Panic disorder




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  • 1. Panic Disorder

2. Panic Disorder?
Anxiety disorder that is characterized by extreme and frequent panic attacks
3. May experience the attacks unexpectedlyand for no apparent reason, but they can also be preceded by some sort of triggering event or situation.
4. What are the symptoms?
Include symptoms such as severe feelings ofterror, rapid breathingand rapid heart rate.
5. A pounding heart, sweating, trembling,numbness in the hands and feet,dizziness, weakness, chest pain and rapid breathing
6. During an attack, many people sufferingfrom panic disorder describe feeling as if they are having a heart attack or on the verge of dying.
7. Behavior changes as a result of having panic attacks, such as avoiding certain situations, areas of objects out of fearthat they will trigger another attack.
8. Because panic disorder often leads to individuals avoiding certain situations orobjects, it can also lead tophobias.
9. People with panic disorder may have symptoms of alcoholism, depression and drug abuse.
10. How many people suffer from this disease? And what gender is more effected?
Approximately three million American adults will suffer from the panic disorder; women are twice as likely to experience panic disorder as men.
11. What age group is most effected?
Symptoms usually begin before age 25, but mayoccur in the mid 30s. Although panic disordermay occur in children, it is often not diagnosed until they are older.
12. Treatment
The goal of treatment is to help you function wellduring everyday life.Cognitive-behavioral therapy (CBT) and medications are the mainstays of treatment
13. Antidepressants called SSRIs (selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors) are the most commonly used medications for panic disorder.
14. When I was 15 years old, I used to get beat up by college students with big tattoos. Until now, when I see a person with tattoo or a college student with tattoo, I get dizzy and numbness in the hand and feet.
15. Because of my fear, I began to drink alcohol without any control; I became an alcoholic who is afraid of people, thinking that everyday someone is going to beat me up.
16. I feel scared and sometimes want to die. When I just think about certain situation, I get dizzy and want to die. One time I was at party, I almost fought with this person. Later I discovered that he had big tattoo on his back. My disorder immediately kicked in, and I was sent to the hospital.
17. Everyone recommended me to take medications that could help me. It worked for me for a while, but it was only a short period of time.
18. I am currently in therapy to overcome my disorder. I know this will be a hard time but I know I can get through this because everything is in my head, and I can get through it. Hopefully.
19. I would like to say to other patients that you are not alone. The first thing you need to do is to open yourself to the therapist so they can help you. You are not alone and you can get through this problem.
20. DO NOT try to hurt yourself; I know exactly how you feel and how sometimes you want to die because of the fear that consistently sweep you. Remember that you can get through this and you can be normal again.
21. Disclaimer: This is a project for a high school AP Psychology course. This is a fictionalized account of having a psychological ailment. For question about this blog project or its content please email the teacher Chris Jocham:
