Papers of CHARLES W. TAUSSIG · Quantity: 65 feet


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Papers of



Accession Number: 51-143

I The papers were donated to the Library by Mrs. Charles W. Taussig. This material is subject to copyright restrictions under Title 17 of the U.S. Code.

· Quantity: 65 feet (approximately 130,000 pages )

Restrictions: Mater.ial which might be used to embarrass, harass or in­jure living persons has been closed.

Related Materials:

President's Official File President's Personal File President's Secretary's File Eleanor Roosevelt Papers Papers of Aubrey W. Williams

. '


Taussig, Charles W. Papers, 1928-1948



This collection contains documents that are restricted in accordance V'rith Executive Order 10501 as amended.


Certain papers in this collection are restricted on the instructions of the donor.

"That the staff of the Franklin D. Roosevelt Library undertakes to go through the papers immediately after their arrival at the Library, and to segregate those that it is not proper to open for research purposes at this time. These segregated papers are to be kept in a 11restricted'1 status until such time as it becomes proper to make them available, in whole or in part, for research purposes. 11

3~1 Prepared by __ .:A.j_..:-:-''~--------J

\.;tUl4W'-~ ~ Assistant Director

Approved by

September 4, 1970




Group 26

Group Description- "Papers of Charles W. Taussig , 192S-194S . 11


I l


Group No. 26.

PAPERS OF G~~S W. TAUSSIG, 1928-1948.

These records (168 boxes, 2? VQls.: 54 cu. ft., with indexes and

outlines) consist of correspondence, memorandas, reports 1 nel'Spaper clipping!! 1

and other papers of Charles w. Ta.useig1 New York City 1.ndustrlalist, and relate

primarily to his public career as economic adviser in the administrations of

F'ranklin D. Roosevelt, 1933-45, and the first administration of Harry s. Truman.

From the early days of the "New Deal" until his death on May 9, 1948, he occupied

important posts in the domestic and foreign fields of government. He was one of the

six original members of the rtbrain trust", chairman of the National Advisory Com­

mittee of the National Youth Administration, a member of the President's Council

for the Virgin Islands, chairman of the u.s. Commission to study Social and

Economic Conditions in the British West Inctlee, co-chairman of the Anglo-

American Co:amission (known after 1945 as the Caribbean Comr.rl.ssioa), and chair-

em of the u.s. Section of the Caribbean Commission fi'Qm January 1946 untU Kay

9 1 1948. In 1945 President Roosevelt appointed him to th~ u.s. delegation to the

United Nations Conference on Interaational Organization which convened in San

Francisco on April 251 1945. During the first administration of President Tru-

man he continued to act as ~conomic adviser on matters affecting the Caribbean

area. Uost of the papers in this group cover the acti~ties described above

and at the same time document important national developnente in the internal and

extern~ affair of the United Statee during the years between 1932 and 1948•

Tnere are, however, other papers in this group which relate to his private interests

especially his businese affairs as President of the American Molasses Compaqy

and its s~veral subsidiaries and his collector'~ interests in arts and literature.

The materials are organized to correspond With hi s major intereets in and out

of government as follows:

- 2 -

(A.) "Yout~ Files" includes corre~pondenoe and related papers pertaining

to Mr. Taussig's 1110rk as chairi:l&ll of the President's Adviso:ry Cormnitt,ee and the

broader aepects of the NYA in the operation of the national, state, Md local

program&; papers relating to non-governmental youth movements and organizations

such as the Affiliated Young Democrats, the American Student Union, the Ameri-

can Youth Congress 1 and the World Youth Ccngrees; papers relating to the White

Hou:!e Conference( a) on Children in a ~mocracy in which Mr. Taussig plliyed an

"-.; -important part; memoranda of conversations held with F. D. R. and other public

and private p49rsons who were actively 1.nterested in youth problems; reports

received from NYA official.B and from other sources on youth needs, yout~'l pro-

jects, and youth movements, various copies and drafts of Mr. Taussig's speeches,

ractl.o broa.dcasts, and published articles; and miscellaneous printed materials

consisting of press releases, reports, and publications of youth organizations,

19.34~. 'Arranged alphabetic& by subject. 25 boxes. 1 bound volu.?fte•

(B.) "General Files" includes correspondence and other papers diversified

in subject and type. Included is politicai correspondence relating to ~:ew York

State and national politics (1933-~~) ~d correspondenc~ relating to the national

campaign of 1944; correspondence relating to the WQrld Economic Cunfer~nc. (1933)

to which Taussig was technical adviser to th~ u.s. d~legation; confidential ro-

porta from the American Embassy in Derlln on German Labor Camps; correspondence

1'fi th prominent leaders in the "N~lf Deal" such as Adolph Berle, Jr., Jerome Frank,

Raymond Mo~ley 1 and Rexford Guy TugwellJ drafts and texts of speech materj al

prepared by Mr. Taussig for F. D. R. in the campaign of 1932; drafts of mag•,...

7.1ne article• and other writings together with correspondence with publis hcra;

papers relating to his collect.orfs interests in prints, etch.ings, and works of,

history on the early rum tr~de in colonial America; correspondence and related

papers pertaining to membership in org~~zations includine Americans for Demo-

- 3-

cratic Action, the Fcreign Policy Association, National Institute of Public

Affairs, National Commission, and Town Hall; copies of speeches and

radio addresses made by Mr. Taussig on the subjects of the depression, "New

Deal~, recovery, and world trade; ~nd correspondence with officials in the

Departments of Agrivulture, ~mmerce and Interior, especially on topics arising

from the decline in world sugar prices and the revival of agriculture, trsde and

indu.stry in the United States and it8 Caribbean posse~::;iol'Uie 1932-48. Arranged

alphabetically by subject with sub-topical divisions. 17 boxes.

(C.) "Caribbean Files" contains materials reJ.ating to the van ous oommissiona

appointed by the United States, Great Britain, France and the Netherlands to

study and make recommendations for the reform of economic, social, and political

conditions in the West Indies. Included is correspondence with government

officials in the Virgin Islands and Puerto Rico including important exchanges

With Paul :~A:. Pearson (1933-35) and Laurence Cramer (19.35•41) Governors of the

Islanda and with Rexford Guy Tugwell, Governor of Puerto Rico (1941-46);

eorre~pondence with F. D. R., Cordell Hull, and British colonial and home

officials in regard to the organization, operation and recommendations of the

various Cari:'B>bean Comnissions and Councils; extenaj ve correspondence Sir

Frank Stockdale, eo-chairman of the Anglo-American Caribbean Coumission and

chairman of the BM.tish Section of the Caribbean Commission, on both official.

and p~rsonal matters; about 100 photostats of selected historical. documents re­

lating to the formation and work of the Anglo~American Commission and the Cari­

bbean Commission (and out-growth of the Anglo-American Commission and expanded to

include France and the Netherland&) and theee include, among other document,,

communications to and from President Roosevelt, Winston Churchill, Adolph Berle,

Jr., Cordell Hull, Sir Frank Stockdal•, Sumner Welles, and other u. s. and

foreign officiala as well as records of some interesting convereatio~ held with

- 4 -

Anthony Eden, Lord Halifax, Cordell Hull, and Sumn~r Welles; s.nd a quantity of

miscellaneous official and personal correspondence ~lating chiefly to personnel,

social rn11tters, and routin~ business connected with actnin:istrative mattors.

