Pakistan: National Trade Corridor Highway Construction of ......collected and sold in the market for...


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Environmental Monitoring Report

Bi-annual Report Loan 2400-PAK Jan to Jun 2013

Pakistan: National Trade Corridor Highway

Investment Program

Construction of Four Lane Motorway from

Faisalabad to Khanewal Project (M-4) 184 Km

Package 1: Faisalabad–Gojra Section (58.2 Km)

Prepared by Renardet S.A., Geneva, Switzerland for the National Highway Authority and the

Asian Development Bank.

This environmental monitoring report is a document of the borrower. The views expressed herein do not necessarily represent those of ADB's Board of Directors, Management, or staff, and may be preliminary in nature. In preparing any country program or strategy, financing any project, or by making any designation of or reference to a particular territory or geographic area in this document, the Asian Development Bank does not intend to make any judgments as to the legal or other status of any territory or area.


List of abbreviations

ADB Asian Development Bank BMP Best Management Practices CAPA Corrective and Preventive actions CBOs Community Based Organizations CO Carbon monoxide dB deci Bell DCO District Coordination Officer DCP Dry Chemical Powder DPO District Police Officer DTR Daily Time Register EC European Community EIA Environmental Impact Assessment EMP Environmental Management Plan EPA Environmental Protection Agency HSE Health, Safety and Environment KSA Kingdom of Saudi Arabia Leq Loudness equivalent MSL Mishal Sania Limited ND Not detectable NEQS National Environmental Quality Standards NGVS No guideline values NHA National Highway Authority NO2 Nitrogen dioxide PAPs Project affected persons ROW Right Of Way SC Supervision Consultants SO2 Sulfur dioxide SSEMP Site Specific Environmental Management Plan TDS Total Dissolved Solids PM Particulate Matter PPE Personal Protective Equipment RD Running distance WHO World Health Organization     


TableofContentsSummary of findings ................................................................................................................ 3 Chapter 1 ................................................................................................................................... 4 Introduction .............................................................................................................................. 4 1.1 Construction activities: .............................................................................................................. 4 1.2 The work progress: ..................................................................................................................... 5 1.3 Changes in project organization: .............................................................................................. 5 1.4 Changes in Environmental management team: ....................................................................... 5 1.5 Relationships with Contractors, Owners, Lenders: ................................................................. 5 Chapter 2 ................................................................................................................................... 6 Environmental Monitoring ..................................................................................................... 6 2.1 Environmental monitoring: ....................................................................................................... 6

2.1.1 Noise and vibrations: ................................................................................................................... 6 2.1.2 Water Quality: .............................................................................................................................. 8 2.1.3 Air Quality: ................................................................................................................................. 10 2.1.4 Waste water Quality Analysis: ............ ………………………………………………………..14

Chapter 3 ................................................................................................................................. 17 Environmental Management ................................................................................................. 17 3.1 Asphalt Plants and Borrow Pits ........................................................................................................... 17 3.2 Soil Erosion......................................................................................................................................... 18 3.3 Dust /Air Emissions Monitoring ................................................................................................. 19 3.4 Waste Management ............................................................................................................................. 19

3.3.1) Waste water Collection and disposal .......................................................................................... 19 3.3.2)Solid waste Collection and disposal ............................................................................................ 20

3.4 Occupational Health and Safety management .................................................................................... 20 3.5Non Compliance issues ........................................................................................................................ 22 3.6 Security issues ..................................................................................................................................... 25 3.7 Protected Areas ................................................................................................................................... 25 3.8 Social and Cultural issues ................................................................................................................... 25 3.9 Record of labor deployed .................................................................................................................... 26 3.10 Vehicles and machinery Maintenance ............................................................................................... 26 3.11 Consultation and complaints: ............................................................................................................ 26 Annexure 1: Photographic record:……………………………………………………….27 Annexure II: Summary of Borrow Pits …………………….…………………………….33 Annexure III: Layout Plan of Camp Sites showing the waste disposal site .................. 3337

Annexure IV: Noise survey of Machinery……………………………………….…...…… 379 Annexure V::Particulate Matter PM10:……………………………………………………41



Summary of findings

The Environmental monitoring for the Construction of Motorway M4 package 1 (Faisalabad- Gojra 58.2 Km) started in the month of August 2010. The construction of this Motorway is being carried out by China International Water and Electric Corporation (CWE) under the supervision of M/s Renardet S.A, an International Consultant’s Firm. The construction work is in progress. The overall progress by end of June 2013 was 47.04 % against target of 65.25 % as such lagging by18.21%.

The environmental conditions of the project area generally remained satisfactory because contractor is trying to minimize the impacts of construction activities on the environment. As the temperature increased many folds due to summer season so dust suppression arrangements had to be increased by adding more sprinkling. The PM10 remained within limits in the month of April while it increased in the month of May that was gradually controlled by increasing the sprinkling frequency of water on service road; as a result PM10 in the month of June was within the limits. The other environmental aspects like liquid waste and solid waste are being collected and disposed of. The solid waste from camp I is being collected by placing three bins at required points in all camps to facilitate segregation at source and currently being disposed off at City District Government Faisalabad (CDGF) waste dump site which is located 2Km away from the Camp-I. In Gojra Camp, a pit has been excavated inside the camp for the disposal of waste with a soil cover to avoid any nuisance while some of the waste materials i.e. cans and bottles are collected and sold in the market for recycling. The waste water is being collected and treated through septic tanks in camp I and II while in Gojra camp and camp at KM 07+300 Septic tank and soakage pit construction has been completed in the month of November and working since then.

