Palo Alto Republican Women Federated...*· Bain Capital also worked to perform the same kinds of...


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Palo Alto Republican Women Federated

CO-PRESIDENT’S Donna Danna 650-494-0205

Kathy Parks MEMBERSHIP CHAIR Sally Gidaro CO-EDITORS Kathy Parks Sally Gidaro Our NEW Website:

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September 2012

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Please Check One: #1____#2____Cedar Plank Salmon

#1____#2____Vegetarian Napoleon

#1____#2____Chicken Caesar Salad

Please RSVP for the PARWF Meeting:

Please Join Us For Our Meeting Our Guest Speaker will be

Dr. Joseph McNamara “Love and Death in Silicon Valley”

DATE: September 12, 2012 PLACE: University Club,

3277 Miranda Avenue Palo Alto TIME: 11:30 Social 12:00 Lunch COST: $20.00


Sorry, No Refunds – We are charged for lunches ordered **Reservations made after the deadline,

may not receive the main course requested.

Please make your check payable to PARWF Send to: Jo'Anne Zschokke

2285 Oberlin Street Palo Alto, CA 94306

Questions: Call Donna-494-0205 or Jo'Anne 650-857-9395

President’s Message


Here are Some Interesting Facts About Mitt Romney · His full Name is: Willard Mitt Romney · He was Born: March 12, 1947 and is (therefore) 65 years old. · His Father: George W. Romney was a Governor of the State of Michigan · He was Raised in: Bloomfield Hills, Michigan · He is Married to: Ann Romney since 1969; they have five children · Education: B.A. from Brigham Young University, J.D. and M.B.A. from Harvard University · Religion: Mormon – The Church of Jesus Christ of the Latter-Day Saints

Working Background: *· After high school, he spent 30 months in France as a Mormon missionary. *· After going to both Harvard Business School and Harvard Law School simultaneously, he passed the Michigan bar, but never worked as an attorney. *· In 1984, he co-founded Bain Capital a private equity investment firm, one of the largest such firms in the United States. As a venture-capitalist, Romney's first major business deal involved investing in a start-up office supply company with one store in Massachusetts that sold office supplies. That company, called Staples, now has over 2,000 stores and employs over 90,000 people. *· In 1994, he ran for Senator of Massachusetts and lost to Teddy Kennedy. *· He was President and C.E.O. of the 2002 Winter Olympic Games. *· In 2002, he was elected Governor of the State of Massachusetts, where he eliminated a 1.5 billion deficit.

Some More Interesting Facts about Romney: *· Bain Capital, starting with one small office supply store in Massachusetts, turned it into Staples; now over 2,000 stores employing 90,000 people. *· Bain Capital also worked to perform the same kinds of business miracles again and again, with companies like Domino's, Sealy, Brookstone, Weather Channel, Burger King, Warner Music Group, Dollarama, Home Depot and many others. *· He was an unpaid volunteer Mormon missionary in Paris for over 2 years. *· He was an unpaid volunteer campaign worker for his dad's gubernatorial campaign - 1 year. *· He was an unpaid intern in his dad’s governor’s office for eight years.

Hope all of you had an enjoyable, relaxing summer, albeit a bit difficult with all the political turmoil that goes on in an election year. It will be wonderful to reunite with like-minded fellow members for the rest of 2012. WELCOME BACK! Co Presidents Donna Danna Kathy Parks

Member News: Jo’Anne Zschokke’s husband, Phillip, passed away July 20. A lovely memorial was held for him on August 14. A number of PARWF Members attended. Twila Woods mother passed away in May. Our heartfelt condolences go to both Jo’Anne and Twila. Longtime members, Fran Laurence 95, and resident of Channing House, passed away in June. Lee Horn has been moved into assisted living in Channing House.

*· He was an unpaid bishop and president of his church for ten years. *· He was an unpaid President of the Salt Lake Olympic Committee for three years. *· He took no salary and was the unpaid Governor of Massachusetts for four years. *· He gave his entire inheritance (from his father) to charity.

That's a grand total of 28 years of unpaid service to his country, his community and his church. Why? Because that's the kind of man Mitt Romney is!

*· Mitt Romney is one of the wealthiest, self-made men in our country but has given more back to its citizens in terms of money, service and time than most wealthy people. *· And in 2011 Mitt Romney gave over $4 million to charity, almost 19% of his income.... *· Obama gave 1% *· Joe Biden gave $300 or .0013% This is real character vs...well you know what!

More Mitt Romney Facts: *· He will show us his birth certificate *· He will show us his high school and college transcripts *· He will show us his social security card. *· He will show us his law degree. *· He will show us his draft notice. *· He will show us his medical records. *· He will show us his income tax records. *· He will show us he has nothing to hide. Romney has been selected as the best representative from the present field of Republicans and here's what we know: *· We know what religion he is, and that he won't desecrate the flag, bow down to foreign powers, or squander my money on vacations. *· We know he has the ability to turn this financial debacle that the "Spending President" has gotten us into. *· We didn't know that when Obama said he'd give us change, he meant nickels and dimes, and he would get the big bucks. *· We won't like all the things necessary to recover from this debt, but someone with Romney's background can do it.

· I also like the fact that he can and will talk to 3rd graders WITHOUT a TELEPROMPTER! But, on the minus side, He never was a "Community Organizer", never took drugs or smoked pot. Never got drunk. Did not associate with communists or terrorists. Nor did he attend a church whose pastor called for God to damn the US.

Get to Know Paul Ryan

• He is a 5th generation Wisconsinite • Worked at McDonald's in high school • Was prom king • Is a fan of Beethoven, Led Zeppelin, and Rage Against the Machine • Does P90X, a cross-training routine, most mornings • First VP candidate from Wisconsin in U.S. history • Was the legislative director for Sen. Sam Brownback of Kansas • Was a speechwriter for Rep. Jack Kemp • Used to play pick-up basketball with NBC's David Gregory • Double majored in economics and political science at Miami University in Ohio

• As a staff economist for Rep. Kasten, Ryan supplemented his income by working as a waiter and fitness trainer

• When he was elected to the U.S. House in 1998, he was the second youngest member • He and his wife Janna, a tax attorney, have three children: Elizabeth, Charles, and Samuel

National Federation of Republican Women Acclaims Romney's Vice Presidential Selection 'Ryan is an Excellent Choice for the Women of America'

ALEXANDRIA, Va. – Rae Lynne Chornenky, president of the National Federation of Republican Women (NFRW), issued the following statement regarding Mitt Romney's selection of Congressman Paul Ryan as his vice presidential running mate. "The women of America should applaud Mitt Romney for choosing Wisconsin Congressman Paul Ryan to be his vice presidential running mate. Ryan's razor-sharp intellect, his bold, decisive leadership on the federal budget and the economy, his willingness and courage to tackle our nation's most difficult problems, and his Reagan-like ability to communicate ideas and solutions with the American people make him the perfect vice presidential candidate for this watershed moment in our history. "Women, who have been disproportionately devastated by President Obama's economic policies, should be particularly encouraged and excited about Ryan's presence on the Republican ticket. Survey after survey show that women are most concerned about the economy, unemployment, and the lack of job opportunities, and how the bleak economic climate is affecting their families. By selecting a proven leader like Ryan as his running mate, Romney has solidified his commitment to getting our nation's fiscal affairs in order and putting us back on the economic path to prosperity. All Americans will benefit from a Romney-Ryan administration." Founded in 1938, the NFRW has thousands of active members in local clubs across the nation and in several U.S. territories, making it one of the largest women’s political organizations in the country. The grassroots organization works to promote the principles and objectives of the Republican Party, elect Republican candidates, inform the public through political education and activity, and increase the effectiveness of women in the cause of good government. For more information about the NFRW, visit

About our speaker… Dr. Joseph McNamara

Excerpts from Forbes and Xlibris reviews: After the successful rolling out of his four bestselling and equally fascinating cop stories in “The First Detective”, “The Fata Command”, “The Blue Mirage”, and “Code 211 Blue”, author Dr. Joseph McNamara cleverly reinforces his collection with a new mind-blowing blockbuster and fast-moving masterpiece in “Love and Death in Silicon Valley”, a hardnosed thriller that will hold readers in its relentless grip for every turn, with every plot bombshell and every revelation…until it allows them to breathe. The book depicts the ugly underbelly of drug gang and Mexican cartel violence in the iconic capital of American high-tech – Silicon Valley. McNamara explores important themes found in law enforcement and in society at large, perhaps reflecting that he holds a PhD from Harvard and more than 20 years has been a scholar at Stanford University’s Hoover Institution. A recurring theme underlying the fast-paced action and intriguing turns of the plot is the quagmire of the war on drugs, a subject that informs much of McNamara’s non-fiction published work. Drug gangsters are flush with wealth reaped from Americans hearty appetite for drugs, and worst of all, the vast profits realized by those at the highest levels of the drug trade inevitably lead to corruption of police forces, international, national and local. Just as breathtaking and transfixing as McNamara’s four other novels, “Love and Death in Silicon Valley” proves the author’s genius that leaves readers stunned by its unanticipated conclusion, but many will appreciate and dwell on the deeper themes and questions long after they turn the last page.