uther 1.mportant docWMnts in this f·Ue are report., o.f t.he various comndss16n• and

council• made to F. D. R. and the Department of State, amonc these is a report

of the u. s. Commission to Study Social ~~d Economic Conditions of the British

west Indies (179 P• typescript) 1940 and a report of his trip to London made in

1942 to consult with British officials on the formation of the Anglo-American

Caribbean Commission; a memorandum of conversations with F. D. R. on Caribbean

problems in 1944; and papers relating to Caribbean problems generally and in­

cluding correspondence with Jefferson Caffrey, Laurence Duggan, Sumner welles,

and other Department of State official~ 1 particularly on Cuban problems relating

to sugar quotas,, reciprocal tariff agreements, and internal !i»litical

disturbances. Additional papers located in this file are press releasee by the

Caribbean Office in the Department of State J reports and minutes of meetings of

successive west Indies Conferences held bet~en 1942 and 1948; biographical

sketches of Mr. Taussig; and other papers. Arranged alphabetically by subjects

1d th sub-topical di 'Visions. 22 boxes •

(D.) A file of documents relating t o the united Nations Conference on

International Organization. Included are photostatic copies of original docu­

ments (most of the original documents are probably on file in the Archivea of the

Department of State) and consisting primarily of correspondence with President

Harry S. Truman, S~cretary of State Edward Re Stettiniua 1 Secretary of the In­

terior, Harold Ickes, and other executive heads in regard to u. s. policy on

the que~tion of Trusteeship for Dependent Ar~&aJ draft reports on Trusteeship

sent~ President1iuman; and records of conversations held ldth other u.s. and

foreign delegates and adviser3. Printed materials compose the bulk of materials

- 5 -

in this file and include th~ final and preliminary drafts of the u. s. delegates

en propos~ls that were to go before the committees; precis of committee pro­

ceedings; report of committees and commissions; back~round materiala for TruateeR

ahip over Dependent treas; Minutea of Meetings of CommiasioA 2 (Truat8eahip

Syat.m); Summary Reports of the Meeting of Commission 3 (Seourity Council);

cumulative lieta of committe•• and membera of committees, and other publications,

report•, and digests regarding the Dumbarton Oaks Propos ala and Trusteeship

system. 1944-45• Generally arranged by Commission md Conmit.tee and thereunder

chrenolegical:Q-. 23 boxes. 4 volumes.

(E.) A number of small files containing materials which are very similar

to the papers in the main files whj_ch have been described above. Included are:

(1) copiea of speeches made by Mr. TaUBsig and other persona in the government

service aa nll u oopiea of his radio addresses and published artiolss, 1932-44

(these are duplicatea; other copies are lecated in the "Genftral Files•) 1 box;

(2) a working draft of his novel, Rum, Romance, and Rebellion, published in

1928 (various other drafts plus correspondence are located in the "General

Files") 1 box; (3) a file of personal correspondence -..hich is concerned with his

club affiliations, his membership in community organizations, and miacellaneoua

social engagements, but containing ala~ a printed report of the ~ Pearl

Harbor Board and a report by the Navy Court of Inquiry on the disaster at Pearl

Harbor 1 2 hexes; ( 4) reports of the International Labor Conference h~ld in

Montreal in 1944, 1 boxJ and (5) outlines and l18te prepared by Mr. Tauseig

giving location~~, descriptions, and abstract:. of materiala in the files.

(F.) Diary and Appointment books kept by Mr. Taussig and hie secretary

containing a day by day record of engagements and notes of his activities for

the period beginning December 9, 1936 and ending on ~ay 9, J948. 15 volse

in one box.

- 6-

(G.) An exterusi ve file of newspaper clippings (loose and mounted) consti­

tute t.he remainder of the materials. Items represented in t.he collection art~~

from newspaper• in the United States, the Caribbean Republics and Dependenci~e,

and the press of Great Britain and Canada. Some are in French and Dutch. They

are arranged in 3 major sub-.groups which have a correlative relationship w1 t.h

the major activitiee of his public life in (1) the post~ he occupied as economic

advtaer 1..n the "brain trust" and as chairman of the Nat.ional Advisory Committee

of the ~ational Youth Administration, (2) tho variou8 offices he held in mattera

relating to the Caribbea.."l, and (3) the United Nation.e Conference on International

Organization which mot in San Francisco. The news items and editorials carry

much information on ths background of the Caribbean colonial policiea as well ae

the national objective• of the people in the various Republics and Dependenciea

for improved social and economic conditions. Also the clippings contain i tem1

on personalities and events which are of general reference value for the period

of ths "New Deal" and the war years.

Accession No. 51-143

I t &' 1 h PI I e ; ; &sse


SEP 18 1952

Franklin D. Roosevelt Library

Papers of' Charles ~'[. 'l'aussig

Sc~tion I

Correspondenc e other Materials pertaining to "Youth" Matters .

Box 1. Affiliated Young Democrats, 1937- 1944 American Council on Education American Student Union American Youth Act America~ Youth Commission

1936 1937 1939 (v;ork Camps for America) 191.-0 191t0 (Dr . Reeves) 1941- 1942

American Youth Congress to 1938 1939 1940

Box 2. American Youth Congress Luncheon to Mrs . Roosevelt, 1939

(first) American Youth Congr ess - Youth Ho'lv-ement Anti och College Berea College Ber le , A. A. Jr. Borchardt , Selma, 1935-1941 Bro~n, Richard R. , 1936-1942

Box 3. Citizenship Institute , American Youth Congress Council of Social Agencies Council of Young Southerners Gennan Labor Camps

Box 4. Intercol legiate Council Intercoll eeiate Organization of America International Student Service

1936- 1938 1940 1941- 1942

JUdd, Dr. Charles , 1935-1~40 Junior Consultation Serv:i.ce

Box 5. Moore , Rev. Edward Roberts McKelvey, Thelma , 1935- 1943

Box 6. National Advisory Cmru:d.ttee, NYA Nat ional Youth AdnL~istration - Original Draft for -NYA - Exec. Order No. 7101, 7/16/35 Acceptance of Aopointments Correspondence (I.fiscellaneous), 1935-1942 l!eetings - Minutes and Correspondence

August 15, 1935 April 22- 29 , 1936 February 8- 9 , 1938 October 31, J.<)'38 October 31, l9Jn Soptombor l)- 7 , 10J9

Dox 7 . Na tion Ill Adviaory Comm:tttae , NYA Uoetinr.s - Minutes < Corr e::;pondence

l'J ovember ·7-9, 191+0


1940 October 27 , 191~1

1935-1939 June 20 , 1938 1940-1942 1942- 1943

Washington Offi ce , 1941

National St udent Federation of America 1934-1941 Rel eases - to 1936

Box 8 . National Yo~h Aclmhlistration Lists , 1935-1942 Miscellaneous Correspondence

A - H, 1935 I- Z, 1935 A - L, 1936 11 - z, 1936 A - G, 1937 H - L, 1937 M - Q, 1937 a - z, 1937 A - G, 1938 H - L, 1938 M - Q, 1938 R - Z, 1938

Box 9 . National Youth Administration Miscellaneous Correspondence

A - G, 1939 H - L, 1939 ~: - Q., 1939 R - Z, 1939 A - G., 1940 H - L, 1940 r.: - Q., 194o R - z, 1940

2 .

