on the couch next to Hyun Joong and lets out a

    sigh of contentment. She watches in silent for awhile before prodding

    Hyun Joong with her finger.

    Hmm? He asks absentmindedly, not bothering to look up from his


    It just occurs to me that this your first semi-day off in like 2 weeks,

    shouldnt you be out there doing things? Hwangbo questions.

    Things? What kind of things? Hyun Joong asks bemused.

    I dont know, sowing your wild oats and all that, Hwangbo shrugs.

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    Im afraid Im not too much of a farmer, noona, Hyun Joong answers


    Brat! Hwangbo exclaims, poking the other again, I meant shouldnt

    you be at least on a date or something?

    Im not interested in anyone at the moment, Hyun Joong yawns,

    raising his arms in a stretch. Immediately, Yoogeun follows and the

    two of them grin at each other in perfect understanding. Hwangbo

    chuckles at her sons antic before continuing, Why not? You come

    into contact with some of the most beautiful women in Korea.

    Yeah, but I dont like any of them, Hyun Joong replies.

    How can that be, Hyun Joong? Weve been living as neighbor for

    more than three years and I have yet seen you with a girl, Hwangboponders.

    Well, I guess its not entirely true that I dont like anyone, Hyun

    Joong muses. I suppose I should have said I like someone but she

    doesnt notice me.

    The famous Kim Hyun Joong cant get a girl? Hwangbo gasps in

    surprise as the other gets up and heads toward the kitchen.

    Hyun Joong looks over his shoulder and smiles wryly, Funny, isnt

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    Three years earlier.

    You do realize what you are about to do, right? Jaejong asked.

    Yep, Hyun Joong answered while arranging his manga collection

    into various boxes.

    And you do understand it could amount to nothing, right? Jaejong


    Yep, the other replied. Can you push the lid down while I tape it


    You love her this much? Jaejong pondered, while doing as



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    ~Chapter 3~

    Unnie, youre going and thats it! In Young commands.

    In Young-ah! Im telling you Im not interested. I just want to stay

    home and laze around, Hwangbo whines into her phone.

    Thats all you do, unnie! You need to get dressed up and go out and

    I dont know, experience being a woman again, In Young reproves.

    What? Did I get sex change operation without knowing about it or

    something? Hwangbo asks, frowning.

    No, unnie, I meant that for these past few years, you have just been

    Yoogeunys omma and thats it. But that is just one aspect of who you

    are. Youre a beautiful vibrant woman, unnie. I want you to not forget

    that, In Young answers. Look, just do this one blind date, araso? If

    you dont like it, Ill not pester you anymore. Besides, I assure you the

    one Im setting you up with is yowza!

    Youre not letting me off until I say yes, arent you? Hwangbo sighs.

    Yep. In Young laughs. This Saturday at 8pm. The restaurant is

    that Japanese one that you love,Sayuri.

    All right, Hwangbo answers. Ill cash in on Borams baby-sitting

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    Oh dont worry about Yoogeuny. Kye Hoon and I will take him that



    Shut up, unnie! You know were good with him. Besides, Kye Hoon

    is like in love with your kid. So we will pick him up around 5 that

    afternoon. Also, wear that dress that I got you for your birthday, In

    Young instructs.

    What? The one with that slit? Hwangbo asks, aghast.

    Yes! Be the woman that I know you can be behind all those baby spit

    clothes! In Young cheers, hanging up before Hwangbo has a chanceto protest further.

    Three years earlier

    Hye Jung-ah, Joong-ki called softly.

    Ommo, chagiya, youre awake. How are you feeling? Hwangbo

    asked crossing from the other side of the room where she was busy

    cutting up some fruits. Are you hungry? I got some really sweet

    apricots Hyun Joong brought over.

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    Ill eat later, yeobo. How are you? Wheres Yoogeuny? Joong-ki

    replied, reaching out for his wifes hand.

    Hes with my omma and appa right now. And you silly, youre the

    one in bed with tubes sticking out of you and youre asking me how

    Im feeling? Hwangob joked, closing her hand over the others.

    I look as handsome as the day we first met, dont I? he laughed.

    Better actually since the first time I met you, you were covered with

    mud and was aiming a ball of that at me! Hwangbo answered, her

    voice full of mirth and nostalgia.

    Your oppa told me to do it! Joong-ki defended himself. Anyway,

    dont tell me it was because you hold a grudge about that mud ball

    that you didnt let me pursue you for years.

    Correction, you didnt pursue me for years because you always saw

    me as oppas brash and tomboy younger sister, Hwangbo chided


    That was stupid of me, wasnt it? Joong-ki commented.

    Very much so, but its ok, you got me now and we got Yoogeuny and

    you shall walk out of this hospital soon enough, Hwangbo smiled.

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    Her husband didnt answer but just continued to stare at her as if

    wanting to paint her with brush strokes so lovely Van Goh would


    Hye Jung-ah, you know that will not happen, Joong-ki began gently.

    We have never lie to each other yet, lets not begin now. I will not

    walk out of this place with you and Yoogeuny no matter how much I

    want to, and it hurts me knowing this in such a way I didnt even think

    was possible.

    The world went dark but Hwangbo mustered up all the courage she

    had to be calm and collected in the face of reality. Her husband was

    right; they had never lied to each other and the chances of him

    walking out of here hovered on the edge of zero. She squeezed

    Joong-kis hand tight, letting him know she was ready to listen to what

    he needed her to hear.

    Youre a marvelous woman, Hwangbo Hye Jung, her husband

    continued, closing his eyes briefly, the pain had begun to return. You

    havent cry yet, have you?

    No, Joong-ki, Hwangbo replied.

    I think youre the only woman I know who cry more when shes

    happy than when shes sad. You scared the crap out of me when you

    started bawling the night I proposed to you, Joong-ki reminisced

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    fondly. Hwangbo chuckled at the memory. He was right; tears

    seemed to come easier to her in happiness.

    So dont cry when the time comes if you dont want to, no matter

    what anybody says. We understand each other by just one breath

    more than what others take away from a roomful of words, so grieve

    for me in your own way, at your own time, yeobo, he stopped,

    looking at her. Hwangbo nodded.