The overall health and safety conditions on project are improving, but further improvement is always needed. Most of the workers are now aware of the safety precautions which are very important for them at work. Formal and informal Safety training sessions or tool box talks have been arranged to aware the workers about workplace hazards and safety measurements against them. The workers are being trained, regarding use and importance of Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) regularly but their provision and use is not very satisfactory. In most of constructions sites plants and workshops workers lack job specific PPE’s as either they are not available or workers are not using them. Provision of safe drinking water is being maintained for the workers at plants and camps; for this purpose drinking water coolers with filters have been provided. In camp I and II proper first aid facilities are available with adequate first aiders, while at asphalt plant I, II and active construction sites first aid boxes are provided.


Chapter 1


1.1 Construction activities:

1 During the first half of the year 2013, details of the works done up to the end of June are given as under:

Description Completed Progress/ %age Remarks

Earth Work 58.8 KM 33.47 KM 56.92 % Work in progress

Sub grade 58.8 KM 28.138 KM 47.85 % Work in progress

Sub base 58.8 KM 21.944 KM 37.32 % Work in progress

Agg. Base 58.8 KM 18.449 KM 31.38 % Work in progress

Asphalt base course 16.243 KM 27.621 % Work in progress

Asphalt wearing course

0.000 KM 0.000 -

Inter change 04 Nos. 0 Nos 0 Work in progress

Flyovers 0 Nos 0 Changed to underpass and bridges

Bridges (revised) 0 Nos 0 11 bridges in progress

Box Culverts 55 Nos 55 Nos 100% No culverts in progress

Pipe Culverts (revised) 189

170 Nos 89.95 % 20 Culverts in progress

Subways 30 Nos. 30 Nos 100% Completed

Underpass 19 15 Nos 78.95% 3 underpasses in progress


1.2 The work progress:

2 The overall progress of the contractor is slow and contractor failed to achieve the planned target for the period ending at June 2013. The present status of the project is given as under.

Overall progress

Planned (%) 65.25%

Achieved (%) 47.04%

Lead/Lag -18.21%

1.3 Changes in project organization:

3 No major changes in the project staff has occurred in the first half of the year 2013.

1.4 Changes in Environmental management team:

4 The contractor has hired a full time HSE Engineer at the end of March 2013 who has notified camp coordinators and site Engineers along with their alternate persons to look into matters related to Health, Safety and Environment on site. Supervision Consultant’s Environmental specialist is also on board since March 2013.

1.5 Relationships with Contractors, Owners, Lenders:

5 The overall relationships of contractor, Employer, Supervision Consultant, Sub Contractors and Funding Agency remained amicable during the last six months.


Chapter 2

Environmental Monitoring

2.1 Environmental Monitoring:

6 In this stage a Qualitative Environmental monitoring based on site observations is being carried out during construction activities and verify that they are undertaken in compliance with the requirements set forth in EIA/EMP and site specific Environmental Management Plan (SSEMP). For the Quantitative Environmental Monitoring, Contractor has made an agreement for periodic Environmental Monitoring with ECTECH laboratories Lahore. The biannual drinking and waste water quality analysis and ambient air monitoring and stack emission monitoring was carried out by ECTECH laboratories for the reporting period. While monthly PM10 tests and noise survey is done by Pak Allied Environmental Consultants Lahore.

2.1.1 Noise and vibrations:

7 Noise level results show that most of the activities are being done in its permissible limits. Workers have minimum risk from these noise levels. Even some machines making noise beyond threshold levels are isolated e.g. generators to reduce the noise level.

8 To minimize the noise following steps are being taken

• Vehicles are periodically checked for their noise level and notified for repairing and maintenance.

• In camps, if some generator is making noise beyond permissible levels. There for they are isolated by making wall around them which works as noise barriers.

The noise survey analysis is given in the following Bar Chart.


In graphical form, it is shown below


Most of the noise levels are within the NEQS limits.


RD 11+900

RD 13+000

RD 13+400

RD 17+000

RD 23+100

RD 35+700

RD 39+000

Chak 6 Eastern Right…

Chak 6  Left side

Chak 6 W


Left side




RD 9+300

RD 11+600

RD 35+900

RD  2 + 200

RD 8+900

L (15m)  dB (A)



RD 11+900

RD 13+000

RD 13+400

RD 17+000

RD 23+100

RD 35+700

RD 39+000

Chak 6 Eastern Right side

Chak 6  Left side

Chak 6 W


Left side




RD 9+300

RD 11+600

RD 35+900

RD  2 + 200

RD 8+900

L (15m)  dB (A)



9 2.1.2 Water Quality:

The drinking water sample from workshop at KM 08+600 and NHA complex were taken for analysis. Drinking water is taken from Nestle and Al-Baraka in camp I while in camp II water is taken from Al-Hayat pure water and the site workers are provided drinking water in water coolers from any nearby source which quality is good.