Box 9 .

National Youth Adm:inistr c:rtion

Miscellaneous Correspondence ( contd) A - }' , 1941- 191.2 G - L, 1941- 1942 M - Z, 191,..1-19/~2 A - '!.. , 19AJ- 19/,4

Pmnphl ets <md Le3 flets Pre:;;s Hc1eases

1935-1936 193t!

Box 10. Press Rel eases 1939 January- JUne , 1940 July- December , 1940 1941 1942

Publications - "Youth and the Community" Reports

1935-1938 April 25 , 1936 July 10, 1936

Box 11 . National Youth Administration Reports

1939- 191 ... .3 Undated

Tr.:1nsportation Correspondence, 1935-1942 Vouchers

1935-6 1937 1938 1939 1940-1942

Box 12. Neblett , Thomas F. Correspondence , 1935-1941 St ate Reports, 1936

"A New Deal For Youth"

New York City, National Youth Adndni stration, 1936-1942

New York City Youth Council

Box 13. Osborn, Fairfield, Jr . Pamphlets

1,ti.sce1laneous Youth

Patton, James G.

3ox 11~ . Refugees 1938- 1941

Reports - Hisce1laneous Youth (continued)


Box 14 (contd)

Roosevelt, 1.1rs. Eleanor 1935-1942

Roosevelt , President Franklin D., 1933-1943

Box 15 School for Livlng 1935-1936 1933-19/~0

Sproul , J. Edward

st,a.t,c Arlvi FJO'!'y Cornndttcc:~ , NYA M:L!Jc0llanoous Col-rn:.;pondenco

1937-1'1/~l 1942

Minutes and Moetines October 15, 1937 December 30, 1937 January 26, 1938 November 10-11, 1938

State Directors, NYA 1935-1936 1937 1938-1939 1940-1942 i\feetings , Minutes, 1936

state - New York. NYA: County Supervlsort s Wm ual, 12/:L/36

studebaker ' .John

Sutton , Isaac

Box 16. Taussig, Charles William Correspondence on Manuscripts

1935-1936 1939-1941

Speeches 1935-1936 1938-1940

Articles Radio Broadcasts Uemoranda and llotes Iliscl. Corrcs . 1942- 1944

~eachert s CollAge, Columbia University United States Stucent Assembly

Box 17 . V!est 1 James E .. 'i:eston , S. Bums

193/~1935 1936 1937- 1.939 191~0 January- Juno , 191,1 July- De Gember , 194.1 1942

Box 18. White House Conference on Chil dren in a Democ r acy April 261 1939 January 18- 20. 1940 January 13-201 1940 - Reports 191+0 Reports 1940 Final Reports

Box 19. White House Conf er ence on Children in a Democracy National Cit izen's Committee

1940-1943 Vfilliams, Aubr ey, 193 5-1942

Box 20. Winslow, Thatcher Book - 1939 1937- 1939 1940-1941

(Second) Vlorl d Youth Congress , 1938

\'forld Youth Congress Movement

Works Progress Admin~stration Corre spondence Rel eases

Work Camps f or America , 1939-194.0

Yard, Molly

Young1 Owen D.


Section II

l·fiscellaYJ.eous Correspondence

Box 21. Advertising Club of New York American Arbitration Association


Box 22.

19/V.. "A" l.tiscellaneous Berl, Professor E. Berle, A.A. Jl~.

to 1937 1938 1 C)~ ()-19/f)

Dr~rle, Hudoli', P. Bernheim, I . W. Booher, w. J. Braden, Spruille Bureau of Person.11el Administration "B" Miscellaneous Committee for the Nation

Correspondence Releases

Cooperative Co~~ittee 1940 1941 1942-1944

"C" Miscellaneous

"D" Miscellaneous Economics •

Economic A.dv:L4ors Bernstein-1acauley "Economic Consultants"

Gold s·tandard Janeway - Manuscripts National P}.anning World Economic Conference, 1933 General

Elbaum - Manuscripts "E" Miscellaneous Foreign Trade

Miscellaneous Publications u.s. Government Releases

Frank, Jerome N. 11F 11 Miscellaneous German Labor Camps Good Neighbor League Guidici, Samuel E. 11G11' Miscellaneous

Box 23. "H" Miscellaneous Jndia !Tou3e In~urance PlmLs

Medical C;.tro MetropoJiLn.n T . .i l'e Jnsurn.nce Company

Inte:mat.ional L'3.bor Orr:md :.r.ntion St:1te Dellartrnnn t, Proceedings Invitations, i{cports

Invitations Official, 1933 General

"Jl' Miscellaneous Kappel , Philip "K11 Ui.scellaneous LaGuardia, Mayor F. Liebmann , Alfred 111 11 Miscellaneous

Box 24. Mailliard, J . W. Moley, Professor Raymond Mooney , James D .. Moses, Montrose J . Murphy, Charles E. "M" Miscellaneous National Health Conference National Instj_tute of Public Affairs National Planning Assor.intion

19LJ. 1942 Bliven, Bruce 1943 1944

Nati onal Releases "The Roosevelt Reflector" Miscell aneous

National Sel f-Government Cow~ttee Nonesuch Press "N11 l.tiscellaneous "0" Miscellaneous

Box 25 . Patterson, Hich~rd C. Pearsall , C~'3.rles H. c.

1933 1934 1936 1937 1938 1939 1940-1942

Pinney, Laqy Hester Politics

National 1936-1940 Democratic National Committee Presidential No~nations Democratic National Campaign Committee, 1944

Politics (continued)

Box 26 . Politics

New York Cit.y 1937 1938-1941

Propaganda Literature 1936-1939

Propaganda Literature 19~0 19LJ_

Prince., Theodore Propaganda Analysi::> Jn:>ti t.ute

19J? 193f3-l9/fl

"P" Miscellaneous Hadio


Fede r'd.l Conunun:Lcations Corrnnission Lenunon , •falter


Princeton Listening Center Sarnoff, David Scripts General

Box 27. P.ios., P~phael Roosevelt , President Franklin D.


Campaign Speech Uaterial Correspondence and data Drafts and Texts of Speeches

Speeches and Drafts of Speeches General

1929-l~j36 19313-191+-0

"R" Miscellaneous

Box 28. Salerno, Fred G. Siedenburg, George R. "S" Miscellaneous Taussig , Charles William

Articles Correspondence

Arons, P. "North American Review" General

Texts "Cognosce" General Handvr.ritten Copies

Biographies Books

Correspondence 113ook of Eobbi~s" lf?.u_'ll., ?.omance and P..ebellion"

Taussig, Charles William (continued)

Box 29 . Radio Broadcasts Correspondence Scripts

Speeches Correspondence

American Ler;j_on Jr . Loaf.ll") of Montclair National Forcj ~~n Trade Council National lfeD.lth Conference

Texts 1A1scellaneous undated speeches (1932)

Book and Print Collection Bruno Cox Kieser General

Personal Gener al Tiashington corr espondence, 1932- 39

Taussig , Profes sor Frank w.