    Joong-ki smiled, But more importantly, I need you to be strong and

    not get lodged in the quicksand of memories, Hye Jung. I want, no I

    need you to be always and forever Hwangbo Hye Jung, the girl who

    pelted mud at me after my first aim at her,, the woman who chided

    me for spending too much on her engagement ring after kissing me

    quite breathless, and the woman who can sit here calmly while her

    husband makes his deathbed wishes. They broke the mold whenthey made you, yeobo. Dont let me shadow the brightness that is



    Hyun Joong? What are you doing here? Hwangbo asks in surprise.

    Shes standing in front ofSayuriwaiting for her date to show up, but

    got Hyun Joong instead.

    Im here for my blind date because I was bullied by In Young-noona,

    Hyun Joong complained. What about you, noona?

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    Oh me too, Hwangbo replies looking at her friend disconcertedly.

    Surely, In Young cant be this audacious in setting up her with Hyun


    You dont think In Young-noona wants us to Hyun Joong begins

    before a voice of dusky midnight interrupts him, Hello, Hyun Joong-


    Looking over Hyun Joongs shoulder, Hwangbo gazes at the

    newcomer. God can be really unfair sometimes when he doled out

    genetic benefits, she muses. Long jet-black hair cascaded down on a

    pair of slim shoulder, framing a face made for poetries and love

    stories, the other woman is striking in every sense of the word.

    Hwangbo looks back at her friend and read signs of appreciation on

    Hyun Joongs features. An unconscious flit of displeasure shootsthrough her but she quickly dismisses it. Only a blind man could fail to

    see the stunning creature in their midst.

    Hello, Shin Mi-shi? Hyun Joong asks.

    Yes, comes the reply accompany by a brilliant smile. Nice to meet

    you, am I late?

    No, youre not, Im early, Hyun Joong answers, beaming. Hwango

    suddenly feels very out of place. She starts to think of a way to

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    extricate herself gracefully from the situation when a fourth voice joins

    the conversation. Hwangbo-shi? Im Tae Jung-Hwan, I apologize for

    my tardiness.

    Hwangbo looks over her shoulder and smiles in delight. Turning

    around, she offers her hand, Hello, its all right. Youre perfectly on

    time. This is Hyun Joong, a friend of mine and his date, Shin Mi-shi.

    Nice to meet you all, shall we go into the restaurant? Jung-Hwan

    smiles while offering his arm to his companion. Hwangbo takes it with

    pleasure and the two of them proceed first into the building. The

    others follow close behind.

    Hyun Joongs gaze continues to linger on the other man and his jaw

    hardens. Sometimes he swears he hates In Young noona. He is not

    unaware of the power of his own looks but this man, the one laughingwith Hye Jung, brings sexual appeal to a whole other level. Dark hair,

    a lean frame that nevertheless hint at underlying muscular force,

    shadowy eyes that can make angel falls and saint sins, the man

    exudes an easy air of undistilled and excitingly dangerous

    lasciviousness. He strolls next to Hye Jung with a gentle swagger that

    makes women thoughtful and makes mens knuckles go white. The

    room momentarily hushes at the entrance of the two and quickly rises

    to a shrill buzz.

    Good evening ladies and gentlemen, the maitre-de greets them. A

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    party of four?

    Yes, Hyun Joong immediately replies, choosing to ignore the

    irritation crossing over Jung Hwans face. He knows exactly whatsgoing on in the other mans mind as his eyes take in the delicious

    picture of Hye Jung in her dress of burnt orange with a slit thats

    surely illegal in some parts of Korea.

    Dont be silly, Joongie-ah. We came separately, so two tables for

    two, please, Hwangbo laughs. And before Hyun Joong could protest,

    she and Jung-Hwan are being lead away and a waiter appears to

    conduct him and his date to the opposite side of the room.

    Hyun Joong suddenly feels very annoyed.

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    ~Chapter 4~

    Six months ago

    Unnie! In Young and Solbi cried out simultaneously as Hwangbo

    opened the door to their knocks.

    Come in, come in! Hwangbo greeted them warmly, giving each of

    her friends a tight hug. Theres mimosa on the table there, and some

    peach juice for the preggo woman.

    Shin Aes bright laughter filled the room. She was glowing with that

    unique light of an expectant mother. Hwangbo beamed at the sight of

    her friends who were all looking especially lovely. She instructed

    them to the dining room table which was overflowed with dishes for

    their brunch. Her friends exclaimed in pleasures at the sight of it all

    and Shin Ae immediately went for the tiers of cupcakes.

    How did you have time to make all of this, unnie? Especially with

    little Yoogeuny running around, Solbi asked, impressed.

    Oh, Hyun Joong knew you guys were coming over, so he offered to

    take Yoogeun out for the day, Hwangbo answered.

    Ahh, Hyun Joong to the rescue! You know Im starting to think he

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    must have committed some crimes against you in the past life or

    something, In Young joked and earned a swat on the arms from


    You know, unnie, I always wonder, why didnt you guys dated back

    then? Solbi mused as she took her seat on the various low cushions

    Hwangbo had laid out on her sun deck. Shin Ae got the sole chair.

    We all saw some kind of spark there, didnt we? Solbi looked at In

    Young and Shin Ae. The other two nodded; their mouths too busy

    with crme puff and hollandaise eggs and buttery toasts to answer.

    I think we did make some sort of connection back then, Hwangbo

    acknowledged, But you know how his life was. He was barely

    surviving with all his projects, and I wasnt sure enough of that

    connection to add onto his already overwhelming life. So weremained friends, great friends at that. Plus, soon after that Joong-ki

    came back from studying abroad and you all know how that ended

    up. She ended coyly, eyes dancing with mirth.

    Her friends smiled back in delight and relief. They all knew the pain

    was still there for Hwangbo but she had begun to regain those

    flashes of color that they had always loved to see in her.

    And now? In Young asked playfully.

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    Now? Oh god, I dont think he would ever entertain such thoughts,

    Hwangbo laughed loudly.

    Why not? Solbi asked curious.

    Because he has seen me at some of my possible worst moments

    ever, Hwangbo replied, eyes crinkled with amusement. She

    continued laughingly, Just two months ago, he came back from an

    over sea trip. Yoogeun was sick with the chicken pox that entire week

    so I basically looked like Ive been to Hell and back. In economy


    Hwangbo paused, taking a sip of her mimosa, When he saw me,

    Hyun Joong basically dragged me to the bathroom, barricaded me

    inside it and told me that hes not letting me out until I take a bath, or

    at least a very long shower. He said I looked worse than thehomeless ahjusshi who lived near the neighborhood gas station.