Location: Camp I at KM 08+600 Date of Sampling: 25-07-2013

Date of Analysis: 29-07-2013 Testing Specifications: APHA USA

Sr. No. Parameter

Unit Result NEQS Limiting Values

1. pH --- 7.2 6.5-8.5

2. Taste --- Ok Non Objectionable

3. Odour --- Ok Non Objectionable

4. Turbidity NTU 1 5

5. Bicarbonates mg/l 204 ---

6. Calcium mg/l 68 ---

7. Carbonate mg/l 17 ---

8. Total Hardness mg/l 109 <500

9. TDS mg/l 895 <1000

10. Conductivity Micro-S/cm 1790 ---

11. Magnesium mg/l 19.8 ---

12. Potassium mg/l 8 ---

13. Sulfate mg/l 416 ---

14. Sodium mg/l 67 ---

15. Colour TCU 2 15

16. Total Coli form Absent Present 0/100 ml


NGVS No Guideline value set WHO World Health Organization NEQS National Environment Quality Standard


10 Most of the parameters are beyond NEQS, so the water is not drinkable. Hence the water can’t be used for drinking purpose. Water can be used for drinking purpose only after treatment with suitable technology e.g. reverses Osmosis.

Corrective Actions Required:

11 Water will not used for drinking purpose. Bottled water from some treatment company should be used for drinking purpose whose quality is ensured or water should be treated through reverse Osmosis.

Sample 2:

Location: NHA Complex Date of Sampling: 25-07-2013

Date of Analysis: 29-07-2013 Testing Specifications: APHA USA

17. E-Coli Absent Present 0/100 ml

18. Chloride mg/l 32 250

19. Nitrate mg/l 1.4 ≤ 50

20. Alkalinity m.mol/l 11 ---

Sr. No. Parameter

Unit Result NEQS Limiting Values

21. pH --- 7.6 6.5-8.5

22. Taste --- Ok Non Objectionable

23. Odour --- Ok Non Objectionable

24. Turbidity NTU 1 5

25. Bicarbonates mg/l 157 ---

26. Calcium mg/l 33 ---

27. Carbonate mg/l 13 ---

28. Total Hardness mg/l 117 <500

29. TDS mg/l 771 <1000


NGVS No Guideline value set WHO World Health Organization NEQS National Environment Quality Standard


12 As all the measured parameters are within WHO guidelines therefore water can be used for drinking purposes.

Corrective Action:

13 No corrective measures are required.

2.1.3 Air Quality:

14 Air quality monitoring was carried out for the first half of year 2013. For this purpose CO, SOx, NOx and VOC was measured on two different locations with two samples from each location i.e. one from ambient air and another from fires stacks (Generators) on motorway M4 package 1 from Faisalabad to Gojra (RD 0+000 to RD 58+000). The results are given as under.




30. Conductivity Micro-S/cm 1542 ---

31. Magnesium mg/l 14.3 ---

32. Potassium mg/l 11 ---

33. Sulfate mg/l 198 ---

34. Sodium mg/l 26 ---

35. Colour TCU 1 15

36. Total Coli form Absent Absent 0/100 ml

37. E-Coli Absent Absent 0/100 ml

38. Chloride mg/l 41 250

39. Nitrate mg/l 0.9 ≤ 50

40. Alkalinity m.mol/l 4 ---


1) Carbon monoxide Serial No.

Location Result Standard


Comments Corrective Action

1 KM 41+100 service road

0.06 5 Within limits NR

2 Camp I @ KM 08+600

0.08 5 Within limits NR

3 Generator stack at Asphalt Plant I @ KM 41+000

476 800 Within limits NR

4 Generator stack at Batching Plant @ KM 08+600

564 800 Within limits NR


15 As value of CO is within NEQS, So no Corrective Action is required to minimize or eliminate the hazards associated with the parameter.

2) Sulfur dioxide

Serial No.

Location Result Standard


Comments Corrective Action

1 Asphalt Plant I @ KM 41+000

19.6 120 Controlled Within limits

2 Camp I @ KM 08+600

12.9 120 Controlled Within limits

3 Generator stack at Asphalt Plant I @ KM 41+000

243 1700 Controlled Within limits

4 Generator stack at Batching Plant @ KM 08+600

193 1700 Controlled Within limits



16 No Corrective Action /mitigation measures required as the results are within NEQS.

3) Nitrogen dioxide

Serial No.

Location Result Standard


Comments Corrective Action

1 Asphalt Plant I @ KM 41+000

8.4 80 Controlled Within limits

2 Camp I @ KM 08+600

7.9 80 Controlled Within limits

3 Generator stack at Asphalt Plant I @ KM 41+000

397 600 Controlled Within limits

Generator stack at Batching Plant @ KM 08+600

426 600 Controlled Within limits


17 No mitigation measures required as the results are within NEQS.


4) Volatile Organic Compounds


18 No mitigation measures required as the results are within NEQS.

5) Particulate matter (PM10)

19 The particulate matter monitoring started in July 2011. The particulate matter (PM10) monitoring has been done for the first half of the year ending at June 30th 2013 at different locations. The following Bar Chart shows PM10 monitoring results for the first half of year 2013.

