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I. PARACETAMOLBACKGROUNDParacetamol is also known as acetaminophen. It is widely used as an analgesic and antipyretic. It is generally considered as a safe drug though it still can cause death through overdose, idiopathic reaction, or synergism with alcoholic liver disease.Paracetamol is available as: tablets caplets capsules soluble tablets (these dissolve in water, which you then drink) an oral suspension (liquid medicine) suppositories, which are inserted into your anus (the opening through which waste leaves your body)AbsorptionIt is wellabsorbedin the gastrointestinal tract, stomach and small intestine. Oralbioavailabilityis dose dependent: with larger doses bioavailability is increased due to the reduced first pass effect. Rectal administration of paracetamol has 30-70% bioavailability. In this case, bioavailability is overall reduced, due to incomplete dissolution of the suppository in the rectum.

DistributionParacetamol isdistributedthroughout the body. The analgesic activity can be attributed to the small fraction that penetrates into the brain. Paracetamol given at therapeutic doses binds toplasma proteinsat less than 20%. In case of intoxication, this proportion may increase to up to 50%.

Metabolism Paracetamol is essentiallymetabolizedin the liver by conjugation to non-toxic water-soluble compounds. Hepatotoxic metabolites are produced in small amounts by the cytochrome P450 (isoenzyme CYP2E1). In the therapeutic plasma concentration range, this metabolite is detoxified by conjugation with glutathione. In case of intoxication the amount of this toxic metabolite increases and outweighs the amount of available glutathione, which can lead to hepatic failure and renal tubular necrosis. When the maximum daily dose is exceeded over a prolonged period of time, the hepatotoxic reactive metabolite N-acetyl-p-benzoquinoneimine (NAPQI) is produced.

Excretion Metabolites areexcretedthrough the kidneys in the urine. Only 2-5% of the dose is excreted in an unchanged form in the urine. As a consequence of its short eliminationhalf-life(1-3h), 24 hours after the ingestion of a single dose of paracetamol, 98% of the dose is eliminated.

Clinical implications Since paracetamol is mostly eliminated by hepaticmetabolism, patients with severe hepatic failure have a considerably longer eliminationhalf-life, and therefore, paracetamol must be used cautiously in such patients.

EpidemiologyParacetamol toxicity is the most common cause of hepatic failure requiring liver transplantation in Great Britain. In the United States, paracetamol toxicity has replaced viral hepatitis as the most common cause of acute hepatic failure and is the second most common cause of liver failure requiring transplantation. Although acetaminophen toxicity is particularly common in children, adults have accounted for most of the serious and fatal cases.

II. CHEMISTRYChemical structure

pKa = 9.46solubility = 4.15partition coefficient = log P 0.31

III. MECHANISM OF TOXICITYOrgan SystemAcetaminophen overdose is associated liver failure, which is caused by massive hepatic necrosis, the distinct feature of acetaminophen toxicity. In addition to liver, however, many organ systems may fail under acute overdose such as renal, cardiac, and central nervous systems. It is thought that the liver is the target organ for acetaminophen toxicity because this is primarily where the drug is detoxified. Under normal conditions, acetaminophen is mainly metabolized by undergoing sulfation and glucuronidation. It has been proposed that a small amount of drug goes through the cytochrome P450 mixed function oxidase system and is metabolized into the reactive intermediateN-acetyl-P-benzoquinoneimine (NAPQI), which is in turn detoxified by reaction with glutathione. When large quantities of acetaminophen are consumed, the three detoxification pathways become saturated.

CellularThe precise mechanism by which acetaminophen causes cell death remains unknown, although there are two theories possible. The first theory, the oxidative stress theory, maintains that acetaminophen metabolites cause oxidative stress in the cell ultimately leading to its demise. The depletion of cellular glutathione, a natural antioxidant, leaves the cell particularly vulnerable to oxidative insults following acetaminophen overdose.The second theory, the covalent binding theory, states that the binding of the highly reactive acetaminophen metabolites to cell macromolecules causes cell deathIV. TOXICOKINETICSABSORPTION:Paracetamol is normally rapidly absorbed and peak concentrations occur within 1-2 hours for standard tablet or capsules and even quicker (< 0.5 h) in liquid preparations. There are two sustained release preparations and absorption from these continues for up to 12 hours in therapeutic doses and much longer in overdose. Prolonged absorption is seen following large ingestions( > 500 mg/kg) and with coingestion of drugs that slow gastrointestinal motility ( opiates & anticholinergic)

DISTRIBUTION:After absorption, paracetamol distributes rapidly with a volume of distribution of 0.9 L/kg.Absorption and distribution are completed by 4 hours post overdose with standard release preparations and within 2 hours in liquid preparations.