    Her friends chortled at her words, earning reproved glances from

    Hwangbo, but before long, she joined in their merriment. Wiping tears

    from her eyes, Hwangbo concluded, So yeah, Im pretty sure Hyun

    Joong couldnt possibly see me in any kind of romantic light



    Wearing her favorite polka dot pajamas with the big food stain left by

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    Yoogeun, Hwangbo shuffles to Hyun Joongs door, clutching a box of

    cereal. She rings the doorbell, waits, and when no one answers,

    thoughts of clandestine affairs dance through her mind but before that

    could get any more rated R, the door opens.

    Hey noona, I was in the shower, Hyun Joong explains, one hand

    still in the midst of toweling his hair dry.

    So are you alone? Hwangbo asks, peering over his shoulder.

    What? Of course, I am alone! Hyun Joong answers somewhat

    indignantly. What do you take me for? Some sort of manwhore?

    When Hwangbo doesnt immediately reply, Hyun Joong turns around

    in a huff and stalks back into his apartment. Laughing, Hwangbo

    follows after him and tugs at his shirt, Im sorry! I didnt mean to takeso long in answering. Its just when you asked, I realized I never

    really give much thought to that question so

    Not quite mollified by her answer, Hyun Joong continues to show his

    back in what hes hoping to be a disapproving manner. But Hwangbo

    gives his shirt a hard yank, swivels him around and flashes a brilliant


    Come on, Joongie-ah. Dont be mad. Look! I brought your favorite

    cereal. Honey Toasted Oats! she woos.

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    Hyun Joong gives up his pouting and smiles back. The two of them

    head toward the small kitchen and after some rummaging, Hyun

    Joong produces two mismatched bowls and spoons. Meanwhile,

    Hwangbo has taken out the milk from the fridge and begins to pour

    out flakes of crispy oats. Hyun Joong adds in the milk. Then they take

    their seat on opposite end of the couch in his living room.

    So how did your date with Shin Mi ends? Hwangbo asks after a few

    minutes of digging into her breakfast.

    Boringly, Hyun Joong sighs. You know, all that beauty is quite

    wasted on such a brain.

    Joongie, thats mean! Hwangbo admonishes.

    Im not being mean! Hyun Joong defends himself. For example,

    when I asked her if she has any special skills, she said exercising! I

    mean come on! Thats a hobby, not a skill.

    Hwangbo chuckles at her friends annoyed expression but adds,

    Well, maybe she was just slightly confused. You cant just dismiss

    her for that. The girl is gorgeous!

    So what? If I have to hear one more time how many pair of Manolo

    heels she has, I will hurt myself just to have an excuse to leave,"

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    Hyun Joong mutters. How about your date? How does Tae Jung

    Hwan-shi measures up?

    Oh, hes pretty much perfect, Hwangbo replies airily, missing the

    slight darkening of Hyun Joongs features. We had a great time

    talking, he was witty and charming. Plus hes definitely not bad to

    look at. And you know, he actually called, not text mind you, to see if I

    made it back all right.

    So when are you going to see him again? Hyun Joong asks, hoping

    his tone is not as curt as his feeling are right now.

    Oh, never, Hwangbo answers while looking into her now empty

    bowl with a slight expression of discontent. Hyun Joong hands her a

    banana that he just retrieved from the fruit bowl on the kitchen

    counter. Peeling his own, he waits for the other to elaborate. Whenshe doesnt seem to incline to, Hyun Joong nudges her with one foot.

    Noona! Put down the banana and continue.

    What? Hwangbo asks dreamily, her mind obviously occupied by

    something else. Seeing Hyun Joongs long suffering expression, she

    laughs, Oh! Sorry. I was thinking whether this Monday is Yoogeunys

    field trip or the next one. Anyway, like Ive said, Im not seeing him


    But why, noona? He seems to be quite smitten by you and you just

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    said he was perfect, Hyun Joong presses on while wondering why

    hes shooting himself in the foot. Really, man! Like you dont have

    enough competition as is? he thinks to himself.

    Exactly. Hes perfect! And look at me, Im a mess, Hwangbo

    gestures at her stained pajamas and disheveled bun. Did you know

    that it took me four? Four! Hwangbo jabs four fingers in the air to

    emphasize, Hours to get ready last night. I kept on getting distracted

    by thoughts of whether I packed enough clothes for Yoogeuny this

    weekend and I swear, I forgot how to put on make up by myself or

    something. At one point, I looked like that carnival clown that almost

    made Young Saeng cried that one time.

    So? Why does that matter? Hyun Joong asks, confused.

    So I dont have time for these kinds of things anymore. Or I guess Idont want to put up with these things either. I cant take the pressure

    of dressing up for anyone or any event that is not a work or a PTA

    functions. If a guy wants to court me, he will have to court me looking

    like this, Hwangbo explains.

    I see. Well then, messy woman, what are you planning to do today?

    Hyun Joong questions, taking the bowl from the other.

    Today I have very awesome plans of cleaning the apartment, doing

    several loads of laundry, and grocery shopping. I know, be jealous,

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    be very jealous, Hwangbo answers, her eyes dancing with

    merriment. How about you?

    Im going into the studio to listen to some tracks they lay down for

    me then Im going to play soccer with the boys, Hyun Joong


    Oh, the young-masters? Hwangbo asks using her old affectionate

    term for the rest of Double S.

    Yeah, why dont you come with us? Hyun Joong proposes.

    I want to but I have so many things to do. I want to get them done

    before picking up Yoogeuny, Hwangbo replies regretfully.

    How about this? You get your cleaning and laundry self on, but leavegrocery for tomorrow. I have to do mine as well. We can do them

    together and Ill unload for you. Just pick up Yoogeuny when youre

    done at home and drops by the field near the University, Hyun Joong

    offers. Then for added persuasion, he winks which just make the

    other guffaw in a bout of mirth.

    All right, all right. Who can resist the Kim Hyun Joongs wink? The

    wink that sold a million fried chickens, Hwangbo teases. Then before

    he can retaliate, Hwangbo runs back to her place with a banana she

    nicked from the bowl at the last minute.

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    Five years earlier.

    And this is my partner in crime, Song Joong-ki. Hyun Joong looked

    up in surprise at the introduction. He was at United, a new company

    he was about to sign on with. United was only established within the

    last couple of years, but it had been gaining a solid reputation for their

    treatments of their artists. When Hyun Joong started to let out rumors

    that he was about to leave SS501, its president had approached him.