Town Hall 191 .. 0 191.1 February 13, 1941, CVT Tausnie Dinner 1942 191..3 1944

Box 30. Tugwell, Rexford Guy Hemoranda on National Affiars 1935-1937 1938 1939-1940 1%.1

"T 11 !.fiscellaneous

United States Government Department of Af,riculture

Correspondence ~Y-Xgnnr!OR!llk:s:Y~ Releases

Cards Department of Commerce Cone;ress Council for Industrial Progress Council for National Defense - Advisory Committee ?ederal Communications Commission ?edcra.l !{ome !.oan Bank System

Box :n . United States Government Department ol' t.he Interior

Chapman Gru.eninr, Ickes

Department of Justice Department of Labor Legislat ion

Preparatory Work Securities and Exchange Act Tariff

Correspondence Data

Suce:ested legislation


Corporate Accounting Act Economic Adjustment Act Inters t Ate Couunerce Labor Arbitration

u.s. Tariff Commission - Sugar Correspondence

Briefs - General Texts, Congressional Bills

/tJ· %.

Uaritime Commission ./'

Box 32 . National Recover,r Act National Industrial Conference Board General

National !.~esources Planning Board Office of War Information

State Department Hull

Correspondence Speeches

'.Velles General ~ Wile, Wn.lter rn,yu Miscell aneous Young , Ovren D.

Section III

Cgrrespondence and Other Materials conoerning the Caribbean Commission

Box 33• AACC - Bibliography A.rmeur 1 Norman Baldwin Barbadoa lluaeum and Hiatorioal Sooiftty Braden, Spruille, 19311 ... 1944 Buell, Raymond Cards Caribbean Commission

British Section Cains 1 Sidney General

Conferences, 1942•1944 Fisheries Survey and Shipping Port Everglades

Box .34• Cari&bean Commission Radio Reports, 1941-1944 Final Report11 Tourism Project 1946 Touriem Reports

Box 35. Car-ibbean C(jlumisaion State Department

Duggan Ocheltree Pierce Releasee Welles

Taussig, c.w. u.s.s. Sampson Trip, 1940


Reports Commission on British West Indies, 1940 London Trip, 191~ Miscellaneous Correspondence, 191~1-1944

Washington Office duBois

1941 1942-1944

Pi•rce We a ton Miecellaneoua Vouchers

194.3 1944

Box 36. Carjbbean Co~nission ~.tiscelluncous


1942-19/,3 191;.1~

Caribbean - General

Box 37. Cuba

Box 38 . Cuba

Y.irkvrood 1941 1942-1944

~uscripts - c.w. 'l'aussig Texts Correspondence

Banklllg Barrett Caffery Cuban Chamber of Commerce in the u.s. Cuban Planters Association Gerry Good Vfil..1 Col11J':'li t tee History Lobo , J . !.fargo :Massaguer Presi dential Decrees Public Works Financing State Department

Cornnru.nica tions Press Releases

Sugar, Syrups , ~:folasses

Tariffs , ~eciprocal Trade Agreements Taussig, c. W.

"Accion11 Clippings Cespedes Award

1ti..scellaneous 19J2- 1933 1934.- 1935 1937- 1941

lti.sceJlaneous "C" Foreign Policy Association Government Correspondence and Data Hawaii Inter-American Commercial Arbi t r ation Commission Invitations

I 2 .

Box 39. Panama Pan-American League Pearson , Drevr Puerto Rico

Loucks Winship Tugwell PJ.ans , Pro joctn , 1ftemoro.ncln Gcnet·al

Taussie , CW

Box 40. Virgin Islands Advisory Cotmcil Brown

1935-1<)36 1937-1939

Cramer 1936 193'7-1<)38 1939 1940-1941

Herrick I~ them Pearson, Paul

Box 41. Virgin Islands

1932- 1935 1936

Publicity Reports - Annual, t o the Secretary of the

Interior Virgin I slands Company Miscellaneous

1933-1934 1935-1936 1940-J941

Reports: ~·.est I ndies·

I 3.

Section IV

AnglQ .. A!nerican Caribbean Commission Files (AACC)

Box 42• Anglo-American Caribbean Commission Washington Office - Correspondence: 1945


Booklet: Buncha, Ralph: The An lo•!J'Ilerican Caribbe Commissi~m: An riment in e on Coo r ation. Ame can Counc Ins i u o Pac c Relations s 5.

1946: Correspondence Washington Office: Correspondences 1946 Article for Foreign Affaire: July, 1946 Article for 'l"fie Grace LO.i (Grace Lines publication) r July, 1946 CJ.ippings : !946

Box 43. Caribbean Commission .. 1947 Clipping~ss 1947 Committee Meetings Correspondence Economic Commission for Latin America (ECLA) Ind'U!Jtrial Survey Memoranda of Conversations Reports and Memoranda United Nations Washington Office: 1947 ... Correspondence

Box 44• Caribbean Commission: 1948 Clippings Correspondence·

Correspondence with Vice Admiral D. E. Barbey - 1947~8 Committee Meetings Industrial Survey Puerto Rico Releases !rom the Secretary-General, Lawrence w. Cramer Reports and Memoranda Reports re eick leave for Mr. E. s. Pembletont· l947w48 Washington Office National Association for the Advancement of Colored People (NAACP)

Box 45. Caribb8an Commission Publicity Releasaa1 etc.~ 1945 ~ 1947

Box 46, Caribbean Commission State Department Photostats 1937-1942 ~.nd "Index to Taussig's Historical File Caribbean Commission,(l940 -1945)"•

This box contains items 1 to 99 of the Index. Papers deal nth the Caribbean area in general and include State Department memos 1 drafts and other COllli'\unicat'lons re establis9nent of AACC end of Angl~~1Uerican plans and programs for the area.o Also contains reports, memos and other commWLtcations from the British Office of the Commission as well as personal messages between GW'l' and other members of the Commission, British and American. (All photostats)

/.F Taussig Papers ~

Box 4?e Caribbean Commission State Department Photostats 1943 - 1944• .AI te ua u thae l:~ )i}6

Box 48. Caribbean Commission State Department Photol!ltats 1945. Ice a'bo '" 1 itlltl ii$Q ~'l4.

Box 49• Caribbean Commiesion State Department Photostats 1945-194?

.u .... I it.ems 295<!88 completntg ~45 II pox !n~ •• , ta.p+Q•r w1 th \Ul ftaBMPes lotn• (me:raorand.a of conversations, copies o! reP,Orts of conferences, etc~ - typewritten) from January~ 1945 to February, 1947.

Bex 50. Caribbean Commission West Indies Conference • March, 1946. Second Session. Complete recor~

Box 51. Caribbean Commission:: Publications by_.