Paracetamol is metabolised by a number of pathways. The majority of metabolism is by glucuronidation and sulphation. There is some first pass metabolism (about 20%) due to sulfation in the gut wall. The half-life of paracetamol in therapeutic use is 1.5 to 3 hours. The half-life may become prolonged in overdose to greater than 4 hours. A prolonged half-life has been linked to a higher risk of toxicity, which may indicate this is due to saturation of conjugation pathways and an increasing proportion of paracetamol being metabolised by P450 enzymes.

The minor pathways involving P450 enzymes account only for about 5-10% of paracetamol metabolism in therapeutic use. These lead to production of a toxic metabolite, N-acetyl-p-benzoquinonimine (NAPQI). This conjugates with glutathione and is excreted as a non-toxic conjugate in the urine. As glutathione is depleted, this reactive metabolite binds covalently to hepatic macromolecules leading to cell dysfunction death and apoptosis.

EXCRETION Approximately 80% of acetaminophen is excreted in the urine after conjugation and about 3% is excreted unchanged.

V. CLINICAL TOXICOLOGYEvidence of end-organ toxicity often does not manifest until 24-48 hours after an acute ingestion. To identify whether a patient is at risk, the clinician should determine the time(s) of ingestion, the quantity, and the formulation of acetaminophen ingested.Minimum toxic doses of acetaminophen for a single ingestion, posing significant risk of severe hepatotoxicity, are as follows:Adults: 7.5-10 gChildren: 150 mg/kg; 200 mg/kg in healthy children aged 1-6 years The clinical course of acetaminophen toxicity generally is divided into four phases. Physical findings vary, depending primarily on the level of hepatotoxicity.Phase 1 0.5-24 hours after ingestion Patients may be asymptomatic or report anorexia, nausea or vomiting, and malaise Physical examination may reveal pallor, diaphoresis, malaise, and fatigue

Phase 2 18-72 h after ingestion Patients generally develop right upper quadrant abdominal pain, anorexia, nausea, and vomiting Right upper quadrant tenderness may be present Tachycardia and hypotension indicate ongoing volume losses Some patients may report decreased urinary output (oliguria)

Phase 3: Hepatic phase 72-96 h after ingestion Patients may have continued nausea and vomiting, abdominal pain, and a tender hepatic edge Hepatic necrosis and dysfunction are associated with jaundice, coagulopathy, hypoglycemia, and hepatic encephalopathy Acute renal failure develops in some critically ill patients Death from multi organ failure may occur

Phase 4: Recovery phase 4 days to 3 weeks after ingestion Patients who survive critical illness in phase 3 have complete resolution of symptoms and complete resolution of organ failure

First Aid and Management

Gastrointestinal decontamination agents can be used in the emergency department setting in the immediate post-ingestion time frame. Administer activated charcoal (AC) if the patient is alert and presents, ideally, within 1 hour post ingestion. This time frame can be extended if the patient ingested an acetaminophen-based sustained-release medication or if the ingestion includes agents that are known to slow gastric emptying. Patients with acetaminophen levels below the possible" line for hepatotoxicity on the Rumack-Matthew nomogram may be discharged home after they are medically cleared.Admit patients with acetaminophen plasma levels above the possible line on the Rumack-Matthew nomogram for treatment withN-acetylcysteine (NAC). NAC is nearly 100% hepatoprotective when it is given within 8 hours after acute acetaminophen ingestion, but can be beneficial in patients who present more than 24 hours after ingestion. NAC is approved for both oral and IV administration.The FDA-approved regimen for oral administration of NAC is as follows: Loading dose of 140 mg/kg 17 doses of 70 mg/kg given every 4 hours Total treatment duration of 72 hours The IV formulation of NAC (Acetadote) is commonly used in many institutions for the treatment of acetaminophen ingestion. Use of the IV formulation of NAC is preferred in the following situations: Altered mental status GI bleeding and/or obstruction A history of caustic ingestion Potential fetal acetaminophen toxicity in a pregnant woman Inability to tolerate oral NAC because of emesis refractory to proper use of antiemetics.