    He had immediately liked the man, Min Jae-shi, who was only a few

    years older than him. Hyun Joong was impressed by the laid back

    and yet completely passionate attitudes the man had for music and

    after several meetings, he chose to sign on, which everyone told him

    was a big gamble. But for some reasons, Hyun Joong got a gut

    feeling toward this decision.

    He was told by Min Jae-shi that United was founded by him and his

    friend. Min Jae was in charge of the dining and wheeling part of the

    business, which meant it was his responsibility to seek out and woo

    artists. His friend, on the other hand, was in charge of the more

    technical aspect of it which Min Jae said with some distaste, the

    paper works.

    As fate would have it, the other president turned out to be Song

    Joong-ki, her husband. The last time Hyun Joong saw this other man

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    was that night in the bar because he didnt attend the wedding, citing

    work obligations. She had called him and yelled at him for neglecting

    her on her special day. Hyun Joong had chuckled partly because he

    missed her voice and partly because if he didnt, he wasnt sure he

    wouldnt have broken down there and then. Instead he pacified her by

    saying that her present was in the mail. She had laughed in that loud

    endearing ways of her and said that shes letting him off this time but

    he better make some times for her later on.

    He still hadn't yet.

    Hyun Joong looked at the other man carefully to see if there was any

    indication of discomfort on the others part. Of course, there wasnt,

    Hyun Joong thought resentfully.

    I have another appointment so please excuse me. Joong-ki, be niceto him. Hes our biggest client yet and remember you have Hwangbo-

    shi to feed now too, Min Jae joked while shaking each mans hand.

    Joong-ki smiled at him, his happiness radiating at the mention of his


    When Min Jae left the room, he turned toward Hyun Joong and said

    with perfect friendliness, Im glad youre here, Hyun Joong-shi.

    Please seat down

    I guess you always have one up on me, huh? Joong-ki shi. First

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    Hy...Hwangbo-shi and now this, with you being my boss, Hyun

    Joong couldnt help but said bitterly when he finally seated.

    The other man looked up in surprise and with displeasure, but didnt

    immediately reply. Instead he leaned back in his chair and stared at

    Hyun Joong before speaking, I know youre still hurting so I will

    forgive you for that remark about my wife, Hyun Joong-shi. Shes not

    a game for us to up on.

    Hyun Joong flushed with embarrassment.

    Joong- ki continued, As for my being your boss, youre also gravely

    wrong. Like what I know my partner must have told you when you

    guys were in negotiations, at our agency, everything is a partnership.

    Everything you create is your own; we claim no right on your works or

    you as an artist. Vice versa, you will have no right to expect us tointervene or save you from your own blunders. If you screw

    something up in public, thats on you. Were not interested in anything

    besides facilitating the business aspects of your works and to provide

    whatever technical supports you need in working. Do we have an

    understanding, Hyun Joong-shi?

    Hyun Joong nodded curtly, feeling chastised.

    At his agreement, Joong-ki broke out a small grin, Good! Im glad

    you are here with us, Hyun Joong-shi. Lets make some good

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    Poor boy is wiped out, Hyun Joong remarks watching Hwangbo

    putting Yoogeun to bed.

    Yeah, the young masters tired him out today, Hwangbo replies while

    patting the cover over her son firmly. She straightens up and gazes at

    her son with something only an omma can understand. She looks at

    Hyun Joong standing besides her and her heart warms at the way the

    other is staring at her son, a mixture of tenderness, pride and

    something fiercely protective. Almost like a father would.

    Gesturing quietly to the door, Hwangbo leads the way out the room.

    Once outside, she heads for the couch and pats it invitingly. Hyun

    Joong sits down next to her with a sigh of contentment. Its been a fullday for the three of them. As planned, Hwangbo had taken Yoogeun

    over to the soccer field and the afternoon was spent in a haze of blue

    sky, laughter, and some very muddy faces afterward.

    I didnt think anyone has the capability to tire Yoogeuny out like that,

    Hwangbo ponders, The young masters definitely have some skills.

    Oh, I dont know, noona. I heard Kyu muttering to Jungmin how they

    should stopped by the pharmacy for some heating pads before going

    home, Hyun Joong grins.

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    Hwangbo chuckles while shuffling the various music sheets in front of

    her. Hyun Joong has brought them over while she was making dinner

    earlier. She glances with interests at his half finished compositions,

    often with little doodling on the side. On one page entitled For you, it

    looks as if Hyun Joong had started a game of tic-tac-to with


    Do you miss it? The idol life with millions of screaming fangirls?

    Hwangbo asks. She impishly adds, I mean, how does it feels to go

    from millions of screaming fangirls to just several thousands?

    I suppose I do. Not the screaming parts but the part of standing on

    the stage with the other four, drinking in the success of our combined

    hard works, Hyun Joong contemplates. At the same time though, it

    isnt if that chapter of my life is permanently closed. We can alwayshave a reunion concert, but for now, Im enjoying just creating music

    for others to perform.

    I think you shocked everyone when you made that decision five

    years ago, Hyun Joong. I still remember the surprise on Joong-kis

    face as he realized who just signed on with his company, Hwangbo


    I owed a lot to hyung, noona. He made the transition from being a

    Double S to a solo artist to a songwriter much easier for me than it

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    would have been, Hyun Joong explains. And Im still grateful at how

    receptive the other guys were when I told them my decision. I guess

    in a way, we were all ready to grow up from being SS501.

    Yeah, and it helps that you keep on making hits for them, Hwangbo


    Hahayeah that does help a lot, Hyun Joong laughs and continues,

    But it started out as a logical choice, writing for their solo projects.

    Even now, I could only write songs about and for people I have a

    personal connection with.

    Really? Hwangbo asks, surprised.

    Yep, look at this one. This is for my omma and this one is for Baby

    about his first love. I think that was the first time I actually saw him asa man and not just a bratty maknae, Hyun Joong shows her two

    songs he just finished.

    What about me, Hyun Joong? Did you compose a song about me

    too? Hwangbo asks jokingly.

    No, noona. I didnt, Hyun Joong replies.

    Aww. Hwangbo sighs, looking slightly forlorn. Hyun Joong grins at

    her apologetically. She wrinkles her nose at him before getting up

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    and asks, Im going to make a cup of tea, do you want one?

    Yeah, thanks, Hyun Joong answers, then quietly adds to himself,

    You cant be contained in a song, Hye Jung-ah. For you, I would

    have to write a symphony.