Instrument used: High Volume Sampler


Serial No. Location Result Standard


Comments Mitigation measures

1 KM 8+600 0.0 6.0 Controlled Within limits

2 KM 41+00 0.0 6.0 Controlled Within limits

3 Generator stack at Asphalt Plant I @ KM 41+000

0.0 6.0 Controlled Within limits

4 Generator stack at Batching Plant @ KM 08+600

0.0 6.0 Controlled Within limits




Graphically it can be shown as below: 


21 The chart above and the table below shows that the particulate matter was within limits during the months of June, April, February and January, while it was higher than NEQS in the months of May and March.












January February March April May June

   PM 10













January February March April May June

   PM 10



22 Waste Water Quality Analyses:

23 Location: Asphalt Plant I Camp at KM 41+00

Date of Sampling: 22-07-2013 Date of Analysis: 29-07-2013

Testing specifications: APHA-USA

NGVS No Guideline value set NEQS National Environment Quality Standard

Corrective Action:

24 As all the parameters are within the NEQS limits except BOD5 whose value is a little higher than the required so it is safe to dispose of effluents in the environment after reducing this parameter and this will be done by diluting the effluent in running irrigation drain passing by.

Sr.# Parameters Unit Result NEQS Limits

1. pH --- 6.32 6-9

2. Biochemical Oxygen Demand (BOD5) at 200C mg/l 82 80

3. Chemical Oxygen Demand (COD) mg/l 116 150

4. Total Suspended Solids (TSS) mg/l 129 200

5. Total dissolved Solids (TDS) mg/l 947 3500

6. Dissolved Oxygen mg/l 2.1 ---

7. Alkalinity m.mol/l 38 ---


Location: Asphalt Plant II Camp at KM 07+300

Date of sample Collection: 22-07-2013 Date of Analysis: 29-07-2013

Testing specifications: APHA-USA

NGVS No Guideline value set NEQS National Environment Quality Standard

Corrective Action:

25 As all the parameters are within the NEQS limits therefore no further treatment is required.

Sr.# Parameters Unit Result NEQS Limits

8. pH --- 6.1 6-9

9. Biochemical Oxygen Demand (BOD5) at 200C mg/l 77 80

10. Chemical Oxygen Demand (COD) mg/l 108 150

11. Total Suspended Solids (TSS) mg/l 113 200

12. Total dissolved Solids (TDS) mg/l 741 3500

13. Dissolved Oxygen mg/l 2.9 ---

14. Alkalinity m.mol/l 24 ---


Chapter 3

Environmental Management

26 The Site Specific Environmental Management Plan has been submitted to NHA and then ADB who’s approval is still awaited. Four samples of Air Quality and two samples each of Ground Water and Waste Water Quality have been collected for the reporting period of Bi annual report while two samples of PM10 are being monitored for each month.

3.1 Asphalt Plants and Borrow Pits

Asphalt Plant I (RD 07+300)

27 The Asphalt plant is located at RD 07+300 to RD 07+400. This site has been approved by the competent authorities. Its installation is complete now. Its Calibration has been carried out successfully on December 12, 2012.

28 Following is the work status and observations at Asphalt plant

i. Asphalt plant is operational since February 2nd 2013. ii. The construction of residential rooms and compound wall is complete now.

iii. Construction of septic tank is complete. iv. Fire extinguishers are installed. v. First aid box available at plant.

29 Following are recommendations for the plant

i. Solid waste need to be disposed of properly instead of open dumping inside plant area.

ii. Water sprinkling should be continued to control dust in the plant area, whenever the plant is in operation to control dust.

Asphalt Plant II (RD 41+000)

30 The construction work is complete for asphalt plant at location RD 41+000.The waste is being managed by using empty drums as waste bins. Three bins have been placed at all required locations to facilitate segregation. This asphalt plant is also equipped with bag houses to prevent air pollution. The work specific PPE’s should be provided to the worker for their good safety.

31 Following is the work status at Asphalt plant site.


i. Dust guard has been installed at the junction of conveyor belts and is operational now.

ii. Fire extinguishers have been installed at different locations. iii. Drinking water cooler is repaired now. iv. Three bins have been placed at all required locations

32 Following are the observations at the Asphalt plant

i. General housekeeping of the plant area is not satisfactory. ii. Water used for cleaning Batching plant is standing around the plant area.

iii. Washrooms are in poor condition. iv. Ambulance parked in the camp is out of order since long time.

Following are the recommendations:

i. All the used, unused materials should be stored/ stacked in proper manner to evade slip and trip hazard to the workers.

ii. Water used for cleaning Batching plant is standing around the plant area. This needs to be drained off regularly.

iii. Washrooms need regular and proper cleanliness. iv. Ambulance parked in the camp is out of order since long time, need to be

repaired and brought back in use.

Borrow pits:

33 The area from where soil is being taken for the construction of embankment is called Borrow area. The ditch that is dug to take soil is called borrow pit. The location and summary of all borrow areas is attached as Annexure-II. The environmental impacts of borrow areas are under observation during soil excavation, transportation and restoration. The designated routes are being used during soil transportation. But it has been observed that service road and adjacent road used for the transportation of soil are not being repaired periodically, so it requires regular maintenance and improvement or use of grader and dozer where it has depressions or small trenches.

3.2 Soil Erosion

34 This environmental impact is due to the road sites construction activities. It occurs due to the clearing and excavation activities at the project site, as these activities are leading to the soil erosion, or alteration of soil quality resulting from removal of top soil at the site to some extent. According to agreement between NHA and contractor, compliance to distance limit of 500 meter from ROW is being implemented. Mitigation measures adopted to minimize soil erosion include


• In borrow pits; the depth of the pits is being maintained so that the sides of the excavation site have a slope not steeper than 1: 4.

• Soil erosion along the borrow pits is being monitored to prevent/ mitigate impacts on adjacent lands.

• Preventive measures are being taken to control the creation of mosquito-breeding sites in case the borrow pits are filled with water.

• Borrow pits are being used for construction waste, but during the excavation, top 20 cm soil cover is being preserved for vegetation after the filling of the pits.

3.3 Dust /Air Emissions Monitoring

35 The construction activities generate dust due to excavation and running of construction vehicles on service roads which is controlled by water sprinkling. Diesel and other petroleum products used for the operation of construction machinery and transportation equipment also cause air pollution but the impacts generated from such activities are of minor significance and proper mitigation measures are being practiced. Work force wear protective equipment including dust masks to minimise health impacts. Vehicle maintenance is regularly being done to minimise the impacts of air pollution on the environment.

Also during site inspection, if some vehicle exhaust is found with black smoke, the driver is notified to get it repaired within 7 days. If for the second time vehicle is found with same problem, driver is given final notice for fine. Other measures being taken to minimize dust and air emissions are given as under.

• Construction vehicles are forced to comply with speed limits and haul distances

are kept optimum. • Most of the vehicles have close cabins for drivers and helpers. This help them

avoid dust inhalation • Regular water sprinkling is being done on service road to minimize the dust.

3.4 Waste Management

3.3.1) Waste water Collection and disposal

36 Waste water generated at all camps is being collected and disposed of. In camp I, all the waste water (grey or back) get mixed together in sewer lines and is disposed of in septic


tank 1 as given in layout plan, From septic tank 1, this water moves to septic tank 2. When this gets full, a sewage pump is placed on the ground that is used to pump it out in the running drain used to irrigate the arable land.

37 While in camp II, the waste water is being collected in Septic tank and then soakage pit. After soakage pit, waste water goes in the large open pond that acts as a collection chamber or lagoon and help in further treatment of the waste water. From this collection chamber, it is pumped out and disposed of in nearby fields, as the owners of fields have already permitted for the disposal of waste water in their fields.

3.3.2) Solid Waste Collection and Disposal

38 All the solid waste generated in the camps is being collected using empty drums as collection bins. In camp I, segregations bins have been placed to facilitate segregation while waste is being disposed off at a distance of 2Km from camp near Nullah where other municipal waste is also being disposed off.

39 While in Asphalt plant I at KM 41+000 and camp the solid waste is being collected by using empty drums placed at different locations in the camp and plant area and then finally disposed of in the camp by digging a pit that is given cover of soil whenever the waste is disposed off, the reusable materials i.e. bottles are sold in the market for recycling.

40 While in camp II segregations bins are place at different locations. The waste is collected in these bins and then disposed off inside the camp in open pit that is given cover of soil whenever waste is dumped in this pit. The reusable materials i.e. bottles are sold in the market for recycling.

3.4 Occupational Health and Safety Management 41 The construction activities have minor impacts on the occupational and public health.

Workers are being trained regarding use and importance of Personnel Protective Equipments (PPE’s). In some constructions sites and plants workers are found working without job specific PPE’s. PPE’s usage and provision is the responsibility of the site engineer/ in charge and they have been directed to force the labor to wear all the required protective equipments. All the camps and plants have first aid boxes. Fire extinguishers are available in all camps, plants and workshops.

1) Safety Committee 42 A safety committee has been established in both sections in the month of

April. This safety committee is acting as an advisory role to the HSE Engineer and Project management. This safety committee contains two security officers from the sub sections, two Chinese representatives and six


workers from site. This safety committee meets and discusses Occupational health and safety problems with HSE Engineer regularly in order to solve them and create a safe work place.

2) Emergency procedures and communication channel 43 The workers have been trained to communicate in case of any emergency.

The flow of information is as under.

44 Workers will inform their respective foreman and foreman to his Chinese site engineer and safety coordinator of his camp. This safety coordinator will communicate to HSE Engineer.

3) Training of workers 45 Training for firefighting were arranged in camp I, II and Asphalt Plant I

and II in the first half of the year. The workers now have been trained to report near misses and hazards in their workplaces. Every foreman has now been trained to take necessary preventive action to avoid any risk.