Surgical evaluation for possible liver transplantation is indicated for patients who have severe hepatotoxicity and potential to progress to hepatic failure. Criteria for liver transplantation include the following: Metabolic acidosis Renal failure Coagulopathy Encephalopathy

Signs & Symptoms:Patients may complain of anorexia, nausea, vomiting, and hepatic tenderness.They may develop any of the following complications:Hypoglycaemiahepatic encephalopathyjaundicecoagulopathyFIRST AID of PoisoningFor small amounts, you may be told to watch the person carefully at home.

For a larger amount, you may need to take the person to a hospital emergency department.In high doses, acetaminophen can cause damage to the liver. At the hospital, doctors will check the level of acetaminophen in the blood and may give activated charcoal or antidote medication to prevent the toxic effect on the body.

MECHANICAL ANTIDOTAL MEASURES Emptying of the stomach:In the very few cases in which a person comes to the hospital minutes after taking the overdose, the doctor may attempt to empty the stomach. This can be accomplished by inducing vomiting or by placing a large tube through the person's mouth and into the stomach, putting fluid in and then pumping it out (gastric lavage). Activated charcoal:Activated charcoalcan be given by mouth to bind any drug remaining in the gastrointestinal tract.

Algorithm of Treatment

Initial appropriate supportive care is essential in acetaminophen poisoning. Immediate assessment of the patient's airway, breathing, and fluid status (ie, ABCs) is critical before treatment for suspected acetaminophen overdose is initiated. In addition, assessing for other potential life-threatening co-ingestions (eg, salicylate) is very important.Administer activated charcoal (AC) if the patient has a stable mental and clinical status and presents to the emergency department within 1 hour of ingestion. Draw a 4-hour serum acetaminophen concentration to determine the risk for hepatotoxicity, plot this value using the Rumack-Matthew nomogram.Patients with acetaminophen levels below the possible line for hepatotoxicity on the Rumack-Matthew nomogram may be discharged home after they are medically cleared. If the ingestion occurred with intent to do self-harm, a thorough psychosocial, psychological and/or psychiatric evaluation is indicated before the patient can be discharged safely from the medical care facility.Admit patients with acetaminophen plasma levels above the possible line on the Rumack-Matthew nomogram for treatment withN-acetylcysteine (NAC). Treat patients with evidence of hepatic failure, metabolic acidosis, coagulopathy, and/or encephalopathy in an intensive care unit (ICU). Transfer patients with evidence of clinically significant hepatotoxicity to a medical facility with

intensive care support and organ transplant services.More important than GI decontamination after APAP ingestion is the early administration of NAC.NAC is nearly 100% hepatoprotective when it is given within 8 hours after an acute acetaminophen ingestion. Guidelines from the American College of Emergency Physicians recommend the use of NAC to treat acute acetaminophen overdose in patients with either possible or probable risk for hepatotoxicity, according to the Rumack-Matthew nomogram, ideally within 8-10 hours post ingestion. Because of the benign nature of NAC, and the risk of adverse effects from acetaminophen toxicity, NAC should be given even if the history is unclear but a potentially toxic acetaminophen ingestion is suspected. NAC should be administered while awaiting a serum APAP level if the patient presents close to or later than 8 hours after an acute ingestion, or if the patient is pregnant.A late presentation should not preclude NAC administration if the history or presentation suggests potential toxicity.Failure to administer NAC because of late presentation is considered medically and legally inappropriate.Surgical evaluation for possible liver transplantation is indicated for patients who have severe hepatotoxicity and potential to progress to hepatic failure. Criteria for liver transplantation include the following: Metabolic acidosis Renal failure Coagulopathy Encephalopathy


AST, ALT, and serum acetaminophen levelsThe Rumack-Matthew nomogram cannot be used, but likelihood of clinically significant hepatotoxicity can be estimated based on AST, ALT, and serum acetaminophen levels. If AST and ALT levels are normal (