Romney/Ryan Project! Elect Romney – Ryan, 2012 Your help is needed! We MUST win the Battleground States (Nevada, Ohio, Virginia, Florida, etc.) The National Romney Team needs California for Romney to assist in a very simple Project: Phone from Home. This project will assist in guaranteeing Romney victory in November. Help us make calls using our online phone from home system. It’s easy to do and all you need is a phone, a computer/iPad and an Internet connection. Identifying supporters and turning them out to vote in Battleground States is critical to our success in November. With the phone from home program you can call any time that is convenient for you. To get started on the phone from home program supporters just need to create a “My Mitt” account on our website: Once you create your account and login you’ll see the option to phone from home and brief instructions on how the system works. There is also a short video that you can watch to see how everything works. Again it’s a very simple system to use.

There is no cost to the Volunteer Caller. The following are specific instructions, answering any questions you might have. Begin calling today, don’t delay, as Election Day, November 6th is fast approaching.

November 6: QUALIFIED INITIATIVE PETITIONS Type Title Subject Description

CICA Proposition 30 Taxes Jerry Brown's Tax Increase

CICA/SS Proposition 31 State budget Two-Year Budget Cycle

CISS Proposition 32 Labor Ban on corporate and union contributions to state and local candidates

CISS Proposition 33 Insurance Car insurance rates can be based on a person's history of insurance coverage ("persistency discounts")

CISS Proposition 34 Death penalty "End the Death Penalty"

CISS Proposition 35 Law enforcement Prohibition on Human Trafficking and Sex Slavery

CISS Proposition 36 Law enforcement Repeal of the "Three Strikes" Law

CISS Proposition 37 Regulations Mandatory Labeling of Genetically Engineered Food

CISS Proposition 38 Taxes Molly Munger's State Income Tax Increase

CISS Proposition 39 Taxes Income Tax Increase for Multistate Businesses

VR Proposition 40 Redistricting Referendum on the State Senate Redistricting Plan


Prop 30: Governor Brown's Tax Increase- OPPOSE Prop 31: State Budget Amendments- NO POSITION Prop 32: Paycheck Protection- SUPPORT Prop 33: Auto Insurance Coverage- SUPPORT Prop 34: Death Penalty Elimination- OPPOSE Prop 35: Human Trafficking Penalties- SUPPORT

Prop 36: Three Strikes Reform- OPPOSE Prop 37: Genetically Engineered Food Labels- OPPOSE Prop 38: Tax Increase for Education- OPPOSE Prop 39: Multi-state Business Tax for Clean Energy- OPPOSE Prop 40: Redistricting Senate Districts-SUPPORT

AB 2179! AB 2179 is currently in the second reading file in the state Senate, but we need to call our Senators now and let them know we oppose overregulation of hunting and fishing! AB 2179 (Allen, D) would severely hamper a private citizen's right to hunt and fish in California. It increases regulations made by the Department of Fish and Game as well as expands the scope of fishing and hunting "penalties", allowing the Department of Fish and Game to collect civil penalties- or fees- from violators of upwards of $20,000! It allows the Department to authorize and impose these penalties while also allowing them to exempt certain public records from disclosure. They will be able to penalize hunters and fishermen without any accountability! These seven Senators, below, in particular are important to call! They can swing the vote! Let them know that even though they are not your representatives that their vote will affect ALL of California, not just their constituents!

GE is Moving from Wisconsin. Keep your eye on Waukesha, Wisconsin...Their biggest employer just moved out. General Electric is planning to move its 115-year-old X-ray division from Waukesha,Wis., to Beijing. In addition to moving the headquarters, the company will invest $2 billion in China and train more than 65 engineers and create six research centers. This is the same GE that made $5.1 billion in the United States last year, but paid no taxes - the same company that employs more people overseas than it does in the United States. So let me get this straight. President Obama appointed GE Chairman Jeff Immelt to head his commission on job creation (job czar). Immelt is supposed to help create jobs. I guess the President forgot to tell him in which country he was supposed to be creating those jobs. Thanks Jeff, you're a "real" American....give Barrack our Best! If this doesn't show you the total lack of leadership of this President, I don't know what does. Think about this before you buy a GE product. Another tidbit of information of interest!!

GM BAILOUT Surprise! The Treasury underestimated how much money taxpayers would lose on the auto bailout by 15 percent or $21.7 billion. That’s right, they missed the estimate by $21.7 billion. The Treasury Department says in a new report the government expects to lose more than $25 billion on the $85 billion auto bailout. That’s 15 percent higher than its previous forecast. In a monthly report sent to Congress on Friday, the Obama administration boosted its forecast of expected losses by more than $3.3 billion to almost $25.1 billion, up from $21.7 billion in the last quarterly update. The report may still underestimate the losses. The report covers predicted losses through May 31, when GM’s stock price was $22.20 a share. On Monday, GM stock fell $0.07, or 0.3 percent, to $20.47. At that price, the government would lose another $850 million on its GM bailout. The government still holds 500 million shares of GM stock and needs to sell them for about $53 each to recover its entire $49.5 billion bailout. At the current price, the Treasury would lose more than $16 billion on its GM bailout.