4) Safety/ tool box talks: 46 Safety/ toolbox talks for various topics have been arranged for this period.

Workers were told about use and importance of Personal Protective Equipments while working on site workshops, plants and camps. Other safety/ tool box talks conducted were regarding materials handling, welding safety, working at height safety, electrical safety, use of compressed gas cylinders etc.

5) Personal Protective Equipments 47 The workers are being forced to wear PPEs for their safety at work. They

have been told to wear safety harness while working at height and also other safety gears provided to them otherwise they will face severe consequences and may be fined for their carelessness and irresponsible behavior.

6) Corrective and Preventive actions 48 Workers are being trained for various activities and hazards associated with

them. Now Workers, foreman as well as site engineers are told for identifying hazards and taking preventive and corrective actions. Each foreman is responsible to report any accident on site. Then corrective action will be taken to avoid any future recurrence.

7) Site inspections and monthly audits 49 Many site visits and site inspection had been carried out in this period.

During monthly audits, some non conformity were found that is why


workers have been trained to report near misses and take preventive and corrective actions as envisaged by HSE Engineer.

50 Several visits to the site to monitor and enhance the environmental management and inspection of health and safety measures were made in the first half of the current year.

3.5 Non Compliances and Recommendations Compliance status of recommendations in BAEMR July to December 2012. Serial No.

Location Nature of job/ work

Corrective Action

Compliance Status

Corrective Action Plan

Ranking of issues

1 KM 07+300

Asphalt plant

Waste water treatment

Septic tank construction

Compliance Septic tank must be constructed till February 28,2013


2 KM 41+000

Asphalt plant material transfer

Dust guard Compliance Dust guard must be provided at the junction of


Serial No

Month Total visits

Visit for Environmental monitoring

Visit for site inspections

1 January 5 1 4

2 February 5 1 4

3 March 1 1 1

4 April 5 1 4

5 May 7 1 6

6 June 6 1 5


conveyor belts

3 Gojra camp

Waste water disposal

Septic tank must be constructed

Compliance NR NR

4 KM 21+000~ KM 32+500

Road crossings

Flagmen required.

Partial Compliance


5 Gojra camp

Drinking water

Large Water cooler required

Compliance NR NR

6 KM 21+000~ KM 32+500

Safety of workers

PPEs required

Partial compliance

Must be enforced on


7 KM 07+300

Site security Fencing required

Compliance Septic tank must be

constructed till

February 28,2013


8 KM 41+000

Over head water tank leakage

Repairing required

Compliance NR NR

Non Compliances and Recommendations January to June 2013

Serial No.

Location Nature of job/ work

Corrective Action

Compliance Status

Corrective Action Plan

Ranking of issues

1 Asphalt plant I @ KM

Solid waste dumped open inside

Adequate disposal or

Non Compliance

Solid waste dumped open inside




Solid Waste

the plant area

dumping the plant area need to be disposed of outside or dumped inside the boundary wall properly.

2 Batching Plant @ KM 41+000

Water standing in the batching plant area

Drain of

Non Compliance

Water should be drain of and the ground should be leveled


3 Camp KM 41+000

Washrooms are dirty

Regular and proper cleaning


Washrooms should be cleaned regularly and properly


4 KM 01+150 to KM 58+200

Road crossings

Flagmen are not available at some road crossings.


Flagmen need to be deputed

immediately to avoid any

traffic accident.


5 Asphalt Plant I at KM 07+300

Water sprinkling

Water sprinkling required to control dust in plant area


Water should be

sprinkled to control dust in plant area

whenever plant is in



3.6 Security issues 51 As far as security of the Chinese personnel’s is concerned, maximum police strength is

performing their security duty with them but it is advised that Chinese should not stay on the site after day last light to avoid any security risk. Secondly, the DPOs and Concerned DCOs are very much sensitive for the security of Chinese that is why they are taking full interest about their security arrangements in the area

52 Some improvements that happened in this period can be described as

• Security officers have been deployed to enhance the security arrangements with Chinese.

• Liaison with Police higher authorities and security agencies has been established to minimize the security threat.

• Elite force has also been deployed by the DPO in camps and site areas. 3.7 Protected Areas

53 There are no protected areas such as wildlife sanctuaries, game reserves or national parks, or any archaeological, historical or cultural heritage in its neighborhood therefore, no impact is envisaged.

3.8 Social and Cultural issues 54 Social interaction among the locals and the project management is being encouraged for the

satisfaction of the locals but employee satisfaction should also be considered. Moreover Borrow area agreement should be fully followed and complaints should be taken into consideration. So far in the first half of the year 2013 no complaints are received from community or borrow area owners.

55 It has been noticed that many foremen are habitual of shifting equipment in other borrow areas after partially excavating the areas, black mailing land owners for money. This is not


6 KM 1+000~ KM 58+800

Safety of workers

PPEs required


Must be enforced on



7 Camp @ KM 41+00

Ambulance out of order

Ambulance need to be repaired


Ambulance need to be

repaired and brought

back in use



acceptable because as per contract, Contractor is bound to leave the borrow area in a condition that is acceptable for the land owner.