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    ~Chapter 5~

    Three years earlier.

    Hows your new place, hyung? Seung Hyun asked, peering at his

    friend who was sitting there with a remote expression.

    Hmm? Oh, its fine, Hyun Joong replied distantly then added, Did

    you know you can cross the entire room with only 20 steps?

    Uh Seung Hyun stammered, looking perplexed but JaeJoong

    quickly interrupted him, Is noona still pacing, Hyun Joong?

    Yeah, every night. Over and over again. Twenty steps to the left,

    back twenty steps to the right. Till dawn, Hyun Joong answered, his

    voice a mixture of frustration and despondency.

    Oh hyung, Seung Hyun sighed while patting his friends shoulders.

    He knew of Hyun Joongs decision only after it was made. And while

    he thought it was a rather foolish one, he knew once Hyun Joong

    made up his mind, there was no turning back. All he could do was to

    sit back and watched his friend walked the perilous path of


    Well, heres to Hyun Joong, JaeJoong raised his glass. He looked

    over at his friend with sympathy and added without malice, The great

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    love fool.


    For most of the 365 days in a year, Hwangbo is functional and mostly

    content. Some days, shes even happy. But the remaining days are

    the times when she feels as if shes slowly but surely coming apart at

    the seams.

    Today is one of those days.

    Every breath she takes is a million pinprick points of pain, of the

    gruesome reminder that she herself is alive, and of the crushing pang

    of loneliness.

    Nighttime is almost always worse and this night more so because she

    doesnt even have the comfort of watching Yoogeuny battling variousmonsters and pirates in his sleep. His cousin had asked him to spend

    the night. And so Hwangbo is alone, wrestling with her demons, and

    wishes to escape if only for a few hours before dawn. She knows

    what she is about to do will cross lines that should never be crossed

    but god helps her in her weakness; she cant fight this battle tonight.

    And so Hwangbo wanders over to Hyun Joongs door like a ghost

    punished for past sin and rings his doorbell. She winces as the sound

    reverberated from inside the room, a noisy censure of what she is

    about to do.

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    Hyun Joong opens the door with sleep veiled eyes. Without a word,

    she walks toward him, encircling her arms around his waist. Hyun

    Joong feels her small frame vibrate with emotions and a soft entreaty

    escapes from her lips, Dont ask. Please. I just need someone to

    hold tonight.


    Wordlessly, Hyun Joong lifts her up and brings her into his bed. He

    lays Hwangbo down gently on her side then tucks the blanket snugly

    against her. Walking to the other side, he turns off the bedroom light

    before lying down, fitting his frame against Hwangbos curve. He

    drapes one tentative arm over the others body which causes a slight

    moment of tenseness before she relaxes and melts against him.

    Then the tears come and Hyun Joong holds the woman he loves

    while she cries for another.

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    ~Chapter 6~

    A year earlier

    Chagiya, Im here, Hwangbo announced as she laid down the single

    stem of lily in front of the headstone. Taking out a prepared towel,

    she carefully removed all the grimes that had accumulated on the

    surface. Finishing her task, Hwangbo sat down next to the marker.

    Yoogeuny is growing up so well, Joong-ki. He knows all his numbers

    and letters now and look, he drew this picture for you, Hwangbo said

    as she pulled out a half folded paper. She opened it and inside was a

    rainbow collection of scribbles. I dont think our dream of him being

    the next Monet will pan out, dear, Hwangbo chuckled.

    Then moving nearer, Hwangbo murmured, I still miss you something

    fierce, chagiya, but Im getting better. I think I could even cry now. In

    the beginning, I was so angry at you for dying on me, at the world for

    letting me live in a world without you, that there wasnt any room left

    for any other kind of emotions. Then I was so focused on stitching

    myself back up and remaining strong for our baby that tears seem to

    be such a waste of efforts. But lately, Im starting to feel as if Im

    getting my balance back. Perhaps soon, Ill feel safe enough to cry


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    A flicker of warmth dances across Hyun Joongs eye lids and a small

    smile tugs at the corner of his mouth. Breathing in deeply, he could

    feel her even through closed eyes.

    Turning toward his right, Hyun Joong slowly opens his eyes, savoring

    the moment when she is revealed to him.

    Hwangbo is curled on her side, facing him, her breaths falling in

    melodic cadence in the stillness of dawn. Hyun Joong couldnt help

    but be reminded of the field of morning glory he chanced upon in the

    mountains of California some years ago, glowingly soft in the supple

    sunlight, and yet strong in the promises of exuberant blooms. He

    reaches out a finger and trace air patterns against her features, his

    gestures as reverent as those of an artist before a blank canvas.

    Hwangbo shifts in her sleep before opening her eyes. She looks at

    him half dreamingly as if her soul has not quite returned from her

    dream world. Hwangbo smiles at Hyun Joong vaguely before full

    consciousness returns. And Hyun Joong can see the precise moment

    when the other realizes what she has done, when the dawning

    thought of the repercussions she has to deal with for her actions

    widen her irises with self condemnation.

    He sits up quickly, pulling Hwangbo with him. Hyun Joong holds both

    her wrists in his hands, making her face him.

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    Look, noona. You dont have to say anything. About last night. Im

    glad to be able to help you in any way, Hyun Joong preempts

    Hwangbos words. I figure there are two ways we could go about

    this. One, you and I could stare at each other awkwardly like were

    doing now. Or two, Ill get out of bed and make you the best breakfast

    to exist in Seoul while you wash up.

    Grinning, Hyun Joong continues, And Im gonna help you cheat on

    this, the answer is two.

    When he finishes talking, Hyun Joong gets out of bed and walks

    swiftly toward the door, telling her over his shoulder that there are

    clean towels and toothbrush in the cupboard. As soon as he reaches

    the other side of the door, Hyun Joong stops and waits with abated

    breath, straining to hear movement within the room. He utters a sighof relief when the sound of the faucet could be heard.

    Hyun Joong heads toward the kitchen and busy himself with

    preparations. About ten minutes later, Hwangbo joins him, her

    nervousness apparent. But Hyun Joong starts to chatter about

    various news hes been meaning to tell her and before long,

    Hwangbo joins in just like how their conversation usually goes.

    After breakfast, Hyun Joong persuades Hwangbo to go shopping with

    him, telling her that his ommas birthday is coming up and if its up to

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    him, she would get another large screen TV this year. They have four

    already. Because she is rather fond of Hyun Joongs omma herself

    and also because something is holding her back still from entering

    her apartment alone, Hwangbo agrees.