Box 52a Caribbean Commission: Co~reepondence 1941•1946 and Papers Text 1 An Agreement for the Establishment of the Caribbean ~mmission

(Photostat) Text 1 Copy of documents of appointment of CW'l' to AACC signed by FDR,

Karch 14, 1942. Correspondence, Miscellaneoua s 1939•1944 Correspondence, 1941•1943. (mainly C'WT's memoranda of eonftrsations

with FDR1 Hull, Welles, Churchill, Halifax and others). Economic warrare Conversations - Taussig (memos re ) Translations and clippings -London Trip - 1942 Caribbean Commission, Miscellaneous report• re Correspondence: 19451 Janu.ary - June Correspondence s. 19451 July - December COlllllittee Minutes~ 1946 Washington Releases:: 1942 - 194 7

Box 53• Caribbean Commission: Correspondence and Papers - 1946 Correspondence: 19461 January - June Correspondence: 1946, July - December Tourist Conference Reports: 1946 Commission Agreements West Indian Conference, Second Seesiont 1946. Releaaes and Press


Box 54• Caribbean Commission: Correspondence and Papers t 1947 - 1948 De la Ru8 Personal File:: Reports and correspondence o! re activities of the Angl~erican Caribbean Commission. --­

Mounted Clippings re the Caribbean Commission Taussig • personal correspondence In'Vitations

Taussig Paper•

Box 54. Continued Caribbean Commission • Fifth Meeting:- December 8-131 1947 Caribbean Research Council Reports, Recommendations, Draf'ta: 1947 Correspondence: 1948

Undated Items: Report on Program of the Commission} A Digest of Parlla.entary (British) Debates on the West Indies and Colonial Policy; miscellaneous 'Undated memos o! cwr.

Section V

United Nation Conterenee on International Organization - 1945

Box 55. Charter Papers and Delegations Delegation3s Foreign Delegations s Meetings Delegations s United States • A<hinietrati w Delegationas United States -Meetings Delegations: United States- organiFration and Procedures Delegations: United States - Statements Charter:: Prelirlina.ry and Final Dratts Charter: Comments and Proposals 1 General Charter: Comments and Proposals 1 Public Charter: Coii!Mnts and Proposals, u. s. Delegation (1) Charter: Connnents and Proposals, u. s. Delegation (1-A) Charter: Comments and Proposals 1 U. S. Delogations (2) Charter:. Comments and Proposals, u. s. Delegations (3)

Box 56. Commissions and Committees Assig11ments General Progress Reports Precis of Committee Proceedings Prepa~atory Commission Coaiaeion I (General Provisions) ~ General

Meeting a


lat Committee (Preamble, Purposes, Prj.neiples) s General lleetinga

Subcommittee on drafting preamble 2nd Committee (Membership, Amendment, Secretariat) s General

e.x 57. Commissions and Committee• Commission I - 2nd Committee

Subeomnittee of the 2nd Committee on Membership, et•• Commission II (General Assembl.y) t General

Meetinga 1st Co!ll!littee (Structure and Proaedureej :- General

Subcommittee on Draf'ting: Report f J!eetinga 2nd Committee (iPolitical and Security Funetione): General

Meetings Subeomitteel! A and Bs Reporta

Box 58. Commissions and Committees Conmd.ssion II Jrd Committee (Economic and Social Cooperation): General

Meetings Subeomnrl. ttee on Drafting: Report

Commission III (Security Council): General Meetings

1st Committee (Structure and Proceedings) : General Meetings

Subeommi ttees on Method and Voting procedure

Tauseig Pa})f'ra

Bex 58. Continued 2nd Committee (Peaoe!ul Settlement) 1 General


Box 59• Commissions and Committees (Legal Size) Commission II - Committee 4s Trusteeship • Extra Papers

Trusteeship - Background Material Tru3tecship - Background before San Francisco

Box 60. Commissions and Commi tteee

Box 61.

Commission III - Subcommittee of Committee 2 (Peaceful Settlement) Jrd Committee (Enforcement Mea.suree) General

Meetings Subcommi tte9 z R.,port ·

4th Committee (Regional Arrangements): General Meetings

Jubcommittee:. Report

Commissions and Committee• Commission IV ... (Judicial Organization) r ~ner&l

Meetinge let Committee (International Court o! Juetiee) c General

Subcommittee on Drafting:: Report 2nd Committee (Legal Problems): General

Meetings SubcoiiiDittee

Coordination Committee Executive Committee Steering Committee


Box 62. u. N. Conference: 1945 General Miscellaneous PublicatioN List of Document3 Issued M~ Jl - .Tune 27 and list of Members of all Committees List of Publications, May 12 - JO, 1945 Group of publications dealing lfi th reactions of members to the Dwabarton Oaks Proposals Draft protccol for the Preparator.r Com:mias:t on Drafts and Reports o! (1) UN Charter, (2) Preparato17

Commission (3) International Court of Justice and ( 4) Trusteeship CouncU

Papers re Orga.nizatt.~no.l Problema, Delegates, Conduct of Public Meetings, etc. Group of Miscellaneous memoranda re Organization

Box 6Ja General Documents Administrative . List of Documents Issued • Cumulative List of Documents I ssued .. Daily France Jcurnal (French Press & Information Service: New York) Joiii'Ii81 (of tlle UN Conf • on International Organization) News Digest ( mimeo) Order of Uie Day Memoa on Organization from the Secretariat Organization - Personnel List&


Taussig Papers · .... ,.-

Box 64. Reports of the several commi tteea of CeDllJliss1~n I oa General Provisiozw

Box 65. Reports of the several committees of Commission II on thQ General Assembly

Box 66. Publications • Mostly re Tru3h~uship Problems Group of articles from periodicals, etc., re UN in gen8ral Group of mounted clippings re Trustees~t~ Problems Taussig - Hietoricalt Articles & Reporto re Trusteeship Tr' - Report to Preai dent (drafts)

Box 6?. Commission II - Committee 4

Minutes o! HeetingiS Group of reports and drafts of reports re Trusteeship Council and Problema re Trusteeship agreements

Box 68e Commissi~n II (General Assembly) : Papers re Economic and Social Cooperation Three reports on Commission II, specifically on

Vommissicm II Committee 3 (Economic and Social Cooperation) Committee 4 (Trusteeship System)

Bo'Wldr Comments and PrWosed Amendments Concerning the DU!iibartOn Oike oposil!J r May 71 1945

Box 69. Commission III s Oro'Up o! Reports re The Security CouncU

Box ?O. Ccmmission IV: Group of Reports re Commission on Judicial Organi11ation

Box ?le Personal correspondence o! C1IT during period o! UN Conference

Box 72. Press and Radio Digests re UNICO

Box ?3. Miscellaneous Commlttee Reports and Minutes of Plenary Sessions

Box ?4. Generalc Organization • Pictorial Record organization - Manual Plenary Session Procedure Radio Roundup Private Publications re Conference Public Proposal.a Private Publicat ions re Foreign Countriea

Box ?5. Miscellcmeous Printed Material.e

Box 76a Miscellaneous Printed Materials

Box ??. ·Proposed report on trusteeship for UN (photostat,ic copies)

