PAINS AND SPRAINS - Premier Orthopaedics · 2019-03-01 · AND ANKLE DISORDERS Mild foot and ankle...


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A Complete Guide to Foot Injuries and Disorders



Table of ContentsIntroduction ...........................................................................3

Understanding the Foot and Ankle .........................................4

Common Foot Injuries ...........................................................5

Foot and Ankle Arthritis .........................................................8

Non-Operative Treatment of Foot and Ankle Disorders ........10

Operative Treatment of Foot and Ankle Disorders .................11

Maintaining Ankle and Foot Health ......................................12

Conclusion ............................................................................14 3

It’s easy to underestimate how valuable your feet and ankles are until you experience problems with them, as a foot or ankle injury can make it difficult to move around and can cause a great deal of pain.

Your feet and ankles are especially susceptible to injury because they bear the weight of your body and absorb shock with every step you take. Whether you’re an athlete participating in sports or just going through the natural aging process, it’s important to take care of your feet and ankles to keep them healthy and prevent injury.

In this eBook, you’ll learn about the anatomy of the foot and ankle, common foot and ankle injuries, arthritis of the joints, non-operative and operative treatment methods for foot and ankle injuries, and how to maintain your foot and ankle health.



UNDERSTANDING THE FOOT AND ANKLEThe foot and the ankle are complex parts of our bodies. There are 28 bones and more than 30 joints in the foot, with ligaments to keep them in place.

The foot is made up of three parts: the rear foot, the midfoot, and the forefoot. The rear foot includes the calcaneus (heel bone) and the talus. The midfoot is made up of the navicular, cuboid, and cuneiforms, and the forefront consists of the metatarsals and phalanges. These bones, in addition to joints, muscles, and ligaments, allow you to move your foot and hold yourself up when you’re standing.

The foot works with the ankle so you can move, twist, and walk. The ankle is made up of the tibia (shinbone), the fibula (small bone of lower leg), and the talus (small bone between the heel bone and tibia and fibula). The ankle contains the subtalar and tibiotalar joints, and both involve the talus bone and allow the foot to move up and down. 5

COMMON FOOT INJURIESFoot pain can interfere with your daily life and keep you from walking either short or far distances. Foot injuries are especially common when you participate in physical activities and sports. If a foot injury isn’t treated immediately, it can result in severe damage to the bone or ligaments. You should see your doctor immediately if you think you may be suffering from one of the following foot injuries:

Calcaneus FractureThe calcaneus is most often fractured because of a fall that typically results in injuries to other areas of the body as well. There are several types of calcaneus fractures: stable, displaced, open, closed, and comminuted. Common symptoms of a calcaneus fracture include severe pain, bruising and swelling of the affected area, and not being able to walk. Your doctor will examine the injury and may order X-rays to get a better look at the fracture.

Fallen ArchesThe arch of the foot helps distribute weight evenly so you can stand and walk comfortably without pain. Fallen arches occur when the foot doesn’t have an arch and the bottom of the foot is flat. This can occur as a result of weight gain, an injury, or aging.

Fallen arches can cause significant pain in other areas of your feet and ankles, weakening your tendons and causing pain throughout the ankles and lower legs. If left untreated, these problems can result in serious injuries.


Plantar FasciitisThis common pain in the heel results from irritation of the plantar fascia, which is the long, thin ligament that supports the arch of your foot and connects the heel to the front of the foot. Plantar fasciitis occurs when there is too much pressure caused by absorbing the shock of walking, running or straining the foot. This pressure leads to straining or tearing of the tissue, which then becomes inflamed.

COMMON ANKLE INJURIESJust like foot injuries, ankle injuries are common during physical activities and sports. Age can also play a factor in these types of injuries. This type of trauma may cause damage that is treated by immobilization. The following are common ankle injuries:

Stress FractureA stress fracture, which is often a hairline break in the bone, typically occurs in the ankle or foot, the weight-bearing bones of the body. Athletes who participate in sports, such as soccer or football, often experience stress fractures from frequently striking the ground with their feet. They occur because the muscles are too tired to absorb the repetitive shock of impacts, causing a crack in the bone.

If you’re experiencing pain or tenderness that increases as you put weight on the area and tenderness at the affected site, you may have a stress fracture. Because the crack is small, it can typically heal with rest or casting. 7

Sprained AnkleA sprained ankle is one of the most common ankle injuries and occurs when the ligament of the ankle is stretched beyond its typical range. This can occur because of a rolled ankle, stepping on the ankle incorrectly, planting it on the ground at a strange angle, or stepping on an uneven surface.

The level of pain will differ based on the grade of the sprain. A sprain is graded from mild to severe based on how far out of range the ligament has been stretched. A mild sprain only requires rest and stabilization from an ace bandage, while a severe sprain may require immobilization or casting.

Ankle FractureAn ankle fracture occurs when one or more ankle bones breaks. The severity of the fracture can vary and be mild enough that you can continue to walk on it or serious enough that it may require surgery.

In some cases, several bones in the ankle break and ligaments tear, making for a serious injury. Common causes of an ankle fracture include twisting or rolling your ankle or tripping and falling. If you have a fractured ankle, you may experience severe pain, swelling, bruising, and tenderness.

Your doctor will perform an examination and order tests such as X-rays to determine whether there’s definitely a fracture and which bones are broken. This will help him or her decide on the appropriate treatment for you.

Rest and casting is a common treatment for a broken ankle. If the bone is out of place, your doctor may suggest surgery to realign the bones.


FOOT AND ANKLE ARTHRITISArthritis is one of the many common foot and ankle disorders that can affect your daily life by causing painful swelling of the joints. If arthritis develops in one or more foot or ankle joints, balancing and walking can be difficult. The joints typically affected by arthritis are the ankle, the hind foot, the mid-foot, and the big toe.