    It doesnt take much time for Hwangbo to find a nice silk shawl of

    dove colored for Mrs. Kim and afterward, their day passes in a series

    of unimportant but delightful activities. They stroll through Seoul,

    stopping at whatever shops that catch their fancy. They take in an

    artsy movie playing at noon time which Hyun Joong afterward

    declares to be a waste of time, while Hwangbo argues is a

    masterpiece. They have a picnic in a shaded tree grove near an

    empty school building. Sometimes they talk, other times, they are

    completely silent. But a small glance here, a touch of the shoulder

    there, or an edge of a smile is all it takes for a world of understanding

    to pass between them.

    Near the end of the day, the two of them ends up sitting down in a

    semi dilapidated shop somewhere in Seoul. The place doesnt have

    much going for it except they make the best lemonade Hyun Joong

    ever tasted and its the type of place where youre usually the only

    guest in the establishment. For obvious reasons, that worth a whole

    lot more to him than fancy silverwares.

    The air is humid and cloying, sticking at their skins. Hwangbo pulls

    her hair away from the nape of her neck, regretting the decision to not

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    bring a hair tie.

    Agh! If its this hot already, summer will be awful! she complains.

    Hyun Joong chuckles, You never take the heat well, do you?

    I really dont. It makes me so irritated. Look at how hot it is!

    Hwangbo points toward the parking lot, which has take on that

    shimmering quality of mirages due to reflected heat.

    Dont be such a grouch. When Yoogeuny finishes school, Ill take

    you both on a vacation, to some place where hot weather is but a

    memory, Hyun Joong placates, tossing Hwangbo the fan he just

    made from folding their napkins together.

    I wish you can just bring rain to Seoul instead, Hwangbo grumbles,fanning herself with Hyun Joongs origami effort.

    Your wish is my command, Hyun Joong replies and points at the

    sky. A sound of booming thunder accompanies his gesture and

    suddenly rain starts to fall down in silver sheets. Hyun Joong looks up

    at the sky in shock causing Hwangbo to snigger at his astonished

    expression. Hyun Joong frowns at Hwangbos reaction before a

    mischievous expression replaces his earlier sulk.

    Noona! Dance with me! Hyun Joong cries out eagerly, getting up

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    from their table. Running to the middle of the parking lot, he turns

    around, a brilliant smile on his face as he executes a most aristocrat

    bow while proffering one hand to her. Hwangbo laughs, sweep up by

    his exuberance. She walks out from their shelter, relishing the tickling

    coolness on her hair. Reaching Hyun Joong, she curtseys grandly

    before him, taking his hand.

    They begin an impromptu waltz with rain falling down like soft kisses

    on their skin. Hyun Joong twirls Hwangbo around the now steaming

    parking lot making her laugh as she swings the dripping hair tendrils

    out of her face. She looks up at Hyun Joong and tucks back the hair

    plastering over his forehead. His skin feels hot, almost burning to her

    touch and his gaze at her gesture is an enigmatic mystery.

    Suddenly without warning, their dance becomes slower and more

    deliberate. Each movements start to take a on a different meanings,and Hwangbo could taste the curious sensation of electricity in the


    They continue to dance but gone is the joyful innocent feeling of

    earlier. Instead an intense wordlessness emanate from their bodies,

    hinting at dangerous possibilities.

    Hyun Joong twirls Hwangbo again and she finds herself flushed

    against him. They stop, each trying to regain their breathings.

    Hwangbo lets her body molded against Hyun Joongs curve,

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    remembering the comfort he gave her last night. New thoughts of a

    very different feeling toward the man embracing her make Hwangbo


    Immediately, his hold on her tightens, Are you cold?

    She shakes her head slightly against his shoulder, relishing the

    feeling of another heartbeat being so close to hers. Taking a deep

    breath, Hwangbo looks up, half fearful and half fascinated by what

    she would find.

    Hyun Joong looks down at her, eyes smoldering, burning through her

    deepest awareness. Then slowly and with infinite care, he bends

    down letting his lips gaze so ever gently across hers.

    It is not enough.

    When their lips meet again, the moment parallel the sound of thunder

    and the flash of lightning splitting up the sky above them.

    Ferocious in its intensity.


    Thoroughly illuminating.

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    ~Chapter 7~

    Hwangbo pushes against the car door with her hip, closing it while

    juggling several shopping bags. The brackish flavor of the ocean

    greets her senses and she takes a moment to take in the view before

    her. She and Yoogeun are at Borams beach house which being

    almost on the water edge, provides her with the most gorgeous

    tableau of rolling waves, weathered rocks and setting sun.

    Walking up the driveway, Hwangbo wonders how she will manage

    the door with all the bags and finally hit upon the genius idea of using

    her hip once again to push against the doorbell. The door opens with

    Boram looking extremely guilty.

    Hwangbo stares at her in misapprehension while handing over some

    of the bags, Why do you look like the cat that ate the canary,

    Boram? What did you do?

    Uhmdid you not notice the car in the driveway? Boram points out.

    Hwangbo cranks her neck around and finally notice the black Jaguar

    sitting in the drive way. Understanding dawns on her and she slowlyturns around to look at her friend accusingly.

    He was hellbent on finding you, Hye Jung-ah! I think short of burning

    down my house, he would have done anything to achieve that,

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    Boram exclaims, then pauses. Actually, I think he would have burn

    the house down too. And I really like my beach house!

    Hwangbo glares at her friend before asking, Where is he now?

    He went into Yoogeunys room when I told him you were out, Boram


    Trying to calm down the tremors of her heart, Hwangbo makes her

    way toward her sons room. Taking a deep breath, she tentatively

    turns the handle after not detecting any sound within.

    She is greeted with the sight of her son curling on top of Hyun Joong,

    both of them in deep sleep. Her heart does a little funny somersault

    and suddenly, Hwangbo is a mess of jagged emotions.

    Closing the door, Hwangbo turns to face Boram. Please, can you

    watch Yoogeun for a while longer? I have to go out.

    No, Hye Jung. Stop running away, Boram refuses. You were never

    one to run away, dont start now.

    Hwangbo pauses in her track to look at her friend and pleads,

    Please Boram! I have to think, I just dont know anything anymore. I

    just need some time to think. Please!