Box 78. International Labor Conference report~ and proceedings

~ outline of Clippings De:!: Mott~~ha ~


Box 79e Foreign Interests A. Caribbean A.rea

1. virginislands a. Feder til Rehabilitation Program b. Government ... Federal and Local

*C. General News 2. Cuba

a. Sugar b. Government Policies and Legislation c • General News and Comments

3· Puerto Rico a. Sugar b. Government c. Gen<!ral Newe

*4• Caribbean in General *81• Sugar"" *b• General Neu

5. South .America a. GenerB.l Neq

*B• Pacific Area *1• Phiiiipines *2• Hawaii

National Intereste A. Federal Legislation

1. Sugar a. Preparatory Work

*bo Trade and Tariff Legislation *C• Edi tori ale d. .Articles and Comments ~ o General News Items

Box so. National Interest• (continued) A. Federal Legislation

2. General It;gislation a. Preparatory Work

*b• Legislation c. Editorials

*d• Articles and Comments (Columnists) *e • News Items

B. Brain Trust ---r; News Releases

2 • Editorials 3. Articles and Comments

c. Agricultural Adjustment Act 1. Sugar -

*2• General News *3• Post A.J..J.. News

*D• Roosevelt *1• Banking *2• National Recovery Act *3• Election campaigns

R>TEs * signifiea complete subject i.e umounted

Box 80. National Interests (continued) *D· Roosevelt

*4o Miscellaneous NeW~~ *E• Inflation *F. Miscellaneous News

Youth Interest• ----~ Natioual Youth Administra:tiion

1. DirectOrs •• Appointments be Acti-vities

2 • Editori als Je Comments and Columni•te

Box 81. Youth Interesta (continued) A. National Youth Administration

4o News Releases --a; ' Washington Announcements

be Local NeWII Co National News

B. American Youth Co~ress c. Mlace11aneoua-You Organizations and Activities D. Youth Clipting;--- -

Business !ntires a A. Business Associates

1. Charles William Taussig a. Conferences and Associations

1. World Econoiiilo Coiiference (Tfhi te House ) 2e World Econc;>roic Conference (London) J. Natic;>nal Health Conference 4o Caribbean Commissi ons 5• Miscellaneous

*b• Miscellaneous .Articles of Personal Interest *C• F. w. Taussig

2. Rexford ~ ~11 a. Under ecretary of Agriculture b. Editorials on joiDing American Molusea Company c. Columnists and couunents on joining .American

Molasses Compan, *<i. City Planning Commission ~~oe. Puerto Rico

f • Columnists on llrl scellaneous subjects g. Miscellaneous Nen Rele&Bes

3• Adolf Augustus Berle *&• Articles and comments by A.A. Berle b. News releases on activities c. Editorials d. Columnists and Comments

Be Business Aetivitiea *1• General American Molasses Company News

2o Sucrast Corporation *3o American Molasses Company - Chicago *4• Boston Molasses Company

5. Applied Sugar LaboratoriGe 6. ~ Compaey

Nw lo moline..

NOTEs * signifies complete 8ubject is U~Dounted

Box 82 • Business Interest• (continued) --c. ~. ~ General Newe

*2 o Editorials *.3• Columnists and .Articles

Molasse a *l• Gen•ral Nel'f8 *2• ~riments, inventions, reportc *3• Editorials *4• Commenta, columnists and articles

Rates and Prices --:;r; Sugar

*2• :Yolass•s F. Labor

1. Sugar 2 • General News

*G. Uni tee Molasses Company

NO'l'E r * signifies that complete subject is unmounted

~~;r~~i Box 82 • ( continued)

Fore~n Interests A. Caribbean Area

1. vlrg!nislanda 2. Cuba ~ Government Policies and Legislation

b. General News and Coli!!!lents .3• Puerto Rico

a. Government bo General Newa

4• South America National Interests

Ae General Legislation 1. Preparatory Work

Box 83• National Interests (continued) B. Brain Trust

---r; News Releases 2 • Editorials 3 o Articles and Comments

Youth Interests ---x; National Youth Administration

1. D~rs 2. Editorials Jo Comments 4. Newa Releases -a. General News

b. Washington Announcllments B~ World Youth Congress c. :llisc~llaneous Youth Organizations

Business Interests A. Business Associates

1. Chules William Taussig a. Conferences and Associations

1. Caribbean Missions 2 • White HoMe Conference on Finance 1

Bus:inese, Labor J. World Economic Coll!erence, White House 4• National Health Conference 5• World Economic Conference, London 6. Town Hall 7. Miscellaneous

b. Speeches, statements and articles c. News Rele~es d. Editorials

~ox 84. Duainees Intereete (conjinued) A. Bunin~ee As~ociates

2. Itexford ~ ~ell a. Editoris on joining American Molasese ~pany b. Columnists and Comments on joining Americm

Molasses Company c. Miscellaneous Nell'fJ Releases

3. !doli Augustus Berle a. !!ews Releases b . Colum."lists and Comments

B. Business Activities 1. Sucrest Corporation

Outline of Unmounted Clipping Duplicates

:&x 84. Foreign Interests A • Caribbean Area

1. Carl0'6ian in General a. Sugar

B. Pacif'ic Area 1. Phillipj.nes 2. Hawaii

Business Interests A. Business Associate•

1. Adolf Augustus Berle a. Articles and Comments by A.A. Berle

B. Business Activities 1. General American Molasses Company News 2. .American Molasses Company - Chicago 3• Boston Molasses Company

C • 14olaeses De Sugar

outlines of' Mounted Duplicates and Unmounted Clippings Miscellaneous Clippings, 1930's and 40 1e

Section VII

Releases, Youth

Box 85e American Student Union a. iiThe Student Advocate" - February, March, April, M~ 1 october, 1936

April, Mey1 1937 American Youth Co!larf'ae

a. l;;a?1ets 1. World',. Fair& •'Building Democracy To~ 2. Balance Sheet of American Youth

b. Bulletins 1. "Youth" 1...6/39, 10/39 2 • "Youth Letter" - 4/28/39 3• "Youth Digest• • 3/39

c. Pamphlet~! 1. "Proceedings of the Congress of Youth, 7/l-5/39• 2. •Here are the Fe.cts - Is the AYC a Cemmunist Front?"

M. Plavner 3• "Three Months of Progrees in N.Y. City Council, AYC,

ll/38 - 2/39• d. Retrt

• ~ of U/27/38 meeting of subcommittee on Legislative Program e. Minutes

1. Resident Board Meetings, 1/9,2/212/161 3/2314/61 4/18, 5/41 5/18 t. Advertising Circulars

International Student Ser'Yiee a. January, March, october, Novem~r, December, 1936 Bulletina b. January through 14~, October, and December, 1937 Bulletins c. Janu.ary, Februe.ry, March, M~, June, Novem~1 December,

1938 Bulletina de January through June 1 1939 Bulletins

National Student Federation of America a. April throui}l December ;"'19J5 be J~~uary to Aprilf 1936

1. WeekzyBul etiii8 2. Enclosure:~ 3. Miscellaneous Releases 4• •student Mirror" ... January and February

c • M, throufh DecembeR; 19)6 • Wee li BUllet s

2. Mia cellaneous Releases 3• "Student Mirror" - December

Box 86. National Student Federation of America ( CQntinued) a. 1937 -

--r; Weekly Bulletins 2 • "The Weekly Reporter" 3• Miscellaneous Releases

ee 1938 -r. "The Weekly Reporter• 2. "Proceedings, 14th Annual Congress, Purdue Universityi'

Box 86. National Student Fed•ration o!. America (c~ntinued) e. f9~s.