56 For addressing social and cultural issues, it is advised to formulate some Community Based Organizations (CBOs) at appropriate locations i.e. may be at union council level or areas from where most of the times complaints receive, that may have access to the Project Management and NHA for immediate solution of their problems or in the area from where most of the complaints are receiving.

3.9 Record of labor deployed 57 Local employment is being encouraged to improve the socioeconomic conditions of the

local people. It is always recommended to maintain employment record with admin department for reference. Record of all the labor deployed during the period is being maintained

3.10 Vehicles and machinery Maintenance 58 Vehicles are periodically checked for their maintenance. For this purpose, noise and visual

observation of vehicle exhaust emission is being done. Moreover record for the change of Mobile Oil for vehicles is also being maintained. These all the things will help assess vehicle efficiency and need for its repair. Its record is being maintained at workshops.

3.11 Consultation and complaints:

59 Consultation sessions are being arranged from time to time to improve the environmental conditions of the project area.

60 Any complaints received from the PAPs are being resolved from time to time. Also any complaints against borrow areas has been resolved. At the moment there is no as such complaint has been received.


Annexure 1: Photographic Record:

Safety/ tool box talks at site Safety/ Tool Box Talk to workers at Gojra Camp

Safety/ tool box talks at site Safety/ Tool Box Talk at site


First aid Box in Camp @ KM 41+00 First aid facility in Gojra Camp @ KM 58+800

Water sprinkling regularly done on service roads to control dust

Dust guard at the junction of conveyor belts at Asphalt plant II @ KM 41+00.


PM10 monitoring on site @ KM 41+100 Stack gas analysis of generator @ KM 08+600

Ambient Air Quality test camp I+ Batching Plant @ KM 08+600

Ambient Air Quality test Asphalt Plant II @ KM 41+000


Fire extinguisher available in Generator room in Batching plant @ KM 08+600

Fire extinguisher available in Asphalt plant II @ KM 41+000

Flag man available at road crossing Embankment grasses watering


Workers at asphalt pavement site working without job specific PPE’s @ KM 43+200

Workers working at height need adequate fall protection at Bridge @ KM 11+804

Water pond around Batching plant @ KM 41+000

Bad housekeeping in the workshop at Asphalt plant II @ 41+000, materials need to be stacked properly


Waste bins placed at camp and Asphalt plant II area @ KM 41+000

Ambulance out of order in camp @ KM 41+00 need repairing


Annexure II: Summary of Borrow Pits

The following data of borrow pits is arranged according to date.  

Borrow pits Date Request no. Location Acre Side Off set

From RD 0+000-RD 26+000 km of Package-I: Faisalabad-Gojra Section (58Km)

22 04/06/2012 MSL-1252 23+100 4 L 860m

21 07/06/2012 MSL-1251 23+100 4 L 800m

23 07/06/2012 MSL-1593 21+800 24 L 600m

203 13/07/2012 18053 02+200 10 R 10.6Km

204 05/07/2012 18054 02+200 10 R 11.8Km

205 05/07/2012 18754 06+000 7 R 2.35Km

207 13/07/2012 18755 06+000 7 R 2.15Km

210 05/07/2012 19028 06+000 3 R 1.8Km

215 19/07/2012 19916 10+500 20 R 2.0Km

32 07/08/2012 3264 25+800 15 R 900m

217 10/08/2012 20551 08+900 14 R 1.0Km

218 10/08/2012 20552 16+500 08 L 650m

213 28/08/2012 19920 20+400 05 R 508m

214 29/08/2012 19921 19+900 05 R 575m

215 19/09/2012 19916 10+500 20 R 2Km

216 10/09/2012 20550 10+350 03 R 835m

220 28/08/2012 20605 06+000 08 R 2.5Km

221 10/09/2012 20606 06+000 15 R 2.1Km

222 29/08/2012 20607 06+000 07 R 2.5Km


223 10/09/2012 20608 09+200 08 R 775m

224 10/09/2012 20609 04+900 05 R 610m

227 27/09/2012 22058 02+200 10 R 7.0Km

228 27/09/2012 22059 02+200 10 R 6.5Km

36 13/10/2012 3822 24+410 15 L 550m

231 10/11/2012 22821 17+700 07 L 900m

236 10/11/2012 25373 06+000 02 R 4.5Km

238 10/11/2012 25377 02+100 04 R 3.0Km

239 26/12/2012 25376 02+100 9 R 3.2Km

241 26/12/2012 27418 02+200 10 R 7.5Km

243 01/12/2012 27420 10+500 10 R 3.0Km

From RD 26+000-RD 58+200 km of Package-I: Faisalabad-Gojra Section (58Km)