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    Boram looks displeased but finally concedes. All right, you can go. Ill

    watch Yoogeuny but you do know that he will follow you right?

    Hwangbo stops, her hand on the doorknob. What do you mean?

    I mean that no matter where you go, he will always followyou,

    Boram reiterates.

    Turning around, Hwangbo studies her friend. Did you know? Have

    you always known?

    We all had an inkling of it, Hye Jung-ah. But it wasnt our place to

    bring it up, Boram explains.

    Looking at her friend wordlessly, Hwangbo turns around and starts to

    walk toward the ocean. Outside the sky has darkened to a sombertwilight, and the feeling of a storm is brewing on the distance horizon.

    But Hwangbo walks on heedless of the wind whipping at her,

    tumbling her hair loose from the bun at her nape.

    Her mind flashes back to the event of the two days ago and with it the

    onslaught of emotions that she has tried to barricade herself against.

    They had driven back from the caf in silence, but it was a silence

    heavy with unspoken words. When they entered the elevator of their

    apartment, Hwangbo had stationed herself against the opposite

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    panel, eyes purposely downcast. She knew both of them were barely

    tethered to sanity, the threads of reason taut with the pressure of an

    engulfing need. One look would have been all that needed.

    The kiss was perfect. It was as if Hyun Joong had study her lips for

    so long, as if he had memorized every single contours of them so well

    that he could fit them perfectly against his without practice.

    And it had scared the hell out of her. How perfect it was.

    They didnt speak until they reached their apartments. The looming

    question of the moment hung in the empty space.

    Standing before his place, his hand on the door knob, Hyun Joong

    finally spoke, Ill be here, letting Hwangbo know that it was up to her

    how this night would turn out.

    And it had taken all that she had not to go to him that night. The walls

    themselves seemed to be palpable with his presence, and she felt

    almost coated with the memory of how he had looked at her after the

    kiss, with her still in his embrace. He had gazed at her with such

    intensity that her whole body seemed to become feverish and it took

    almost violent force for her to extricate herself from him and walked


    She spent the night cleaning and packing instead, trying to push the

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    feelings of him out of her mind. It unnerved her that she suddenly

    needed to define and redefine this presence in her life, this person

    who anchored and moored her more than he ever knew through all

    these years. More than she knew. That night brought to her a clarity

    of realizing how essential Hyun Joong is to her. And with that

    realization came shock and a sense of guilt because she knew how

    selfish it would be if her feelings are ever known to him.

    So Hwangbo ran. She had picked up Yoogeun that morning and

    drove out to Borams beach house, not saying much but her friend

    knew her enough to know when silence is key.

    Stopping at the water edge, Hwangbos eyes wander over the dark

    vastness of natures canvass before her. Suddenly, she feels a trickle

    of awareness pricks her neck and without turning around, she knows

    he has found her. Hwangbo slowly swivels around, telling herthundering heart to stop behaving like such a coward.

    Why did you run? Hyun Joongs voice is soft and yet carries with it

    enough force to cut through the writhing agony of the stormy ocean.

    What do you want, Hyun Joong? What do want from me? Hwangbo

    finds herself on the verge of screaming, pinpricks of tears pushing

    behind her eyes. She is shaken by how much vulnerable she feels in

    this moment, all raw feelings and a nameless yearning.

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    Hyun Joong regards her quietly before speaking. I want to be so

    close to you that my touches are etched onto your skin, so close that

    your fragrance will always be a lingering memory around me. I want

    to be satiated by your caresses and yet never have enough of you

    because a whole lifetime with you would be too short. I want us to

    have midnight conversation among impassioned bed sheets, and sit

    in silence to find the emerald flash* of the setting sun. Those are what

    I want, Hye Jung. But what I needis to have you and Yoogeun to be

    safe and happy. If that requires me to forget that we once kissed then

    I will do it. But don't run away from me. Not again.

    But why me, Hyun Joong? Why me? Im a widow with a kid and a

    whole lot of baggage. I cant possibly make you happy. Hwangbo

    points out, exasperated with his inability to see whats so clear for


    You dont get to fucking decide if you make me happy, Hye Jung-

    ah! It is now his turn to scream, furious at her obstinacy. Then

    bridging the gap between them, Hyun Joong pulls Hwangbo closer to

    him so that their foreheads touch and says quietly, Iget to decide

    who make me happy. And youmake me happy.

    Everything goes still. The storm is picking up speed on the horizon

    but here, within the confines of Hyun Joongs arms, Hwangbo feels

    nothing but a blessed calmness.

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    You know I will not be able to forget Joong-ki. He will always be a

    part of my life, no matter what, Hwangbo says, attempting one last

    effort to push the other way, but deep down, she knows the battle is

    broken. The victory is his for the taking.

    I would never expect you to forget him, Hye Jung-ah. Song Joong-ki

    was a good man and he should not be forgotten, Hyun Joong

    replies. I dont want to take his place in either yours or Yoogeunys

    life. I just want to be a new addition to it. If you let me.

    Hwangbo looks up into Hyun Joongs face, marveling at the man

    before her. She has known him for so long but it is only now that she

    begins to grasp just exactly how goodhe is.

    Her heart is overwhelmed.

    Reaching up, she cradles his face between her hands, pulling him

    down for a kiss, letting him taste the answer to the unasked question.

    Finally breaking contact, Hwangbo snuggles against Hyun Joongs

    body and whispers, I think I want you to follow me, Hyun Joong.

    Then quickly amends, No, I need you to follow me.

    Looking up, she asks, Will you?

    He smiles down at her. Always.

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    *Author's Note: The emerald flash of the sun is a naturalphenomenon that rarely occurs at sunset. Through a combination of

    pressure, gas and perhaps a touch of magic, sometimes just when

    the sun is about to extinguish at the edge of the horizon, you can see

    a green ray flare up very briefly within the orange and red dome.

    There is a legend in French folklore that if you see that with the

    person you love, the two of you is destined to be together forever.

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    A woman in a dress the color of sunflowers. The white calla in herhand dims against the brilliant backdrop of her dress and the

    radiance of her features.

    A man stands next to her. Their fingers laced together.

    Both of them have their heads bowed, each in their own moment of


    Laying down the lily, the woman looks up at the man, smiling. He

    gives a small nod and they begin to walk away, fingers still


    It is true that parallel lines almost always never intercept.

    Until when they do.

    .The End.