Box e:J.

Box ss.

Dox 89.

Miscellaneous R~leAses f. 1939

--r; ~The Weekly Reporter" 2. "Proceedings of the 15th Annual Congress.( Uni 'V$rsi ty

of Minne8ota" g. 1940

-r; ~The Weekly Reporter• h. 1941-2

1. "The Weekly Reporter" 2. "Proceedings of the 17th Annual Congress, December, 1940

at New Jersey College for Women" 3• ¥eeting of Board of Advisors and Friends of NSFA1

December 11 1941 National Youth Adminis~atioa

a. Pi"eii'8Ri1easea 1. ,July through October, 1935 2. June t.b.rough December, 1938

National Youth Administration (continU8d) a. Prei'S""Re1eases

3• January through June, 1939 4• Jan11ary through June, 1940 5• July thrCiugh December, 1940 6. 1941 7. 1942

be ttin the Weak's News• 1. August through November, 1936 - Mimeographed Editions 2 • June and July 1 1936 - Carbon Editions

o. "Youth anti the Comm~ l. May through at December, 1941 .._ Volume I (12 issues) 2. January through .May, 1942

New York City, National Youth Administration --a.~oadcast Scripts, 1939-[9401 l94l

be Press Releases, 1940 c. Press Releases, 1941, 1942

Psnphlets - Misce1laneaus Youth •• BU!letins b. Releases c. Lea.f'l~ta

Works Progress Administration a. News Releases, 1938

NOTE: For dtitails on above material refer to card index boxes.

Section VIII • Duplicate Manuscripts and Reports

Box 90. Manuscri~ts, c. W. Taussig a. l9 8

Box 91. b.


---y; "Rum, Romance and Rebellion" ... original manuscripts and typewritten copies

19£: 1933 --r.




Rooeoftlt campaign speech material Md drafts

3/33 - "The Drus Band• 5/17/33 - "Br:Une, Juet Br•ins" - and 10/33 Redb()ok

111~azine w:1 t.h copy of article 12/6/33 - Memoran Um on Proposed Educational Activities

of the Administration 12/ll/3~ - Aoc.lrsea before the American legion Advertising

Men's Post 5• Drafts of Securities .tmc! Excha."lge Act.

de 1935 --r: 5/20/35 - "Recrl)ati.onal and Co:wnunity Center-" 2. 8/19/35 - Address at State Directorts Meeting, NYA 3 • 9/19/35 - Addrel!ls before National Council of Parents and

. Teachers Convention 4. 10/14/35 - Addxess before American Federation of Labor

Convention 5. 10/16/35 - Answers to questions asked by Sh"phard Stone and

script of National Student Federation Broadcast 6. 11/12/35 - Address before Rotary Club1 Baltimore

e. 1936 ""'!:"""" 2/18/36 - Address before Parent's League 1 Greenwich, Conn s

"YOuth and Democracy* 2. 2/26/36 - Address before National ·Education Association,

St. Guis 1 and article in Student Mirror r "Youth and DemocracY"

3. 4~5/36 - Address before City Club, Clevelands "Finding a Place for Youth"

4. 7/10/36 - Address 1 American Youth Com:ll:tssion Meetings iiGovernme.nt and the Problems of Youth"

5. 9/10/36 .. "And What of Youth?" 6• 9/30/36 • Address at Ann Arbor Conterenco, Articles in

"Educational Digest• and •school and Societytts "The Demands of the Present Crisis on the

High School" 7. 10/28/36 - AddressRochester District, ~~A Conference:

"Industry and Youth Need NYA" s. 11/lt/36 - Address in Washington: •The Next Four Years• 9. 12/5/36 - Address before the Foreign Policy Association:

"Europe's Crisis -The Danger to America• 10. l2~/36 - Radio Broadcasts •Child Crime - The Public's

------ RosponsibilitY"

Box 92. Manuaori~t& (continusd) •• l9 7

-r;- 6/23/3'7 - Draft No. II, Roosevelt Speech tQ the Nation g. 1938

inxi~~8 • !or Roosevelt: ReCQnmendations o! Business, Labor and Industry Conference

2 • 2/9/38 - Address before NAC :Meeting : "Total Funds" 3• 4/4/38 - Address at Y.ontgomery, Ala.: "Ths Preservation

of Our Democracya 4• 4/10/38 - Introduction to "A New Delal for Youth" by

Betty imd Ernest Lindley ~ 5• 5/25/38 - MeD.orand\111. written for Roosevelt on the New Deal

and CO!!illunism 6. 7/19/38 - saeeeh before the Health and Welfare Conmittee ?. 8/15/38 - A~ess before the World Youth Congress, P~dall'e

Island 8e 11/l/38 - Addree1 at NAC .eating, St. Paul, Minneeota 9. 11/10/38 - Address before Advisory Committee Conference,

Albany 1 New York h. 1939

-y;- 2/l/39 - Addresa before Maryland Youth Congress Meeting 2. 8/26/39 - Article for Liberty Magazine, and copy of issues

"No, the NYA le Not Communistic• 3. ll/6/39 - •Tonight I ':n going to talk about Talk. • • "

1. 1940 -r;- 10/16/40 • Address before Connecticut Conference of Soc!al

Work: •Youth and Total Defense" j. 1941 -r.- 3/41 - Article on the Caribbean for SurWy Graitc Magazina

2. 7/1/41 -Address at University of Virg a Ins~ute of Public Affairs: •Some Aspects of the Caribbean

Problem• k. 1944

-r;- J/211 3/31 • Addresses before the Barbados Conference AACC 2. 10/7744 - Address before the Forsign Policy Association

of ths Caribbe• Commission

Box 93.

Box 94.

