Paper 1 May 1999 Physics


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  • 8/14/2019 Paper 1 May 1999 Physics


    This question paper consists of 12 printed pages.

    SB (SLC/JB) QF92357/3 UCLES 1999 [Turn over


    General Certificate of Education Ordinary Level

    PHYSICS 5054/1PAPER 1 Multiple Choice

    Tuesday 8 JUNE 1999 Afternoon 1 hour

    Additional materials:Multiple Choice answer sheetSoft clean eraserSoft pencil (type B or HB is recommended)

    TIME 1 hour


    Do not open this booklet until you are told to do so.

    Write your name, Centre number and candidate number on the answer sheet in the spaces providedunless this has already been done for you.

    There are forty questions in this paper. Answer all questions. For each question, there are fourpossible answers, A, B, C and D. Choose the one you consider correct and record your choice in softpencil on the separate answer sheet.

    Read very carefully the instructions on the answer sheet.


    Each correct answer will score one mark. A mark will not be deducted for a wrong answer.

    Any rough working should be done in this booklet.

  • 8/14/2019 Paper 1 May 1999 Physics


  • 8/14/2019 Paper 1 May 1999 Physics



    5054/1 S99 [Turn over

    5 A spanner is used to loosen a nut. The turning effect depends on the force applied and theperpendicular distance from the force to the nut.

    Which name is given to the turning effect?

    A moment

    B pivot

    C pressure

    D resultant

    6 Which property of a solid object cannot be changed by the application of a force?

    A length

    B mass

    C shape

    D speed

    7 The diagram shows part of a hydroelectric power station.

    At which point does water have most potential energy?

    8 The equation E = mc2 gives the amount of energy released as a result of nuclear fission.

    What does mstand for?

    A the original mass of the nuclei

    B the final total mass of the nuclei

    C the increase in total mass of the nuclei

    D the decrease in total mass of the nuclei




    reservoir ofwater





    C D

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    5054/1 S99

    9 Equal masses of water are poured into four jars as shown.

    In which jar is the pressure exerted by the water on the base the greatest?

    10 Atmospheric pressure is 100 000 Pa (100000 N/m2).

    What is the total weight of the atmosphere pressing down on a flat horizontal roof of dimensions4 m x 2 m?

    A 1250N B 12500N C 100000N D 800000N

    11 Water left in a beaker evaporates.

    What happens during the evaporation?

    A High energy molecules escape and the water gains thermal energy from the surroundings.

    B High energy molecules escape and the water loses thermal energy to the surroundings.

    C Low energy molecules escape and the water loses thermal energy to the surroundings.

    D Low energy molecules escape and the water gains thermal energy from the surroundings.

    12 How are the forces between the molecules in a gas and the average speed of these moleculesbest described?

    13 The expansion of a substance as it is heated depends on whether it is solid, liquid or gas.

    What is the relative order of expansion?

    A B C D

    forces between molecules average speed of molecules

    A very strong very slow

    B strong fast

    C weak slow

    D very weak very fast

    least mostexpansion expansion

    A gas liquid solid

    B liquid solid gas

    C solid gas liquid

    D solid liquid gas

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    5054/1 S99 [Turn over

    14 The lengths of mercury thread in the stem of a mercury thermometer are given in three situations.

    length in melting ice = 20mm

    length in steam above boiling water = 170 mm

    length in liquid X = 50 mm

    What is the temperature of liquid X?

    A 20 C B 25 C C 30 C D 33.3 C

    15 When you stand in bare feet with one foot on a stone floor and the other on a carpet, the stonefloor feels colder than the carpet.

    What is the most likely explanation?

    A Air is unable to circulate through the carpet fibres.

    B More energy flows from the carpet to your foot than from the stone floor to your foot.

    C More energy flows from your foot to the stone floor than from your foot to the carpet.

    D The stone floor is at a lower temperature than the carpet.

    16 For infra-red radiation, shiny surfaces are

    A good absorbers and good emitters.

    B good absorbers and poor emitters.

    C poor absorbers and good emitters.

    D poor absorbers and poor emitters.

    17 Which of the following is a correct example of a longitudinal wave and of a transverse wave?

    longitudinal wave transverse wave

    A light radio

    B radio soundC sound X-ray

    D X-ray light

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    5054/1 S99

    18 The diagram shows the direction of movement of a wavefront XY in medium 1 and, later, inmedium 2.

    How do the speed and frequency of the wave change when the wavefront passes into medium 2?

    19 Red light travelling in glass strikes a glass-air boundary. Some light is reflected and some isrefracted.

    Which diagram correctly shows the reflection and refraction?

    20 In the diagram, XY is a converging (convex) lens.

    Points labelled Fare one focal length from the lens and points labelled 2Fare two focallengths from the lens.

    If an object is placed at O, at which point is the image of its base formed?




    2F 2FF FA

    B C D













    xx x x x x x









    medium 1

    medium 2

    speed frequency

    A decreases decreases

    B decreases no change

    C increases decreases

    D increases no change

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    5054/1 S99 [Turn over

    21 The speeds of sound in air, in steel and in water are different.

    Which of the following gives the speeds in increasing order?