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    ~The Story After~

    Hyun Joong looks at the young man before him, admiring his fine

    form. Clad in a classic Armani suit, the other look almost

    aristocratically refined if not for that impish look in his eyes.

    You look good, Yoogeun, Hyun Joong praises, walking into the


    Samcchon! Yoogeun greets Hyun Joong with a grin.

    When Hyun Joong married Hye Jung, Yoogeun was six years old.

    They had asked him if he would like to call Hyun Joong appa or

    continued to address him as samcchon. And Yoogeun, all six years

    of age, had very seriously contemplated the question before asking

    them if they could give him time to think about it. They had

    acquiesced easily, both grinning inwardly at the serious demeanor of

    their little man.

    It took two days before Yoogeun came to a decision. Hyun Joong

    was sitting at his desk, finishing up a new composition when he heard

    pattering of little feet running up behind him. Throwing his arms

    around Hyun Joongs neck, Yoogeun had whispered to him that ifHyun Joong wouldnt mind terribly, he would rather call Hyun Joong

    samcchon instead of appa because he preferred having both

    watching over him. Hyun Joong happily agreed to it and so samcchon

    he remained.

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    There were some mild protests about this within the larger family and

    confusions at gatherings. But within the Song/Hwangbo/Kim family,

    all that mattered was that they understood each other perfectly.

    I can understand your hatred for these things now, samcchon. I think

    the bowtie is cutting into my circulation, Yoogeun complains as Hyun

    Joong stands next to him.

    Your appa would have been proud, Yoogeun, Hyun Joong says

    while fixing the others collars.

    Yoogeun stops fidgeting and looks at him.

    How about you? he asks, a little bit unsure. Proud of me that is?

    Hyun Joong looks at him, smiling slightly, seeing this 28 years old

    man, asking for reassurances. Suddenly before his eyes, the other is

    transformed into six years old Yoogeun, on the first day of elementary

    school, trying to not quiver his lips at the parting sight of his parents.

    And now the other is 14 years old, crying bitterly over the lost of his

    soccer teams chance at the final. Then its 18 years old Yoogeun,

    standing at the threshold of his college dorm, waving, face bright with

    youthful hopes and dreams. And now its 20 years old Yoogeun on

    the cusp of his first heartbreak, face drawn with emotions, refusing to

    let his tears fall.

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    Finally, it is the present 28 years old Yoogeun, standing strong and

    tall, in a black and white tuxedo, about to marry the love of his life.

    Suddenly Hyun Joong understands why in the days leading up to this

    wedding, Hye Jung has been a sobbing mess.

    Always, Hyun Joong answers. You dont have to ask me that

    question ever again, Yoogeun. I will always be proud of you.

    Yoogeuns face breaks into a smile, so reminiscent of Joong-kis. Im

    so glad to hear that, samcchon. Im always afraid that you guys have


    What do you mean? Hyun Joong asks, puzzled.

    I know how hard it must be for you and omma to not have your ownchildren and I dont know, I suppose I feel inadequate sometimes

    being your son because I want to somehow fill what must be a sort of

    void in your life, the other explains haltingly, his words punctuated by

    self consciousness.

    For a doctoral candidate, youre really not bright sometimes. Hyun

    Joong teases causing the other to blush. Yes, it would have been

    nice to have another Yoogeun running around. But you complete our

    lives, mine and ommas. We couldnt ask for anything more.

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    Besides, it may be a good thing there was only one of you around.

    Im not sure our neighbors could have taken the sight of two of you

    streaking across the backyard after losing a bet to their friends, Hyun

    Joong adds, laughing at the others mortified expression.

    Oh my god! I thought you were asleep! Yoogeun wails at the

    mention of one of his earlier college misadventures.

    I usually didnt sleep until when you did, Yoogeuny, Hyun Joong

    replies using the others childhood name.

    Yoogeun stares at Hyun Joong, his heart full. He embraces the older

    man in a tight hug, marveling at the fact that he is now one head taller

    than the other.

    A knock on the door sounds and Hyung Joon pokes his head in, Imbeing sent by my daughter to make sure all is well.

    Oh abeonim! Hows everyone doing over there? Yoogeun turns

    around to greet Hyung Joon, the father of his fiance.

    Oh its pretty bad in the bridal room. As soon as your omma stops

    crying, her omma starts to. Its like a never ending chorus of bawling

    over there. Eun-hee has to send her bridesmaid out for some more

    tissue, Hyun Joon describes, rolling his eyes.

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    Yoogeun laughs, I guess we should get started then. Ill be heading

    out first.

    Yes, go ahead. We will catch up with you, Hyun Joong agrees,

    waving his hand at Yoogeun who bows to them before leaving the


    Looking over at his old band member, Hyun Joong bemoans, Ahh! I

    cant believe I will forever be bound to you in holy matrimony,

    maknae. It was bad enough that I couldnt get away from you after

    Double S disbanded and now

    Oh shut up! You know you love us! Hyung Joon interrupts, frowning

    at his hyung, soon to be in law.

    Unfortunately, I sort of do, the other answers laughingly.

    Then more seriously, Hyun Joong asks his friend, He will take good

    care of her, you know?

    I know he will. After all, he is your son.


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    ~End Notes~

    This story started because I was annoyed. That sounds ratherominous for such a rather happy story, isnt it? I think Parallel Lines

    is probably the sweetest and happiest fanfic I ever wrote for this

    couple. I mean Babys baby is marrying Ssangchu baby, it cant get

    any more sugary than that. hurhurAnyway, the reason I started this

    long shot was because I got tired of the Evil Other trope in Ssangchu

    fanfictions. Time and again, I read stories where the third leg of the

    Ssangchu love triangle is immediately label as being evil or bitchy or

    manipulative. It seems unfair to me that just because another person

    dare to get into the Lettuce love tango, theyre automatically bad. I

    dont think its wrong to love, not even when that love drives one to

    stand in the way of the supposed Great Love story. I tend to

    sympathize with these third legs more than anything.

    Also, I think its too easy to just bring in a third character as a plot

    device, to introduce an external conflict that drives apart the main

    lovers. So I was determined to write a 3rd character who is so

    awesome that even you die-hard Ssangchu fans will it difficult to

    dislike him. Hopefully, I succeeded because I love Joong-ki and

    because of him, I love the Hyun Joong in here extra hard. For me,

    Joong-ki as a foil makes Hyun Joong even more awesome!

    Heres to a bright ending for us all.

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    With rainbow and sparkles,