Box 95•

Box 96•

Section IX

Organization Releases

National PlEL'lning Association I. 1941

~~~ Meeting Discussion 2 • Minutes of Meettnga

B. 1942

3. Memoranda 4• Data on Organization 5• Reports

----1. lleeting Notices 2. Memoranda and Dis cuss ion Outlines 3· Releases 4e Miscelll.Ul8ous

c. January through Apri1J 1943 le Memoranda 2. Reports 3o Releases

National Plann~$ As3ociation (continued) D. M& through Dece!'lbar, i943

1. Memoranda 2. D1scusa1on Notes 3• Meeting Notices and Form Lettars 4• Reports 5. Releases

E. January throrth JWle1 1944 1~ Repor s and Statements 2. Mamor~da

3. Releases 4. Meeting Notices

National Pl~ Association (continued) Fe JUlif\hroug December{ f944

• Reports and S a ements 2. Memoranda 3• Releases 4• Meeting Notices

o. Janu.ary through June, 1945 H. July through December, 1945

Town Hall x:---1~1940

1. Monthly Statements 2 • Memoranda, ~linutes a.nd Report I! 3. Publicity, Releases, Reprint& 4. Programs and Announcements

Be 1943 -1. Month~ Statements

2. 3. 4 ..

~.1emorand.a, Minutes, and Reports Publicity Programs and Announcements

Box 96. Town Hall (continued) c.-1944

----1. Month~y Statements 2. Memoranda, Minutes and Reports 3• Publictt y 4e Programs and Announcements

Box 9?,. Town Hall (continued) n;-" JiiilU'ary through June 1 1946 Ee July through Detcembot'1 1946 F. January through June, 194? a. July through December, 1')1~7 H. Jan,lary through June, 1948


Section X

J4iacellaneous Correspondence and Paper•: 1946 - 1948

Box 98. Correspondence and Papers Af'filiated Young Democrats, Inc.: 1948 Americans for Democratic Actions 194? Americana for Democratic Actions 1948 College Scholarship Fudd for Negro Studentsr 1948

::? I v I

Foreign Policy Association. Reports and Correspondence: 19L6 Foreign Policy Association, Reports: 194? Foreign Policy Association, Reports s 1948 Fort,me Magazine 1 MiRce1laneous Articles from -• Miscellaneous A.rticl8S Pan-American Society of the u. s., Inc., Report

Box 99e Correspondence and Papers Pearl Harbor InvestigationJ ~ and Navy Reports on ____ • Taussig, Char1ea w., Biography: 1946

Biography: 194? Biography: 1948 C1ube - Membsrship Cerda 1 1946 Clubs -Membership Carda t 194? Clubs - Membership Cards: 1948 Correspondence, Miscellaneous Per!onalt 1946-48 Correspondence, Washington: 194? Invitationss: 1948 Obituaries, Tributes, etc.s Kay 11, 1948 and



Box 100. Mr. Taussigts Appointment Diaries, 1936-1948.

Box 101. Outline of FiJ,es (Indexes to the papers of Mr. Taussig)

Box 102. Copies of Jamaica Daily Gleaner, June 1947•

Bo% 103. Mise. Unmounted Clippings.

Box 104.

Section XI

Bound Printed Materials

This section is composed of four notebooks containing material concerning the formation of the United Nations.

General Information: U.N. Conference.

Dependent Territories - Basic Documents.

Box 105. Proposals and Suggestions for Consideration.

Comments and Suggestions on the Dumbarton Oaks Proposals.

Section XI-A

Bound volume entitled: Comments on the "Primer for Democracy" Issue of The National Student Mirror.

Volume I

Vol'UD!ie II

Section XII Loo5e I~J.-f' Mounted Clippinge

Ie Caribbean Interests A. vir'In I slands

• FeaDrai Rehabilitation Program 2 • Gonrment - · Federal and Local

B. --y. Sugar

2. Government Polioiee and Legislation .3• General Newa

c. Puerto Rico 1. 'GO'Vi'rrment 2. Sugar .3• General Neq

D. South America 1. General Newa

E. Caribbean Commissions 1. Ec.nomio and Social Mission 2 • Anglo-American Caribbean Commission

a. Spanish Article• II National Interests

I. Federal Legislation 1. Sugar

a. Preparatory Work b. Editorials e. Articles and Comment•

2. General a. Preparatory Work b. Editorials

II National Interests {continued) Be Drain Trust

1. News Releases 2 • Articles and Comments 3. Editorials

c. .Agricultural .Adjustment Act 1. Sugar -

Volume LLt III Youth Interests

--x;- National Youth Administration 1. Directors

a. Appointments b. Acti

2. Edi toriala 3. Comment. and Columnists 4• Newa Releases

a. Washington Announcements be National Neu e. Local Neu


Volume III III Youth Interest. (continued)

B. Yc,lth Mowment• -r. liiier!can Youth Congress 2 • World Youth Congress. 3• Miscellane~us Organizations and Activities

Volume IV

Volume V

IV Business Interests A. Business Associates

1. Charles William Taussig &• Coriferences and Associations

1. World Ec'OriD"mic conrsrence (London) 2e National Health Clnf~rence 3. World Economic Conference (llhiw House) 4. White House Conference • Finance, Businesa

and Labor •• NeWB Release• be Col\II!.Iliet-3 and Edi toriala

5. National Planning Association 6. Town Hall 7 • •Islip Societytt

li Business Interest. (continued) A. Business Associates

1. Charles William Taussig a. Conference• and Associations

8. American Public Welfare Association 9 • Eden Conference

10. National Foreign Trade Convention 11. Democratic Party 12 • International I.abor Organization 13. M:1.scellaneous

b• Speeches, Statements and Articles c. General Nen Releases d. Editorials e. Column:! ate and ColiiJD.enta

1. "Book of Hobbies" 2. "Rum, Romance and Rebellion• 3• General Activities

Volume VI IV Business Interests (continued)

A• BUsiness Associates 2. F.eXfoi'd ~ turen

a. News~1easea b. Editorials c. Co1u:nnists and Comments

3• Adolf Augustus Berle a. News Releases b. Editorials c. Columnists and Comments


Volume VI IV Business Interests (continued)

Be Business Activities 1. American MolasRea Comp~ 2. Sucrest Corporation 3. Applied Sugar Laboratories J,... Nulomlll.ine Company

c. Labor ---r.' SugAr

2 • General Nen

Seotion XIII

Boxed Mounted Clippinge

This section is composed of mounted clippings for which no system for shelving was indicated by the various indexes that govern the organization of the rest of Mr. Taussig's papere. Therefore this section has ~en divided into three groups, 88 follows&

Group 1 Caribbe8Il Matters, International

Anglo-American Caribbean Commiseiont 1944~5 Caribbean Commieaion (u.s.) s 194&-47 Agricultural Ul.bor A.viatiou Britieh Colonial Policy: 194X5 Colonial Developnent and Welfare1 191.2-4? Touri8lll ·· .. · '· . , ... . 1 ,....., .... ~..A I'I 1vOt •, 1' ) ''\ V.,.' · )r•.· l t ,

U.N. Trusteeship r.ounoil \&Windward Islanda) u.s. Foreign Policy (as affecting Caribbean) Weat Indian Conference: 1946 Miscellaneous International Caribbean Matters

Group 2 Caribbean Matters, National

Baham. as Barbados British Guiana Cuba Dutch Guiana Dutch West Indies French west Indies Haiti ~eward Islands Jamaica Puerto Rico Trinidad

2 boxe• 3 .. ~- " 1 It

1 " 2 " 2 " l .. 1 11

3 tt

1 "

l " 2 " ? " 1 n

1 .. l " 1 It

12 It

? " 6 " Group 3 United Nati<)ns Conference, San Francisco: 1945

March 2; - July 281 1945

Group 3.-..1

Miscellaneous Newspaper Clippings Unmounted: 1931.-45 Jamaica Daily Gleaner: June 22 - 301 1945

l Box 1 Box