The three kinds of arthritis that can affect the foot and ankle are osteoarthritis, rheumatoid arthritis, and post-traumatic arthritis. Osteoarthritis is known as wear-and-tear arthritis. The cartilage that covers the ends of the bones wears down, so the bones rub against each other. This causes painful joint inflammation and swelling.

Rheumatoid arthritis develops when the disease attacks the patient’s immune system and destroys cartilage. This type of arthritis can impact any joint in the body, whereas osteoarthritis only affects certain joints.

Post-traumatic arthritis typically occurs after a foot or ankle injury and can even develop years after a fracture, sprain, or ligament tear.

Symptoms of arthritis include pain or tenderness, stiffness, reduced range of motion, and swelling. The pain will be in the affected joint. 9

TreatmentYour treatment will depend on the severity of your symptoms and which joints are affected. Non-surgical treatments include anti-inflammatory medications to reduce swelling and relieve pain, ankle or foot braces or pads, physical therapy, and medication injections.

If these methods aren’t effective, your physician may recommend surgical treatment. The type of surgery will depend on which kind of arthritis you have and the location. You may undergo one or more of the following surgeries: arthroscopy, arthrodesis (fusion), arthroplasty, or joint replacement.


NON-OPERATIVE TREATMENT OF FOOT AND ANKLE DISORDERSMild foot and ankle injuries may not cause severe pain, but they still make

walking difficult or even impossible. It’s important to give your injury the time it needs to heal to prevent more serious injuries from occurring. It may also be in your best interest to sit out of sports or physical activity for a few weeks until your foot or ankle feels better.

OrthoticsOrthotics are shoe inserts or various braces that provide support and stability to the foot and ankle following an injury. They can also be used to treat foot deformities such as bunions, corns and flatfoot.

Orthotics may also be recommended for the treatment of rheumatoid arthritis of the foot or ankle and can prevent ankle sprains. If your injury can be treated with orthotics, your physician will discuss the options with you.

RICEUsing the RICE method—rest, ice, compression, elevation—when you have a foot or ankle injury decreases inflammation and swelling and relieves pain. Rest your foot or ankle and limit the amount of weight you put on it, apply ice to the painful area for 20 minutes, wrap an ace bandage around the injury, and elevate the foot or ankle so it’s higher than your heart.

This method has been proven effective in relieving pain and swelling, allowing you to get back on your feet as soon as possible. 11

OPERATIVE TREATMENT OF FOOT AND ANKLE DISORDERSUnfortunately, some injuries are too severe to be treated with non-operative methods and instead require surgery. Undergoing surgery can be nerve-racking, but it may be the only way that your foot and ankle can function normally again.

Tendon SurgeryThe tendons in the foot and ankle connect muscle to bone and allow the foot and ankle to move. When they’re injured from overuse or stress, they need to be repaired in order to work properly again. Surgery may be necessary to repair damaged tendons caused by tendinitis or rupture.

During the procedure, the surgeon will open the skin using small incisions and sew the torn ends of the tendon together. This type of surgery is often required after painful sports injuries. Because of the nature of the injury, the tendon is typically only able to heal after surgery.

Reconstructive SurgeryIf your foot or ankle has a significant deformity or you’ve been dealing with a disorder or disease, you may need to undergo reconstructive surgery to regain range of motion, function, and stability and to reduce pain.

Reconstructive surgery may involve tendon repair or transfer, fusion of joints, realignment of bone, joint implantation, or tissue repair. To make sure your foot or ankle functions properly, your surgeon may use bone screws or plates, rods, staples or other devices to hold the reconstructed foot or ankle in place.


MAINTAINING ANKLE AND FOOT HEALTHIf you’re an athlete or an older adult, your feet and ankles require extra attention to avoid injury, deformities, and other health issues that can develop. The following tips can help you keep your feet and ankles healthy and in great shape.

Wearing the Right ShoesYour shoes must fit properly to provide adequate support to your feet and ankles. If your shoes don’t provide the needed support, there can be issues with your feet, ankles, legs, hips, and spine.

When looking for comfortable, proper-fitting shoes, a general rule of thumb is to make sure there’s enough room where your toes are, or the toe box of the shoe. The toe box should be wide or square so you can comfortably wiggle your toes. You want to avoid cramming your toes into the shoes, so there should be about ½ inch of space between the edge of your longest toe and the tip of the shoe. There should also be enough support in the arch. The insole of the shoe, where the main part of the foot rests, should provide stability with enough padding so that you’re comfortable walking in them.

Keep these rules in mind when shopping for shoes and remember not to buy them based solely on size. Every shoe manufacturer is different, so the appropriate size for you probably varies. Always try on shoes before buying them, make sure there’s ½ inch of room in the toe box, and walk around in the shoes to make sure they’re comfortable and provide stability. 13

Foot and Ankle Conditioning Developing a foot and ankle conditioning program comprised of stretches and exercises can vastly improve your health. Building strength and flexibility will benefit your feet and ankles and help to prevent injuries.

Talk to your doctor or physical therapist about what kind of exercises will benefit you the most.

Strengthening the muscles in your feet and ankles will help support the joints and keep them stable. Performing repetitive exercises can also relieve pain and prevent it from reoccurring. Perform gentle stretches to improve your flexibility and increase the range of motion in your feet and ankles. This will also reduce muscle soreness.


CONCLUSIONThe American Academy of Orthopaedic Surgeons says the average person will walk thousands of miles in their lifetime. Keep your feet and ankles healthy and pain-free by wearing proper-fitting shoes, performing routine stretches and strengthening exercises, and having an injury treated as soon as possible.

If you’re experiencing foot or ankle pain, click here to contact Premier Orthopaedics and consult with a physician today.