    22 A sound wave from a violin has a larger amplitude than that from a flute. The sound wave from theflute has a higher frequency than that from the violin.

    Which instrument produces the louder sound and which produces the sound of higher pitch?

    23 Three bars of metal are known to be brass, iron and steel. A magnet is placed at one end of each

    metal bar.

    The diagrams show how many tacks are picked up by each metal bar.

    What are metals 1, 2 and 3?











    louder sound higher pitch

    A flute flute

    B flute violin

    C violin flute

    D violin violin

    metal 1 metal 2 metal 3

    A iron brass steel

    B iron steel brassC steel brass iron

    D steel iron brass

    slowest fastest

    A air water steel

    B steel water air

    C water air steel

    D water steel air

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    5054/1 S99

    24 Recorded audio tapes should not be left near the back of a working television set.

    This is because they could be damaged by

    A high-energy electrons.

    B high-energy X-rays.

    C strong electric fields.

    D strong magnetic fields.

    25 Which diagram shows the V/I characteristic graph for a conductor that obeys Ohms law?

    26 Why is a positively charged object made neutral (discharged) by someone touching it?

    A Electrons flow from the object.

    B Electrons flow on to the object.

    C Protons flow from the object.

    D Protons flow on to the object.

    27 When a p.d. of 2 V is applied across a resistor, 10 J of energy are converted.

    What charge flows through the resistor?

    A 0.20C B 5.0C C 12 C D 20 C
















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    5054/1 S99 [Turn over

    28 Similar cells are used to light similar lamps in the circuits below.

    Which lamp is brightest and which is dimmest?

    29 Many houses have an electricity meter that is read so that the cost of the electricity used by thecustomer may be calculated.

    What does the electricity meter record?

    A charge

    B current

    C energy

    D power

    30 An electrician is asked to add an on/off switch and a fuse to a mains circuit.

    In which wire should each of these be placed?

    31 Why does a transformer have a core made of iron?

    A Iron has a high melting point.

    B Iron is a conductor of electricity.C Iron is a conductor of heat.

    D Iron is a magnetic material.

    P Q


    brightest dimmest

    A Q P

    B Q R

    C R P

    D R Q

    on/off switch fuse

    A live earth

    B live live

    C neutral live

    D neutral neutral

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    5054/1 S99

    32 A bar magnet is rotated on a shaft near to a coil as shown.

    A cathode-ray oscilloscope connected to the coil indicates the induced e.m.f.

    Which change does not increase the size of the induced e.m.f.?

    A moving the magnet closer to the coil

    B turning the magnet in the opposite direction at the same speed

    C turning the magnet in the same direction at a greater speed

    D using a coil with more turns

    33 How are the electrons produced in a cathode-ray tube?

    A by applying an electric field to the X-plates

    B by heating a metal filament

    C by ionisation of the air

    D by radioactive decay

    34 The diagram shows a light-sensitive alarm which uses a light-dependent resistor (LDR), a reedrelay and a buzzer.

    Which of the following describes the resistance of the LDR, the position of the reed relay switchand the condition of the buzzer when light is shining?


    reed relay


    S N


    resistance reed relayof LDR switch buzzer

    A high closed off

    B high open on

    C low closed on

    D low open off

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    5054/1 S99 [Turn over

    35 A beam consisting of -particles, -particles and -rays passes through a magnetic field at rightangles to the direction of the beam.

    What happens?

    36 The half-life of isotope X is four days and its initial mass is 32 mg.

    What mass of the isotope X will remain after twelve days?

    A 4 mg B 8 mg C 12mg D 16mg

    37 The symbol for one isotope of uranium is 23392U.

    How many neutrons, protons and electrons are there in a neutral atom of this isotope?

    38 In the Geiger-Marsden experiment, a narrow beam of -particles was fired at a thin piece of goldfoil in a vacuum. A few of the particles were scattered through large angles.

    The result of the experiment provided evidence for the existence of

    A a very small nucleus.

    B electrons orbiting the nucleus.

    C neutrons in the nucleus.

    D nuclear reactions.

    -particles -particles -rays

    A deflected deflected deflected

    B deflected deflected not deflected

    C deflected not deflected deflected

    D not deflected deflected deflected

    number of number of number ofneutrons protons electrons

    A 92 92 141

    B 92 141 141

    C 141 92 92

    D 141 92 141

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    5054/1 S99

    39 A sound wave is reflected from a brick wall.

    Compared with the incident wave, the reflected wave has

    A a greater amplitude.

    B a shorter wavelength.

    C the same speed.

    D the same velocity.

    40 Forces exist between two masses, between two charges and between two magnetic poles.

    In which line are the forces only of attraction and not of repulsion?

    incidentsound wave

    reflected sound wave


    force force

    A + electric + N magnetic S

    B + electric m gravitational m

    C m gravitational m N magnetic N

    D N magnetic N + electric