236 01/06/2012 925 32+300 04 L 1.5Km

237 01/06/2012 926 32+400 04 L 1.35Km

283 01/06/2012 1075 43+700 04 R 550m

288 02/06/2012 1117 35+700 04 R 1.2Km

295 02/06/2012 1148 48+600 02 L 1.2Km

299 03/06/2012 1153 53+000 05 L 520m

294 03/06/2012 1142 35+700 04 R 1.4Km

297 04/06/2012 1151 43+700 02 R 1.1Km

298 03/06/2012 1152 42+600 08 L 2.3Km

300 05/06/2012 1154 55+820 3.5 L 510m

20 05/06/2012 MSL-1179 30+600 09 R 1.5Km

11 26/06/2012 MSL-1592 26+000 10 R 550m


14 26/06/2012 MSL-1081 26+000 0.9 R 725m

301 28/06/2012 1178 45+250 0.9 R 1.750Km

303 28/06/2012 1195 33+200 0.9 R 1.0Km

302 29/06/2012 1177 48+800 0.9 L 1.0Km

304 29/06/2012 1200 48+300 0.9 L 1.2Km

305 29/06/2012 1201 47+900 0.9 R 600m

207 30/06/2012 1210 48+700 0.9 L 1.1Km

308 10/07/2012 1291 55+800 0.9 L 766m

243 10/07/2012 1223 54+930 0.9 R 3.33Km

309 11/07/2012 1239 47+100 0.9 L 600m

312 11/07/2012 1232 38+200 0.9 L 700m

310 18/07/2012 1248 53+800 0.9 R 1.4Km

314 18/07/2012 1249 52+300 0.9 L 600m

316 18/07/2012 - 32+700 0.9 L 1.6Km

31 29/09/2012 MSL-3083 29+700 06 R 550m

328 10/10/2012 1375 47+100 04 R 715m

329 11/10/2012 1400 47+900 04 R 550m

334 10/10/2012 1416 48+300 04 L 880m

330 11/10/2012 1393 47+100 1.5 L 850m

333 11/10/2012 1411 48+800 2.5 L 825m

331 30/10/2012 1432 38+370 04 L 1.1Km

337 31/10/2012 1439 32+900 5.5 L 1.9Km

336 10/11/2012 1451 38+375 02 L 1.4Km

338 10/11/2012 1454 43+750 05 R 900m


339 10/11/2012 1448 42+000 2.5 L 900m

340 10/11/2012 1449 39+700 04 L 800m

341 10/11/2012 1455 43+700 0.5 R 550m

MSL-39 29/11/2012 MSL-4247 26+100 15 R 700m

MSL-42 29/11/2012 MSL-4246 27+400 07 L 750m

MT-1487 03/12/2012 342 34+500 06 L 1.5Km

MT-1495 03/12/2012 346 33+275 1.5 R 1.1Km

MT-1503 03/12/2012 347 41+675 02 R 900m

MT-1489 03/12/2012 343 34+500 02 L 1.4Km

MT-1507 03/12/2012 348 43+300 03 R 900m

MT-1523 08/12/2012 349 49+100 02 R 600m





Annexure III: Layout Plan of Camp Site I


Camp Site‐1 Layout Drawing



Annexure IV: Noise survey of Machinery: 

Noise Survey

Date & Location East

(7.5 m)


(7.5 m)


(7.5 m)


(7.5 m)

At Distance (1.0 m)

June 2013


RD 2+200 69 70 65 64 78


RD 1+625 67 64 69 67 77

Flat Roller

RD 1+625 64 66 69 63 75


RD 2+200 62 65 63 66 76

May 2013


RD1+100 67 68 70 64 79


RD 1+100 65 68 66 70.3 76

Flat Roller

RD 2+325 69.6 64.9 68.1 72.3 77.6


RD 2+325 68 67.5 70.2 71.5 78.7

April 2013


RD 10+400 48.6 49.3 50.3 51.4 67.6



RD 19+100 62.3 58.9 60.5 59.4 70.1

Flat Roller

RD 28+800 56.8 54.6 56.8 54.9 70.9

Sheep Foot Roller

RD 28+800 53.4 51.3 55.7 57.6 68.3

March 2013


RD 9+800 47.2 48.2 47.3 48.4 58.4

Grader 0+010 58.3 59.1 57.2 57.4 69.5

Flat Roller

RD28+800 55.6 54.8 55.2 55.7 69.3

Sheep Foot Roller

RD28+800 51.3 50.3 51.7 52.6 65.2

February 2013

Sheep foot roller RD 8+400

74.6 75.2 75.9 76 87

Tractor ploughing at RD 28+800

67.4 68.3 66.4 67.6 81

January 2013



73.2 72.2 73.6 74.8 83.4

Grader 70.4 69 72.1 72 80


Annexure V: Particulate Matter PM10:  

Month Location Results

µg/m3 NEQS




Corrective Action

June KM 2+200 96.2 150 Compliance NR

KM 8+950 105.8 150 Compliance NR


KM 1+625 141.2 150 Compliance NR

KM 32+600

185.6 150 Non-Compliance Sprinkling should be increased


KM 10+400

112.6 150 Compliance NR



103.2 150 Compliance NR


KM 9+800 132.6 150 Compliance NR

KM 28+800

180 150 Non-Compliance Sprinkling should be increased


KM 22+100

79.5 250 Compliance NR

KM 28+200

56.2 250 Compliance NR


KM 2+400 112.5 250 Compliance NR

KM 23+900

65.38 250 Compliance NR