Senator Lois Wolk: (916) 651-4005 Senator Gloria Negrete McLeod: (916) 651-4032 Senator Juan Vargas: (916) 651-4040 Senator Mark DeSaulnier: (916) 651-4007 Senator Michael Rubio: (916) 651-4016, Senator Rod Wright: (916) 651-4025, Senator Ron Calderon: (916) 651-4030

Technical Support Corner

Viruses and Other Threats in Your Email The probability that you could be infected by an email-delivered virus just by opening a message was once terrifyingly large. But the vulnerabilities that made it so were quickly addressed by developers of email clients and antivirus software. Today, you have to do some pretty foolish things to catch a virus by simply opening an email. But myths, urban legends and endlessly repeated tales of the cousin of the friend of a friend who got a virus by opening an email die hard on the Internet. And ironically, these tales live on and are propagated largely by email. I still get warnings of the Hallmark Virus, the Olympic Torch Virus and similar missives warning me not to open emails with certain subject lines, or a horrible uncurable virus will wipe out my hard drive. The possibility of virus-infected email arose with the introduction of HTML email, way back in the early 2000s. HTML gave us the ability to use fonts, colors, images and fancy formatting in emails, but it could also contain hidden executable code in the form of Java or Javascript. That code could do the bidding of bad guys if it could be triggered to execute. Opening an infected HTML email, or even allowing your email client to display it in the preview pane, could execute the code. The good news is this vulnerability was noticed almost immediately, and steps were taken to close it. Email clients stopped supporting Java and Javascript. Images embedded in HTML email, which could contain malware, are not displayed by default. Vulnerabilities in email software and operating systems were patched. Spam filters began blocking emails that contained suspicious code. Email-scanning was added to anti-malwareprograms. Today, you may be able to disable some of the multiple safeguards built into your email client. You may be using a ten year-old version of Outlook Express that doesn’t contain any safeguards. Maybe you've stubbornly clung to your copy of Windows 98, or you've refused to install any of the security updates or service packs for newer versions of Windows. You may even eschew virus protection that includes email-scanning in real time. But you’re not that foolish, are you? You don't even have to spend money to get excellent Internet security software. See my article Free Anti-Virus Programs ( to find links to a dozen free anti-virus and anti-spyware tools. Some people don’t send or read HTML; they stick with old-school plain text email. That’s a sure way to avoid triggering embedded malicious code, but it makes for a very poor email experience. Also, it doesn’t entirely protect against email-born malware. Beyond the First Click: Other Email Threats Okay, so the likelihood of being infected just by clicking to open a message sitting in your inbox is vanishingly small. I'd venture to say it's zero if you allow Windows to automatically update, and you have anti-virus protection. But once you open that email, other dangers lurk. It's the second click that'll get you in trouble. Files attached to either plain-text or HTML email can contain viruses. That is why it is so important not to click on any attachment whose sender you do not know and trust. Because email senders’ addresses can be faked, it’s also vital to use anti-malware software that scans every email attachment. The bad guys out there rely mainly on social engineering to entrap victims these days. Typically, that means a phishing email that masquerades as something from a trusted sender, urging you to click on a link in the email. Some typical ploys are messages that promise juicy gossip, graphic photos or racy videos. These messages often try to pique your curiosity by mentioning celebrities, public figures or current events. Other emails may pretend to be from a company that you know, such as your bank, Facebook, Paypal or eBay. One false click and you could be dealing with a nasty virus, or caught in the snare of identity thieves. See my related article Spear Phishing and Internet Security for more information on email phishing, and how to defend against it. One of the things I like about web-based email, and GMail in particular, is that you're protected from most of these threats without installing any software at all. If a message with a suspicious link or attachment comes your way, it's either blocked completely, or a warning is displayed that the content may be malicious. If you use webmail, or you're conscientious about keeping your desktop email software up to date, there is no reason to fear that you will catch a virus simply by reading an email. But be careful about clicking on links or attachments. That's where the trouble starts.

Palo Alto Republican Women Federated PO Box 60431 Palo Alto, Ca 94306

Upcoming Events Mark your Calendar

Tuesday September 4th Board Meeting Los Altos Town Crier Wednesday September 12th General Meeting University Club Palo Alto Tuesday October 2nd Board Meeting Los Altos Town Crier